This entire series should be mandatory watching for every middle school in America. Just my opinion!!! America would be a much better place. I am not a church goer, this just makes perfect sense to happier life.
Incredible - You are making sense and people should listen to you, regrettably I see only 89 k views on the contrary any uploaded p*** video will have millions of views. Society is becoming sick. Great work bud.
My husband and I are mentors to marry couples and we are using the book and manual called Two Becoming One from Don and Sally Meredith, amazing. Mark would be excellent to close the mentoring sessions with these couples. Love him!
Yes, orgasm & ejaculation are not the same thing. Orgasm is an emotional buildup and release. Ejaculation is a physical release. I have found that most people don't realize that they are not the same thing.
Nice series, hilarious and educational. Well done. I would point out that Solomon is a bad example when talking about *exclusivity* , don't you think ?
to everyone who commented below, ya need to invest more in the bible, prayer, and a good bible teaching church if you find fault in anything he is saying. Marriage is to be between one MAN and one WOMAN, no outsiders, real or fantasy and sex should be shared with the same two not self-giving pleasure,
church is a place where you go to pray that God does not create war, it is your own government who do bush obama trump the biggest and most ugliest form of culture is church history tells us that all the churches were burnt and new churches were built why is it that people with power are buggering children it is God's work is it when you are a priest or vicar the story was made up to make money out of purely and to have an institution that corrupts society allows kids to be buggered or killed or sold as sex slaves church does not give you things it is a form of brain washing you all Jesus would have saved us again is it god that bombs countries in the name of God or Allah
He makes a great point about a lot of things, but he fails to touch other things such as the effect of age on marriage. Then the relationship changes. I totally agree on the exclusivity theme. I cannot look at a girl the same way if she plays me dirty. I will never have the same respect for her.
As a follower of Christ and as a sex addict for 60 yrs I completely agree wit( what he is saying But healing of sex addiction is not just a matter of saying just stop or don’t do it This addiction cost me the relationship with my ist wife and children It’s only when I remarried and went for counselling I found out that I had been clinically depressed from my early yrs which drew me to sexual addiction for comfort and peace of mind just like alcoholics drug addicts etc My wife and I have been married 15 yrs our marriage is a miracle but if there is one area I love to change in a heartbeat is us being sexually intimate I love her and she loves me but sadly that area has been shut down by her She simply does not want to go down that path So whoever reads this take the warning for yourself or more importantly your children There are degrees of addiction and especially for Christian men and women it’s even more difficult when they know it’s a sin This is the reason why we need to instruct our primary school children But instead what we have allowed are lgbtq gender identity politics Then when and if they come to Christ their life has been built on a lie I know God is a miraculous God But jacob Paul and many more have gone through life with thorns that God has not removed Don’t let this be one of them 🌈➕🇦🇺🇮🇱
A marriage should work both ways. A man pleasures the woman . And also a woman have to pleasure man unexpectedly. Man needs to feel loved too. If not man will start to look else where for sex. And that's how divorce will occur. So women surprise your man once in while for a change and see the change your man will have towards you. Just A Thought..
I'am GLAD he spoke on masturbation...I want to deal with the reality and not fantasizing...Lord i want to be patient for the man of God you have for me!
I am not offended by Mark and certainly not the uploader and I agree with what is being said about the seriousness of it and the problems it causes, but I think that it is pointless and counterproductive to try to make people feel bad or ashamed about watching porn or saying "just stop it". I used to be hooked on it to the point that that I would use porn all day or all night and constantly be fantasizing about perversion. Most people that are hooked on porn are already deeply ashamed and many loathe themselves. Do you know what such a man does when he is ashamed? Numbs it with porn. I had to come to a decision to reject any shame that came into my mind so that I could overcome/repent. If you(the reader of this comment) have any problems that you are ashamed of, I challenge you to ask yourself if shaming yourself has ever led to a positive change of heart or even your actions. Even if we were obligated to feel ashamed, I think it would still be better to shirk shame so that we could change our ways. I think that shame is a tool and conspiracy of the devil or of the addicted subconscious mind to temp us into watching more porn and not seeking help. Whether you believe in a devil or not, we have a tempter within us conspiring against us, using cunning tricks to keep us addicted. Basically, don't be decieved into following strategies that have only failed you in the past(praying helps but you need to act wisely too). To stop watching porn, you need practical wisdom and resources. I recommend for practical strategies and Fight the New Drug for educational stuff about why porn is harmful to yourself and the people in the industry.
I don't think any particular speech is able to address everybody's situation. He is telling those who believe it's fine or even great that it's not fine at all, not shaming those who are guilty that they can't stop it. Maybe he could have emphasized on this a bit more. But forming an addiction takes time, usually it's the early on "it is not harmful or even it's helpful" mentality fooling people to continue until they realize that it really starts taking a toll on them. Anybody who are motivated enough to truly make a change, have to pray for wisdom to be able to discern information and also for the right people and ways of help appear in their life. I appreciate much you shared, except "praying... BUT..."., since it sounds like they're two separate things.
I don't think he's pouring shame on it. He's saying that masturbation and porn does not lead to a healthy monogamous sexual relation and our society is glorifying it.
Man I’m not even married and I can tell you that porn and masturbation are running the life that I’m supposed to have with my future spouse. I’ve stopped watching porn about a year ago (thank God for that) but I still struggle with lust.
honestly, i am old, haven't heard any one like this, God is with you pastor, require more people like this, no hypocrites, trust me even God will be having a good laugh, and the devil will be wondering, ha ha ha you confused the devil
you ever heard of swinging swinging has been around for years it is called wife swapping and it is a massive culture that has changed peoples attitudes towards sex by having multiple partners or couples in marriages using another person to have sex with this is the now the norm and a culture
Men can go longer without sex than women can go without money. Whether it’s genuine or counterfeit , broke men Go without. In the 80s when the paper back book called “the joy of sex “, who do you think the target audience was? Women enjoy politics in general more than they do true sex.
I always wondered how Solomon, a king with hundreds of concubines, could write the Song of Solomon about exclusivity with one woman. No doubt that situation was not God's ideal by any means and caused great consternation in Solomon.
You are right. When he had all his wives/concubines, it was not a commandment from God. It was a disobedience to God. Later in Proverbs, he regret it all.
His facts are accurate, but his conclussions are some kind of wild. In Part 2, he said, a woman, that put out before marriage, is a moron, because she will not get, what she wants, after she delivered. In Part 4 he said, if it were not for the sex, men would not deal with women as partners, because sex is the main motivator. And in part 5 he says, that men, who eliminated the urge to have sex with a woman through masturbation, are wrong? My good sir, you tought your audience the exact opposite: You said, men must marry the women, they want to have sex with, to get sex, but the only thing, they get out of the relationship, is sex. So, if the only thing, i can get from a woman, is sex, and to get sex, i have to spend money, time and patience on the woman, i want to have sex with, than I think, it's only logical to end the urge to have sex with a woman, so I don't have to enter a marriage and spend my time, money and patience the way I see fit.
23:30 Just to give you an hint about maintaining a man's erection; vision. Good you acknowledge that whatever men see in front of them will keep the erection going. Women, did you get that? Some of these women will always look like a sack of potatoes on the bed and expect a men to keep an erection going? There are so many factors that come into play. First thing you should talk about is why married men will go for porn. This would justify, perhaps, the retribution on the use of porn in marriages. It is hard work for some women to keep a normal man interested in them
Where does love fit in? He talked about sex, the stupidity of porno, and the difference between men and women. I did learn things from all of these videos, but unless it was discussed off-screen, I don't remember him talking about love between a married couple. Where does Ephesians 5:25 fit in?
All true, but there's a major part of the equation missing here that needs to be addressed (and I apologize if he discusses it at a later time). Sometimes the woman does things that make it impossible for the man to be turned on. Weight gain is one. That's a choice. A very poor choice. Not too many men (some more than others) are turned on more when his wife gains weight. Especially if he had made that very crystal clear all along. And that goes for a man who does it as well to a wife who may be sensitive to this.
Masturbation? What s wrong in principle? I love the preacher and this class but it is not even biblical to oppose masturbation as a whole. There is a Christian way of masturbation especially for singles in their 20s 30s or married men struggling sexless marriage. Not a solution but could be a part of it.
So at the outset, the speaker said this was not going to be a man bashing conference. And arguably it could be said he is not bashing men, but porn. Yet so far he has not addressed the very real, far more common issue that women seek to break relationship because they want more. More money, more control, a "Better man". At no point has he mentioned that perhaps it is not porn that lures men away, but that women shame and belittle men until the man walks away metaphorically, and then she discards him. Perhaps the equation is missing some key points. Because he has made some good points i will continue to watch. Though I am unsure if he will address the far more uncomfortable truth in society.
You know how I can tell his Family Feud story was bullshit? Because they ask regular people. There is no way that with 100 people being asked and asking for the top 4 to 10 answers that with 6 tries, not one answer give was correct. Either that or 100 mormons were asked.
If marriage is God's institution for a man and woman, why are there people born as gay or lesbian oriented? Is there a flaw in God's institution or creation?
Koh Teck Huat this is a very important question! The thing is that every human is born in a sort of broken condition- we are inherently flawed. You don’t have to teach children to do the wrong thing, you know? They’ll do wrong until taught otherwise! And that was not God’s doing, but rather a consequence of humans not doing what God intended. And Jesus is God’s solution for this problem. Now I’m not gay, but I have heard gay/lesbian people say that they were born that way. I’m not here to refute that, because I am not them and I think it’s wrong to say “no you turned gay at some point through some trauma or you were exposed to something that turned that on in you.” Neither am I here to say that that never happens, because I have also heard gay people say they know exactly when they became gay and why! The point is here that how/when it happens is not the point, and is the wrong thing to focus on. If we are all born in a broken condition, in need of truth and love, why do gay people tend to isolate their particular problem and say it is somehow different than any other sin? You don’t hear people who sin in other areas of life saying “hey God made me this way it must be okay!” Or “God must have screwed up!” In fact the very nature of the LBGTQ movement is grounded in PRIDE. Why is that? God doesn’t hate gay people. He doesn’t hate any sinner. In fact he loves sinners so much and so desires for us to feel and be transformed by his love that he gave us Jesus ❤️
Would he agree that masturbating--with only fantasies (not porn) or 'subdued' versions of 'porn'--very infrequently and only when one does not have a partner (or whose partner is long distance) is an acceptable solution?
I think the goal is to find a spouse in order to achieve the level of intimacy he is teaching. If all folks did was be single and masterbate, then there is no real push to find a mate
No wonder you can't get somebody to love ya ! Before even start the work , you already ""know"" you're going to fail. Before even step in to the relationship , you already know you're going to fail . Then obviously you will fail all your life . Because that's what you're TRAINED to do .
He starts these videos with jokes and makes little comments about wives training their husbands. He eventually comes out and actually tells wives to use sex to train their husbands. He tells them in later videos to withhold sex until they (the wives) get what they want. After watching all 9 segments, I can honestly say that this guy is not teaching what is in the Bible. No where in the Bible does it instruct wives to train their husbands. The Bible says "Do not with hold sex from your spouse." So, when he tell wives to withhold sex, he is contradicting the Bible.
I don't think he means withhold sex from your husband forever. Do you know a better way to train your husband? Do you think reasoning with a husband would work? What would you suggest? He talks about retraining and why. I'm going to watch the video again.
@@ibosquez5238 well one of the two of them have a problem. Most guys are easy to reason with if you're being REASONABLE. Sometimes its necessary to try and look at things from the other person's perspective. There was once in the early parts of the relationship with my future spouse, I had done a whole host of things for her and didn't want anything in return. Now the things I did ranged from very important (getting the tires on her car changed) to the not so important to me (taking her kids, now our kids) out for icecream. Well a movie comes out that she wants to see and I have no interest in. She wanted me to go with her and I told her no, I really didn't want to see it. Well she got all hurt and upset and started giving me a really hard time and my response was "all the shit I've done but this one thing makes me mean, because I don't want to see a bad movie?" We didn't talk for a few days but she thought it through and realized she wasn't being fair or reasonable. Look, you can try to train your guy by withholding sex but you're setting yourself up for bad things down the road. As dumb as you all think men are, and we have our moments, we pick up on patterns quickly and that nothing box is used for thinking. But ask yourself if what you're asking is as reasonable for him as it is for you. If the guy works hard, 9-12 hours everyday, I can guarentee that on Friday he really doesn't want to work harder to get off early just to have dinner with your parents because they are in town. If he's lucky enough to get Saturday off he doesn't want to go to breakfast with them either. But he especially doesn't deserve to get shit for not wanting to do these things.
@@carlaaustin7223 Well said, if we did it God's way, it more rewarding. Sex is beautiful one man one woman who understand each other's needs and temperament. Have been married, Lord willing second time will be different, love his teachings.
This entire series should be mandatory watching for every middle school in America. Just my opinion!!! America would be a much better place. I am not a church goer, this just makes perfect sense to happier life.
I'm watching the entire series & have noticed that couples in the audience are getting closer to each other. This man is reaching them.
The best marriage encounter ever. Real information, Godly and taught with humor. Life changing for a marriage.
He's a very good man, doing a very good work.
Wow... The husband and wife unit needs to hear this. Amazing boldness. LOVE IT!
The way he expresses this is awesome. So many people need to hear this and learn. It's explicit in some areas but it's true.
This guy makes so much sense. He is doing an amazing job. Wish I had seen this when I was a teenager.
Deliberate and well informed to those who will heed.....Excellent.... great presentation. Keep going...regardless....Shalom
Just posted this publicly on Facebook. Praying that people hear this message
Preach Pastor.. it’s a war! I pray you preach on our kids and young adults on transgender and same sex marriages with truth..
Thankyou for all 5 videos! Telling the truth! Amen.
Thank you Sir for telling the GOD’s Honest truth!!! I have shared all your videos on my Facebook Page. GOD bless you!!
Courageous and unadulterated word.. Amazing job pastor
This needs to be taught every where
without the religion
That is so true. Those who preach success in Marriage unable to stay married themselves...
Incredible - You are making sense and people should listen to you, regrettably I see only 89 k views on the contrary any uploaded p*** video will have millions of views. Society is becoming sick. Great work bud.
I appreciate Pastor Mark's honesty
2 Timothy 1:7 NIV
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and SELF DISCIPLINE.
2022, and his deliveries are still honest and relevant for today
Wow he's awesome 🙌
this guy makes so much sense. thnx for the upload
Difficult to discuss, but very important. Those who follow this advice will have great marriages.
Awesome teaching. Thanks Mark
My husband and I are mentors to marry couples and we are using the book and manual called Two Becoming One from Don and Sally Meredith, amazing. Mark would be excellent to close the mentoring sessions with these couples. Love him!
Yes, orgasm & ejaculation are not the same thing. Orgasm is an emotional buildup and release. Ejaculation is a physical release. I have found that most people don't realize that they are not the same thing.
@Pamela Bergner its actually mental stimulation. If you not into it, neither can cum
He's right on with what he's teaching!! But there are people who have suffered sexual abuse in many ways and sex becomes a stumbling block to them.
Nice series, hilarious and educational. Well done.
I would point out that Solomon is a bad example when talking about *exclusivity* , don't you think ?
Wow...the lie of the enemy...So true...raw but truth. Wow
The blinders have come off for a lot people! 👀
Affairs are people just giving up on their spouses
Affairs are instances of people deciding that their marriages and their vows aren't important to them anymore.
These videos helped me confirm how dead my marriage is
It is just so loving and true and funny.
to everyone who commented below, ya need to invest more in the bible, prayer, and a good bible teaching church if you find fault in anything he is saying. Marriage is to be between one MAN and one WOMAN, no outsiders, real or fantasy and sex should be shared with the same two not self-giving pleasure,
Well said. God bless you.
I am an atheist...what he says works with or without God... judt saying....
church is a place where you go to pray that God does not create war, it is your own government who do
the biggest and most ugliest form of culture is church
history tells us that all the churches were burnt and new churches were built
why is it that people with power are buggering children it is God's work is it when you are a priest or vicar
the story was made up to make money out of purely
and to have an institution that corrupts society
allows kids to be buggered or killed or sold as sex slaves
church does not give you things it is a form of brain washing you all
Jesus would have saved us again
is it god that bombs countries
in the name of God or Allah
yup i agree ur teaching is correct
Absolutely true!
You know what really fries my Portarican pancakes 😅😂🤣
you can fool your mind but you will never never fool your body
Awesome! Teaching Mark
Gold in 2024🎉❤😂
He Is Awesome
Was about to head for a quickie then saw this , well i guess this is what discipline feels like.
Worth the wait
He makes a great point about a lot of things, but he fails to touch other things such as the effect of age on marriage. Then the relationship changes. I totally agree on the exclusivity theme. I cannot look at a girl the same way if she plays me dirty. I will never have the same respect for her.
As a follower of Christ and as a sex addict for 60 yrs I completely agree wit( what he is saying
But healing of sex addiction is not just a matter of saying just stop or don’t do it
This addiction cost me the relationship with my ist wife and children
It’s only when I remarried and went for counselling I found out that I had been clinically depressed from my early yrs which drew me to sexual addiction for comfort and peace of mind just like alcoholics drug addicts etc
My wife and I have been married 15 yrs our marriage is a miracle but if there is one area I love to change in a heartbeat is us being sexually intimate
I love her and she loves me but sadly that area has been shut down by her
She simply does not want to go down that path
So whoever reads this take the warning for yourself or more importantly your children
There are degrees of addiction and especially for Christian men and women it’s even more difficult when they know it’s a sin
This is the reason why we need to instruct our primary school children
But instead what we have allowed are lgbtq gender identity politics
Then when and if they come to Christ their life has been built on a lie
I know God is a miraculous God
But jacob Paul and many more have gone through life with thorns that God has not removed
Don’t let this be one of them 🌈➕🇦🇺🇮🇱
Morning to dear love it
There are 46 thumbs down, wonder what they are getting, I bet not this😊
Not getting sex.
A marriage should work both ways. A man pleasures the woman . And also a woman have to pleasure man unexpectedly. Man needs to feel loved too. If not man will start to look else where for sex. And that's how divorce will occur. So women surprise your man once in while for a change and see the change your man will have towards you. Just A Thought..
100% true; everything is about physical and lust almost as if we are back to cave days.
And the last days will be like in the days of Noah and then the end will come.
That's profound. lol
I'am GLAD he spoke on masturbation...I want to deal with the reality and not fantasizing...Lord i want to be patient for the man of God you have for me!
Absolutely right
we are trading real women for fantasy!!! thank you for pointing that out,
I am not offended by Mark and certainly not the uploader and I agree with what is being said about the seriousness of it and the problems it causes, but I think that it is pointless and counterproductive to try to make people feel bad or ashamed about watching porn or saying "just stop it". I used to be hooked on it to the point that that I would use porn all day or all night and constantly be fantasizing about perversion. Most people that are hooked on porn are already deeply ashamed and many loathe themselves. Do you know what such a man does when he is ashamed? Numbs it with porn.
I had to come to a decision to reject any shame that came into my mind so that I could overcome/repent. If you(the reader of this comment) have any problems that you are ashamed of, I challenge you to ask yourself if shaming yourself has ever led to a positive change of heart or even your actions. Even if we were obligated to feel ashamed, I think it would still be better to shirk shame so that we could change our ways. I think that shame is a tool and conspiracy of the devil or of the addicted subconscious mind to temp us into watching more porn and not seeking help. Whether you believe in a devil or not, we have a tempter within us conspiring against us, using cunning tricks to keep us addicted. Basically, don't be decieved into following strategies that have only failed you in the past(praying helps but you need to act wisely too).
To stop watching porn, you need practical wisdom and resources. I recommend for practical strategies and Fight the New Drug for educational stuff about why porn is harmful to yourself and the people in the industry.
I don't think any particular speech is able to address everybody's situation. He is telling those who believe it's fine or even great that it's not fine at all, not shaming those who are guilty that they can't stop it. Maybe he could have emphasized on this a bit more. But forming an addiction takes time, usually it's the early on "it is not harmful or even it's helpful" mentality fooling people to continue until they realize that it really starts taking a toll on them. Anybody who are motivated enough to truly make a change, have to pray for wisdom to be able to discern information and also for the right people and ways of help appear in their life.
I appreciate much you shared, except "praying... BUT..."., since it sounds like they're two separate things.
I don't think he's pouring shame on it. He's saying that masturbation and porn does not lead to a healthy monogamous sexual relation and our society is glorifying it.
@@mariarib6504......I think you got it RIGHT!!
This needs I repeat NEEDS to be mandatory education.
Try to watch the whole series together
Man I’m not even married and I can tell you that porn and masturbation are running the life that I’m supposed to have with my future spouse. I’ve stopped watching porn about a year ago (thank God for that) but I still struggle with lust.
honestly, i am old, haven't heard any one like this, God is with you pastor, require more people like this, no hypocrites, trust me even God will be having a good laugh, and the devil will be wondering, ha ha ha you confused the devil
I get some points, but not others.....
Total silence!!
So Funny And Right
you ever heard of swinging
swinging has been around for years
it is called wife swapping
and it is a massive culture that has changed peoples attitudes towards sex
by having multiple partners
or couples in marriages using another person to have sex with
this is the now the norm and a culture
Wrong is now normal and okay?
Sister wives. No one benefits but the so called husband
So true
What annoys me is that young couples talk about having sex, never a mention of making love.
Men can go longer without sex than women can go without money. Whether it’s genuine or counterfeit , broke men Go without. In the 80s when the paper back book called “the joy of sex “, who do you think the target audience was? Women enjoy politics in general more than they do true sex.
I always wondered how Solomon, a king with hundreds of concubines, could write the Song of Solomon about exclusivity with one woman. No doubt that situation was not God's ideal by any means and caused great consternation in Solomon.
You are right. When he had all his wives/concubines, it was not a commandment from God. It was a disobedience to God. Later in Proverbs, he regret it all.
What’s this mans name? He’s got good stuff.
Pastor Mark Gungor
His facts are accurate, but his conclussions are some kind of wild. In Part 2, he said, a woman, that put out before marriage, is a moron, because she will not get, what she wants, after she delivered. In Part 4 he said, if it were not for the sex, men would not deal with women as partners, because sex is the main motivator. And in part 5 he says, that men, who eliminated the urge to have sex with a woman through masturbation, are wrong? My good sir, you tought your audience the exact opposite: You said, men must marry the women, they want to have sex with, to get sex, but the only thing, they get out of the relationship, is sex. So, if the only thing, i can get from a woman, is sex, and to get sex, i have to spend money, time and patience on the woman, i want to have sex with, than I think, it's only logical to end the urge to have sex with a woman, so I don't have to enter a marriage and spend my time, money and patience the way I see fit.
That is just so incredibly sad
Do you have an email people could write you to. I don’t see you as this older man
What a strange conversation.
That's why talking to some people is really difficult, since almost nothing won't get twisted...
People with unhappy marriages giving advise on how to have a successful marriage is like a dentist with bad teeth telling you how to floss
23:30 Just to give you an hint about maintaining a man's erection; vision. Good you acknowledge that whatever men see in front of them will keep the erection going. Women, did you get that? Some of these women will always look like a sack of potatoes on the bed and expect a men to keep an erection going? There are so many factors that come into play. First thing you should talk about is why married men will go for porn. This would justify, perhaps, the retribution on the use of porn in marriages. It is hard work for some women to keep a normal man interested in them
Some women are also responsible. When they finally have an active man, they feel disturbed and the man ends up turning to another option.
Where does love fit in? He talked about sex, the stupidity of porno, and the difference between men and women. I did learn things from all of these videos, but unless it was discussed off-screen, I don't remember him talking about love between a married couple. Where does Ephesians 5:25 fit in?
What’s this mans name?
All true, but there's a major part of the equation missing here that needs to be addressed (and I apologize if he discusses it at a later time). Sometimes the woman does things that make it impossible for the man to be turned on. Weight gain is one. That's a choice. A very poor choice. Not too many men (some more than others) are turned on more when his wife gains weight. Especially if he had made that very crystal clear all along. And that goes for a man who does it as well to a wife who may be sensitive to this.
Masturbation? What s wrong in principle? I love the preacher and this class but it is not even biblical to oppose masturbation as a whole. There is a Christian way of masturbation especially for singles in their 20s 30s or married men struggling sexless marriage. Not a solution but could be a part of it.
So at the outset, the speaker said this was not going to be a man bashing conference. And arguably it could be said he is not bashing men, but porn.
Yet so far he has not addressed the very real, far more common issue that women seek to break relationship because they want more. More money, more control, a "Better man".
At no point has he mentioned that perhaps it is not porn that lures men away, but that women shame and belittle men until the man walks away metaphorically, and then she discards him.
Perhaps the equation is missing some key points.
Because he has made some good points i will continue to watch. Though I am unsure if he will address the far more uncomfortable truth in society.
He will explain the concerns you mentioned if you continue watching the seminars. Especially about the belittling and control.
The one who dislikes this video are the porn addicts, in affairs and lgbtqfkyx
Masturbation is okey if it does not ruin your sex life with a partner
But if you are singel???
Pornography is a very dirty industry
You know how I can tell his Family Feud story was bullshit? Because they ask regular people. There is no way that with 100 people being asked and asking for the top 4 to 10 answers that with 6 tries, not one answer give was correct. Either that or 100 mormons were asked.
If marriage is God's institution for a man and woman, why are there people born as gay or lesbian oriented? Is there a flaw in God's institution or creation?
Koh Teck Huat this is a very important question! The thing is that every human is born in a sort of broken condition- we are inherently flawed. You don’t have to teach children to do the wrong thing, you know? They’ll do wrong until taught otherwise! And that was not God’s doing, but rather a consequence of humans not doing what God intended. And Jesus is God’s solution for this problem.
Now I’m not gay, but I have heard gay/lesbian people say that they were born that way. I’m not here to refute that, because I am not them and I think it’s wrong to say “no you turned gay at some point through some trauma or you were exposed to something that turned that on in you.” Neither am I here to say that that never happens, because I have also heard gay people say they know exactly when they became gay and why! The point is here that how/when it happens is not the point, and is the wrong thing to focus on.
If we are all born in a broken condition, in need of truth and love, why do gay people tend to isolate their particular problem and say it is somehow different than any other sin? You don’t hear people who sin in other areas of life saying “hey God made me this way it must be okay!” Or “God must have screwed up!” In fact the very nature of the LBGTQ movement is grounded in PRIDE. Why is that?
God doesn’t hate gay people. He doesn’t hate any sinner. In fact he loves sinners so much and so desires for us to feel and be transformed by his love that he gave us Jesus ❤️
This video will help answer your question:
The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage
They are not born gay or lesbian. We all have a choice. Free will.
I started watching "The Nothing Box" which is very funny and true on so many levels, but now he's turned all religious and moralistic, it's a pity.🙄
Would he agree that masturbating--with only fantasies (not porn) or 'subdued' versions of 'porn'--very infrequently and only when one does not have a partner (or whose partner is long distance) is an acceptable solution?
No because the word partner doesn't exist in this guy's world. Only spouse. Ugh.
I think the goal is to find a spouse in order to achieve the level of intimacy he is teaching. If all folks did was be single and masterbate, then there is no real push to find a mate
The awnser to great sex is exploration. Each individual has different kinks.
what do you mean exploration ? your spouses body?
@@jeanmclaurin5504 spouse, and your own. The human brain and body are complex.
There are nerve endings everywhere that can give a different experience.
Marriage=#1 cause of divorce.
No wonder you can't get somebody to love ya !
Before even start the work , you already ""know"" you're going to fail.
Before even step in to the relationship , you already know you're going to fail .
Then obviously you will fail all your life . Because that's what you're TRAINED to do .
You hope for the best but plan for the worst.
He starts these videos with jokes and makes little comments about wives training their husbands. He eventually comes out and actually tells wives to use sex to train their husbands. He tells them in later videos to withhold sex until they (the wives) get what they want. After watching all 9 segments, I can honestly say that this guy is not teaching what is in the Bible. No where in the Bible does it instruct wives to train their husbands. The Bible says "Do not with hold sex from your spouse." So, when he tell wives to withhold sex, he is contradicting the Bible.
You can not listen and process a simple elementary lecture, you are in a deep pit!
Huh... you have a solid point there.
I don't think he means withhold sex from your husband forever. Do you know a better way to train your husband? Do you think reasoning with a husband would work? What would you suggest?
He talks about retraining and why. I'm going to watch the video again.
@@ibosquez5238 well one of the two of them have a problem. Most guys are easy to reason with if you're being REASONABLE. Sometimes its necessary to try and look at things from the other person's perspective.
There was once in the early parts of the relationship with my future spouse, I had done a whole host of things for her and didn't want anything in return. Now the things I did ranged from very important (getting the tires on her car changed) to the not so important to me (taking her kids, now our kids) out for icecream. Well a movie comes out that she wants to see and I have no interest in. She wanted me to go with her and I told her no, I really didn't want to see it. Well she got all hurt and upset and started giving me a really hard time and my response was "all the shit I've done but this one thing makes me mean, because I don't want to see a bad movie?" We didn't talk for a few days but she thought it through and realized she wasn't being fair or reasonable.
Look, you can try to train your guy by withholding sex but you're setting yourself up for bad things down the road. As dumb as you all think men are, and we have our moments, we pick up on patterns quickly and that nothing box is used for thinking. But ask yourself if what you're asking is as reasonable for him as it is for you. If the guy works hard, 9-12 hours everyday, I can guarentee that on Friday he really doesn't want to work harder to get off early just to have dinner with your parents because they are in town. If he's lucky enough to get Saturday off he doesn't want to go to breakfast with them either. But he especially doesn't deserve to get shit for not wanting to do these things.
Yeah ok. Peace
So? we criminalizing lust now?
No, God did. He knows where it leads, lies told, people hurt. It can lead to perversion. It's destructive.
Well said, if we did it God's way, it more rewarding. Sex is beautiful one man one woman who understand each other's needs and temperament.
Have been married, Lord willing second time will be different, love his teachings.
Yeah. Don't get married. control yourself.
This guy is not a good example of Christ.
I think his assessment of what is and is not an orgasm is inaccurate