All Malaysians should watch Prof. Tazuddin's series. They are facts and realities. By watching one will learn and know more what're going on in Malaysia. One has everything to gain and nothing to lose. Thank you Prof.
Doc, excellent lecture. Please do more of such lecture. All our politicians need such educational lectures to open up their closed MENTALITY. Thanks Doc.
I think you misunderstood the Good Prof. The lecture is for PH supporters who are now disillusioned with the UG. According to the Prof. politicians do what they do to get votes, so they will do whatever they do irrespective of what we say about them. It's for us, voters to understand what the prof. is saying and smart enough to differentiate the different political parties. Complaining just for the sake of complaining without laying out the solutions is just destructive and does not contribute to positive change.
I think it's more of the non-malay Malaysians who need this lecture. Lately, the situation has become so bad that ppl are not only dissing the govt, they are dissing their own country. It's just disgusting how ppl laugh and deride even one small progressive step Malaysia has achieved. A good example is todays news on JP Morgan's announce that they have decide to upgrade Malaysia from nnegative to neutral. Lots of netizens (non Malays ) who laughed and mocked that news.
@@mayfoo02 I read that MCA Youth received 69 appeals from students with 10As who didn't get into matric automatically. And I thought Anwar promised that anyone with 10As will be offered matric. LOL, couldn't even keep that promise! Always blaming the non-Bumis. Blame them for working harder. Blame them for being richer. Blame them for brain-drain. Seriously?
@@dwandaaahbit2755True, I’ve come across a few of them out there! They just mind their own business and never border about Voting is to fulfil citizen’s responsibility and to bring Change for the betterment of the future for their children.
This is the right person speak up.. 100% support.. must transform otherwise malaysia will linkup.. let Anwar to done something good for the malaysian n country.. please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
The 5 factors that Prof Tajuddin raised are valid in the Malaysian context of multi racial and multi religious country of ours. We need to learn, understand and change togather for the good of all Malaysians.
Thank you Prof for an unbiased and realistic evaluation of what has been going wrong in this country. For many years i have been concerned with the rise of Religious Extremism is in this country. In this i agree with you. I emphasize the dangers of extremism (not about the religion) and extremism in any form is always dangerous.
Very true, many ppl don't understand change required patient. They just kept pressuring government to do this n that. But in reality can the majority people able to take it? We really need to be patient. Respect prof way of thinking. Stop complaining and do what we can or do more if want to have more. Many of stop learning after leaving the school, we shouldn't stop learning, read books.
Totally agree with your view points, prof. Tajuddin. People are so impatient, people are too demanding, people aren’t thinking wisely. They give in too easily to all the nonsensical narrative about the present govt, easily accepting all the fitnah & fake news. As Muslims we must know the commandment of tabayyun that is crucial for us to avoid preconception and prejudice. Yet we choose to ignore this & prefer to follow our emotions instead. If this continues, it’s hard to imagine how any change can take effect, never mind whichever govt. of the day is in charge.
Very true what the Prof says, the unity government inherited 60 years of mismanagement. To effect change is a hugh task and takes time. The present government have to work within the numerous constraints that is present. So its not easy.
paulinekee8915- Thats typical communist talk. Msia developed under BN rule for many years. Before 2018 Msia was economically on the move, after PH regime took over, Msians are sufferings as economy worse off.! Bad governance by incompetent ministers in cabinet.
Exactly what I agree & thanks for bringing it up in this video. If u can change your own 30-40 years bad habits and failures & turn around to live yr dream life within 2 years, then u can be consultant to the government.
Realistic analysis of the past. Fair reading of the consequence of the past onto the present leadership to effect change. A radical change may need a "break bone" exercise. For the rakyat to break bone they need to be convinced that the pain of change would be very beneficial in the long term
The worst offenders are the supposedly Independent Media and NGOs pushing Western values without constraint in terms of understanding the culture and circumstances. We should be aware of hidden hands and ulterior motives.
We need more Malaysians like you who put the interest of the country above all else…and hope that more Malaysians from different racial and religious backgrounds can listen to this talk. My salute to you prof Tajuddin.
Thank you prof. I just cant understand why some peole are complainting so much when someone is sacrificng his time for us to be happy. My suggestion to the critics out there give your hand of support if you can if not shut up. Let Datuk Anwar do what he can within his capacity. Prof. uou are really a man of wisdom..Let Allah bless you with more wisdom so that at least some critics can wake up ftom their sleep of ignorance. Thank you prof. for your insight on this topic.
Anwar is not a capable leader or PM. He is clueless and have no vision for the country. He only wants to be the PM nothing more. A hopeless and useless good for nothing PM. Consider the worst of the worst PM the country ever had. No hope for the country if he stay as PM untill another 3 years. The country is bound to collapes sooner or later with him at the helm.
Ya betul stiap rakyat Malaysia yg sudah dewasa perlu sedar dn brfikir matang.. jangan asyik salahkan org ttng stiap masalah kita.. Kita yg perlu brtnya dn tntukan adakah msalah itu brmula dri diri kita sdiri? Jadi cuba lah berusaha dahulu.. Dri asyik mcari alasan
"we put money ahead of compassion for another human being" strong point Prof. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and insights. We need to mature more as a society.
Well said Professor.Agree with you view on the "Nasi Lemak" Sir.A lot of our Malaysian people are still living in "Nasi Lemak" world and unable or fail to see the understand the direction is beneficial future generation and country.All they know is Government need to spoon feed them all the time even they know this country is in debt for so long.No leaders are dare to implement subsidy rationalisation becos it is a very difficult decision to do.End of the day, this is need to be done by any PM in future.Hope our people will slowly understand the whole issue and what best.for our future.
3.45am....After your recent sojourn at Harith Iskandar, this is my 2nd time watching. Prof 's wisdom of thought, commonsense and objectivity plus siapa tak undi jangan complain was most apt and entertaining discouse!😅
Very true in what professor is saying. We as the next generation after our parent must speak to our parents and explain to them why we need a stronger party to rule Malaysia and what difference it makes if we vote for the right candidate and their participation in the parliament. I still remember when my mother told me that 1969 the DAP won and the situation turn into disaster but I explain to her the actual scenario as who started the fight and how Tuanku Abdul Rahman was in house arrest and etc. so it’s not because opposition win and they created curfew in 1969. After this explanation may always vote for the right candidate to represent us in the parliament.
But nowadays many have become snowflakes. They do not even want anything they've been given to be taken away from them. Many do not take the subsidies as a privilege . They insist it's their right. With this kind of logic and attitude, I shudder to think of how Malaysia will turn into.
Following the current Akta, Malaysia will have excess budget in 6 years. Then, more solid financial standing and benefits for all. Meanwhile, the targeted subsidies pain, shift to renewal energy, progressive salary, floatation of prices, supply of treated water to Sabah (and Kelantan etc) and flood mitigation throughout the hotspots will be so sweet in five to six years max.
@@bahloolstories5361 ... while Opposition and their supporters are crying; what has the government done. It behoves the people who wants genuine change to be patient with the UG.
How can PMX fix malaysia problem when he cant even fix his own deputy prime minister zahid hamidi who has 47 corruption cases and anwar still pick him over a clean politician
It looks like this country is heading south sooner than we thought. The rational thinking people are now a rare breed thanks to our education systems that are manipulated by self interest politicians.
Prof Tajuddin is spot on. Our current PM is doing his best for all Malaysians. He doesn’t have a shield to protect his life . Remember all his opponents are waiting with all the arrows to point at him. He believes in a stable country and wants to increase citizens finances . At this time , Who else can run this country smoothly. People in this country must vote during elections with lot of patience and courage. Many people are scared if we appoint anther party to govern. We have a blessings now- Sarawak is a party to our Government. They will look at check and Balance. I hope Prof Tajuddin becomes an MP and teach our politicians. Prof Tajuddin is a man of principles. Regards. Dato Dr Krishnamoorthy
Very True Professor, most people on the streets in Malaysia has not thought about this. Especially those Chinese who are 99% politically naive in Malaysia has no patience in waiting to give the Government a chance to change.
Well said Professor , people don’t realise changes take time, no magic wand here or anywhere.if only people will grow wiser , the change comes from inside oneself
Professor, hope this programme can be translated in bahasa so as to enable a wider scope of malays and rural malays who does not understand your level of english to clearly understand what you have said. It would be awesome if every Malaysian were to spend time to think of what you have mentioned it would have been awesome to brighten ' our malaysia sky by half'
Wise words, appropriate in most situations beside the political realm! Tolerance , patience, respect, acceptance, self reflection and accountability!!!
Prof, I agree with what you have said. It's more towards the contentment and appreciation of the effort has been done by the government. I could see how each of the ministers has taken seriously and accountable for the job which has given to them. Well done! 👏👏👏 When I ponder upon the word 'Madani', there are many things which come across my mind including the law. I know it couldn't be changed overnight but how many has looked into it to be able to move forwards to be a better citizen. One of it was the accident law. Lately, I've met with an accident. It was the mistake of the lady who was on a motorbike and coming out of the junction without stopping. The road was narrow and I was on the straight road. I couldn't avoid her. Unfortunately, she banged my car. According to the police, she will be summoned but in the other hand, she could claim my NCD due to the fall. The claim she gets will be more than her summon. My heart was broken as I need to pay for my car repair and my NCD (car insurance) turns to zero once she claims it though I'm not in the wrong. How could this law exist to encourage more accidents happen? The motorbikes are now the king of the road. Even when the traffic light shows red, they still beat it. There's only 50-50 when accident happens at the traffic lights. Who could stand for the truth? Everyone is just accepting the fact whereby law is made by humans. I believe the changes have to be on both sides. The country leaders have to look into the matters of the citizens thoroughly and working hand in hand together with the authority to be the best that they could. Unity and trust need to be gained before the citizens could really change for the betterment of themselves.
Winston Churchill said, "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." While Priyadarshan quoted- No matter how often 'Tom and Jerry' fall, you never complain, and watch it again.
Many of us complain, but didnt pay proper tax to the goverment. I cant understand this kind of people. They already received a lot help from goverment, but its never enough i guess. Like u said, grow up and take responsibility. Paying something on market price is nothing bad, paying something due to discount cant last forever.
Make change within the comfort of our lives; think outside the square. Stop habit of blaming everyone,go further reflect on your own beliefs or behaviour 🙏🙏🙏
Blame strangers don't help our lifestyle ... Destiny is from our own actions only... Sick of society demanding help in all corners. Agree with prof, been there, done that... Success comes
@@bahloolstories5361 The Malay Belt are 'captured' voters. What Prof. is referring to are the PH supporters who are disillusioned with the UG in terms of the change promised by PH. They do need self-reflection.
Exactly, la.... Setuju 100000000 % AKAR - UMBI of the WAR LORD terlalu KUAT,,, utk di tumbangkan... Yang asyik KUTUK DSAI & Team, boleh buat lebih hebat ke ? Kita sebagai RAKYAT tak mungkin akan tahu the REAL WEIGHT - BEBANyang di tanggung oleh beliau... Yang amat pelik 20 +++, di bawah DICTATORSHIP tak banyak cakap TAK COMPLAIN or tak banyak comment hanya AKUR je gitu... 🙄🤔 Malaysia, dah patut berSYUKUR kot,,, coz our current PM is a REAL TRUE Malay Muslim.... Sekian....
From what I can summarise is the shocking realisation that Malaysia as a whole is childlike and juvenile and will remain so for a long time as we are not allowed to grow up.
Thank you Prof Tajuddin. You certainly earn my respect sir. .Pls wake up Malaysians n move forward. God save n bless our beautiful country Malaysia.
Full support your views and stand Prof.
Betul cakap Profesor . Kita kena bersatu untuk mengubah negara kita. Jangan menyalahkan sesiapa .
Prof . you are absolutely correct... its a surprise people like you must brainwashed other malaysj
Prof is a true Malaysian at heart with human being at heart, not just about race or religion.
All Malaysians should watch Prof. Tazuddin's series. They are facts and realities. By watching one will learn and know more what're going on in Malaysia. One has everything to gain and nothing to lose. Thank you Prof.
Oh yes ..only tis year thru my sister ...
Have been watching Prof wheather in Bahasa and English...
Very educational and eye opener ..lot of facts ..❤
after watching him I concluded that he is entitled to his opinion and I considered him a kangkong prof
@@danielting6242 I can claimed raja petra is more enlightened than prof
@@Janggutan Well I also consider you a kangkung Malaysian
@@Janggutan Raja petra? For you consider such a person to be more enlightened just shows up your lack of intelligence. Real kangkung brain!
Doc, excellent lecture. Please do more of such lecture. All our politicians need such educational lectures to open up their closed MENTALITY. Thanks Doc.
I think you misunderstood the Good Prof. The lecture is for PH supporters who are now disillusioned with the UG. According to the Prof. politicians do what they do to get votes, so they will do whatever they do irrespective of what we say about them. It's for us, voters to understand what the prof. is saying and smart enough to differentiate the different political parties. Complaining just for the sake of complaining without laying out the solutions is just destructive and does not contribute to positive change.
The problem is the majority dones not listen.
It's very hard to teach a racist not be a racist.
I think it's more of the non-malay Malaysians who need this lecture. Lately, the situation has become so bad that ppl are not only dissing the govt, they are dissing their own country. It's just disgusting how ppl laugh and deride even one small progressive step Malaysia has achieved. A good example is todays news on JP Morgan's announce that they have decide to upgrade Malaysia from nnegative to neutral. Lots of netizens (non Malays ) who laughed and mocked that news.
I read that MCA Youth received 69 appeals from students with 10As who didn't get into matric automatically. And I thought Anwar promised that anyone with 10As will be offered matric. LOL, couldn't even keep that promise!
Always blaming the non-Bumis.
Blame them for working harder.
Blame them for being richer.
Blame them for brain-drain.
I agree wholeheartedly with what you say sir. Those who choose not to vote have no right to complain.
Many out there who never voted ...
@@dwandaaahbit2755True, I’ve come across a few of them out there! They just mind their own business and never border about Voting is to fulfil citizen’s responsibility and to bring Change for the betterment of the future for their children.
True " To improve is to change " Prof Tajuddin 👏👍👌❤️
Absolutely right prof
Only the.broad minded rkyt.. Know how the kerajaan perpaduan now workhard for nation and. Country
Thank's Prof. I salute of your aspirations, move on move forward
People like you give me hope for Malaysia's future :)
This is the right person speak up.. 100% support.. must transform otherwise malaysia will linkup.. let Anwar to done something good for the malaysian n country.. please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I admit my own impatience from time to time as well. Thanks Prof for shedding some light and wisdom on this.
I give my respect to Prof for his sincerity and courage to speak up, well done Prof !
Prof Tajuddin you are great thumbs up for you👍👍
Well said Prof. Wish you were in the present government , we need people like you with matured thoughts to be part of the leadership. Thank you
Thank you very much for this lecture Prof. Many Malaysians need this. and i can't say this enough
Yes, I agree with you, my respected professor 🎉❤
I really need to salute you! You are a few Malaysian really talking sense! Bravo!
Salute to you Professor...very insightful and brilliant.
The 5 factors that Prof Tajuddin raised are valid in the Malaysian context of multi racial and multi religious country of ours.
We need to learn, understand and change togather for the good of all Malaysians.
Yes bro, you'r said right. It's a sad fact, after 6 decades...there r still many who think ethnicity comes first. This itself shows a Divided Nation.
Thank you Prof for an unbiased and realistic evaluation of what has been going wrong in this country. For many years i have been concerned with the rise of Religious Extremism is in this country. In this i agree with you. I emphasize the dangers of extremism (not about the religion) and extremism in any form is always dangerous.
Love your wisdom, peace loving mentality & being a moderate Malaysian abang!
You are the best. I really hope that more Malaysian have the high quality thinking.
Very true, many ppl don't understand change required patient. They just kept pressuring government to do this n that. But in reality can the majority people able to take it? We really need to be patient.
Respect prof way of thinking. Stop complaining and do what we can or do more if want to have more.
Many of stop learning after leaving the school, we shouldn't stop learning, read books.
I agree wt u.
Professor continue your programs. You have many times enlightened many Malaysians. Hopefully we Malaysians will change for the better.
Great video, Prof 👍🏻👍🏼
Salam prof m totally agree with you.I hope you can open the mind of the malays
Thank you, Prof. I agree with you. As a Singaporean, I wish Malaysia all the best.
Totally agree with your view points, prof. Tajuddin. People are so impatient, people are too demanding, people aren’t thinking wisely. They give in too easily to all the nonsensical narrative about the present govt, easily accepting all the fitnah & fake news. As Muslims we must know the commandment of tabayyun that is crucial for us to avoid preconception and prejudice. Yet we choose to ignore this & prefer to follow our emotions instead. If this continues, it’s hard to imagine how any change can take effect, never mind whichever govt. of the day is in charge.
Macam mna nak tabayyun kalau pemimpin mereka ajar untuk tibaiyun.
Very true what the Prof says, the unity government inherited 60 years of mismanagement. To effect change is a hugh task and takes time. The present government have to work within the numerous constraints that is present. So its not easy.
paulinekee8915- Thats typical communist talk. Msia developed under BN rule for many years. Before 2018 Msia was economically on the move, after PH regime took over, Msians are sufferings as economy worse off.! Bad governance by incompetent ministers in cabinet.
Yes, you are right, professor. We need to trust the Government and be united.
Exactly what I agree & thanks for bringing it up in this video. If u can change your own 30-40 years bad habits and failures & turn around to live yr dream life within 2 years, then u can be consultant to the government.
Right. If you can't even change yourself, how can you change someone else?
Prof. Tajuddin, thank you for your voice of reasoning that keeps us on track. Press on Prof.
Realistic analysis of the past.
Fair reading of the consequence of the past onto the present leadership to effect change.
A radical change may need a "break bone" exercise.
For the rakyat to break bone they need to be convinced that the pain of change would be very beneficial in the long term
Agreed prof.. many people expect sudden change, while problem has been there for 6 decades..
The worst offenders are the supposedly Independent Media and NGOs pushing Western values without constraint in terms of understanding the culture and circumstances. We should be aware of hidden hands and ulterior motives.
We need more Malaysians like you who put the interest of the country above all else…and hope that more Malaysians from different racial and religious backgrounds can listen to this talk. My salute to you prof Tajuddin.
Thank you prof. I just cant understand why some peole are complainting so much when someone is sacrificng his time for us to be happy. My suggestion to the critics out there give your hand of support if you can if not shut up. Let Datuk Anwar do what he can within his capacity. Prof. uou are really a man of wisdom..Let Allah bless you with more wisdom so that at least some critics can wake up ftom their sleep of ignorance. Thank you prof. for your insight on this topic.
Malaysian pattern - hari ini kahwin besok nak dapat anak.
Anwar is not a capable leader or PM. He is clueless and have no vision for the country. He only wants to be the PM nothing more. A hopeless and useless good for nothing PM. Consider the worst of the worst PM the country ever had. No hope for the country if he stay as PM untill another 3 years. The country is bound to collapes sooner or later with him at the helm.
It gives some people satisfaction to bash the govt without constructive criticism.Complain,demanding ,selfish n ungrateful
Absolutely agree with your point of view...👍
You are truly Malaysian 👍give a good advice to our people.Thank you
Ya betul stiap rakyat Malaysia yg sudah dewasa perlu sedar dn brfikir matang.. jangan asyik salahkan org ttng stiap masalah kita.. Kita yg perlu brtnya dn tntukan adakah msalah itu brmula dri diri kita sdiri? Jadi cuba lah berusaha dahulu.. Dri asyik mcari alasan
👍👍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Pro, you are God sent! Nobody’s mind can think like you! You are the most invincible human! Pls give lectures in universities! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
"we put money ahead of compassion for another human being" strong point Prof. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and insights. We need to mature more as a society.
Well said Professor.Agree with you view on the "Nasi Lemak" Sir.A lot of our Malaysian people are still living in "Nasi Lemak" world and unable or fail to see the understand the direction is beneficial future generation and country.All they know is Government need to spoon feed them all the time even they know this country is in debt for so long.No leaders are dare to implement subsidy rationalisation becos it is a very difficult decision to do.End of the day, this is need to be done by any PM in future.Hope our people will slowly understand the whole issue and what best.for our future.
Prof Dato Tajuddin,
Well said! I hope the listeners will CHANGE their negative mindset. Thank you very much. Your loyal follower.
You are very right Doc
Professor you truly earn my respect ❤
3.45am....After your recent sojourn at Harith Iskandar, this is my 2nd time watching. Prof 's wisdom of thought, commonsense and objectivity plus siapa tak undi jangan complain was most apt and entertaining discouse!😅
Well said Prof...very sweeping indeed.
Like first, then listen to Prof
Like first then read comments 😂😅
Thank you professor.This was the best lecture.Hope every Malaysian wakeup
Your insight about PMX with its unity government is absolutely right
Reform and change is never easy, it's a long process to see its result....
Thank you for your view, dear professor. ❤
Very true in what professor is saying. We as the next generation after our parent must speak to our parents and explain to them why we need a stronger party to rule Malaysia and what difference it makes if we vote for the right candidate and their participation in the parliament. I still remember when my mother told me that 1969 the DAP won and the situation turn into disaster but I explain to her the actual scenario as who started the fight and how Tuanku Abdul Rahman was in house arrest and etc. so it’s not because opposition win and they created curfew in 1969. After this explanation may always vote for the right candidate to represent us in the parliament.
Those days we, the people, accepted the reality of hardship and all worked, as a people, to effect change.
But nowadays many have become snowflakes. They do not even want anything they've been given to be taken away from them. Many do not take the subsidies as a privilege . They insist it's their right. With this kind of logic and attitude, I shudder to think of how Malaysia will turn into.
Prof has wisdom and understanding. Please give PMX time and space to do the job of rebuilding this broken nation.
Following the current Akta, Malaysia will have excess budget in 6 years. Then, more solid financial standing and benefits for all. Meanwhile, the targeted subsidies pain, shift to renewal energy, progressive salary, floatation of prices, supply of treated water to Sabah (and Kelantan etc) and flood mitigation throughout the hotspots will be so sweet in five to six years max.
@@bahloolstories5361 ... while Opposition and their supporters are crying; what has the government done. It behoves the people who wants genuine change to be patient with the UG.
@@adamiskandar5107 LRAs too little for now?
How can PMX fix malaysia problem when he cant even fix his own deputy prime minister zahid hamidi who has 47 corruption cases and anwar still pick him over a clean politician
Tq Prof. Certainly ur wisdom had opened up many's eyes. 👍👏👏👏👏👏🙏
Well Prof tq 🎉
It looks like this country is heading south sooner than we thought. The rational thinking people are now a rare breed thanks to our education systems that are manipulated by self interest politicians.
Setuju prof...saya ikuti semua video tuan,terbaik👍
A very good explanation sir.
Prof Tajuddin is spot on. Our current PM is doing his best for all Malaysians. He doesn’t have a shield to protect his life .
Remember all his opponents are waiting with all the arrows to point at him.
He believes in a stable country and wants to increase citizens finances .
At this time , Who else can run this country smoothly.
People in this country must vote during elections with lot of patience and courage.
Many people are scared if we appoint anther party to govern.
We have a blessings now- Sarawak is a party to our Government. They will look at check and Balance.
I hope Prof Tajuddin becomes an MP and teach our politicians.
Prof Tajuddin is a man of principles.
Regards. Dato Dr Krishnamoorthy
Very True Professor, most people on the streets in Malaysia has not thought about this. Especially those Chinese who are 99% politically naive in Malaysia has no patience in waiting to give the Government a chance to change.
Well said Professor , people don’t realise changes take time, no magic wand here or anywhere.if only people will grow wiser , the change comes from inside oneself
Professor, hope this programme can be translated in bahasa so as to enable a wider scope of malays and rural malays who does not understand your level of english to clearly understand what you have said. It would be awesome if every Malaysian were to spend time to think of what you have mentioned it would have been awesome to brighten ' our malaysia sky by half'
Prof you made very good points in your video. Thank you very much.
Wise words, appropriate in most situations beside the political realm! Tolerance , patience, respect, acceptance, self reflection and accountability!!!
Good sharing. I'm a Christian and I'm learning about Buddhism, Hindunies , Islam mainly and others.
Prof, I agree with what you have said. It's more towards the contentment and appreciation of the effort has been done by the government. I could see how each of the ministers has taken seriously and accountable for the job which has given to them. Well done! 👏👏👏
When I ponder upon the word 'Madani', there are many things which come across my mind including the law. I know it couldn't be changed overnight but how many has looked into it to be able to move forwards to be a better citizen. One of it was the accident law. Lately, I've met with an accident. It was the mistake of the lady who was on a motorbike and coming out of the junction without stopping. The road was narrow and I was on the straight road. I couldn't avoid her. Unfortunately, she banged my car. According to the police, she will be summoned but in the other hand, she could claim my NCD due to the fall. The claim she gets will be more than her summon. My heart was broken as I need to pay for my car repair and my NCD (car insurance) turns to zero once she claims it though I'm not in the wrong. How could this law exist to encourage more accidents happen? The motorbikes are now the king of the road. Even when the traffic light shows red, they still beat it. There's only 50-50 when accident happens at the traffic lights. Who could stand for the truth? Everyone is just accepting the fact whereby law is made by humans.
I believe the changes have to be on both sides. The country leaders have to look into the matters of the citizens thoroughly and working hand in hand together with the authority to be the best that they could. Unity and trust need to be gained before the citizens could really change for the betterment of themselves.
Openness is urgently needed in this country ❤
Winston Churchill said, "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." While Priyadarshan quoted- No matter how often 'Tom and Jerry' fall, you never complain, and watch it again.
Many of us complain, but didnt pay proper tax to the goverment. I cant understand this kind of people. They already received a lot help from goverment, but its never enough i guess. Like u said, grow up and take responsibility. Paying something on market price is nothing bad, paying something due to discount cant last forever.
Bravo!!! 👏👏👏👏👏
Talk about the same topic in Malay please 🙏
The Malays are not the target audience.
thanks for sharing your perspective prof
thank you Prof
very profound sharing on Malaysia future.
Terbaik prof👍
1000% or more support you prof.....UMNO leaders n followers are culprit.....Pakatan Harapan n PMX don't trust them at all....!
Thank you always learn something from your talk
True. Disappointed with the shallow minds of some of the Type C. Impatient and unable to see the bigger picture.
Make change within the comfort of our lives; think outside the square. Stop habit of blaming everyone,go further reflect on your own beliefs or behaviour 🙏🙏🙏
Understand your point. Will keep voting and be patient.
Malaysian love you Prof..❤
im with you Sir
unfortunately our ppl dont understand our country situation
Bravo sir ..ur most wonderful malaysian ...thank you sir
Blame strangers don't help our lifestyle ... Destiny is from our own actions only...
Sick of society demanding help in all corners.
Agree with prof, been there, done that... Success comes
Prof Tajuddin speaks wisely
Thank you Prof
The nations political deciding factor 1. Malays 2. Chinese 3. Indegineous Sabah and Sarawak community.
Did those people and our youngsters really knows what is the real defination of change, reform and patience in a positive way? What a pity for them
Most voters are emotional voters instead of practical voters. That is why we tend to believe the worst/best of candidates when election time comes.
True fact
@@AbdulMannan-xf1mjperhaps in the Malay Belt.
@@bahloolstories5361 The Malay Belt are 'captured' voters. What Prof. is referring to are the PH supporters who are disillusioned with the UG in terms of the change promised by PH. They do need self-reflection.
Exactly, la....
Setuju 100000000 %
AKAR - UMBI of the WAR LORD terlalu KUAT,,, utk di tumbangkan...
Yang asyik KUTUK DSAI & Team, boleh buat lebih hebat ke ?
Kita sebagai RAKYAT tak mungkin akan tahu the REAL WEIGHT - BEBANyang di tanggung oleh beliau...
Yang amat pelik 20 +++, di bawah DICTATORSHIP tak banyak cakap TAK COMPLAIN or tak banyak comment hanya AKUR je gitu... 🙄🤔
Malaysia, dah patut berSYUKUR kot,,, coz our current PM is a REAL TRUE Malay Muslim....
👍 Keep up the good work for the good of Msia Prof
Very well said Pro Tajuddin. I agree with you 100%
Terbaik Prof....
Well said Prof Tajuddin.
From what I can summarise is the shocking realisation that Malaysia as a whole is childlike and juvenile and will remain so for a long time as we are not allowed to grow up.
What have you done to change that? Are you one of those whom the Prof. referred to?
@@adamiskandar5107. This is another distinct trait.
I think this Guy must replace Anwar , he have a super idea and brain the China, indian and Malay will be very happy if this Prof lead the country.
Thank you Dr.