@@SB379 That's not correct. First 9a onsight was by Megos in 2012 (Estado critico). So no, Ondra didn't onsight any 9a's at 13. He did his first 9a onsight in 2013, when he was +- 20 years old. The 9a he mentions, when he was 13, was a redpoint try.
In addition to being maybe the best climber of all time, you are also an incredible story teller. I really appreciate the look inside what it takes to climb these elite routes. This is quickly becoming my favorite climbing channel.
So many styles of climbing its hard to say who is ‘the best’. Adams not the best boulderer, or soloist or ice climber or High altitude mountaineer or competition speed climber- and they are all climbing. He is certainly one of the best the planet has ever seen at what he does though.
@@wenlambotomy6231 Adam is THE best sport climber who has ever lived. There is no question about that. I‘m purely talking about sport climbing. And certainly up there with the best Boulderers.
Misja pec is basically a home crag to some foreing climbing communities, especially Western Slovakia and South-Eastern Czech Republic, in winter even more so :)
@@chinescookie5642 belayer never wants to bother adam with not giving him enough slack to clip above, so there is always some especially on overhang where belayer does not see/hear climber. And with his wohooo and fall he just breaks the rope and prepare for catch.
@@nomit4hd552 actually the bigger the jump, the less stress the rope receives. Stretch is distributed evenly across the rope intead of one point if it where a shorter fall
Congratulations Adam! what an amazing feat not to mention an amazing video! Keep it up, you are a huge inspiration to many, like myself all over the world.
The man be like "I saved this hard route of my favorite ever home spot for a future onsight". Were you the kind of kid that save the last chocolate of the box for later ? :) Congrats
This to me shows just how good of a climber Adam is. To onsight a 9a is absurd. Plain and simple. But the fact he saved it to me shows a lot of thought into giving an onsight a try.
Sir! Thank You for allowing me to climb the 9a w/You‼️ I have a tremendous fear of of elevated heights. I still fill the same fear while watching you climb. With that said I feel this year is the year I break my fear . I’m starting to go to rock gym in Beckley Wva ! Thanks Man ! Stay Relaxed 👊🏻
Pure genious..Recently watching him onsight an 8b+ i bolted onsight in the dark on a headtorch and one small lamp, being the 8th x 8th grade plus of the day...is something
My friend and I were there a few months ago and the locals told us you could hear Czech yelling coming from the cave a few days prior. I guess it must have been you.
Thanks for this amazing beginners climbing guide! :D I am far from good enough, but sometimes I think the same thing like "I should save this 7a for a future flash attempt when I feel ready" and bla, but for me personally I think every try of experience is worth it. Theres enough of that grade out there. Unlike stuff like that 9a of course xD
yes, such places (steep overhangs) have most of the time fix draws - put up by local climbers or people who project them. this is simply due to the fact, that cleaning a route is only possible as second climber (toprope)
great achievment adam, amazing to watch your videos and listen to your voice descriptions!! true inspiration❤ but one little question, wouldn‘t a true onsight mean, carrying the quickdraws up yourself?
on a flash, you can look at somebody else doing the route, and learn the moves and how to get to the top. on an onsight, you can only feel the route as you go and is therefore a lot harder
Flash is when someone who knows the route tells you the moves to do, on sight is when you don’t know anything about the route and you climb it just by observing it from the ground and as you go up
Onsight is a rather cheateable feat because by definition you can't watch any beta, hear any other's recommendations about where the crux might be, or concrete info that will aid in your route. But for many climbers it's a ultimate test so plenty people do it for reals. Some may even consider using chalk mark anti-onsight-philosophy but it's unavoidable so it's acceptable. Flash is rarely used in the context of sports climbing, and onsight is rarely (or never) used in bouldering because flashing a route is not the ultimate test, it's either a red-pointing project over a long time, or if you are going to attempt a "flash", you might as well go for the onsight. As for bouldering, people generally agrees that there's no such thing as onsight, because part of the key definition in onsight is to "figure it out while you are climbing". Some boulders like high-balls (ones approaching free solo levels of height and danger), can be argued to be "onsighted", but most boulders simply lack the number of moves and distance to need to figure moves out on the fly (not HOW to make a move, but WHAT move to make at all). Experienced climbers can pretty clearly observe everything on the ground. Bouldering folks might think that's not true for the highest levels of micro-adjustments needed on holds without feeling it, but it's still not comparable to onsighting a 50m climb where you can't see jack shit past the first 10m. Thus, people only use the term flash on boulders and never "onsight" as it misses the key component of observing and coming up with a sequence ahead while you are already climbing.
Imagine 'saving' a route for an onsight attempt graded 9a. Crazy
Well, I am saving all of them
for maybe when I reincarnate as adam's grandchild :D
+1 😂😂climb so easy.......
he also onsighted a 9a when he was 13 years old, so it would be time for a 9a+ onsight maybe 😀
@@SB379 That's not correct. First 9a onsight was by Megos in 2012 (Estado critico). So no, Ondra didn't onsight any 9a's at 13. He did his first 9a onsight in 2013, when he was +- 20 years old. The 9a he mentions, when he was 13, was a redpoint try.
@@SB379 He already has a 9a+ flash
In addition to being maybe the best climber of all time, you are also an incredible story teller. I really appreciate the look inside what it takes to climb these elite routes. This is quickly becoming my favorite climbing channel.
What do you mean "maybe" ? 😂😂
@@haukewiese6433 maybe because in a rock climbing gym there’s a kid who is gonna make Ondra look like a beached whale. 😂
So many styles of climbing its hard to say who is ‘the best’. Adams not the best boulderer, or soloist or ice climber or High altitude mountaineer or competition speed climber- and they are all climbing. He is certainly one of the best the planet has ever seen at what he does though.
@@wenlambotomy6231 Adam is THE best sport climber who has ever lived. There is no question about that. I‘m purely talking about sport climbing. And certainly up there with the best Boulderers.
I agree he is the best sport climber - hence why I said he is the best at what he does. Best climber though- maybe maybe not…
Imanage managing the pressure of an onsight that you have been saving for more than 15 years, and with a camera 👀 Adam, you are a legend!
I had no idea that my home country had such an impact on your climbing journey! Amazing stuff. Much love from sLOVEnia!
Misja pec is basically a home crag to some foreing climbing communities, especially Western Slovakia and South-Eastern Czech Republic, in winter even more so :)
Good Lord that drop 7:53 I would faint. Good job Adam!
Right?? Like how is there still so much slack?
@@chinescookie5642 belayer never wants to bother adam with not giving him enough slack to clip above, so there is always some especially on overhang where belayer does not see/hear climber. And with his wohooo and fall he just breaks the rope and prepare for catch.
It also looks like he didn’t bother to clip the anchor at the top and instead fell on one of the lower draws
Doesn't this hurt extremly? I mean climbing ropes are flexible but yeah
@@nomit4hd552 actually the bigger the jump, the less stress the rope receives. Stretch is distributed evenly across the rope intead of one point if it where a shorter fall
You're such a beast ! Congratulations, this kind of climbing is just historic
Congratulations Adam! what an amazing feat not to mention an amazing video! Keep it up, you are a huge inspiration to many, like myself all over the world.
Adam you keep on proving and extending your legacy as the greatest climber, keep up the good work,we are here to support you
Another day, another onsight. Amazing send Adam
I love how he just opens up with I did my first 9a when I was 13. So casual....
It was just attempt but still crazy
He completed the other 9a at 13
Love how he says the beginning is almost a roof when it's like 5° away from being parallel with the floor
that's what a roof is, a roof is parallel to the floor :p
Do you know what roof is
@@SwainixFPV I think he's saying it's funny Ondra said "almost" a roof instead of just calling it a roof.
@@Scientist12345678910 yeah I didn't realise that
What a climber. Love watching him. He's a great person allways happy.wish him all the success in the world
I think you are the only one who can connect together 9a, onsight, and again words 😊
Just another day in the life of Adam onsighting 9a
Age 13...
Man you are incredible, love watching you conquer these 9+ rated routes 🔥 keep conquering 👏🏻
Happy World Water Day 2023!!!!! Perfect day to release this!
This is just insane. Awesome!
Such a beautiful place. Congratulations Adam
The man be like "I saved this hard route of my favorite ever home spot for a future onsight". Were you the kind of kid that save the last chocolate of the box for later ? :) Congrats
I think a lot of successful people have great impulse control. You won’t get far if you only do the things you’d like to do at the moment.
Very rewarding by the sound of it. :)
Thanks for sharing.
The leap off the top must be such a great feeling
Gg man you're literally insane
Glad it says “Super Hard 9A”. Was worried it was going to be one of those easy 9A’s. That wouldn’t be impressive
Onsight is like when you go for a new belt in combat sport. Its a test of level! Amazing effort on such unimaginable level.
And the victory whip at the end. Awesome.
beautitful as always, thank you Adam Ondra !
Amazing! If it's in Osp, you know it's hard. Probably even harder than 9a, so great work Adam! Incredible to see!
Congrats! That's why they call you the GOAT.
One hell of a victory whip!
Love it! Amazing job Adam 👏
Love this video. One of my favs so far. That spot looks rad!
Insane skills there without a doubt. Great climb and narration also, always good stuff keep it up 🤙🏻
Beautiful climb ! You're the best
Adam my dude please stop, your making us all look bad XD
Jokes aside, absolutely amazing keep up the good work and the videos.
This to me shows just how good of a climber Adam is. To onsight a 9a is absurd. Plain and simple. But the fact he saved it to me shows a lot of thought into giving an onsight a try.
he said once that as a kid he loved onsight and many times if he failed his 1st try he did not even attempt to do it second time
@@doposud Says it in the video too......
Sir! Thank You for allowing me to climb the 9a w/You‼️
I have a tremendous fear of of elevated heights. I still fill the same fear while watching you climb. With that said I feel this year is the year I break my fear . I’m starting to go to rock gym in Beckley Wva !
Thanks Man ! Stay Relaxed 👊🏻
I can´t imagine you being scared :) Rather worried or concerned. Amazing Adam!
Epic, that is why you are the best
Pure genious..Recently watching him onsight an 8b+ i bolted onsight in the dark on a headtorch and one small lamp, being the 8th x 8th grade plus of the day...is something
Awesome victory whip.
Pretty freaking inspriring! Go Adam :-D
Absolute savage.
Completely ridiculous!
Dude! Awesome job man 🤘🏻
Awesome video - looks like really unique rock features!
Simply climbing genius!
parada Adam!Klobuk dole!
Just amazing 👌
Good job Adam, hard stuff.
really, insane!
Just amazing
Congratulations Adam.
My friend and I were there a few months ago and the locals told us you could hear Czech yelling coming from the cave a few days prior. I guess it must have been you.
“Uh oh do I hear yelling?” “It’s ok, it’s Czech yelling” “Oh ok”
Nice route , also like the movie with the same name.
Velká gratulace 💪💪💪
just stunning!
Huge Congrats 👏🏻
I just got myself all set up to onsight this video 😊
This dude is spiderman, holy crap
What's next after flashing 9a+ and onsighting 9a? 8c+ blindfolded / no legs?
Great video as usual Adam. Strange, how watching you strain is relaxing for me 😊
Great climbing content!
Sooo many quickdraws hanging in there
Thanks for this amazing beginners climbing guide! :D I am far from good enough, but sometimes I think the same thing like "I should save this 7a for a future flash attempt when I feel ready" and bla, but for me personally I think every try of experience is worth it. Theres enough of that grade out there. Unlike stuff like that 9a of course xD
I love your videos 💟
Guys, don't watch this video if you don't want spoilers on your 9a OS...
Enjoying my morning from the u.s.i luv your videos.nvr understood all the Suttle small movements that keep u on the wall.amazin
Bravo !
crazy!! congrats
very inspiring! :)
what a drop at the end !!!!!
People were impressed when Adam flashed a 9a+ so he decided to onsight another 9a to prove him right
I cant imagine a kid would only go for onsight.. We lucky that technology let us watch this man way of life
Congrats 💪
hero! not more to say. greets
just how? really impressive
Onsight a 9a it's insane
Wow, unreal.
very awesome
Ok now lets move on to these 10a's you saved for later. 😂
So strong
Do the quickdraws on such routes stay on place or how does it work?
Wondering the same.
yes, such places (steep overhangs) have most of the time fix draws - put up by local climbers or people who project them. this is simply due to the fact, that cleaning a route is only possible as second climber (toprope)
great achievment adam, amazing to watch your videos and listen to your voice descriptions!! true inspiration❤
but one little question, wouldn‘t a true onsight mean, carrying the quickdraws up yourself?
Which are the two 9a routes Adam has on-sighted apart from Water world and Il domani?
TCT (Gravere, Italy) from Stefano Ghisolfi,
Cabane au Canada (Rawyl, Switzerland)
He onsighted? Or maybe flashed southern smoke direct?
@@SpartaSpartan117 These 4 are OS. Southern Smoke Direct and Chromosome Y those were flashes.
@@zdenekjirasek8899 so he's done 6 9a routes first try?(onsight and flash counted together)
@@zdenekjirasek8899 and downgraded southern to 8c+
nice one
Oh shit.
Ondra is a bad man, he could pry off a bottle cap with those fingers
Hey Adam please come to Nepal ❤️
What is the difference between an onsight and a flash? I'm new to climbing
on a flash, you can look at somebody else doing the route, and learn the moves and how to get to the top. on an onsight, you can only feel the route as you go and is therefore a lot harder
@@lakoka40 ah OK! Thanks!
Flash is when someone who knows the route tells you the moves to do, on sight is when you don’t know anything about the route and you climb it just by observing it from the ground and as you go up
Onsight is a rather cheateable feat because by definition you can't watch any beta, hear any other's recommendations about where the crux might be, or concrete info that will aid in your route. But for many climbers it's a ultimate test so plenty people do it for reals. Some may even consider using chalk mark anti-onsight-philosophy but it's unavoidable so it's acceptable. Flash is rarely used in the context of sports climbing, and onsight is rarely (or never) used in bouldering because flashing a route is not the ultimate test, it's either a red-pointing project over a long time, or if you are going to attempt a "flash", you might as well go for the onsight. As for bouldering, people generally agrees that there's no such thing as onsight, because part of the key definition in onsight is to "figure it out while you are climbing". Some boulders like high-balls (ones approaching free solo levels of height and danger), can be argued to be "onsighted", but most boulders simply lack the number of moves and distance to need to figure moves out on the fly (not HOW to make a move, but WHAT move to make at all). Experienced climbers can pretty clearly observe everything on the ground. Bouldering folks might think that's not true for the highest levels of micro-adjustments needed on holds without feeling it, but it's still not comparable to onsighting a 50m climb where you can't see jack shit past the first 10m. Thus, people only use the term flash on boulders and never "onsight" as it misses the key component of observing and coming up with a sequence ahead while you are already climbing.
@@slbaaron wow, detailed write up. That's helpful
Will there ever be a 9a+ onsight?
definitely :)
Its already done. AO himself😊
@@ristosovcev98 He did a 9a+ flash, not OS.
I believe Alex Megos is the only one who did 9a+ OS. Adam did Super Crackinette, which is 9a+, but that was 'just' flash since he got the beta.
Slovenija ❤my country
Time to try DNA!?