I always feel a little bit sad, when a new upload drops and I can't see Mr. Strimmer's angry gaelic face in the first few minutes. So I always skip ahead a bit, to see if he will actually show up later, before restarting the video.
You asked how is Kaito in an average game? I play kaito quite a bit and he's really good as long as long as you aren't behind on the board. He seems to be something the opponent dumps resources into to remove. I've had many games where the opponent is so afraid of the ultimate they will attack him multiple turns in a row while I peck away at their lifetotal. At his worst as long g as he doesn't eat a removal spell he loots, or he just churns out ninja each turn. At the his best he takes over a game.
Creature Gandalf
The match against Golgari boy was pretty cool 😎
I always feel a little bit sad, when a new upload drops and I can't see Mr. Strimmer's angry gaelic face in the first few minutes. So I always skip ahead a bit, to see if he will actually show up later, before restarting the video.
watch him live... he always has cam off while setting up like a normal person
Sick deck!
it would be a good idea to play Stormchaser's Talent with This Town Ain't Big Enough, this is for me the best combo of blue card in strandard
more mono blue please love it
You asked how is Kaito in an average game? I play kaito quite a bit and he's really good as long as long as you aren't behind on the board. He seems to be something the opponent dumps resources into to remove. I've had many games where the opponent is so afraid of the ultimate they will attack him multiple turns in a row while I peck away at their lifetotal. At his worst as long g as he doesn't eat a removal spell he loots, or he just churns out ninja each turn. At the his best he takes over a game.