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NickEh30 reacts to Eminem Concert in Fortnite!
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- OG Fortnite Big Bang Event into Chapter 5! (Eminem Concert)
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#Fortnite #CodeNickEh30
Merry Christmas @nickeh30 already got his present ❤
I love your video
Nick: "my dance doesnt match"
Eminem: "man stop"
It’s juice wrld who says that lol
@@quzelfn family friendly stopped him.
Look what i’m planning!
@@derpy_dolphinz5375 haha….
That's Clean Bro
Even tho Juice WRLD said that
Let's be honest, once you come out of the eminem universe, it was truly beautiful. It felt like peace. Best month in fortnite history.
Can we just appreciate the fact that Nick got this uploaded only a few hours after the event? Dude edits all of his videos by himself and still has time to play Fortnite all day and post banger videos, props to you Nick for all the hard work you put into your job!
ok thats cool but everyone spams this we know its impressive but does that need to be every single comment
YES!! Thank you!
the glazing is crazy
@@cyberhole91 exactly bro finally someone who understands😭
you can’t say nick doesn’t deserve all the love he gets, he works so hard and deserves to break his record… Good job nick
No he sucks
@@andreadamico6731in my opinion, yea he ain’t good
nick eh 30 ❤❤❤ never back down never
give up
Jesus died and rose agian if you believe that he died and rose and were saved by grace through faith alone you will be saved. Once Saved Always saved no need to repent from your sins for salvation.
Jesus died and rose agian if you believe that he died and rose and were saved by grace through faith alone you will be saved. Once Saved Always saved no need to repent from your sins for salvation.@@Beastgohan9000
Nick was family friendly until now😂😂😂😂
Thank u guys for 31 likes!!
8:47 why did the vein in Nick's neck randomly appear lol 💀
Watching this event back 6 months later makes me realize how good it was
@@Dimit-gb8mw $$$$/^>
I’m watching back 8 months
@@animeedits5690 same
18:38 His reaction to Peter Griffin killed me 😂
For the meme the dream and the EHHHHH team 😂. EEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHMAZING
In 1:51 wait how is everyone in except me? I laughed 😂😂😂
0:44 you think ur the king I’m the ki- ‘nicks last words’
They literally made all of these in UEFN. Love the event after a very long time. It was worth the wait. Really amazing!!
What is your phone number?
Here’s my phone number
never back down nick eh 30 you’re the best
Nick never give up
I don’t really watch Nicks videos but I like how he gave some constructive criticism with his friends wanting to make the events more better and if epic listen to add more. And listen to the people
this whole thing gave me goosebumps 7:00
My brother “bro nick eh 30 finally sweared”😂
5 years later from Uncharted 4 Videos , and Last of us series!! So proud of you nick I been a member since you had 40K subs love you bro EHHHH GANG 👊🏼🔥
Bro the real og
The reason why Eminem sang those two songs is because the first song was the one that made him famous and last song was his last
His last what?
@@cameronwheeler9082true last what?
@@cameronwheeler9082 His newest song at the time, I assume.
Never mind I have no idea
@@Fortnitepro814 Eminem blew up in 1999 from “My Name Is” off of the Slim Shady LP. Lose yourself released in 2002 for the 8 Mile movie soundtrack and it was a massive hit as well. Your close! And also Godzilla was also pretty bit but it wasn’t his last
Bro Nick SWEARED At The Lego Fortnite😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Bro was not family friendly ❤😂 I love Nick Eh 30
Ya that was not family friendly
Non f f
And we are correct
That „OH, OH… peter griffin?” Got me
I love the edits on your videos!
i LOVE the new editing style nick, it was super funny! I tuned into your stream when it happened and it was great seeing your reaction!
Probably one the best event in fortnite history 🔥🔥
If it was a little longer and maybe storyline related I think it would be the best
@@dealwithjpeit was storyline related though. The original Fortnite reality was destroyed and the Big Bang occurred instead of the black hole. We are in a whole new multiverse now.
Copy and paste End event, lego, racing mode, and emenim have nothing to do with the game/storyline
@@Mrfirehater1 play stw then
Easily in the top 3 worst events
I could tell they had planned more for the Eminem concert, EX: Rap Boy skin, bringing up references to him rhyming Orange and Banana. I think they had just either run out of time making the event, or they thought they would get backlash for a long event like Fracture.
I saw a comment that said it was cut because of the e10 rating censor stuff
Proof that NickEh30 listens to songs with swear words.
Just because he’s a family friendly TH-camr dosent he can’t listen to songs with profanity in it when he’s not recording
Nick deserves a icon skin.
This is why Slim Shady and Eminem are the goat
Was the goat now he’s just a sellout who panders to the people who try to censor free speech…. Soooo Tom Macdonald is the real goat shady use to be but Marshall killed shady now shady is rockabye baby
I love watching the live-event and the way that the start has the nick song tho
I love your videos Nick Eh 30! Keep up the good work!
Event was crazy
Chapter 5 is going to be crazy
-lego collab
-fall guys collab
-ninja turtle collab
-peter griffin collab
-and more
Let's go nickk!!
Never give up
13:10 saying that is better then travis scott is wild
i agree it is indeed better than travis scott
@@Seraphine_m3xnah you foul
tbh i’m a eminem fan so i prefer this
We deserve more Eminem content!!!
Of all people I think Nick would have noticed "We have your banana" lol
people who miss chapter 2
Chapter 2 was the best Chapter
@@SpectacularSpideyfan646it wasn’t but still good, had good seasons… and bad ones. Like season 2 and 4.
it might seem crazy what im about to say
13:45 Chill out Bro Is Talking So Fast Fr❤
Omg it was sick I watched it because I did not get to see it I love your content keep it up Nick❤
Lamborghini! Lamborghini! Got me laughing so hard
What a Visual feast of an event. Would have just wished if it was a bit longer but W
Many people were comparing the Fortnite Big Bang event to the Travis Scott one, but Epic Games never marketed Big Bang as a concert. People just had very high expectations.
it was the longest event
Pretty sure it was like 11 minutes. It's not that short.
Guys funny fact: nick eh 30 wasn't swearing he was using a soundboard ,😂❤
Nick redoing the "You think your the king, I'm the king" But gets cut off mid sentence by dying made me cry laughing
The event was crazy Nick!
10:16 did nick just say damn im in the back guys?!!!!!
He said dang
I died after he said its better thantravis scott💀
I will never forget when Nick said he preferred the Ariana grande concert more than the Travis Scott concert
Nick:Can we keep it family friendly? Nick in the event:🤬🤬🤬🤬
I am happy that we are in 12 Days on a Another Og Season i really miss the last Og Season but i am happy that it happened
Same bro
Hi nick, I got to see all this on stream. This makes me so happy to see you so happy, I hope you enjoyed this concert as much as I did. Have a EH-MAZING rest of your day.
I hate to be that guy, but ima be that guy enjoy*
Hi nick
@@butterthybanana i hate to be that guy, but i’m going to be that guy. enjoyed*
Event was amazing ngl (although ending was a bit tedious) and can’t wait for ch 5 because the bird is the word
Finally the series are back of nick reacting to events😊
5:15 5:19 5:19 5:19 5:19 5:20 5:20 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:21 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:22 5:27 5:28 5:28 5:28 5:28 5:29 5:29 5:29 5:29 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:31 5:31 5:31 5:32 5:33 5:33 5:33 5:33 5:33 5:34 5:34 5:34 5:34 5:35 5:35
Happy new year 2025
5:52 5:52 5:53 5:53 5:53 5:53 5:54 5:54 😊😊 5:55 5:56 5:56 5:56 5:57 5:57 5:57 5:57 5:57 5:58 5:58 5:59 5:59 5:59 6:00 6: 6:01 😊 6:03 6:03 6:03
6:05 6:08 6:08 6:09 6:09 6:09 6:10
This. Was. Awesome!
You mean EH-MAZING
I can rap this no cap
@@desigirl57-b3y that was what I was going to say
2:23: new sus nickeh30 clips
6:18 meteor customizing its character 💀
It’s hard to believe that this was nearly a year ago… time flies
The new live season looks so insane and cool and I appreciate you Nick for streaming it
Live season?
The griddy, nah the friddy💀💀💀
You know he’s hyped when he says “ima swear”😂
I like how he was caught swearing, but he didn’t even notice what he was doing
never thought i would see someone so friendly react to everything they go against
I get it but I don't get it get it
What does that even mean
Think he's talking about the Eminem concert
@enriqueamaya3883 The heck are you talking about you copy and paster.
The juice world part killed it
I love the nick eh 30 remix of Eminem song
my man got his dopamine reaction when he was watching the ch.5 s1 trailer
You think your the king I’m the ki- (dies) 0:42
Then right foot creep
Nicks reaction is just priceless 😭❤️
Fr😏😏😏😏🍆🍆🍆 kiss me daddy
13:27 FIRE!
Bro nick was so happy! He was jumping so much 😂
1:13 everyone doubted him look at this king now.
Never back down never what
Never give up(!!!
NEVER GIVE UP ‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥
0:34 Not so family friendly 💀
and he’s a family friendly TH-camr yea right
It’s been a whole year and now we finally can play chapter 1 forever 😭
quite a small error at 0:04 the chapter 1 season x end event was not in 2018 it was 2019
erm actually 🤓👆
@@RetroFrieznerd (ik is a joke)
When Juice WRLD started rapping I screamed!!!!!!!!!
@@ImperialCody446 Juice was featured on one of the songs
@@Frigid_frostit was Godzilla that he collaborated in and btw juice Wrld carried this whole event ❤
Rip juice
well well well
16:20 the meat riding is crazy
He’s not wrong tho
It be true tho
5:08 bro dropped the "WHAT THE HECK 💀🗣️"
8:57 Ogaa boogaloo
8:39 I thought we are family friendly😢😢😢
People who got so excited they woke up their parents and seeing at this is just showing how good the trailer was
1:16 umm [he has it now]
There Is „ i won't have a skin until im 30” And He Is 29
3:48 is when the event starts
LAZARBEAM : is that it
Let’s go this is the coolest video that I ever watched so satisfying🎉❤❤❤
Old memories
@vicsan5201 you h
Yay can’t wait for chapter 5!
Bro wanted to let some f bombs out
Never Back Down never what❤
Wow looking back at this now.. Damn the Memories for sure!
@@williamtkacs8131 this was from 10 months ago bro
Wayyy Better than The Last One. I'M SOOOOOO FREAKING HYPED FOR CHAPTER 5!!!!!!
13:17 that’s juice wrld
And one of them said who's that rapping
@@guiamado5270 ikr
Ye I just listen carefully and big juice wrld fan
Nah this event had me tear up. Destroying the OG map twice had me in the feels
Like this comment if your a Eminem fan
@@Oscar_godzillafan2244 won’t the real Eminem fan please stand up please stand up
Yo bro, my goat 🤌
I’m a Eminem and juice wrld fan
True 😂😂
This guy needs a icon skin
He has one
14:30 if you're seeing this in 2024 in chapter 5 season 4 then I think that's the Halloween universe 😮😮😮
@@Syke3826 maybe
Maybe in chapter 2 remix:)
0:28 nice griddy bro
I love nick eh 30 only real nick eh 30 can like this comment
Hi I’m nick😊
EH 30?
Anybody can like it