Comment 'TassBacK' and LIKE the video for a chance to win 1 of many £50 gift cards, love you all sorry I was away for so long!! ALSO PACKED SOME DECENT STUFFFFFFFF
Tassback And might I say I love it. Watched you daily not only to improve on fifa but because you were always one of the most genuine and funny guys to watch for me. Glad to have you back!
TassBacK ! Finally was waiting for so long and you finally came back! Your my favourite fifa youtuber, i’ve learnt alot from you and now im in div 1 kekW
Comment 'TassBacK' and LIKE the video for a chance to win 1 of many £50 gift cards, love you all sorry I was away for so long!! ALSO PACKED SOME DECENT STUFFFFFFFF
🙏🏼✨TassBacK ✨🙏🏼
U forgot the hashtag
Only people who didn't come from Tiktok are worthy of likely this
I Been waiting for 10 years for you to upload a video man, Welcome back brother I hope you're here to stay.
And might I say I love it. Watched you daily not only to improve on fifa but because you were always one of the most genuine and funny guys to watch for me. Glad to have you back!
“tassback” the wait is finally over🖤🖤
#tassback losers focus on winners, winners focus on winning. The king is back
10:30 is what y’all are here for
What did you do to improve on getting in the box without all the skill moves ??
Tass back
Missed u so much, good luck!!!!
#tassback gimme dem psn cards cuz
#TassBack! The legend is finally back!! We have all missed you mate! Great to see you back where you belong! Running the industry lol
The legend is finally back!! We have all missed you mate! Great to see you back where you belong! Running the industry lol
Tass BacK! The king is back, welcome home!
TassbacK Welcome back bro love to see your back in the scene
TassBacK ! Finally was waiting for so long and you finally came back! Your my favourite fifa youtuber, i’ve learnt alot from you and now im in div 1 kekW
Great to have you back lad
Finally back my man! The wait is over
‘TassBacK’ we missed you Tass, welcome back!
Tassback man I missed u so much welcome back
TassBack so happy to have you back man
tassback- so glad to see you back bro it’s gonna be an awesome journey
Tassback Good to see you back man love your videos
Tasss welcome back Champ!!!!
“TassBack” welcome back! Can’t wait to see the upcoming content
TassBack, lets go welcome back my guy. ♥️
TassBacK Good to see that you're back
TassBack, good to see the return of one the first winners in the newer pro scene. Been following since your hashtag days.
Love you bro welcome back
About time you uploaded again
#TassBack !! Finally I missed your videos! Glad you’re back!!
‘TassBacK’ MY MAN!!! Welcome home brother 👏
Tassback good to see the goat back
TassBacK!!! Good to see You’re back. :)
"TassBacK" !!!!!! Best news!
Maaaaaan its good to see my main Fifa Gooner back in action! Love you bro :)
TassBacK, let's go!!!! The return of the King👑
#tassback love to see it man. I've missed your videos. So happy when I saw you uploaded, hoping the best for you this year.
#tassback the legend has returned been a big miss bro glad to have you back ❤🐐
Tassback ❤️ glad you back pal, let’s make it a good one
‘Tassback’ so glad your back mate happy too see your doing well now
Tassback much love bro one of my favourited you tubers
Tassback so glad to see your videos again :)
Tass is backkkk! Lets go baby
#TassBack !! MY GUY is BACK. You're about to tear up the Pro scene once again. The old dog still got it!!! #TH14 COME ONNN
"TassBack" it's good to have you back, we all missed you
#TassBack welcome back we missed you bro time to smash fifa21
Tass Back!!! Missed you bruh!
TassBack the return of the king
Tass is back let’s go boyyss ❤️👌
TassBack 🙌🏼 U are goin to kill it this Fifa.
'Tassback' Return of the Tass🤺
‘TassBack’ THE MAIN MAN IS BACK! Can’t wait bro been waiting for you to come back 😄
Tassback , love the vids man, stay consistent!
‘TassBack’ best fifa TH-cam over than spencer FC.
Keep up the work lad👍🏽
‘TassBacK’ let’s gooo welcome back
Finally my boy has returned. Top 100 easily 😤
Tass is back!!! Let’s goooo
TassBacK - good to have you back mate :)
TassBacK...Finally welcome back🤴
‘TassBacK’ glad to see you back and happy again. I missed your content a lot!
Tassback. Welcome back my dude.
Tassback like he never left
FINALLY #TassBack here to dominate the scene once again
Tass is back let’s go ❤️❤️
#TassBack looking well big man, welcome back to the addiction.
'TassBacK' nice to see you back man!
#tassback, welcome back bro let's see what you can do this fifa
TassBacK good to see you back king 🤴
‘TassBacK’ the GOAT and only GOAT is back 👏🏾👏🏾😭
TassBacK good to see you back!
TassBacK the king has returned
TassBack!! Finally tass is back!!!
“TassBack” Finally the King is back! U are a huge inspiration, keep up the good work
‘TassbacK’ the legend is finally back
Looking a lot different! Give away aside, glad your back
Welcome back man
Welcome back bro ❤️
TassBack Legendary return
TassBack the legend returns 😄
'TassBacK' , glad your making content again ma man
'TassBacK' ! The king is back to destroy controllers
TassBack Welcome back Tass!
TassBacK - Been waiting for a long time for this chilled out easy vibe content. Good to have you back, mate 🙏
TassBack finally some content!
TassBack!!!! The goat is back!!!
‘TassBacK’ this years gunna be a banger my bro👊👊
TassBacK. Good to see you back 👊
“TassbacK” welcome back king
'TassBacK' finally you are back bro!
‘TassBack’ Welcome back champ
Always waiting for the " He's back" clip. TassbacK
‘TassBacK’ Lets gooo you are back
TassBack, welcome back Tass
„Tassback“ finally another video, love it!
The 🐐 has arrived
TassBack - at long last, the king is back😍
PlayStation voucher would go down a treat!
“TassBack” welcome back GOAT
TassBacK - The GOAT has returned 🐐
TassBack!! Welcome back champ!