I LOVED this video! I felt like you understand those of us that want to heal the masculine and help it shine forth, because the world need it as much as the feminine. You put into words thoughts and feelings that I wasn't able to put yet. So grateful for your help! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Both dm df is so magnetic spiritual grownth can fight both super powermin any conner devil can not fight thank you pray hard univers give you big lession karmic also good how much she can put bad devil spell like anything its challenging us its spiritual grownth but she is only time pass destrist delay earmingbmoney its only shencan no one can stop spiritual grownth univers packedbsending in earth thank understanding is best strong person in good life baby good baby in innernchild happy
A Divine masculine man is a man who operates in life mainly from the heart and greater purpose for the service of the greater good. He is strong but also loving.
Compassion is a strength when directed intentionally and intelligently, not a weakness as the ego portrays Even studies have shown that some brain waves like Delta, Theta and so on increase x700 after a short compassion meditation. Those waves were introduced to mice and it made their brain cells significantly bigger
Moving through Love; acts of sever to all sentient beings. My favorite quote is what is a leader for the new paradigm it would be acts service, without expectation.
Please more of this. I was raped at age 5, bits and pieces were there but NOTHING like when I took psychedelics (lots of it) and all of it came out. As a man, i began to question my own sexuality, my feelings, my sex drive went to zero etc etc. You have no idea how much I needed this! I will be listening to this every day.
My ex's childhood he was in a Born again Christian family who tried to "rehibilitate" gay men. He was abused by those who were being "helped" When he drank alcohol it all came out, at first as self mutilation, then towards me. Thank you for dealing with your pain so as to not hurt yourself or others. Much love and luck on your journey!
This is so true and so helpful. I was swimming with delight in the divine feminine for years, since I was finally able to heal the toxic narratives of feminine energy being gay. I got into architecture school at that time and I flourished. I tapped into so much creativity, love and connection, a transcendent experience really. After awhile tho, I neglected my masculine energy and this manifested in me being weak and passive, no discipline, no physical activity, no drive... Now I'm in the process of awakening to divine masculine with feminine already being activated and alive, and it feels incredible, the strength, the drive, the focus, the purpose... Much love
This video feels me with joy and blissful ecstasy. I have recently realized I'm a sacred divine masculine (warrior spirit) and my whole entire life people tried to fragment me. I'm a piece of a spirit that's a connected soul conciousness. To all my fellow brothers hello!
Your words are a masterclass in spiritual integration. "The master can only see as far as [she herself] has gone," C.G. Jung Thank you for journeying into your depths, my friend!
Thank you. I really needed to hear this. I have been spending time integrating the divine feminine and have forgotten about coming back to my divine masculine. This was the gentle reminder I needed. Blessings. Infinite love and gratitude.
Just finished watching and wow! At this point in my awakening, it was just what I needed. So many jewels of knowledge to unpack and digest. Thank you truly for this 🙏🏿☀️
One day people will realize, that having more of one, does not mean less of the other. When more bone grows, more tissue grows in turn. More volume of gray matter, more neurons are held up to grow. More branches, more leaves. More containment, more potential. The feminine and the masculine grow together and in proportion, ever expanding one another. 🙏
That's what's happening to me. I am switching back and forth and driving myself insane. Feeling like I have to choose one or the other when I am most definitely both. I am OK with being both also, and I was stuck in a hyper passive state for like a decade and I'm not going back there. But I am switching sides of this story with my counterpart constantly and it's trippy, but I'm learning so much. Both sides are wounded for sure and it's good to know I'm healing here. I am so happy for these new templates. I've mostly been dealing with people who are heavily narcissistic, but not actual narcissists. Just some unhealed trauma similar to my own. Once I stripped away the voices of my handlers, I realized my core is pretty empty. Time to figure out who I am when I am not the things people said I was.
but why are you breaking up at all? to get married, which is one anyway? just let your energy be your energy. how could energy have a gender? why split up into parts instead of being one being with body and mind. I do not get it.
@@cjstarmonkey73 I would never speak back to that. there are clearly men and women. and they differ a lot more than most realize. a neurologist I spoke to told me that men's and women's brains are actually more different than a dog's and a cat's. that's not the question. I was born a male, so I express myself naturally masculine. The problem only starts when I label something about myself as female. place it as out of place or in dissonance with my manhood. I am a male being. and no matter what qualities, they express themselves through me as a man. because it's just me.
@@cjstarmonkey73 There are two genders. and each male or female expresses it somewhat differently. we are also a bit individual. the agenda that tells us the story there are more than two genders, or gender has anything to do with social conditioning, or even claims that there is the possibility of gender switching. is fundamentally wrong. simply because the world wasn't made that way. and truth has nothing relative or subjective about it. one can only superimpose different sized illusions on it. that's what we call opinion or belief.
Please do go in depth. I had been attacked until I finally learned how to protect myself. I was quick to stand up for others, but guilted into not doing so for myself. I know my worth and my power is within the balance of the divine masculine and feminine. But it has been a difficult search for true rolemodels, so I have had to look within and trust my higher self to guide me to a healthy balance. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Namaste
Thanks for this.. I was Diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia and it has been brought to my attention the processing of the past 20,000 years of masculinity running through and processing through the body. I have felt Many projections and many of these situations over the past 5 years or so for being masculine and stern. Not very many male role models these days but I feel a change coming!
The great thing about hearing a 5th Step (via the Alcoholics Anonymous template) is that it requires a man exhibit/develop/enhance empathy and compassion - that is, it perfects his Sacred Feminine energy. Similarly, a woman sponsor will develop her Sacred Masculine by going beyond her empathy and compassion and teach the Sponsee that there is more to them than they know - that is, provide the male energy of courageous exploration. Great as always! I would appreciate a presentation of Soul’s Purpose. 🙏🏼
Beyond the alpha is the SIGMA. This video is awesome. I am going to watch it regularly so I can actually understand the meanings of the concepts that are being discussed.
From a guy contemplating suicide, your videos shine a light of sense and purpose. So yes, I´m literally dying to hear your view point of soul´s purpose- And what do you think about suicide? Above all written, thank you for your videos!
"Does no harm, but takes no bull." I've been doing a lot of shadow work lately and these words came to me earlier today while trying to understand what powers certain thought patterns. They're part of my purpose. You just put those words into a larger context. Puzzle pieces are fitting together in ways I never saw before. The context of my life just changed. I am in awe. I will watch this many times. My infinite gratitude to you.
We need a video or series on how to HEAL our damaged masculine. This past couple of years has seen the reawakening of my divine feminine and spirituality, but now I feel out of balance. I feel I'm so close to being "whole", but I need to remember how to use my masculine conscious action to accomplish the things in life that I want to accomplish
Try creating something like a journal or art and consider any heart sensations you bring up. Maybe you'll find starting hard, like me, I found that starting being difficult is because I looked down on my masculinity (or mainly I identified my true masc energy with my false masculinity of hate and narcissism) so Everytime I went to take action I'd second guess if I was being hateful or selfish. I never was and it was all silent/subconscious but admitting it helped me overcome that part of the block.
You most definitely awakens the divine masculine within me, your voice is positively lovely and the thought you put into the topic and those you were intending to help was remarkable. :)
I usually cringe at divine masculine and feminine stuff because I think it's often used to manipulate or paint by numbers define things that are individual. But it seems like you care and you have a good sense of what's going on in the culture and are insightful.
Every time i am amazed by how deep your words are, a true alchemist to the core. Thank you very much for all you wisdom it fits perfectly on my spiritual path. Blessings and much love from the Netherlands ❤️❤️
I'm grateful 🙏 for this . It is truly challenging to rise above social stereotypes to be an authentic, integrated man, in a world where toxic alpha male, testosterone driven and fundamentally fragile masculinity, is encouraged and perpetuated by prevailing culture.
At 59, so much of my life has suddenly become illuminated in such a beautiful light. This is incredible. So many “no wonder why” statements this reveals.
Yes, please dive deeper into purpose at soul level, particularly as it applies to this divine masculine (and those who came here specifically to heal and embody it), and the divine feminine (and those who came here to heal and embody it)! Thank you, this is so so imperative to our awakening and in order for us to evolve!!!🙏 Namaste
This was such a revalation when my inner eye was opened. It is the integration of not only all the senses but the duality of the sexes well. Our soulmate is seen first within and then the trinity is complete with our higher self. All divison is ultimately seen to be a product of the temporal. But how else can it be for there is no limitation within our essential nature and to be known it has to be seen in its entirety. It is the biggest threat to the ego self, for it is the lynchpin, which it almost assumes to be a failsafe of its matrix. The challenge thereafter I have found is to maintain the polarity in flux without denying the inherent value of either as we maintain identity in form.
Yeah this one had me in tears. Its exactly how ive felt my whole life despite men telling me to be hyper strong and women saying all men are domineering. These forces ripped me apart as a child. Ive gone through every flavor of shame and idolization. Of course right when i was most ready for it, i felt compelled to watch this video. Thank you again for answer the call to help yourself by helping us.
Thank you so much for making these videos ❤ I am filled with warmth and joy knowing all the things I have been feeling my whole life are not for nothing and I am so inspired to walk this journey of enlightenment
What you said about masculinity being able to handle truth to an extent which destroys the ego hit me like a ton of bricks. Truth has always been my highest aim/goal, despite however difficult that truth may be.
SO HAPPY to have found this channel. Thank you SO MUCH!!!! I have been in an anxiety filled state the last few weeks. I can't figure out why. Hearing things she speaks about here have calmed me quite a bit. Maybe the uncertain future is what is bringing the anxiety? Her descriptions of what we are have comforted me. The explanation of the bringing together of masculine and feminine energy reminds me of something a friend from my early 20s said about my personality and my apartment decor, that they were a 50 50 mix of masculine and feminine they'd ever seen or met. That was years ago before I realized any of the information she's speaking of is something that exists within us naturally so the old friend of mine's comment years ago confirms this for me, or better yet, shows me how it's good to have both sides balanced within us. I've been longing to meditate and dive deeper into spiritually. More than church every week. My environment keeps me from the quiet I need to meditate. Any ways someone in my situation can begin to meditate or practice spirituality are absolutely welcomed. Thank you @The Alchemist for bringing your calming quality to your channel. It is projecting onto me in a time I really need it. So grateful 🙏🏼
You know what…. I need more Leo’s in my life lol. Dang! This is so influential and facts, it’s incredible we misuse the mind to be selfless with egos that suit our minds but that makes a lot of imbalance. Even disconnect with our potential power. A male is gifted with masculine energy, let’s use our powers to help woman and men!🙏🏼
If we but remain open to listening, we hear what we need to hear, when we need to hear it. Thank you, the more I listen the more I hear, the more it helps create an understanding.
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”! You feel like the grad school version, of everything I’ve learned, since my dark night of the soul & awakening.
This is very good, and right on IMHO and right around Beltane too which amongst other things honors the divine phallus (maypole). As we weave our dreams around the maypole through the marriage of the sacred seed of the divine masculine with the fertile soil of the divine feminine energies to create our lives, manifest our dreams and experience divinity through the Great Rite for once we marry our divine masculine with our divine feminine and we simply become DIVINE understanding that in truth that we exist beyond the duality of the opposites and what we desire already exists within the realm of Spirit (or the quantum field) that created everything...
You're actually a poet very eloquent and well spoken and interesting, i love your points of view they make really crazy far fetched things understandable and enjoyable
No praise. No position. Merely action. Only love and growth. The eternal power Eminates from my eyes. I am overcoming the power of unnecessary thought. Ataraxia is my creed. I have all the powers of a wild man and all the reserve of a priest. I may have failed my friends in the past but the wounded masculine has stepped into the divine Masculine. I will live up to my name, who is 'like' God? We will live like the Gods until the day of judgment and we sit on the throne side by side with the Christ and our human family and celebrate the story we have created together and prepare to write new ones!
In the last few days, Spirit has been showing me the wounded male attributes that need healing. It's been put in my heart as well to pray for men so that they can embrace their Divine masculine because we need them to do so. I will continue to work on this area as well. I love your video because it explains this need so well.
Another incredible video. Endless gratitude and love for your time, effort, talent, willingness to bring forth yourself and the wisdom you have tapped into. On a more personal note, I am encouraged and inspired by your focus on and points made about the Divine masculine. I think it’s safe to say anyone who’s been engaging with any spiritual community has heard a lot about the “divine feminine rising” (though it could be argued the attributes heralded as such can be toxic as often - or more than - they are what would be actually Divine, but I digress). As important as the return of the Divine Feminine is, as my understanding about the alchemical marriage in the original teachings of every religion or practice I’ve come in contact with clearly included both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, I’ve felt neither one can rise and reach its full flowering/expression without the other. (For the sake of the point, pretending they’re ultimately separate at all). As such, your highlighting of and wisdom about the Divine Masculine is, to me, not only balanced and inclusive, but essential. Quick technical note: I had to turn volume up to listen to your voice clearly, but then the music at the end suddenly blasted me. The sound/volume being more balanced would be great for more responsive nervous systems and those with ear buds/headphones on while listening. 🙏🏼❤️🌈👏🏼✨
Your sense of humor makes me laugh. I've enjoyed the way you present these topics with grace, wisdom, respect, and humor. "..dominant, and not the sexy fun way.." 😂
Thank you Sarah. Great video. As a man, I can soeak to the fact that develooing a confident relationship with ny feminine oracle energy reauires a simultaneously increased grounding in the masculine warrior energy. One big reasin is the aggression and judgement it teiggers in many men who then act passive aggressive, needy, or outright violent. In other words you begin to experience what many women experience to some degree (not a comparison just an observation). Except we have, in many cases, the warrior body and energy to assert a clear boundary. It gets tricky at times but the opportunity to transcend these challenges offers spiritual rewards.
I’m so ready for the DM! I’ve been teaching people this in my community just understanding the two energies and how we need to acknowledge healing them, feeling them and being them for they are us…and in each and every one of us. Thank you so much!
I LOVED this video!
I felt like you understand those of us that want to heal the masculine and help it shine forth, because the world need it as much as the feminine.
You put into words thoughts and feelings that I wasn't able to put yet.
So grateful for your help! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Much love!🔥💖🔥
Yes, Thank you. It seems we have all been more rewarded in today's societies to stay in both unhealthy toxic extremes.
you hacked my sister ig
so grateful to you for trying...
Both dm df is so magnetic spiritual grownth can fight both super powermin any conner devil can not fight thank you pray hard univers give you big lession karmic also good how much she can put bad devil spell like anything its challenging us its spiritual grownth but she is only time pass destrist delay earmingbmoney its only shencan no one can stop spiritual grownth univers packedbsending in earth thank understanding is best strong person in good life baby good baby in innernchild happy
To everyone that is working in silence, we’re all in this together ❤️
AGREED. Infinite Love and Gratitude 🙏🏾💗
Thank you
Thank you. Feels good to be seen.
A Divine masculine man is a man who operates in life mainly from the heart and greater purpose for the service of the greater good. He is strong but also loving.
damn straight, and completely misunderstood by those he tries to help and support and protect
It's not about gender, but energy. Anyone who has activated their divine Masculine side, will have an active divine feminine too.
Compassion is a strength when directed intentionally and intelligently, not a weakness as the ego portrays
Even studies have shown that some brain waves like Delta, Theta and so on increase x700 after a short compassion meditation. Those waves were introduced to mice and it made their brain cells significantly bigger
Moving through Love; acts of sever to all sentient beings. My favorite quote is what is a leader for the new paradigm it would be acts service, without expectation.
Once you acknowledge the Masculine and feminine energies and combine them together you raise yourself to a higher frequency 💯💯💯
Please more of this. I was raped at age 5, bits and pieces were there but NOTHING like when I took psychedelics (lots of it) and all of it came out. As a man, i began to question my own sexuality, my feelings, my sex drive went to zero etc etc.
You have no idea how much I needed this!
I will be listening to this every day.
Thank you for the work you are doing to heal the wounded masculine within. You are seen, understood, loved, and so appreciated.
My ex's childhood he was in a Born again Christian family who tried to "rehibilitate" gay men. He was abused by those who were being "helped" When he drank alcohol it all came out, at first as self mutilation, then towards me. Thank you for dealing with your pain so as to not hurt yourself or others.
Much love and luck on your journey!
@@breesinfinitesoul Thanks for the lovely words.
@@cassandrareedy7369 Thank you kindly, I will need it.
I will listen to this everyday too.
As a male, I truly appreciate this video, and the eyebrows look amazing.
This video ABSOLUTELY has helped activate my Divine Masculine and … I too would like a video on Soul’s purpose. Thank you again Sarah! 🥰
Much love!🔥💖🔥
This is so true and so helpful. I was swimming with delight in the divine feminine for years, since I was finally able to heal the toxic narratives of feminine energy being gay. I got into architecture school at that time and I flourished. I tapped into so much creativity, love and connection, a transcendent experience really. After awhile tho, I neglected my masculine energy and this manifested in me being weak and passive, no discipline, no physical activity, no drive... Now I'm in the process of awakening to divine masculine with feminine already being activated and alive, and it feels incredible, the strength, the drive, the focus, the purpose... Much love
This video feels me with joy and blissful ecstasy.
I have recently realized I'm a sacred divine masculine (warrior spirit) and my whole entire life people tried to fragment me.
I'm a piece of a spirit that's a connected soul conciousness.
To all my fellow brothers hello!
Your words are a masterclass in spiritual integration.
"The master can only see as far as [she herself] has gone," C.G. Jung
Thank you for journeying into your depths, my friend!
Much love!🔥🙏🏼🔥
Incredibly affirming to hear this spoken into the physical. Words are tools and yours are heard and valued. Thank you for your voice. This is truth.
Thank you. Namaste 🙏
Yes! Please. Dive deeper!
Thank you. I really needed to hear this. I have been spending time integrating the divine feminine and have forgotten about coming back to my divine masculine. This was the gentle reminder I needed. Blessings. Infinite love and gratitude.
Just finished watching and wow! At this point in my awakening, it was just what I needed. So many jewels of knowledge to unpack and digest. Thank you truly for this 🙏🏿☀️
Much love!💖
so weird
Where have you been! I cried all the way through this truth!
One day people will realize, that having more of one, does not mean less of the other.
When more bone grows, more tissue grows in turn. More volume of gray matter, more neurons are held up to grow. More branches, more leaves. More containment, more potential.
The feminine and the masculine grow together and in proportion, ever expanding one another.
That's what's happening to me. I am switching back and forth and driving myself insane. Feeling like I have to choose one or the other when I am most definitely both. I am OK with being both also, and I was stuck in a hyper passive state for like a decade and I'm not going back there. But I am switching sides of this story with my counterpart constantly and it's trippy, but I'm learning so much. Both sides are wounded for sure and it's good to know I'm healing here. I am so happy for these new templates. I've mostly been dealing with people who are heavily narcissistic, but not actual narcissists. Just some unhealed trauma similar to my own. Once I stripped away the voices of my handlers, I realized my core is pretty empty. Time to figure out who I am when I am not the things people said I was.
The sacred wedding! The root of all of our issues. It's within!
but why are you breaking up at all? to get married, which is one anyway? just let your energy be your energy. how could energy have a gender? why split up into parts instead of being one being with body and mind. I do not get it.
@@herrgegenwart5037 anyone incarnate in flesh has a gender. It's UNDENIABLE. The Great Play. Dynamic tension
@@cjstarmonkey73 I would never speak back to that. there are clearly men and women. and they differ a lot more than most realize. a neurologist I spoke to told me that men's and women's brains are actually more different than a dog's and a cat's. that's not the question.
I was born a male, so I express myself naturally masculine.
The problem only starts when I label something about myself as female. place it as out of place or in dissonance with my manhood.
I am a male being. and no matter what qualities, they express themselves through me as a man. because it's just me.
@@herrgegenwart5037 eight billion variations! If there were only two of us, we'd be VERY masculine and feminine
There are two genders. and each male or female expresses it somewhat differently. we are also a bit individual.
the agenda that tells us the story there are more than two genders, or gender has anything to do with social conditioning, or even claims that there is the possibility of gender switching. is fundamentally wrong.
simply because the world wasn't made that way. and truth has nothing relative or subjective about it.
one can only superimpose different sized illusions on it. that's what we call opinion or belief.
This feminine masculine series is MUCH appreciated. I am integrating. I am grateful to notice and be a part of “others’” integrating.
I’m officially offended because you started with feminine before masculine, how dare you?
Please do go in depth. I had been attacked until I finally learned how to protect myself. I was quick to stand up for others, but guilted into not doing so for myself.
I know my worth and my power is within the balance of the divine masculine and feminine. But it has been a difficult search for true rolemodels, so I have had to look within and trust my higher self to guide me to a healthy balance.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
TRUTH, I've succumbed to the programming and I've fought out of certain addictions and habits and have fallen right back into the trap.
Sarah's spot on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for this..
I was Diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia and it has been brought to my attention the processing of the past 20,000 years of masculinity running through and processing through the body. I have felt Many projections and many of these situations over the past 5 years or so for being masculine and stern. Not very many male role models these days but I feel a change coming!
I am the Divine masculine divine feminine and one body and it's crazy and you're the only one that's been able to put it in words
The great thing about hearing a 5th Step (via the Alcoholics Anonymous template) is that it requires a man exhibit/develop/enhance empathy and compassion - that is, it perfects his Sacred Feminine energy.
Similarly, a woman sponsor will develop her Sacred Masculine by going beyond her empathy and compassion and teach the Sponsee that there is more to them than they know - that is, provide the male energy of courageous exploration.
Great as always! I would appreciate a presentation of Soul’s Purpose. 🙏🏼
Thank you.
Holy fuck, this was simply the best oration that I've come across related to DMs! Powerful and Devine!
WOW. This gave me goosebumps. Infinite love & gratitude to you!
Very so beautifully put. "Does no harm, but takes no bull" is most definitely the type of energy that i want to embody.
Beyond the alpha is the SIGMA. This video is awesome. I am going to watch it regularly so I can actually understand the meanings of the concepts that are being discussed.
Sister you are so right !
Eternal Light
From a guy contemplating suicide, your videos shine a light of sense and purpose. So yes, I´m literally dying to hear your view point of soul´s purpose- And what do you think about suicide? Above all written, thank you for your videos!
Yes, please...the Soul purpose explanation. More regarding the Divine Balance.
I'm here to rise and that's where I am.
"Does no harm, but takes no bull." I've been doing a lot of shadow work lately and these words came to me earlier today while trying to understand what powers certain thought patterns. They're part of my purpose. You just put those words into a larger context. Puzzle pieces are fitting together in ways I never saw before. The context of my life just changed. I am in awe. I will watch this many times. My infinite gratitude to you.
Sweet, sweet Sarah. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Infinite love and gratitude...
We need a video or series on how to HEAL our damaged masculine. This past couple of years has seen the reawakening of my divine feminine and spirituality, but now I feel out of balance. I feel I'm so close to being "whole", but I need to remember how to use my masculine conscious action to accomplish the things in life that I want to accomplish
Try creating something like a journal or art and consider any heart sensations you bring up. Maybe you'll find starting hard, like me, I found that starting being difficult is because I looked down on my masculinity (or mainly I identified my true masc energy with my false masculinity of hate and narcissism) so Everytime I went to take action I'd second guess if I was being hateful or selfish. I never was and it was all silent/subconscious but admitting it helped me overcome that part of the block.
I’d love to hear more about the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Higher Purpose. Love love this video.
Your being here, expressing your truth, at this very moment, with us … is of course perfect. Thank you for being you.
You most definitely awakens the divine masculine within me, your voice is positively lovely and the thought you put into the topic and those you were intending to help was remarkable. :)
I usually cringe at divine masculine and feminine stuff because I think it's often used to manipulate or paint by numbers define things that are individual. But it seems like you care and you have a good sense of what's going on in the culture and are insightful.
Every time i am amazed by how deep your words are, a true alchemist to the core. Thank you very much for all you wisdom it fits perfectly on my spiritual path. Blessings and much love from the Netherlands ❤️❤️
Literally the best explanation I've heard in over 15 years of research & experience. How beautifully divine that a woman be the vessel to share.
Been waiting to hear more on this. The true rise of male and female
I saw the title and immediately my solar plexus got happy. Appreciate all the knowledge and hard work you put it.
Namaste 🙏🏿☀️
Holy crud, you are so spot on with this piece.
You just described everything I'm going through without even knowing it
I'm grateful 🙏 for this . It is truly challenging to rise above social stereotypes to be an authentic, integrated man, in a world where toxic alpha male, testosterone driven and fundamentally fragile masculinity, is encouraged and perpetuated by prevailing culture.
How you teach those principles is astounding. Thank you!!!
"He's is oppressed by energies that look like they are for him..." Like you!
Helle-bloody-luyah!! Deep appreciation, Sarah. So nice to hear amidst the oceanic diatribe of ego boys!
this is my whole life this brought immense peace
At 59, so much of my life has suddenly become illuminated in such a beautiful light. This is incredible. So many “no wonder why” statements this reveals.
I related to so much of this, I’ve always concealed who I truly am. God bless you. ♥️
Yes, please dive deeper into purpose at soul level, particularly as it applies to this divine masculine (and those who came here specifically to heal and embody it), and the divine feminine (and those who came here to heal and embody it)! Thank you, this is so so imperative to our awakening and in order for us to evolve!!!🙏 Namaste
This was such a revalation when my inner eye was opened. It is the integration of not only all the senses but the duality of the sexes well. Our soulmate is seen first within and then the trinity is complete with our higher self. All divison is ultimately seen to be a product of the temporal. But how else can it be for there is no limitation within our essential nature and to be known it has to be seen in its entirety. It is the biggest threat to the ego self, for it is the lynchpin, which it almost assumes to be a failsafe of its matrix. The challenge thereafter I have found is to maintain the polarity in flux without denying the inherent value of either as we maintain identity in form.
Definitely yes, insightful information on this topic is welcome today more than ever! Thank you
Yeah this one had me in tears. Its exactly how ive felt my whole life despite men telling me to be hyper strong and women saying all men are domineering. These forces ripped me apart as a child. Ive gone through every flavor of shame and idolization. Of course right when i was most ready for it, i felt compelled to watch this video. Thank you again for answer the call to help yourself by helping us.
Thank you so much for making these videos ❤ I am filled with warmth and joy knowing all the things I have been feeling my whole life are not for nothing and I am so inspired to walk this journey of enlightenment
Thank you for standing up for men, and recognizing our role in the game of life and society.
I am also interested in more information on soul purpose.
What you said about masculinity being able to handle truth to an extent which destroys the ego hit me like a ton of bricks. Truth has always been my highest aim/goal, despite however difficult that truth may be.
After seeing you one thing I said; you are the true friend of mine.. thanks to share your Divine knowledge... GOD bless you.
Using his natural ability for logic as a tool to bridge spirituality and science! Wow! Say that again 🥰👀 Thank you 🙏🏽 infinite love and gratitude 💕
This DM has risen in me and this video helped a whole lot. Thank you. 🙏
SO HAPPY to have found this channel. Thank you SO MUCH!!!! I have been in an anxiety filled state the last few weeks. I can't figure out why. Hearing things she speaks about here have calmed me quite a bit. Maybe the uncertain future is what is bringing the anxiety? Her descriptions of what we are have comforted me. The explanation of the bringing together of masculine and feminine energy reminds me of something a friend from my early 20s said about my personality and my apartment decor, that they were a 50 50 mix of masculine and feminine they'd ever seen or met. That was years ago before I realized any of the information she's speaking of is something that exists within us naturally so the old friend of mine's comment years ago confirms this for me, or better yet, shows me how it's good to have both sides balanced within us. I've been longing to meditate and dive deeper into spiritually. More than church every week. My environment keeps me from the quiet I need to meditate. Any ways someone in my situation can begin to meditate or practice spirituality are absolutely welcomed. Thank you @The Alchemist for bringing your calming quality to your channel. It is projecting onto me in a time I really need it. So grateful 🙏🏼
4:32 this resonates with me more than any video I’ve seen. Thank you
This hit me hard, and I fully receive it. Thank you 🙏🏽
Much love!🔥🙏🏼🔥
whoolee freequency, thank you so much for speaking through my soul!
You know what…. I need more Leo’s in my life lol. Dang! This is so influential and facts, it’s incredible we misuse the mind to be selfless with egos that suit our minds but that makes a lot of imbalance. Even disconnect with our potential power. A male is gifted with masculine energy, let’s use our powers to help woman and men!🙏🏼
incredibly moving my depths
Your such a Beautiful creature. Your deeply cognizant and loving. Great intelligence and inspiration insights.
Enlightenment is acquiring the ability to make things what we now call “weightless.”
Buckle up and enjoy the ride folks! Thanks for all you do Sarah
Since my session with you, so much has happened. My twin flame has activated his divine masculine. This was so unexpected it's amazing. Thank you.
i would LOVE more on this, especially the soul purpose to be divine masculine
Love imagery of the fite spinner when you were comparing masculine and feminine to particles and waves. We are light ⭐️
If we but remain open to listening, we hear what we need to hear, when we need to hear it. Thank you, the more I listen the more I hear, the more it helps create an understanding.
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”! You feel like the grad school version, of everything I’ve learned, since my dark night of the soul & awakening.
Oh lord , always so Sharp . I LOVE your content!
This is very good, and right on IMHO and right around Beltane too which amongst other things honors the divine phallus (maypole).
As we weave our dreams around the maypole through the marriage of the sacred seed of the divine masculine with the fertile soil of the divine feminine energies to create our lives, manifest our dreams and experience divinity through the Great Rite for once we marry our divine masculine with our divine feminine and we simply become DIVINE understanding that in truth that we exist beyond the duality of the opposites and what we desire already exists within the realm of Spirit (or the quantum field) that created everything...
RIP my ears 👂 at the end of the video.
Thank you for naming this video on this subject 🙏
Thank you. This came at a time that couldn’t have been more perfect. Do no harm with a knife by my side
You're actually a poet very eloquent and well spoken and interesting, i love your points of view they make really crazy far fetched things understandable and enjoyable
No praise. No position. Merely action. Only love and growth. The eternal power Eminates from my eyes. I am overcoming the power of unnecessary thought. Ataraxia is my creed.
I have all the powers of a wild man and all the reserve of a priest. I may have failed my friends in the past but the wounded masculine has stepped into the divine Masculine. I will live up to my name, who is 'like' God? We will live like the Gods until the day of judgment and we sit on the throne side by side with the Christ and our human family and celebrate the story we have created together and prepare to write new ones!
Your timing is seriously perfect every time. I feel like I am blessed to walk a life side by side with people who genuinely care and love.
In the last few days, Spirit has been showing me the wounded male attributes that need healing. It's been put in my heart as well to pray for men so that they can embrace their Divine masculine because we need them to do so. I will continue to work on this area as well. I love your video because it explains this need so well.
Another incredible video. Endless gratitude and love for your time, effort, talent, willingness to bring forth yourself and the wisdom you have tapped into.
On a more personal note, I am encouraged and inspired by your focus on and points made about the Divine masculine. I think it’s safe to say anyone who’s been engaging with any spiritual community has heard a lot about the “divine feminine rising” (though it could be argued the attributes heralded as such can be toxic as often - or more than - they are what would be actually Divine, but I digress). As important as the return of the Divine Feminine is, as my understanding about the alchemical marriage in the original teachings of every religion or practice I’ve come in contact with clearly included both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, I’ve felt neither one can rise and reach its full flowering/expression without the other. (For the sake of the point, pretending they’re ultimately separate at all). As such, your highlighting of and wisdom about the Divine Masculine is, to me, not only balanced and inclusive, but essential.
Quick technical note: I had to turn volume up to listen to your voice clearly, but then the music at the end suddenly blasted me. The sound/volume being more balanced would be great for more responsive nervous systems and those with ear buds/headphones on while listening.
Thank you for taking the time...love your energy!
Much love!🙏🏼
You just make sense...and that's all I ask of anyone...just make sense. Kudos.
Powerful stuff when both energies are awakened and harness in the most healthiest and compassionate way. ❤️
FABULOUS,FABULOUS VIDEO!! Beautifully written and Agree 100% .Shared - Thank you!!
Say’RAhh🙌🏾 it’s indeed! Thank you for showing up from th’under🙏🏽🤩
Beautyfuly said!
Gave me strong ''IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyssey'' vibes.
Whoever hasn't seen this animated short masterpiece is missing out.
@The Alchemist: There aren't many videos on Divine Masculine. So glad you are making these, thank you! Could you make more? It's very much needed.
Your sense of humor makes me laugh. I've enjoyed the way you present these topics with grace, wisdom, respect, and humor. "..dominant, and not the sexy fun way.." 😂
Thank you Sarah. Great video. As a man, I can soeak to the fact that develooing a confident relationship with ny feminine oracle energy reauires a simultaneously increased grounding in the masculine warrior energy. One big reasin is the aggression and judgement it teiggers in many men who then act passive aggressive, needy, or outright violent. In other words you begin to experience what many women experience to some degree (not a comparison just an observation). Except we have, in many cases, the warrior body and energy to assert a clear boundary. It gets tricky at times but the opportunity to transcend these challenges offers spiritual rewards.
I’m so ready for the DM! I’ve been teaching people this in my community just understanding the two energies and how we need to acknowledge healing them, feeling them and being them for they are us…and in each and every one of us. Thank you so much!
I need to watch this 20 times
Yes to soul purpose. And more poetryyyyy❤️🔥😊