2:06 Can't tell why opponent didn't summon Reinoheart... Having Destrudo (Foolish burial later on) & Revolution Syncrhon (Used as material for Chimera) meant lvl 8, enough to push for lethal... And you gave opponent a chance to summon it again by destroying Kaleido (Opponent sent it, but didn't activate, maybe I'm missing a lock or something?) Also, shuffling Poison with Kaleido... No need to pop potential follow up if you win that turn
2:06 Can't tell why opponent didn't summon Reinoheart... Having Destrudo (Foolish burial later on) & Revolution Syncrhon (Used as material for Chimera) meant lvl 8, enough to push for lethal... And you gave opponent a chance to summon it again by destroying Kaleido (Opponent sent it, but didn't activate, maybe I'm missing a lock or something?)
Also, shuffling Poison with Kaleido... No need to pop potential follow up if you win that turn
Opponent made many mistakes