Amongst all the salacious gossip King Felipe v1 y Queen Letizia get on with their work and hold their heads high. Del Burgo is delusional and is lising his memory. Penifiel is a bitter enemy fed lies which he prints. Long may Felipe y Letizia reign and Leonor continue with her training to one day be Queen at a future time.
Pobre chica tener que sonreír a pesar de lo que está pasando su familia 😢 es triste pero hay personas que no miden las consecuencias de sus actos 👑
Es que en la tulla es un jardín de rosas?
Amongst all the salacious gossip King Felipe v1 y Queen Letizia get on with their work and hold their heads high. Del Burgo is delusional and is lising his memory. Penifiel is a bitter enemy fed lies which he prints. Long may Felipe y Letizia reign and Leonor continue with her training to one day be Queen at a future time.