I just learned to sing, learn to rap a little bit, I never thought I had this day, one day I have not released a day to give, I never thought there was a day when I memorize that day, I always think in my mind every day, no day off, even though today is not effective But every commitment will be given as if there is no such thing, but it will lead us to take one step at a time without effort, it will strengthen one capacity in the previous two endeavors, it will turn into a collection, then we will know for ourselves. Without someone coming to talk, we know ourselves ..?ប្រេីចិត្តឲទៅជាលំនឹង ប្រេីជំហរឲរឹងមាំដូចជាបង្គោលដ៏រឹងមាំមួយ សម្រាប់យេីងធ្វេីការបោះពួយដេីរទៅមុខ ខំប្រឹងឡេីងខំប្រឹងបន្តិចទៀត កុំឲពួននៅសង្ងំរងចាំតែឲកាសមកដល់ ពេលនេះយេីងលែងមានចំម្ងល់ទៀតហេីយមានតែពាក្យជោជ័យនៅអ្វីដែលយេីងខំប្រឹង
Thanks Bro ❤️❤️
*Nice beat, I like the vibe*
Thanks Bro ❤️❤️
I just learned to sing, learn to rap a little bit, I never thought I had this day, one day I have not released a day to give, I never thought there was a day when I memorize that day, I always think in my mind every day, no day off, even though today is not effective But every commitment will be given as if there is no such thing, but it will lead us to take one step at a time without effort, it will strengthen one capacity in the previous two endeavors, it will turn into a collection, then we will know for ourselves. Without someone coming to talk, we know ourselves ..?ប្រេីចិត្តឲទៅជាលំនឹង ប្រេីជំហរឲរឹងមាំដូចជាបង្គោលដ៏រឹងមាំមួយ សម្រាប់យេីងធ្វេីការបោះពួយដេីរទៅមុខ ខំប្រឹងឡេីងខំប្រឹងបន្តិចទៀត កុំឲពួននៅសង្ងំរងចាំតែឲកាសមកដល់ ពេលនេះយេីងលែងមានចំម្ងល់ទៀតហេីយមានតែពាក្យជោជ័យនៅអ្វីដែលយេីងខំប្រឹង
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