People treating this m4 like its not a vip that can be bought anytime the rest of the skins are limited lol that qbz probably looked sick unfortunate atleast I didn’t witness a deagle and ak morax deletion as the al is also a vip with all the buffs xp and all
People treating this m4 like its not a vip that can be bought anytime the rest of the skins are limited lol that qbz probably looked sick unfortunate atleast I didn’t witness a deagle and ak morax deletion as the al is also a vip with all the buffs xp and all
7ra2 kda kda 🔥🔥
only value is infinity box
yeah sure , stay tuned
Yeah I totally agree
Solo tengo para un giro, ojalá me gane alguna vip :(
100k ومجاش