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Très beau montage mais moi j'aimerais juste voir une chose, comment tu l'utilises en situation réelle. Et surtout avec quel appât tu utilises ce montage ?
good question, this trap is a fishing technique for rabbit fish, you will play with your instincts to estimate when the fish will approach this trap. then immediately jerk your fishing rod, and the fish will be stuck on the hook on the body, not the mouth. You can find out how this trap works with the keyword "mancing garong & mancing baronang" indonesia version Hope it helps Lody
Kreasi bagus, Hasil rapi, Video jelas, jazakumullah 🇮🇩👍🙏
terimakasih teman, masih newbi belum pro kamera, hehe,,, terima kasih atas kunjungan nya,,,
Mantap tutorialnya sangat bermanfaat terimakasih sudah berbagi tekniknya sukses selalu kawan👍👍
terima kasih telah singgah teman,,
Great heard worket
Luar biasa
terima kasih,,
Está genial muy bien echo
Bravoo bravvvvvo❤
tq lody
Mantaplah bang👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻.
Salam satu hobby bang 🤝🏽🎣☕️
terima kasih pak,, salam rajut menyatukan nusantara,,,
Terimakasih atas ilmunya mas
semoga bermanfaat teman, terima kasih telah singgah
Very good
TQ lord
Ansari From Krishna river thankes
Cara pasang umpannya gmn mas bro?
Mancing apa tuh bg simpul bintang kejora, mancing kerusuhan?
haha,, salah satunya teman,,, ✌️😁
Très beau montage mais moi j'aimerais juste voir une chose, comment tu l'utilises en situation réelle.
Et surtout avec quel appât tu utilises ce montage ?
good question, this trap is a fishing technique for rabbit fish, you will play with your instincts to estimate when the fish will approach this trap.
then immediately jerk your fishing rod, and the fish will be stuck on the hook on the body, not the mouth.
You can find out how this trap works with the keyword "mancing garong & mancing baronang" indonesia version
Hope it helps Lody
Do you sell these and ship them
no, I only provide a visual method, you can see and try it, forgive me lody, thanks for visiting & have a nice day
Ai nói chỉ người VN mới câu lục 😅😅😅
hahah,,, I don't think like that, because actually fishing is a fun job, I think some of everyone would do that🤩👌
какого мамонта вы собираетесь на это ловить???🧐😂😂😂
rabbitfish trap lody,,? you can find how this trap works with the keyword ""fishing baronang"" hope it helps lody, have a nice day
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