Make sure you write what Chosen ones would you like to see and what topics should They discuss. Please bear in mind I can make one video per week and there are lots of chosen ones.
I think you should make a vídeo of the council of Villains where the Villains talk about wicked laughts, where the ones who have one make a competiton about it, and the ones who does not have one try to learn one. Also, i think that Shao Kahn, Raiden and Liu Kang should apear in the future episodes.
Honestly, just let Harry Potter talk about his world. It's crazy mess that everyone can complain about! Just pick topic, ministry, banks, DADA (teachers), ministry, owls, love potions, muggles/wizards relationships (and whole mind wiping), pranks, ministy, purebloods, forbidden forests, Hagrid, flying cars, newspapers, what happened that year in school, tournaments, Azkaban, Dumbledore or everyone favorite ministry. It's golden mine of funny topic that nobody will believe.
I'm not sure about new chosen one, but what if Harry Potter end up in council of villains (or what is name). Because of their special connection, when Voldemort is busy, Harry gets invited (thinking it's chosen ones meeting) and arrive, when Voldemort isn't there. Everyone (expect Vader, who can't say anything about it) think he is promising young dark Lord and give him advices. Harry play along and tell them about his childhood, how he tried to steal object that gives you immortality (no need to tell them about protecting part), how he burned to death teacher, who's job was protecting it (all true). How he can talk with snakes and one year, school happens to be terrorized by gigant snake. How he helped his godfather, convinced mass murderer, dark wizard and prisoners in max security prison, escape and even saved his life. How he against rules enter tournament and when he happens to share first place with his school mate, school mate died before they came back to prize. Also, currently, he is building secret anti-gowermet army. That could be fun.
@Smart-vn9yg not speaking anyone else just my own personal experience but I could never befriend my crush I have enough friends if I ask her out and she says no I'll move on the friends to lovers route may work for you but personally it could never work for me
@@DarthJarJar23 Why, exactly, could it never work? You explained HOW you could go the friends to lovers route but you never explained hot it could never work for you.
Anakin in the Clone Wars: _Capable of hiding his marriage from most everyone, hiding his identity for espionage missions, and smooth-talking others into doing what he wants_ Anakin in TH-cam Fan Series: *"Yeah I do a bit of murde- I mean mentoring! Yeah. Mentoring Sand People and Younglings. I definitely am not going to be a Sith Lord."*
@ Thought up a bit more to add to this Darth Vader: _cold fury masking a deep pain and sadness beneath, hiding his former identity and trying to kill all reminders of it_ Darth Vader in Fan Series: “Oh yeah I used to be Anakin Skywalker :) “ “I was secretly married to this hot former Queen and then I killed her by accident :( “ “I still hate sand. It’s even more irritating when it gets into my suit >:( ”
@@christianbryan6961 Funny thing about sand... The course stuff doesn't actually get everywhere and is easy to handle. It's the fine stuff that manages to find its way into places you thought were _literally_ air tight. *_Rips filter off turbine intake and starts banging the sand out of it._*
To be fair most everyone around him were clearly blind as a bat since Anakin and Padme were about as subtle as a bonfire on a raft whenever they're together.
@@GrandArmyoftheRepubliccz how about a female villain for the council of whatever they call themselves? My contenders: - White Witch (The Chronicles of Narnia) - Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones) - Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries)
@kamuiwarp1784 anakin would probably take it. He is not evil. Truthfully speaking he will turn to anakin and then the chosen one's will kill the villains while the villains are fighting the wise
There are many many many book characters that I know of that can go into the council of chosen ones Runt Ironfurnace- diary of an 8-bit warrior Dragonets of destiny- wings of fire Jade winglet- wings of fire Eragon- the inheritance cycle Elliott- epic zero
Council of chosen once - Captain Kirk from Star Trek. Kal El/Superman. Eragon Council of the Wise - Picard from Star trek. Jor El (Father/Mentor). Brom Council of villains - Krall or Khan from Star trek. General Zod. King Galbatorex
Topics to discuss: They Training and comparing them They main choice of weapons How different they worlds are (talking animals, magic, years, future and past etc..) Comparing they technology How to be a leader and to lead people
A couple of Chosen Ones I think could fit in this Council Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III from How to Train Your Dragon Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians
Jack Frost definitely since he was resurrected and chosen by the man in the moon. Someone who every guardian massively respects and was chosen by. I don’t think you can get anymore chosen than that.
I agree!!! Besides, If Jack entres,vElsa forma Frozen should be included too l, since, in Frozen 2 (didn't watch It, no patience), sheep was Chosen, pedestined to bebthe Fifth Spirit of the Enchanted Forest or so I've Heard. Anyway, they should include Jack and Elsa in the Concil of Chosen Ones to HAVE scenes of Jack flirting non-stop Elsa and funny/awkward scenes from the resto of the Concil seeing this 😀😀😀 And since, theorically, Hiccup would be there too he could typically be the guy to bring back Jack back at the main topic being discissed. And of course, Jack being friend with Santa Claus we could see hilários scenes where Po tries to bargain Jack to let him see Santa Claus, Ketiness and Aragorn would share a look of "Is this guy serious?" "or "Do we tell him?" Man, now that I really want to see
I wanna hear Harry say "And as always, for the republic". I wonder if Anakin/Vader will get emotionally sad and filled with guilt remembering he "killed" Padme.
That would actually be the saddest scene in this whole series if Anakin remembers Padme and feels guilty for what he did. I wonder how the others would try to help him.
What happeneds if they found out Anakin became Darth Vader And he has to explain them what happened and it gets really emotional i bet Po would cry or maybe tears
0:51 Yeah Lloyd has a point about not having Po anywhere near the food in Hogwarts. He would probably bankrupt that school in less of a week. Aragorn & Aang did brought up a good point to Po about having him go on a diet.
Perhaps it's time for another council, the Council of Heroes. Unlike the chosen ones, they earned their right to be a hero. For example, Superman. Luke Skywalker. and other characters.
I like that idea, as some point maybe add a council of redeemed villains. A lot of arguing would happend in this council, we can all agree that Suko deserve to be in it, but does Harumi?
@nightlunastar Council of redeemed villains enter in an aged up Anakin, Kylo Ren, Zuko, Superior Spider-man and maybe Catwoman and Harley Quinn. All characters who did horrible things who at some point used their powers or abilities to help people.
Sora isnt actually a chosen one. Xehanort on the other hand is and like Anakin could be in both the council of vilains and chosen ones. You can get creative with that
@@joshuamerriweather2861 Sora's point is, as Nomura said so himself, that he is a normal guy who gets to be were he ends because of the person he is and how he connects with people, not because he is someone special. In KH1 its revealed that Riku is the one who was actually chosen, Sora just was lucky and was at the right time at the right place. Riku would be interesting to have tho, same with Xehanort
@joshuamerriweather2861 the issue is that by that definition everyone is eligible to be clasified as a chosen one, such as Katniss here. And i wouldnt say he was destined
For the Council of Villains, I recommend Davros and the Master from Doctor Who. As for the Council of the Wise, I recommend someone like the Doctor from Doctor Who.
Maybe Princess Sofia from Sofia the First. Aragorn could relate to her since he wasn’t born a ruler (his kingdom of Arnor gone long before his birth), so he could reassure her she doesn’t need to have been born a princess to be a good one. Aang could be a big brother to her, Anakin could be reminded of Padme (since his wife was once elected Queen rather than born into it), Po could amaze by everyone understanding him without a magic amulet, and Katniss could be reminded of Prim and adore her. Harry could sympathize with Sofia, understanding how overwhelming it can be for your world to change overnight (her becoming a princess, him finding out he’s famous).
I think Jon Snow could be a good choice. He'd probably get along with Aragorn and could teach characters like Po, Lloyd, and Aang lessons about how brutal the world can be. Plus, Katniss reaction after hearing his name could be funny
I would like to see chosen ones talking about their goofy and comic relief friends. Lloyd about jay walker, aang about sokka, harry potter about ron weasley, po... well he's the goofy friend.
4:52 Well the starvation would be the least of the problems, Katness had put it best about what the HungerGames is. The HungerGames is a Deathmatch, only one survive, the weak parish
3:03 this is something younger lloyd would have said, but I can't imagine the current Lloyd saying this, since Nya has been part of the team for years and he is the reason why Sora is now in the ninja club and there is Wyldfire too.
I would like to see Paul Atreides in the future. His ability to see all possible futures along with the voice could provide interesting conversations and such.
Anakin’s story arc as the Chosen One is tragic and yet a complicated one he’s not like the other chosen heroes he’s a tragic one in his right im not sure if Aragorn or the others would understand
Dont get me wrong here but katniss is not a choosen one but i do think she works here as she not a no body either who lucked or Stumbled into history/greatness she's some where in between. Ps. i do like her in this im just confused as how she would count as a choosen one by definition as she isnt but kinda is all at the same time at least thats how ive always looked at her story
@@filipandersson5783 First: You're not the owner of this channel, you don't get to decide what to put in the series. Second: Your English is bad. Third: If you don't want to watch these videos because of your subjective preferences, you can just... wait for it... not watch them. I know, I know, I'm a genius.
And also, I think someone mentioned it in a community post that on discord, the channel owner won't do anime anyway because they're not as familiar with the medium
Now I know this is a bit extreme... but can you add Doomslayer as a Chosen One member? I mean he was chosen by the Seraphim to kill basically every demon in Hell. Also, VEGA should speak for him. I think Doomslayer talking is a bit weird.
I think this is too much, Doom slayer has no personalization, and even more so it is out of the game. If he does make such characters, then he needs to be combined with other characters from other games, so it will be fair
yeah I think he said one word: Evil god: ''Tell me...have you nothing to say to your creator...before you strike him down?'' Doomslayer: *strike down god. Doomslayer:"No"
@@vladlenvolkov9034 He doesn't need to have A personality. He just can just stand stand and be chill, for like, the entire time. If he needs to be combined with other characters, then here is my list: Kratos, the God of War Sonic the Hedgehog (preferably the movie version) Link from Legend of Zelda Spyro the Dragon (either Insomniac or Skylanders) Master Chief from Halo Liu Kang from Mortal Kombat or Cloud from Final Fantasy
For my idea for the next Council of Villains episode, I would probably suggest: - Sir Crocodile from One Piece. -Frieza from Dragon Ball Z. Or, Professor James Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.
I have a question how about next time you could put Ben Tennyson from Ben 10 into the council of chosen ones because he's saved the world a bunch of times He's battled against aliens and villains And Grandpa Max would go on the council of Wise and vilgax and maybe Captain Nemesis Dr animo hex and za scare Because I would be pretty cool so what do you think.
I recommend Spyro from the legend of Spyro series, since he's a purple dragon born only one in every 10 generations. He even has his own dark lord, Malphor, the dark master. also, they should discuss about how they all feel about being chosen. They would have pretty unique takes on what that would mean and it would be interesting to see how the others would react to each others opinions on the subject.
Didn't think about Katniss but that was pretty cool and a nice surprise. Now there are a lot of Chosen Ones but I think we can have: - Ezio Auditore da Firenze (technically chosen to pass on his message to Desmond) - Percy Jackson - Liu Kang - Arthur Pendragon (really any version, though maybe the one from Gargoyles) - Buffy Summers - Yugi Muto (the boy, not the Pharaoh, I feel the interactions could be so funny with the whole cards game stuff) - Jon Snow For the Council of Villains: - As always and as I will *never* stop requesting, Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty (1959) - Odin from God of War - Shang Tsung/Shao Kahn/Shinnok - Nagash from Warhammer Fantasy - The Joker, Darkseid or Lex Luthor from DC - David Xanatos - Thanos or Dr Doom from Marvel For the Council of Wise: - Merlin from Disney's The Sword in the Stone - Mimir from God of War - Mr Miyagi from Karate Kids - Mary Poppins - Tyrion Lannister Ideas for the Council of Badasses: - Batman (OF COURSE) - Goliath from Gargoyles - John Wick - Kratos - Indiana Jones - Ellen Ripley - King Leonidas - The Terminator
Council of badasses Batman, Wonder Woman, John Wick, Jason Bourne, James Bond, Terminator, Grandmaster Luke Skywalker, Peter Parker, Jackie Chan and Chuck Norris.
Oh my goodness this is so hilarious with the people that chosen ones that council the heroes and the villains the wisemen the dark Lords it is so much content, powerful content, indeed
“Definition is pretty flexible” Feyd Rautha about to talk about how he skewered a drugged slave at the next iteration of this council:🗿 I still maintain that Baron Harkonnen should join the Council of Dark Lords.
Anakin: Those sand people were raiders and did many unspeakable things. Trust me, trying to get them to change their ways was pointless, plus, it wasn't my idea, just following orders. I did tell her I didn't like what I did but I had to do it safer for the many than the few. If he said that, he would have been in the clear.
Make sure you write what Chosen ones would you like to see and what topics should They discuss. Please bear in mind I can make one video per week and there are lots of chosen ones.
I think you should make a vídeo of the council of Villains where the Villains talk about wicked laughts, where the ones who have one make a competiton about it, and the ones who does not have one try to learn one.
Also, i think that Shao Kahn, Raiden and Liu Kang should apear in the future episodes.
Can you please add ben ten in the council of chosen ones
Honestly, just let Harry Potter talk about his world. It's crazy mess that everyone can complain about! Just pick topic, ministry, banks, DADA (teachers), ministry, owls, love potions, muggles/wizards relationships (and whole mind wiping), pranks, ministy, purebloods, forbidden forests, Hagrid, flying cars, newspapers, what happened that year in school, tournaments, Azkaban, Dumbledore or everyone favorite ministry. It's golden mine of funny topic that nobody will believe.
How about one where they all just talk about their friends like
Anakin talks about ahsoka
Aang about toph and sokka
Lloyd about the other ninja
I'm not sure about new chosen one, but what if Harry Potter end up in council of villains (or what is name). Because of their special connection, when Voldemort is busy, Harry gets invited (thinking it's chosen ones meeting) and arrive, when Voldemort isn't there. Everyone (expect Vader, who can't say anything about it) think he is promising young dark Lord and give him advices. Harry play along and tell them about his childhood, how he tried to steal object that gives you immortality (no need to tell them about protecting part), how he burned to death teacher, who's job was protecting it (all true). How he can talk with snakes and one year, school happens to be terrorized by gigant snake. How he helped his godfather, convinced mass murderer, dark wizard and prisoners in max security prison, escape and even saved his life. How he against rules enter tournament and when he happens to share first place with his school mate, school mate died before they came back to prize. Also, currently, he is building secret anti-gowermet army. That could be fun.
Aragorn talking about Arwen and being suspicious of Anakin?
Aragorn being intelligent and insightful in more ways than one?
Instant Like
"Younglings battle royal"
Anakin you killed me 😂
Just like t-I'm sure you can guess the rest.
@@dikastederook6380 it never gets old...
*yk the rest*
"Love is not a race young one, it is a journey" Damn, that's actually a really cool line.
And it's true. You gotta befriend your crush before you end up in a relationship(speaking from personal experience).
@Smart-vn9yg But how long does it get until it becomes a “friend zone” kind of relationship when it’s not meant to be?
@@ulfberht4431 That depends on the person.
@Smart-vn9yg not speaking anyone else just my own personal experience but I could never befriend my crush I have enough friends if I ask her out and she says no I'll move on the friends to lovers route may work for you but personally it could never work for me
@@DarthJarJar23 Why, exactly, could it never work? You explained HOW you could go the friends to lovers route but you never explained hot it could never work for you.
Anakin in the Clone Wars: _Capable of hiding his marriage from most everyone, hiding his identity for espionage missions, and smooth-talking others into doing what he wants_
Anakin in TH-cam Fan Series: *"Yeah I do a bit of murde- I mean mentoring! Yeah. Mentoring Sand People and Younglings. I definitely am not going to be a Sith Lord."*
@@christianbryan6961 yep, pretty much😂
@ Thought up a bit more to add to this
Darth Vader: _cold fury masking a deep pain and sadness beneath, hiding his former identity and trying to kill all reminders of it_
Darth Vader in Fan Series: “Oh yeah I used to be Anakin Skywalker :) “
“I was secretly married to this hot former Queen and then I killed her by accident :( “
“I still hate sand. It’s even more irritating when it gets into my suit >:( ”
Funny thing about sand...
The course stuff doesn't actually get everywhere and is easy to handle.
It's the fine stuff that manages to find its way into places you thought were _literally_ air tight.
*_Rips filter off turbine intake and starts banging the sand out of it._*
To be fair most everyone around him were clearly blind as a bat since Anakin and Padme were about as subtle as a bonfire on a raft whenever they're together.
Aragorn’s advice to aang is so true. I’ve been the “bald friend”. The friend zone is not a loss. You putting her before yourself is winning.
Anakin could have defended himself instead of denying it, saying something like: "What? They were torturing and murdering people for fun."
He could have said, they killed his mother?
I love how everyone is always impressed by Aragon upon meeting him, even though he's just standing here.
To bad no one ask him how OLD Arwen is - or what an elf is.
how old IS she?
@ScientistSkibidi-70 more than 2000 years old, almost 3000 iirc
Katniss was surprisingly chill about interdemesional void and talking panda
@@PrimeOfKaon video was long enough already😁
Now we need Haymitch Abernathy on the Council of the Wise and Coriolanus Snow on the Council of Villains.
First things First, the villains need a woman in their ranks now. The best choice by far is Maleficent. Animated not live action
@@GrandArmyoftheRepubliccz how about a female villain for the council of whatever they call themselves? My contenders:
- White Witch (The Chronicles of Narnia)
- Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones)
- Katherine Pierce (The Vampire Diaries)
@@PrimeOfKaon Yes, Jadis would be perfect.
I can only imagine what's going to happen when the Council figures out who Anakin really is.
Anakin will probably kill them
@Captaindark900Dunno, If Vadar had a chance to become Anakin again would he take it? Because if so then chances are he'd side with this council
@kamuiwarp1784 anakin would probably take it. He is not evil. Truthfully speaking he will turn to anakin and then the chosen one's will kill the villains while the villains are fighting the wise
Considering the events of their respective properties, perhaps the Council of Chosen Ones can help influence Vader to turn to the side of the light.
Somethin tells me it'll possibly start with a fight then by small chance they'll convince him to switch back to good
12:29 It would be interesting if Anakin/Vader became a Mediator between Villains, Heroes and Wise. (He became somewhat Wise in World between Worlds).
I can see it: in next episode of either council, a member of the opposite finds out about Vader or Anakin's second council club
@ 🙂👍
Only Percy Jackson is left, and then the book trio of Harry, Percy, and Katniss will be fulfilled.
Bumblebee too.
There are many many many book characters that I know of that can go into the council of chosen ones
Runt Ironfurnace- diary of an 8-bit warrior
Dragonets of destiny- wings of fire
Jade winglet- wings of fire
Eragon- the inheritance cycle
Elliott- epic zero
Frodo and Luke Skywalker too
12:05 Looks like Aragon finally found his long-lost twin.
Council of chosen once - Captain Kirk from Star Trek. Kal El/Superman. Eragon
Council of the Wise - Picard from Star trek. Jor El (Father/Mentor). Brom
Council of villains - Krall or Khan from Star trek. General Zod. King Galbatorex
What about Spock for the council of the wise?
Council Of Chosen Ones - Liu Kang
Council Of Wise - Raiden
Council Of Villains - Shang Tsung or Shao Kahn
Since they are from the game, it seems to me better to create a separate consul for the characters from the games
Now thats perfect.
Personally, I would want Shang Tsung to be there, hopefully they get Hiroyuki's version for the voice.
Topics to discuss:
They Training and comparing them
They main choice of weapons
How different they worlds are (talking animals, magic, years, future and past etc..)
Comparing they technology
How to be a leader and to lead people
A couple of Chosen Ones I think could fit in this Council
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III from How to Train Your Dragon
Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians
Agreed. Though if we’re bringing hiccup, we also need toothless
Of course, how could I forget the cutest Dragon ever? 😊
@@robertcurley8406 imagine all the reactions the rest of the members would make when they see that cute little fire breather. Especially anng.
Jack Frost definitely since he was resurrected and chosen by the man in the moon. Someone who every guardian massively respects and was chosen by. I don’t think you can get anymore chosen than that.
I agree!!!
Besides, If Jack entres,vElsa forma Frozen should be included too l, since, in Frozen 2 (didn't watch It, no patience), sheep was Chosen, pedestined to bebthe Fifth Spirit of the Enchanted Forest or so I've Heard. Anyway, they should include Jack and Elsa in the Concil of Chosen Ones to HAVE scenes of Jack flirting non-stop Elsa and funny/awkward scenes from the resto of the Concil seeing this 😀😀😀
And since, theorically, Hiccup would be there too he could typically be the guy to bring back Jack back at the main topic being discissed.
And of course, Jack being friend with Santa Claus we could see hilários scenes where Po tries to bargain Jack to let him see Santa Claus, Ketiness and Aragorn would share a look of "Is this guy serious?" "or "Do we tell him?" Man, now that I really want to see
Anakin's facade is slipping
I'd like to see Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon added next.
He is not a chosen one unfortunately he maybe a dragon master but he is not a chosen one
@@brickzoneanimations8395 With a little bit of a stretch... He WAS chosen when he had to accomplish the trial to kill a dragon lol
@@victorfries8859 I get the joke but still he is not a chosen one
If you want to get into specifics. Toothless technically chose him. From a certain point of view.
Insert obewon joke here.
Now i want to see The Chosen One talking about their love life that'll be pretty interesting to see
Especially Anakin on revenge of the sith😅
Aragorn ends up being a king, so democracy probably isn't his forte.
I loved how Po thought of the Hunger Games as something about food, Aragorn giving Aang love advice and how Aragorn is on to Anakin/Vader
I wanna hear Harry say "And as always, for the republic". I wonder if Anakin/Vader will get emotionally sad and filled with guilt remembering he "killed" Padme.
That would actually be the saddest scene in this whole series if Anakin remembers Padme and feels guilty for what he did. I wonder how the others would try to help him.
He-Man (80's) would fit right in this scenario as a chosen one.
True! He-Man for this and Skeletor for the Villains!
I'd like to see the 2021 version too. I think he'd get along well with Aang
It’s time to introduce Haymitch Abernathy to the Council of the Wise and Coriolanus Snow to the Council of Villains.
we need to to keep a sharp eye on Anakin. major Villian vibes are getting closer towards to a new year soon.
Ben Tennyson As His UAF Self And Po And the Other Would Be intriged By The Ultimatrix
Aragorn always seems to be the only one who can see through anakin
Now Katniss is there to back him up.
What happeneds if they found out Anakin became Darth Vader
And he has to explain them what happened and it gets really emotional i bet Po would cry or maybe tears
Anakin: So all it took for me was wiping out a village of sand people...
Aragorn: ...
Katnis: ...
Anakin: What?
You should do John Connor next for the next video in fact i can think of others who would fit the council examples being Jon Snow, and Daenerys
Oh. They could talk about how he looks different each time.
Yeah Lloyd has a point about not having Po anywhere near the food in Hogwarts. He would probably bankrupt that school in less of a week. Aragorn & Aang did brought up a good point to Po about having him go on a diet.
Seeing Katniss in the Council Of Chosen Ones, is cool.
Perhaps it's time for another council, the Council of Heroes. Unlike the chosen ones, they earned their right to be a hero. For example, Superman. Luke Skywalker. and other characters.
That Is an interesting idea
I like that idea, as some point maybe add a council of redeemed villains. A lot of arguing would happend in this council, we can all agree that Suko deserve to be in it, but does Harumi?
The council of champions from other planets or dimensions. Enter in Superman, Goku, Thor, He-man,
@nightlunastar Council of redeemed villains enter in an aged up Anakin, Kylo Ren, Zuko, Superior Spider-man and maybe Catwoman and Harley Quinn. All characters who did horrible things who at some point used their powers or abilities to help people.
@@nightlunastar piccolo and vegeta would also fit into that council.
Council of Chosen Ones, Dante Sparda
Vergil goes to the Council of Villains
Greate episode, I hope to see Liu Kang from mortal combat next time
Its gonna take Luke to make an appearance for Anakin to get exposed so his son will be the one to take his spot in this council.
You've really helped Aragorn remain as the demi-god badass he is. Thank you.
I would like to see Sora from Kingdom Hearts and Naruto Uzumaki to join the Chosen Ones
Sora isnt actually a chosen one. Xehanort on the other hand is and like Anakin could be in both the council of vilains and chosen ones. You can get creative with that
@Dario-z4g Actually he is
@@joshuamerriweather2861 Sora's point is, as Nomura said so himself, that he is a normal guy who gets to be were he ends because of the person he is and how he connects with people, not because he is someone special. In KH1 its revealed that Riku is the one who was actually chosen, Sora just was lucky and was at the right time at the right place. Riku would be interesting to have tho, same with Xehanort
@@Dario-z4g He still was Chosen by the Keyblade, Destined to fight the darkness, and Save certain characters in the franchise
@joshuamerriweather2861 the issue is that by that definition everyone is eligible to be clasified as a chosen one, such as Katniss here. And i wouldnt say he was destined
For the Council of Villains, I recommend Davros and the Master from Doctor Who. As for the Council of the Wise, I recommend someone like the Doctor from Doctor Who.
Maybe Princess Sofia from Sofia the First. Aragorn could relate to her since he wasn’t born a ruler (his kingdom of Arnor gone long before his birth), so he could reassure her she doesn’t need to have been born a princess to be a good one. Aang could be a big brother to her, Anakin could be reminded of Padme (since his wife was once elected Queen rather than born into it), Po could amaze by everyone understanding him without a magic amulet, and Katniss could be reminded of Prim and adore her. Harry could sympathize with Sofia, understanding how overwhelming it can be for your world to change overnight (her becoming a princess, him finding out he’s famous).
I think Jon Snow could be a good choice. He'd probably get along with Aragorn and could teach characters like Po, Lloyd, and Aang lessons about how brutal the world can be. Plus, Katniss reaction after hearing his name could be funny
Snow Vs snow, good idea for a video
Orion Pax or Hot Rod could definitely be a member on this council, considering both were selected to become Primes
there already is optimus in council
@@Przemo24 what about transformers one Orion pax?
Yeah I have to agree Rodimus Prime is the real chosen one in transformers
If Vader can be part of two councils, so can Optimus
Orion Pax before he became Optimus, hot rod, He-man and She-ra would work for the council of chosen ones.
Palpatine will love youngling battle royal
I would like to see chosen ones talking about their goofy and comic relief friends. Lloyd about jay walker, aang about sokka, harry potter about ron weasley, po... well he's the goofy friend.
Well the starvation would be the least of the problems, Katness had put it best about what the HungerGames is. The HungerGames is a Deathmatch, only one survive, the weak parish
I think Orion Pax would be a good choice for the Chosen group that way Anakin could see who Megatron’s arch foe used be before he became a Prime.
3:03 this is something younger lloyd would have said, but I can't imagine the current Lloyd saying this, since Nya has been part of the team for years and he is the reason why Sora is now in the ninja club and there is Wyldfire too.
Harry is simping for Katniss so hard lmao
With all these councils, I'm guessing the next one will be about anti heroes starring severus snape, shadow the hedgehog, vegeta, and zuko
I would like to see Paul Atreides in the future. His ability to see all possible futures along with the voice could provide interesting conversations and such.
Leto II Atreides would be more appropriate.
Nah he got a point Paul is the Lisan al gaib or the messiah of his world so it would make sense
For council of villains.. I suggest Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones
I love how Po got the wrong idea about the Hunger games!
I feel like in Part 3 that you should include Vax from The Legend of Vox Machina
Give me Anakin and Ahsoka a vacation on new mandolore
I can’t believe Harry considers quidditch more dangerous!
Aragorn sounding like Iroh with his wisdom from many sources
Missionary mission was wild😂
Naruto, goku, ash Ketchum!
1:07 Po being the caseoh of the group 😂
Panda caseoh
Proposal for another Council: The Council of funny side characters.
As always - and I think these videos are great anyway - Percy Jackson chosen, Missy evil, 12th Doctor wise.
true love is always comes with patients that's what we need to learn through it ^_))))
Nicol Bolas and the God Emperor of Mankind for council of villains.
Also Revan for council of chosen ones/villains.
Anakin’s story arc as the Chosen One is tragic and yet a complicated one he’s not like the other chosen heroes he’s a tragic one in his right im not sure if Aragorn or the others would understand
Yeah. That is way… Vader/Anakin is one of the best Villains (and maybe scene Heroes) of all time. 🙂😀
But yeah… others never stepped into Villain territory so… idk. It can end either way (understanding or not).
Very genius of you for studying every characters history and putting them in one video.
@@danesoto4992 I am just nerd that’s it😂
I did not expect to get one of the best dating advices i heard until now, from an ai voiced aragon in a TH-cam fan Series...
But here we are 😂
Dont get me wrong here but katniss is not a choosen one but i do think she works here as she not a no body either who lucked or Stumbled into history/greatness she's some where in between.
Ps. i do like her in this im just confused as how she would count as a choosen one by definition as she isnt but kinda is all at the same time at least thats how ive always looked at her story
Maybe the next council of chosen ones can be with Neo (from the Matrix), so he can see past Anakin's disguise 🥸 😈.
Po over here being hashtag relatable
Please continue this!
Next member of the Council of Chosen Ones, Naruto Uzumaki.
No way in hell am i having him here i hatte anime
@@filipandersson5783 First: You're not the owner of this channel, you don't get to decide what to put in the series. Second: Your English is bad. Third: If you don't want to watch these videos because of your subjective preferences, you can just... wait for it... not watch them. I know, I know, I'm a genius.
And also, I think someone mentioned it in a community post that on discord, the channel owner won't do anime anyway because they're not as familiar with the medium
Yeah I agree Naruto is a chosen one in his world
Harry gushing over Katniss
Katniss gushing over Aragorn
and Anakin continues to dig his own grave with a Backhoe Loader
Ok now i feel like Aragorn should be in the council of wise instead of the council of chosen ones
Anakin, it's like you're not even trying anymore. And Aragorn ... you don't even have to try. You have indeed won many hearts. ❤
Now I know this is a bit extreme... but can you add Doomslayer as a Chosen One member?
I mean he was chosen by the Seraphim to kill basically every demon in Hell.
Also, VEGA should speak for him. I think Doomslayer talking is a bit weird.
I think this is too much, Doom slayer has no personalization, and even more so it is out of the game.
If he does make such characters, then he needs to be combined with other characters from other games, so it will be fair
yeah I think he said one word:
Evil god: ''Tell me...have you nothing to say to your creator...before you strike him down?''
Doomslayer: *strike down god.
@@vladlenvolkov9034 He doesn't need to have A personality. He just can just stand stand and be chill, for like, the entire time.
If he needs to be combined with other characters, then here is my list:
Kratos, the God of War
Sonic the Hedgehog (preferably the movie version)
Link from Legend of Zelda
Spyro the Dragon (either Insomniac or Skylanders)
Master Chief from Halo
Liu Kang from Mortal Kombat
or Cloud from Final Fantasy
@@TRAILLER I think it's better if Doomguy DIDN'T speak. It's funnier.
He could just be a man of few words, so when he does talk, it has more of an impact.
please do homelander for the council of villains
Yes. I want to see that even the villains are annoyed and feed up with Homelander.
feel like Vader should show who he really is and explain what's going on and why he turned evil and how he meet there villains at one point
Hope that someday they’ll make a movie about Beren and Lúthien.
Who else takin notes while Araogorn was talking?
Neo for the council of chosen ones, morpheus for the council of heroes, and Mr. Smith for the villains
For my idea for the next Council of Villains episode, I would probably suggest:
- Sir Crocodile from One Piece.
-Frieza from Dragon Ball Z.
Or, Professor James Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.
Aragorn being the best character as always
I have a question how about next time you could put Ben Tennyson from Ben 10 into the council of chosen ones because he's saved the world a bunch of times He's battled against aliens and villains
And Grandpa Max would go on the council of Wise and vilgax and maybe Captain Nemesis Dr animo hex and za scare
Because I would be pretty cool so what do you think.
Council of the Wild cards: Dan Mandel, Dwight K. Schrute, deadpool, Brock Samson and Blitz(o).
You should do the Master Chief
I recommend Spyro from the legend of Spyro series, since he's a purple dragon born only one in every 10 generations. He even has his own dark lord, Malphor, the dark master. also, they should discuss about how they all feel about being chosen. They would have pretty unique takes on what that would mean and it would be interesting to see how the others would react to each others opinions on the subject.
i cant tell how much i like scowling aragorn, squinting his eyes at anakin. its so much fun.
Didn't think about Katniss but that was pretty cool and a nice surprise. Now there are a lot of Chosen Ones but I think we can have:
- Ezio Auditore da Firenze (technically chosen to pass on his message to Desmond)
- Percy Jackson
- Liu Kang
- Arthur Pendragon (really any version, though maybe the one from Gargoyles)
- Buffy Summers
- Yugi Muto (the boy, not the Pharaoh, I feel the interactions could be so funny with the whole cards game stuff)
- Jon Snow
For the Council of Villains:
- As always and as I will *never* stop requesting, Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty (1959)
- Odin from God of War
- Shang Tsung/Shao Kahn/Shinnok
- Nagash from Warhammer Fantasy
- The Joker, Darkseid or Lex Luthor from DC
- David Xanatos
- Thanos or Dr Doom from Marvel
For the Council of Wise:
- Merlin from Disney's The Sword in the Stone
- Mimir from God of War
- Mr Miyagi from Karate Kids
- Mary Poppins
- Tyrion Lannister
Ideas for the Council of Badasses:
- Batman (OF COURSE)
- Goliath from Gargoyles
- John Wick
- Kratos
- Indiana Jones
- Ellen Ripley
- King Leonidas
- The Terminator
Council of badasses Batman, Wonder Woman, John Wick, Jason Bourne, James Bond, Terminator, Grandmaster Luke Skywalker, Peter Parker, Jackie Chan and Chuck Norris.
I was expecting Aragorn to add "She is also the living niece of my distant ancestor."
Oh my goodness this is so hilarious with the people that chosen ones that council the heroes and the villains the wisemen the dark Lords it is so much content, powerful content, indeed
I want to reccomend for the next council a new series character, Jentry Chau, if you want more information i could give it, only respond my comentary.
Aragorn's advice to Aang could net him a spot in the Council of Wise.
The next chosen one to join is Naruto Uzumaki
You need to do the Matrix next
Can't wait for Aragorn to compare Katniss' archery skills to Legolas'.
“Definition is pretty flexible”
Feyd Rautha about to talk about how he skewered a drugged slave at the next iteration of this council:🗿
I still maintain that Baron Harkonnen should join the Council of Dark Lords.
Anakin: Those sand people were raiders and did many unspeakable things. Trust me, trying to get them to change their ways was pointless, plus, it wasn't my idea, just following orders. I did tell her I didn't like what I did but I had to do it safer for the many than the few.
If he said that, he would have been in the clear.
i want to see liu kang from mortal kombat.