These Five Bible Verses Made Her LEAVE Christianity

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024
  • Ray Comfort addresses a young woman’s five objections to the Christian faith and why she left, including the five main Bible verses that she had a problem with. Ray then shares the gospel with a man who brings up many issues that he has with God.
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  • @DwaineWoolley
    @DwaineWoolley 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +34

    1:30 “clearly you faked it for all those years and then you fell away”
    This argument of yours is judging her unrighteously (Matt 7:1-2). People that were once believers never “faked” believing. They truly did believe in God, believed in Jesus and that the Bible contained the truth. Later on in life they may have been deceived by others or lost their Faith because of corrupt church leaders or whatever the reason. But it does not mean that they “faked” being a Christian.
    The more you use this terminology, the less non Christians or ex Christians will take your arguments seriously. Do better

    • @4_CHRIST_music
      @4_CHRIST_music 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      “Unless a man is born again, he cannot inherit the Kingdom of God”
      [John 3:3]
      “If anyone is in Christ, they have become a new creature”
      [2 Corinthians 5:17]
      Anyone who has passed from death to life has witnessed the power of God in their life.
      If God has began a good work in you, He will continue to do so. If that “work” ends in deconstruction / walking away from the faith, it was never a work of God (because it didn’t continue).
      ”And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.“
      ‭‭[Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭6]‬ ‭
      I think it’s fair to say that those who walked away from the faith “thought” they believed. However, the whole time, they were self deceived.
      I thought I believed my whole life because I “asked Jesus in my heart.” I was self deceived… My heart really goes out to these people.
      ”19 These people left our churches, but they never really belonged with us; otherwise they would have stayed with us. When they left, it proved that they did not belong with us.
      20 But you are not like that, for the Holy One has given you his Spirit, and all of you know the truth.“
      ‭‭[1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭19‬-‭20‬]
      It wasn’t until I was made a new creature in Christ that I knew my faith was genuine.

    • @godgetti
      @godgetti 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      The intended audience of this video is Christians who know others don't believe, and want their Earth Daddy (preacher) to tell them again, "no, we're right, Jesus is Real, the Bible is the Perfect Word of God, and we'll all be in heaven with Him one day, so don't listen to these non-believers." And then, that Christian sheep feels good again, knows they are right, and others are wrong, it feels good to be part of the right group, the only group with God.
      This video isn't intended to appeal to non-Christians or ex-Christians.
      I 100% believed, and I when I found stuff that was disturbing in the Bible, the adults pretended it wasn't there. I remember my youth minister, when I was confessing that I had doubts while reading the Bible, said, "well, don't you think we're all better off just following the Bible, even if it isn't true?" I was shocked! I was like, "no, and Paul agrees with me!" because I had recently read were Paul makes that long winded and logical argument that if Christ wasn't raised from the dead, but we say he was, then "we among all men are most miserable" and the youth pasture said, "No, that's not in the Bible," and when I showed it too him, he said that isn't what that means, and then when the real preacher came, the youth pasture denied ever saying that first part about just going along with the Bible. I agree with you, DwaineWoolley and I agree with the young lady in the original video. Peace!

    • @godgetti
      @godgetti 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@4_CHRIST_music I haven't met anyone that lived as if they loved their enemy as themselves, as Jesus commands, I don't think anyone believes, just a lot of pretending and hoping. Also, is Satan of God, or apart from God? Is God's will done thru Satan?

    • @4_CHRIST_music
      @4_CHRIST_music 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I care about you and where you will spend eternity. I pray the Lord will open your eyes to the undeniable fact that creation testifies that there is a Creator.
      We are born enemies of God. Before coming to Christ, I hated what the Word of God said, and proved so by my actions.
      God gave me a new heart that loves His decrees and commands. He can do the same for you.
      I’m not claiming to be any better than you. I’m simply a sinner saved by the grace of God. I begged Him to reveal Himself to me, and He did.
      Love and peace in the Name of Christ❤️

    • @godgetti
      @godgetti 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@4_CHRIST_music OK, I'll go check out your music, as there seems no malice in your comment, only love.
      I'm wondering if your care for my should be extended to Satan.
      I wonder if we should also pray that God will spare Satan, so that he does not have to spend eternity uncomfortable. God made Satan, and had a plan for him, so I imagine just like Judas, what seems evil to us, is actually just part of God's plan.
      Paul said: Thus we see thru a lens, darkly.
      I believe in a creator, I just think the Bible was written/updated by flawed/motivated men, and has some untruths in it, like slavery good, but I believe slavery bad.
      Close your eyes, take my hand, float out with me to before everything except God. Watch! God's creating the Angel that will rebel against Him to become Satan. God knows this will happen, He's all knowing. It's part of His plan. I no longer think of Satan as evil, or apart from God, as EVERYTHING came from God, and God is good.
      OK, now imagine you are Judas. You are first hand witness to all of Jesus's miracles, you get all his extra explanations of his parables. That must have been AMAZING to have been right there at Christ's side while He was on Earth. But then, you betray Him, ouch! But, God loves Judas too, and John 3:16 would indicate that Judas has everlasting life too, and just like God hardened that Kings heart, God is the potter, and we are just clay, and God can make one human for honor, and another for dishonor.
      Perhaps I am the clay pot made for dishonor, or perhaps I'm Judas, but I'm still a child of God, and still subject to His love.
      OK, I've rambled enough for today, lol, and I'll go check out your music now ... maybe you'll write a song about Judas?

  • @20whitesox1
    @20whitesox1 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +54

    These retorts are incredibly weak. Absurd, actually. He’s solidified the young lady’s argument for any half-way objective thinker.

    • @Kitty-kitty297
      @Kitty-kitty297 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      I thought it was just me. I didn’t find any of his refutes to actually cover the objection.. I thought maybe I was just too stupid to understand it but apparently I’m not the only one who didn’t get it so it isn’t me being stupid

    • @shysaxguy
      @shysaxguy 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I found some understanding in some of those alarming verses after he explained what they meant.

    • @JustaNaughtyBoy
      @JustaNaughtyBoy 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@shysaxguy The bible is full of bigotry, misogyny, and other hateful instructions... from the 'just' god of 'love'.

    • @shysaxguy
      @shysaxguy 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@JustaNaughtyBoy when you see God as a bully, then yeah you will see all of it that way. For I too once fell into this camp of thought, until several enlightened me that there is much more to it than what I was thinking of it.

    • @JustaNaughtyBoy
      @JustaNaughtyBoy 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@shysaxguy I think it it is hateful to impose an eternity of torment in the fires of hell for over three quarters of the worlds population, just because this deity did not have the desire or ability to make itself known. This deity is an arsehole.

  • @rikvogel3868
    @rikvogel3868 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +125

    I have some comments on Ray's responses to these 5 verses:
    1. He's just telling the story of Lazarus and putting it in a specific context to prove his point. He says that we have to be alive in Christ to hear his voice, but what does that even mean? Does he even consider that some people don't believe because they're just not convinced that the bible is telling the truth?
    2. I think Kristi's question here is: 'If God is against abortion, then why is he allowing the Israelites to pray this prayer?' God's not speaking up against it, so he's accepting it. Why? Ray doesn't answer this question. He basically just says that abortion is wrong and that people will be punished for it.
    3. About the Deuteronomy 22 part, Ray is completely leaving out the fact that, in the first instance where the man is put to death, it's talking about raping a married woman. The second situation applies when the woman is a virgin and/or unmarried. So rape is fine if the woman is not married? Ray says that this situation is obviously about consensual sex, but it's not obvious. That's just his own conclusion. If it were obvious then this verse wouldn't have caused so much discussion.
    4. Basically, the point he makes here is that you have to blindly accept that God is good, even if he demands that people do atrocious things. God is good, so this is good. Accept it and don't ask questions, or else. First, that's not an answer. Second, this kind of thinking leaves no room for criticism or scrutiny. Can you see why, in the eyes of someone who doesn't believe, this is a very dangerous mindset?
    5. While the comparison of the medicine and the X-ray photos sounds nice and maybe even convincing at first, there's one thing Ray forgets. X-ray photos are clear, scientific evidence of something being wrong with you. To people who aren't Christians, the bible is just a book written by numerous people making claims of things that haven't been proven to be real. This brings me back to my first point. Ray Comfort, and so many Christians like him, don't seem to understand that these bible verses they keep bringing up don't have value to atheists because they don't take it for truth. Not because they are 'rebellious' or have 'hardened their hearts', but just because they don't believe the bible to be true in the first place.
    Ray Comfort's reaction to this video just proves that he is so stuck in his own mindset. Everything he says is so easily refutable, yet so carefully edited together to somewhat prove his point. All while playing on our emotions with the nice piano music in the background. To me, this looks a lot like propaganda, and it worries me that the people in this comment section are just eating it up. I get it. I've spent many hours myself watching Ray street preaching until I came to realize that he's just repeating his points over and over again while diverting our attention from the genuinely good questions.

    • @3ggshe11s
      @3ggshe11s 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +32

      Ray has a routine down pat. He knows how to manipulate emotions and stack the deck against his opponents. You nailed it -- he's a master propagandist.

    • @wheatNtares
      @wheatNtares 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +42

      You make good logical points in your long, thoughtful post. I think he missed the point on these questions. Here would be my answers:
      1. We are sinful and can't save ourselves from our own corruption. Admitting this is what opens the door to receive salvation. She is incredulous to this, acting as if we should be able to achieve salvation ourselves, which is the opposite attitude required.
      2. If you read the verse prior, it says may they be repaid as they have done to us. They killed the Israelite babies. If someone committed horrible atrocities against your family, would it be beyond reason to pray they receive equal measure upon their own house? This was prior to the new covenant and turn the other cheek.
      3. It uses a different word (forced) on the one that is definitely about rape than the other (take hold). Still I am not sure either. When the virgin Tamara was raped under the reign of King David, the perpetrator was not required to marry her. After he raped her, he despised her and she said the second sin was even worse than the first. In that culture it appears if a man will deflower a woman, then the least he can do is support her for the rest of her life because no one else will want her. If the man is killed, then she loses lifelong support. It may be a protection. Interestingly, the two rapists I can think of in the bible were both killed for their crimes (against Dinah and Tamara). Brothers of the victims carried it out. Rape was definitely not a golden ticket to forcefully choose the woman of your dreams. God did not punish them for killing the rapists. In fact, in the former, he protected them from the surrounding people that wanted to take revenge on the brothers.
      4. Everyone dies and God decides when. If He sent an earthquake to swallow Sin City, people would accept it, calling it an act of God. During his unique reign over Israel, he dispensed justice through His people. What difference does it make if enemies of God are swallowed by an earthquake or by an Israeli army? The people in the land were under judgment. The Hebrews waited for hundreds of years in slavery before taking the land, because God gave the inhabitants of the land time to repent before their cup of iniquities was full. These people were burning their firstborns alive as an offering to the demon molech. Ray is correct, though, that we don't need to know nor are capable of knowing every human sin that went into God's judgement. If a just God exists, there's no reason to question Him. And if you don't believe He exists, then the place to start isn't here. Start with your own life. I didn't find God in the bible (although it helps many). He directed me to it afterward.
      5. The fact we have all sinned is more obvious than any x-ray. Sin is corruption, and corrupt things don't last forever, they perish. If you want eternal life, then that which is spiritually corrupt (sinners) must receive incorruptabilty. We can't purify ourselves, so the need for a savior emerges.

    • @jennylindberg1123
      @jennylindberg1123 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Excellent reflections 👏

    • @therealwaseem
      @therealwaseem 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      As a Christian, I also agree that not all of Ray's responses really hit the mark for me, just being honest. @wheatNtares answers do make more sense of the questions to me. And even if I didn't have a perfect answer to every question, i'd still feel led to trust in Christ because of all the good logical reasons to believe he is true.

    • @Nemo12417
      @Nemo12417 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      4. Find me one instance of genocide in history in which the perpetrators didn't claim their victims deserved it. Hitler burned the books of the Institute of Sexology and claimed they were "corrupters of the youth", then he killed Jews, claiming they had sabotaged Germany during World War I. Hitler in turn was inspired by the Biblical doctrine of Manifest Destiny, which stated that the American continent had been given by Jesus to Europeans and they were to take it in conquest, with modern apologists for the Native American genocide claiming the natives were evil and lawless and the genocide introduced them to the concept of morality.
      5. "Sin" is so nebulous a term that it means nothing. If you define "sin" as "failing to properly worship and praise an eldritch cosmic entity", then no, it is not "more obvious than any x ray" that free thought causes people to die. As for "the need for a savior", Jesus failed at that according to the Bible. If the Bible is true, the principle problem facing humanity is an eldritch being who owns and operates a torture chamber, and humanity would need some sort of savior to kill this entity so that when people die, they would die properly and not have their consciousness preserved in a torture chamber. According to the Bible, Jesus never even tried to do this, and actually spoke highly of said entity.

  • @ronwolcott5839
    @ronwolcott5839 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    I have loved Ray for many years, but he does a poor job arguing against her use of Romans 9. Ray uses God's raising of Lazarus which actually supports her position of God picking and choosing for salvation arbitrarily. Two seconds later it's all about free will and it's her fault.
    Romans 9 Calvinist version is atheist fodder and it shouldn't be. Romans 9 is Paul's pleading for his Jewish community to accept Jesus. "Who are you oh man" to think God picks you because of your race? God can and does pick whoever he wants and God "elects" those who acknowledge their need for Christ.

  • @lkqgirl3121
    @lkqgirl3121 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    As a deconstructing 19 yr old gal who grew up Christian, the first minute of your video shows that you dont understand anything about why people struggle with faith. "Never a real Christian",and "poor victim"...ugh...thats not what it's like! And i cant make head or tail of your answers to her objections. They just seem like word salad. On number 3 you were completely ignoring most of what she said. And throughout the video you resort to fear, shame, and judgement to try to manipulate her back into religion. Also nice work ignoring that verse that says an assualted girl must be killed if it happened in a city. Even worse than having to marry the guy. I wish i could tell you some of my life story and how i was terrified of God/sin/hell growing up to the point where i had s****idal ideation and as i was questiining my faith i went through indescribable anguish. I couldnt talj to my church or family because i knew alrrady what they would say. Anyway, im still clinging hard to the last scraps of my faith but you guys really make me want to give up. Thanks for listening to my rant and have a nice day harrassing strangers on the street.

    • @brucebarber4104
      @brucebarber4104 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      If you keep listening to Calvinists like Comfort, with their TULIP doctrine and penal substitutionary atonement, you will lose those last scraps of your faith.

    • @1truth7788
      @1truth7788 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      And I guess you just like that silly girl didn't read the whole chapter just read one verse in most likely the NIV, because the verse in Deuteronomy is disgusting consensual sex than they have to get married you know that because if you read a few verses earlier you see what happens when the woman is raped, he receives the death penalty. There is nothing to understand, you struggle with your faith because you love your sin that is the bottom line and you're looking for every single reason to try to hope you're not going to be held accountable

    • @erikt1713
      @erikt1713 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@@1truth7788Please read again the verses involving the death penalty. You will see that this is for rape of a married or betrothed woman.
      For rape of a single woman not promised to any man the solution is that the perpetrator and the victim should marry to retroactively make it right.
      The same applies in case they had consensual sex. In the case of a single woman her agency or potential guilt is not discussed as she was still free.
      You have to think with the ancient patriarchal logic to fully understand this. A key issue is that the woman has been dishonored and her father will worry about her marriage prospects. Fortunately this can be fixed without killing either the woman or the man.

    • @Cheesehead302
      @Cheesehead302 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      This is why Christian environments do so much damage. You are told from birth that you should believe in something that there's no evidence for. The goal then is to make it impossible for you to question. I was thankfully never raised in such a strict environment, but questioning the grounds for this belief feels strictly forbidden in a church environment. You'll ask some to go into detail on how this is true and question the holes that exist throughout the Bible and there's instantly an air of everyone in the room being taken aback. Like, "of course it's true, our parents have taught it for generations how could it be fake." But if you ever have the liberty of questioning someone who subscribes to the faith but they aren't a huge Bible thumping type, you can almost see them questioning themselves on their face. I'm not one to enforce my views on someone but it after laying out my case to someone that isn't some manipulative Joel Osteen type it is a very different air.
      Kinda got distracted from the point from my one off experience, but yeah. It's this immense disgust that you feel from everyone else if you even so much as question something like the morality of God killing children or allowing vengeful thoughts in his big book. It can lead to a person feeling completely outcast just for the simple fact that they, unlike the others in their space, actually dare to question the logistics of this thing that you're just kind of expected to devote your entire life to.
      Growing up, even though I wasn't a massively invested Christian, there would always be that random guilt that it causes you to feel when you do something that at the end of the day isn't that big of a deal. I didn't start saying words that I considered cuss words till I was like 15 or so, for example. But whenever it was (I don't remember exactly) that I'd been exposed to other people who thought if was all baloney, I did a little bit of research and saw the blatant hypocrisy in the texts. But that wasn't what really did it for me, what really did it was witnessing in history classes and the internet all of the wars, pillage and rape caused just to forcibly inact not just Christianity but other religions. It was then that I really thought about how obsurd it all is. I heard Christians kind of laugh off the idea of Roman and Greek gods, and suddenly it hit me: those stories and narratives are on a fundamental level just as credible as Christianity or any other religion is. Maybe there's no Spanish inquisition today, but it is still causing harm in a lot of ways to people just like yourself. And at the end of the day, belief or not that harm is the prime reason that something propped up as righteous and moral just is not to me.

    • @CelestialTips
      @CelestialTips 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@erikt1713 Another dude replying to a different comment replied to this exact issue but I'll try my best to reply without copying. It does not matter if she is married or not, the rapist will still be punished. After a virgin woman named Dinah (story takes place in genesis 34) was taken and violated by Shechem his father asked her father to arrange a marriage. Long story short her brothers killed him and all males in the entire city he was in. I understand you may not believe the bible is true but surely you should know that there is a creator. Do you think the universe just did the big bang on its own? I believe the fruits of Christianity are the best compared to other religions and has the most historical backing aswell. I strongly suggest you keep an open mind, and I think you did a good thing by listening to the other side. I was raised Christian, left and turned to atheism, smartened up and realized true science leads to agnostiscism and I was just scared of the implications that I was a sinner and then I humbled myself to God so that he would save me. anyways keep learning big man, rock on

  • @tlucas7031
    @tlucas7031 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +174

    I know "deconstruction" is kind of a trend right now, but ultimately, I think its a good thing. Not only are people who never really knew God leaving the church, but there are also Christians questioning practices and traditions that were never really Biblical to begin with. The church is being refined, and I think it will be stronger for it. Maybe not stronger by the way the world reckons- power, influence, money- but stronger in the way that God always intended it to be- faith, hope and love.

    • @KevinY5
      @KevinY5 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Romans 6:1

    • @tlucas7031
      @tlucas7031 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@KevinY5 That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm agreeing with what the video says in referencing Matthew 13. Or, an even better reference would be 1 John 2:19.

    • @classicallpvault8251
      @classicallpvault8251 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Traditions which aren't Biblical are fine as long as they're not banned or discouraged in the Bible. For example: there isn't any ban on celebrating the birth of Christ on the 25th of December, there isn't any ban on using a calendar with months named after Roman deities, there's nothing said about wether the Bible can be studied in translated form or wether we should use the original Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek source texts when analysing it, so this is all left to communal consensus and various Christian denominations have taken different approaches to them (like with the various liturgical calendars or the countless various Bible translations which exist and may or may not be deemed acceptable by certain communities)
      The Bible doesn't provide us with any specifics on these issues so they are up to us to fill in. We can only interpret what Christ His teachings on the matter would have been had we been able to ask Him about it, but taking too firm positions on that would be something we need to be very careful about as using Him as a straw man for our own personal opinions is obviously un-Biblical.

    • @warangelcloud
      @warangelcloud 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@classicallpvault8251 God gave you the world His Holidays through the Jews or Hebrew Israelites. Read Leviticus 23 . In Acts they are celebrating Pentecost. Christmas is based off of paganism and wearing a cross. See Jeremiah 10:1-25 discusses decorating trees like those at Christmas and worshipping made made objects also known as idols. It says not Also why give Christ a birthday, if nobody's birthday is given in the Bible? Celebrating birthdays is based off of moon Goddesses and other things. A Christian does not worship Buddah, so why do Christians of today follow pagan traditions.

    • @wendy6781
      @wendy6781 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I agree with you that Christians should be open to “deconstructing” the Word of God because through that we can better understand why we believe what we do. I have a friend who is post-trib. I am pre-trib. She mentioned documentation that helped her understand her position better so I asked if I could read it. As I studied that document, Scripture after Scripture was brought to mind that ultimately solidified my pre-trib understanding.
      When we want the truth, we will either come to a new understanding or confirm what we already believe. Unfortunately, I know people who have strayed so far from the truth but refuse to read or listen to anyone who doesn’t support their new found beliefs. Well, with an attitude like that, how will they ever know that they are believing lies? The problem is too many people love their beliefs more than they love truth.

  • @Blubellll
    @Blubellll 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +150

    For anyone being harsh towards her simply because she disagrees with you, is not a christian. Shes not even being nasty toward the concept of God. She is simply trying to understand him. How are so many people tone deaf and not vigilant to this? She is clearly sharing her sincere understanding of the bible. Shes human. We ALL have or have had confusion or questions on the bible. You should have understanding and compassion especially for those who are actually seeking the Lord. She sincerely seems to be trying to simply understand the Lord. Thats where christians step in and not attack her but show her grace and explain conpassionately what the word means. Because so far, i havent seen a comment stating a clear explanation of the verses she has picked out. Just people basically speaking about her like she is this terrible human being. She is clearly and has clearly tried to understand God. Give her grace. I also do not think this video of the guy did a good enough job explaining the verses she picked. If you are going to attack someone, bring a clear accurate articulate argument.

    • @g-cat7927
      @g-cat7927 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +43

      Wonderfully said. It reminds me of that expression: "There's no love like Christian hate".

    • @JDeWittDIY
      @JDeWittDIY 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +42

      It breaks my heart to say it, but I don't think she's sincerely seeking to understand the bible. I think she already has her mind made up.

    • @Daviedootle83
      @Daviedootle83 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      I agree with a lot of what you said. It's a tricky situation to be in. I don't think the speaker of this video understood her points completely. That one about killing the infants, got turned into an abortion speech, but it sounded more like questioning why God would be okay with prayers to hurt one's enemies. It didn't even sound like he answered the last verse she brought up. It segwayed into an entirely different video with that guy at the end. I do think she had made her mind up about her deconversion though. There's a subtext to her videos where I do think she wants to have others leave organized religion.

    • @mohlophedibedi6426
      @mohlophedibedi6426 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      She's the one calling herself an "evil wicked child of the devil witch." I'm not sure what you are complaining about.

    • @Isaac_L..
      @Isaac_L.. 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

      As an atheist, I really appreciate this comment. And for those who are wondering, many of us are genuinely trying or to find God, but we receive no answer. Ultimately, all of us are searching for the truth, I don't care what side you're currently on so long as you're willing to listen to the other, and change your mind if the arguments and evidence are strong enough. I would prefer to have lunch with a Christian that exhibits this mindset than with an atheist that doesn't.

  • @Silver77cyn
    @Silver77cyn หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Maybe she realized that what she believed was false, and stopped because there was no point to it anymore.

    • @switzerlandful
      @switzerlandful หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      She made multiple mistakes (Ray explained at least one of them). Other channels have exposed mistakes in her objections (see RedPenLogic and Testify).

    • @amigos2841
      @amigos2841 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Facts she has realised like most people the bible is not the word of god but words of some middle eastern tribe

    • @switzerlandful
      @switzerlandful 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@amigos2841 Regardless of what you or she thinks, her videos have a lot of mistakes in them which shows she was a bit lazy in her work or was being dishonest.

    • @amigos2841
      @amigos2841 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@switzerlandful her points are still valid and only tip of the iceberg, it is clear the bible is the work of a desert tribe

    • @amigos2841
      @amigos2841 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@switzerlandful so she is being dishonest for having legit personal problems with the bible lol, no her points are valid and the bible has major problems her points are on top of the iceberg

  • @that1guy487
    @that1guy487 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +442

    "You need to have your own Bible study at home daily."
    Wise words!

    • @J040PL7
      @J040PL7 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

      Churches need to focus more on teaching people scriptures to avoid people like her being created.
      All her arguments could be debunked by a 17 year old.

    • @JustaNaughtyBoy
      @JustaNaughtyBoy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      @@J040PL7 Churches would need focus on teaching the scriptures, and I suspect they would love to have people unable to read, so they couldn't read the bible for themselves, that way, the abhorrent bits that demonstrate the biblical god to be a bigoted, misogynistic, and genocidal arsehole could be navigated around. Isaac Azimov said it well with “Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.”. I'm sure the Church would love to be in control of spoon feeding Christians like they were in the days where most were illiterate. People like Kent Hovind, Ray Comfort, Ken Ham and others would gladly have people who simply listen to them and not to get themselves educated.

    • @G1stGBless
      @G1stGBless 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

      Ray just told him to read the Bible at home for himself every day. Kind of debunks your claim Ray doesn’t want him reading the Bible.

    • @J040PL7
      @J040PL7 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@JustaNaughtyBoy who hurt you bro 🤣
      Maybe you're reading a different bible, or you're too stupid to understand.

    • @melindamercier6811
      @melindamercier6811 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      @@JustaNaughtyBoyplenty of churches encourange their congregation to read their bibles. Your argument makes no sense.

  • @user-zd3cc7to8h
    @user-zd3cc7to8h 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    The Christian God is a vengeful, petty, violent being.

  • @zackstone4800
    @zackstone4800 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +32

    Notice how he doesn't really touch on the points she brought up?
    Abortion,!?!? She didn't mention anything about that!!!

      @ABSTRACTSHNITZEL 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Agreed. I usually like the content on this channel, but this video was just not it. It was full of strawman arguments and seemed carelessly put together.

    • @AushojMaharg
      @AushojMaharg หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Because he didn't show the whole video.. two sides to everything sheeple

    • @MrPlastyfikator
      @MrPlastyfikator หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      So he replied to the part he didn't show and never adressed the part he did show?
      That's some big brain stuff.

    • @sunbladerr
      @sunbladerr หลายเดือนก่อน

      Zackstone4800, You are correct in your statement. Kristi Burke could have. Numbers 5: 17-31 specifically is about their divine being causing an abortion on the grounds of jealousy.

    • @Giwii-ojimin
      @Giwii-ojimin 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@ABSTRACTSHNITZEL he answered her well biblically. The devil has her in deception. God has to remove that

  • @williamforsythe5850
    @williamforsythe5850 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    This is actually the only one of her videos that I took a few hours to go through and answer point by point directly in her comments. I'm amazing that Ray decided to respond to the video as well!

  • @Mark_Henry
    @Mark_Henry 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +166

    I've been a Christian 31 years this year by God's overwhelming grace... I watched her video and as I did I took time to stop and answer each of her five " points "... she just oddly answered that she could see me on her end and she could see that I spent several hours watching her video(s). It was a really odd comment I thought... I explained that I had been watching and taking time to try to actually address the five Bible verses that she talked about... I had literally spent the hours addressing her "points" in detail and told her so...then she just ignored the points I guess because she didn't say much else...
    It's always weird to me when you really put your heart into answering someone's questions...then it becomes apparent that they weren't truly "asking"... it seems some people just like to pretend to have access to secret knowledge that the rest of us mere mortals don't possess...if you ooh and ah, they like you...if you actually give answers to their misguided questions...then they want nothing to do with you...
    God does want us to ask "sincere" or "honest" questions... but when we just ask to appear smart or to receive unhealthy attention... I think it's just a puff of our own vain pride...

    • @TheMirabillis
      @TheMirabillis 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      If you found out God was a horrible God would you continue to love and worship Him ?

    • @ryanaaservantofthelordjesu9923
      @ryanaaservantofthelordjesu9923 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TheMirabillis What a stupid comment, smh. "If God was horrible" where the hell do you get the moral standard to say God is horrible in the first place, smh. People like you don't realize things you say are stupid as hell. God is NEVER horrible, but perfect, righteous, Holy, just, and all loving, he's very patient with us, but there will be a point where he says enough is enough. He created everything and he makes the rules and we humans are wicked as hell and sinned against him, and yet, he came down from heaven to take sin upon himself dying the death we deserve, but he did it for us because he loves us so much. But you want to say if The Lord God was horrible, SMH! Repent you blasphemous swine, SMH!

    • @faithwithsheldon
      @faithwithsheldon 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +45

      @@TheMirabillis Yes because my God is full of love and mercy while her god is pride, and living for the world. She was a false convert.

    • @Mark_Henry
      @Mark_Henry 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +31

      @@TheMirabillis how would I know he was "horrible" unless I had an outside standard by which to sit in judgement of Him?

    • @TheMirabillis
      @TheMirabillis 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      @@ryanaaservantofthelordjesu9923 By what Moral Standard do you judge God as being good ?

  • @OnizukaSenseSay
    @OnizukaSenseSay 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +36

    Same thing happened to a friend of mine who is a missionary's kid. Sad thing is same thing happened to his father who was the missionary. It's part of the Great Falling Away

    • @1thess523
      @1thess523 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      ​@@pageleftblankintentionallyGod save them is more like it

    • @1thess523
      @1thess523 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@xXEGPXx that's funny because the "information" age is confirming more stuff from the Bible 🤷‍♂️. You don't have to believe if you don't want to, nobody is forcing you 👍

    • @g-cat7927
      @g-cat7927 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@1thess523 Except for God, who is trying to force you, by sending you to an eternal, burning hell if you don't lick his boots for the rest of your natural life. Yep, no pressure there 🤣

    • @FoursWithin
      @FoursWithin 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      More like the great reveal of fantastical nonsense and superstitious ideology.

    • @IramCoercere
      @IramCoercere 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@g-cat7927You don’t understand why you have to go to hell. You go to hell because you deserve it, we all do. We all lie, steal and hurt others in our lifetime, that’s called sin. God has given his life so that you may be saved, you only have to take it by believing that Jesus gave his life for you. A perfect just being that is omnipotent, that is what God is and everyone will pay the price for their sins with their lifes. In conclusion you go to hell, because you are an evil sinner, who deserves it

  • @rc4688
    @rc4688 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    God doesn't hate sinners. He hates sin. Why destroy all life on Earth, (Noah's flood) knowing he is killing sinless people and animals, but not eliminating sin?

    • @randomusername3873
      @randomusername3873 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      My headcanon is that god is completely incompetent😂

  • @johnkalya8205
    @johnkalya8205 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    The woman raised points from specific verses, Ray looks for other convenient verses to explain away her points. It becomes a game of reconciling one verse with another and on and on and on. That's one problem with bible, nothing really means what it means... because when someone raises some issues with one verses there are 10 other verses which can be quoted out of context to explain away that problem. Smokes and mirrors is Christian hermeneutics and apologetics in a nut shell.

    • @georgelutchendorf9519
      @georgelutchendorf9519 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Christians love to talk about context. They say, "look at the surrounding verses!" How far should we explore the surrounding verses. God advocates for murder and rape in the old testament. I guess Christians don't like those surrounding verses.

  • @G-M90586
    @G-M90586 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +103

    The dear soul at the end there , he brought tears to my eyes …….a smile to my face & just really touched my heart with his honesty & willingness to to listen & pray . It’s amazing & really touches your heart when someone opens up their heart to hear about Jesus . Just wonderful .

    • @trevidstv7119
      @trevidstv7119 10 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @granfall00n
      @granfall00n 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      When they open up their heart to hear about Jesus they close their brains to real thought. There are SO many holes in this story.
      That Australian guy claiming that Lazarus didn’t have free will because he was dead until Jesus called him unravels the whole thing.we are like Lazarus he says without free will because we are dead to him in sin until he calls us.
      WEll there you go. We have no free will. We have to hope he will choose to call us.
      And as for the flood. What do you call a person who kills EVERYONE because he is angry.. Do we really believe that everyone in the world was that evil. What on earth were they doing that meant genocide was the best answer a loving god could come up with. And what about the children. And all the wicked unborn children. Do you believe abortion is good. God seems to.
      Now you might ask who are we to judge god but the real question is how can we decide what is good given his example.
      Do you remember the gradual process of working out that the Father Christmas story didn’t hold water. It’s time to grow up.

    • @bookfromthetrash_official
      @bookfromthetrash_official 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I still support her stand.
      She is right on #2, #3, and #4. Not sure with #5 but #5 is like the fruit of #2 to 4
      You keep using other Bible verses that has different situations. Your "god" shows that he shows mercy and love only those who obey him. especially number three that word is related to "ASSUALT". It is clear this religion is two-faced
      Do not forget how racist the Jewish law is, Israelites are considered Canaanites, but they are racist to other Canaanites, as in THEIR OWN KIND just because they do not believe like the same they do.

    • @CallMeQuinnie
      @CallMeQuinnie 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@granfall00n Who are you to presume that Lazarus would not willing return to the flesh to stand as a testament to the Truth for others to see and hear about? He is calling all of us... we must choose to abide by His will.
      God can not kill... only resend his gift unto us once judged unworthy. That's like saying, "God took my parents from me!" when they die... That is not the case at all. In simple terms, how can what you never possess be taken from you? You never had or shared in those "future moments" with your parents and thus they don't exist to you to be taken. He gave them life and and continued to up until the point of the physical death.
      What about children...?! They only stand to exemplify the purity and innocence of a mind and heart uncorrupted my man's machinations and self-deception. God is obviously anti-abortion... He does not want what He has created destroyed and thus His Will disrespected. God and His love are simple enough for children to understand for good reason. You are grasping at straws that fail to the concrete logical and ethical standards of His Law.
      As a last note, pain is merely of flesh and physical body. Our Creator of spiritual essence has the capacity to "elevate" us from the state of our physical bodies and in doing so "distances" us from our pain (as He bears it all). And so hypothetically even if there were were any other righteous souls left during the flood or a "genocide" (which there weren't) that didn't deserve to be judged to receive death for their wicked deeds then He could easily prevent their attachment to that physical body and thus absolve their pain. Aka why you hear of martyrs basically performing miracles and ignoring all abuses of the flesh while still proclaiming the Truth of God, for perhaps it is His Will that they transcend into Heaven in that manner as to stand as a testament that real Truth is worth giving up our attachment to the flesh for, and in doing so we are freed from pain.

    • @CallMeQuinnie
      @CallMeQuinnie 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@bookfromthetrash_official With all due respect this is simple misinterpretation. I understand your line of questioning, but you are viewing the Word thru an improper lens.
      LivingWaters supported his claim directly from the applicable context of the referenced verse. "To lay hold on" should not carry the sentiment of assault in this regard... otherwise why would the verses just previous this one use an entirely different term or phrase translatable to "force;" it would be pointless if they were referencing the same type of act. And again to highlight his point of "they are found" is important as well in that they can only be "found" if it something that is attempted to be concealed... which it would be if it were a consensual, secretive act; if it were nonconsensual as in the aforementioned "force" situation then the woman would "cry out" and in doing so is absolved of wrong doing and in fact solidified as a victim, this is also addressed.
      Yes, God shows us His mercy and Love... but not solely to those who obey him; if this were the case then there would be no one left on earth as we are all sinners in some capacity and despite this He continues to provide us Life despite this in hopes that we will choose to turn to Him and respect His creation. You are following an understandable train of thought in that He does moreso "show Himself" to those whom align with His will, as when you've accepted Christ into your heart you gain a deeper understanding of how His "qualities" are revealed unto you in order that you might spread His message of Love and Grace unto others.
      Lastly, the Law is certainly not racist... Israelites vs Canaanites in a Biblical sense does not refer to geographical, ethnic, racial, societal (etc.) ties in any form, but rather to our "tribal" alignment with God (Look up the 12 Tribes if you are interested in this). Israel, being God's chosen people to facilitate the bringing of His message unto the earth, is of course "opposed" to those who turn away from that message in any capacity. If anything, God shows Grace unto the Canaanites and others who turn away from His message in that Jesus preaches that His Kingdom is available to ALL, even Gentiles (or those of non-Jewish belief or descent).

  • @tammykalii9360
    @tammykalii9360 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    “In thinking they are wise they become fools” Roman 1:22

    • @bigpappahemi4263
      @bigpappahemi4263 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      That perfectly describes the world today. One of my favorite verses to keep me humble and knowing I need Jesus everyday!

    • @tammykalii9360
      @tammykalii9360 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@bigpappahemi4263 Amen ! Because of that scripture I really try not to question things to much. God know exactly what’s going on why it’s going on and when it will end.

    • @tammykalii9360
      @tammykalii9360 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@xXEGPXx you talking about the Bible? Because Abraham Lincoln wasn’t. Hmmm the Bible that’s been fought over since the beginning. Millions of people have died over it. Billions of people have been so intimidated by it they murder people over it. False cults claim to believe it and lie about it. Kicker is that BOOK said all of this would happen. There isn’t a human being on this earth ever that could have written that book. People are to stupid to be that genius.

    • @bigpappahemi4263
      @bigpappahemi4263 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's not just any book and every word of it is true. You can bet on that with your life!@@xXEGPXx

    • @tammykalii9360
      @tammykalii9360 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@xXEGPXx you have kids? So if you warn them not to drink and drive telling them the consequences of it and they do it anyway and kill themselves or somebody else it’s your fault??? What a destructive evil parent you must be. God hasn’t caused any of this, mankind has and you KNOW IT. Why you deny it, is because you would rather deny the sinfulness in you and blame God for all the evil of the world then have to face what you know you really are. Take 7.5 billion people with the same kind of sin you have and see what you get? Yes you get this! Because people refuse to look at self and repent and turn to God to make the world better. Just because God knew this was going to happen doesn’t mean he made it happen. If that’s what you believe then blame yourself for every single bit of trouble your own kids have ever been or will be in. Because that means your advice for a good life was not good enough.

  • @WestCoastProf
    @WestCoastProf 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Christians tell me the Bible is 100% true and that there is no room for interpretation. But, when I point out a troublesome verse, the response is often, "you are not interpreting it properly, it does not mean the thing it actually says". That is why I think you are hypocritical.

  • @rachelrasmussen1101
    @rachelrasmussen1101 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    When we decide God isn't worthy of our worship, we end up worshiping ourselves.

    • @IgonDrakeWarrior
      @IgonDrakeWarrior 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That sounds better to me. I find it to be more in lines of love though. I love myself and I hope you find it okay to do that too ❤️

    • @rachelrasmussen1101
      @rachelrasmussen1101 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @BringBackStoning Jesus had it right. Love God, then love your neighbor as yourself. Any other order is disordered and leads to problems.

    • @IgonDrakeWarrior
      @IgonDrakeWarrior 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@rachelrasmussen1101 subtract the god part and you got it. Less clutter in your mind. ❤️

    • @rachelrasmussen1101
      @rachelrasmussen1101 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @BringBackStoning it's not clutter. It's a fixed point of perfection and truth outside of myself that allows me clarity of self reflection.

  • @garycarter2362
    @garycarter2362 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    God bless you Ray from Toronto Canada 🇨🇦

  • @ChowdaryV999
    @ChowdaryV999 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +52

    Psalmist said, “A good person may fall seven times, but the Lord will raise them up.” Sometimes you can’t get up on your own, but God is right there with you, lifting you, strengthening you, healing you, breathing in your direction,Let's Holy Spirit work in your life in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏

    • @aleksandrasialtsis4382
      @aleksandrasialtsis4382 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Thank you so much for these encouraging words! God bless you!

    • @isaaccastillo8628
      @isaaccastillo8628 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Praise LORD Jesus! I don't said this to be arrogant, but the quote you said is from the book of Proverbs, not from the book of Psalms actually 😅 God and LORD Jesus bless you!

    • @marcellofunhouse1234
      @marcellofunhouse1234 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      the problem is theres no such thing as a good person only God IS GOOD

    • @aleksandrasialtsis4382
      @aleksandrasialtsis4382 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@marcellofunhouse1234 Indeed, only God is good!

    • @ciaranrivera2902
      @ciaranrivera2902 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      God will seek for His lost sheep until he finds them. May she be found soon so that she may be rejoiced over by Him!

  • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
    @seanrathmakedisciples1508 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Nobody is born a Christian but we need to be born again of God. I was born catholic and I’m now a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ and making other disciples on my journey with the Lord Jesus Christ 24 /7 The Catholics and baptists all need to be saved

    • @misscarolelizabethjohnson8065
      @misscarolelizabethjohnson8065 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      a big "AMEN" goes out to You! So Be It= Amen. CJ-4-JC always ~😎 ~😇

    • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
      @seanrathmakedisciples1508 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@misscarolelizabethjohnson8065 Thanks for your encouragement and support in Jesus name

    • @Abcdefghijajajaja
      @Abcdefghijajajaja 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Huh? You can be catholic AND saved…. What are you Calvinist?

    • @ssww3
      @ssww3 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Why not be born a Christian and to be vorn in heaven. If God wanted to save us?

  • @hungariannerd8445
    @hungariannerd8445 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    These are very poor “excuses/comebacks” against what she had to say.
    Yeah, this is not the Jesus I know.

    • @Gregheffley1287
      @Gregheffley1287 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It’s hard to argue with some girl who intentionally misinterpreted the bible

  • @hollyharrison7880
    @hollyharrison7880 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +48

    Mr. Ray Comfort, I want to say thank you for writing your book, The Evidence Study Bible. I absolutely enjoy it. It explains the Bible verses very well and what they mean. I now have a better understanding. May God Bless you and your loved ones. I love you all and Jesus Christ loves you all even more 🙏🏼💞🙏🏼

    • @ToiletPaper321
      @ToiletPaper321 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

    • @micheal74rich
      @micheal74rich 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ToiletPaper321 Your 'god' has a 'divine son' for a companionship, really ?
      Whereas the God of OT says, there is no god beside HIM.
      Isaiah 45-5 There is no God besides Me
      Deuteronomy 32-39 there is no god with me
      It is clear as daylight, you are after a non-existing 'god' who isn't the God of Abraham.

    • @ToiletPaper321
      @ToiletPaper321 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@micheal74rich father son Holy Spirit is one GOD

    • @micheal74rich
      @micheal74rich 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ToiletPaper321 _"father son Holy Spirit is one GOD "_
      Isaiah 45-5 There is no God besides Me.
      Deuteronomy 32-39 ... and there is no god with me:
      Which is why your people are after none-existing 'god' who isn't the God of Abraham.

    • @ToiletPaper321
      @ToiletPaper321 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@micheal74rich Isaiah 9:6-7 6 For to us a child is born,
      to us a son is given,
      and the government will be on his shoulders.
      And he will be called
      Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
      Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
      7 Of the greatness of his government and peace
      there will be no end.
      He will reign on David’s throne
      and over his kingdom,
      establishing and upholding it

  • @justnorthern
    @justnorthern 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +31

    Wow Ray! Thank you immensely for posting this video! I just watched this women's video a few days ago and had some questions about her points that I was in the middle of figuring out! What an answer to my prayers. Bless you in Jesus name!

    • @Lobster_Lars
      @Lobster_Lars 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Serious question, what exactly did Ray answer here? It just sounds like he's blaming her for things she didn't even do

    • @tammykalii9360
      @tammykalii9360 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@Lobster_Larsblamed her for what?

    • @nemoscriptura
      @nemoscriptura 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Even a broken clock shows correct time twice a day...

    • @JasonHenderson
      @JasonHenderson 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Don't think about it too much. Also don't read the Bible. The the biggest creator of atheists is the holy Bible.

    • @nemoscriptura
      @nemoscriptura 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Funny that in her reply, she actually said she used to be Ray's devout follower, when she was still a believer. Read his books and stuff. What a twist) Saying that she's been misled, Ray is practically hanging himself 😄

  • @akeelmasih1110
    @akeelmasih1110 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    She could not find thousands of other verses that explain God's love and grace but found five verses that she does not understand and is distorting them.

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't understand why God commands genocide including babies, but i know he's good! I don't know why God commands the murder of adulterers, but I know it's good! I don't know why God is going to eternally torture her, but I know that's his grace and love! Says the abusive person.

    • @g-cat7927
      @g-cat7927 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      And you refuse to look at the plethora of Bible verses that show your God to be narcissistic, sadistic, capricious and jealous. He simply cannot be an all loving God if he is capable of all those things.

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@g-cat7927 Well God admits to being jealous, so that must be good.

    • @g-cat7927
      @g-cat7927 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr Good that he's jealous or good that he's admitted it? Either way - not perfect.

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@g-cat7927 From a Christian perspective, good that he's jealous because he said he was jealous and he is good, therefore, being jealous for him is good. Bad for you, but good for him, because anything he is and does is good, by definition. Perfection, therefore, requires God to be jealous, since he is jealous and is perfect. Bit of circular reasoning there, but shhh.

  • @seanwilliamson5720
    @seanwilliamson5720 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +31

    I don't think she is wrong. And for those who feel they are somehow superior in there beliefs are truly lost. You can see the negative impact religion has on people when they start to lash out in ignorance.

    • @g-cat7927
      @g-cat7927 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Brilliantly said 👏

    • @skwills1629
      @skwills1629 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Right. And the "Religion Free" Atheists Never lash Out in Ignorance and Never Boast of their Superiority Right... Now Make Fun of My Random Capitals and Remind us of How Atheist are Vastly More Moral than Christians... and more Intelligent...And More Rational.........

    • @ethanthomas1148
      @ethanthomas1148 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      No one feels superior, the only superior being is the Lord. And religion is fake, there is only one creator, and there is no “religion” there is only God. The only negative impacts are those of false teachings and false believers. Noones forcing you to follow the Lord, but don’t act as if those of us who have strong convictions find ourselves superior to anyone. I just think my heart is open to god while yours is only open to yourself and worldly desire.

    • @napechuene5601
      @napechuene5601 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Religion is not the bases of our beliefs and if it is for someone they better rethink everything....Religion is meant to be a group of people trying to teach each the word and helping each other through everything in our daily lives...but yes it is used wrongly and abused....God is what we are seeking and through Religion if played correctly we get assistance and guidance...but that's not the final word....God is the final Word

    • @ethanthomas1148
      @ethanthomas1148 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@napechuene5601 I personally just eliminate the word religion, it’s just “The Word”. I don’t follow a religion I follow the Bible.

  • @akeelmasih1110
    @akeelmasih1110 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    She thinks she was a Christian. Thats why the Bible says, the hell would be filled with many who call themselves Christians.
    I was born in a Christian family and was very religious all my life until I understood the gospel, I realized what's the difference between being a religious and in believing in God.

    • @robmc120
      @robmc120 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@danielbelteshazzar-mg7rb "You are still religious...there is no hell"
      What objective foundation for truth to reality makes your claim objectively true?
      If it's just your subjective opinion, why should we listen to you? There’s no actual meaning to anything in a godless worldview born from a universe of chance/chaos/nothingness/unknown…
      May the triune, infallible, omniscient God bless the reader with faith in Him, not fallible man’s limited knowledge of theories.

    • @akeelmasih1110
      @akeelmasih1110 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Says the fool...

    • @wheatNtares
      @wheatNtares 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Yes indeed. Two different paths. God bless you. 🙏

  • @rikreed7749
    @rikreed7749 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Great video. I thought I knew the Lord myself growing up. But then left the faith and became indifferent, then a New Ager and then finally an agnostic. But I wanted to know the truth and kept seeking spiritual truth wherever I could. God had other plans and a plan for my life. He frustrated my attempts at worldly success as a prospective Olympic Decathlete back in the 1980s. I failed. I was upset. I was angry. But it got me on the right path, which eventually took about 4 years of searching. God had me where he wanted and then, I truly understood one day after I fought his will. I discovered I never knew GOd in the first place, came to a place of repentance and trusted if Yeshuah, the son of God. Now I'm a 60ish Partriarch of my own family, all my children are saved and share the gospel with a diligent heart as they see the world falling apart. My hope is my 6 grandchildren (with more coming), as they come of age, will accept Yeshuah as well and be used by God to bring people to him.

    • @justice8718
      @justice8718 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I simply thought the world was way too fake and unstable to be worth my time in it, even though I didn't know God. I was willing to accept the truth instead of lying media, so I am lured to him.

  • @michaelmadsen-yq5kw
    @michaelmadsen-yq5kw 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +72

    I enjoy and continue to learn much from you Ray. Going out daily to witness then getting a lesson from you has produced fruit. Will always thank the Lord and you for bringing people the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

    • @colossians28
      @colossians28 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Ray's humility has inspired me to share how Jesus Christ has set me free!!!
      “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
      - James 4:7 (KJV)

    • @lawrencecarlson2425
      @lawrencecarlson2425 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The name Jesus is not correct. It would seem to a reasonable person that out of respect Christians would learn the right name and not blame it on a bad translation.

    • @michaelmadsen-yq5kw
      @michaelmadsen-yq5kw 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@lawrencecarlson2425 So my friend, what is the real name of Jesus, if not Jesus Christ?

    • @lawrencecarlson2425
      @lawrencecarlson2425 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@michaelmadsen-yq5kw Yeshua son of Yoseph. Hope this starts a study of you beliefs. Do it.

    • @michaelmadsen-yq5kw
      @michaelmadsen-yq5kw 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@lawrencecarlson2425Let's not stop there. There are MANY names and titles for the Trinity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all are unique. Read your Bible my friend and avoid being legalistic.

  • @Purity10101
    @Purity10101 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    It's so important not to take scriptures out of context.

    • @ronaldorivera4674
      @ronaldorivera4674 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@xXEGPXxFrom the naturalistic world view can you explain how that matters, doesn't Richard Dawkins, leading atheist and biology professor at Oxford say, that " there is no evil and no good, just pitiless indifference, DNA neither knows nor cares, DNA just is and we dance to it's music?".
      So if you're simply molecules in motion responding to the electrical signals and chemical reactions in your brain, (meaning you don't make choices because everything is deterministic at the bottom level), what objective standard do you have to make any objective truth claims?

    • @Silver77cyn
      @Silver77cyn หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Even when you do, they still don't make sense.

    • @dalesplitstone6276
      @dalesplitstone6276 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      The problem is, within context, they make no sense. For example, the man in this video challenges her interpretation of the forced marriage verse, claiming a previous verse specifies the punishment for a rapist, so this verse must be referring to consensual sex. But this verse clearly states rape. He never addresses the use of the term rape in the verse she sites.

    • @bigboxofstuff
      @bigboxofstuff หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you! for every Christian out there you need to read the full verses of all the cherry picked stuff that you spout and put it in the right context, God hate all the others and doesn't even really love you unless you love him first so make sure you don't die young or you will got to hell because you didn't know better. He will send frogs and toads to plague you if you hold his people as slaves but if you don't hold the sons of Ham as slaves you are against his word. And don't forget he wants to see you naked!

    • @TwiceCrispy
      @TwiceCrispy หลายเดือนก่อน

      I see you've taken your extra-strength COPIUM brand coping mechanism today

  • @pierre-de-standing
    @pierre-de-standing 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    So basically you are saying that if you truly find the Lord, then these verses have no objectionable meanings. Her objections are totally understandable. What harm does fundamental beliefs cause on this earth? All of it.

  • @daniel4God4ever
    @daniel4God4ever 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Very few people these days are TRULY humble

  • @redbarchetta
    @redbarchetta 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    The mental gymnastics required by Ray’s “rebuttals” are dumbfounding.

    • @lindag5116
      @lindag5116 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Ya think? LOL

    • @FreemanPennington-je5tn
      @FreemanPennington-je5tn 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The mental gymnastics of atheists and agnostics to try to prove their nonsense is dumbfounding especially when they can't validate their atheist or agnostic nonsense or when they use mental gymnastics when they are discovered to be a liars let this lady who is never a Christian in the first place

    • @l.m.892
      @l.m.892 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No more so than cherry-picking reasons to doubt from the Old Testament. Before anyone gets the bright idea that she used a New Testament scripture, the reason she had trouble with John 3:16 is because of the Old Testament. It's circular reasoning where no circle exists.

    • @redbarchetta
      @redbarchetta 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@l.m.892 You don't have to cherry pick reasons to doubt. But even if one did, skepticism should be the default position, so cherry picking doesn't really apply when it comes to "reasons to doubt." We're talking about an anthology which Christians claim is an entire god-breathed story from him. If one finds small parts of text which are possibly in doubt, that calls into question the entire thing. Can't have it both ways.

    • @FreemanPennington-je5tn
      @FreemanPennington-je5tn 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@l.m.892 nope there is no circular reasoning in the word of God Old testament and New testament are actually connected evil people hate the word of God because their father is Satan

  • @grossartus
    @grossartus 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    If god created us and left us to our devices with free will then whats the use in praying?

  • @naamansalas
    @naamansalas 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    I just came to see kristi in a ray comfort video. Her videos really helped me when I was transitioning out of Christianity.

    • @tiddles5792
      @tiddles5792 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      Same here! People think we have been deceived but in reality we have been set free.

    • @JesusOrDestruction
      @JesusOrDestruction 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@tiddles5792 nope, the apposite actually

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      @@JesusOrDestruction Jesus or Destruction - loving people don't need to threaten you

    • @UniquaDaBackyardigan
      @UniquaDaBackyardigan 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Same! I have never felt more free. No longer saying "Father, forgive me" after everything that MIGHT be a sin bc the bible flip-flops.

  • @itsshortycake
    @itsshortycake 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +148

    Last night I stumbled across this girl’s video and I decided to listen to what she had to say because I was interested in why she fell away from God.
    Most of what she said I already knew the answer to, but I did have some questions with one of the verses.
    So last night I prayed for God to enlighten me on the verses and help me understand the truth.
    Then today THIS video pops up in my feed.
    I never would have guessed that Living Waters would respond to this specific video and I never would have thought that this specific video would pop up in my feed.
    Thank you God for answering my prayer and bringing me to this video ❤
    Wow! I honestly didn’t think that is comment was going to be noticed by a lot of people, but thank God it did! Also sorry to the people who had questions😞 I didn’t come back to this video because I didn’t see any notifications until one popped up today.
    Also I want to note to the people that are still in disbelief that you have to try to look at things from a different perspective. When we see something that is wrong or stands out as wrong we immediately want to point it out and us it to disprove everything else. However, the best thing to do is to look at the bigger picture and also us other text that can help to answer those questions. I find that the best thing to do is to pray to God about it and to pay attention to moments where God might be answering your questions! Anyway, thank you all and God Bless you!!

    • @whyme88
      @whyme88 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Well as a Christian I still struggle with these answers so if you wouldn't mind, I'd love to hear your answers!

    • @vladtheemailer3223
      @vladtheemailer3223 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Explain how she is wrong.

    • @radosawszmid7822
      @radosawszmid7822 10 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @STak-ju7gx
      @STak-ju7gx 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@whyme88 what do you still have a problem with? maybe we can have a TH-cam fellowship over it.

    • @whyme88
      @whyme88 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@STak-ju7gx If im being honest I haven't watched the video entirely yet but more like I wouldn't know how to answer her questions rather than I don't have a general idea of the answer.

  • @JustaNaughtyBoy
    @JustaNaughtyBoy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I've never believed in mythical creatures, other than Santa when I was younger. She did well to read the bible, warts and all, She didn't simpy do as Christians often do, simply pick out the nice bits, and only read those. At 8:55 where the pastor is responding to marrying ones r@pist, he clearly demonstrated that this is a book written by man, or that the biblical god bows to the will of man "At that time in the culture... the best thing is to pay her father... and she has to marry her rapist." It demonstrates that even Christian pastors accept that the bible was not written by an all powerful god, as what is put into the bible is simply what the people of that time were already doing. What was more telling that Ray tries to spin and twist this to it being made a shotgun wedding. How many shotgun weddings are due to a woman being raped? If it wasn't so sad, it would be amusing to note how many times Christians have to make excuses for the bigoted. misogynistic, and genocidal god of the bible.

    • @rickyachaval2016
      @rickyachaval2016 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      He just proved that it wasn't a rape, so you're wrong.

    • @JustaNaughtyBoy
      @JustaNaughtyBoy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@rickyachaval2016 You do you, the bible says she was raped.

  • @irinaatanasova2335
    @irinaatanasova2335 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    the gaslighting is insane ...

    • @amigos2841
      @amigos2841 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

      If you can't refute someones points you tsrget there personality, there is no hate like christian love

    • @irinaatanasova2335
      @irinaatanasova2335 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@amigos2841 I am an atheist 🙂 and I agree with Kristi

    • @amigos2841
      @amigos2841 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@irinaatanasova2335 I am a Buddhist used to be Christian but left for Buddhism (honestly Buddhism is so much better for compassion and kindness) anyway few months ago I had a couple of doubts over a couple off teachings I thought were errors (have since had them cleared by my teacher there not errors) so I thought like Buddha said investigate for yourself and don't believe blindly even if I said it investigate and see if it makes sense for you so I re read the NT and the Torah, on my gosh the amount of errors and contradictions in the NT was mad then I got to the OT and honestly it made my Buddhist faith stronger lol, god is horrible in OT

    • @irinaatanasova2335
      @irinaatanasova2335 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@amigos2841 I was a Christian too but now I am an atheist for similar reasons.

    • @amigos2841
      @amigos2841 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@irinaatanasova2335 I don't blame you, after talking to plenty of them I realised how insane some can be

  • @amara8781
    @amara8781 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Can someone explain to me Deuteronomy 20:10-18??
    In Exodus 20:13 God commanded people not to murder. Here in Deuteronomy the author has said that God has given the approval to kill their enemies. Any thoughts on this??

    • @ReligiousG
      @ReligiousG 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I asked Robert Breaker about this a while back. Mainly because my dad made a comment about it, saying that one of the reasons he didn't like the King James Version was because one of the 10 Commandments was "thou shalt not kill", then later it's like God 'turned around' and said to kill (so and so).
      The commandment "thou shalt not kill", as you mentioned in your comment, means to not murder in cold blood. In times of war, however, you're justified to kill. Like in 20:12, it says "And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it".
      Plus, verse 18 says that those people whom God gave them approval to kill, were doing abominations, things that are hateful in God's eyes.
      Besides, God is the original giver of life, so He can take it away if He deems it necessary.
      Hope that helped.
      Tried to remember what Breaker had told me that time, via email, but also tried to give my own interpretation of it after reading it myself.

    • @SuperCuteBabyCat
      @SuperCuteBabyCat 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Whoever is perfect in God's law is blameless and can judge people ! God has prove it through Jesus Christ, He is perfect in Holy law!, so?....

    • @SuperCuteBabyCat
      @SuperCuteBabyCat 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Im a christian, i can tell you, there is no free Will, human has no free Will, THERE ARE only 2 personal who have free Will GOD and satan, God pull His saint using human spirit and satan pull human using flesh !, the Bible never says about human have free Will, free Will? that is where the error started when you say human has/have free will, once you use "human have free Will" in your debate then is going to be error at the end 😊...

    • @samuelljayy6705
      @samuelljayy6705 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ReligiousG doesnt jesus also teach to turn a cheek to enemies? to let them steal from you and you arent aloud to hate them?

    • @erikt1713
      @erikt1713 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You answered it yourself. Christians should not murder, i.e. kill out of low and evil motives. They may kill where it is required, especially in war.

  • @ChildofGod98765
    @ChildofGod98765 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +62

    Jesus, hear my prayers these past three years have been difficult on me I am weak. Give me guidance. Please come back soon I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. As a single parent things are hard on me both of my sons are autistic and my hours to work are limited because I’m now homeschooling them. I’m constantly struggling to provide the basic necessities for them I’m so ashamed. I suffered an heart attack and I’m battling lupus I’m overwhelmed. Lord heal me. Father God hear my prayers. I constantly struggle to pay my bills and struggle to provide groceries. BUT I KEEP FAITH. Even though I want to give up. Jesus please take the fear from my heart. Father God it is you that gives me the strength to keep going. I praise you Father even as I fear homelessness please continue to give me strength.

    • @budietom
      @budietom 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Amen Brother Hang on to your faith and God will bless you

    • @supersilverhazeroker
      @supersilverhazeroker 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      people don't fall for this.

    • @supersilverhazeroker
      @supersilverhazeroker 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      @@budietom it's a scam this thing has been all over christian youtube videos for as long as i can remember.

    • @ingela_injeela
      @ingela_injeela 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@supersilverhazeroker Well, I lean in that direction too. It pops up everywhere.
      It's just that I have seen her channel, and she does really seem to have health problems, and two autistic sons.
      - But maybe someone has hijacked her prophile...?
      - I read somewhere that she said people are using her account falsely.

    • @garyg7549
      @garyg7549 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Isaiah 41:13 for I the Lord God will hold your right hand, saying unto you, fear not I will help you.
      For He Who drinks of this water that I give will never thirst again !!
      If you sincerely turn to God, he will help, he will provide, he will deliver.
      What I'm reading makes it sound like that is the issue.
      Surrender to God and he will deliver it's a PROMISE.

  • @henrydhamster1093
    @henrydhamster1093 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    This rebuttal is rubbish. Ray's mental gymnastics to make these passages ok are crazy leaps! Ray never actually takes the passages discussed head on. He instead diverts to a different passage that has nothing to do with the first. On the subject of those who are happy that dash the babys on the rocks, it's not a reference to abortion Ray! If you read your bible you would know the reference is killing your enemy's offspring after enslaving their women and killing their men. This has nothing whatsoever to do with abortion but that god is telling them just how good it feels to be the conqueror.

    • @sherrytzasherrytza4793
      @sherrytzasherrytza4793 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Noticed that you take something she said, then twist it beyond recognition, and respond with overly-ornate irrational statements in a snotty conceited voice. It's obvious that you don't believe yourself your own argument.

    • @henrydhamster1093
      @henrydhamster1093 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@sherrytzasherrytza4793 Are you responding to me or Ray, the rebuttal narrator?

  • @katrinabailey9920
    @katrinabailey9920 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    God did not need to create you, but he chose to create you for his own enjoyment. You exist for his benefit, his glory, his purpose and his delight. Bringing enjoyment to God, living for his pleasure, is the first purpose of your life.

    • @LFDLittlefluffydino
      @LFDLittlefluffydino 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      And is that wrong?

    • @Εμμανουέλα-φ5μ
      @Εμμανουέλα-φ5μ 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      God's love, one of his divine attributes, is also the cause of creation. Because of his great love, God wanted to create beings, in order to impart to them his goodness and kindness. That is why it is rightly written that the creations were "very good". He made man in his image and likeness so that he could have his joys and his virtues and be able to sanctify. This is also our destination to sanctify

  • @jodypalmer583
    @jodypalmer583 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    She isn't wrong you're wrong. I was studying to be a pastor and found out what the Bible is really about and all the contradictions and errors are absurd. What do I mean I believe the enemies had a hand in writing that horrible book claiming the Creator to be the one that comes to kill steal and destroy that's exactly what the god of the bible did and does

  • @AnimeWorldeX
    @AnimeWorldeX 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    Yesterday 10.10.2023 I saw the same video of her on her channel and I got confused than asked God to explain all those stuff (I didn't doubt him tho cuz I know whom I worship) than today the next day 11.10.2023 I came across this video that was made 14h later and in that video I got all the explaination. Now I ain't confused anymore. Glory to God, he is not the author of confusion. Ask, and you will receive,seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.😊❤

    • @RandomChristianMusings
      @RandomChristianMusings 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Amen ! Praise the Most High God!!!

    • @susangraham1203
      @susangraham1203 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Please explain the answers then because I don’t see any good ones.

  • @alistaircharles9926
    @alistaircharles9926 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I hate that some people assume that Christians are stupid and haven’t thought about what they believe. I was an atheist and have been a Christian for 15 years - not only have I thought about what I believe and why but I’ve also experienced the reality in my life and other lives that Jesus is actually alive! And the Bible is 100% true! We can only know this when we have a humble heart before our Creator.
    PS. A bit worrying that modern Bible translations like the NIV confuse things for people and she didn’t think to check the detail in translation

    • @rizwanrafeek3811
      @rizwanrafeek3811 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If your Christianity came from the God of Abraham, can you provide me one thing you believe and practice as in Christianity that is valid before the God and it stands before the God, that which could lead you to salvation, just one thing please?????
      Hint: Five pillars of Islam that Muslims practice day-in and day-out are valid before the God and they stand before the God.
      Please read and understand the question, before you attempt to answer the question, please make sure your answer meet to required criterion in your answer.

    • @alistaircharles9926
      @alistaircharles9926 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Genesis 22:15-18 - Jewish scriptures
      Genesis 21:12 - Jewish scriptures
      Isaiah 11:1-2 - Jewish scriptures
      John 4:22 - New Testament
      Luke 4:17-21 - New Testament - Jesus quoting Isaiah 61 - His Jewish Scriptures
      Romans 10:9 - New Testament
      "if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
      Islam rejects the Jewish and Christian scriptures that precede it - so cannot provide a link with Abraham. It is based entirely on the unverifiable revelations given to a man who lived 600 years after Jesus Christ. The basic requirement of Christianity is to believe in your heart and confess with your mouth ... as many do in Islamic countries and are put to death for it.

    • @IgonDrakeWarrior
      @IgonDrakeWarrior 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Christianity as a conglomerate in general has made itself very easy to poke fun at. It is a bit of a joke to be fair. Im sure most Christians are lovely and smart, I just dont meet many loving or that understanding to be warranted the title of someone I respect.

  • @Strutingeagle
    @Strutingeagle 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Given the fact that the books of the bible were written at a time and in a culture where genocide, misogyny, slavery, self loathing, unworthiness, blood sacrifice, conditional love, war crimes etc. were considered normal necessary and good, it is no wonder what is actually said in the bible turns modern people off from this God of the bible. In fact a good case can be made that man created God in his image instead of the other way around.

    • @LivingWaters
      @LivingWaters  10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You can make stuff up all you like but we all know that it's the moral accountability to your Creator that "modern people" today don't like. Romans 1:18-21 describes you 2,000 years before you were born.

    • @Strutingeagle
      @Strutingeagle 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I would agree to a point that modern folks do have a moral deficit but not as much as the God of the bible.@@LivingWaters

    • @uselessreptile1230
      @uselessreptile1230 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@LivingWaters Ironic. Yahweh is a childish god who kills whoever displeases or is just minding their own business and not paying all their life to his "goodness/love".
      (1 Samuel 15:1-3 | Leviticus 24: 10-16 | 2 chronicles 21: 12-19 | 1 Samuel 11:11) There are many more I could name

    • @IgonDrakeWarrior
      @IgonDrakeWarrior 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well said 👏

    • @Strutingeagle
      @Strutingeagle 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      For God so loved the world he gave his only created flood. For God so loved the world he allowed angels to have sex with women. For God so loved the world he said kill the men women and children but keep the virgin girls for yourselves. For God so loved the world he gave mankind his written word but did nothing to preserve it. For God so loved the world we have malaria and mosquitos killing millions of children. For God so loved the world he allowed Covid to infect and kill everyone regardless of religious affiliations impacting gathering for worship. Etc etc etc. The creator is not a character out of the bible.@@LivingWaters

  • @zelmeadows
    @zelmeadows 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +30

    I pray that you live a long life Ray. God bless you 🙏🏾

  • @jessicaadams6919
    @jessicaadams6919 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I hate that Christians assume you didn’t know the lord if you walked away.
    Yall are the worst. I have been exactly in her shoes.

  • @bradensorensen966
    @bradensorensen966 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Judging God is foolish! You can’t judge someone who doesn’t exist.

  • @andrewwright9960
    @andrewwright9960 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The bible is not a clear book. That's why there are so many religions , bible versions, confusion.
    Evidence of how ridiculous the Christian God is.

  • @thebattyburrow
    @thebattyburrow 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    Thank you so much for spreading Kristi Burke's channel!
    She is doing an amazing job of supporting and empowering those who are questioning or deconstructing their Christian faith. For me, I left the fundamentalist faith I grew up with several years ago. Her videos have let me know I am not alone in my criticisms of biblical views on slavery, sexual assault, God's morality, and many other troubling topics.
    I hope this inspires people research, think, and consider Christianity's claims for themselves.

  • @shakthiRS7
    @shakthiRS7 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first,
    But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,

  • @La.Summer
    @La.Summer 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I've been seeing my sin in it's true light. I was so lost, and by the world's standards, was an exceptionally "good person." I got radically saved and delivered, and there began my journey. I realized how so very wrong and how deeply sinful I had been and still was. I was shocked. Stunned. I was so lost and didn't even know it. I flooded the world with my tears. I feel relieved, blessed and chosen to know that it was the Holy Spirit who revealed the truth to me. It was not by man nor contrived. I was genuinely caught off guard and deeply grieved. I am so thankful that I know the Lord is doing a work in me, that I'm truly His, broken and all, but I'm His, and that's all that matters to me. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for all the confirmation I am getting, such as what is in this video. He's teaching me up for the next part of this process, reaching others. I've already started, but I don't always know how to answer them. Still learning by immersion.

  • @surrenderdaily333
    @surrenderdaily333 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +48

    Thank you, Father, for showing me this video, and thank you, Ray, for answering questions that this girl and many others have had. I saw her video a few months ago and I wanted to respond because I knew what she was saying was wrong, but it was too much for me to deal with mentally. I am so thankful and grateful for your response. God bless you and everyone who watches this video response from Ray Comfort!

    • @IntelligentProbe
      @IntelligentProbe 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      He iterally answered no questions... he ignored contradictions in the bible and made bold claism with zero evidence. That's it... that's what you're thanking him for. Nothing.

    • @karime3295
      @karime3295 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@IntelligentProbecalm your anger, ray comfort answered very well, your analogy for criticizing Christianity is only superficial but never in depth. This is why you are in no way shaking our faith.

    • @bookfromthetrash_official
      @bookfromthetrash_official 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I still support her stand.
      She is right on #2, #3, and #4. Not sure with #5 but #5 is like the fruit of #2 to 4
      You keep using other Bible verses that has different situations. Your "god" shows that he shows mercy and love only those who obey him. especially number three that word is related to "ASSUALT". It is clear this religion is two-faced
      Do not forget how racist the Jewish law is, Israelites are considered Canaanites, but they are racist to other Canaanites, as in THEIR OWN KIND just because they do not believe like the same they do.

    • @intentionally-blank
      @intentionally-blank 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@IntelligentProbe Did we watch the same video? What are the questions he didn't answer?

    • @intentionally-blank
      @intentionally-blank 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bookfromthetrash_official Where did you hear that nonsense about Israelites? And as to #3 that word is related to "assault". I saw nothing of "assault". Strong's Hebrew: 8610. תָּפַשׂ (taphas) "to lay hold of, wield". I don't know this off the top of my head but you can read Deuteronomy 22:28 yourself on something like Biblehub and check the various uses of the word through the 'interlinear' button. Read and study scripture for yourself.

  • @RaphaelTheAltarBoy
    @RaphaelTheAltarBoy 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    But if she was a Christian it means she accepted Jesus, do you mean she died again in her sin even if she was ''saved''? If that is so then mankind has no hope.
    Why are you calling her a false convert if God refused to take care of her after she accepted him?
    She was going to church, reading her Bible, repenting, yet a lot of people have left Christianity why is this ? Are we going to blame Satan? Why did God make Satan so overpowered then?
    How is she prideful for wanting everyone to be saved? Why should we trust somebody that we don't know without applying critical thinking? Examples of people who thought they was hearing from God is the case of Jim Jones where a lot of people got hurt and killed because of religion. Just because the Bible said so isn't enough.
    By the way we should read the World of God as it is, it is prohibited to re-interpret the World of God according to your God:
    Deuteronomy 4:2
    2 Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you.
    So this is what she understood from the Bible, how is any of this her fault? Why did God needed to change our language from one language to create many languages? If we had only one language spoken in the world, anyone could have understood the Gospel but upon my studies of the Bible I did notice some versions of the Bible differ from each other and LIE for example in Genesis 6 some Bible translations say the sons of Israel or sons of Seth fell in love with the daughters of man but this is a LIE. The real translation is the sons of God fell in love with the daughters of men. Who were the sons of God? =The Angels.

    • @patrickdixon7202
      @patrickdixon7202 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @amigos2841
      @amigos2841 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

      His answers are basically apologist answers to legit reasons, her points are valid his can de debunked by top debaters

  • @FormatorBlack
    @FormatorBlack 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I tried to talk to her on here a few months ago, I hope/pray you have more success than me!
    Thank you, Ray, for teaching this poor preacher how to witness effectively! I wasn’t able to take take part in your Operation Britain 🇬🇧 project as I was taking care of my father at the time.
    He is with Jesus now, he died the day I tried to debate Kristy. I hope she finds her way to the truth!

    • @Adam_A_Christian
      @Adam_A_Christian 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I'm sorry for your loss. The Lord be with you in your grief.
      I lost my father recently, also. Drawing near to Christ is the only thing that's kept me sane in these crazy times we are living in. 🙏❤️

    • @FormatorBlack
      @FormatorBlack 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Adam_A_Christian Thanks, Adam! I really miss him, I'll say a prayer for you, say one for me!

  • @DejiAdegbite
    @DejiAdegbite 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    1. What would a person do that would make you know that they "truly knew" the Lord?
    2. "You were never truly a Christian". Do you use this same line of argument when someone turns to Christianity. When a Muslim turns Christian, do you tell them they were never truly Muslim? When an atheist turns to Christianity, do say they were never truly atheists?

  • @jezebelvibes
    @jezebelvibes 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    I'm STARSTRUCK! This is the best day ever. Thanks Ray!!!!

    • @DeibertLandon
      @DeibertLandon 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      You seem very sweet, praying that you will keep reading your bible and seeking truth with an open mind!
      Ps. KJV is the closest to original but hard to read at times. ESV is a nice in between but they speak into a lot of the verses you referenced differently just by translation alone.

    • @UniquaDaBackyardigan
      @UniquaDaBackyardigan 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @jezebelvibes...I LOVE this reply!😂
      From one Athiest Heathen to another..thank you helping me see that none of it was adding up and I didnt want to live a life of a servitude to a hypocritical, imaginary deity.❤❤

    • @BanaMurn
      @BanaMurn 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      More importantly, what do you think of his reponse?

  • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
    @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    If your dad said "obey me or I'll torture you in the basement for the rest of your life (also I love you)" and you decided to live your own life and not just do whatever he said and he sent you to the basement, did you send yourself there?

    • @F.Amos.Anonimuss
      @F.Amos.Anonimuss 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      If the judge says "don't break the law, or the police will throw you in jail for the rest of your life" and you break the law, whose fault is it you are in jail?
      Then The Judge sends His Son to pay the sentence of your crime for you, and offers you a get out of jail free card...FOR FREE...based on His Son paying the penalty for you, and you don't accept it. Whose fault is it you're in jail

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@F.Amos.Anonimuss Does prison torture you and for the rest of your life, you never get out? Maybe it should, since God has set the more moral standard, right?

    • @F.Amos.Anonimuss
      @F.Amos.Anonimuss 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What evidence are you using for your statements?

    • @Nemo12417
      @Nemo12417 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@F.Amos.Anonimuss If the judge created the rules he is punishing you under and the rules require you to revere the judge at all times in the exact manner he wishes to be revered, then yes, it is the judge's fault. You don't make a rule that you get to beat the crap out of someone who mildly slights you unless you want to beat the crap out of people. Also, in this scenario, the oh so horrible criminals get sent to be tortured for years, denied death so they can suffer. The "generous" son gets a light slap on the wrist that quickly fades after a few days.

    • @F.Amos.Anonimuss
      @F.Amos.Anonimuss 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Your statement is largely true, but full of fallacies, none of which need corrected to continue this conversation. Assuming the above said is true; if The Judge is the Supreme Being, what does it matter if you approve of His policies or not? It doesn't. And if there's a way out that's free, why not take it?

  • @the.doubting.thomas.256
    @the.doubting.thomas.256 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    it's weird how the video you are responding to has no music score to create emotions and yet your is full of it. make your point without music in the background.

    • @bluebronx2000
      @bluebronx2000 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It is written: [3-4] I set plainspoken wisdom before you, my heart-seasoned understandings of life. I fine-tuned my ear to the sayings of the wise, I solve life’s riddle with the help of a harp. -Psalm 49:3-4 MSG

    • @the.doubting.thomas.256
      @the.doubting.thomas.256 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bluebronx2000 hehehe why are quoting me words from books i don't believe in... dude you're funny

  • @butterjupitar
    @butterjupitar 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Never grew up in the Church, was thought to say repetitive prayers, believed that there was a God, never knew who exactly Jesus was so I stopped praying in His name, never read the New Testament but read Genesis to the beginning of Leviticus 4 years ago, was dealing with intrusive thoughts and was also dealing with depression and lack of purpose, so I prayed about it, has a lovely and strict teacher that will always give biblical wisdom and pray for the class (even to let us too), curious to research on God, and the Bible and have learned a lot, start reading the Bible for myself to know more, and have also learned a lot, felt more peace and comfort in prayers, has a lot to say that I sometimes don't know how to speak in words, can't turn away from Jesus because it's just...impossible. God is Awesome, He can Heal, Jesus is the Savior of mankind.

    @BADDMIXX 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Thanks Brother Ray! “Grace be to You and Peace from God the Father, and from Our Lord Jesus Christ,”

  • @clarkgriswald829
    @clarkgriswald829 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    You really didn't address any of her points, you just made up points of your own. Not a very good rebuttle.

    • @amigos2841
      @amigos2841 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Apologist 101 dance and tip toe around valid points and try to divert the question with a answer that doesn't actually address the points

    • @NickGagnon-u1v
      @NickGagnon-u1v 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Ray is good at that. Its a nice trick to pull on his audience.

  • @SMNR777
    @SMNR777 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +64

    Amen Brother well I can say that in my denial of certain things The Lord has brought me to Him by his means and I can honestly say I don't believe because it was my choice I have been convicted by the holy spirit that I am that broken man that needs God even when I do get puffed up with pride, He brings me down low to show me I am nothing without God my saviour from myself 🙏💝

    • @rrbb36
      @rrbb36 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Well put.

    • @janaelliott9321
      @janaelliott9321 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I am #48 of those who love you and are so grateful to God our Father for opening up your eyes to see the TRUTH. I hope that you belong to a strong Word based church where you can grow in your knowledge, wisdom and understanding of God's will for your life. I also hope that you read your Bible daily as you learn and grow in your walk as a Disciple of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior ✝️🙏💖 thank you so much for sharing and may God continue to bless you and keep you close to Him. ❤❤❤

    • @nemoscriptura
      @nemoscriptura 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That sounds just downright abusive 😶

  • @joeramirez7879
    @joeramirez7879 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    She thinks she's higher in morality than God and is judging Him. Feel sorry for her.

    • @samuelljayy6705
      @samuelljayy6705 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      because she is, your god is evil

  • @joelhuffman5442
    @joelhuffman5442 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    She’s still right. Ray Comfort’s responses are ignorant and pander to the oppressive narcissist Yahweh Christian man in the sky

    • @TomeRodrigo
      @TomeRodrigo 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Exactly. He is talking an absolute nonsense. Look at his following, he knows what controls the masses. It feeds his ego, so very unlikely he will change any of his lobotomized opinions.

  • @kennethvanallen4492
    @kennethvanallen4492 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    Ah yes, the reflexive retort of every apologist: you were never really a true believer in the first place.

    • @Some_Guy_Called_Raven
      @Some_Guy_Called_Raven 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      A very predictable response. Most of this video is full of typical Christian responses.

    • @foureggsinafryingpan3870
      @foureggsinafryingpan3870 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Maybe because its true...

    • @Some_Guy_Called_Raven
      @Some_Guy_Called_Raven 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@foureggsinafryingpan3870 we should agree to disagree.

    • @lackles27
      @lackles27 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      No true scotsman fallacy

    • @miaxoxo9967
      @miaxoxo9967 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      When you get touched by the Lord you hardly ever fall away like this

  • @richardeldridge6522
    @richardeldridge6522 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    God did NOT lose his only begotten son, because although Jesus did die, he did not do what everyone else must do, which is STAY DEAD. Jesus was resurrected and God did not lose him. The real fact is that Jesus had a really unpleasant weekend. Another silly thing is the verse in Matthew that claims that at the moment Jess died, dead people popped out of the ground and cruised Jerusalem. People really remember zombies, but Matthew is the only one that claims this.

    • @amigos2841
      @amigos2841 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

      And also ilthe gospels were written in the 2nd century long after the events happened by non eye witnesses lol, even if we take there belief the gospels were written by matthew mark luke and john 2 of those people weren't even there, mark and luke heard the stories from other people and didn't witness these events lol

  • @introvertincognito4518
    @introvertincognito4518 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Argument 1 ) "I could not justify it." Its not your place to justify. You are not God.

  • @FaithfulReasoning
    @FaithfulReasoning 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    She is trying to know and understand the mind of God which if she was an actual Christian would know that's impossible. And it all boils down to she wants to live her own life and not have God telling her what to do

    • @FaithfulReasoning
      @FaithfulReasoning 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@xXEGPXx God is far from irrational, he's the creator of everything and who are we to question. We all deserve to be wiped out because we are all sinners. Let's thank him because he has spared us.

  • @SeerSeekingTruth
    @SeerSeekingTruth 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    3:40 You didn't address the scripture head on you skipped around it and did not put it into context for your viewers. This is why people don't trust pastors. You avoided the primary point she was making.
    And trinity is a false doctrine.

  • @AndroidHarris
    @AndroidHarris 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Its crazy to me how people believe such a contradictory book all because they want to believe in a purpose or have forgiveness for their guilt in life. Interpret it in whatever way they want its quite annoying.

    • @Cheese_market
      @Cheese_market 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What's wrong with believing though if we're wrong there's no punishment but according our beliefs if your wrong then u suffer in h e double hockey sticks for all eternity I'd rather have a feeling of purpose in my life and not think I'm cool for saying I'm emo or depressed or "I hate my life" and blah blah blah blah blah

    • @AndroidHarris
      @AndroidHarris 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Cheese_market well I say to you only those that reject dogma and lead their own life will be the ones saved in the next life. Those that follow like lambs to the slaughter to any false god will perish.
      The pascals wager can go both ways. There is no reason to believe falsehoods based entirely on fear. I can do the same of being saved based on rejecting god because what if its all just a test in a simulation and only those that make their own are granted to the next life.
      I obviously dont believe either but im stating another possible. You believe in one god your screwed by many others. You believe in no gods and that may be the test you pass. You believe in a god and you may be lucky. You believe in no gods and you might be unlucky. Ill just rather not gamble at all.

    • @Cheese_market
      @Cheese_market 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AndroidHarris wow so you believe the world is a simulation you just proved that there is a God. The creator of the "simulation" lol

    • @AndroidHarris
      @AndroidHarris 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Cheese_market i dont im a nihilist i dont believe in any afterlive just pointing out why the pascals gamble is silly. I didnt prove there was a god. There is no such evidence. The world reflects a nihilistic worldview and I pursue the truth rather than adhere to false hope only because it'll make me feel better.

    • @MariusVanWoerden
      @MariusVanWoerden 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The Bible is the perfect Word of God, and is not only the world’s most widely sold but also most translated book in the world. Individual parts have been translated into 3,394 languages, and the complete Bible into 694 languages. No other book not to mention ancient books are coming even close.
      Those that read with faith have been given understanding of the word of the Lord.
      Those that want proof will get that in the after life.

  • @dr4391
    @dr4391 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    1. My husband created a straw man saying Jimmy Carter didn't believe in the deity of Jesus. I googled it, found the quote from his book, printed it out and gave to my husband. *Someone" removed that qoute from the internet. If you know it, please share w us. Carter can't be born again, because only God could pay the sin debt in our place. Only someone who allowed us to be BORN THE FIRST TIME made the ONLY way of escape from hell (First Corinthians 10:13) so that we could be BORN A SECOND TIME. Only DEITY can do that. Jimmy Carter is only about Jimmy Carter. Not a surprise he was a horrible president. He prayed to a God he made up in his own mind. James 4:2 (KJV) says, "Ye have not, because ye ask not."

  • @vegasrichsave
    @vegasrichsave 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    Thank you Ray and living waters for clear thinking. Truth wins. Alpha and Omega your word is a light shining bright. Amen

  • @Goddess764
    @Goddess764 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    You’re talking about her and not the Bible verses that she pointed out. Explain those!

  • @dannbon13
    @dannbon13 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Atheist here - At the 17:19 mark quote - "god is incapable of doing evil", "he cannot lie." If I am to accept that as fact, then I can also accept as fact Isaiah 45-7.
    He created evil.
    If he didn't create evil then the passage in his holy word is a lie.
    I'm aware they tried to cover it up by changing to calamity.
    at the 5:46 mark like your boy says, "god made me do it wouldn't hold up in a court of law" just changing a word would not hold up in a court of law for Isaiah 45-7.
    So either he created evil and the passage is true or he didn't and the passage is a lie. Contradicting both quotes.
    Have a lovely day.

    • @LivingWaters
      @LivingWaters  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Assuming you know that the Bible wasn't written in English, you would also know that when a conflict comes between what translated word(s) should be used and what translated word(s) shouldn't in a text, you go back to the original language (Hebrew).
      Strongs h7451 ra'
      Here is a list of all the English words that can be used for "ra'": bad or (as noun) evil (natural or moral):-adversity, affliction, bad, calamity, displease(-ure), distress, evil((-favouredness), man, thing), + exceedingly, × great, grief(-vous), harm, heavy, hurt(-ful), ill (favoured), + mark, mischief(-vous), misery, naught(-ty), noisome, + not please, sad(-ly), sore, sorrow, trouble, vex, wicked(-ly, -ness, one), worse(-st), wretchedness, wrong.
      But by all means, pretend there is only one option as it gives you your "gotcha Christians" moment. The trouble is, you won't be able to use word play to get out of giving an account of your life when you stand before your Creator.

    • @dannbon13
      @dannbon13 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@LivingWaters You are correct, word play. The translation could have used a bevy of different words, but in the end the word evil was chosen and used. It's not a position that I need to defend, but a fact that was pointed out of whoever was the author of that passage.
      I thought your god was perfect and doesn't make mistakes?
      When we all hear or read the word lucifer and evil in the same sentence, there is no mistake. Evil means evil, yet when your god claims to have created evil, it's all of a sudden "calamity"? Why the need for double speak? What that tells me is simply either your god is truthful and indeed create evil and the passage stands on it's own merit or a mistake was made and your god is not infallible, thus not perfect. Or I could give you my 3rd opinion, which I tend to lean towards. The bible, no matter what language it's written in, was written by those in power to control the lesser of people. To keep them in fear and the masses under control.
      As far as the account of my life, I will sit on my deathbed knowing that I did the best that I could do, been as fair as I could, kind as I could and help where I could. Knowing that I did not purposely seek out to hurt, rob or make any human, animal or other life form feel less than I would want to. I will close my eyes for the final time without regret, because I know that I am not perfect and never will be. That is my belief, I call it common sense.
      I will give you a small benefit of the doubt, I used to believe in a god years ago, maybe not as strongly as you or others. I do not now and I won't try that road again, but the small benefit I will give you is this: If and I mean if there actually is a creator and I am brought before him, I'll promise you this, I would apologize to him for the lack of belief and I would tell him that I stand by my common sense belief of everything I stated in the previous paragraph. If it wasn't good enough, I don't know what to tell you.

    • @IgonDrakeWarrior
      @IgonDrakeWarrior 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@LivingWatersvery clever of you but you might want to try to be a bit better at listening and understanding

  • @zachreed9836
    @zachreed9836 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    When I was young I used to be just like her. I used to mock God take the Lord's name in vain. That was till I had a in the counter with the Lord And in that moment not only did I know what true love really was. But despite having all the power that Jesus has. He's so humble and he's filled with love Everything good only exists because of God.

  • @eleanor_m355
    @eleanor_m355 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    No, atheist believe about the rule of a raped woman marrying the guy who did it to her is also pretty much said in Genesis. Stop cherry picking your John 3:16 and try reading the whole thing in an unbiased manner & from an atheistic perspective, you'll find real quick that the bible isn't as moral as it says it is. This video is obnoxious because not only are you cherry picking the bible by jumping to Deuteronomy when her video is mainly talking about passages in Genesis, but you're also cherry picking vidoes. I used to be a christian but i no longer am because I have deconverted,but if you wish to invalidate me and say that I was never truly a Christian then go ahead because I truly don't care, but you can't make a very good argument when you can't show concrete proof of anything and twisting everyones words/ videos into benefiting your perspective only. The bible is not concrete proof, sorry to say, that's like taking a Muslim book to try to convert someone into being a Christian, it doesn't work that way. On top of that you can't mind read and you can't watch everyone and their life so you truly have no idea if they have ever accepted Christ in their life or not and then years down the road they changed their mind. If a Muslim converts to a Christian that doesn't mean they were never a Muslim in the first place, they're an ex-Muslim, a Christian now (sorry for any of my misspellings, I kinda type fast).

  • @jdrod25
    @jdrod25 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    You just convinced me of everything she said, you present no valid argument that hasn't to do with this is what I believe. You are just another indoctrinated, indoctrinator, I am inspired to do a videos exposing your video trying to debunk her video. 👍🏻

  • @vampirehunter533
    @vampirehunter533 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Thank you Ray for going into assessment of some of what this lady has too say and attempting to answer it. Glory going to the Lord for this video here.

  • @AlanaB-om4hu
    @AlanaB-om4hu 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Because God sending himself to impregnate a woman with himself so he could be born, pray to himself and then kill himself in order to sacrifice himself to himself, so he can forgive sins he created himself, in order to save us from hell created by himself so as to save us from himself, sounds like something even himself wouldn't believe.

  • @sarahrickman6609
    @sarahrickman6609 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    Like my friend Michelle told that yrs ago someone told to say this prayer and your saved and dont let anyone tell you any different. She said I thought I was saved but didnt live the Christian life. She is very sanctified now in the Holy Spirit but back then she didnt like the things she was supposed to like or think differently and there was never any fruit of the Holy Spirit. I was the same for yrs until The Fear Of God fell upon me and I became desperate to repent and live right. It was slow for me because I got off the narrow road and into traditions of men. Ill say to anyone like the song says, I know the Lord will make a way for me, if I live a holy life, shun the wrong and do the right.

    • @faithwithsheldon
      @faithwithsheldon 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      same thing happened with me

  • @Derek_Baumgartner
    @Derek_Baumgartner 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    Micah was pretty cool at the end. Appreciated how he put it as well when shown the law after stating his judgments against God: "..that does seem a bit hypocritical, doesn't it?"
    Thanks for these vids!

  • @danielduvana
    @danielduvana 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    She is really smart! Her videos always makes you think. Go Kristi!!

    • @TomeRodrigo
      @TomeRodrigo 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Exactly! Narcissistic priests are afraid of losing their lobotomized followers. So they need to attack her and make the rotten actions of a god look good. Religious lobotomized sheep.

    • @mylesmarkson1686
      @mylesmarkson1686 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Buh-bye Trumperism. Hello Kristi-anity!

    • @AdamHedley-v2e
      @AdamHedley-v2e หลายเดือนก่อน

      atheists are generally smarter than theists

  • @freedom4life312
    @freedom4life312 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +32

    This is why we should share the Gospel will all people, including those who say they’re Christian, because we don’t know where they stand until we hear from them. Judas “knew” Jesus, yet He was not of us. May many come to Salvation before time is up.
    1 John 2:19
    “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.” 😔

  • @lostfan5054
    @lostfan5054 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Once again, Ray gets everything wrong. It is unfortunate because he seems like such a genuinely kind person, but he makes so many mistakes here, and just about any time he speaks.

  • @SkyShines
    @SkyShines 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    God is not the author of confusion!

  • @Edk3689
    @Edk3689 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +52

    I actually watched this lady’s videos and as a Believer of 40 years i see where she is coming from and she has some Merritt and her teachings are backed by bible and not just her own opinion!

    • @icypirate11
      @icypirate11 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

      Well said. The objections and criticisms she brings up is a problem for the Christian.
      In my opinion Ray did not engage the actual objections Kristi brought up.

      @ETERNALLYBELOVEDOFAMUNRA 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4


    • @Edk3689
      @Edk3689 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No these fakes never will because they actually cannot dispute what she says same as i cannot and dam i studied the Bible 40 years now and i cant believe these scripture twisters how they play there side step show as they had me even fooled 4 decades

    • @erichorne8294
      @erichorne8294 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      ​@@icypirate11yup, they hate critically thinking about there religion.

    • @lucasshill8780
      @lucasshill8780 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@erichorne8294 who's they?

  • @lindag5116
    @lindag5116 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Congrats on making the hardest decision you'll ever make! I walked away too after 40 years and cried myself to sleep. It gets easier.

  • @katfreedom9794
    @katfreedom9794 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    I love this young man at the end. He was so willing to understand, like a child.❤

    • @g-cat7927
      @g-cat7927 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      A grown man being made to feel like a child. Being made to feel small and expected to just follow religious indoctrination, unquestioned. Expected not to query because he is a child and therefore has not developed wisdom and critical thinking. All part of the manipulation of the Christian faith.

    • @JustaNaughtyBoy
      @JustaNaughtyBoy 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      As a child, folk told me Santa Claus existed I believed them. I was trusting and was unable to process critical thinking at that age. It seems some folk struggle with rational or critical/sceptical thinking even as they get older.

    • @katfreedom9794
      @katfreedom9794 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@JustaNaughtyBoy As I child I also believed in Santa Claus. Children dont need to have critical thinking at such a young age. They need to belueve in the wonder and the beauty along with teaching them about why we have Christmas. I look back on those days with joy. Now that I am an adult who raised two children, I am glad that my granddaughter believed in the wonder of Santa Claus. She is now in high school and has very good critical thinking skills and also enjoys her memories of childhood. Sge is happy and very well adjusted. She knows Jesus is her savior and Santa was a time of childhood wonder.

    • @313jacob
      @313jacob 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      " a child" Yea, children are very naive.

    • @JustaNaughtyBoy
      @JustaNaughtyBoy 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@katfreedom9794 Indeed, as I said, some folk struggle with rational or critical/sceptical thinking even as they get older. Maybe her sceptical thinking may improve with time. We are seeing many leaving religion now, it has certainly increased in the US, as they were very late to come to the conclusion that they did not have a good reason to believe that gods exist, okay most are simply presented one god, and are influence to believe in that one god, like your granddaughter. If she has the opportunity to go to a secular school/college, Her scepticism and critical thinking should kick in by the time she is about 18, and maybe then she will look back and realise her belief in Jesus was simply fuelled by others, rather than having good reasons of her own, in a similar way to how her belief in Santa was propagated.

  • @paulwheeler8913
    @paulwheeler8913 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    You literally don’t counter any of her points. You just spout blah blah random Christian blah…. Why does a psalm talk about killing babies? You don’t say because you can’t.

  • @3ggshe11s
    @3ggshe11s 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I enjoy listening to religious folks and skeptics alike on YT. Kristi is one of the skeptics I enjoy at times, but I think evangelicals need to acknowledge their role in pushing people like Kristi into their skepticism. Between the insistence on scriptural literalism -- even when it forces people to defend absurdities and atrocities -- and the horrid theology that says we're all useless worms deserving of eternal hellfire, it's little wonder that people walk away. I think you'll find that most online atheists are really just the mirror image of evangelicals, inasmuch as evangelical Christianity is what most of them are railing against. Frankly, I don't blame them. Like most of Ray's videos, this one is just a shallow caricature, employing his usual logical fallacies and circular arguments. Kristi wins this round, and it's not even close.

    • @g-cat7927
      @g-cat7927 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well said 👏

    • @skwills1629
      @skwills1629 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Stop Pretending this Gibbirish is Your Own View. Atheists are Notoriously Dishonest in Regards to what The Bible says or what Christians Believe and what You Claim The Bible Says or what Evangelicals Do is just Ridiculous Considering all the Rape, Child Abuse, Sexism, and Authoritarianism The "Skeptic" Community Really Embodies. When Lawrence Krauss defends Jeff Epstein, The Worlds Biggest Child Sex Trafficked, Not The Vatican, and it Turns Out He is Himself a Rapist, and The "Skeptic" Community still invites Him to "Reason Rally" and "Skepticon":, or when You Still Gladly Welcome Richard Carrier, or Ignore Ray Moorehead, or Pretend David Silverman was Fired Immediately to Show a Difference between Atheists and The Catholic Church even though Silverman Only got Fired after a Decade of Known Sexual Harassments Behaviours were Known because it made The News that he was being Sued, it Really does seem like Nonsense. Dawkins Dear Muslimuna letter in Response to Rebecca Watson comes to Mind as Well.
      Especially since Your "Mere lack of beleif in a god": pushes "Secular Values" which are the same as Gave us Eugenics, Fasism, Naziism,. and Communism. And The American Humanist Association Defended The Soviet Union. None of that seems to Spark Skepticism in The Skeptic Community.

    • @toydigger
      @toydigger 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      As a formal atheist myself, I and many other atheists that I've known were convinced that life had no meaning because we're nothing but stardust. One lives his life refusing accountability to people's lives he had destroyed. Another tried to commit suicide because of difficulties in life
      You cannot convince them that life has meaning or that treating people badly is wrong. Acting wrong is nothing more than a matter of opinion as long as you don't come into conflict with the law of the land. Which is not everywhere the same.
      Kristi is not a skeptic to my knowledge. I followed many of her videos and seems that she is an atheist unless I missed something.
      A skeptic is a person who is willing to change his/her mind.
      As for some things explained badly I agree, but ray isn't a theologian neither is she

    • @justice8718
      @justice8718 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@toydigger Stardust is a funny choice of word since that acknowledges the God of the Abraham as being legitimate.

    • @MrSouthernlord
      @MrSouthernlord 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@toydigger Your comment proves you were never an atheist. Pathetic attempt to somehow validate your belief which is based primarily on the indoctrination you received as a child. Don't make me laugh.

  • @JHGSP
    @JHGSP 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Sadly she never knew the Lord, every time I hear of a "Christian" who says they decided to stop being one was never one to begin with. If they truly knew the Lord no matter what they would never deny Him.

    • @inezaa
      @inezaa 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      No she was a fundie. I wish you guys would stop being dishonest and acknowledge a good portion of us truly loved Christianity before we left.

  • @B1rdTheW0rd
    @B1rdTheW0rd 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    Interesting how she came to the conclusion that “the God of the Bible isn’t loving, therefore God doesn’t exist.” Illogical conclusion. And that proves that she was never actually looking for the answers, but was looking for an excuse to live in sin without consequences.
    Great video, Ray. Praying that she watches this and that her and all other lost souls to come to Christ.

    • @skwills1629
      @skwills1629 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It is Surprisongly Common to se Atheist Say this, and Lets Face Reality, She never Read The Bible, She simply Repeated Scripted Arguments She Read on Atheist Websites and Pretends it was About Her Life and How She Personally Read The Bible and Personally Came to these Conclusions when, if You Listen to what She Says, She is Quoting from Atheist Websites. Like The Atheist Experience, or Internet Infidels, or The Centre For Inquiry.

    • @nemoscriptura
      @nemoscriptura 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Watering down much? I sorta recall her mentioning several reasons for that conclusion. And you failed to address even the one you picked

    • @skwills1629
      @skwills1629 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@nemoscriptura - Don't You Think the Watering Down Accusation is Hypocritical given the Objections to Christianity are based on Shallow, Obviously Incorrect Understandings of a Few Verses and How She Lied to Us since these Verses did Mot Lead Her to Atheism, but Rather, She Became an Atheist Via Atheist Websites ands Then Pulled These Verses and What They Mean from Them? For example, The Text in Deuteronomy 22 does not Force a Woman to Mary Her Rapist, and is Not Punishing a Woman for being Raped. Rape is not even Mentioned, and even if This were Rape, The Man is obligated, Not the Woman, Cannot Divorce Her and Must Provision Her. And Any Objection to that Based on How it would Make the Woman Feel and How She has No Choice is Not Only Speculative, But Ignores Cultural Realities. Nothing says The Oman could Not refuse, for example, and Nothing Remotely Suggests The Man is Rewarded for Rape by Getting Her as a Wife. And given the Attitudes about This Topic were Not the same as Our Modern Cultures even in The 1600's, when Thomas Middleton Wrote "The Spanish Gypsie" Which in Typical Modern Atheist Fashion You Will Dismiss as Fiction without Bothering to Address the Real Point that it Dealt with Cultural Mentality of the Time and had to be Based on Cultural Expectations or else it'd not Play Well with The Audience, and Besides, The Spanish Gypsie was in Part based on Real Cases like That. Indeed, Reading Several Surviving Court Case Documents or Historical Texts from The Earlier Eras even of European History, We see Women Demand the Man Who Dishonoured Her Marry Them to Restore their Honour rather than Act like Modern Women would about it. For Some Odd Reason You Think Cultural Differences do not Matter, and are Not a Valid Consideration, even though such Differences in Cultural Psychology May Lead to Different Psychological Responses . Instead, You Act as if All Women in All Cultures Thought and Behaves like Modern Americans, Canadians, or Europeans.
      And Am I Really Supposed to see Psalm 137; 9 as Inexcusable and about Revenge? When You Read Verse 8, the Real Meaning becomes Clear. It is Not a Revenge Fantasy, it is saying to Babylon what it did to Others Will One Day Happen to Babylon, too, and is a Sombre Warning that What One does to Others is then Done to Onesself eventually. The Inexcusable Evil of the Verse is a Product of Pretending it is God Commanding us to Kill Babies when that is Not the Point. is Not a Valid

  • @071949
    @071949 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Hi Ray, I ❤ Kristi! Thank you for doing a video about her. I hope you will respond favorably to Kristi's invitation to have a conversation w/ her. I look forward to watching it.

  • @acurisur
    @acurisur 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    So she quotes Deuteronomy 22: 28 but can't read the entire chapter to get the correct context? If she'd done that she'd understand how strong the punishment was for rape in the Old Testament, and that the two verses she's quoting aren't talking about that at all. As Ray said, it's talking about consensual sex where the two people are discovered. I find that people who say they are "ex" Christians were never really saved to begin with, as they're studying scripture in completely the wrong way, as this lady did. Cherry picking verses without understanding the context or the culture.

    • @Alfredo_chicken
      @Alfredo_chicken 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      This is definitely one of the biggest problems with any argument or contradiction I come across. They always take verses out of context or manipulate what the verses say. They are also too ignorant any time you do give them any sort of rebuttel

    • @carolinarivera3437
      @carolinarivera3437 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I even had to read it in Spanish to see if it mentions rape. Not in English nor in Spanish mentions that word, so I really don't know what Bible she's reading. From my understanding, it's about fornication. 🤔

  • @darrenwiggins9957
    @darrenwiggins9957 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    GOD does not exict. Quoting the bible
    prooves the bible exicts.

  • @synthlord6575
    @synthlord6575 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Ray, you completely deflected and avoided responding to this woman's problem with the verse about bashing babies on rocks...

    • @rosadele9715
      @rosadele9715 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It was a verse written by a grieving Israelite whose people were killed and whose babies were killed , he wanted Justice , the psalmist was grieving and wanted revenge

    • @martinsolomon5500
      @martinsolomon5500 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      But he still deflecting the question by bringing up God does not approve abortion.
      That’s in the womb. It’s an irrelevant statement to why Yahweh doesn’t intervene and speak to evil thoughts of revenge.
      Ray should of mentioned Leviticus 19:18 as a commandment from God
      Ray also strawman’s the first question where a Calvinist idea of God ELECTS those who He will save.
      By talking about a Physically dead man not having any freedom of choice and then says “UNTIL A PERSON ACCEPTS JESUS AS THEIR SAVIOR, they have no freedom of choice”
      Which is the opposite of the Old Testament and the opposite of Jesus’ message of choosing to do the right thing.
      It’s also the opposite of Ray’s message of a “Free gift of salvation if you CHOOSE to follow the Bible”
      That verse removes free will.
      He also “assumes”
      All the time that people think they are “MORALLY perfect” and not sinful if they refuse to accept Jesus as their savior.
      Ot doesn’t mean that at all.
      Muslims don’t think they are morally perfect. Atheists don’t necessarily think that. Jews don’t think that. They have Yom Kippur
      Christian’s also have Matthew 6:9
      As a daily prayer which doesn’t imply in the slightest anything about a DEATH on a CROSS or resurrection can remove our Sins. In fact that prayer (the only prayer by Jesus) indicates the opposite of John 3:16-18.
      It’s OK to query PAUL and his doctrines.
      It’s OK to point out ROMANS 9 ROMANS 11 “it’s is written that the savior will come FROM ZION to take the sins away from Israel”
      When it’s a lie. In Isaiah 59:20.
      It is ACTUALLY written “the redeemer will come TO ZION (not from) when the Israelites TURN away from their Sinful ways” NOTHING ABOUT someone TAKING THEIR SINS by dying on a cross.
      RAY should examine the NEW Testament and Jesus’ message in
      Matthew 19:16-18 “how to gain eternal life”
      Revelations 22:12 Jesus’ message again”how to gain eternal life”
      Because it clearly says the opposite of Paul Faith and grace.
      This woman is SAYING having read the Bible she hasn’t reached the truth
      It doesn’t mean that she isn’t sorry if she does wrong things.
      It doesn’t mean she is humble.
      She just not going around like Ray cherry picking verses and ignoring other problematic or contradictions in the Bible.
      She doubts it’s the word of GOD
      Romans 13:1.
      Definitely NOT the word of GOD.
      Mark 16:18. Definitely NOT the word of Jesus or any moral person in the history of the world.
      Nobody would say those things.
      Drink deadly poison in my name and NO HARM will come to you.
      Ridiculous. Total blasphemy.