Vanessa! Omg! Both stunning and talented, she's sooo damn amazing!! She's truly gourgoues with smaller eyebrows!Those lips, eyes and voice- Amazing! I love her and Una!! :) :) Love Una's voice, its lovely and husky :) Mollie and her positive and incredible personality is sooo inspiring to me, she's sucha sunshine! And her sweet and cute voice is so good, she sings with so much feelings and emotions! I'm a singer too and The Saturdays inspiries me in soooo many ways! Lots of love to them!! :) :)
Vanessa! Omg! Both stunning and talented, she's sooo damn amazing!! She's truly gourgoues with smaller eyebrows!Those lips, eyes and voice- Amazing! I love her and Una!! :) :) Love Una's voice, its lovely and husky :) Mollie and her positive and incredible personality is sooo inspiring to me, she's sucha sunshine! And her sweet and cute voice is so good, she sings with so much feelings and emotions! I'm a singer too and The Saturdays inspiries me in soooo many ways! Lots of love to them!! :) :)
Diana fayyumi why is this on every Saturdays live performance