Hello, guide creator here, thanks for the shout out! Absolutely love your video, very well made and researched! I was going to make one for my channel but couldn't be bothered, so I was very delighted when KevlarOnion linked this to me.
Hi! Super super super cool to see both you and Kevlar comment. The work you guys did was incredible honestly, gave me an amazing resource to make this video from
This will be the only time I will agree that archers are kinda awesome. They did so much work in battles back then. But in Mordhau...they can die in a fire.😂 Great video Bee!!
I haven't played Mordhau in a long time, but I always found the armor customization options really fun and one of the main things that drew me to the game. Not just how much you are allowed to customize, but the actual armor pieces available to you. Whether you choose to make something more historically accurate, or something else entirely. I like the armor in the video and I also really enjoyed the historical explanations. Love the Castle Crashers picture by the way too, lol
Yeah for sure making loadouts has always been a highlight of the game for me, even back when I made complete and utter atrocities ( I still do ) lol. Gotta love castle crashers :) my first fave knight game !
We didn't use to have women talk about these topics and in general interact in these spaces. I'm beyond happy to see content like yours, and its inspiring to witness!! Keep at it, I love it!
This is fascinating! I'm a big fan of historical arms and armour and this was informative and enjoyable to watch. All the art you found for this was lovely, many I had never seen before! Great work =)
Having nearly 1500 Hours in the game. If there's one thing they did it right it was most certainly the Customization and Armor Variety within the game. Modded RP servers add even more to it. But still, nothing really compares to the interesting development of Armor and Weapons through the Middle Ages. It was such a unique period of time, that if time travel ever was a thing, I would've loved to have visited the period.. Granted not live in it lol.
Thank you for making a video on our guide! Keep in mind that it's not perfect but we tried our best :) There's some issues here and there in the video but overall you did a great job !
Thank you for making the coolest mordhau guide ever ! Super cool to see both the authors commented :0 I’m not a super well studied historian like you guys so I just did my best and sorta hoped for the best lol. tysm!
Now that's what I'm talking about! I will definitely grind to recreate these outfits. I've learnt a lot with this video, thank you so much, very educational and very needed.
7:16 I don't know about this one, since mounted knight/cavalry is still the widely used in hundred years war by the French and defeated the English and their longbowmen. In fact the first professional long standing army unit of France, the Gendarmes, are primarily mounted.
For Templar Knights White Mantle: Represents purity and chastity, reflecting their vow to live a life of moral and spiritual cleanliness. Red Cross: Symbolizes martyrdom, sacrifice, and Christ's blood, as the Templars saw themselves as defenders of the Christian faith, willing to shed blood in its defense.
Awesome history lesson! Reminds me of the days of playing campaign mode in Age of Empires 1 and 2. Very funny editing with emotes and google pronunciation lol. I also never heard of the Swiss Pike Square; it sounds and looks very cool, and I would love to see it in a movie or something. Anyway, looking forward to watching your other videos! Instant subscribe for me.
!!! What a nice comment. So glad you enjoyed my historical vids !!! They are very fun to make :) I agree, the Swiss pike square is a stand out for sure, very interesting
Great idea for a video! Makes me want to learn more. There's a few hour-long videos on historical Mord loadouts that I keep meaning to go through, but I never got around to it.
This is an amazing video. As someone who mostly plays chivalry 2 (because my ping is far too horrendous for Mordhau), I’m always surprised by how accurate the armours in this game is, consider me royally jealous! Also, I think I’ve been spending too much time watching HEMA sparring videos, because I immediately recognised where you got the “Dopplesoldner” sound clip from 😂
Firstly tysm, secondly the customization really is great it’s a shame about ur ping, and finally, that is hilarious. It was such a struggle to get that clip 💀💀
I'm so deeply interested in history (specially the medieval era), Glad to find your channel and to learn more about it. Keep up the good work. I don't know if I wrote it right, English it's not my first language (still practicing it). 😄
Beautiful video, the only thing I would like to explain better for a moment is the fact that in reality there have never been any Swiss in the Landsknechts, the issue is due to the fact that historically between the two mercenary organizations there was a very violent rivalry which led to bloody massacres also considering the fact that neither of them had the interest in taking hostages compared to the nobles, the Swiss mercenaries also had the concept of never participating in a conflict if their compatriots were among the enemy ranks.
Great job with this video! This is my favorite type of content because not only do I get to look at cool armors but I get to learn too 😭😭. I haven't played Mordhau in years but I really loved the weapon and armor customization. I kind of want to get back into it after seeing your videos!! Also how long did it take to put this video together? With recording gameplay, research, and voice overs??
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed. Hope you have fun if you redownload :) also it took roughly 3 weeks 🫡 the most time consuming thing by far was getting the in game footage 😭
Damn never been the 1000th like on a video. This is the first video i have seen of yours but it was awesome! Earned a sub and look forward to when you have millions of subs and i can say i was here relatively early 💪💪💪
7:07 iirc thats a pretty big simplification crecy came about because the genoese crossbowmen weren't equipped for the fight at hand, with their defensive pavises being left behind due to the speed of their advance. normally, the crossbowmen could advance right into the enemy fire to get into range because of decent armor, and just carrying the pavises along. here, rain screws up their weapons, they exchange some volleys, more or less realize this situation's awful, and retreat. French decide they're cowards for running from a bad fight, kill them as they retreat, and launch a cavalry attack slowed down by the retreating crossbowmen. The British have prepared the ground for this, and the rain's only made it worse. Long short, they get destroyed. I'd argue that overall the end of the knight/mounted man at arms can't really be attributed to much. like, can you count a demi-lancer as being in this role? they use lances, use armor, etc.
That's what I was looking for, thanks! Will there be more? I think that Order of the Hatchet deserves recognition too. These women succeeded in defending a city against professional army when all men left. Oh, and troops of less famous European countries are interesting too. Like Dacians, Scythians, maybe even Russians (they're are not that different from Normans afaik, but nevertheless).
Glad you enjoyed ! We will be revisiting historically inspired armour sets for sure. I hadn’t heard of the order of the hatchet, but that sounds extremely interesting so thanks for giving me something to read about
Never been a huge fan for historical loadouts in-game as I feel they are very limiting, But they can look good in many cases. great video! Dominion Approved
at 10:22 you talk about cumans serving as slave soldiers, A really large portion of them also settled down within the hungarian kingdom (in the 13th century) in exchange for their services as soldiers, also for a long period they didn't have to pay taxes. and even today the counties they got settled down still bear their name for example (county of Bács-kisKun) (kun means cuman)
I think you’ve finally got me back into redownloading Mordhau! It’s been a long time, but man I gotta get back on that fashion grind! Subbing to support a fellow knight enjoyer 🤝 Edit: Also your discord server link expired :c
Swiss pike squares, or by their historic name, Gewalthaufen (violence pile), were used offensivly. They marched on to the enemy, they did not fight stationary if they had the choice. This made them rather dangerous and was part for their successes.
Hello there! I really enjoyed this video :) Glad you took your time for proper research! If you ever need a german with some knowledge in medieval history or ancient philosophy, just hit me up. Or if you just need german skills to translate / voice stuff. :)
Technically, we may be before the time of Christ. It is ´´possible´´ to make a loadout on a Roman and even on barbarians too. Ofc it has own limits in the cosmetics. And about Zweihand that it did not work much with the defeating pikenierens. Ppl with the Zweihands were had to be in the 3rd line as a support. 1st line pikenieren, 2nd full plate halbs and 3rd ppl with the zweihand. Their job was to support the halbs in case of break throuw. Reason is that the pikes in the air you cannot break at least not on a 1st try (own Experience) because it is in the air where is not a place to accually cut it. Only place where the pikes could be cuttet was a ground. And you dont get a space to swing the 2 meter sword. Its not hate only my research. Still likes your vids !
! Depends on the region. If you are US or EU, finding servers should be easy. If they are empty, try playing in the afternoon and people should be on. If you’re any other region, it’s a toss up, and I’m not sure 😔 lmk if you have any other questions
Dont get me wrong, this is a very fun video. But some of the sources you choose were really bad and sometimes wrong, which made the resulting outfits a lot worse than would be possible
After looking at more pics I still think the hauberk is best for gallowglass, buttttt they were originally Norse-gaelic so it does sorta work/ its pretty close at least to what I’m seeing :)
На самом деле я на самом деле исторические костюмы аыглядят по тюфячному и их носят либо 100 уровневые любители истории, либо 210 уровневые слабаки-любители ролеплея в мордхау. Как я заметила, страшные темные костюмы и сочетанием тёмных оттенков различных цветов - бордовый, чёрный, либо бежевый цвет под номером 1 в одежде используют игроки высшего уровня - 5, 4 элиты и обязательно мускулы до конца, чтобы персонаж выглядел грозно, и всегда один цвет, либо сочетают его с черным, такик костюмы носят недружелюбные игроки с большим эго. Ещё некоторые игроки с 4 элитой и ниже, до 2, любят делать неказистый костюм из рано открываюшейся экипировки, потому что часто играют на разных аккаунтах и привыкают к простой грубой одежде, её они подчеркивают каким-нибудь ярким элементом одежды пестрого цвета - синим шарфом, жёлтым капюшоном, различной одеждой на горло или плечи. Что-нибудь, что могло бы подчеркнуть их индивидуальность. Игроки с 5 алмаза до 3 алмаза носят страшные и грозные костюмы, как бы намекая "лучше бы тебе не связываться со мной, дружок пирожок. Потому что я люблю разрывать клыками пирожки и добираться до их начинки! Аррргх! 👹😈😈👹" ну ладно, может они так и не намекают, 😂😂но вид некоторых таких игроков буквально кричит о скрытой кровожадности и жестокой натурой, от которой подкашиваются лапы. 2 алмаз и ниже и абсолютно разную броню. Можно различать игроков по их одежде, если она странная и некрасивая, перед вами компетитив игрок, который умеет сражаться, если она вычурная и цветастая, перед вами игрок, который играет очень противно и вы разозлитесь, если игрок в легкой броне и у него кривая морда, то если вы ниже 5 алмаза он легко отлупит вас так, что у вас откроеся рот, а враг и не почешется.😅😅😂Вот всякую фигню и совершенно разные костюмы, обычно вычурные, некрасивые костюмы, считающиеся вульгарными - сочетание золота, черного оттенка металла и фиолетового цвета и/или шерсти на плечах носят игроки совершенно без вкуса.. 😓😓 В целом фиолетовый цвет ткани из игроков высокого уровня почти никто не использует. Единственное, что я бы посоветовала - это не делайте резкие переходы между элементами брони из разных материалов. Например, если у нагрудника поддоспешник из кольчуги, а рукава у Вас тканевые, то лучше подобрать сочетание нагрудника с тканым поддоспешником и ткаными руками и наоборот, кольчуга к кольчуге. Ещё никогда не оставляйте горло открытым, всегда закрывайте его чем-нибудь, или смотрите нагрудники с высоким закрытым горлом. И ещё делайте косплеи любимых персонажей! Это мотивирует разбираться в редакторе лица и закупать новые вещички! А так, всегда экспериментируйте и подбирайте различные сочетания брони, используйте яркие цвета и будьте всегда на стиле! 😎😎😎 P. S. ❤❤С вами была Равр🐲, игрок с тысячами часов, сотнями часов в редакторе и 1000+ костюмов в гардеробе❤❤
My super knowledgeable mordhau bestie ! ❤️ thank you for watching, and giving me another fun comment to read :D 🐲🐲❤️❤️ the way you classify the different kinds of players is too funny ☺️😂
❤️ ! I’m a bit confused lol, not sure if I misspoke but I believe it works as an example of gothic armor in game and irl ? :) anyone else feel free to chime in haha
The helmets you used for the norse, huskals etc. are too old. They were used long before the middle ages or the "viking age" and were not used any longer from them on. They are closer to antiquity. Also don't forget Normans were a mix betwen Norse and French. They were half half and become more French in one or two generations. The origin of the gallowglass was Scotland, not Scandinavia.
Hello, guide creator here, thanks for the shout out! Absolutely love your video, very well made and researched!
I was going to make one for my channel but couldn't be bothered, so I was very delighted when KevlarOnion linked this to me.
Hi! Super super super cool to see both you and Kevlar comment. The work you guys did was incredible honestly, gave me an amazing resource to make this video from
this is probably my favorite video of yours so far lol. also you nailed the pronunciation of landsknecht, pretty impressive vocal range XD
That means a lot bc u sure have seen a ton lol! Tysm for watching :) I took one look at those words and went right to TH-cam 💀💀💀
this is 100times more relaxes then asmr
:D yay! Ty for watching !
This will be the only time I will agree that archers are kinda awesome. They did so much work in battles back then. But in Mordhau...they can die in a fire.😂 Great video Bee!!
lol! Ty toasty :,)
Yeah I literally saw Counter archer walk up to their face, load the crossbow, aim for the head and one shot them(30 times)
I haven't played Mordhau in a long time, but I always found the armor customization options really fun and one of the main things that drew me to the game. Not just how much you are allowed to customize, but the actual armor pieces available to you. Whether you choose to make something more historically accurate, or something else entirely. I like the armor in the video and I also really enjoyed the historical explanations.
Love the Castle Crashers picture by the way too, lol
Yeah for sure making loadouts has always been a highlight of the game for me, even back when I made complete and utter atrocities ( I still do ) lol. Gotta love castle crashers :) my first fave knight game !
0:40 Me and the boys when we wanna drink from skulls
Don’t tell me nobody caught that Mount and Blade: Warband pic. It’s iconic as hecc!!
We didn't use to have women talk about these topics and in general interact in these spaces. I'm beyond happy to see content like yours, and its inspiring to witness!!
Keep at it, I love it!
:,) wow, what a great comment, tysm! Will definitely do my best to keep at it lol!
This is fascinating! I'm a big fan of historical arms and armour and this was informative and enjoyable to watch. All the art you found for this was lovely, many I had never seen before! Great work =)
So happy to read someone appreciate the art, as seeing it was one of my favorite parts of making this video ❤️ tysm for watching, and ur comment!
@@LILBeeyt00Glad to hear it! There's so much good historical art out there, always a treat to explore
Having nearly 1500 Hours in the game. If there's one thing they did it right it was most certainly the Customization and Armor Variety within the game.
Modded RP servers add even more to it.
But still, nothing really compares to the interesting development of Armor and Weapons through the Middle Ages.
It was such a unique period of time, that if time travel ever was a thing, I would've loved to have visited the period.. Granted not live in it lol.
no matter how cool you are, "That" peasant with pitchfork keep decimating an entire army XD
I’m so obsessed with armor fr this video was actually amazing!!
:) ty, glad you enjoyed !
Thank you for making a video on our guide!
Keep in mind that it's not perfect but we tried our best :)
There's some issues here and there in the video but overall you did a great job !
Thank you for making the coolest mordhau guide ever ! Super cool to see both the authors commented :0 I’m not a super well studied historian like you guys so I just did my best and sorta hoped for the best lol. tysm!
Now that's what I'm talking about!
I will definitely grind to recreate these outfits. I've learnt a lot with this video, thank you so much, very educational and very needed.
:) awesome! Have fun and enjoy your new loadouts!! No problem, glad u enjoyed !
7:16 I don't know about this one, since mounted knight/cavalry is still the widely used in hundred years war by the French and defeated the English and their longbowmen.
In fact the first professional long standing army unit of France, the Gendarmes, are primarily mounted.
For Templar Knights
White Mantle: Represents purity and chastity, reflecting their vow to live a life of moral and spiritual cleanliness.
Red Cross: Symbolizes martyrdom, sacrifice, and Christ's blood, as the Templars saw themselves as defenders of the Christian faith, willing to shed blood in its defense.
didn’t expect this to be so detailed and thorough. fully expected a fun lil outfit showcase, but ended up politely and utterly educated :0
lol ! Thank you for watching ☺️😂
Awesome history lesson! Reminds me of the days of playing campaign mode in Age of Empires 1 and 2. Very funny editing with emotes and google pronunciation lol. I also never heard of the Swiss Pike Square; it sounds and looks very cool, and I would love to see it in a movie or something. Anyway, looking forward to watching your other videos! Instant subscribe for me.
!!! What a nice comment. So glad you enjoyed my historical vids !!! They are very fun to make :) I agree, the Swiss pike square is a stand out for sure, very interesting
Great idea for a video! Makes me want to learn more. There's a few hour-long videos on historical Mord loadouts that I keep meaning to go through, but I never got around to it.
❤️ tysm! Reading about all this stuff makes me wanna look into it more as well lol.
9:17 damn those genoese crossbowmen have snatched waists, and that one dude on the left got cakes for days.... Dayum
I wish Triternion and the team behind Aeternis worked together. It would be amazing to see Aeternis' armory in base Mordhau.
😭 if only they were cool enough to make that actually happen
Never expected to see something like this from a game where people are playing Mario music on a lute while driving a kite shield around
Silly pan game goes historical 😎
i needed some motivation on what to spend my gold on.
This is an amazing video. As someone who mostly plays chivalry 2 (because my ping is far too horrendous for Mordhau), I’m always surprised by how accurate the armours in this game is, consider me royally jealous! Also, I think I’ve been spending too much time watching HEMA sparring videos, because I immediately recognised where you got the “Dopplesoldner” sound clip from 😂
Firstly tysm, secondly the customization really is great it’s a shame about ur ping, and finally, that is hilarious. It was such a struggle to get that clip 💀💀
BEE! I love the work you've been putting into these videos, keep it up! (but don't feel pressured at all, go at your pace)
!! Thank you :,) 🙏🏻 trying my best to not burn out but also keep making the best content I can! Thx for watching !
Pretty neat video, I love history and especially the middle age so getting to see all these armors is pretty cool!
Glad you enjoyed ! Its some pretty interesting stuff :)
You deserve more recognition, please make another one of these ❤
@@Sopranos990 ! I’m working on the next on right now, will be posted in like a week or two ❤️
Cool video, always loved this guide on steam, and you made it even better. Great job!
Thanks! That was my goal lol, the authors made it really easy :)
I'm so deeply interested in history (specially the medieval era), Glad to find your channel and to learn more about it.
Keep up the good work.
I don't know if I wrote it right, English it's not my first language (still practicing it). 😄
Thank you! Also, your English is practically perfect :) 👍🏻
Beautiful video, the only thing I would like to explain better for a moment is the fact that in reality there have never been any Swiss in the Landsknechts, the issue is due to the fact that historically between the two mercenary organizations there was a very violent rivalry which led to bloody massacres also considering the fact that neither of them had the interest in taking hostages compared to the nobles, the Swiss mercenaries also had the concept of never participating in a conflict if their compatriots were among the enemy ranks.
Ty! Super educational but kind about it, how nice! Appreciate it :)
@@LILBeeyt00 Was a pleasure.
Best video as of yet, tickles my Bachelor's degree in History in a good way
!! Oo yay! Glad you like it :D you can expect more stuff from me like this, I found something new I really enjoy
@@LILBeeyt00 That's great, all my loadouts are like this :)
This is awesome!
:D Tysm!
Great job with this video! This is my favorite type of content because not only do I get to look at cool armors but I get to learn too 😭😭. I haven't played Mordhau in years but I really loved the weapon and armor customization. I kind of want to get back into it after seeing your videos!! Also how long did it take to put this video together? With recording gameplay, research, and voice overs??
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed. Hope you have fun if you redownload :) also it took roughly 3 weeks 🫡 the most time consuming thing by far was getting the in game footage 😭
Damn never been the 1000th like on a video. This is the first video i have seen of yours but it was awesome! Earned a sub and look forward to when you have millions of subs and i can say i was here relatively early 💪💪💪
!! Thank you for being the 1000th like! I have been anticipating it excitedly lol. Really nice comment, and it’s super appreciated. ✌🏻❤️
iirc thats a pretty big simplification
crecy came about because the genoese crossbowmen weren't equipped for the fight at hand, with their defensive pavises being left behind due to the speed of their advance. normally, the crossbowmen could advance right into the enemy fire to get into range because of decent armor, and just carrying the pavises along. here, rain screws up their weapons, they exchange some volleys, more or less realize this situation's awful, and retreat.
French decide they're cowards for running from a bad fight, kill them as they retreat, and launch a cavalry attack slowed down by the retreating crossbowmen. The British have prepared the ground for this, and the rain's only made it worse. Long short, they get destroyed.
I'd argue that overall the end of the knight/mounted man at arms can't really be attributed to much. like, can you count a demi-lancer as being in this role? they use lances, use armor, etc.
Bows and arrows didn't end the "cavalry" until the machine guns, long range artillery and tanks came.
Pay attention!
your new history teacher in TH-cam here!
😂 🤣
That's what I was looking for, thanks!
Will there be more? I think that Order of the Hatchet deserves recognition too. These women succeeded in defending a city against professional army when all men left.
Oh, and troops of less famous European countries are interesting too. Like Dacians, Scythians, maybe even Russians (they're are not that different from Normans afaik, but nevertheless).
Glad you enjoyed ! We will be revisiting historically inspired armour sets for sure. I hadn’t heard of the order of the hatchet, but that sounds extremely interesting so thanks for giving me something to read about
Amazing bee timy loves medieval history 😎🏆
Tysm timy always happy to see ur comments !!
Never been a huge fan for historical loadouts in-game as I feel they are very limiting, But they can look good in many cases. great video! Dominion Approved
Always a good sign when the vid gets dominion approved 💚
Loved the video, it must have taken ages to research all this and make the loadouts
Time consuming but worth it :) thanks for watching
Already got like 7 viking loadouts Already 😂. A couple of saxon and scottish ones. They need to add kilts though
Love seeing Vikings in game :D very nice
i love mordhau
me too
highkey fw this
at 10:22 you talk about cumans serving as slave soldiers, A really large portion of them also settled down within the hungarian kingdom (in the 13th century) in exchange for their services as soldiers, also for a long period they didn't have to pay taxes. and even today the counties they got settled down still bear their name for example (county of Bács-kisKun) (kun means cuman)
Very interesting !! Thanks for the information:)
I think you’ve finally got me back into redownloading Mordhau! It’s been a long time, but man I gotta get back on that fashion grind!
Subbing to support a fellow knight enjoyer 🤝
Edit: Also your discord server link expired :c
Ooo yay! Hope u have fun. Appreciate it! And tysm for pointing that out, I updated the link but also here it is!! discord.gg/7eYE5fUs7v
Using a video clip to pronounce "landsknecht" is quite possibly the most relatable thing I will have ever seen.
😭 it just wasn’t gonna happen 😭
Thanks bro you a real one for this
No problem bro 😎
Welp, now I have to main archery again
Then there is me, trying to make an Archaic Greek Hoplite using Medieval stuff in a medieval game.
Very good video I love you. greetings from Spain
thank you so much! greeting from the US
Swiss pike squares, or by their historic name, Gewalthaufen (violence pile), were used offensivly. They marched on to the enemy, they did not fight stationary if they had the choice. This made them rather dangerous and was part for their successes.
As a person that does mostly Historical Mercenaries in mordhau (at least tries to)
i did not expect that voice quite pleasant indeed
lol, Ty :)
Talked about English bowmen and didn't even mention Agincourt :.(
What a great video!
Tysm!! 😊
a history nerd right here and iam one of them, nice vid
Ty! Nerds are the best 🤓
Hello there! I really enjoyed this video :) Glad you took your time for proper research!
If you ever need a german with some knowledge in medieval history or ancient philosophy, just hit me up. Or if you just need german skills to translate / voice stuff. :)
hi! glad u enjoyed!! thank u :D thats super kind, tysm.
Great video!
Thank you !
I thought the german mercenaries, that specific design of them with the armor and beret and zweihander was primarily from prussian mercenaries?
Hmmm gotta look into that I guess !
Not to my knowledge, no. If anything, it was more of a south German thing.
Very nice video
Thank you !! :)
I wonder if any medieval game will ever match Mordhau’s character customization systems, here’s hoping :3
@@blankyjae3316 hope so !
Educational videos, it's very good👍
Thank you! Appreciate it 🙏🏻
I'm always looking to make history accurate build , thanks
Np, enjoy :) !
3:43 bruh hell no
Wdym he’s literally the pinnacle of strength and beauty 😁
They couldnt pierce armor@@LILBeeyt00
@@tzgrys817they could
A WOMAN WHO PLAYS MORDHAU! What a wonderful day!
Ever since the demon horde update the new warrior dlc armor looks very much like a varangian
6:32 pigface bascinet my beloved :0
2:38 damn that left helmet tho!!
yeeeeaaaaayyyy "Rycerz wśród kwiatów" painting
It’s beautiful ❤️
Technically, we may be before the time of Christ. It is ´´possible´´ to make a loadout on a Roman and even on barbarians too. Ofc it has own limits in the cosmetics. And about Zweihand that it did not work much with the defeating pikenierens. Ppl with the Zweihands were had to be in the 3rd line as a support. 1st line pikenieren, 2nd full plate halbs and 3rd ppl with the zweihand. Their job was to support the halbs in case of break throuw. Reason is that the pikes in the air you cannot break at least not on a 1st try (own Experience) because it is in the air where is not a place to accually cut it. Only place where the pikes could be cuttet was a ground. And you dont get a space to swing the 2 meter sword.
Its not hate only my research. Still likes your vids !
I appreciate the info! I knew I would for sure have some things that weren’t quite right, and I don’t mind people correcting that at all
@@LILBeeyt00 Sure any time! I can provide the link with the video talking about this but in the czech language without the english subtitles...
Mordhau really does a much better job with the armor compared to chivalry
One of its strengths for sure !
:D ❤️❤️
How the hell does this game still get any attention
Edit: Nice vid tho
Ty, also idk.Possibly because there isn’t something exactly like it that came to replace it, yet.
@@LILBeeyt00 true, true. I'm just surprised cause The game gets like 1000-2000 players daily at max iirc
So, I just got the game yesterday after seeing this video, would you say the game is still pretty alive?
! Depends on the region. If you are US or EU, finding servers should be easy. If they are empty, try playing in the afternoon and people should be on. If you’re any other region, it’s a toss up, and I’m not sure 😔 lmk if you have any other questions
Dont get me wrong, this is a very fun video. But some of the sources you choose were really bad and sometimes wrong, which made the resulting outfits a lot worse than would be possible
Valid but at least it’s a very fun video :D
@@LILBeeyt00 that's true! :3
11:59 the way you added a guy saying doppelsöldner and he doesent even say it right 😭
its a lost cause at this point LOL
I knew it, you're a history nerd. Have at thee!
I was like I hope they see the next post, they’ll be validated 😂😂
Nice !
❤️ tysm
would using the "nordic" skirt be acceptable for a scottish/gallowglass loadout? seeing as kilts are not a thing
After looking at more pics I still think the hauberk is best for gallowglass, buttttt they were originally Norse-gaelic so it does sorta work/ its pretty close at least to what I’m seeing :)
На самом деле я на самом деле исторические костюмы аыглядят по тюфячному и их носят либо 100 уровневые любители истории, либо 210 уровневые слабаки-любители ролеплея в мордхау. Как я заметила, страшные темные костюмы и сочетанием тёмных оттенков различных цветов - бордовый, чёрный, либо бежевый цвет под номером 1 в одежде используют игроки высшего уровня - 5, 4 элиты и обязательно мускулы до конца, чтобы персонаж выглядел грозно, и всегда один цвет, либо сочетают его с черным, такик костюмы носят недружелюбные игроки с большим эго. Ещё некоторые игроки с 4 элитой и ниже, до 2, любят делать неказистый костюм из рано открываюшейся экипировки, потому что часто играют на разных аккаунтах и привыкают к простой грубой одежде, её они подчеркивают каким-нибудь ярким элементом одежды пестрого цвета - синим шарфом, жёлтым капюшоном, различной одеждой на горло или плечи. Что-нибудь, что могло бы подчеркнуть их индивидуальность. Игроки с 5 алмаза до 3 алмаза носят страшные и грозные костюмы, как бы намекая "лучше бы тебе не связываться со мной, дружок пирожок. Потому что я люблю разрывать клыками пирожки и добираться до их начинки! Аррргх! 👹😈😈👹" ну ладно, может они так и не намекают, 😂😂но вид некоторых таких игроков буквально кричит о скрытой кровожадности и жестокой натурой, от которой подкашиваются лапы. 2 алмаз и ниже и абсолютно разную броню. Можно различать игроков по их одежде, если она странная и некрасивая, перед вами компетитив игрок, который умеет сражаться, если она вычурная и цветастая, перед вами игрок, который играет очень противно и вы разозлитесь, если игрок в легкой броне и у него кривая морда, то если вы ниже 5 алмаза он легко отлупит вас так, что у вас откроеся рот, а враг и не почешется.😅😅😂Вот всякую фигню и совершенно разные костюмы, обычно вычурные, некрасивые костюмы, считающиеся вульгарными - сочетание золота, черного оттенка металла и фиолетового цвета и/или шерсти на плечах носят игроки совершенно без вкуса.. 😓😓 В целом фиолетовый цвет ткани из игроков высокого уровня почти никто не использует. Единственное, что я бы посоветовала - это не делайте резкие переходы между элементами брони из разных материалов. Например, если у нагрудника поддоспешник из кольчуги, а рукава у Вас тканевые, то лучше подобрать сочетание нагрудника с тканым поддоспешником и ткаными руками и наоборот, кольчуга к кольчуге. Ещё никогда не оставляйте горло открытым, всегда закрывайте его чем-нибудь, или смотрите нагрудники с высоким закрытым горлом. И ещё делайте косплеи любимых персонажей! Это мотивирует разбираться в редакторе лица и закупать новые вещички! А так, всегда экспериментируйте и подбирайте различные сочетания брони, используйте яркие цвета и будьте всегда на стиле! 😎😎😎
P. S. ❤❤С вами была Равр🐲, игрок с тысячами часов, сотнями часов в редакторе и 1000+ костюмов в гардеробе❤❤
в моем случае я зачастую делаю броню красивой, а так я уровень 150 и лоу скилл игрок, конечно броня должна быть еще грозно выглядящей
My super knowledgeable mordhau bestie ! ❤️ thank you for watching, and giving me another fun comment to read :D 🐲🐲❤️❤️ the way you classify the different kinds of players is too funny ☺️😂
i didnt know that women played mordhau i always thought men played cuz i always heard dudes voices for when i did something with a group of them
Please be satire 🙏
Si la armadura maximiliana es una representacion de la gotica historicamente de a donde sacaron el diseño "gotico" de mordhau?
❤️ ! I’m a bit confused lol, not sure if I misspoke but I believe it works as an example of gothic armor in game and irl ? :) anyone else feel free to chime in haha
So ig outfits from western Europe are the easiest to do, been trying balkan outfits and that's been going poorly
🙏🏻 best of luck on your outfit making adventures 😊
The helmets you used for the norse, huskals etc. are too old. They were used long before the middle ages or the "viking age" and were not used any longer from them on. They are closer to antiquity.
Also don't forget Normans were a mix betwen Norse and French. They were half half and become more French in one or two generations.
The origin of the gallowglass was Scotland, not Scandinavia.
the only female mordhau player
this couldn’t be less true 😭
Next time you should call the video Historically BASED Mordhau Loadouts
😂💯 I need this creativity
>warband nords artwork
Valid 🥲
@@LILBeeyt00 its oki
Every Polish person when hussars *eghm* POLSKA GUROOOMMM 🦅🦅🦅⬜🟥🦅🦅🦅
can you read me bedtime stories
God ur voice is soothin😢
4:16-4:46 Romaioi loadouts are so uncanny in mordhau!