Mr. Li, I'm sorry for asking you this, I don't mean to be impolite or something, but do you accept a request? If you do, could you please make a piano cover for Night Flower by Yeeun Ahn? The Original Soundtrack of Painter of The Night. I actually have never asked someone to make a cover. It's because you play so beautifully and the way you play piano is so captivating. I thought the piano cover for that song would be perfect if it come from your hand. I adore you and the way you play piano. Thank you!
3:09 Artem's moment 😭👏
Are there sheets available at all?
I can't believe I found a cover for this!! It makes me so happy, its so beautiful~
Love your work as always ❤️
好好聽唷~但我不相信這是兩顆星XD 小哥太厲害了
真的好听 TT~ 很喜欢太喜欢 💕
it sounds so pretty 💓
So very beautiful 💖💖
So beautiful and peaceful! love it.
pretty music !!! I can work while hearing it's sp healing!
well done
thank you for hard working
Can you make piano cover of 光与夜之恋 please? Thanks!
Mr. Li, I'm sorry for asking you this, I don't mean to be impolite or something, but do you accept a request? If you do, could you please make a piano cover for Night Flower by Yeeun Ahn? The Original Soundtrack of Painter of The Night. I actually have never asked someone to make a cover. It's because you play so beautifully and the way you play piano is so captivating. I thought the piano cover for that song would be perfect if it come from your hand. I adore you and the way you play piano. Thank you!
This is amazing!! ❤️
小哥在淘寶有店舖唷😍出了好多本~超棒也超難的XD 我是菜鳥彈不出來
Sheet music? 😭🙏
What’s name song ?
I cannot read it.