Hydrogen Wave | Hydrogen For Everyone, Everything, Everywhere
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- The Hydrogen Wave has begun for earth and humanity. Take a look at Hyundai Motor Group’s future hydrogen vision, hydrogen mobility concept, and our new fuel cell system.
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#ExpectingGenerationOne #HydrogenSociety #Hydrogen
How South Korea produces Hydrogen energy is coming from leftover from other energy sources. South Korea is really serious about this technology and when I had a virtual tour for this system. It was truly remarkable.
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@@abless2919 39.
현대의 H는 수소(Hydrogen)를 위한 큰그림이였네 ㅋㅋㅋ 가슴이 웅장해진다.. 현대차그룹 화이팅
ㅋㅋㅋ 캬 국뽕 한사발
The future mobility🔥♥️ Hyundai
Nice to hear the vision for the environment. I support your vision, Hyundai.
Jikigjkkkki kon mmm. Mmomokom. ।mm
@@yasinshaik8672 vnvvnvvjnnnnxbnbnnnvvnnvnnnnbvnnnnvvnnnvnnbnnbnnbvbbnbbvnnznvnbnnnvvnnnnnvnkvvbbbnnnvvnnznnnvnbnbnnbznbnnvnvnvnnnnnnnbbnvbnnbnbnnvvnbnnvnbbnvnnnvvnnvnnnnxnnnbnbvnnnvvbnnnnbnbvnvkvbvnnjvbnnnvvb nnnbnnnbbvnnnvnvnbbnnnnnnvnnvnnbvnxnnvnnvnbnnnvbbvbnbvvnnbnnnvnvvnnnvvnvnbnnnnvpnvvvnvnvnnbnvnbnnvvvnvnnvvvvbbvnnnvbnbnnbnvnnnnnnnvbbvnvbnbznnvnbnvnvnnnbvnvvbnvvnnvbknbnnbpbbvnnnnbnnnnnvnnnbvnbnnvbbnnvnnnvvvnnnnbnbbnvnnnnnnxnnvvvbnvnnnnnvnnnnbbnnnbnvnnbnnvnnnn nbnvvnvnnvnbnvnnvvvvvvnvnnnnvbnbbvnnvvvvvbnnvnnvnnnvvnnvbvnnnvnnvnnnnvvvnvvnvbvvnnvvnvnvbkvnnnnnn nnnbnbnnnnnbvnnnbvvznnvznnbbvvbnvxnnnnnvbnnnbnnvvnnvvbbvbnbnnbnvvnbbbnnbnnnvnvbnnvzvvbnnbbvnznbnkvvnnnvvvvnvnnbnnvnnnvnnnnnvnnvnbnnvnvvnnvvvxnncnnvnnbnbnbnnvnvbnn vnnvnvbnvnbnnbnbvnnnvnnvnvbvnnnvvbbnvnnvzvvn bvnvbbnnnvvnbknkbnnnkvnnnbnbnvbvbnvbzvnnnnvnnbbbnnbbbzbbbbnjbnvnnnnnvnnkvvbbnnnnnnvnnnnvn nn 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@@yasinshaik8672 vib:bj vvvvvjb:vhiv:vvbvvvvvvvvvbbjvvvvvvvvvjvvv:vjvbbbbvvbvbvvvvvivjvvbjv;vbvb:vvvbhv:vhvbjvvhjv:v
Love from Chennai, India. This time east rise faster
I want a suv fuel cell that can be use as a power generator for my house when we get power outage for days. I want to be able to easy disconnect to go refuel, then reconnect for continue running it as a clean and quite generator for my house and can be use for days at camping site too.:)
Very exciting! Thank you for your Hydrogen efforts.
Albert Biermann … Top Mann !!!
Hyndai did very well prepare ...!!! hope could domimat in SEA market in future
This was so educational and interesting. Thanks Hyundai for leading the way.
No no no BC BC pic BC hi
. Bin TV no❤😊😊😊 see
came for hydrogen car. stayed for a whole new world. lmao. Great job Hyundai!
L@@lockhart1895t awwhe g. Ed d ree set l Jessn.h to;&
wf as well lol lol OPP F. It was
Da bbgjw at kaww we we we a.g
@@lockhart1895 N! ]
@@lockhart1895 omn
A fuelcell power station would be nice. Replace the nat gas ones.
Will the Hydrogen be transported by diesel semis?
How much will all cost the station operators and the END USERS?
Good Luck. Speed is the essence to prevent Major Disasters world wide. Will this technology(s) be accepted and flourish throughout the global economies?
It was a great innovation from Hyundai with a hydrogen vehicle ;o)
He's speaking very clear English. I impressed.
Hyundai is a real leader in technology and clean advance for us humans in a society seeking reconciliation with the environment and nature. Thank you ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
This made me want a Hyundai car😍🤩
Great presentation ! Unlike any other bussiness presentations, it was innovative and interesting one.
Fantastic approach by Hyundai-Kia
체어맨이 체어에서 일어났다는 건 그만큼 진심이라는 것. 나이스 현대.
Bravo Hyundai
Likee garantido parabéns top demais!
wow Hyundai
the electrokinetic streaming effect using nanomaterials can make #hydrogen from #water at zero cost
Cheer! Hydrogen era.
Long Beach without Diesel fumes would be great.
Battery electric vehicles are a stopgap “until fuel cell vehicles take hold.”
Yes. Fuel cell vehicles will take hold because oil companies will support them using their existing business model - the same one they have for gasoline and diesel filling stations. Those who remain unconvinced should heed the words of Angela Needle:
“Efficiency is not the only value driver for a working energy system, you’ve got to look at resilience - is the energy always there when we need it? We’ve got to look at consumer behavior and needs - the cost of disruption of getting everybody to install an electric solution over hydrogen. Is it worth it and does it get us [to net zero] at the pace we need?”
Well done boss!
You can save 6 bil tons/yr by 2050 with hydrogen fuel but you can save much much more by not eating meat and dairy💜 Animal farming contributes multiple times more to global warming than the transportation industry as a whole. So lets be compassionate, healthier and make the world a better place for our children
So, almost 70 years after the
first Hydrogen powered engine
was invented and subsequently
banned by the Oil Companies
for being far too economical,
only now they want to allow it.
Biermann for president :D
I bet BMW, Audi, VW, Mercedes & Porsche are all looking at him and thinking “Traitor”!
Saw 6 Nexos at one dealer last week. Think he is collecting them.
This is awesome
Hyundai should work on CRETA FUEL CELL varient.
25:01 Esto es verdad o es un sueño?
tiembla toyota
Hyundai FCEV Wave
Net Zero Emissions Solutions
Ride The Wave For Life
Just be careful... Toyota Mirai project fail because it cost more than 10 time as much to put up a hydrogen stations even with heavy subsidies as opposed to an electric charging station.. in the end you may have the best vehicles available that goes nowhere fast...
liquid hydrogen to catalytic converter to fuel cell
so simple
Google, "where does hydrogen come from"...
현대의 미래를 지지합니다.
The biggest cause of hydrogen cost is that WE TRANSPORT HYDROGEN BY TRUCKS, IT IS EXPENSIVE. Just try to avoid to transport hydrogen by trucks, then hydrogen will be very cheap. It means that NEED TO PRODUCE HYDROGEN ON SITES (WHERE FILLING HYDROGEN), OR TRANSPORT HYDROGEN BY PIPE LINES.
So we need to make 1 or 4 modifications :
1/ Distributed hydrogen production on sites : hydrogen filling stations should be equipped with electrolysers, so hydrogen filling stations can produce hydrogen on sites from electricity outlets, instead of just receiving hydrogen from other places. Thus avoid problem cost of transfer hydrogen by trucks. Besides, nets of electrolysing hydrogen filling stations are ideal solution/market for intermittent renewable energy.
It is new worldwide coming hydrogen distribution approach, so it opens markets of mobile small sized electrolysers. Electrolysers are not so expensive for hydrogen filling stations.
2/ Use compressed gas hydrogen batteries with mini household electrolysers/mini mobile electrolysers : small mobility vehicles/mobility machines/mobility robots/mobility drones …, will use hydrogen gas batteries (hydrogen gas battery =hydrogen fuel cell + compressed hydrogen gas ballon 200-300 bar). And each of these mobility machines can be sold with mini home electrolysers, so that owners can produce to fill hydrogen at homes (charge hydrogen batteries at home). Hydrogen ballon 300bar is enough, so that hydrogen battery 300bar(fuel cell +hydrogen ballon 300bar) can guarantee more energy capacity than best lithium batteries, and it guarantees that the size of hydrogen battery 300bar is not remarkable bigger than lithium battery of equivalent energy capacity. Of course 700bar allows more hydrogen storages, liquid hydrogen allows more hydrogen storage. But for hydrogen batteries, gas hydrogen ballons 300 bar are enough for balance of performance-capacity-size-energy convertion ratio-ballon material-simplicity.
Hydrogen batteries 300bar + mini mobile electrolysers are ideal for two-wheel vehicles/small cars/small robots/drones and for trend of hydrogen mobility devices anywhere (easy to operate anywhere and easy to charge anywhere with electricity). Even very most simple hydrogen battery 300 bar (simple hydrogen battery 300bar =fuel cell+hydrogen ballon 300bar) outperforms against best lithium batteries by all feature : better capacity, smaller weight, more power, no limit lifespan, no degradation, quick recharge, no fearing cold temperature, and size is just little noremarkable bigger than size of lithium battery.
3/ hydrogen batteries for big station energy storage : Independent hydrogen batteries (hydrogen fuel cell + compressed hydrogen ballons > 300bar) + independent electrolyser is best variant. when excess energy, then run independent electrolyser. When need electricity, then run independent fuel cell. And intrigued working mechanism between independent fuel cell and independent electrolyser. That is all ! No complex automatic control system.
4/ hydrogen filling stations need to prefer using hydrogen pipe line than transporting hydrogen by trucks.
5/ The fundamental science dictates essential truth advantages of hydrogen.
Science : if a chemical energy storage mechanism is charged as quick as producing hydrogen, then this mechanism PRACTICALLY CANNOT HAVE ENERGY CONVERTION RATIO BETTER THAN ELECTROLYSIS PROCESS. Besides, it is possible to adjust electrolysis reaction speed to get energy convertion ratio of electrolysis better than any chemical batteries. The best one of all possible chemical batteries in earth conditions is HYDROGEN BATTERY. All revolutions of chemical batteries, lithium batteries, LFP batteries, LTO batteries, graphene batteries .. are for reaching to the features of hydrogen batteries
Let me tell you how serious South Korea is about Hydrogen Energy not only vehicle but power source within our daily life by using all electronics. One of leading provinces in South Korea already produces electric from Hydrogen generator covers 60% usage for the whole province! Anyway they only use minimum chemical process you pointed out which is 10-15% now. they have a leading technology uses leftover from factories producing daily products for people in the country. Therefore, literality a scientist said it is 85-90% emission free recycling system TODAY, 10-15% is for the chemical procedures, and they keep improving the system for 100% recycling. For battery, on the other hand, extracting battery resources produces terrible emissions to air and water and it will end up bring more disasters to our life. Hyundai Motor is just a small part of the whole Hydrogen industries in South Korea.
hydrogen transport through drone
What about big brother HR-Sherpa?
The promise of hydrogen falls apart on the cliffs of Cost, underlined by the reality imposed by the Laws of Physics. Facts: $2.5 million for a hydrogen fueling station versus $84,000 for a gas station with four pumps. $84,000 to produce a hydrogen car with a Hyundai sales price of $60,000 ... reminding me of the Saturday Night Live skit "The Change Store" where the store makes up for it in volume. Sell to many, and Hyundai goes bankrupt!. Hydrogen cars are only about 30% as efficient as EV cars ... dictated by the Laws of Physics. Hydrogen cars are mechanically and electrically more complex, requiring much higher maintenance costs for the life of the car versus EV cars. Without tremendously large and ongoing subsidies for hydrogen cars, they'll never be manufactured in larger numbers than EVs. By 2030, Hyundai plans to produce 500,000 hydrogen cars a year... yet Tesla is already producing over 1,000,000 EVs a year. Unless Hyundai has a way of changing the laws of physics, they should exit the hydrogen car market as soon as they can find that exit door!!!
Hy und AI
HR-쉐르파 형님이 빠졌네ㅋㅋ
Mein Gott, wer ist denn da der Marketing Chef?
Inhaltlich alles top, aber wie das rüber kommt😅
Machts mal bitte etwas cooler🙏
Die Mega-Technik in der Pipeline, aber das Video hat den selben Charme, wie diese Videos im Baumarkt, in denen Fliesenkleber oder Holraumdübel promoted werden.
Ich empfehle den Verantwortlichen, sich mal mit offenen Augen vor den Ioniq 5 zu stellen, das EV auf sich wirken zu lassen und dann dieses Video zu schauen😜
You should if DELETED Russia on your map. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
분명히 신선한 내용이고 참고할 내용이 많지만 조회수가 작다. PR에 문제가 있다. 내용 화면 구성이 너무 정형적이다. 우리가 회사에서 보는 그런 동일한 방식.. 이러니 좋은 기술을 선전해도 일부 산업 관계자만 보게 되는거다. 관광공사가 한것과 같이 좀더 젊은이들이 쉽게 접근할수 있도록 바꾸어야 마케팅이 되고 미래고객을 확보하지 않을까? 머스크가 사람 로봇으로 사기치더라도 더 재미있지 않은가? 전문적인 내용도 좋지만 좀더 젊은이들이 흥미를 가지고 보고 입소문이 나도록해야 실제로 보고 현대차에 대한 기대를 가지고 미래어 고객이 되지 않을까? 정말 마케팅 부분의 물갈이가 필요하다고 보인다. 현대의 유튜브 채널이 겨우 만명대라... 이건 마케팅 재앙이고 너무 올드하다.
광고 홍보비 투자 만큼 R&D에 투자하고 품질도 안전 했으면...현재 문제되고 있는 스마트 스트림 엔진문제, 전기차 화재건 부터 해결 하셔야죠?? 수소차도 결함 문제 터지면 미국과 다르다고 소비자 기만 하실 겁니까?? 소비자는 연구원님들의 노력은 인정 합니다만...차 판매 후 제조사의 적극적인 결함 인정 후속 조취 좀 잘해 주시기를...지금 정부와 국토부 원청과 협력사 관계 강성 노조원이 있는 한 어렵다고봅니다...
누가보면 해결 안하는줄 알겠네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@@nxt9251 해결 중인데 아직도 서비스 받아야 하는 차가 많다는게 사실!!!
@@이충열-f5e 그건 다른 차량 회사도 똑같다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@@이충열-f5e 니 말을 믿겠냐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 차알못아 현까 하지말고 드라마나 봐라 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Nice intro, but I lost interest when he started talking about man made global warming….
Hydrogen is feasible anywhere because
1/ The current best hydrogen transfer method : hydrogen pipe lines.
Have glimpse on real checked practise : Russia uses pipelines for gas transfer to europe, and they gets significant advantages against all other players in the natural gas markets.
Hydrogen is a little more complex than natural gases for pipelines, but formally complex only. In fact, HYDROGEN CAN BE MORE EASIER AND PROFITABLE THAN NATURAL GASES FOR PIPELINES.
You can use very cheep materials for hydrogen pipelines in areas of no dense people, for example PVC materials, any cheap plastic material, many cheap composite material, or even Coca Cola bottle plastic materials, .. . I can confidently say that intercontinental hydrogen pipelines are not more expensive than natural gas pipelines, and even very probaly remarkable cheaper than natural gas pipelines.
Because hydrogen has the following features for pipelines :
* hydrogen is not toxic. So hydrogen leak does not affect biological and environment
* hydrogen is very lightweight and dispensed. Hydrogen quickly dispenses in air when hydrogen leaks gradually. It is not so easy to randomly collect hydrogen to proper concentration condition for exloring.
* hydrogen explosion explores very high temperatures, but DOES NOT MECHANICALLY DESTRUCTIVE. It is very important feature easying hydrogen pipelines design/construction. Because hydrogen firing mechanism DOES NOT CREATE INCREASING AUCUSTIC WAVES. For example, a gas explosion can destruct some houses nearby, but hydrogen explosion does not destroy houses nearby. The other example is the famous hydrogen digirible Hinderburg firing in the past (cause is not hydrogen), it is very clearly in that acident that when hydrogen firing, explosion did not destroy other objects nearby, people even ran nearby the hydrogen firing.
So cheap plastic/PVC/HDPE/composite material can be used for hydrogen pipelines in no densed people areas. Hydrogen can leak through these cheap materials, but leaked hydrogen is just accepted natural transfer process loss, which does not harm environment/people and does not create risk of DESTRUCTIVE EXPLOSIONS.
I checked to transfer hydrogen through very popular standard long tubes (popular water pipes) for some long time durability. I checked to store hydrogen even in big Coca Cola bottle for long time durability. LEAKS OF COURSE EXISTS, NO VERY SMALL LOSS, EVEN I CAN NOT FEEL LOSS. NO ANY PROBLEMS ! . And i tried some intensives acts inducing explosions nearby hydrogen transfer tubes to check the possibility leaked hydrogen explosions, but no any explosions/firing. That is why i very confident that even hydrogen pipelines are simple and much cheap, JUST ACCEPT SOME HYDROGEN LOSS AS NORMAL NOHARMFUL TRANSFER PROCESS LOSS. Natural gas leaks is not allow because natural gas is toxic, but in various cases hydrogen leak is allowed.
2/ If pipelines not available, then the hybrid transfer method : hydrogen production on site. Need electric lines of course.
3/ If pipelines not available, and electric lines not available, then the third method is hydrogen ammonia way transportation.