I’m certain that, if I spoke Korean, I would learn that So Hee has a great sense of humour. She always seems to manage to get a few laughs out of her audience, and is a confident and fluent public speaker.
Wow!.. UniverseTraDiva Ms. Song So Hee an educator with excellence as well!.. wonderfulness of promoting+sharingRecognitions with others truly a remarkable character.., keep up the awesomeness motivations ya!.. appreciativeThanks 2aGenius & cheers!.. 😀😀
Thanks you so much for explaining the differences So Hee-ssi. I was so confused when I tried to search 국악 in the internet. Hope you will do many videos like this in the future and perhaps ask some of the singers you mentioned will make guest appearances. 많이 감사합니다 ☺️.
Sunday greetings again Wendy Upasena!.. thanks 4liking, it's the complete video of what our UniverseTraDiva Ms. Song So Hee uses @2:48 in this[Off The SONG] ya!.. btw, views speedRun seems tortoising from what use2be!.. pls assist & calling every1 too!.. Let's all out along with astounding consistency+awesomeness of UniverseTraDiva's efforts @Song So Hee Official!.. gratefulness appreciations in harmony 4her touchingWonderfulness to Billions&Billions of lives ya!.. cheers!.. 😀😀
Always inspiring, pretty and passionate Song So Hee-shi, I support you! 🥰🌺 I'll study Korean hard so that I can understand you well.😊 Saranghae! from your fan from the Philippines💖
UniverseTraDiva Ms. Song So Hee have done even more wonderfully personal than recently what's in my bag ya!.. @Song So Hee, we can see a video she invites into her house ya!.. theGreat Tao says: know the children, keep intact with the mother!..(seeing the naturalCharisma she inherits). Oh ya!.. she didn't introduce her sister though!.. enjoy the loveable familyEnviro of loves, loving & loved all!.. gratefulnessThanking the parents & cheers!.. 😀😀
Hehehehehe!.. it's great suddenly there's translation.. generouslyGive leeway still!.. UniverseTraDiva Ms. Song So Hee clearly sings @hightenMindfulness plus +ve effects of sensesConnectability, impactful2viewers with meaningfulMastery than those basic translations ya!.. had fun laughingGaga though!.. 😅 Appreciations 2theGenius with accuracy beyond languages, gratefulness to all supports thanks & cheers in lovingKindness!.. 😇😀
The laughs definitely nonePooh of UniverseTraDiva/@Song So Hee Official/SH Foundation/the videos/utube ya!.. it's just happens worldWidely at literalBasics translation, the wordExcellence plus it's energyCriterion from the originLanguage tends being 'avg' in translation as naturalEasy simplest2describe chosen ya!.. Sincerest apologies with thankfulness realizing this matter & lovingKindness cheers!.. 😁😀
Apr6,22(entered apr8th)- allForms of sincerityGiving(withoutFires of descendingNature) are great, greater stillMagnanimously: 1phrase of ascendedGoodnesses which theReceiver becomesSeparately ofEmos &realizesVirtues ya!.. wonderful midWeek in happiness cheers!.. 😀😀
We're allFamiliar with saying 'keepingHalf of theBargain', this isWhat dangerouslyDescending ya!.. inTruthfulness: Give ourAll(ascendedGoodnesses) as loveBinds!.. soThat, whenRelationships dissolves, ourAll too @Ease within the gracePeriod orElse a periodForever isStill within eachOther's graces holdingHalf ofBargain right!.. copyrightMatter, selling(hahahahahaha!..😅 someSays selling country) orWhatever inAgreeableness @Point areAll of thisNature cheers!.. 😀😀
강의가 귀에 쏙쏙 들어오고, 이해가 참 잘 되네요. 국악의 매력을 더 알려주시면 좋겠어요. 국악이 팝송처럼 될 때까지 세계화로 대중화 되길 기원합니다. 항상 응원합니다.
헤.. 짧고 굵게 정리되었네요!! 덕분에 국악이 종류가 어떤지 알 수 있었던 유익한 컨텐츠였어요 ^^
소희쯰 가르침에 감격하여.. 엄마 앞에서 경기민요와 남도민요에 차이를 알려주다가 등짝 맞았어요.. 배움의 길은 멀고도 험하네요 쥬륵.. 다음 기악편도 기다리겠습니다 소리면 소리 외모면 외모 ! 쵝오
공쥬님이 국악 알려주면 좋겠다는 생각 했었는데 작은 소원이 이루어졌네요 공쥬님때문에 국악에 관심이 생겼는데 이런 영상 좋아요 ♡
당신의 목소리는 환상적이네요. Amazing🌹👌 감사합니다
송소희도 화이트 블랙 잘 어울린다🙂
초등임용을 준비하고 있는데 국악 여러 곡을 검색했더니 알고리즘이 떴나봐요ㅋㅋㅋ 영상 재밌게 봤습니다 감사합니당!! 그래도 국악은 여전히 어렵네요ㅠㅠ
제가 대중적인 남도소리에 익숙해져 있어서 소희님의 소리가 새롭게 느껴졌었나봐요!
다양한 창법을 소희님 버전으로 들을 수 있어서 더 머리에 쏙쏙~
소희님 그래서 🍲샤브샤브 드셨나요 ㅋㅋ 네일 컬러 넘 예뻐요💅🏻💕
10년동안 혼자 알아봐도 머리에 안들어 오던 것을 5분 만에 깔끔하게 정리 되었어요!
완전 팬입니다. 비슷하세 흉내라도 내보고싶어 경기민요도 배우기도 했어요. Keep going sohee
슨상님 쉬운설명 감사하요♡
너무 좋은 내용이었어요.
감사합니다 😊
아니 너무 쏙쏙 들어와여!! 국악을 자세히 들여다본 적은 없었지만 송소희 님, 이희문 님 무대를 좋아했었는데 모두 같은 경기민요를 전공하셨다는 게 신기하네요~~
동부민요도 있습니다
태백산맥 이동지역인 함경도.강원도.경상도지방을 중심으로 생성ㆍ전승되어온 노래로써.호방하면서도민초들의 애환과 정서를가장잘표현하고 있으며,메나리토리라고하는독특한음계구조를갖고 있다.2010년 6월28일 델픽세계무형문화재로 지정되었고,박수관명창(대구시무형문화재제19호동부민요예능보유자)에 의해 전승되고 있습니다.
설명하면서 시현하는 모습 너무 귀엽습니다.덕분에 국악에 대해 조금이나마 알게돼서 기쁨니다.
풍류대장보고 국악에 눈을 떴는데 이렇게 기본을 이해쉽게 알려주시니 국악에 한층 더 가까워진 기분이에요! 감사합니다🥰
친근감 돋는 목소리👏👏👏
너무 귀여워서 어떡해진짜...? 너무 사랑스러워서 어뜩하냐고
이거는 모자 그리고 가수 입니까
이것은 선생님 그 모자입니다!
소희님 입덕하고 내가 국악을 좋아할 수 있는 사람이구나 알게 돼서 넘 기뻐요!!♡
I’m certain that, if I spoke Korean, I would learn that So Hee has a great sense of humour. She always seems to manage to get a few laughs out of her audience, and is a confident and fluent public speaker.
Watch her revivalOdolttogi @KBS Entertain.. the video with 5:39 length ya!.. tqvm!.. & cheers!.. 😀
가르치시는 모습이 너무나 사랑스러워요 😍 💕
잘 배우고 가요
영상이 짧아서 아쉽
국악 트리, 간단하네요^^
덕분에 잘 알았습니다. Thanks~
Wow!.. UniverseTraDiva Ms. Song So Hee an educator with excellence as well!.. wonderfulness of promoting+sharingRecognitions with others truly a remarkable character.., keep up the awesomeness motivations ya!.. appreciativeThanks 2aGenius & cheers!.. 😀😀
강의 고마워요! 요점 정리가 잘
소희양 찐빵모자 베리굿굿~~ ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 두우우 두우우 두우우 두우우~~ ^_^
Beautiful girl and Beautiful voice !!
Thanks you so much for explaining the differences So Hee-ssi. I was so confused when I tried to search 국악 in the internet. Hope you will do many videos like this in the future and perhaps ask some of the singers you mentioned will make guest appearances.
많이 감사합니다 ☺️.
Watch her revivalOdolttogi @KBS Entertain.. the video with 5:39 length ya!.. tqvm!.. & cheers!.. 😀
Sunday greetings again Wendy Upasena!.. thanks 4liking, it's the complete video of what our UniverseTraDiva Ms. Song So Hee uses @2:48 in this[Off The SONG] ya!.. btw, views speedRun seems tortoising from what use2be!.. pls assist & calling every1 too!.. Let's all out along with astounding consistency+awesomeness of UniverseTraDiva's efforts @Song So Hee Official!.. gratefulness appreciations in harmony 4her touchingWonderfulness to Billions&Billions of lives ya!.. cheers!.. 😀😀
송소희님 덕분에 잘 배우고 갑니다~~!
소희여신님 좋은정보 감사해요..송소희님 골때리는 그녀들 출연했음 좋겠다 왠지 축구잘할듯 좋은주말 소희얼굴처럼 예쁜하루되세요 지나가는 오빠겸 삼춘팬이 사랑해요 💜
천사소희가 가르쳐주니 머리에 쏙쏙 들어오네♡ 귀여워 궈여워!
서도민요와 판소리의 카테고리가 좀 헷갈렸는데 쉽게 설명을 해주시네요. 그나저나 송소희양 진짜 이쁘네요.. ㅠㅠ
그래서 국악이 뭐에요??
재밌게 잘 봤습니다~^^
저 꼭 내년에 수시원서접수 끝나면 국악배울거에요 누님 배우기전에 꼭 올게요 누님 항상응원하고 사랑합니다 ㅎㅎ❤ 천안고2 안현진 드림
많은 도움이 됐습니다 감사합니다~☆
정가랑 서도소리랑 장르나 곡은 다르지만 부르는 창법(?)이나 부를 때 목소리나 기교가 뭔가 비슷한 것 같은데 서도소리랑 정가랑 노래 부를 때 목 쓰는 방법이 같은가요??
같이 작업했던 안예은가수는 어느쪽에 속하는 창법인가요? 소희님 덕분에 국악에 이제막 관심 가지기 시작헀습니다
지대한 ㅎ 공 이 있지요 송소희친구가요~~~ !!
Always inspiring, pretty and passionate Song So Hee-shi, I support you! 🥰🌺 I'll study Korean hard so that I can understand you well.😊 Saranghae! from your fan from the Philippines💖
국악에 예전부터 관심이 너무 많았습니다.
딸 아이가 국악을 공부를 해보면 좋지않을까 하고 정보를 찾다가 영상을 접하게 되었네요!!
너무 유익한 영상입니다.
요즘은 바쁘셔서 그런지 영상이 업로드가 안되는데 기다리겠습니다~~^^ 감사합니다!!
Replied uYesterday @1:49pm friend!.. since it's during disappearingComments period, entersAgain hereOn sep17'22(4:26pm) asFollows: Ur daughter enjoysTo sing friend!.. exploring kidsTalents requiresUs beingSupportive evenOn optionsWe're notKeen exposingThem to cheers!.. 😀😀
1:50 에서 시작
국악하는 젊은이, 참 보기 좋네요. 구독과 좋아요 누질 하고 갑니다!ㅎㅎ
좋다 , 조아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 넘 대박 ~~ 좋아요가 4 개 줍니당 ~!
꺅 이런영상 너무좋아요!! >♡
모자 되게 귀엽네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
06:18 😂😍💘
송소희 천재적인 노래 만개하라
GrandeurBravo diversityGifted UniverseTraDiva Ms. Song So Hee!.. 😀😀
Jun28th'22- We always saysThanks even4 courtesySake orIntrigues inMind @times right ya!.., inSuch, betterKeeps ourThanks really!.. soThat theOther whomBeing givers, theirSelves be thankful in ascendedGoodnesses gratitudes ofThankfulness 4theOpportunities areMuch moreWorthy!.. Truest thanksOf heartsAre brillianceLuminary cheers!.. 😀😀
쏙 들어옵니다.
UniverseTraDiva Ms. Song So Hee have done even more wonderfully personal than recently what's in my bag ya!.. @Song So Hee, we can see a video she invites into her house ya!.. theGreat Tao says: know the children, keep intact with the mother!..(seeing the naturalCharisma she inherits). Oh ya!.. she didn't introduce her sister though!.. enjoy the loveable familyEnviro of loves, loving & loved all!.. gratefulnessThanking the parents & cheers!.. 😀😀
사라바 라바우루요 마타쿠루마데와 ~
트롯으로. 빠지지말고 국악을 지켜주시길
Can't revsUr comment friend!.. again,Everywhere translate toKorean.. plsAssist speedilyEveryone cheers!.. 😀😀
Oh!.. todayIs theMid summerNight concert LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘
FullAlbum_1stEP: 🤣🤣Last songTuh theIdea cameTime ManjaSweetheart 🥵sosCilikan🥵 SeobangNim cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
DharmaWulan replied: 😅😅keranaInduknya terdahuluBukan pengamal ya!.. beradikBeradik guaKiranya keturunanPengamal_Setia!.. segelintirMungkirin ituAdalah keranaDidedah terimaIdea tidakApa sedangkanLeluhur moyangMengariskan tidakSamasekali cheers!.. 😀😀
024apr16(Mohenjodaro, finishingComment): 😅😅evenBoth sunflowerSeeds & pumpkinSeeds wereSaid ofNorth America/Mexico origination, believesThose twoSomehow alreadyBeing enjoyedIn Mohenjodaro then cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#103 of178: Paritta ofLoving_Kindness alwaysGreatest ya!.. simplerTo understandsSince theTime of Bhaisajyaguru himself thenNoah followedBy Joseph afterThat wasMoses tillGautama tooThe principleStill: Attanam rakkhantoParam rakkhatiParama rakkhantoAttanam rakkhati cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank94: 🤣🤣that'sWhy!.. ifHave identicalTwins mustGrows themTogether ya!.. nvrNever mumTake1 dadTake1, it'sTake both orNone cheers!.. 😀😀 *😅😅onLater partOf (iHave aLover) Baek Seok's diSergah by trueCorrect YongGi atHospital cheers!.. 😀😀
024apr16(beginningPhrase commentAt Ost4Ruler:Owner of theMask): 😅😅overA_Mth this HwaGun videoBeen unluckyAs eachTime wannaBonus with UniverseTraDiva's (SONG So Hee) accumulativelyComments itDisappears ya!.. currentlyBatch asFollows...
Rank87 vid(i) replied: Meaning TVChosun theTAO master friend!.. 😅😅thoseWho suddenlyLaughs outAloud, then... cheers!.. 😀😀
024apr16(FB's, backBrowsed toMay29'17 postUpdate): 😅😅everyAfter_MN runs SeobangNim didn'tMention atACC'23 video punTau!.. whenThe partWhere 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest wasAttentively lookingAt the faceOf herRight_Hand, she'sSpotting where's Halby's moleOn theSame rightThat ManjaSweetheart regularlyKisses &🤣atChances🤣 Nih_BiniNih even gentlyBites it cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Ghost ofMirror subsequentlyReply: 😅😅myLast replyTo uEarlier didn'tGet through friend ya!.. 🤣🤣asIf theWife isGuarding, noOther womanBeing mentioned cheers!.. 😀😀
Mohenjodaro @2:19:59- caretakerOf Mohenjodaro facingNatural disasters ya!.. similarlyFrm ancientTime forVolcanoes🌋 in Indonesia, traditionallyContinuous theMbahs penjagaGunung cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#104 of178: 😅😅living lifeAccept_Sahaja also notRight ya!.. perWhat's enteredIn previousStories mealsPer ourBodies responsesTo nourishmentsWhat moreIn allergiesAs noneOf usSame right!.. 🤣🤣definitelyNot rightToo ifVegetarianism broughtUpon constantlySupplements needTill thereWas in theNews thatSome1 wasSwallowing >60s' pillsCapsules& softGels as dailyMaintenance cheers!.. 😀😀
024apr15(pm, fB'sAt Apr16'17 postUpdate): Halby!..😘😘 daughtersClings toAppaChek muchMore ya!.. 🤣🤣bCoz theyCan sensedBeing treatedSo soSo verySo adoringly thanMamiMoni kaa cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Rank75: 🤣🤣Fall inLove(RakutenViki) hasAn interestingScene wherebyThe fatherTeaches theSon thatWe don'tHave toMake ourWoman believesUs, makesThem justFear ya!.. 😅😅well, dadChekChek saysWhatever ofFears we'llNvr knowsOf theRebound energiesNor whenThe turningStarts really!.. sincerelyLoves firstThen sheBelieves henceFear itselfSaid goodBye cheers!.. 😀😀
🤣🤣commentsDisappearances nasibLah cheers!.. 😀😀 *scatteredly someVideos justWouldn't appears ya!..
024apr15(FB's atPost Aug11'17): 🤣🤣 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest's wasLaughing to SeobangNim withComment atBigFish_Begonia ya!..😘😘😘 YeoboOppa: 😳whatIs_It!.. 🤣🤣SoHee sawNaked boyOn motorcycleAs Halby saidOnly withSpender afterSchool tillDusk cheers!..😘😘
024apr15: apartOf reallyEnjoys bigFishBegonia!.. 😅😅theHoster AngelineLam gaveAll theJoys rememberingAn Uncle_Lam whoCame byFor rubberEstate's guidancesFrm dadChekChek ya!.. weOwns bicyclesSo b4He leavesGiving me20-30mtrs motorbikeRides wasAwesome cheers!.. 🥳🥳
NoMilk_Today subsequentlyReplied: 🤣🤣that'sHow muchFun isLiving (asKids) theAdults livesOf thePast thatWe thoughtExists couldHave beenUs ifWe're alwaysGood mumNyanya says cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank53 subsequentlyReplied: Dun buatMulla thatHer SeobangNim lagiMula memangPuts thumbsDown onThose comments cheers!.. 😀😀
Mohenjodaro reply: 😅😅nakedDacing girlOf Mohenjodaro!.. ofCoz ifThere is1With correctnessVision penetrationVia theArtifact cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#105 of178: Great ideaThe_Master describeAs Spiritual_Wealthiness ya!.. 😅😅similarTo theStory ofHolding 🥕Carrot toHeaven, anyMoment ifThere's flickerWhereby reversalSincereness, 🤣virtuesOf theCarrot🤣 (Danas) wholesomenessToo fadeCongruency ofFairness& fateFavourableness cheers!.. 😀😀
024apr14(pm, fB'sAt May6'17 postUpdate): earlierWe 😋ateAt😋 Bao_Chu(Tampin) while enRoute MacapUmboo to kenangKenangan TuaEe_Pong ya!.. 😅😅sheBecame bothSide's relativesBy anUncle's marriageAnd alsoAmong mumNyanya's bestFriend duringYoung!.. 🤣🤣what'sFun was ManjaSweetheart jokesSaying SeobangNim thinksLike luncheoningWith theGreat Bao Zheng hereRight cheers!.. 🥳🥳
024apr14(FB's, atPost ofAug25'17): 😅😅Sunday todayUpon waking SeobangNim plays geliGeli withNih_BiniNih ManjaSweetheart SoHee_ya!..😘😘😘 😁😁wowWOW!.😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest's responseSenses justLike weGot marriedMarriage exactly!..😘😘😘 plus, sheCompletes itWith mostAdorable peacefulnessSmile only aWifely blessednessHeart's ofUs_Union can setForth cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Rank37 subsequentlyReplies:- ii.toThe13th: what'sThat gotTo_Do with humansAchieving just aMoment u've saidEarlier friend ya!.. 😅😅btw, without ascendedGoodnesses masteringThe_Hearts allEasily lostWherever!.. @1with Lord Avalokiteshvara, withoutLooking out theWindow theUniverses areWithin, withoutGoing placesAll experiencesAre naturallyWholesomeness cheers!.. 😀😀 i.toThe11th: 🤔 elaboratesPls friend!.. otherwise UniverseTraDiva's SeobangNim don'tAgree humansSince 300K yearsB4 tillUs nowIs aMoment ya!.. moreoverMomentarily areInstances inTime wherebyHumans canBe lostOf theSelves cheers!.. 😀😀
Raat Ka Nasha replied: 😅😅Why seeThin line friend!.. realnessReally thickWith truenessTruthfulness plusFaithfulness cheers!.. 😀😀
024apr13(pm, fB'sAt Aug10'17 postUpdate): 😅😅forThis weekend, okGood_Kancil SeobangNim did lilyGarden smellOf Cameron Highlands specially4 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest ya!..😘😘😘 🤣🤣theDog experienceStill dithers Halby!..😘😘 thisNampyeon's joysAlways when Nih_BiniNih on theLap cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
024apr13(fB'sAt Oct24'17 postUpdate): 😅😅with SeobangNim noAccess to English translation on TH-cam!.. allMost highlyAppreciated toAssist &Supports UniverseTraDiva's newerVideos atHer Butterfly_Icon channel ya!.. 🤣🤣Halby justBecame likeSpeech impairedFellow atThe moment cheers!.. 😀😀
Replied onMy_Own: Should beSame friend ya!.. bondedSince youngIt'll beJust theBody noMore!.. whateverOf ourSpirited samenessTogetherness exactnessExistingly ofUs still mumNyanya confirms cheers!.. 😀😀
024apr12(pm, fB'sAt Sep2'17 postUpdate): happyWeekend all!.. onTH-cam there's commentsDisappearances &translateTo English missing ya!.. 😅😅notSure ifIt's temporaryOr actuallyFeatures beenCategorizes asPremium cheers!.. 😀😀
Mohenjodaro @2:18:02- 😅😅So!.. floodsOf Mohenjodaro wasKinda Moses likeExperience forThose whomSurvives cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#107 of178: 😅😅theKing thatNever goesOut suddenlyWent outAlso noGood asHe seesFear!.. regardlessEmptiness orForm interactionsEnsures balance ya!.. whenGo seeing, retainsThe aweOf aChild soThat sensesOf experienceNeutralness assured inSelves weighingWisdom inJudgement cheers!.. 😀😀
024apr12(FB's, complete9s' atOct25'17 postUpdate): it'sGreat joyousnessWith familyTogetherness there'sJokes likeThe1 onApr8(justSaw againHere) &yesterday's(Tan_Seobang ofKorea) ya!.. 🤣🤣&2:15am thisMorning ManjaSweetheart respondedThere's manyOther hanboksWith longerKnot ties Halby!..😘😘 😅😅SoHee_ya!..😘😘😘 that1(theCloth material) firmsStand lah,All othersNicely restingDown cheers!.. 😀😀
024apr12(2:15a, video17 10 12 byBerdlePiri channel): theHanbok 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest!..😘😘😘 😅😅as SeobangNim sayingPulling theKnot nightlyAlmost, apartTo theRainy hereIt's lengthProvides superEasy pulls cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
024apr11(pm, fB'sAt May24'17 postUpdate): 😅😅Omma saidThe ChokaaSavvi moreLike it Halby!..😘😘 Tan_Seobang wasSpecifically her'sOnly soThat day 🤣macamAda menantuGatal sikit🤣 moJadi Korea's Tan_Seobang konon cheers!.. 😀😀
Determination ofGoodness cherishesSpotlessness ya!.. i.e noEvil canEnters this wonderfulWholesomeness heart!.. 😅😅withoutExcellence ofVirtues, theMind is theCulprit tellingWorse thanDevils really!.. stepsOf_Dignities, our mindsAre mostHonourable wifeOf theHeart thatLights andAbundances theSelves cheers!.. 😀😀
FromJun23rd,22- All ourKnowledges, strengths, powers &Wealths areServants to kindlinessWisdoms, goodnessCompassions &pervadingTruthfulness cheers!.. 😀😀
❤❤❤❤ ❤❤
국악인으로서 얘기합니다
Wonderful Wesak Blessedness toAll &families cheers!.. 😀😀
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhassa!.. 😀😀
FrmMay14th,22- 1stDuty inServicing othersAlways in aForm ofLove ya!.. withIt ourCompassion, kindness, sincerityGoodness hearts &Happiness shared.., howeverImperfectly areMiracles than performedPerfectly by othersIn seeing &Saying cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm Jun14'22- Highest orLow is notUs norStatus, thoughtsIn mind(+ve ascendedGoodnesses) determines1'sDivine cheers!.. 😀😀
Watching theMemoir ofColors backIn 2018/19orSo.., reallyAdmires(evenIt's by creativityOf dramaTeam) onHow the greatLady motherShin Saimdang groomsHer children ya!.. skills&Talents: usesFor right reasonsOnly, ifUse toLook down onOthers, betterOnes areWithout thatTalent atAll!.., weMust develop ascendedGoodnesses characters1st b4Our skills&Talents shiningTrue mastery cheers!.. 😀😀
으으움?! 영상 좋아요
Apr8,22(entered Apr9th)- dexterity, valour &Resourcefulness makesPeace even suchLion claws onA tree& theTree beaten theLion withIt's brokenBranches reconciles ya!.. opennessQualities inStrength ofSincerity alwaysLoved byOthers cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm May17th'22- Worldly wrongRight only1Who remembers ownFace b4Being bornKnows ya!.. gracesAttachment bySpirits, othersSmile when weCry @Born!.., justBe sure2Smile whenOthers cryingSeeing usLeaving theBody cheers!.. 😀😁😀
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ귀엽고 귀에 쏙쏙. ㅋㅋ
Frm May5th, 22- Every singleLife onEarth findsNothing moreDearest thanSelf right ya!.. nextLevel up: weConsummate self isSelflessly towards everySingle lifeOn earth cheers!.. 😀😀
Mar31,2022(entered on aprilFools')- asks&answers!.., we'reAll inaccurate silentReaders ya!..😅😅 plus, thoughtOf something awesomelyWell(ascendedGoodnesses) everyday!.. giving 2average/descending, we're noDifference ofOthers!.. we're allNicest &noneCan resistOur nicelyCharms cheers!.. 😀😀
#note: reading theMind when we/ppls give silence asAnswers ya!..😁😁
FrmJul12,22- AscendedGoodnesses 'truthAffections': doNot beConcerns ofReaction b4Utterances asSame counsel gets respectsFrm theGreat, toThose ofBaseness, weGivers got knocksEven ya!.. thoughSuitability must beMeasured, rampingUp truthfulness chancesLifts theBane inBasenesses really!.. henceAlways focus onHarmonies cheers!.. 😀😀
Happiest Chap Goh Mei CNY22 following century's mostWonderfully Valentine's ever cheers!.. 😄😄
Comment fromGhost of theMirror(1974) entered asFollows:- GrandeurBravo theShaw_Brothers!.. 😀 plus, @5:09- it'sGreat childhoodPractices beingTrained knee'Kweeing'(prostrate) regularlyTo ourParents ya!.. wonderfullyGesture: soLong weKnow2 lookUp toOthers(worthLooking_upTo), we'llNever beSo 'kongKam'(importanceWith) pride cheers!.. 😀😀
4.4.22(entered onApr6th)- ascendsIn purelyGood onlyPossible 2aLife of noBirth nor death ya!.. 4those whoStays, lifeIs(till bodyDie) cheers!.. 😀😀
From Jul2'22- Love everFlowering inUs prospersLives ya!.. Loving asMuch asWe canHave use ofOthers creates phantomLove whereGains &loyaltyEnds whenBenefits ceases areActs ofDefiance frmOur defeatedHearts(ofLove) really!.. life'sBlessings frmOur pureLoving heartsAre magnanimous4 what canEquivalency asCompensation inOvercoming othersWhilst masteringSelves towards all ascendedGoodnesses areGreatest loveGreatness enjoys byPurest untaintingHeart cheers!.. 😀😀
FrmMay16th'22- If we doBecomes the1Who knowsAwareness, it'sIntelligence leapInto heaven'sVault.., nvMind knows unAwareness asWe still bringsDonkeys 2Destinations ya!.. the1Forevermore inVirtues ofAscended goodnesses doublesWisdom inKindness neutralizesInterchangeably awareUnawareness are theLiberates freeIn perfectnessBlissful cheers!.. 😀😀
🎉🎉Joys!.. joysWelcoming fathers'Day Peoples!.. 😅😅Abonim says TanSeobang let'sGo hotBath cheers!.. 🥳🥳🎉🎊
FrmJuly13th'22- Embrace ascendedGoodnesses as 'theFittest' of theConcept 'survivalOf theFittest' ya!.. Moralism towards spiritualGreatness onlyPossible byThose beyondThinking ofHow to beingCompetitive or existencesInfluenced byCompetitions[theHeart's purityAlways sameThroughout!..(evenIf it's aPlay!)]. Free&Creative thoughtsRichly lovingKindness ofOthers areMost excellenceLiving conducts ofMorals cheers!.. 😀😀
가야금병창은 아예 빠졌네요😂
저희 딸 소이두 소희님 처럼 국악 알려주고 싶어요 어디서 부터 시작을 해야하나 모르겠어요
😅😅startsWith aTeacher lah friend cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm onMother'sDay(May8th,22)- We're easilyGoes with forsake+disband+compensate thinking howFree itFeels ya!.. governance ofMother nature itself nvrForsaken(takesCare everything) inMaintaining unityMaintenance ofFreedoms inUniverse.., timeToo inExistence 4us inFreeness correctsOurselves inLine of ascendedGoodnesses cheers!.. 😀😀
22Mar22- there's5 thatSurpasses ourCharities, meditativeMinds, moralitiesGoodness, relation/commsConducts &ourMortal-immortalBeing state ya!.. boundlessnessMerits mastering all5 cheers!.. 😀😀
#note: notStating itAs universally many religionsToo have5 creeds ya!.. mostCorrectness inTruthfulness wouldBe results of theSurpasses mentioned. 😇😇
Hehehehehe!.. it's great suddenly there's translation.. generouslyGive leeway still!.. UniverseTraDiva Ms. Song So Hee clearly sings @hightenMindfulness plus +ve effects of sensesConnectability, impactful2viewers with meaningfulMastery than those basic translations ya!.. had fun laughingGaga though!.. 😅 Appreciations 2theGenius with accuracy beyond languages, gratefulness to all supports thanks & cheers in lovingKindness!.. 😇😀
Clarifies: across utube videos when leastMatch of UniverseTraDiva's songs truthEnergy to lyrics ya!.. 😀
The laughs definitely nonePooh of UniverseTraDiva/@Song So Hee Official/SH Foundation/the videos/utube ya!.. it's just happens worldWidely at literalBasics translation, the wordExcellence plus it's energyCriterion from the originLanguage tends being 'avg' in translation as naturalEasy simplest2describe chosen ya!.. Sincerest apologies with thankfulness realizing this matter & lovingKindness cheers!.. 😁😀
Frm 22Jul22- Consciousness amBliss!.. winning pplsHearts areWonders ofLoving_Living weShould do ya!.. neverPerforms ruinousActs nor beDiscouraged byRuinous inOthers soThat we canInfluence ascendedGoodnesses are the twoMaxims whichWisely said: frmAll principles of those'Good' investigated, thisIs oneSupreme of aPerson cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank2 replied: 😅😅sayingSuch wayTampered theOther friend!.. asAlways meSays UniverseTraDiva overwrites_It withHer classGraces gracefulnessAbility thusOriginality her'sSame like Diva Andrea(theCorrs) forDreams cheers!.. 😀😀
Tampopo: 🤣🤣gosh!.. makingRamen soLike thatKaa!..🤣🤣 anyway,Me alreadyOk with MarukoChan's ramen cheers!.. 😀😀
BawangMerah_BawangPutih, @1:21:09- 🤣🤣berHari simpanNak tengokKan patungMenyengeh tuh!!.. 😅😅if McDonald's dahSampai siniTime tuhRuns katHappy_Meal toysSepanjang tahunAgak nyerInstead byWeekly cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#84 of180, @8:15- 🤣🤣nothing_Is leftBut ourLives heSaid ya!.. 😅😅that'sTelling theTreasures worthMore than hisLife!.. theDiamonds treasuresOf Buddhism isWithin cannotBe lostNor wrestledBy othersOr conqueredInto happenings cheers!.. 😀😀
Ascent theCircle reply: 😅😅uTalking theHands crossSectioning theHarp friend!.. inLaboratory weDo crossSections of unEven parts_In epoxyMoulded cups ya!.. thenPrecisionly crossSection cuts_It withDiamond wheelCutter immersed_In milkyCoolant fluidsOhh!.. 🤣🤣it'sReally wowBeauties whenConnectors heads&Tiny cablesAre beingSectioned!.. seeingThe goldPins &tinLead orCopper strandsUnder profileProjectors awesomelyLike galaxiesToo cheers!.. 😀😀
Happy Prince replies: i.😅😅theWay swallowSays (Tonight iGo toEgypt!.) itSame exactly sirRobert ya!.. differenceOnly, sirRobert of oldAge &livesOwned byPharaohs visionariesStays persistEndearingly cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.😅😅decidedIt's genderBy impression friend!.. Animals frmHigher reincarnationToo showsSigns ofGenderlessness cheers!.. 😀😀 *&One almostInstant subsequentlyReply: Thanks for theLike (whomever) ya!.. 😅😅laughinglyFor the gutWrenching as_If heardThe 🤣fartVery crispy🤣 cheers!.. 😀😀
Reply 🐿️Squirrel sceneOf Sword inStone: 🤣🤣weGuys shouldBe magnanimouslyOf lovings&Romanticism_Styles towardsWoman ya!.. supplementingThis replyWith previouslyComment as there'sWomen's reminderAt theEnding plusObserving squirrels🐿️ tooAren't perScene!.. it's theMale responsibleness cheers!.. 😀😀 :- 024may14(BatuBelah, finishingComment): 😅😅kejapSekelipan jer_Insafnya ya!.. once aFather it'sSurprising some stillChoices anotherWoman overZuriat ohh!.. Throughout placesWith theLegendary_Stone, Batu_Belah it'sSumpahan (curse)Swallowing shallOf thoseWholeheartedly saysDeath isBetter thanLiving!.. 🤣🤣womenWith beautyPower overMen, unless byProfession prostituteNever casuallyFlirts cheers!.. 😀😀
Master ChengYen story#65 of180: 😅😅sinceIt's aSnake onlyThe greenMamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) veryDangerously amongThe greens ya!.. Sharing mainComment of024mar23 tooAs meeting fearsomeAnimals in theJungle, theMoment ofLocking_Eyes empowerIt naturallyObtains wisdomBeen stated asFollows:- Nurturing aDragon(fatherly)🐉!.. Dance with aLion(kindness)🦁!.. Riding theTiger(selfMaster, allCircumstances kittyGentleness)🐅!.. Lock eyesWith aSnake(trustingly,We wouldn'tHarms eachOther)🐍!.. Motives inspiredOf love,Truth, life&Goodnesses henceAll_Wonderfulness cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank6 vid(i) subsequentlyReply:- 😅😅beUnderstanding friend!.. reallyThinks weAll dunLives lightly ya!.. simplenessMaybe!..🤣🤣 &To urQuestions: dwellsWith SoHee_Honey, never fightsType thisFella plus this_Is herNampyeon speaking cheers!.. 😀😀 *by8:50pm: 😅😅 howCome uEdit &Edits urComment after i'veAnswered friend cheers!.. 😀😀
Rank8 inRef_024jun5(pm) FB postUpdate(this1 ya!., clumsiness YeoboOppa fieldDating😁, ituPasal 😘LoveDarlingHoneyPrettiest holdsPisang adaRama🦋): SoHee_ya!..😘 😅😅quicklyTells lahThe_T isInside out!.. justNow tooThe_Jean's flyNot zippedUp ya Halby!.. 🤣🤣thoseMatters noNeed to SeobangNim!. SeobangNim!.. ManjaSweetheart's totalnessRights cheers!..😘
😅😅withUnattachment viewsSolely wholeWe areWith whomeverCloseness ya!.. (i.e ideaOf detachmentFrm_Body, 🤣likeSome Masters saidPut itAside howTo understandRight!.🤣) so, theUnattachment isSomething holistic&Humbling thenIt generouslyGentle to beGifted towardsThe solelyWhole allGivings, Graciousness, Gratefulness, harmoniesIt naturallySeeks usBoth plusNot forgettingAs_If powerfulnessJust existsTo Heal, Help, honestlyHonour weAre!!.. joyousnessGood_Humor tooLively we'reGood naturePeople cheers!.. 😀😀 *theEnding laughMentioned wasOf what'sTAO chap41 ya!.. notThose laughtersSuccumb by dementedBehaviors.
Mentioned somewhere on 10 Faiths(refuges), 10 Abidings(samatha), 10 Practices(ascendedGoodnesses paramitas) &10 Transferences in usBeing @Samadhi all theTime ya!.. focus onSamatha, ourHearts ofBeing containsGreatness inTrust, Honesty, Tolerance, Gentleness, Joyfulness, Defenselessness, Generosity, Patience, Faithfulness &Open_Mind!.. allPowerfulness combinesWhatever errorsBe degradesOff toThePast &thePresent becomesWonderfulness soThat our futureProjections greatestGood cheers!.. 😀😀
Oct20 fB update: See!.. see!.. see!..😘😘😘 howJoyously theBirthday ofThe1 in truenessTruthfulness loving cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘
Apr6,22(entered apr8th)- allForms of sincerityGiving(withoutFires of descendingNature) are great, greater stillMagnanimously: 1phrase of ascendedGoodnesses which theReceiver becomesSeparately ofEmos &realizesVirtues ya!.. wonderful midWeek in happiness cheers!.. 😀😀
Happy indeed weLive, friendlyFree inLoving ya!.., happyIndeed weDwell, freeWellness inBlessings &happyIndeed weJoyously purifyOur heartsTill minds foundBack our trueSelf(grace) ofOurselves @pointWe agreeEnters ourExistence cheers!.. 😀😀
FrmJun13th'22- Universality sustains goodness, therefore theVirtuous pursues notMerely forOwn ya!.. generouslyWills subjectsTo ascendedGoodnesses sincerity, lovingKindness, truthfulness &Rightfulness orderOf world'sUniverse!.. Goodness preserves everything, even aCobra doesn'tInjures isGood cheers!.. 😀😀
We're allFamiliar with saying 'keepingHalf of theBargain', this isWhat dangerouslyDescending ya!.. inTruthfulness: Give ourAll(ascendedGoodnesses) as loveBinds!.. soThat, whenRelationships dissolves, ourAll too @Ease within the gracePeriod orElse a periodForever isStill within eachOther's graces holdingHalf ofBargain right!.. copyrightMatter, selling(hahahahahaha!..😅 someSays selling country) orWhatever inAgreeableness @Point areAll of thisNature cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm Jun22'22- Seeking 'thePath' dependsOn whoIs usWithin ya!.. ifWe like thePhrase 'equalsSelf/equalsOthers', we're 'thePratyekas' &Seeks directly: i.e. ascendedGoodnesses thusness haveHeard, receives thusnessFaithfully &Resides ascendedGoodnessesOnly!.., notThere(unachievable theLight) meaningWe're withSelves centeredStill unEqually toOthers ofHighestPurity!.. hence, partBy part ascendedGoodnesses in teachersStudents relations& vitalitiesWorks onIt cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm Jul4th'22- Bulls& lions areWonderful friends really soLong noneWith jackals's heart2 tastesOn familiesFriends(everything) ya!.. only byJackals's heartWe askUses trusting ofOthers trustOf usIn tricksBeing ables2Eats lions&Bulls!.. silenceIn guardsOf our(thoughtIntends+perceivingBy) othersOn usIs 1stMark we'reRearing jackals ohh😯 cheers!.. 😀😀
Frm may7'22- Gentleness &Forcefulness: combination ofPowerful inThe sincerestWith sincerity'sPresence guardingAll other ascendedGoodnesses virtues ya!.. UniverseTraDiva's simplicity inPowerfulness wereOf suchNature within cheers!.. 😀😀
(pm): FullaMak-Waah!!... See see see!!...😘😘 theUniverseTraDiva Goddess fB's update today, knows her1st openArms poseIs 4who yaAll cheers!.. 😀😀
Purity ofBody, clarity ofMind, nonViolence &Selflessness areLife's essentials forSurvival as anIntelligent excellentlySpiritual entity!.. Be onTruth sideEven asSingle of theHerd cheeringTruth, weCan liveIn truthfulness asUniverse's centerIs highestTruth ya!!.. *act of truth* naturallyAs ourBreathing nature cheers!.. 😀😀
@Rank14 replied: Universe's heartOf beingDoesn't requiresGoing anywhere friend!.. it'sThere, weDon't see,How toEnter ya!.. sameAs livingEternal: wantTo bringOthers, theyDunno follow,They wantTo followCan't seeWhere weAre cheers!.. 😀😀 *repliedNext: 😅😅 scaredEhh!.. whatever divineWorships, sageMystic Rabia'atul alAdawiyya helpsTorched theHeaven soThat it's correctlyFound notBcoz of hellFearing cheers!.. 😀😀
peaceMantra replied: We're allChildren friend!.. weLet our inChildren goes.. nothingTo asksOf youngerChildren &theyAren't competentlyAccomplished towards suchForgiveness ya!.. whyCreates blameIdeas for futureGenerations whenThroughout timeThose veryFew stillHolds trueTruthfulness purifiedInsights weWouldn't heeds cheers!.. 😀😀
023apr27(@ghostOf theMirror): Hahahahahaha!..😅😅 bCoz theWell wasSimilar toWells dugIn rubberEstates milesAway between,If haveWatched thisMovie thenWould definitelySet_up aPondok nearOne ofThose wells cheers!.. 😀😀
TH-camrs gentarKe commentsGini asyikBagi hilangJer!.. 😅😅
[Frm FB asFollows:- 023apr27(backBrowse mar2018 starting): poseNih punComel inVideo lastTime @Song So Hee channel 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 😅😅matchingSekali_sekala lagu 'Haiyo!!.. maakSusah!..' cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
(@aug29'19post) Replied Young Park : ohh!.. Korean nyerStyle gitu ya!.. meaningSince earlier2021 Koreans officiallyAcknowledges it's TAN So Hee cheers!.. 😀😀]
023apr27: Banyak videos@Song So Hee Official yeoboOppa runsTime tidoPun views xBergerak cheers!.. 😅😀😀
@Rank57:- Another postBeen updated @UniverseTraDiva's fB!.. plsSee ifU'll wishesTo copyWhat's called: lambaianKekasih menghargaiGua cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
023apr26(@Sade's byUr_side): inOther words 'lifeIs soFaithfully fulfilling inBlissfulness withU SoHee_ya!..' cheers!.. 😀😀
023apr26(@aku xBiasa): 😅😅jugaYg xBiasa diBiasakan, midWeek laundryUtk myManjaSweetheart sekali cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
🥳🥳 May5'23: Enjoys UniverseTraDiva's performance @Jeju Folk Natural History Museum all ya!.. myManjaSweetheart's sessionWill beBetween 1:30-2pm cheers!.. 😘🥳🥳🎉🎊
@Red_Sleeve replied: It's notGreed friend!.. it's theNature of ourQualms accumulativelySince kiddos, onceGrown upsInner fearfulnessShown asAnger cheers!.. 😀😀 *whileIt's descendingCategory, thoseUsing it&Succeed becomesMore braveTill angerActions destructionSelves ya!.. so,Residing ascendedGoodnesses isTo stayAway altogether,As parentsManages itLike myNyanya&Chekchek @asYoung as5yrsOld cheers!.. 😁😀
🥳🥳UniverseTraDiva's latest FB update(apr26, duringOur teaTime): frmMeatloaf isPINK there'sMore &moreMoney$ inNext week'sEpisode cheers!.. 😀😀🥳🎉🎊
@Rank1(supportSupplementaryV_ii): Sometimes when@Pause ofHer videosWould show&Says soCute ehhMy 😘LoveDarlingHoney!..😘😘😘 excitedlyShe'd: Halby!!..🤭 stopTeasing!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Replied@Pansori channelVideo[the1 inRank:17v(ii)]: Let lifeBe beautifully&Long friend!.. dayBecome longTo heartsPonder why myMind givesHusband lectures cheers!.. 😀😀
repliedPollack(savedNot in regRank runs): Go seeEarliest replyMade @careBebek friend!.. endOf theWorld noneAs urPerceivings norLike Nostradamus's quatrainsOr bySo farDescribes cheers!.. 😀😀
@heAin't_Heavy(myBrother) replied: Mum saysLoving areVery uniquely friend!.. equallyWasn't meetingMuch what individuallyOthers(expectedWants) ya!.. so, approachBy lovingNeeds: weAre lovingThem wellFairness somewhatEqually cheers!.. 😀😀
Replied@ Diva Anna Lin's 3:58minsVideo inLikes bySuwah_Music: U knewIt's already notEasy friend!.. so,It's noMore not badRight ya!.. surelyMust uses beyondBeyond wordsLah showing Diva Anna Lin singsExcellently cheers!.. 😀😀
@trueBlue replied: Blue representsSerenity ofLoving friend!.. red IS likeOur onceEver virginityExchange cheers!.. 😀😀
@Rank17 video(i) replied: It's selfSinning whenWe don'tSee theVajra ofOur love&Merely loveBy affirmations cheers!.. 😀😀
At 200305 radioInterview video@Song So Hee Official channel: What's funnyOf myLove frmThe_Star today HalvieHubby!.. 😅😅remember SeobangNim sheeshingKoreans about loveBelief?.. todayAnother 2things: i. like foodVariety similar toSexual needs.. it'sNot ya!.. Virya conserveSomething magnanimityReally!.. that'sY when theBody beenTaught sexFood, cravingsJust increasesAs ifEnjoys expendsIt &let's seducesEverybody!..😬😬 ii. skinshipComforts!.. even 21stCentury's pandemicFails makingPopulace toNotices there'sSacredness ofSkinship i.e allWithin thatSacredness notOnly comforts,Heals!!.. unbound,Even howIntimately thoughtWe're1, thisSkinship leadsUs toSickness cheers!.. 😀😀
023apr25(backBrowse fB 2018mar): instantRamen SeobangNim buysIn bulks!.. canFinish orNot?.. bulksOnly Nongshim 😘LoveDarlingHoney, Ottogi &othersTaste samplingBy packsLah!.. Korea's made Nongshim's actuallyVery precious,Somehow unexplainableThere's differentWith those Nongshim's madeIn China myManjaSweetheart tau cheers!..😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
023apr25(@Diva Anna Lin's 57:42minsVideo bySuwah_Music): today'sListening immediatelyBrings of goingTo theRoof ya!.. it'sThe reasonIt's inLikes!.. henceWhen working,Vividly relyTo thatExperience whenAssigned forBuilding's managementOf coolingTowers cheers!.. 😀😀
Sincerity(rightly i.e notOn knownDevadattas) natureSoon brilliancePerfectness inIntellects, best inEthics!.. naturallyToo synchroAnalyzes theQuality of receiversWhomever &can readilyMakes us speechesWrites commsAssurances of noCounter defeats cheers!.. 😀😀
Ascended goodnessesMagnanimity, magnificence &Majestic!.. vitalsBy ascendedGoodnesses concentration, fullConfidence &pure_Will ya!.. thatHow ascendedGoodnesses truthfulness, goodness, usefulness, kindness &Necessariness ofTruth beingDiscerns, declares&Won in theWorld cheers!.. 😀😀
Following commentsFrm otherVideos &mustBe onUniverseTraDiva's also:- i.Love,lies: Today iWas asked: whatLove isThat ifNot seeingFaster!.. flubberThen, thisSong gave: Love thatWants LoveDarlingHoney's approachesVia channels i'mIs cheers!.. 😀😀 ii.You(Brown Eyed Girls): If reallyMe!.. whyUrself appropriatesAll thinkingOn selves cheers!.. 😀😀
iii.LoveIs(JEA&Miryo): Any1 doesn’t take loveSeriously can'tBe trusted inTruthfulness either cheers!.. 😀😀
FrmApr1'22(entered apr3)- manyCan doKind deeds, rareAre theOnes with wonderfulKindliness &Loving thoughtsAlways ya!.. holds @least theseTwo in anyCircumstances, descendingsWouldn't dare cheers!.. 😀😀