TWRP for Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000 Feb 26, 2022 The Samsung Galaxy Note 1 n7000 model will NEVER receive official TWRP support. The n7000 does not have a separately bootable recovery partition. Instead, you are stuck with whatever recovery is included in your ROM or kernel or boot image. You may find TWRP included in some ROMs, kernels, or boot images, especially if you can find OmniROM for your device.救命!
3. Lineage沒有note2的手機
想請問下,現在這方法重work 唔work 架?
而家係 Lineage 條 link 入面已經搵唔到 Samsung Note 2 lte 的版本下載, 係咪即係唔可以 upgrade?
現在最低的只有note3 板,找不到note2。
tendrías para el Note 2 LTE SGH-i317..???
how about with N7105..?
Is it applicable on n7105..?
TWRP for Samsung Galaxy Note 1 N7000
Feb 26, 2022
The Samsung Galaxy Note 1 n7000 model will NEVER receive official TWRP support. The n7000 does not have a separately bootable recovery partition. Instead, you are stuck with whatever recovery is included in your ROM or kernel or boot image. You may find TWRP included in some ROMs, kernels, or boot images, especially if you can find OmniROM for your device.救命!
那個Android 11的資料在哪裡???