Scalar Physics: Introduction (Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism)


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  • @TomMontalk
    @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    For a more technical look at the subject, please see my paper "A Brief Introduction to Scalar Physics"

    • @portalopener7759
      @portalopener7759 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @TomMontalk: The connection between electromagnetism and gravity:
      (Please copy and paste into your internet web browser and download and watch and keep the following Google drive link):
      How UFOs work using Electromagnetic Gravitic Propulsion - Must have information!:
      Electro-Gravi-Magnetics (EGM)(The Polarizable Vacuum) (Electromagnetic Gravity):
      Electromagnetism is the Glue of the Universe:
      Here's How Electromagnetism Holds the Universe Together:
      Reverse Engineering a UFO | National Geographic - Electromagnetic propulsion TR 3B spacecraft:
      Levitating Superconductors over Neodymium Magnets:
      Anti-gravity with present technology by Alzofon (download pdf document for free):
      GRAVITY CONTROL with Present Technology Paperback - 14 Jun. 2018
      by Dr. Frederick Alzofon (Author), David Alzofon (Author):
      More information about magnetism:
      Nuclear orientation:
      Dynamic Nuclear orientation:
      Electromagnetic propulsion:
      Do electric charges and magnets distort space, in the way that a source of gravity does?:
      Connection between electromagnetism and gravity by Octavian Balaci:
      (Please download and read and keep the following pdf document):
      Observation of Graviton and ways to manipulate gravitational field:
      Could the TR 3B be the next private Jet?:
      Gravity is explained to Billy Meier by Semjase:
      Gravity is of an electromagnetic nature with two unitary but contrary forces. It works to attract as well as to repulse. It is connected to the mass itself. The Earth exercises the coherent and the second factor is itself the generation and use of what we call gravity. Gravity and electromagnetism exist at the same time and appear as attraction and repulsion. Different factors that were not elaborated on include the warmth of the planet and the coldness of the cosmos, the solid center of the planet and the atmosphere. These factors are important for the rise of the gravity and the anti-gravity.
      Source: Beam ship Travel and Technology:
      Anti-gravity engines functional description:
      What Are Metamaterials?:
      Electromagnetic Field Interaction with Metamaterials By Mohammed M. Bait-Suwailam:
      Can electromagnetism be used to create gravity?
      Experimental observation of effective gravity and two-time physics in ferrofluid-based hyperbolic metamaterials:
      Japanese Physicists Generate Strongest Magnetic Field Ever Achieved Indoors:
      Please download and read and keep the following pdf link
      Metamaterials by John Pendry:
      Physicists create first metamaterial with rewritable magnetic ordering:
      Magnetron how it works:
      What is a MAGNETRON - How Does it Work:
      Field propulsion:

    • @portalopener7759
      @portalopener7759 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @TomMontalk: Artificial wormholes can be created from high voltage electromagnetic vortices. The high voltage version of the electromagnetic Casimir effect can also be used to create a micro wormhole. Negative energy is needed to make a wormhole stable and traversable. A wormhole can be made stable if a rapid pulsating Polariton laser is directed into it, because Polariton lasers contain Negative mass. Magnetic vortices can be created and observed in a transparent glass of water with the aid of a fast rotating neodymium magnet that is being rotated by the rotating metal of a fan with the blades removed.
      Magnetic vortices can also be created and observed in a transparent glass of water when 2 opposing identical parallel neodymium magnets are placed on the outer surfaces of the transparent glass of water.
      Magnetic vortex wormhole generator by John Quincy St Clair:
      (Please download the pdf link):
      Magnetic vortex wormhole generator by John Quincy St. Clair pdf link:
      A magnetic vortex generator for simultaneous heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop reduction in a mini channel:
      Electromagnetic Vortex Fields, Spin, and Spin-Orbit Interactions in Electron Vortices:
      What Is A Magnetic Wormhole?:
      Electromagnetic Wormholes: An Invisible Tunnel For Magnets:
      Magnetic vortex flipping made easy:
      (Please download the following pdf link): Magnetic Vortex:
      Magnetic Vortex Electrical Generator:
      DIY a Water Vortex with Magnets | Magnetic Games:
      How to make Vortex Water Generator at home:
      View Magnetic Fields | Magnetic Games:
      29 SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS to make your eyes wide:
      32 SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS that will shock you || By 5-minute MAGIC:
      Electromagnetic vortex generator:
      The true value of Pi = 4/√φ = 3.144605511029693144 measured and tested and proven by Harry Lear:
      Harry Lear’s website for the true value of Pi Measuring Pi Squaring Phi:
      Harry Lear Interview Apophis & Pi:

    • @portalopener7759
      @portalopener7759 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @TomMontalk: Liddium Electromagnetic interpretation and philosophy of Gravity part 1:
      Gravity is an electromagnetic shock wave because Gravitational waves can be created by colliding Neutron stars. Electromagnetism is the glue of the universe that holds all physical matter together and electromagnetism occurs any place that energy from electricity and light exists and electrons flow through space. Electrons can create electricity.
      Gravity is an electromagnetic shock wave that is produced when positive pressure emanates from all directions towards a physical object.
      Gravity is also created from positive pressure emanating from all surrounding directions upon the surface of a sphere. Electromagnetic shock waves curve space and time resulting in the creation of gravity. Gravity can also be interpreted as the curvature of space and time.
      Electromagnetic shock waves contain momentum. Positive pressure contains momentum and Angular momentum creates gravity.
      Gravity is also related to the wind of the atmosphere of a planet.
      Where there is NO momentum and No positive pressure and NO atmosphere there is NO gravity.
      Gravity is an electromagnetic shock wave that is produced when both positive pressure and negative pressure emanate from opposite directions and positive pressure is deflected by negative pressure, also resulting in the creation of negative energy and repulsive gravity that is also called anti-gravity.
      Gravity is an electromagnetic shock wave that is also created automatically when positive pressure emanates from all directions and is attempting to squeeze upon an object while negative pressure is emanating from the object in all directions and is attempting to pull the object apart, also resulting in the creation of negative energy and repulsive gravity that is also called anti-gravity.
      The oscillation of negative pressure can be used to prevent an object from being pulled apart by negative pressure when negative pressure is being used to deflect positive pressure, also resulting in the creation of negative energy and repulsive gravity that is also called anti-gravity.
      Gravity can be defined as an electromagnetic shock wave, the electromagnetic force that interacts with physical matter when positive pressure moves towards physical matter from all surrounding directions but is deflected away by rapid oscillating negative pressure that emanates from the physical matter in all surrounding directions, resulting in the creation of Negative energy and Zero-point energy from the quantum vacuum of space and the decelerated speed of the oncoming electrons that are deflected away from the physical matter, also resulting in the creation of repulsive gravity that is also called anti-gravity.
      Gravity is an electromagnetic shock wave that is the result of the momentum of a rapid oscillating electromagnetic field.
      Gravity is an electromagnetic shock wave that is also created from the momentum of 2 parallel counter rotating particle beams of equal size and equal strength that are also assisted by 2 electromagnetic fields of equal strength.
      Gravity is an electromagnetic shock wave that is the result of an artificial micro black hole that is created in space by a rapid pulsating ionizing laser or an equal combination of rapid pulsating ionizing lasers that are made from rapid oscillating conditioned SU(3) symmetry electromagnetic radiation fields.
      Physical matter becomes massless when positive pressure that is moving towards the physical matter from all surrounding directions is deflected away from the physical matter by rapid oscillating negative pressure that is emanating from the physical matter in all surrounding directions also resulting in the creation of negative energy and repulsive gravity that is also called anti-gravity.
      Positive pressure is anything that moves towards physical matter including pressure moving towards a physical object from all directions.
      An example of positive pressure is the wind of the atmosphere of a planet or artificial wind from a fan.
      An example of negative pressure is a field of high voltage repulsive electric charges that are emanating from physical matter in all directions and is deflecting away positive pressure, resulting in the creation of negative energy and repulsive gravity that is also called anti-gravity.
      Negative pressure is reacting to positive pressure when negative pressure emanates from a material object in all surrounding directions and is deflecting positive pressure away from the material object in all surrounding directions also resulting in the creation of negative energy and repulsive gravity that is also called anti-gravity.
      Electromagnetism creates gravity. Metamaterials can be used to make electromagnetism create stronger gravitational fields.
      Negative mass is physical matter that has become massless and weightless and is capable of floating in space due to positive pressure that is moving towards the physical matter from all directions being deflected away from the physical matter by negative pressure that emanates from the physical matter in all surrounding directions, resulting in the creation of negative energy and repulsive gravity that is also called Anti-gravity.
      Negative mass can also be created from Rubidium atoms that are frozen to just above zero or at room temperature resulting in the creation of a Bose Einstein condensate, with the aid of the Dynamical Casimir effect and a Polariton laser that is combined with the help of a monolayer semiconductor that is made from either Carbon nanotube microcavities or Graphene microcavities or Molybdenum diselenide microcavities.
      The creation of Negative energy from positive pressure being deflected by negative pressure is 1 of the keys to faster than light travel because to travel faster than light positive pressure that emanates from the wind of the atmosphere of a planet and also oncoming swarms of debris and gas and dust particles in space must be deflected by negative pressure, resulting in the elimination of drag so that the unlabored acceleration of a repulsive laser deflector shield equipped spacecraft that is propelled by artificial Dyonic fields can result in unlimited speeds.
      A material object becomes massless and floats in space when gravity in the form of positive pressure that is moving towards the object from all surrounding directions from the artificial micro black holes in space that were created by the negative pressure that is emanating from the surface of the physical object in all surrounding directions in the form of repulsive electric charges that are made by the equal combination of rapid pulsating ionizing lasers that are made from rapid oscillating conditioned SU(3) symmetry electromagnetic radiation fields that deflect the positive pressure away from the material object in all surrounding directions.
      A spacecraft can become massless and achieve repulsive gravity when a spacecraft is equipped with a repulsive laser deflector shield that is made from rapid oscillating conditioned SU(3) symmetry electromagnetic radiation fields and is emitted directly from the surface of the spacecraft in all directions and is propelled and jolted through space by an electromagnetic field that is made from an equal combination of rapid repulsive electric charges that are emitted directly from the surface of the spacecraft in all directions while an attractive artificial magnetic charge that is only emitted from the front of the spacecraft towards the desired direction of travel.
      The attractive artificial magnetic charge has been created from artificial magnetic monopoles that were created from wires that are made from Spin ice that are attached to the spacecraft’s frozen high voltage vibrating electromagnetic engine.
      Electromagnetic Artificial Dyon repulsive force-field propulsion:
      1.Propulsion system using the antigravity force of the vacuum and applications:
      (Download the following pdf document Propulsion system using the antigravity force of the vacuum and applications):
      2: Dipolar force field propulsion system:
      (Download the following pdf document Dipolar force field propulsion system):
      Angular momentum:
      Programmable Bloch polaritons in graphene:
      Gravitational waves reveal a second neutron star collision
      (Gravity is an electromagnetic shock wave):
      Gravitational Waves Detected from Neutron-Star Crashes: The Discovery Explained
      (Gravity is an electromagnetic shock wave):
      Gravitational waves produced by colliding neutron stars detected for the first time:
      (Gravity is an electromagnetic shock wave):
      Astronomers detect gravitational waves created by massive neutron star collision:
      (Gravity is an electromagnetic shock wave):
      Electromagnetic Shock Waves in Gyro-magnetic Media:
      Shock wave:
      Gravitational shock waves and scattering amplitudes:

    • @portalopener7759
      @portalopener7759 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @TomMontalk: The Liddium Electromagnetic interpretation and philosophy of Gravity part 2:
      Extra information about Gravity:
      Gravity is an Electromagnetic shock wave because Electromagnetic shock waves contain momentum and both attractive and repulsive characteristics.
      Gravity is also related to the mass of a physical object and the increase in mass of a physical object is caused by drag that is resistance to acceleration caused by particle collisions that are both visible and invisible to the naked eye from the wind and air molecules in the atmosphere of a planet impacting upon the accelerating physical object.
      Out in space there are gas and dust particles and hydrogen atoms that can destroy an accelerating spacecraft that is NOT protected from oncoming particle collisions that are both visible and invisible to the naked eye by a Repulsive laser deflector shield.
      When there is NO more resistance to acceleration from positive pressure that can approach and impact an accelerating object then the accelerating object becomes massless by using negative pressure that emanates from the surface of the physical object in all surrounding directions in the form of high voltage repulsive electric charges to deflect positive pressure away from the accelerating physical object that is being propelled by artificial Dyonic fields that are made from an equal combination of high voltage repulsive electric charges while a strong attractive magnetic charge is only being emitted from the front of the accelerating material object towards the desired direction of travel.
      A Dyon is an equal combination of both a repulsive electric charge and an attractive magnetic charge. Artificial magnetic charges can be created from artificial magnetic monopoles that are created from wires that are made from Spin ice and attached to a magnetic engine such as a Solenoid for an Artificial Dyon propelled repulsive laser deflector shield equipped spacecraft. Artificial magnetic charges can also be created from artificial magnetic monopoles that are created from a Bose Einstein condensate when using an external magnetic field to guide the spins of the atoms that are forming the Bose Einstein condensate.
      Negative energy is both gravity and repulsive gravity. Negative energy is created from the principle of action and reaction through positive pressure that is approaching a physical object from all surrounding directions and being deflected away from the physical object by Negative pressure in the form of high voltage repulsive electric charges that emanates from the physical object in all surrounding directions.
      Electromagnetism is the glue of the universe that holds all physical matter together and electromagnetism occurs any place that energy from electricity and light exists and electrons flow through space. Electrons can create electricity.
      Space is full of Hydrogen atoms
      A Hydrogen atom can create its gravitational field from the electromagnetism that holds the hydrogen atom together because an oscillating electromagnetic field contains momentum from being both repulsive and attractive at the same time.
      An Hydrogen atom can create a stronger gravitational field by moving through space because Angular momentum creates gravity:
      Gravitational properties of light-the gravitational field of a laser pulse:
      (Please download and read and keep the following pdf document)
      Gravitational properties of light-the gravitational field of a laser pulse:
      Scientists create (artificial micro) BLACK HOLE inside lab using world’s strongest ever laser:
      Electromagnetism is the Glue of the Universe:
      Here's How Electromagnetism Holds the Universe Together:
      Physicists create negative mass:
      Polariton Panarama:

    • @portalopener7759
      @portalopener7759 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @TomMontalk: More flying saucer anti-gravity plans and information part 3 Patents by John Quincy St. Clair:
      What are Magnetic Monopoles?:
      Making Monopoles - Synthetic Magnetic Monopole Finally Observed:
      Magnetic monopoles discovered by LCN Scientists (Magnetic Monopoles discovered in Spin Ice):
      Mini-lecture: What is magnetricity? Professor Steve Bramwell (UCL):
      Steven T. Bramwell (discovered magnetic monopoles in spin ice) :
      Magnetic electricity' discovered:
      Magnetricity' Created in Crystals of Spin Ice:
      Creation and measurement of long-lived magnetic monopole currents in spin ice:
      British Scientists Create First-Ever Room-Temperature Magnetic Monopole:
      Magnetic monopoles appear in artificial spin ice:
      Physicists create synthetic magnetic monopole predicted more than 80 years ago
      (January 29th 2014):
      A magnetic monopole detector:
      Spin ice (Magnetic material):
      Spin glass:
      Spin ice (magnetic) monopole creation and magnetricity:
      The methods to create a monopole magnet, and applications of monopole magnet:
      Physicists create first metamaterial with rewritable magnetic ordering:
      (Please download and read and keep the following pdf document):
      Advances in Artificial Spin Ice:
      (Please download and read and keep the following pdf document):
      Splitting of the magnetic monopole pair-creation energy in spin ice:
      Julian Schwinger:
      Edward Witten:
      Magnetic Monopoles in Electromagnetism and Gravity:
      Electric charges and magnetic monopoles in Gravity's Rainbow:
      Electromagnetism and Magnetic monopoles:
      (Please download and read and keep the following pdf document):
      (Please download and read and keep the following pdf document):
      Magnetic monopoles and dyons revisited:
      A useful contribution to the study of classical mechanics
      by Renato P dos Santos:
      Magnetic monopole in a chiral plasma: chiral dyon:
      Fingerprints of the Cosmological Constant: Folds in the Profiles of the Axionic Dark Matter Distribution in a Dyon Exterior:
      Fluidic electrodynamics: Approach to electromagnetic propulsion:
      Electromagnetic Duality, Quaternion and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories of Dyons:
      Dyons and dyonic black holes in su(N) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory in anti-de Sitter space time:
      (Please download and read and keep the following pdf document):
      Journal of High Energy Physics - Adding charges to N = 4 dyons:
      (Please download and read and keep the following pdf document):
      HECOs, Dyons, and Super symmetry at MoEDAL:
      Quantum magnetic monopole condensate:
      (Please download and read and keep the following pdf document):
      (Please download and read and keep the following pdf document):
      Brane Dyons and Electric-magnetic Duality: f
      The far-field limit profile functions of two overlapped Dyons:
      Quaternion Gauge Theory of Dyonic fields:
      (Please download and read and keep the following pdf document):
      Quaternion Gauge Theory of Dyonic fields:
      (Please download and read and keep the following pdf document):
      The methods to create a monopole magnet, and applications of monopole magnet:
      Reaction Less Space Propulsion, by Dual Magnetic String Physics of the Anti-Maxwell Magnetic Dip Around a Wire:
      Interesting facts - Trio create artificial magnetic wormhole:
      ShantiUniverse - Scientist Reveal Man Made Magnetic Wormhole Cloaking Device:
      Might Be Awesome - Could We Create A Wormhole Through Space? | Portal Science Explained:
      stéphane dorbolo - Magnetic monopole:
      Raivo T - Physicists have discovered that rotating black holes might serve as portals for hyperspace travel:
      Spanish Scientists Create Magnetic Wormhole:
      Physicists Built a Wormhole for Magnets:
      World's first magnetic "wormhole" produces magnetic monopole:
      A Magnetic Monopole:
      What Is A Magnetic Wormhole?:
      Electromagnetic Wormholes: An Invisible Tunnel For Magnets:
      Magnetic vortex flipping made easy:
      (Please download the following pdf link): Magnetic Vortex:
      Magnetic vortex wormhole generator by John Quincy St Clair:
      (Please download the pdf link):
      Magnetic vortex wormhole generator by John Quincy St. Clair pdf link:
      A magnetic vortex generator for simultaneous heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop reduction in a mini channel:
      Electromagnetic Vortex Fields, Spin, and Spin-Orbit Interactions in Electron Vortices:
      Electromagnetic vortex generator:
      Water energy generator by John Quincy St. Clair:
      (Please download the following pdf link):
      Water energy generator by John Quincy St. Clair:
      Review of Electrogravitics & Electrokinetics propulsion by Thomas F. Valone:
      (Please download the following pdf document):
      The Magnetic Monopole Spacecraft by John Quincy St. Clair (patent):
      Please download The Magnetic Monopole Spacecraft by John Quincy St Clair (patent) pdf version:
      The Magnetic Monopole Spacecraft (blog):
      Bobbin electromagnetic field propulsion vehicle by John Quincy St. Clair:
      (Please download the pdf link): Bobbin electromagnetic field propulsion vehicle by John Quincy St. Clair pdf document:

  • @Overunity357
    @Overunity357 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    JFC! this is EVERYTHING! it explains perfectly the Mark McCandlish ARV which I have been trying to deconstruct for years! but I have been trying to use electromagnetism and the math just goes no where. this is IT, This is exactly what it is using! this is effing Amazing. freaking EURIKA!

    • @IngridS426
      @IngridS426 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Look up Lt Col. Thomas Bearden and his research from the 1980’s and 90’s. Yep, our govt has had this tech for some time.

  • @akosv96
    @akosv96 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    The interesting thing is that according to the theory Tesla coils do not produce measurable mechanical effects because the produced gravitational waves are AC meaning that it vibrates / heats instead. Tesla did explain in his papers and many people including me have experimented and saw that the field around the coil ionizes evacuated bulbs and the collisions of the gas superheat the metal in the bulb until it starts glowing red hot. All this while I can hold the bulb in my hand which is very surprising.
    Rarified gas does show that it moves matter radially in and out in the near field.
    Also there are papers studying that there is in fact longitudinal magnetic waves produced that do not comply with the same rules as TEM waves.
    So in theory what this needs to work is to either add a huge DC offset to the secondary of the transmitter which is not practical or to transform the output by diodes to create a rectified sine wave. This one is more doable since vacuum tubes are more capable of high voltage rectification.
    Another possible way is to use very high voltage direct current and use a switch circuit to create alternation / pulses with a metal globe. This would also need high voltage vacuum tubes to be operable.
    Also worth trying to create a current fed antenna (metal bulb) by a high power high frequency circuit and feeding as much currect as possible by finding the resonance of the metal piece. I think high voltage is the way but not sure.
    Butmy doubt still remains because the offset still may create the same AC behaviour.
    If that is the case a true dc flow could be made by somehow creating a one directional flow that circulates out one place and ends in the other end like a torus.
    Not sure how that is possible either. I hope some people will find these thought helpful and inspiring.

    • @user-je3xw7yw8c
      @user-je3xw7yw8c 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

      This is cold energy its pure. Unlike the forced hot energy that your national grid electric provider does. They burn or heat a substance to burn it and produce electricity and it's also direct current so it would burn when holding a light that's lit through that power. Hence why we don't grab hot bulbs and replace them you turn it off wait to cool down.

  • @greyghost2557
    @greyghost2557 3 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    I haven't watched the whole video yet, but already this has made my day.
    Thank you, Tom!

    • @gemag.
      @gemag. 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Mine too 👏👏👏👏

  • @nachiketa3629
    @nachiketa3629 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    In the book “the holy Science- Sri Swami Yukeshwah Giri” a yogi explains in detail how collectively humanity evolves when we grasp the subtle energies at play. Videos like these prove that this phase is in motion. Thank you!

    • @user-gs1lz2pw9v
      @user-gs1lz2pw9v 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      They talk about that in celestine prophecies

    • @rasikrodriguez3962
      @rasikrodriguez3962 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Sri Yukteswar, in The Holy Science, also briefly mentions that there are 5 sorts of electricity. This has always be very interesting to me.
      We only know 1 electricity!

    • @dedoet1
      @dedoet1 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Great book btw🎉

  • @HerMajesty1
    @HerMajesty1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Good morning everyone! Thanks to you Tom! What a way to start the day! Peace and courage to all who read this.

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Thanks for watching! I'll make more spiritual / fringe videos soon. Been wanting to get at least one good science vid out, and will make more of those too. May do one on alchemy.

  • @glensubtorq
    @glensubtorq 3 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Thank you for putting this video out. Very valuable 🙏😎

  • @jimmorrissy2276
    @jimmorrissy2276 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Good stuff! This is one of the best channels on youtube.

    • @gemag.
      @gemag. 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Agree 😊

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Thank you. I go back and forth on whether I should have split it up in a music channel, science channel, spirituality channel, etc. but in the end concluded that hey this is me and this is what I do so here's everything :)

    • @jimmorrissy2276
      @jimmorrissy2276 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@TomMontalk I really enjoy all aspects of your channel. You are a talented musician and excellent researcher. Thanks for your reply.

  • @RenaWells
    @RenaWells 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Thank you!!! Explains so much of my questions in school whenever I would ask out of the norm questions and then be called crazy!!! This validated so much for me! Thank you love your content!!!

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      That's awesome to hear you were the one in your class asking the great questions. My science teacher got pretty annoyed with me for doing the same. Glad you like my content! I have tons more writings at

    • @marshallfischer3667
      @marshallfischer3667 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That was my life outside of math.

    • @fragranthills
      @fragranthills 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Knowledge is lost unless it is preserved. One example is how the pyramids were built. Thank you for preserving this knowledge for future generations.

  • @woodwind63
    @woodwind63 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This post is Super Excellent in content and production. It introduces what many initiates have been searching for relative to unified field theory. It's especially helpful the study of bifilar coils that are said to create scalar waves. Thank you!

  • @ChrisAthanas
    @ChrisAthanas 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Amazingly clear presentation

  • @CalebSteele
    @CalebSteele 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Great to see you making videos on this topic!

  • @aaronjeancrombe4754
    @aaronjeancrombe4754 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you so much for that mind-opening video, Tom Montalk. It takes quite a lot of work to put it all together then out there. So grateful!

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Glad you enjoyed it. Yes it was a lot of work. Here's what my Final Cut project looked like: -- but it was worth it!

  • @tashalyn8143
    @tashalyn8143 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This is brilliant, Tom. Thank you. Be well!

  • @nkululekomagubane1099
    @nkululekomagubane1099 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    You're absolutely awesome, Tom! 😊 Brilliant!

  • @jshavon8924
    @jshavon8924 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Saw your website the other day thanks for posting and giving us all this information. It is definitely an important topic that is shaping sooo much right now and in what's going to be happening in the future. 💖❤

  • @illuminutty2356
    @illuminutty2356 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Joseph P. Farrell & Tom Bearden both cover scalar physics in depth throughout their writings.

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Thanks, both are worth checking out.
      Although with Bearden, while I'm grateful for what he's done, one big issue I had with him (he passed away some years ago) is that he seemed incapable of translating it into easier language or good analogies, and therefore acted as if he had memorized some black ops textbook without understanding it fully and was regurgitating jargon and concepts from it. Either that, or he was purposely being obscure to save his own ass from the consequences of disclosing classified knowledge.
      That made it hard to understand, then other people tried to understand what he was saying (or merely memorized and repeated it without understanding) and then concepts started getting all mixed up. Then that whole thing devolved into today's New Age / alt physics community's understanding of what "scalar physics" is.
      So I figured, let's get back to the basics and reconstruct it from the ground up, starting with the potentials, and the tip of that ice berg is what was in my video.

    • @mariannerafin5352
      @mariannerafin5352 ปีที่แล้ว

      The United States Psychotronics Association USPA had some brilliant people in it. Tom Valone one of them. Experiment ways Preston Nichols has a lot of equioment and could do a lot of strange things. Others could teleport material objects. It would be very worthwhile looking into the USPAs archives.

    • @childofkhem1.618
      @childofkhem1.618 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sound like the sub plank superfluid of potential charge we call the ether! Longitudinal node array? The physics of the soul? This accounts for all the anomalies that mainstream science throws away because they only look at Heavysides 4 equations and not the original 20 from maxwell. Beautiful presentation!

  • @Alaytheia
    @Alaytheia 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Very digestible information, thank you for the presentation! Reminds me of Richard C. Hoagland's work on "Torsion Field Physics" etc. Fascinating stuff!

  • @paulbergin4239
    @paulbergin4239 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks for the heads up on the subject. It is something that various experimental evidence has hinted at without understanding the underlying physical reasons. Most of the experimental evidence has been ridiculed and buried so that people think it is nonsence.

  • @yarropeace
    @yarropeace 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Great video montalk, thank for sharing!

  • @jocksam6634
    @jocksam6634 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ran across Colonel Bearden in the late 80s early 90s while studying weather control a friend of mine in the Air Force showed me a video tape about weather control in the complex they had up in Alaska. I learned about scalar weapons I learned about scaler weapons, the Russians had developed . So much has been held back from us. Thank God is being released now all over America.

  • @Ahu.A
    @Ahu.A ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Best video I have seen so far ! Thank you for all the hard work you have put into this. Work becomes play when we follow the truth = truth lays in number & mathematics and I do not refer to Aristoteles study of quantity but to Platos definition.

  • @danielogwara3984
    @danielogwara3984 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This video is absolutely brilliant!

  • @TheLuminousOne
    @TheLuminousOne 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    What an awesome video! Thanks very much.

  • @jubitsbeats8127
    @jubitsbeats8127 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Montalk, EnergeticSynthesis, and Ryushin Malone from The Orion Lines.
    Thanks for the knowledge!

  • @brianmurphymusic
    @brianmurphymusic 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you for the lesson, I am beyond intrigued.

  • @Hippyfishhikes
    @Hippyfishhikes 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you for sharing. While I may not understand all of the formulae, I completely agree with everything you have said as it is not the first time I've heard it. Stumbling upon your video here I believe was by design, a synchronicity, and not coincidence. I've listened to much from Dr. Steven Greer and others who have shared the same information. I appreciate the time you took to compile and disseminate this knowledge. I just wish it had a farther reach for others to see it as well.

  • @caseymrchiller1649
    @caseymrchiller1649 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've been fascinated with this for about 10 years while I got a masters in electrical engineering. There are many who have tried but not conclusively found the elusive scalar waves in Maxwell's equations. Since Maxwell derived his theory from fluid mechanics there is also the question of why a gradient of A doesn't show up in Lorrentz force equations. The proposition that divergence of A is a gravitational field is interesting but if it proves not to be connected to gravity it at least shows that a virtual charges can be generated in space from polarized media which is amazing in itself. There is a lot to be said about scalar waves and their connection to quantum mechanics because of the Ahranov -Bohm effect so Josephson junction and SQUID devices might be the key to detecting these fields. The Biefield-Brown effect sadly has been shown not to exist as well as demonstrated by a professor who showed us results of putting a lifter into a vacuum and showing no lift but he didn't want to publish the results! Lame since it would be clear to those who follow this theory. I do think some of this science could be hidden and suppressed but a guest professor Bahman Zohuri at my college was invited who wrote a book on scalar waves was free to talk about these ideas. His book advocates a theory that sets the Lorenz guage to a constant C instead of the ki approach shown here. A good test of divergence(A) could be two parallel plates with converging currents from outer rim to inner could show a virtual charge within it's center. This would be a great start to whether Lorenz guage is falsifiable and what mathematical description of scalar waves is appropriate. Great video!

  • @wemustknowK
    @wemustknowK 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You explained it very well. As a non scientific guy who loves to learn new things this is golden.

  • @PawlTV
    @PawlTV 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is fundamental. Having read your brief introduction many years ago, I'm delighted to see this great video and have it refresh my mind on the matter. Liebe Grüße! ^^

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Great to hear that, Paul. It's a different video if you've already visited the concepts before, versus coming at it for the first time. I'll see about making more videos on this topic to expand it. This video, as you know, is only scratching the surface.

    • @PawlTV
      @PawlTV 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TomMontalk That's a great outlook on what's still to come. :) What interests me, in particular, is the singular / discontinuous / multi-valued character of the fields, and how it connects to topology, for example. Also, practical applications and experimental verification prolosals are important. Lastly, I wonder if the concepts proposed by T. Bearden can be reconciled with this framework, so we finally have a sound basis for investigating some of his many claims.

  • @jeffwhalen9279
    @jeffwhalen9279 3 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    They are losing control of the illusion. :)

    • @cankhovich1796
      @cankhovich1796 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      parasites have been exposed and are being treated--->cleansing

    • @kylehill9969
      @kylehill9969 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@cankhovich1796 I wish Tom would talk about how things swinged away from our control back to theirs towards the end of Trump it's like something spiritual shifted gears towards evil.

    • @cankhovich1796
      @cankhovich1796 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kylehill9969 the claim is that it would be too bloody a civil war if Trump did not allow what happened, and more exposure of the corruption---we shall see...

    • @kylehill9969
      @kylehill9969 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@cankhovich1796 What do you mean by that? Do you think Trump handed it over to Biden cause I feel he kinda just shrugged his shoulders and knew none of the evidence would even be investigated but still led us on. Rush even asked him about his 'bombshells'. God bless is soul RIP.

    • @kylehill9969
      @kylehill9969 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cankhovich1796 Check out on Amazon the 1993 book.'See I told you So'. Even tough it's old it still is very relevant today and right on da money! On Amazon most books you can preview the first chapter or so.

  • @jerjohn65
    @jerjohn65 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I agree with you 100% on all counts Tom, thank you for posting Sir.

    • @Moisolar
      @Moisolar 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      have you done the math?

  • @kallie7092
    @kallie7092 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Outstanding! I shared this with my family!

    • @Killakallie92
      @Killakallie92 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Nice me too

  • @paulcollins1027
    @paulcollins1027 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I have been waiting for information like this: Thank you Tom

  • @gemag.
    @gemag. 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you, Tom!! 👏👏👏👏

  • @visionquest520
    @visionquest520 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you! I have been looking for an explanation and man you nailed it!😊

  • @MS-bb3bj
    @MS-bb3bj 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Woww, glad there are people like you to know a reason of stop moving into this way of technology , so well explain

  • @Nadia_891
    @Nadia_891 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Well explained. As a layman I just wanted to ask a question about
    a practical application that echoes with your topic.
    I was afraid to learn driving, for the fear of accidents and wished, why don't they make outer cover like a magnet so that cars repel each other and we can avoid crashing.They can even make use of electromagnets. 'Cos a magnet the size of a car will be too much. They can even make a special route to avoid other metallic things getting attracted to each other. Something similar to heavenly bodies/planets not crashing into each other.
    Just a thought. No idea if its feasible, only a physicist can tell.

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Great idea about the magnetic bumpers. I think it's just a matter of practicality (weight and cost). If we finally get to have room-temperature superconductors, what you're talking about would be cheap and simple and easy to do. Right now, doing it with coils and magnetic cores would be heavy and expensive, and permanent magnets would need to be so strong that they'd wreak havoc on shopping carts and mailboxes and such. In short, our technology right now sucks and we're not rich enough to do it, but with a leap in tech it would be feasible and a good idea.

    • @Nadia_891
      @Nadia_891 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@TomMontalk and maybe then I'll learn driving 😊 Thanks for the reply and great to hear you again.

    • @kylehill9969
      @kylehill9969 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TomMontalk Why not tupperware cars so they'll just bounce off each other like most of the racing games?

    • @mariannerafin5352
      @mariannerafin5352 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      In 1966 or 1967 GM developed a crash proof car. The info disapprared and I havent been able to find info about it since. Maybe someone who works at GM can find it.

  • @AnaFernandez-bu6bo
    @AnaFernandez-bu6bo ปีที่แล้ว

    Excellent video. Thank you for putting this information together for us in a way that can be understood by non-science folks like me!

  • @guidedmeditation2396
    @guidedmeditation2396 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Lifeforce energy/Chi/Orgone travels in scaler/standing columnar waves. This allows it to reach all points in the universe instantly. It is said that scaler waves travel infinite distances even many light years away instantly until they meet a platonic solid shape and then instantly turn into available energy. If you merge knowledge of this with knowledge of the implosion energy beam created by the great pyramids you open another door of understanding and its potential uses.
    The great pyramids looks four sided but are actually 8 sided with a concave crease running down the middle of each side and as dust has passed across the top of it people have witnessed a swirling tornado effect that rises from the top. When the pyramids had their nonconductive outer skin of white stone and a solid gold pyramid cap stone it became a piezoelectric super conductor that transformed scaler energy into a beam at the top we know in sci fi movies as a worm hole. It is actually a harmonic dual helux standing columnar wave that can allow information, objects and possibly even humans to travel instantly from this one point to a receiver just like it in a different star system. without the bother of having to actually travel and avoid everything that exists in between the two points. Knowing what we do about the abilities of the Ark of the Covenant, with it being the heart of the great pyramid, much like the CPU in your computer. It turned the pyramid into an intergalactic Fax Machine and 3-D replicator.
    The ark itself could be powered other ways when you take it on the road. The large silk sheets of the socalled tabernacle would flap in the nightly desert wind and create a massive voltage as the minute fibers turned friction into energy. Modern examples and recreations of the mobile tabernacle give it a roof/ceiling but ancient texts described the main inner sanctum where the Ark was to not have a roof. Each evening as fire and incense was lit and the silk panels flapped in the wind they could see the smoke enter a swirling vortex rising up and into the sky and each morning, a frost like substance had fallen on the ground they could scrap up with palm fronds and this had all the nutrients needed for human life. Read up on it and it is said a small pot of MANA was kept in the Ark. Frost is created when moisture in the air is frozen and falls to the ground. There are modern water making plants in the desert that catch moisture in the air much like the California Redwoods create their own rain by catching moisture from the marine air. This seems to indicate the Ark replicated the Mana in the jar as a sample, and transmuted moisture in the air into a honey flavored food that fed thousands of people every day.
    Scaler energy has one more big secret. It is Love and creative force. This sounds bizarre but there it is. There is so much more but this is enough for anyone to ponder. It offers great hope for humanity because it suggests an infinite supply of anything and everything we could ever possibly need. Scarcity is a means of control. The universe/God wants us to be abundant, joyous and free.

  • @1800imawake
    @1800imawake 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great video explanation. It all makes perfect sense.

  • @jeremymccormick5689
    @jeremymccormick5689 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Wow.just wow. This is extremely relevant and we will see this in practice soon both sadly and beautifully.

  • @AliOlshan
    @AliOlshan 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I saw your video from 8 years ago! I absolutely respect every bit of energy you put into your work. How awesome you are! Wish you were some place in California or AZ

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thanks for the kind words of support, Ali!

    • @kylehill9969
      @kylehill9969 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TomMontalk Please stop shadowbanning.

    • @1d10tcannotmakeusername
      @1d10tcannotmakeusername ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kylehill9969 >username kyle hill, lining up with that cringe pop science youtuber
      >does video about zoombinis
      >pfp from zelda breath of the wild
      Methinks you're misconstruing a youtube server glitch as the channel operator's fault

  • @nesskafaen
    @nesskafaen 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Wow this breakdown was a breath of fresh air in trying to find out what Scalar is. I find myself very curious of it and still it is frustratingly instangible for me to understand.. I feel it in my heart that is is fundamentally important to understand this if I was to understand and work with these technologies..
    Thanks!! 1UP

  • @jimkimbrell4878
    @jimkimbrell4878 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Tom thank you, I will be using this in the creation of a scalar generator

  • @mariannerafin5352
    @mariannerafin5352 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you. Super explanation using examples.

  • @CMC-lr7kq
    @CMC-lr7kq 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I have a feeling you won't be seeing this sort of technology until the 22nd century when the transition to the age of the Aquarius begins.

    • @arlettemcarthur5122
      @arlettemcarthur5122 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      2012 the transition started, this is the age of Aquarius.

    • @kylehill9969
      @kylehill9969 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@arlettemcarthur5122 It sure is dark and violent. Feels like a lot of NPC's.

    • @JosephEnce
      @JosephEnce 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      The woods are dark and deep.

  • @jose-carlosgarciamendez5977
    @jose-carlosgarciamendez5977 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Very clear your explanation to understand the Scalar fields to think it for the next future if the things can change. But the matrix is there to avoid it. The will is the way...

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Yes the future is potential fields and etheric energy, and hopefully an activated inner reconnection to Spirit / Divinity. Between those three things, we can take our place among the stars.

  • @DrDailbo
    @DrDailbo ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've been looking for this my whole life...

  • @christopherdavidcobb8108
    @christopherdavidcobb8108 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great content! Thank you.

  • @IntuitiveGym
    @IntuitiveGym 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for everything you are, everything you do, all that you be. Sense maker. :-)

  • @someguy6924
    @someguy6924 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    good video Tom! thanks for making it

  • @weebhatecrew330
    @weebhatecrew330 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    >alien visitations at a young age
    >loves sci-fi

  • @ivanpereirademendonca4607
    @ivanpereirademendonca4607 ปีที่แล้ว

    Muito obrigado Tom, finalmente consegui começar a entender essa "física".😁

  • @richardchildress9031
    @richardchildress9031 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much for this info

  • @rosinaldomorales3406
    @rosinaldomorales3406 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great presentation

  • @BlindfoldedSight
    @BlindfoldedSight ปีที่แล้ว +1

    great video

  • @satyakikhoj369
    @satyakikhoj369 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thanks very much

  • @atomicbong7597
    @atomicbong7597 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love you Tom :)
    Keep shining!

  • @andreotto6969
    @andreotto6969 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ice, water and steam are the 3 phases of water, similar electricity, magnetism and gravity are the 3 phases of the aether....

  • @neotribal
    @neotribal 3 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Excellent video, great graphics and easy to understand explanations. Thank you Tom, I am a big fan of your work. Quick question, does the Greek chi (X) have or could have anything in common with eastern Chi energy ?

    • @1d10tcannotmakeusername
      @1d10tcannotmakeusername 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Perhaps the X/Chi has something to do with the Etheric energy

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yes, there seems to be a synchronistic connection there. The use of Greek X, I first saw used in a paper by Jack Dea:

    • @flameone4705
      @flameone4705 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TomMontalk Why did Q never talk about the covid vaccines if they are going to cause mass genocide? It barely mentioned vaccines during a list of bad things , while saying (not all). Q focused solely on lockdowns and nursing home deaths but for some reason never truly touched the elephant in the room, I think millions dead in the streets is worse than a couple thousand dead in a nursing home or millions out of a job due to a lockdown, at least they’re still alive. Could this mean that the vaccines cause little damage if at all? Also which ones exactly are the “good” vaccines, specifically for covid, I mean names, Pfizer, Astra, J&J, moderna? Are they just saline or do they provide some benefit?
      If Q is legit how come it never, and I mean never implied, touched or even hinted at the depopulation needles?

    • @flameone4705
      @flameone4705 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TomMontalk How exactly does an early vaccine rollout stop lockdowns? Surely after it kills a large number of people(if that’s what it’s meant to do) they’ll blame it on variant X and throw us into many lockdowns anyway.

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@flameone4705 Because it builds public resistance early enough that it can get codified into law and win over politicians before it's too late. Plus, as others have said, pushing it out early means it has emergency / experimental status and therefore cannot be made mandatory yet, at least in the U.S. Sure they'll blame it on variant X but it's not like everyone will go along with it. In fact, more people than ever would see through that B.S. excuse since the pharmas have already lost a chunk of credibility due to the profuse diffusion of side effects getting out there.

  • @JoaoMatrix
    @JoaoMatrix 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I miss your videos on gnosis bro.

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'll do more, just wanted to switch things up with a science vid since I didn't have one yet.

  • @stephenmckinney6436
    @stephenmckinney6436 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank You for The Education

  • @kingscontractors7482
    @kingscontractors7482 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    amazing, this is great help to my scalar wave research .:.

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  ปีที่แล้ว

      Glad it was helpful!

  • @setaripantheon8801
    @setaripantheon8801 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I hope you can do some more practical constructions in your next video! :D
    (I have always thought Quantum-Capacitors could solve the eaths energy need and take us to a Kardashev 1 spices)

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Pretty much the entire fringe science field pertains to this. But to do practical constructions requires a lot more math and theory. I'll cover more of those in future videos on this.

  • @mariannerafin5352
    @mariannerafin5352 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You are a Genius

  • @slinks2563
    @slinks2563 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A fantastic explanation, thank you so much. I have visited your website and downloaded your pdf. I am currently preparing a book on a diffferent subject with all the same sacred geometry as you describe with scalar physics and would like to quote your paper with reference to SP 🙌

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Sure thing, feel free to quote my paper, and all the best to your book project.

  • @petervannieuwenhoven6908
    @petervannieuwenhoven6908 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    scalar waves, i work with thenm every day..

  • @Sir-Dexter
    @Sir-Dexter ปีที่แล้ว +1

    very nice work .....

  • @ShaneMorris0n
    @ShaneMorris0n 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Sure missed you. Brilliant stuff.

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you, Shane.

    • @ShaneMorris0n
      @ShaneMorris0n 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@TomMontalk - Mate........ You have 'Factor'.
      Factor is the bridge between the metaphysics and physics. 💫👍

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@davecurtis6930 It seems that synthesizer tech has reached maturity and via programming/simulation you can now make pretty much any sound that can be made.
      So it would be in the creative selection and use of it that would differentiate future music from what we have now.
      It'll really depend on whether we're still human by that point, or if we've become hybridized with gray aliens. If aliens are muted in their emotions, that's going to be bad for music. It may sound ethereal, intellectual, and abstract without melody hooks or emotion.
      A lot of pop and electronica these days is trending in that direction, concomitant with the hybrid look becoming popularized over the past decades (compare models nowadays to models of the 1940s-1950s -- you see a transition from voluptuousness to androgynous pale waifs).
      But if we stay human and you go 1000+ years into the future I'm guessing it'll be more choral / vocal based (i.e. not requiring technology) and having good but otherworldly melodies based around the Locrian scale.
      That's because ever since the Copper Age, each successive civilization has gone up the scale as far as modes go, and Locrian is the one that comes after ours.

  • @sammysainz5
    @sammysainz5 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’ve been thinking about this all throughout university. Glad I’m not the only one! Everybody here at uni doesn’t care about this stuff, they just want to earn the degree

  • @adonaiblackwood7172
    @adonaiblackwood7172 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yup, gravity is just an effect of electromagnetism. Great video!

    • @adonaiblackwood7172
      @adonaiblackwood7172 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Also I feel like the electric universe model supports this. It’s all so interesting!

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@adonaiblackwood7172 Yeah the trick is in HOW gravity relates to electromagnetism. The standard electric universe theory may still be missing some pieces on that. But I'm trying to fill in those gaps with this.

  • @axiom7540
    @axiom7540 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wish I had studied physics harder when I was as school. I would like to understand this more! Great video

    • @Killakallie92
      @Killakallie92 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They didn't teach this stuff in physics much. Just the basics.

    • 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I myself would have to watch this vid more than ten times to even understand a little 😂 thanks, Tom!

    @LUKETHELOG หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Your a very smart guy i knew all these things were connected electricity magnetism and gravity. Magnets moved past a copper wire creates electricity, and i knew gravity the way ufos do what they do, travel back in time so on, it all connected.

  • @Animalis_Mundana
    @Animalis_Mundana 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @ericchin739
    @ericchin739 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Funny. Before the very end, I was thinking, "how could you measure a divergent magnetic field?!"
    And sounds like they just never bothered to sit down and figure it out.
    Interesting video. Need to do more research on this.

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  ปีที่แล้ว

      A fluctuating divergent field should be measurable via changes in charge density, but the optimal way to measure that (that is more accurate and isn't as clumsy as an electroscope) remains to be figured out. I think Greg Hodowanec's "gravity wave detectors" could be doing something like that.

  • @juanmf
    @juanmf ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Is there a continuation of this video, or lab experiments with the spherical capacitor slowing time/gravity?

  • @ZElTGElST
    @ZElTGElST 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Fascinating. I would love to know easy to implement practical examples of this ("generate a wormhole in your room with arduino and coils"). Pretty sure there must be easy implementations that generate some kind of time or gravity distortions. Im speculating the base would be rotating magnetic fields, in 2 or 3 dimensions?. If anybody knows of that experiments, please link

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Well if it were super easy it would not have been kept a secret for so long. But, here's what I would try:
      - metal toroid charged to a high voltage (50,000 to 200,000 volts) and spun at high RPM (5,000 to 10,000 RPM)
      - hundreds/thousands/millions of amps of current converging from all directions to a single point (capacitor bank discharging into a sphere that has wires in it going radially to a smaller sphere at the center, with an exit wire from that sphere back to the capacitor bank to complete the circuit)
      - plasma ball that oscillates in size so that the charge density fluctuates (already being done by people like )
      - high voltage into an asymmetric capacitor (this has been done and it works, see )
      - rotating magnetic field operating at 25 MHz or higher (Stefan Marinov's device here -- for which many have suspected he was killed over. He demonstrated it to a friend shortly before his death).

    • @simonlaker2139
      @simonlaker2139 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TomMontalk I built a machine that produces dielectric charge using water as the medium. It's based on my concept of earth.
      It it has a northern and southern hemisphere.
      +and - charges form on the outside surface.
      It's variable voltage 0 to 24 v and can cast that charge through the air for 2-meters to a solid conductor and measures the same 0-24v .
      That's no wires, no arcing or sparks.

  • @braaitongs
    @braaitongs 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hold on a second. Oliver heaviside was disparaged and they banned him from writing for some time. Note that steinmetz,Maxwell,Tesla,jj thomson, heaviside and others were believers in the Aether. Now from what you described made me think that it fits in perfectly with the aether. That is the ultimate super scalar you are referring to. The magnetic field and dielectric field (electric field) are just different modalities of the aether. The phenomenon of electricity is just the hybrid of the two. If you read Chars Steinmetz's work he illustrates this very well.
    From what I understand the Divergence of the magnetic field is 0 because otherwise there would be magenetic monopoles which make no sense. Note also that the reason two magnets of opposite poles attract because of lack of magnetism. Here the dielectric acceleration to a null point between the magents make them fly towards each other. Note it is not a force but an acceleration just like gravity. I also think that gravity is function of the dielectric and magnetic field modalities. It is longitudinal in nature just like the longitudinal dieletric waves (rarefactions and compressions)

  • @lewishorton1426
    @lewishorton1426 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you

    @LUKETHELOG หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Im exploring pyramids by electrifying a copper pyramid like Egyptians did all over the world especially in Egypt they have multiple uses but are power plants inside and im just buying the stuff to make it.

  • @Rocksite1
    @Rocksite1 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I would expect those with a strong background in mathematical physics could work these through to see if they are consistent with common physics lab experiment test cases or not. While we don't expect many scalar electronics experiments in labs, if there is a problem with more conventional physics, they might show up. I don't think the reason wars are being fought over oil is a direct result of the suppression of this technology, tho; but rather, as a convenient excuse to stage them. Upcoming global cataclysms? The Jupiter Effect? The 2012 return of Nabiru? I find a lot more disinfo on that topic than info.

  • @aubreyhaynie4560
    @aubreyhaynie4560 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is all true. I finally found a name for this physics. It's a start.

  • @diz3225
    @diz3225 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hellz yeah this is better than winning lotto, a new Montalk vid Im taking this as a meaningful sych.,my less than stellar day just turned around.

    • @diz3225
      @diz3225 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I first grasped the scalar physics properly when digging upon Kushi's old macrobiotics newsletter ,re studying alchemy. What's your opinion on Bruce Cathie's books? Surely they use this sort of stuff in the Cloning DUMBs. If the Vax goes compulsory would you rather be a roostercrustatation or a stonecutter?

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@diz3225 Bruce Cathie is great. I used to have his book The Energy Grid, Harmonic 695. My view is that this whole thing is incredibly complex. In this video I might as well be talking about rubbing silk on amber and creating static electricity, whereas "the big boys" have the equivalent of a supercomputer network that uses electricity in far more complex ways.
      I'm 50/50 on whether Cathie was right about nukes, because either it's true that nukes can't go off except for at certain places at certain times, or else nukes were set off either ritualistically or to have certain secondary effects but aren't limited in themselves in where/when they can be set off.
      But consider how even things like numerology, astrology, and anagrams have validity, indicating higher intelligence operating through number/measure/letter all around us. The bigger conspiracy is that our reality appears to be a holographic consciousness matrix permeated by information and meaning and messages, rather than a blind machine that science makes it out to be. Cathie's work could be an expression of that.
      If the shot goes compulsory, I will not be kind to the enforcers. If the RC or FM become the dominant powers and I had to choose, I'd do RC. At least they act like they know what they're doing. The FM is an old boy's club of possessed alcoholics.

  • @onpurpose2629
    @onpurpose2629 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Looks like you should investigate the SEG. Seril effect generator.

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  หลายเดือนก่อน

      I loved reading about John Searl when I was in high school. It's just a very difficult and expensive setup to try and replicate.

  • @Luisnegro156
    @Luisnegro156 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hi Tom!, excellent video, even though I don't know nothing about phisics you were able to make it understandable . One question, did David Bohm, friend of J.Krishnamurti, aproach to this kind of results or studies? Sorry for my english.

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks, I tried really hard to make the necessary math concepts easy to understand, so I'm glad you were able to follow along. About Bohm, yes he talked about an 'implicate order' and termed it the "Quantum Potential." That's basically the aether, and I think it corresponds closely to the scalar superpotential. I need to go back through his book to 100% nail the connection but I do know that the scalar superpotential directly determines the quantum phase of a wave function, but so does the so-called Quantum Potential, which is why I think they could be the same thing.

  • @BanBiofuels
    @BanBiofuels 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Great video. I highly suspect that Scalar physics has a lot to do with the creation of consciousness. See "Integrating information in the brain’s EM field: the cemi field theory of consciousness" I practice a meditation technique where I touch trees with both hands, close my eyes, and let my mind go blank. I get good vibrations from the trees, plus the sensation of energy coming up from the ground into my feet, legs, torso, arms, and into the tree. An energy circuit is created. It feels as if the tree is grounded in the Earth, and touching the tree connects me to the Earth and its energy. The energy feels almost like electricity, but has a finer, more transparent quality. I have heard that other people get the same sensation, so it is not just me. I have heard that Nikola Tesla believed the Earth generates some kind of strange energy that can be used by humans.

  • @QuantumJump963
    @QuantumJump963 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Dear Tom, thank you - very good video and explanations. I was only wondering when you mentioned that the magnetic superpotential was varying over space as gradient and also curls - how is this possible to quantify - since curl of the gradient is zero? Where is possible to find some derivation for the multivalued fields you are mentioning here?

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      That's a great and important question. Please see section 3.2 of my paper for the full details, but in short, from the paper:
      "Readers may object because the curl of a gradient is said to always be zero. But that is only true for simply connected regions. If there is a singularity at the center, then there can be a nonzero curl around the center even though everywhere else, the curl of the gradient is indeed zero. This will be demonstrated in the next (sub)section."
      This paper:

  • @1d10tcannotmakeusername
    @1d10tcannotmakeusername 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think that open source licensing is going to be a major part of widespread electromagnetogravitics/scalar technology

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Yes, it has to be. They tried secrecy throughout history. All that happens is you get positive factions and negative factions fighting each other using the general population as pawns and when the negative faction wins they now have near absolute power over the population thanks to their asymmetric advantage. And when that happens, the asymmetry has to be removed by leveling the playing field via the redistribution of power/knowledge/technology. It's like with how authoritarians want arms for themselves and their lackeys but none for the people. Technology is weaponry, and we need to implement the 2A for this tech.

  • @yee-ji5ib
    @yee-ji5ib 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    the image you used for the application of scalar physics "invisibility" had me dying of laughter.

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Glad you caught that, haha.

  • @westtexashodler2646
    @westtexashodler2646 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Salvatore Pais talks about the Superforce.

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Indeed. The Superforce relates to the gravitational self-potential energy of the universe. That is, the curvature of the universe as caused by the masses sitting in their own combined gravitational fields.

  • @alexciobanu3819
    @alexciobanu3819 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    cool, ty )

  • @yumpyup469
    @yumpyup469 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Watching this even though I’ve never taken a single physics class lol. Only here cus of the mh370 guy however, still super interesting stuff.

  • @KimBohnsack-ht2zl
    @KimBohnsack-ht2zl 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hallo Mr. Minderle, thank you for your good explanations in words and nice pictures about the scalar-superpotential! But i am still seriously skeptical about claims, that time allegedly should be part of a "space-time-continuum" like Einstein said. I suggest to speak about toroidal plasmoids instead of "black holes". I am aware of interesting reports or OB-experiences about time-travel but i am still careful about how to interpret such stories. I believe it is a big puzzle, and that the big pieces you have put together are not the last.

  • @anteep4900
    @anteep4900 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Instructions unclear, just invented a scalar superweapon

  • @edwardlewis1963
    @edwardlewis1963 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    1: So, you are saying that the Coulomb Gauge and the Lorentz Gauge are just assumptions and should be put aside? Correct?
    2: Illustrations/Demonstrations:
    - ball lightning
    - exotic vacuum logics
    - the bifield brown effect
    - Tesla's wireless power system
    - longitudinal forces in railguns
    - the exploding wire phenomenon
    - Stefan Merinov's magnetic ionization device
    - low energy nuclear reactions
    - plasma based free energy systems
    ok so which one is the easiest to demonstrate?

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Coulomb and Lorentz gauges are arbitrary choices that single out those cases where divergence of the vector potential either doesn't exist, or is cancelled out by an equal and opposite divergence of vector potential produced by a time-varying voltage.
      In other words, these gauges restrict engineering to non-scalar setups. The gauges are not physical laws or principles, but assumptions made out of ignorance if not malevolence. Students, physicists, and engineers just swallow these assumptions without question and then merrily go on their way designing devices & experiments restricted to a subset physics. Talking about myself there, once upon a time.
      Tesla's wireless power, or single wire transmission of power, would be the easiest. Konstantin Meyl sells a kit to demonstrate it. Longitudinal electro waves are a mathematical and physical fact, which these operate on. Also known as displacement currents or reactive power transmission, but more creatively applied than merely within capacitors.
      The other examples are harder, but plasma based would be next easiest if you can make the vacuum tube(s) required. See Correa's plasma devices: and loosely related this: -- note in that one, at resonance you get uneven charge density modulation within the coil, which creates divergence of the vector potential.

  • @dr.zoser-raneterkehtel557
    @dr.zoser-raneterkehtel557 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You got it... Spot on in every respect... That's a universal information Key... Thank you for the time and effort you put into learning your craft and blessing us with the fruits of your labors... Gratitude.🙊🙉🙈🦁👁️

  • @ghetinknotabush8602
    @ghetinknotabush8602 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Although some current western physics is embracing this, Russia has been more aggressive in implementing it for quite some time.

  • @flameone4705
    @flameone4705 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    So I’ve been reading the topic on timeline manipulation. If I vibe high and anticipate a negative outcome on a large level like mandatory needles, would I go to a timeline where they don’t happen?

  • @bogdangherghe3252
    @bogdangherghe3252 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Can you use a toroidal coil to create gravitational or repulsive fields?
    What you think the electric permitivity and magnetic permeability represents in the superpotential field?

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      A toroidal coil with a DC current will not produce anything special other than a static toroidal A field. This field, interestingly enough, is smooth and continuous from the outside to the inside of the coil, unlike the B field which 'magically' is nowhere outside the coil but everywhere inside the coil with a discontinuity at the coil boundary. This shows the A field is the more logical way to understand what's going on, and B is just an artificial abstraction that creates artificial paradoxes.
      Now, despite the A field seeming to converge into the center and diverge on the other side, there is no div A by itself with a DC field.
      However, if you pulse the current then you get a dA/dt, hence a -E field, which is known as the transformer effect. It is this E or EMF that 'pulls' electrons in a secondary toroid wound around the primary.
      But more importantly, if you pulse it very strongly and sharply, you get a dE/dt plus a 'nonlinear' (in the sense of being curved) E field, and it is this that produces a div A or even grad div A, or a div E in space without the presence of a charge source in that space as is required in static cases. That's where a repulsive gravity effect would become possible. I don't know the quantitative characteristics of this, like how much current produces how much gravity, but this is where to look. I think some may have done these experiments already, but distinguishing gravitational from thermal or magnetic effects can be tough. Podkletnov's gravity impulse beam may be a more efficient way to do this, as hitting a superconducting puck with a high sudden current may involve soliton current flows that mimic a toroidal field.
      As for permittivity and permeability, these are functions of the gravitational potential. Einstein strongly believed that the speed of light varies with gravitational potential, and speed of light is a consequence of permittivity and permeability, hence a link between gravity and those two variables. Alternatively, you could say gravitational potential is a type of index of refraction of spacetime. Hence, in my theory they're related to the 'density' of the scalar superpotential, meaning divergence. One thing I didn't mention in this video or in my paper is that divergence is only half the picture; the other half is electric fields in and of themselves having a time-distorting component, per the Biefeld Brown effect as an example, so an electric dipole is already a gravitational distorter, and mass is usually made of dipoles at the atomic level so gravity could result from that.

    • @bogdangherghe3252
      @bogdangherghe3252 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TomMontalk I think the key to control gravity is to modify the gravitational constant. This is linked to the permittivity an permeability of quantum vacuum. And it is also linked to the quantum vacuum energy density. The gravitational acceleration it is created when you have a gradient in the vacuum energy density (superpotential). And the magnetic vector potential is the key to control this gradient. Permittivity and permeability are in fact equevalent to the pressure and density of superfluid vacuum.And if you can modify them you can change the gravitational constant or the vacuum-matter interactance. Metamaterials like bismuth-magnesium layers can create gravitational effects when a ortogonal electromagnetic wave is created. Or you can have very high div A in a hydrodinamic capacitor usig plasma. What is yore opinion on how to create a warp drive?

    • @bogdangherghe3252
      @bogdangherghe3252 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TomMontalk To create a diverging or curl-free magnetic potential in a toroidal coil you can use the skin effect generated when you have pulsed DC curent. When a pulsed DC current is sent through a wire, becose of the Lorentz force, rhe electrons are sent from the center to the surface of the wire.....

    • @TomMontalk
      @TomMontalk  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bogdangherghe3252 I forgot about the skin effect. Yes, that's a great point. That would work. Also, what you said in the prior comment about gravitational constant and density of the vacuum superfluid, I agree with all that completely. I'm not that familiar with hydrodynamic capacitors so will research that further. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.