Although most will disagree, this is my absolute favorite CV soundtrack. When you beat Death and that eerie music starts as you walk through that corrider, and the torches light as you walk by them.... definitely gives me chills.
An amazing game and the first game I've recently rebought for my fledgling Super Nintendo Collection...bought the Super Famicom version which has great artwork on the box
I was like obsessed with this game back in those days, I was 17 when it first came out, the music and the atmosphere was so haunting and inspired me. My bro has downloaded this for me onto the Wii and playing it again has brought back so many memories. Thanks
This was such a huge leap from the 8-bit games, with lots of great visuals like the waltzing ghosts and the level that pivots to open new paths. And the soundtrack made all the difference with a gothic spookiness. I still have the soundtrack on CD, which I bought in like 2004. It was that memorable.
Advice needed! I love Castlevania for NES, but have never played this one (don't whip me). I have a working SNES and a Wii. Should I shell out the cash for a SNES of this game, or should I go the cheap route and d/l it off of the VC?
How hard would this game be for a newcomer to the Castlevania series? I know the NES games are NOT beginner friendly, and I've heard from differing sources that this game is one of the easier installments, as well as being one of the harder installments. So, is it easier, or is it more difficult?
I just beat this game about one hour ago. The first two thirds of this game has easy levels and way too easy bosses. The last third, however, is tough as nails. Too much precision platforming for my liking. You really have to memorize the last few stages and making a mistake is ridiculously punishing. At least most of the music was good.
Definitely the best platforming Castlevania game for sure. Sadly, despite being born in the late 80's and living my childhood in the 90's, I didn't get started with Castlevania until Circle of the Moon for GBA. I love Circle of the Moon. Awesome game, and I literally thought that the previous games were of that style, but I took a look at the older classics in the Castlevania series and even though it's platforming instead of side-scrolling RPG, the old games are also awesome! Especially IV.
Man I need back my cartridge ! I love this game so much !! This is the TRUE "mood" of Castlevania games IMHO, this way it should be, Creepy, Dark, Smooth, Harder difficulty,... I remember ripping the Audio track to listen to the wonderful soundtrack, I used Password system (after beating it) to revisit each level ! This game is simply a GEM.
Are the Castlevania series good? From what I've seen, they seem pretty good. The ones I'm interested in are Super Castlevania IV, The Adventure Rebirth, Symphony of the Night, Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin, and Order of Ecclesia. If these games are good, feel free to tell me what makes them good. If anyone replies, thank you. :)
after playing and loving all castlevanias this is the one i keep coming back to, has the feeling, the style, no japanime influence, a serious vibe on it..
I got my snes when i was about 3-4. My uncle gave me a bunch of games which he never played anymore, and this was one of them. he told me it scared him which compelled me to start playing it. I got all the way to level 10 i think? some level with headless things, it freaked me out and i havent played it since. Now I've seen this review I'm very tempted to dig up this classic peice of my youth!
It depends if you want your games physically or digitally, if you want your games in cart form, but not sure if you like the game i'd download it or emulate it and buy it later in cart form if you like it.
Haven't played this yet, but Symphony of The Night is by far my favourite PS1- game ever. :). Also, what I don't understand is why Alucard is able to swing any weapon in 4 directions but not Richter ( I know that might not be spelled properly ), or why they didn't just stick to this control- scheme.
I didn't play this one back in the day so I don't have any nostalgia to go along with this one as so many people do. That's why, while I think this isn't a bad game, I think it's vastly overrated. There are too many things in the game that either aged poorly or were bad decisions at the time. The animation is very choppy. Sprites are messy and pixelated. Some of the music is baffling. This game has a reputation for having amazing music. Some of it is good, but some of it was just awful and/or inappropriate to me. Stage three and stage seven stand out as having particularly boring music. I've been playing this one recently alongside Bloodlines for the Genesis and Rondo of Blood for PC Engine via PSP and just started playing Castlevania 3 and I'm enjoying all of those far more than Super CV. I think it's rather telling that Konami didn't stick to the format they introduced in this game.
I think the main reason why a lot of people enjoy this game more is because the controls are much better than any of its predecessors, or many of it's successors for that matter. If there is one area where the other games could have taken more from this, it's the controls. The controls in the earlier game, and even in Bloodlines for that matter, are way too stiff. You have to have the d-pad in the direction of where you're going to jump before you jump, which is counter intuitive and frustrating. It's also better to have the special weapons be located on a separate button, which Bloodlines does, but the other games don't. Most of the other games did this because of limitations with the controller, but even Symphony of the Night, which I agree with most fans is the best in the series, has this kind of control scheme despite the more advanced controllers on the PS3 and the Sega Saturn. There's been too many times where I involuntarily activated the special weapon when all I wanted to do was move my character and attack with the whip. With Super Castlevania IV, I don't have to worry about that thanks to the fact that the special weapons are located at the R button. I also like the fact that I can throw the whip in any direction. The only downside I see to this is that it makes the special weapons seem a little useless at times. I agree that the graphics haven't aged well, but then again, this was released early in the 16-bit era, whereas Bloodlines and Rondo of Blood were released a bit later, so a lot of companies were just getting used to using 16-bit graphics and hadn't quite used them to their fullest capacity. You can definitely see that the graphics got better as time went along. Also, Rondo of Blood had the benefit of being on CD, which increased the graphical and sound capabilities. I also agree on the soundtrack being a little weak in areas. "Simon's Theme" is awesome and the remixes of "Vampire Killer," "Bloody Tears," and "Beginnings" are great too, but aside from that, there aren't many standouts. I wish they had remixed some of the other themes from the older games, like "Wicked Child" or "Heart of Fire" off of the original game. Some of the music here just seems a little phoned in. If there's one area of this game that I don't like, it's that it's way too easy in the earlier stages, especially at the boss battles. I can get up to about level 7 or 8 with almost no problem. The difficulty does increase, but not by much until I get to around either the library or the underground laboratory where there's a massive difficulty spike. I wish the game had a more gradual transition so the difficulty built up over time.
thefateshavewarned Thank you for sharing your thoughts in an excellent reply. There seems to be two camps for this game. Those who love it, most of whom seem to have played it when it was new, love the changes to the control, especially the directional whipping. Others, like me, don't like the game because the new control scheme seems to have hindered the level design. I understand your comment about the stiffness, though I can't fully agree. The NES Castlevania games seem too rigid to me, but I think Konami found the right balance in Rondo and Bloodlines(jumping on/off stairs helps a ton). They're stiff, but not too stiff in my opinion. The games really opened up once I got used to the controls. I totally agree with you about having the sub weapons mapped to their own button. That's one thing I wish was different in Rondo, but the controller was limited. I also agree that the directional whipping of CV4 hurts the value of the sub weapons. Had CV4 not been nearly an SNES launch game, it might have been on a bigger cart which would have helped the graphics a bit. It looks like Konami took a smaller sprite and just blew it up into a pixelated mess. It seems like a bad design choice, from my perspective. I didn't like that sort of thing, even then. It comes off as a bit of a tech demo. I get the impression that they were trying something completely different for the music. A lot of people seem to love it. I dislike a lot of it. Both Rondo and Bloodlines have the kind of Castlevania tunes I prefer. I suspect CV4 was supposed to be more cinematic and atmospheric. I didn't like the end result. It's not all bad as you say, but there are those who proclaim its soundtrack as perfect. I think you nailed it when you say some was phoned in. There's plenty of filler, and I was literally getting drowsy from playing it. Rondo and Bloodlines have tunes I like to listen to outside of the games as well. I agree totally about the difficulty as well. For many of the bosses, you can literally stand and trade shots with them with no strategy. This is partly a result of the directional whipping as Konami didn't seem to know how to design the levels and bosses around it. I played CV4, Rondo and Bloodlines all for the first time fairly recently. CV4 and Rondo both have a lot of hype behind them with people proclaiming them as among the best games in the series or even the time period. With CV4, the graphics, sound and gameplay all disappointed me in one way or the other. Rondo, on the other hand, exceeded my expectations(as did Bloodlines), which were very high. A lot of people love CV4 and it's good that people enjoy it. It does seem like they're playing a different game than I'm playing though. It's not my style, nor would it continue to be the Castlevania style going forward. Konami must have changed course for a reason. I find I have to be distrustful of other's SNES recommendations, such as the highly praised CV4, as a lot of people's favorites don't do anything for me. I don't have that issue so much with other earlier systems such as Genesis, PC Engine, NES, etc.
Dude you aren't alone! Rondo of blood and Bloodlines is better than SC4 i just find is annoying when almost the every castlevania fan online makes it look like SCV4 is the best one in the series when its clearly the worst in the 16 bit era. SC4 is just an experimental mess.. its level design is really bland and the only "challenge" comes from the unfair pitfalls... the enemies are so easy to kill even the bosses and your sub-weapons are useless because of your 8 directional whip. I don't think there's anything wrong with the graphics its just that the art direction is so bad.. the whole "conan the barbarian" theme really makes it look like a muddy boring game.
***** True Bloodlines is a very cool game, and the other one you almost never hear anything about is Dracula X! That game also had good graphics and amazing sound effects! My only complaint was the controls aren't as good as SC4 or Bloodlines, and also WHAT THE HELL! Disco-esque dance music has no place in the great world of Castlevania! And that games soundtrack is full of that lol!
Also i think i actually prefer this spin off channel to the main CGR just covers more interesting things, and the guys monotone voice really grates on me on the main channel...
This game is impressive, someone like myself who was a Sega Genesis fanboy at the time would've probably drove my parents insane to get a Super Nintendo to play this awesome bad boy, if I saw my cousin play this game! Hell I'm almost thinking about going on Ebay to buy a Super Nintendo right now and a copy of this game! I can see why the Angry Video Game Nerd thinks this the best Castlevania game in the series.
I always thought that the added level of whip and jumping control in Castlevania IV made the game too easy. In the first games you couldn't just rush through them like you can in SC4. You had to go slow and study each room and the enemy placement so you wouldn't fuck yourself. The secondary weapons are also rarely used when playing through SC4 because of how much control you get with your whip. Just being able to dangle it down to attack a lower enemy for instance makes it way to easy.
love this game with all my heart the best in the series altho sotn will hold a place in my heart, this one is just awesome and rondo of blood is cool as well
8 way whip totally breaks the game. SCV4 is Castlevania in super easy mode. The old games actually required you to do a bit more planning before just charging onward. SCV4 is like the thoughtless run 'n' gun of the series. There's a reason Konami only used the 8 way whip mechanic in this game.
So you rather had a game thats bad because the controls were awfully stiff and lacking then have a game thats hard because it has a real challenge ? MIND = BLOWN
The point that I'm trying to make is that the 8-way whip made it far less challenging than in CV games without it. In previous CV games you would enter a new room and have to really think about how to approach each jump and enemy. It was slower but more thought had to be put into how you played it. Having the air control and 8-way whip meant you could easily charge forward with very little need to plan your course of action. Or use the ridiculous free swing feature of the whip to very cheaply take out enemies because the level design wasn't approached differently to work with the new gameplay mechanics. SCIV is a much much easier game than any other CV game that has proper whip mechanics.
beanwithbacon not all of us need hair pulling levels of difficulty to enjoy our games. There is a reason a large majority consider this to be the best whip wielding installment in the series. I can even use your logic. Difficulty achieved through archaic controls was phased out of the gaming industry for a reason. I'll give you Rhondo however, but I'd argue that the direction of the whip is a far cry from what made it great.
Then why is SCV4 the only game in the series to have and 8 way whip? The original CV games had levels that were designed around the archaic controls, they were way more thought out. SCV4 could have been more enjoyable had the level design been better adapted to the new control capabilities. However it was not. It was way way way to easy to avoid getting hit in SCV4 due to the ability to just flail the whip around loosely and have it do damage. Honestly it felt cheap and made the game very boring very quickly.
This is how i like my Castlevania: Linear and refined beyond all belief. Basically the first 3 games, this and rondo of blood cannot be beaten. Sure I did enjoy Symphony of the night but that 'metroidvania' style really ran its course with the GBA and DS ports going from ok to just plain bland...and dont get me started on the generic or just plain shit 3D games!!!
@ContraCommando Well I thank you for not going into an all caps rage. Most people don't like the jumping because you can't steer it mid-air. Jumping seemed to be the only reason I ever died in those games.
@PSspecialist it's not that just that most people saying things that way don't know shit what they are talking about they remind me of modern game reviewers (CGR excluded)
@ContraCommando Yes, they were. They were choppy and added an unfair challenge. So you can reply with your immature attitude, and act like you're a badass just because you think you're a pro at Castlevania games, but the majority of people who have played the NES CV games always agree that jumping was a pain in the ass.
Too many issues with the Genesis one, stiff controls, not to mention characters walk through the stairs, instead of on them. This game is also quite a bit longer, though easy (at least for me) than Bloodlines, has no continue limit, and the music and atmosphere in SCV 4 is quite a bit more fitting to the Gothic settings of the series. Plus the whole trying to connect CV to Bram Stoker has never sat right with me.
this looks amazing, i guess thats what an incredible art design can do
Although most will disagree, this is my absolute favorite CV soundtrack. When you beat Death and that eerie music starts as you walk through that corrider, and the torches light as you walk by them.... definitely gives me chills.
An amazing game and the first game I've recently rebought for my fledgling Super Nintendo Collection...bought the Super Famicom version which has great artwork on the box
I was like obsessed with this game back in those days, I was 17 when it first came out, the music and the atmosphere was so haunting and inspired me. My bro has downloaded this for me onto the Wii and playing it again has brought back so many memories. Thanks
This was such a huge leap from the 8-bit games, with lots of great visuals like the waltzing ghosts and the level that pivots to open new paths. And the soundtrack made all the difference with a gothic spookiness. I still have the soundtrack on CD, which I bought in like 2004. It was that memorable.
I still have this game since i got it first time
0:34 *peeping from blanket* "is it over yet ?"
Advice needed! I love Castlevania for NES, but have never played this one (don't whip me). I have a working SNES and a Wii. Should I shell out the cash for a SNES of this game, or should I go the cheap route and d/l it off of the VC?
How hard would this game be for a newcomer to the Castlevania series? I know the NES games are NOT beginner friendly, and I've heard from differing sources that this game is one of the easier installments, as well as being one of the harder installments. So, is it easier, or is it more difficult?
I just beat this game about one hour ago. The first two thirds of this game has easy levels and way too easy bosses. The last third, however, is tough as nails. Too much precision platforming for my liking. You really have to memorize the last few stages and making a mistake is ridiculously punishing. At least most of the music was good.
I bought this on the wii virtual console. Thanks for the review, I think I might plug that system back in so I can play this.
The best review of this game that I've ever seen or heard! 5 stars, Kevin! I will have to download this from the Wii Virtual Console!
Definitely the best platforming Castlevania game for sure. Sadly, despite being born in the late 80's and living my childhood in the 90's, I didn't get started with Castlevania until Circle of the Moon for GBA. I love Circle of the Moon. Awesome game, and I literally thought that the previous games were of that style, but I took a look at the older classics in the Castlevania series and even though it's platforming instead of side-scrolling RPG, the old games are also awesome! Especially IV.
Man I need back my cartridge ! I love this game so much !!
This is the TRUE "mood" of Castlevania games IMHO, this way it should be,
Creepy, Dark, Smooth, Harder difficulty,...
I remember ripping the Audio track to listen to the wonderful soundtrack,
I used Password system (after beating it) to revisit each level !
This game is simply a GEM.
0:47 wasnt it released on the genesis before this?
Are the Castlevania series good? From what I've seen, they seem pretty good. The ones I'm interested in are Super Castlevania IV, The Adventure Rebirth, Symphony of the Night, Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin, and Order of Ecclesia. If these games are good, feel free to tell me what makes them good. If anyone replies, thank you. :)
after playing and loving all castlevanias this is the one i keep coming back to, has the feeling, the style, no japanime influence, a serious vibe on it..
I got my snes when i was about 3-4. My uncle gave me a bunch of games which he never played anymore, and this was one of them. he told me it scared him which compelled me to start playing it. I got all the way to level 10 i think? some level with headless things, it freaked me out and i havent played it since. Now I've seen this review I'm very tempted to dig up this classic peice of my youth!
This is how games should be.
Great graphics,music and gameplay.
After 25 years the Snes is still the best game console ever.
True story
Joint 1st with the Megadrive, maybe. :p
But yeah those were the days.
It depends if you want your games physically or digitally, if you want your games in cart form, but not sure if you like the game i'd download it or emulate it and buy it later in cart form if you like it.
@cyclo1224 what about the ones on N64?
just picked up castlevania (nes) castlevania 3 draculas curse(nes) super castlevania 4(snes) & castlevania bloodlines sega genesis 😆😆
Haven't played this yet, but Symphony of The Night is by far my favourite PS1- game ever. :). Also, what I don't understand is why Alucard is able to swing any weapon in 4 directions but not Richter ( I know that might not be spelled properly ), or why they didn't just stick to this control- scheme.
at the same time I put Simon's theme to play on my PC I saw this video in my subscription box.
Coincidence much?
I didn't play this one back in the day so I don't have any nostalgia to go along with this one as so many people do. That's why, while I think this isn't a bad game, I think it's vastly overrated. There are too many things in the game that either aged poorly or were bad decisions at the time. The animation is very choppy. Sprites are messy and pixelated. Some of the music is baffling. This game has a reputation for having amazing music. Some of it is good, but some of it was just awful and/or inappropriate to me. Stage three and stage seven stand out as having particularly boring music. I've been playing this one recently alongside Bloodlines for the Genesis and Rondo of Blood for PC Engine via PSP and just started playing Castlevania 3 and I'm enjoying all of those far more than Super CV. I think it's rather telling that Konami didn't stick to the format they introduced in this game.
I think the main reason why a lot of people enjoy this game more is because the controls are much better than any of its predecessors, or many of it's successors for that matter. If there is one area where the other games could have taken more from this, it's the controls. The controls in the earlier game, and even in Bloodlines for that matter, are way too stiff. You have to have the d-pad in the direction of where you're going to jump before you jump, which is counter intuitive and frustrating. It's also better to have the special weapons be located on a separate button, which Bloodlines does, but the other games don't. Most of the other games did this because of limitations with the controller, but even Symphony of the Night, which I agree with most fans is the best in the series, has this kind of control scheme despite the more advanced controllers on the PS3 and the Sega Saturn. There's been too many times where I involuntarily activated the special weapon when all I wanted to do was move my character and attack with the whip. With Super Castlevania IV, I don't have to worry about that thanks to the fact that the special weapons are located at the R button. I also like the fact that I can throw the whip in any direction. The only downside I see to this is that it makes the special weapons seem a little useless at times.
I agree that the graphics haven't aged well, but then again, this was released early in the 16-bit era, whereas Bloodlines and Rondo of Blood were released a bit later, so a lot of companies were just getting used to using 16-bit graphics and hadn't quite used them to their fullest capacity. You can definitely see that the graphics got better as time went along. Also, Rondo of Blood had the benefit of being on CD, which increased the graphical and sound capabilities.
I also agree on the soundtrack being a little weak in areas. "Simon's Theme" is awesome and the remixes of "Vampire Killer," "Bloody Tears," and "Beginnings" are great too, but aside from that, there aren't many standouts. I wish they had remixed some of the other themes from the older games, like "Wicked Child" or "Heart of Fire" off of the original game. Some of the music here just seems a little phoned in.
If there's one area of this game that I don't like, it's that it's way too easy in the earlier stages, especially at the boss battles. I can get up to about level 7 or 8 with almost no problem. The difficulty does increase, but not by much until I get to around either the library or the underground laboratory where there's a massive difficulty spike. I wish the game had a more gradual transition so the difficulty built up over time.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts in an excellent reply. There seems to be two camps for this game. Those who love it, most of whom seem to have played it when it was new, love the changes to the control, especially the directional whipping. Others, like me, don't like the game because the new control scheme seems to have hindered the level design.
I understand your comment about the stiffness, though I can't fully agree. The NES Castlevania games seem too rigid to me, but I think Konami found the right balance in Rondo and Bloodlines(jumping on/off stairs helps a ton). They're stiff, but not too stiff in my opinion. The games really opened up once I got used to the controls. I totally agree with you about having the sub weapons mapped to their own button. That's one thing I wish was different in Rondo, but the controller was limited. I also agree that the directional whipping of CV4 hurts the value of the sub weapons.
Had CV4 not been nearly an SNES launch game, it might have been on a bigger cart which would have helped the graphics a bit. It looks like Konami took a smaller sprite and just blew it up into a pixelated mess. It seems like a bad design choice, from my perspective. I didn't like that sort of thing, even then. It comes off as a bit of a tech demo.
I get the impression that they were trying something completely different for the music. A lot of people seem to love it. I dislike a lot of it. Both Rondo and Bloodlines have the kind of Castlevania tunes I prefer. I suspect CV4 was supposed to be more cinematic and atmospheric. I didn't like the end result. It's not all bad as you say, but there are those who proclaim its soundtrack as perfect. I think you nailed it when you say some was phoned in. There's plenty of filler, and I was literally getting drowsy from playing it. Rondo and Bloodlines have tunes I like to listen to outside of the games as well.
I agree totally about the difficulty as well. For many of the bosses, you can literally stand and trade shots with them with no strategy. This is partly a result of the directional whipping as Konami didn't seem to know how to design the levels and bosses around it.
I played CV4, Rondo and Bloodlines all for the first time fairly recently. CV4 and Rondo both have a lot of hype behind them with people proclaiming them as among the best games in the series or even the time period. With CV4, the graphics, sound and gameplay all disappointed me in one way or the other. Rondo, on the other hand, exceeded my expectations(as did Bloodlines), which were very high. A lot of people love CV4 and it's good that people enjoy it. It does seem like they're playing a different game than I'm playing though. It's not my style, nor would it continue to be the Castlevania style going forward. Konami must have changed course for a reason. I find I have to be distrustful of other's SNES recommendations, such as the highly praised CV4, as a lot of people's favorites don't do anything for me. I don't have that issue so much with other earlier systems such as Genesis, PC Engine, NES, etc.
Dude you aren't alone! Rondo of blood and Bloodlines is better than SC4 i just find is annoying when almost the every castlevania fan online makes it look like SCV4 is the best one in the series when its clearly the worst in the 16 bit era.
SC4 is just an experimental mess.. its level design is really bland and the only "challenge" comes from the unfair pitfalls... the enemies are so easy to kill even the bosses and your sub-weapons are useless because of your 8 directional whip.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the graphics its just that the art direction is so bad.. the whole "conan the barbarian" theme really makes it look like a muddy boring game.
***** True Bloodlines is a very cool game, and the other one you almost never hear anything about is Dracula X! That game also had good graphics and amazing sound effects! My only complaint was the controls aren't as good as SC4 or Bloodlines, and also WHAT THE HELL! Disco-esque dance music has no place in the great world of Castlevania! And that games soundtrack is full of that lol!
This is my most favorite Castlevania game in the series! :D
"Holy water? Where's that acid I ordered"
Such an awesome game. I play that level 1 music every halloween lol
Also i think i actually prefer this spin off channel to the main CGR just covers more interesting things, and the guys monotone voice really grates on me on the main channel...
I Love this game!!! The music is killer :D
This game is impressive, someone like myself who was a Sega Genesis fanboy at the time would've probably drove my parents insane to get a Super Nintendo to play this awesome bad boy, if I saw my cousin play this game! Hell I'm almost thinking about going on Ebay to buy a Super Nintendo right now and a copy of this game! I can see why the Angry Video Game Nerd thinks this the best Castlevania game in the series.
Actually it's a remake of the first Castlevania. And sequels get sequels all the time. Like trilogies.
though the music isn't bad by any means, it is just not my favourite. Mine is bloodlines :D
For some reason I'm having trouble getting into this game.
i want this on the 3ds
One of the best games ever along with one of the best Soundtracks ever!
I always thought that the added level of whip and jumping control in Castlevania IV made the game too easy. In the first games you couldn't just rush through them like you can in SC4. You had to go slow and study each room and the enemy placement so you wouldn't fuck yourself. The secondary weapons are also rarely used when playing through SC4 because of how much control you get with your whip. Just being able to dangle it down to attack a lower enemy for instance makes it way to easy.
Great game. Another reason why I love the Nintendo Wii Virtual Console!
Probably my favorite game on the SNES.
my favourite game of all time
this game is an amazing transition from the NES games
we NEED a sequel to this game
@bag04u What about Starfox 64?lol
all castlevanias are sick!!! i'm playing the nes and the lords of shadow ps3
+aby mondesir PS2 version was pretty lame, and Lords of Shadow 2 was a pretty big let down imo.
this review is badass
I played that one, the jump sucks since you can´t control and the whip is the same stuff from NES. SNES is still the best version imo.
@KingOfClubz100 No that was his favourite NES castlevania..
4 is his favourite overall.
love this game with all my heart the best in the series
altho sotn will hold a place in my heart, this one is just awesome and rondo of blood is cool as well
Rondo of blood was pretty good too.
For me the best castlevania ever
@Muckass06 all good im bad at english anyway...even though its the only lang i speak
To bad konami is starting to suck on caslevainia on consle but still got the touch on handhelds.
Review symphony of the night!
review Castlevania Dracula x
Best death animation in history
If only Nintendo's WiiU third party support was as epic as this (not dissing the games today though)
Super Castlevania... No comments... Video game classic of classics.
it was trevor belmont in the original
The best castlevania game ever made, sotn is good but it really should not have taken so many game elements form metroid.
@mariopianofreak Don't worry it's a brotherly love
this soooo makes up for the origion castlevania on the n64
The only non-Metroidvania Castlevania game I've actually completed!
@vaughn4lif origional*
One of the finest games ever.
8 way whip totally breaks the game. SCV4 is Castlevania in super easy mode. The old games actually required you to do a bit more planning before just charging onward. SCV4 is like the thoughtless run 'n' gun of the series. There's a reason Konami only used the 8 way whip mechanic in this game.
So you rather had a game thats bad because the controls were awfully stiff and lacking then have a game thats hard because it has a real challenge ? MIND = BLOWN
The point that I'm trying to make is that the 8-way whip made it far less challenging than in CV games without it. In previous CV games you would enter a new room and have to really think about how to approach each jump and enemy. It was slower but more thought had to be put into how you played it. Having the air control and 8-way whip meant you could easily charge forward with very little need to plan your course of action. Or use the ridiculous free swing feature of the whip to very cheaply take out enemies because the level design wasn't approached differently to work with the new gameplay mechanics. SCIV is a much much easier game than any other CV game that has proper whip mechanics.
They could, but the fact is that they didn't...
beanwithbacon not all of us need hair pulling levels of difficulty to enjoy our games. There is a reason a large majority consider this to be the best whip wielding installment in the series.
I can even use your logic.
Difficulty achieved through archaic controls was phased out of the gaming industry for a reason.
I'll give you Rhondo however, but I'd argue that the direction of the whip is a far cry from what made it great.
Then why is SCV4 the only game in the series to have and 8 way whip? The original CV games had levels that were designed around the archaic controls, they were way more thought out. SCV4 could have been more enjoyable had the level design been better adapted to the new control capabilities. However it was not. It was way way way to easy to avoid getting hit in SCV4 due to the ability to just flail the whip around loosely and have it do damage. Honestly it felt cheap and made the game very boring very quickly.
@cyclo1224 lol its fine . from what i heard on the web some people actually liked those games anyway XD
This is how i like my Castlevania: Linear and refined beyond all belief. Basically the first 3 games, this and rondo of blood cannot be beaten. Sure I did enjoy Symphony of the night but that 'metroidvania' style really ran its course with the GBA and DS ports going from ok to just plain bland...and dont get me started on the generic or just plain shit 3D games!!!
Wow! no dislikes
kevin is the angry video game bizarro
@mariopianofreak well actually your not first so we all love you
9th best game of all time.
@Barbaryotaku Bloodlines is a great game, but it just can't match Castlevania IV.
@ContraCommando Well I thank you for not going into an all caps rage. Most people don't like the jumping because you can't steer it mid-air. Jumping seemed to be the only reason I ever died in those games.
@Barbaryotaku bloodlines isn't anything compared to super IV
I hate when people say things like "ALL TIME CLASSIC BEST GAME EVER" bullshit.
slowdown? not on my snes...
It's like a super yoyo.
You get that slow down playing on an emulator, not so much on console.
This must be Number 15
Megadrive had the best 16 bit Castlevania game.
it's not that just that most people saying things that way don't know shit what they are talking about they remind me of modern game reviewers (CGR excluded)
@Broyale26 Thank you sir for scaring me for life
Still can't beat that F*****g Grim Reaper at the end of the game....and compared to the most Old School Castlevanias, this one's the easier one....
@ContraCommando Yes, they were. They were choppy and added an unfair challenge. So you can reply with your immature attitude, and act like you're a badass just because you think you're a pro at Castlevania games, but the majority of people who have played the NES CV games always agree that jumping was a pain in the ass.
@Tom Ffrench I said that 10 years ago.
sotn is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better
Good game, but best 16bit Castlevania was made to Sega.
Too many issues with the Genesis one, stiff controls, not to mention characters walk through the stairs, instead of on them. This game is also quite a bit longer, though easy (at least for me) than Bloodlines, has no continue limit, and the music and atmosphere in SCV 4 is quite a bit more fitting to the Gothic settings of the series. Plus the whole trying to connect CV to Bram Stoker has never sat right with me.
lol, holy water sucks in this game!