We cannot accept and move on Kenyans want the electral commission to be hauled and constituted properly before another election is held. Enough respect to Hon otiende Amolo and Miguna Miguna for speaking the truth and demanding justice for our country which jubilee bigots sycophants and savages of the worst calibre have made it like their personal properties. ALLUTA Continua bravos
Miguna miguna and otiende Amollo speaks loud of the Luo minds clear English exposed intelligence and with no shrubbing words, this includes Trevor the interviewer,now Annalise the other two from jubilee very incompetent am left with questions......in me
Omolla Otiende how I wished you were my brother . Kenya is so blessed to have you as a very Intelligent and wise lawyer. Keep it up!!! - Watching from Malawi as Malawian.
First..president was..akikuyu..2nd was a kalenjin3rd was a kikuyu was a kikuyu...4th was a kikuyu...😀😀😀😀😀😀😀lets us not be egocentric....5th..must be a luo....
Maybe a Taita , a Meru ,Kisii or even a Gabra president ...those are level headed safe tribes but not a Luo please.Those Luos are immature ,irresponsible stone throwing cunts.
Brilliant Lawyers who respects the constitution and the rule of law.Miguna*2 Otiende Amollo.Leave alone the thieves who dwell in a corrupt government and acts to be tough with their reasoning.
Yaani you hear that a Governor has been involved in an accident and he's injured and you're soo unmoved?? Really wamatangi????..these politicians are funny
Larry Madowo is sissy. he egocasts to pursue a beauty contest when democratic kenyans are fighting for inclusive matters. Miguna must deconstruct the bigots
Very unfortunate that Kenya is being led by illitrated mind like jubilee I don't understand why Ngatia has gone underground,to be honest ,NASA or NRM are full of brained people I would imergine how Kenya will be a year after they take over office, jubilee gatundu it's a waste of time bringing them in TV shows to discuss crap with them......very unfortunate to argue with fools u act like one
No moving on the truth and justice that is what Kenyans want, Accept and move on is no more. Null and void on the 8th August, 2017. Amollo all the laws are in Your head, Migung Migung I like Your frankness always speaking the truth.
Kimani you’re wrong indeed, just because NASA didn’t participate in the election should not mean that they should be quiet on Jubilee rigging and illegitimate election process. Your comparison of a man and won vs NASA and election is just too irrelevant and illiterate. Kenyans have a constitutional right to voice their objections to fraudulent and illegal practices in the country whether they’re presidential candidates or not.
These lunkheads from JP never learn. Wamatangi and his colleague are just reasoning from the content of their noses other than brains! They cannot even learn by observing the way Otiende Amollo and Miguna Miguna articulate their points.
For sure Miguna and Amollo Otiende articulate issues better than their counterparts. Kimani made a rather simplistic analogy. All Kenyans for or against the election have a right to interrogate not only those who participated in the election!
"Wamatangi, ..truth, justice, and credible election are much deeper and more fundamental...stop cheapening democracy and constitutionalism to your preoccupation with marriage and women" quips Miguna Miguna. Look at the expression on Senator Wamatangi's face to get the effect of the statement. I DIE!!!
Kenya's 5-year Political Epidemic: Signs & symptoms- Exodus out of Nairobi, Lack of free, fair & credible elections, spontaneous protests & skirmishes, call for dialogue by various sectors etc.
jubilee don't forget that even an iebc commissioner akombe abandoned this election and ran away don't forget also forget praxedes tororei quit and don't forget chebukati the most scared man at iebc announced there was never going to be fairness so who else would never have abandoned it? why could uhuru not win with his 2.9 mil votes? because if he did so at least everyone would have to agree that he won an election that was a race against himself but to say 7.4 mil votes? that is where they showed the whole world how they rig elections.
Will wamatangi and linturi please stop engaging with these babies and concentrate with the work they have been duly elected to Do? Let the media houses cover them for ratings. Our job was long done in the ballot.
It is soo sad that most Kenyans in general especially the ordinary mwanainchi haven't got the slightest idea about what is really going on in Kenya! There are other forces behind the scenes behind Raila & NASA that have created the monster we are now seeing in Kenya! All these hightened emotions on social media & elsewhere are just part of the concoction! Very sad indeed!
fatuma nurr When l wrote my comment, l expected such kind of replies bcoz like l said, pple have no idea! Politics is a very dirty game everywhere in the world & most ordinary people are like sheep to the Politicians! They get emotions & tensions going just to achieve their own selfish goals while the ordinary voter think they really care! If the curtains were opened behind the scenes so that ordinary voter can actually see what goes on nobody would ever vote! A quick example is how NASA says boycott certain companies & products but if u were to visit Gladys Wanga's or Millie O's refrigerators unannounced u'd be surprised what you'd find inside!!! Alot of naive pple would ask what evidence of that claim l have but l don't need any bcoz it is easy to see thru' them like a glass window!!! The very elections that got them into office are the ones they claim are flawed! Lol! But l guess it's just for the president & vice president only!!! Nooo, not for the women rep or MCA'S or governors or MP's!!! As a matter of fact, these NASA saints who claim they're doing this for election justice had vowed not to attend the national assembly but when their time had almost lapsed, they ran like the marathon inorder not to forfeit salary from the same same government they're fighting & claiming is corrupt!!! It's all about power, not Kenyans, Period! Who's lost now?
fatuma nurr In Kenya, with the help of some outside forces that stand to benefit via access to certain resources, investments & corrupt/illegitimate deals, the opposition preys on tribal politics coz they know it's the MOST effective in getting emotions high & pple riled up! It is not the voter doing this but the Politicians...when they speak, they all use the term "Kenyans want this or Kenyans are tired of this & that"!!! If you think about it, they manipulate the voter very very effectively without most having a clue that it's being done to them! U just hear it from who u think u like or speaks to your "beliefs"/"grievances" & u run right along with it...from that point on riling up/manipulating emotions is soo easy for them when they get pple where they want & all along u'll believe it is ur own original thought/emotion/grievance when in reality it was born, natured & instilled in the voter for the main show! That's politics for you!
Nicholas Joseph i understand everything you said. We as ordinary citizens just see the surface of the politic/politicians we miss on the intricate parts. Who knows maybe uhuru n raila tell each goodnight yet we ready to hack each other. Now miguna the man who said raila will be dead before he president is the same man now being applauded coz of his war like relics. Miguna exploiting an opportunity. I have no problem with being on opposition but the rhetorics being sold by politicians is selfish. I know too about the unforseen forces that hover around n their interests
wamatangi the supreme court did the DNA test and determined that Uhuru is not the mother of the baby (presidency). He colluded with the hospital officials to steal another woman's baby and refuse to give it up after he is cought.
I thought we all attended the UoN and studied law under same lectures...........how come some are so versed than others??? Hehehe Fish eating is recommended!
Kenya needs leaders the likes of otiende
Mangale Njole man with wisdom
Mangale Njole yep
Teach them Otiende Amolo 🎓 education is key
Simba Imara watu walikula books thumbs Up
Loham Hills 💯 percent pure
Otiende Amollo and Miguna Miguna kills it , i love you guys.
amos odundo big up to them
amos odundo especially miguna I never mis when hez on show fire fire heheee
we must not accept and move on...this time we must get it right
Linet Kerubo Well said
We who ? We the Majority obviously voted for Uhuru.
was that an election or Uhuru's corronation...my friend watch this space
hahaha ati the majority ? hahaaaa pLs LINET TELL HIM
Miguna x2 and Amolo Otiende my hero
Flora Shanti me too. How I wish Otiende be my president
Flora Shanti I really lov how they tackle issues
Flora Shanti the two make Kenya alone 😍
We cannot accept and move on Kenyans want the electral commission to be hauled and constituted properly before another election is held. Enough respect to Hon otiende Amolo and Miguna Miguna for speaking the truth and demanding justice for our country which jubilee bigots sycophants and savages of the worst calibre have made it like their personal properties. ALLUTA Continua bravos
Otiende Amollo is very wise
Benson Erick theoretically wise but practically foolish
Miguna miguna and otiende Amollo speaks loud of the Luo minds clear English exposed intelligence and with no shrubbing words, this includes Trevor the interviewer,now Annalise the other two from jubilee very incompetent am left with questions......in me
Benson your a pathetic failure,I would be interested to know which schools you attended and grades u got at high School level KCSE or maybe KCPE
He speaks almost like Tom Mboya very intelligent
otiende omollo as u aware is the man who write the new constitution in his hand i salute u Hon from ogenya
Miguna n otiende👏👏u talk like true Kenyans
Bibian Hot I really like him on show he spits reality heheeeee
Loved the look on Wamatangi's face while Otiende and Migush were speaking.😂 The pill of truth was indeed too hard to swallow.💯
Joel Palo exactly
Clossing remaarks from Miguna Miguna is a true clossing remarks
My two baes Miguna @Otiende 😚😚😚
Consolata Akwabi you can say it again
Big up Tru patriotics migush nd otiesh yu are worth listening to,luv you guyz
No moving on. Justice must be seen to have been done. Like miguna on the show. Enjoying this.
I see the truth here omollo and miguna speaks the truth and the other two fears the truth and looks angry to face the truth
Eddie Eddie truth hurts huhuuu
Amollo OTIENDE plz teach wamatangi n Jubilee mongrels. ..this is the time that we need the right.
This so called Senator is real MUMU
Omolla Otiende how I wished you were my brother . Kenya is so blessed to have you as a very Intelligent and wise lawyer. Keep it up!!! - Watching from Malawi as Malawian.
Honey Adan 😂
Amollo and Miguna, the rest muted.
OMG me too..
".......take that to the bank, citi bank not even equity bank" this part killed it
Pointless wamatiangi bure iebc should be cleaned up.
Muthomi Stanley He is so pointless. 😥😪😴
It is true no justice no peace .Gentlemen ,please central Kenya let us concede defeat and let us Join other Kenyans.
Georgmuriuki Githinji If Maumau bent to intimidation , we would be here , they hate us -we must use what we have
nancy Kahuho Please,please my precious sister ,let us be philosophical and bite the bullet. Truth, and Justice are like Siamese twins
Always refreshing to see fellow Kikuyus being honest and nice to the rest of us.
Georgmuriuki Githinji woow u are the best kikuyu we are divided and Raila is the only person who can unite us
Georgmuriuki Githinji exactly
miguna demolish this wamatangi. kenya isnt a wife,courtship........... stop cheapening democracy.
omoimbe Douglas he is called Wamatangi 😂😂😂ni kama ako kwa lift ona vile amezubaa ile miguna na Otiende wanasema is hot cake
Who can take me to miguna and Dr.Otiende...to just shake their hands ..
Miguna i don't understand why when you join Jubilee as a good lawyer you 4get the Law🙏🙏🙏😂😂😂 I die💨💨💨
justice must be done. Uhuruto should do justice to Kenyans.
How comes everybody from central dont speak pure english without stammering or did they rig the language too?
Iva Owiti 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂I die
Haha shots fired!
Iva Owiti you cant be given everything...beauty...presidency
Iva Owiti 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
First..president was..akikuyu..2nd was a kalenjin3rd was a kikuyu was a kikuyu...4th was a kikuyu...😀😀😀😀😀😀😀lets us not be egocentric....5th..must be a luo....
Raphael Murage amen
Maybe a Taita , a Meru ,Kisii or even a Gabra president ...those are level headed safe tribes but not a Luo please.Those Luos are immature ,irresponsible stone throwing cunts.
Raphael Murage Hehee baba huyooooo
Lool haha
Must? Zingatia upole kaka.
Dr. Otiende Amolo is a true statesman. Very brilliant
Miguna kills it always.
Elphas Imatar yep my bae
Brilliant Lawyers who respects the constitution and the rule of law.Miguna*2 Otiende Amollo.Leave alone the thieves who dwell in a corrupt government and acts to be tough with their reasoning.
Yaani you hear that a Governor has been involved in an accident and he's injured and you're soo unmoved?? Really wamatangi????..these politicians are funny
We are just here because of Miguna and Otiende
I thought miguna was not going to be invited since they exchanged words with Lari
Leshy Leshy Larry is a village boy,,he talks before he heard than hearing before talking or objections..
This is not Lari
Leshy Leshy Larry is an emotional jubilee sympathiser/mole
Larry Madowo is sissy. he egocasts to pursue a beauty contest when democratic kenyans are fighting for inclusive matters. Miguna must deconstruct the bigots
Hehe Migus ni wembe
Miguna and otiende pongezi .very smart n articulate
Wamatangi seems to be a nice guy but how come he can't accept and admit that Jubilee has problems.
Denial coupled with a stinking sense of entitlement.
Well said miguna and Otiende God be with you always. Kwani wakenya wataendelea kuhumia ju yenu??????? Mashetani nyinyi .....
Jubilee kizungu ni ngumu jamani, ati janjes
Dancun Andar 😂😂
Ilikuja na meli kutoka Mexico
Everline Bloomberg 😷😃😃
Dancun Andar uve made my evening man
Dancun Andar 😂😂😂😂
Wamatiangi,a voice of reasoning.
Wow!.. smart guys!..
" I wonder why anyone who joins Jubilee forgets the law!"😂 They sell their mind and soul that's why.💯
Joel Palo ,don't worry they are all pshycopants
That was a good line
Joel Palo 😃😃😃
Joel Palo 😂 true
Very unfortunate that Kenya is being led by illitrated mind like jubilee I don't understand why Ngatia has gone underground,to be honest ,NASA or NRM are full of brained people I would imergine how Kenya will be a year after they take over office, jubilee gatundu it's a waste of time bringing them in TV shows to discuss crap with them......very unfortunate to argue with fools u act like one
much love to Otibaemiguna@.strong minds
No moving on the truth and justice that is what Kenyans want, Accept and move on is no more. Null and void on the 8th August, 2017. Amollo all the laws are in Your head, Migung Migung I like Your frankness always speaking the truth.
Kimani you’re wrong indeed, just because NASA didn’t participate in the election should not mean that they should be quiet on Jubilee rigging and illegitimate election process. Your comparison of a man and won vs NASA and election is just too irrelevant and illiterate. Kenyans have a constitutional right to voice their objections to fraudulent and illegal practices in the country whether they’re presidential candidates or not.
Thank my two guyz miguna and otiende keep fighting God is with u till we meet justice
Bravo Mr Otiende wise man May God bless you.
miguna mtu wangu, and the bright otiende, bright Kenyans.
Miguna miguna shot straight without fear shame on wamatangi
These lunkheads from JP never learn. Wamatangi and his colleague are just reasoning from the content of their noses other than brains!
They cannot even learn by observing the way Otiende Amollo and Miguna Miguna articulate their points.
👍👍👍👊👊👌point taken NASA tibiim.
Omollo I like this Gary's reasoning
lets give otiende amollo 100 likes
Same subject one class, Two streams . One Taught by Amollo and MM the Other By Linturi and Wamatangi. Which stream would you chose? I rest my case!
Otiende / Miguna remix always nail it to the last inch...where wisdom lies.
Otis n migush spill them n teach them something lov you
tibbbbbimmmmm....this stupid jubilee gooons hawajielewi
Tatu Juma bure kabisa jubilee
Miguna Miguna man of the hour !!
For sure Miguna and Amollo Otiende articulate issues better than their counterparts. Kimani made a rather simplistic analogy. All Kenyans for or against the election have a right to interrogate not only those who participated in the election!
Angie Wangeci 😆😆😆
Angie Wangeci hahaa u see
Take it to the bank; Citi Bank not Equity.......Miguna can be petty but my God he is a genius..
Uyu sen. Mmeru imemuingia only that anajifanya na ile tabia ya Jubilee. Wamatangi amenyeshewa
Miguna miguna miguna i call u how many times 😂😂😂😂
Jararieda you're a smart man
Otiende I like your reasoning
One thing that NASA people dont know is that ..we moved on
that guy called wamatangi ..man you need to go back to school ..you are disgraceful to the school of law...bure kabisa
I salute miguna otiende
sycophancy will kill some ppl in this country
We need. Fresh. Election
Miguna & otiende great minds
"Wamatangi, ..truth, justice, and credible election are much deeper and more fundamental...stop cheapening democracy and constitutionalism to your preoccupation with marriage and women" quips Miguna Miguna. Look at the expression on Senator Wamatangi's face to get the effect of the statement. I DIE!!!
Why is it that jubilee in these talk shows and interviews are mumus?
That is what happens when you are defending evil. Nothing makes sense.
Kifaranga cha Canaan its soo difficult to defend lies
Kifaranga cha Canaan ha
Ali Clay true
miss xexy kenya u r right
In contrast does Raila ever Agree defeat. The day we shall learn to accept defeat then we shall find a neutral society
Wamatank should be filled with a lots of water, for he is an empty tank
Amolo Otiende ...kudos!!!
Kenya's 5-year Political Epidemic:
Signs & symptoms- Exodus out of Nairobi, Lack of free, fair & credible elections, spontaneous protests & skirmishes, call for dialogue by various sectors etc.
Which language is Linturi speaking
jubilee don't forget that even an iebc commissioner akombe abandoned this election and ran away don't forget also forget praxedes tororei quit and don't forget chebukati the most scared man at iebc announced there was never going to be fairness so who else would never have abandoned it? why could uhuru not win with his 2.9 mil votes? because if he did so at least everyone would have to agree that he won an election that was a race against himself but to say 7.4 mil votes? that is where they showed the whole world how they rig elections.
Will wamatangi and linturi please stop engaging with these babies and concentrate with the work they have been duly elected to Do? Let the media houses cover them for ratings. Our job was long done in the ballot.
I think you said that backwards. Scholars Otiende and Miguna should stop trying to knock sense in that incompetent duo.
The woman and child analogy by Wamatangi is so shallow. He's ranting and talking nonsense
Wamatangi says it plain&clear...nasa wapotelee mbali
Wacha kuharibu jina la lawyer wetu he's miguna Notmighuna
Politics aside# Trevor am a fun of your voice
Wamatangii reasons like his name
Shame on watiangi najua wanajubulee wapengi ukweli. ...wezi nyinyi. In fact you need to be lectured by miguna and Otiende
when did Miguna became NASA?People should ask him what happened in Canada?
Amina Abate probably he is jobless and thats why he is begging for tea in any media house offering it
It is soo sad that most Kenyans in general especially the ordinary mwanainchi haven't got the slightest idea about what is really going on in Kenya! There are other forces behind the scenes behind Raila & NASA that have created the monster we are now seeing in Kenya! All these hightened emotions on social media & elsewhere are just part of the concoction! Very sad indeed!
Ur are lost!!
fatuma nurr When l wrote my comment, l expected such kind of replies bcoz like l said, pple have no idea! Politics is a very dirty game everywhere in the world & most ordinary people are like sheep to the Politicians! They get emotions & tensions going just to achieve their own selfish goals while the ordinary voter think they really care! If the curtains were opened behind the scenes so that ordinary voter can actually see what goes on nobody would ever vote! A quick example is how NASA says boycott certain companies & products but if u were to visit Gladys Wanga's or Millie O's refrigerators unannounced u'd be surprised what you'd find inside!!! Alot of naive pple would ask what evidence of that claim l have but l don't need any bcoz it is easy to see thru' them like a glass window!!! The very elections that got them into office are the ones they claim are flawed! Lol! But l guess it's just for the president & vice president only!!! Nooo, not for the women rep or MCA'S or governors or MP's!!! As a matter of fact, these NASA saints who claim they're doing this for election justice had vowed not to attend the national assembly but when their time had almost lapsed, they ran like the marathon inorder not to forfeit salary from the same same government they're fighting & claiming is corrupt!!! It's all about power, not Kenyans, Period! Who's lost now?
fatuma nurr In Kenya, with the help of some outside forces that stand to benefit via access to certain resources, investments & corrupt/illegitimate deals, the opposition preys on tribal politics coz they know it's the MOST effective in getting emotions high & pple riled up! It is not the voter doing this but the Politicians...when they speak, they all use the term "Kenyans want this or Kenyans are tired of this & that"!!! If you think about it, they manipulate the voter very very effectively without most having a clue that it's being done to them! U just hear it from who u think u like or speaks to your "beliefs"/"grievances" & u run right along with it...from that point on riling up/manipulating emotions is soo easy for them when they get pple where they want & all along u'll believe it is ur own original thought/emotion/grievance when in reality it was born, natured & instilled in the voter for the main show! That's politics for you!
Nicholas Joseph i understand everything you said. We as ordinary citizens just see the surface of the politic/politicians we miss on the intricate parts. Who knows maybe uhuru n raila tell each goodnight yet we ready to hack each other. Now miguna the man who said raila will be dead before he president is the same man now being applauded coz of his war like relics. Miguna exploiting an opportunity. I have no problem with being on opposition but the rhetorics being sold by politicians is selfish. I know too about the unforseen forces that hover around n their interests
Did I see Otiende lough for like a minute after miguna said something funny about one iebc professor???
Otiende whatever u are saying is making more sense
No pure English because there true son and daughters of kenya
Where is kalonzo
wamatangi the supreme court did the DNA test and determined that Uhuru is not the mother of the baby (presidency). He colluded with the hospital officials to steal another woman's baby and refuse to give it up after he is cought.
i am really changed my mind on how westerns think,.
Miguna shoots straight while Otiende sends illegitimate election to nullified box
I thought we all attended the UoN and studied law under same lectures...........how come some are so versed than others??? Hehehe Fish eating is recommended!
Aki huyu wamatangi ni ovyo kabisa kwa hii panel lyk seriously he tlks lyk a bby who is confused on what to say heri huyo mwingine ana jaribu