discarding Werner(20k) - definitely don't deserve any luck in your openings ... But why not discarding - you are pro, you have moeny, you are from another planet
Matt The GAFFA that’s basically like saying he’s flushed 500 pounds down the toilet, but it doesn’t matter because it’s not worth as much as it used to be.
Martijn Kreukniet he just doesnt care & why should he? Gets team sponsored & delivers no loss wl‘s on the regular why should he care bout low tier players & stuff
Gabon Striker Arsenal Tass: it must be a legend Me: good one mate Tass: can u see how that glitched us Me: no Tass: at least we got the best striker in the world Me: just shut up
Quickselling players that go for 20k+++ .... Yeah, Tass is back. Mate, when you open packs you are idiotically quick selling players that can give you profit!
Gibby Requires coochie ye but ye doesn’t react to insane red player picks and discards decently expensive gold cards And then expects an icon in his packs😆
@@alankay4036 what's that got to do with fifa? I spelt were but I ment to spell where so how do I not know anything about spelling, are you a English teacher?
@@alankay4036 you know you can still pronounce it a English teacher anyways what are you doing trying to get some reactions out of people on a fifa video. Just get lost
Tass and Gorilla, Top tier Spastics when it comes to opening packs and doing menu stuff like SBCs. You don't deserve a Red Mbappe when you're moving like that (I have a Red Mbappe )
Hopefully we see more videos tass and especially gameplay footage because we can watch anyone open packs but for you ( pro players ) not everyone can play like you guys ( i could maybe learn a thing or two )
No Voldemort intro? :(
FaZe Tass hi
discarding Werner(20k) - definitely don't deserve any luck in your openings ... But why not discarding - you are pro, you have moeny, you are from another planet
Why did you discard werner
anyone get triggered when he quick sold werner?
Just came to the comments to see if anyone had commented about it
Just 15K
“Gabon flag”
Tass : Shevchenko 😂😂
Great falg yeah
It hurt my brain when he said that...
Magnus Lund Larsen 😂😂😂
Definitely not Ukraine
"Gabon flag"
Juan Corleone ~ Gabon Falg
“Best pack today” 40k alisson
“Awful pack” 100k lenglet
It was auba
@@anchorszn1815 dumbass
Global_Rank omds. I was getting so triggered at that.
@Lewis Carter how can you call him dipshit when lenglet is 72k buy now
quick sells 20k werner
lists 10k rakitic
nice bro
Quick sells Icardi and 84 rated player for abscess this is dumb
peter17 dollars he goes for 1k
Tass Probably DISCARDED about 300k
And gets nothing in his paccs
Discard a werner 🤦♂️
He probs discarded more
Tass go to school and learn geography
Milo Adhami 😂😂😂
And then goes on to say Aubameyang is the best striker in the world lol back to back brain dead comments
Yaboh Aguero
The fact that you picked two 82 rated players instead of Saul actually gave me brain damage
CBAKER 07 good thing it’s his rewards and he can do what he wants 🤷♂️
His doing this for money anyways
CBAKER 07 I would much rather have Pulisic than Saul 🤷♂️
CBAKER 07 and he thought he already had Saul so he didn’t pick him
@@StaliasFable pulisic has an awful card lmao. You're an idiot
He really quick sold timo werner😭
So stupid 😤😤
He's at least 30k
@@abdallaahmed3897 15k
Why not?
mo mo Disrespect
That really fukin annoyed the hell out of me
Tass: Packs lenglet
i cant imagine how many sissoko's and mendys he discarded
Eske Esketiititiitt they’ve gone down in price a lot mate
Mendy is still 40k
Sissoko is still 30k
Eske Esketiititiitt Werner
Matt The GAFFA that’s basically like saying he’s flushed 500 pounds down the toilet, but it doesn’t matter because it’s not worth as much as it used to be.
Man quick sells Werner, calls Allison the best pack yet when he gets 100k lenglet and isn’t hyped about abumeyang. Definitely a boring vid.
It hurts me to watch him discard all of this.
Swedish flag..
Tass: DROGBA!!
Polish flag..
Tass: PELE!!
English flag:
... wtf
Lunum that’s actually playing
+ 10:58
Actually so cringe watching him scream icon at something completely off
sees flag of slovenia YASHIN!!
since when is he not russian LMAO
This Guy is so bad at knowing stuff in FIFA. He’s a great player but his knowledge is under 0
Martijn Kreukniet he just doesnt care & why should he? Gets team sponsored & delivers no loss wl‘s on the regular why should he care bout low tier players & stuff
Martijn Kreukniet yeah like when he packed aubameyang think it was shevchenko 😂
@@Skush2k13 because he like many of us love the sport and the game
"Gets a walkout"
Tass: ICON!
This guy really said shevchenko and yashin 😂💀
My man discarded Werner 😂😂😂😂
And ousmane dembele
@@Alexftb he sold dembelz
Man said shevchenko 😂😂
I literally thought he was joking. I knew it was Auba right away. I think the yellow threw him off, lol
RageRambler yeah I knew it was auba straight away
You open all theese packs on the worst totw in fifa 20 not the smartest idea
J Scooty mbappe...
J Scooty mbappe doe
Mbappe and Fabinho the week b4 that was the worst
Tass: I know my flags
Gabon flag *
Tass: Shevchenko
When he discarded that werner
I was killing myself
Ed Wilson when? I’m probably blind
Ed Wilson how you alive then??😂
Mika en Owen i have no idea
Tass: it must be a legend
Me: good one mate
Tass: can u see how that glitched us
Me: no
Tass: at least we got the best striker in the world
Me: just shut up
3:12 gave me depression, why didn’t you take acuna?
When Tass’ best striker in the world can’t do anything against John Egan
He would have 10 million coins if he actually sold half the cards he discarded
I've never seen someone get violated by FIFA this hard in my life
Hahahaha exactly
I lost so many brain cells watching this video😂
He doesn’t understand what an icon pack is 🤪
Hes a pro player, but can't tell its aubameyang. xD
Nazgul Reimer he doesn’t even know that Lenglet worth’s a bit what do you expect ,..
He's a pro player who supports Arsenal too 😂😂
@@abdelrahmanelnajar9639 that's an big fat L.
lmao xD
Missed the Harry Potter intro: He's Back
2:37 because he doesn’t know about previous totws he’s not bothered at all whereas most pros would love it
5:58 watching u discard a werner made me shed a tear
Tass needs some geography lessons 😂
Finally YOU have uploded
Would’ve been okay to watch this with no audio
sees gold stripes on the side
6:00 just discarded Werner bro😭
KianBAzad it’s 13k
Werner is 10k on xbox....
Tubenite no hes not he is way more in xbox
nice tass is back
You've been royally shafted my dear friend
No one:
Tass: sChEvScHeNkO
It’s so annoying when he thinks an icon is coming.
Asian_Persuasion01 exactly icons drop out of pure luck, I grind a lot of sbcs for pack and my average is literally one icon a year lol
Jordan Jaggard yeah i know, I’ve been playing fifa for like 8 years now and i packed my first icon 2 weeks ago
“i kNoW mY flAGs”
*Gabon flag pops up*
Tass: “sCHeVeNKo”
Quickselling players that go for 20k+++ .... Yeah, Tass is back. Mate, when you open packs you are idiotically quick selling players that can give you profit!
Being perfectly honest I don’t think he really cares or has the time
Fifa Arrow he’s literally a coin multi millionaire I rly don’t think he cares about profit
Thank god... Been waiting for you to show for ages... Quality lad
Hey Tass, Glad your back mate! We all hope you keep uploading!
I love how he messed the flags up and he's so guilty 😂😂😂
Welcome back finally
This guy has no fifa knowledge he didn’t even react with the first 4 player picks and discards Werner 😡🤦♂️
JM PLAYS yet he gets top 100. Not that uneducated is he now?
Gibby Requires coochie ye but ye doesn’t react to insane red player picks and discards decently expensive gold cards
And then expects an icon in his packs😆
He says icon players names but the flares aren’t even white 😂
Good to see you back
Why waste them packs on this TOTW🤣
Because he needed to make a vid
No one.
Absolutely no one.
Tass: shevchenko!!!!! We get a icon!!
This is actually an insane packopening
Supposed Arsenal fan doesn't know Aubameyangs flag haha. Glad your back Tass
I know you don't need money but like from this video at least you could have made 300k ish more
*Who needs coins when you can afford FIFA POINTS*
Here’s the 5 for mbappe when there’s 4 picks left
He said every time icon icon😂
Never watched tass before and probably won't ever again
Please build a 2 million coin squad builder please
MJC Footballs eye lol
He quick sold Werner when he was going for 20k😂🤦♀️
Tass went delirious from opening packs so he couldn’t see the flags
Bruhh hè packed Wijnaldum and hè do so Ohh ok thats normal uhm uhm wijnaldum is one of best reds right now
Rewatched all your other videos waiting for this video
I feel like I wasted my time watching this imagine wasting all them hours playing champs for them man 30-0 for an 82 rated inform as the face card 😂😂😂
The patience you must have to not open a single fut champs rewards
16:00 Agureo and I support Liverpool
Fav youtuber come back!
How can my day be better?!?❤
Yashin 😂😂😂😂
The icon flares are different 😂😂😂
Wow to grind so hard for those rewards
Finally good to see you back
Thought u we’re 💀 glad ur not
Imagine playing all those hours to get an 86 rated player in ur 30-0 packs
Has this guy ever opened packs before why’s he expecting icons lmfao it’s ea it’s packs it’s all about luck
Bro, I missed your videos soooo much 😭
He doesn't know anything about were the players play how does Maldini play CM😂😂 he plays CB
Edge of Chaos you don’t know anything about spelling
@@alankay4036 what's that got to do with fifa? I spelt were but I ment to spell where so how do I not know anything about spelling, are you a English teacher?
Edge of Chaos an*
@@alankay4036 you know you can still pronounce it a English teacher anyways what are you doing trying to get some reactions out of people on a fifa video. Just get lost
Your comment is looking for reactions? So stop being hypocritical and learn to spell you’ve literally made a spelling mistake in every comment
He doesn't even know how a Icon looks like
Welcome back !!
Ma man double majored in geography
Shevchenko on a Gabon flag it’s you that’s glitched mate 😂
L E A R N. T H E. F L A R E S
Yeeey you are back
Enjoyed the video mate..keep em coming..
Tass: (Gabon flag) omg it’s Shevshenko!!
Everyone else: omg it’s Aubamyang!!
this is why u cant sleep on geography classes XD
My brain bleeds watching Tass
Tass and Gorilla, Top tier Spastics when it comes to opening packs and doing menu stuff like SBCs. You don't deserve a Red Mbappe when you're moving like that (I have a Red Mbappe )
Glad ya back 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Very enjoyable tass
Of all the weeks to open champs rewards you saved up you choose the one where there is 1 unreal player and 1 decent one?
Man thought the Gabon flag was the Ukrainian flag, he also thought the Slovenian flag was the Russian
Lewandowski, Sergio Agüero, Antoine Griezmann, Luis Suarez
Man discarded Werner
Missed your videos, welcome bk
Hopefully we see more videos tass and especially gameplay footage because we can watch anyone open packs but for you ( pro players ) not everyone can play like you guys ( i could maybe learn a thing or two )