04:41 New Neighbor 09:24 My Dog Won’t Share 11:05 Insert News Show Name Here 19:26 The Alley 21:22 PUP! 24:45 Meat Dog 32:04 Untitled 33:19 Jacksfilms sings HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA 35:30 Live Laugh LA 41:54 if dogs played videogames 43:15 Chipwich Plays Among Us 46:30 Hands Off 53:16 JACKSFILMS SIMULATOR 57:59 Untitled 1:03:58 A Boy and a Dream 1:09:40 #JFF48 Any% Speedrun 1:11:19 SHATTATOUILLE 1:17:59 Mario Bros VS Chipwich 1:21:47 Yellow Gatorade is the Best Gatorade 1:26:20 Game Night 1:28:47 J.K. Rowling Needs to Stop 1:31:30 What that dog do ??? 1:37:02 Visiting my Abandoned Animal Crossing Town 1:41:59 Fluffernutter 1:49:36 The Green Screen Song 1:58:42 Over-hyped Game that Needed to be Delayed Another Year 2:02:39 Hearing Problems 2:04:57 Meet the Personalities 2:09:50 Cool Dog Vid! 2:11:56 The Masterpiece 2:17:48 RataTWOille 2:26:26 The Kids Table 2:30:46 The TikTok Cult Song 2:35:23 The BOMBastic Blunder 2:40:37 The Second Time I Called 911 2:44:14 Baking With Beth 2:49:03 Brogan Paul Opens Some Epic Pogémon Cards 2:53:33 Nitty Gritty City 2:55:52 Impromptu Date Night 3:03:13 The Perfect Lemonade 3:17:27 Dinner With My Roommate 3:22:21 Meatballas
God meat dog is amazing, I graduated with a major in media arts and I don't know if I could shoot a short film that good-looking in 48 DAYS, let alone hours. Brilliant
I was on that set! (Cinematographer) We actually guerilla shot it. It was like 2 in the morning and the doors happened to be unlocked, so we just though “hey, as long as we leave it the way we found it, we don’t see no problem using it!” And no one is the wiser.
1:35:43 “The visual composition was really really good. And just look at the KAHUNGAS over here. 🎶 JK ROWLING NEEDS TO STOP 🎶” Idk why, but when I saw this live, I laughed so so hard. It’s how Jack jumped from one train of thought to another. This has lived rent-free in my head for months. If i had to boil the essence of JohnsMovies into one moment, it would be that.
when jack explaining about the hashtag, he said that JFF turned out about hardcore gay porn right? just checked out, and yes, it is the result but, again, can someone tells me about why JFF on twitter contains most of that content? because the most I knew about JFF is stands forJust For Fun, or, am I got missed about some info? thanks. *edit: just realize it is also stands for just for fans, lmao.
Got to love Jack being a complete boomer with TH-cam. Only ever using the play/pause button to play/pause videos, rather than just clicking on the video or using the space bar or the K key (and frequently hitting the previous video button instead as a result); clicking on the full screen button rather than double clicking the video or using the F key; opening every video in the same tab, and then using the back button to get back to the list, rather than opening a new tab.
04:41 New Neighbor
09:24 My Dog Won’t Share
11:05 Insert News Show Name Here
19:26 The Alley
21:22 PUP!
24:45 Meat Dog
32:04 Untitled
33:19 Jacksfilms sings HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA
35:30 Live Laugh LA
41:54 if dogs played videogames
43:15 Chipwich Plays Among Us
46:30 Hands Off
57:59 Untitled
1:03:58 A Boy and a Dream
1:09:40 #JFF48 Any% Speedrun
1:17:59 Mario Bros VS Chipwich
1:21:47 Yellow Gatorade is the Best Gatorade
1:26:20 Game Night
1:28:47 J.K. Rowling Needs to Stop
1:31:30 What that dog do ???
1:37:02 Visiting my Abandoned Animal Crossing Town
1:41:59 Fluffernutter
1:49:36 The Green Screen Song
1:58:42 Over-hyped Game that Needed to be Delayed Another Year
2:02:39 Hearing Problems
2:04:57 Meet the Personalities
2:09:50 Cool Dog Vid!
2:11:56 The Masterpiece
2:17:48 RataTWOille
2:26:26 The Kids Table
2:30:46 The TikTok Cult Song
2:35:23 The BOMBastic Blunder
2:40:37 The Second Time I Called 911
2:44:14 Baking With Beth
2:49:03 Brogan Paul Opens Some Epic Pogémon Cards
2:53:33 Nitty Gritty City
2:55:52 Impromptu Date Night
3:03:13 The Perfect Lemonade
3:17:27 Dinner With My Roommate
3:22:21 Meatballas
you're incredible
For those just tuning in, the video isn't 48 hours long. I want my money back.
Josh: do you have hemeroids
Josh 2.0: Y E A H
Jack: *dead*
it was so funny tho!!
@@JacksFilmsVODsEtc 💙💙💙 so glad you liked it guys!! 😁
14:08 best point no denying
@@thejoshlangman notice me josh pls
@@RoverAddiction no i refuse to do such a thing
Meet the personalities is stroke of genius
Sure is genius and definitely felt like having a stroke
@@yonatanben-sira8266 Thoroughly underrated reply
@@rambasil mah man
@@yonatanben-sira8266 uh b
God meat dog is amazing, I graduated with a major in media arts and I don't know if I could shoot a short film that good-looking in 48 DAYS, let alone hours. Brilliant
do you mean hours
@@lamibonxd no. days
“Impromptu Date Night” was spectacular in every way
Jack should really do another 48-hour film festival.
hands off is a masterpiece
Hey, I was the cinematographer/editor for that! Thanks.
@@Fiyaball101 oh, dope job
@@Fiyaball101 no way! the coloring especially is the cherry on top. great work!!
So glad this is is saved
3:00:54 is my favorite moment
2:15:43 That day, the boys learned a very valuable lesson about friendship. They also learned that Jacksfilms sucks!
The Green Screen Song is fucking fire
47:42 Jesus Christ man got an office involved
I was on that set! (Cinematographer) We actually guerilla shot it. It was like 2 in the morning and the doors happened to be unlocked, so we just though “hey, as long as we leave it the way we found it, we don’t see no problem using it!”
And no one is the wiser.
JamesCinema stepped up for this festival
JamesCinema is something i never heard
2 years later i still come back to this video for the Josh Langman no name news show skit and the Meatdog skit
There I am Gary there I am!
jack better do another film festival
Perfect lemonade is fucking perfect
0/10 this stream was not 48 hours
2:04:26 definitely the winner
I’m guessing they have to include chip and “that’s a spicy meat-a-ball” in their films?
yep, that was the task! include a certain clip of chip, and that phrase
Where are the other 44 and a half hours?
32:10 comes back from break
1:03:08 break again
1:35:43 “The visual composition was really really good. And just look at the KAHUNGAS over here. 🎶 JK ROWLING NEEDS TO STOP 🎶”
Idk why, but when I saw this live, I laughed so so hard. It’s how Jack jumped from one train of thought to another. This has lived rent-free in my head for months. If i had to boil the essence of JohnsMovies into one moment, it would be that.
Yellow Gatorade
when jack explaining about the hashtag, he said that JFF turned out about hardcore gay porn right?
just checked out, and yes, it is the result
but, again, can someone tells me about why JFF on twitter contains most of that content?
because the most I knew about JFF is stands forJust For Fun, or, am I got missed about some info?
*edit: just realize it is also stands for just for fans, lmao.
how did i not realize this was on my bday till 2 hours in
Marking my spot: 39:43
Got to love Jack being a complete boomer with TH-cam. Only ever using the play/pause button to play/pause videos, rather than just clicking on the video or using the space bar or the K key (and frequently hitting the previous video button instead as a result); clicking on the full screen button rather than double clicking the video or using the F key; opening every video in the same tab, and then using the back button to get back to the list, rather than opening a new tab.
Just bookmarking my spot dont mind mee
Thanks bro
Finally, all the juice (?)
1:49:38 just saving this for later
the sad part is that pixar just announced ratatowillie and they fucking used the same pun.
Best point is 1:33:52
@guy dude eat my shorts
Trans lefts
this isn’t 48 hours long
2:39:01 marker
RattaTWOille is canon now.
Am I the only one that thinks there's a unnatural amount of blue Subarus in those videos
Should've been 48 hours
1:33:52 omg slay jacksfilms
2:10:08 just marking where i left off
I dont like that I watched this whole thing
it’s ok i’ve seen this multiple times X.X
Im sorry marshal does stuff looks like matpat wtf-
He looks like a mix between MatPat and like… Scott the Woz or smth
If anyone wants an edited version of this, it's here th-cam.com/video/qKaeLUzo23g/w-d-xo.html