Played against a good Zinx support, and it was one of the most frustrating experiences I've had with this game: impossible to take down anyone in a team fight.
Yo i keep missing your live brother but I plan on subscribing you give off mellow vibes love it dude, yes im full glazing idgaf youre my favorite streamer right now i will be catching you on twitch
That is because he is ranked top 33 in the world and is playing with other people in the same ranks. The whole "Good job, good game" is just a lower rank problem. It just people who will never get out of gold that ping that shit all the time without realizing they are the problem. Also in the really high ranks most people know each other because they play with them so much because there are so few that are in those ranks.
Does anyone know of a discord? I’m kinda new, I know the basics but I’m looking for somebody that wouldn’t mind running some games with me as my carry and walk me through what I’m doing wrong
@@boom1612 i think it should last 3 seconds instead of 4, and make it 30% 40% 50% i think its 40% 50% 60% now. I dont know but the ultimate just makes picks near impossible if she just exists near her team and her damage makes her viable so its almost a 6v5 with her.
I honestly think she’s in a good spot. You can easily counter her with anti heal and also the CD on her ult is pretty long. In team fights focus her because she is pretty squishy and you should have success.i don’t have a problem with or playing against her in ranked when i play Muriel or support Argus .
@PinzoDunzo healing could use a little nerf, it's insane that I can heal my teammates for 1/4-1/2 of their whole health bar with one heal in mid to late game. I'm an aggressive support so I'd prefer her damage to stay since it's not overpowered and I can help poke lane for my carry
Played against a good Zinx support, and it was one of the most frustrating experiences I've had with this game: impossible to take down anyone in a team fight.
Yo i keep missing your live brother but I plan on subscribing you give off mellow vibes love it dude, yes im full glazing idgaf youre my favorite streamer right now i will be catching you on twitch
Trollzie0311 on twitch btw you’ll see soon ❤️ all love brotha keep up the good content
Windcaller feels busted on this hero
"see you at the party Richter"
Cant believe there was no “good job” and “good game” and ff at @6:42 along with a couple of insults on chat.
That is because he is ranked top 33 in the world and is playing with other people in the same ranks. The whole "Good job, good game" is just a lower rank problem. It just people who will never get out of gold that ping that shit all the time without realizing they are the problem. Also in the really high ranks most people know each other because they play with them so much because there are so few that are in those ranks.
Timewarp makes sinx really good!!!!!!
I play her in offlane and midlane. You have to run prophecy with items that give durability.
Does anyone know of a discord? I’m kinda new, I know the basics but I’m looking for somebody that wouldn’t mind running some games with me as my carry and walk me through what I’m doing wrong
Сколько, смотрю лёгкими игроками играет
orb on rik support is ummm…. 👨🏻🦯
Day 20 asking Pinzo to give us crunch gameplay 🌀
Day 20 asking Pinzo to keep ignoring you. Hmm I guess he likes me more
day 7 of helping for crunch gameplay 🎉🎉
Day of saying crunch build order, mutilator > augmentation > draconum/absolution depending on situation.
Zinx really needs a bit of tuning, her Ult is wayyyy too good for how easy it is to use.
What would you recommend. I think her ult is fine but her healing is crazy
@@boom1612 i think it should last 3 seconds instead of 4, and make it 30% 40% 50% i think its 40% 50% 60% now. I dont know but the ultimate just makes picks near impossible if she just exists near her team and her damage makes her viable so its almost a 6v5 with her.
I honestly think she’s in a good spot. You can easily counter her with anti heal and also the CD on her ult is pretty long. In team fights focus her because she is pretty squishy and you should have success.i don’t have a problem with or playing against her in ranked when i play Muriel or support Argus .
The only thing I really think is broken is her damage + healing. She should either do less damage, or less healing imo
@PinzoDunzo healing could use a little nerf, it's insane that I can heal my teammates for 1/4-1/2 of their whole health bar with one heal in mid to late game. I'm an aggressive support so I'd prefer her damage to stay since it's not overpowered and I can help poke lane for my carry
Start making Deadlock content
why would he do that?? lmao
You're saying this to all Pred content creators, piss off.
@@RD-uf6gw I said it to Pinzo and Soul thats not all pred content creators. You getting irritated by that is hilarious tho 😂💀
@@timezinfinityX because Pred sucks now