U know j did had a point, they could've had a holiday like MLK TO 4TH OF JULY & second they could've had MARVEL SUPERPOWERS like they did n SUPERMAN IN BLACK & I was hoping that they wouldn't have to erase their memories on this very last episode cause this could change everything
j's name is j, not jay. k's name is k, not kay. z's name is z, not zed. L's name is L, not elle. M's name is m, not em. u's name is u, not you, yu, yew, yoo, or any other variety.
Who knew how great actually is?.)
U know j did had a point, they could've had a holiday like MLK TO 4TH OF JULY & second they could've had MARVEL SUPERPOWERS like they did n SUPERMAN IN BLACK & I was hoping that they wouldn't have to erase their memories on this very last episode cause this could change everything
K basically on marvel hero level already the man can block psychic attacks just by shutting off his thoughts hes op
j's name is j, not jay.
k's name is k, not kay.
z's name is z, not zed.
L's name is L, not elle.
M's name is m, not em.
u's name is u, not you, yu, yew, yoo, or any other variety.