I love how Tray Deee breaks down the "Gangster Life " in the Queens English! If you notice, in all his interviews, he'll think about how to enunciate his thoughts. Real Gangster!!
@@lukey1210, Real Talk! And he could easily breakdown and put it in ethnic terms. But he breaks it down and explains it where the average person, who isn't familiar with Ebonics, can clearly understand!! He's true to the game!!
I think the problem is our people aren't valued. Guns and murder of people you don't know is discretionary, looking at people like they aren't alive and experiencing life is what makes it so easy to kill anyone.
or u can respect YOURSELF and not "respect" killers and Thugs... glorifying killing and worldwide cult activities...... what the Fk kinda world are we molding here...... Da fk.. ya'll crazy
Not that you gotta respect his gangsta, it's that you gotta respect the fact that he knew what/who he was looking for'n wasn't letting ppl catch stray's so easily, just cuz he could.
The difference between Traydee and Mob James is the variety of conversations they discuss. Traydee speaks on the streets while Mob James is strictly death row and Suge
Yeah but isn't that Vlad's fault? The interviewees answer the questions they're asked by the interviewer. If you go on DigitalSoapBox, or whatever it's called, with James and Alex Alonzo it's not all about Death Row stories. They do talk about that stuff but they talk about a lot of other stuff too.
Ok … So I can stop at a store in S central La for some chips , and be approached by 3 guys asking what set I claim, and say none, and get blasted???? Wow! Sad existence !
@@waterone4436 it's been like this forever. Not only in LA but anywhere people may feel you are unfamiliar. Being black in a white area can get you the same results.
@@d.felixphoto2260 You make a good point! And I agree.. but Tray is probably speaking specifically about brother’s killing brothers ! So I pull up kill you without any offensive aggression from you??? I know I’m a civilian but Damn!!!
@@waterone4436 unfortunately, it can happen. They are always thinking someone is plotting. There are areas in GA if you stop to get gas or go into a gas station for something they are automatically thinking you a threat or the police. You got to remember in some areas only the locals frequent and if your not from there people will assume the worst because no one wants to get caught lacking. Not saying in all cases they will kill you but they will make it where you are so uncomfortable that you never come back
For anyone who wants to pack a strap everyday, I highly recommend the sig saur p238. Super light and compact. I never leave the house without it and I even take it to work and I work at a hospital!
I grew up in South Central during 78-84 in the middle of a Blood neighborhood. There was literally young gang members ( mainly 13-20) patrolling the neighborhood looking for rival gang members. Often times there would be no interrogation, just violence on sight. I had to navigate the hood politics. Couldn't wear certain colors, had to avoid certain stores, gas stations, avoid sitting on the porch and constantly watching for slow moving vehicles etc. It was a war zone but La is pretty safe now.
I'm a white man from the other side of the world, and I have nothing really in common with L.A. street gangs, however, Tray Dee resonates with me as an honorable man with integrity. There's no bullshit. I could get along well with this man, and trust him.
@Garret Brown The term "straight booty" came from a Mob James interview on vlad tv. Mob James described the movie Staight outta Compton as Straight Booty... Get it now?
This is really sad. Tray Deee seems like he could speak on many topics but Vlad wants to keep him talking about "street" shit. White man getting rich off black negativity. Go figure.
Paul Revere I swear Vlad would get just as many or more views going left field every once in while asking Street people like tray dee about shit people don't expect someone like him to talk about, like his relationship with his wife or sports, politics, business...
White people shouldnt be offended. I'm black and that's exactly how ima answer that shit. How they going to shoot someone who answers this way? Now if you start getting nervous and say you're not from nowhere they wont believe that shit
If people only knew how sensitive and realgangbanging is they would stay very clear from the streets. Its no different than wolves hunting deer. Gangbangin hoods are literal modern day jungles I got blocked in by over 50 mexican gangsters once only thing that saved me was one of the homies knew me and vouched that I was putting it down meaning I was a solid dude. I didnt even bother to run i was like im dead bro aint no getting out of this lol
We’re you in an area you shouldn’t have been? I’m not condoning what they did but common sense saids to stay away from areas you know not to be especially if you have any ties to that lifestyle.
Tray deee been doing his thang since he's been out and this the first time since his first vlad interview he's been asked about his music...deee was even caught off guard
Tray: So 85% of the time they gonna say Them: ""I don't bang" ....i'm not from no where" Tray: I don't wanna hear that So then 85% of the time when you set trip your gonna kill someone? This is how the YG's with no game from the OG's react. This why a civilian got murdered. SMH.
good interview shout out to Tray Deee and to djVlad I feel this is true journalism Shout out to John Alite also I see these interviews and I know I'm good for a fight and I'm good crazy but these men are on a higher status ...i stay home now ...plenty of books to read..
*Eastside Low Bottoms shit !* That's real shit. No capp: I'm from South Central Los Angeles. Just yesterday morning i stopped at the Arco on Pioneer i believe, off of Alondra in my lowrider. An older hispanic cat told me that whn i leave, don't go down a certain street kz it was a dead end and dudes be trippin' around there. I assume he was talking about the hispanic gangs were trippin' on anybody Black. I'm like GOOD LOOKIN' OUT OG.
Yeah I seem a video of the gun he carried the video is online of him with the gun ,it was a big ass 44..unless it's close and personal he ain't marking nothing
Two Sketchy LA stories: I've traveled The World and dipped in many sketchy Hoods. Been in some sketchy shit, but the two LA stories were different. 1st - My favorite Chicken spot in LA is Louisiana Fried Chicken, first tried it on the set of "Baby Boy", after that, when ever I was in LA, I would hit it up. On this occasion, I stopped by the one on Century, near the airport. NOT THINKING, I was wearing an all Blue Addias Sweat Suit, head to toe. I walk in and in this location, there were a couple of tables full of youngsters 15-17 or so. They look up; saw me and got the Fuck out of the spot. I notice them starting to pack up quickly, I turned towards them. They were wearing mostly Red. Then I realized I had on the blue. As they left they stared me down and took off. I was Oh Shit, they must think I'm a Crip and they must not belong here or this is they hood and I'm not suppose to be here! Let me get The Fuck out of here, before they come back, with the Big Homies. 2nd story. Another Louisiana Fried Chicken, this one on Crenshaw and MLK. I have my lil 13 year old cousin with me from Shreveport, LOUISIANA, this is his 1st time in LA. Being 13 he's, well aware of the LA gang culture. We walk in and there was a straight up gang banger in there ordering food. My cousin becomes mesmerized by his face Tats and starts walking towards him, he a deep stare! The dude notices him, and positions himself to fuck him up. I grabbed my cousin, pulling him back and apologized to this dude, explaining to him, he didn't know, not to approach him that way and wasn't from LA. I then asked the brother to explain to my lil ass cousin what he had done and what could have happened to him. Still on alert, he broke it down to my cousin and keep it pushing.
Tray Deee was caught off guard by Vlad asking him about his music.
Martin Luck 😂😂
Martin Luck yo check me out My dream is to become UFC world champion and inspire people along the way Follow my journey much love
Raised his eyebrows and said "...Whats that??". Lmao
"I gotta get valuable targets." Damn, you can just tell Tray Dee is not lying or bullshittin. He really is about that life.
H-Town Lifer Thats the mind of them Htown boyz the land of the real G’s much respect
AND I QUOTE "Im from an era where a ryder put his time inna field" -Street Official Tray dee
Tray deee ain’t with the theatrics
I've met him several times and yes, he's about that, on CRIP!!! His work is cemented in IC.
Nhc niggaz having cash u know he heard that one before.. Lol
I love how Tray Deee breaks down the "Gangster Life " in the Queens English! If you notice, in all his interviews, he'll think about how to enunciate his thoughts. Real Gangster!!
Facts 🤣🤣🤣🤣
David Lipkins real 80s OG
Nothing gangster about thats its common sense which alot lack.
@@lukey1210, Real Talk! And he could easily breakdown and put it in ethnic terms. But he breaks it down and explains it where the average person, who isn't familiar with Ebonics, can clearly understand!! He's true to the game!!
David Lipkins I thought The Whole point of speak Ebonics was so they didn’t understand
Tray Dee needs his own podcast like yesterday
He has one. Third Degreee Radio
Jonathan Castaneda Im going to subscribe, tune in to his podcast on a daily.
@@j.a.c.3776 oh shit, i didn't know that. Thanks for the infos 🙏🏼
1:36 🤣🤣🤣 "everybody is gonna say im not from nowhere if they dont have a gun"
Exactly, this is how shit goes in real life, rap songs aka lyrical MOVIE fool people into thinking otherwise
I think shooting someone you dont even know is the saddest situation. Looking for a soft target pure cowardice!💯
I think the problem is our people aren't valued. Guns and murder of people you don't know is discretionary, looking at people like they aren't alive and experiencing life is what makes it so easy to kill anyone.
@@myandroid6116 This is true not only for black people but for every race. Most people are killed by people they're around.
My Android how do you know who or what this man is blaming?
@@myandroid6116 dumb stank bitch
💯 💯
Tray Dee said "Valuable Targets"..that nigga lingo is always on point.
Not a soul:
Tray Deee: Ayy homie, i ain't here homie! Don't b saying im here like dat loc🤣
Don't be sayin I'm here like that loc.
@@SHADOW-ph4ic 🤣🤣🤣
Weedy James who you loc
That wasnt tray dee thoe
Gotta respect his gangsta
how about you respect your parents
or u can respect YOURSELF and not "respect" killers and Thugs... glorifying killing and worldwide cult activities...... what the Fk kinda world are we molding here...... Da fk.. ya'll crazy
Not that you gotta respect his gangsta, it's that you gotta respect the fact that he knew what/who he was looking for'n wasn't letting ppl catch stray's so easily, just cuz he could.
You have no choice but to
Last 30 seconds of a 77 hour interview Tray Dee is asked if he’s working on a project. The man was even surprised, “ what’s that ? “ lol
Lmaooooo! "Today I'mma take my girl out on a canoe and shoot some IG videos...." 😂😂😂😂
Tray deee got a bright G spirit, I'm glad vlad keep bringing him to the couch
The difference between Traydee and Mob James is the variety of conversations they discuss. Traydee speaks on the streets while Mob James is strictly death row and Suge
Yeah but isn't that Vlad's fault? The interviewees answer the questions they're asked by the interviewer. If you go on DigitalSoapBox, or whatever it's called, with James and Alex Alonzo it's not all about Death Row stories. They do talk about that stuff but they talk about a lot of other stuff too.
nobody asked.. now i ask politely for you to delete your comment before you embarass yourself
You speak on, what your asked.
Mob James was not street just guy in hood drinking all day.
@@erickennedy4480 loooooooool
OG knows the rules. You hit valuable targets. If everyone thought like that civilians wouldn't be dying over nothing
Ok … So I can stop at a store in S central La for some chips , and be approached by 3 guys asking what set I claim, and say none, and get blasted???? Wow! Sad existence !
@@waterone4436 it's been like this forever. Not only in LA but anywhere people may feel you are unfamiliar. Being black in a white area can get you the same results.
@@d.felixphoto2260 You make a good point! And I agree.. but Tray is probably speaking specifically about brother’s killing brothers ! So I pull up kill you without any offensive aggression from you??? I know I’m a civilian but Damn!!!
@@waterone4436 unfortunately, it can happen. They are always thinking someone is plotting. There are areas in GA if you stop to get gas or go into a gas station for something they are automatically thinking you a threat or the police. You got to remember in some areas only the locals frequent and if your not from there people will assume the worst because no one wants to get caught lacking. Not saying in all cases they will kill you but they will make it where you are so uncomfortable that you never come back
Always love to hear Trey Dee speak on his experience in the life.
VLAD.. The Trey Dee Interviews are great .. how come you don’t get a Goldie Loc interview???
He's in jail, doing life for aggravated Jay walking, po child!
Ryan Guidos My dream is to become UFC world champion and inspire people along the way Follow my journey much love
@@yourrealdaddy6332 what ?
@@tooxxturnt he shot the arresting officer, killing him, that's why he the time
@@yourrealdaddy6332 oh yall serious serious??
For anyone who wants to pack a strap everyday, I highly recommend the sig saur p238. Super light and compact. I never leave the house without it and I even take it to work and I work at a hospital!
I used to carry a Sig Sauer P220. Before that it was a S&W 4506. Before that it was a Ruger SP 101 Snubbie.
Imagine getting robbed by trey Dee like I'm a big fan bro
I wouldn’t even be mad 😂😂😂 I’d be like bruh og tray deee robbed me
@@brandobee2264 lol bro would be like look at this way now you got a dope story to tell ya kids then pull of with ya shit
Naw...imagine Trey Dee smashes you're chick... you won't be like "yo, I am a fan bro", you would knock him the fuck out.
Lol you better have his CD in your pocket
I grew up in South Central during 78-84 in the middle of a Blood neighborhood. There was literally young gang members ( mainly 13-20) patrolling the neighborhood looking for rival gang members. Often times there would be no interrogation, just violence on sight. I had to navigate the hood politics. Couldn't wear certain colors, had to avoid certain stores, gas stations, avoid sitting on the porch and constantly watching for slow moving vehicles etc. It was a war zone but La is pretty safe now.
Tray DEEE a Real One, No Mistaking That‼️
My baby ain’t never hurt nobody ! But he still got smoked at Bebe’s party
That's my SHIT!!!!!! #CLASSIC
My flag
@@jackischilling2308 nah game took that bar from West Coast Rap All Stars
So true ,so true it's the energy you create, this is a wise man.
I'm a white man from the other side of the world, and I have nothing really in common with L.A. street gangs, however, Tray Dee resonates with me as an honorable man with integrity. There's no bullshit. I could get along well with this man, and trust him.
officer vlad : do you have that list of valuable targets you can share with my recording device ?
Mob James: Taking your broad out on a canoe without putting in work is "straight BOOTY"
@Garret Brown The term "straight booty" came from a Mob James interview on vlad tv. Mob James described the movie Staight outta Compton as Straight Booty... Get it now?
I love his interviews. This guy paints a real picture. Love from Israel
Vaughn reed jr in your dreams just give up
Damn I hate when tray deees interviews end...until nxt time
"Im from an era where a ryder put his time inna field" -Street Official
caint look at this cat without one of his songs coming to mind
kam da Pharoah subscribe to my channel. My dream is to become UFC world champion and inspire people along the way Follow my journey much love
street official definately my favorite tray deee track
Vlad, put a link up to whatever Tray Dee got going on to make it easier to find his projects.
or type it in goody
Note to self: When traveling to LA! Check in with Tray Dee!
When traveling to Long Beach not LA homie
tha black hole Los Angeles County basically is L.A. ...so...
@Shawn Lee Lol run a fade then!
@Shawn Lee lmao
@@blakk000 both sholes
Gun was part of my wardrobe 😂😂😂 like don’t be a menece
That nikka was like..357 magnum with the chucks or Uzi with the air force ones lmfao
BiG BoSS fRedo G.i.P 😭
Loc Dog
This is really sad. Tray Deee seems like he could speak on many topics but Vlad wants to keep him talking about "street" shit. White man getting rich off black negativity. Go figure.
Paul Revere u should’ve @Vlad with this lol
@Dave Allen He talked about his life every time he appeared on the show lol. For years!
Paul Revere I swear Vlad would get just as many or more views going left field every once in while asking Street people like tray dee about shit people don't expect someone like him to talk about, like his relationship with his wife or sports, politics, business...
Just look at his community posts. Just a bunch of negative shit specifically with black people. I can’t stand Vlad sometimes
If Tray Dee spoke on this career it would be a 20 minute video
Yo this one of the realest clips ever posted. Tray putting errybody on game.
When I was coming up, Gangsters never touched neutrals(neutrons).....what happened?
yeah we did touch neutrals if you know what i mean. us homeboys real close
Niggas wanted stripes just to say they took someone out.
Rellenomic$101 did you not listen to anything tray dee just said
@@2.T00T i would take you out
@@1lifestyle112 us homeboys real close
This nigga is hella smart.. I dig this homie, im 48 and I know what a good man is~~ he's a good man
tray dee:class act and old school to the soul..they dont make like that no more
I have a feeling Tray Deee reccently purchased a canoe lol
Gotta respect Tray and James they really speak the truth on Southern California life
"oh if you was from here we was finna pack you out" ... I died laughing lol i feel like i know the niggas who pulled up 🤣🤦
Imagine if all these gangsters had Fathers that loved them?
Trying to tell you that would fix 90% of all our problems...the last 10% just crazy.
The gov. Not gonna allow that...
Dumb asses a lot of bangers kome from two parent homes.
Nothing would happen. If the father was a banger then the son grows up a banger. Unless the dad didn’t allow it.
Isaiah Stewart what about the gangsters that did what's there excuse?
"Where you from?" White people: Well, I was born and raised in Indiana, went to college in Illinois, but then moved here to Los Angeles.
Really stupid fucking comment... What the fuck does that have to do with white people
@Ahayah Blackman I'm sorry... I don't understand ebonics.
White people shouldnt be offended. I'm black and that's exactly how ima answer that shit. How they going to shoot someone who answers this way? Now if you start getting nervous and say you're not from nowhere they wont believe that shit
@@mezzripper5708 U MUST B H'WHITE 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
2:05 😭😭😭NHC
Tray Dee and Mob James are the shit.
If people only knew how sensitive and realgangbanging is they would stay very clear from the streets. Its no different than wolves hunting deer. Gangbangin hoods are literal modern day jungles I got blocked in by over 50 mexican gangsters once only thing that saved me was one of the homies knew me and vouched that I was putting it down meaning I was a solid dude. I didnt even bother to run i was like im dead bro aint no getting out of this lol
We’re you in an area you shouldn’t have been? I’m not condoning what they did but common sense saids to stay away from areas you know not to be especially if you have any ties to that lifestyle.
Definitely fucks wit Tray Dee...Always keeps it 💯
Tray Deee…living legend! Great content Vlad!
Tray deee been doing his thang since he's been out and this the first time since his first vlad interview he's been asked about his music...deee was even caught off guard
“Take my broad out on the canoe” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
"Gun was part of his wardrobe " bars lol
I always had love for Tray Dee... Real Big Homie.
A lot of you ain’t gonna get that WC reference.
@Chief Knockahoe yupp 💯💯
You probably don’t get it either
@@corimoon3360 is that your subtle way of asking me to explain it to you?
No matter what, you know what store not to go to
Bless da boy trey deee, we Brooklyn kats support him
LMAO!!! What a way to end n interview, that Instagram joke killd me. Tray Dee my favorite! LOL
Taking your girl on a Canoe 🛶 🛶 That shit made me fall out laughing. Then “valuable targets” got me like damn. 😱😱
Trey Dee is the homie. Dropping jewels
Am I tripping or did I see this yesterday?
how about you stay offdrugs
@@tamzidmohsinkhan5272 Agreed. i can tell by his profile photo smh
He put it out yesterday
When crips wake up they don't yawn they say caaariiiipppppppp
Tray: So 85% of the time they gonna say
Them: ""I don't bang" ....i'm not from no where"
Tray: I don't wanna hear that
So then 85% of the time when you set trip your gonna kill someone? This is how the YG's with no game from the OG's react. This why a civilian got murdered. SMH.
LB is my hometown. Proud Tray D representing the City by the Sea.
Song is WC - HOUSE PARTY btw.
One of my favorite late 90s jawns “Niggas havin cash? You mean niggas having collisions *Stole on*”
Would've love to see Big Tray Deee on the Gangsta Chronicles along side Mob James and Reggie Wright
Trae killed it with the first answer
Damn Same Video This Happened Before Recently, I Wonder If Vlad Fixes These Errors
“Man... I’m thinking bout taking my bitch out on a canoe” dying!!! 😭😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂
This fool said he on a canoe...😂
Keep bringing Tray Deee !
Big Tray Dee always on point
Luv Tray Dee interviews real O.G. 💯💯💯💯💯💯
This OG always speaks the truth in a real way. EAST SIDE UP 💯💪🏿
My man said “You can’t be out here tryna take your bitch on a canoe” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Tray dee O.G spitting some real jewels💣
if that your real name your parents dont love you
@@christianbarrett1432 what u saying Christian u a girl or a boy ?😂
@@israelsimpson9538 you're broke in real life I'm not even worried about you
@@christianbarrett1432 ook🤣🤣don't cry lil baby u be aight..🤣
Vlad laughing at that canoe😂😂
I love that he called back that fuckin with a house party line from WC
Tray-Dee is a rider.. He said " You gotta put yo work in. Then you can take your bitch to the canoe". Lol 😄..
good interview shout out to Tray Deee and to djVlad I feel this is true journalism Shout out to John Alite also I see these interviews and I know I'm good for a fight and I'm good crazy but these men are on a higher status ...i stay home now ...plenty of books to read..
It ain’t just stores I got banged on in front of 59th street elementary school by some 60s that was one of they spots when I was in middle school
My Android pigskin
*Eastside Low Bottoms shit !*
That's real shit. No capp:
I'm from South Central Los Angeles. Just yesterday morning i stopped at the Arco on Pioneer i believe, off of Alondra in my lowrider. An older hispanic cat told me that whn i leave, don't go down a certain street kz it was a dead end and dudes be trippin' around there. I assume he was talking about the hispanic gangs were trippin' on anybody Black. I'm like GOOD LOOKIN' OUT OG.
That’s crazy to think mfs really be on that in Cali still
It is, but at this point it's like a 50 year old tradition. It's going to take something extreme to stop it.
Oh yea it’s real, chi town worse tho
Vlad got a hand full of real dudes he can hit up for a lit 🔥 interview. Tray Dee, Lord Jamar, God free , King Tone.
You showed this video yesterday Vlad
Tray Dee geeked he finally gets to plug his boiling point video
Yeah I seem a video of the gun he carried the video is online of him with the gun ,it was a big ass 44..unless it's close and personal he ain't marking nothing
“What that stand for on your arm? Niggas having cash. It stands for nayborhood crip” fuccin with the house party by wc reference lol
lovely video
Some people have done so much bad shit in their life it trickles down to other people around them that is true
Mic nif ft tray deee do what we gotta do go check it out everywhere music is digitally downloadedl
When r u bringing back BG knoccout?
I love watching Tray Deee interviews.🔥🔥🔥
i bet you do. you have no personality
Christian Barrett damn why u gotta insult me over something I like? Enjoy your day tho man.
@@cjkalend nerd
Tray Dee with da business fo sho!!
Dope luv from brooknam
lovely stuff
Two Sketchy LA stories: I've traveled The World and dipped in many sketchy Hoods. Been in some sketchy shit, but the two LA stories were different.
1st - My favorite Chicken spot in LA is Louisiana Fried Chicken, first tried it on the set of "Baby Boy", after that, when ever I was in LA, I would hit it up. On this occasion, I stopped by the one on Century, near the airport. NOT THINKING, I was wearing an all Blue Addias Sweat Suit, head to toe. I walk in and in this location, there were a couple of tables full of youngsters 15-17 or so. They look up; saw me and got the Fuck out of the spot. I notice them starting to pack up quickly, I turned towards them. They were wearing mostly Red. Then I realized I had on the blue. As they left they stared me down and took off. I was Oh Shit, they must think I'm a Crip and they must not belong here or this is they hood and I'm not suppose to be here! Let me get The Fuck out of here, before they come back, with the Big Homies.
2nd story. Another Louisiana Fried Chicken, this one on Crenshaw and MLK. I have my lil 13 year old cousin with me from Shreveport, LOUISIANA, this is his 1st time in LA. Being 13 he's, well aware of the LA gang culture. We walk in and there was a straight up gang banger in there ordering food. My cousin becomes mesmerized by his face Tats and starts walking towards him, he a deep stare! The dude notices him, and positions himself to fuck him up. I grabbed my cousin, pulling him back and apologized to this dude, explaining to him, he didn't know, not to approach him that way and wasn't from LA. I then asked the brother to explain to my lil ass cousin what he had done and what could have happened to him. Still on alert, he broke it down to my cousin and keep it pushing.
Tray Dee the only nigga that can wear shades and I can tell hes still looking in my eyes..
“I’m bout to set trip; vacation plans” Eminem
Sean Byrne that album was fire
Sean Byrne My dream is to become UFC world champion and inspire people along the way Follow my journey much love
Emmanueli Adzoh nigga what? 😂😂😂
who lissens to that trash?
Tray Dee and Mob James interview together. Make it happen Vlad.
Damn, I hate when his interview ends
Solid individual 💯