They are fake replicas of the Mane 6 made by Queen Chrysalis, if you've seen the episode, you would have noted that the fake Apple Jack indeed does have all the red parts replaced with green. Watch MLP for once. Edit: By the way, all of the characters in the speedpaint are supposed to be the opposite of the Elements of Harmony. Just like they are in the show.
it looks so cool! even if i dont know what The insidious six is i still like how you drew them!
mlp Neon Cut Ⲓ ⲧⲏⲓⲛⲕ ⲧⲏⲉⲩ ⲁⲅⲉ ⲧⲏⲉ ⲙⲉⲁⲛ 6 ⲃuⲧ dⲓffⲉⲅⲉⲛⲧⲒⲩ ⲓdⲕ
TOBO Official they are the mean 6 but wearing those
Beautiful shading!
Omg so gorgeous
Your art style so beautiful OwO
I absolutely love the Mean Six
Годно~ продолжай, в том же духе!
This is the most unique style i have ever seen. especially the shading. wow. Keep going. Don't stop. the world needs more people like you
_Cool art_
New sub :3
Охрененный арт,как у тебя только терпения хватило их всех нарисовать!!??И вот мне прям интересно стало а кто твоя любимая пони из МЛП ?
Откуда они?
Вау, очень круто, в откуда вы их взяли?
I remember this!!!
There call the mean six
Просто очешуенно браток )
No hate but the real mean six doesnt have the wraps. The mean six is just the same thing as the chaos 6
Firebone the Cat it’s not the mean six.
Two dıs like preces celestıa an preces luna XD
You got applejacks eyes and cutie mark wrong the eyes are red and she has red apples as her mark not green
They are fake replicas of the Mane 6 made by Queen Chrysalis, if you've seen the episode, you would have noted that the fake Apple Jack indeed does have all the red parts replaced with green. Watch MLP for once.
Edit: By the way, all of the characters in the speedpaint are supposed to be the opposite of the Elements of Harmony. Just like they are in the show.
@@yourmother7641 i do watch mlp its just i haven't found that one and i have played the game and it has these ppl and applejack had red not green