This game is so good, but Hard Corps: Uprising was such a damn good follow-up! Arc System Works should make their _own_ run'n gun game so they can make a spiritual successor without Konami. They ( _and_ Wayforward, who did Contra 4) can make some badass run'n guns, and it's not like Konami's gonna do anything with Contra these days :/ SNK should ask them to make "Metal Slug: Hard Corps" :D
Definitely a challenging game for sure, but it's gameplay is big on memorization since its always the same, not random. After you've played it a ton and learn the stages it actually becomes easy.
Out of all of 'This is The Run' series so far, this one is going to give them BIG BIG problems. I could easily see this going to atleast 20 episodes. Some of the bosses are fucking hard.
As expected, dead on second level blueman boss. Thats common, as this game got literally broken for american rental market. Vinnie should try japanese version and have culture shock.
They are getting so much damn mileage out of that explosion effect. Very appropriate for this game, too.
Always happy to see the Genesis get some love.
This game is so good, but Hard Corps: Uprising was such a damn good follow-up! Arc System Works should make their _own_ run'n gun game so they can make a spiritual successor without Konami. They ( _and_ Wayforward, who did Contra 4) can make some badass run'n guns, and it's not like Konami's gonna do anything with Contra these days :/
SNK should ask them to make "Metal Slug: Hard Corps" :D
This full series is a giant bomb classic, I loved watching them fail and succeed in equal measure. Basically the opposite of a speed run.
Loved this game when I was younger. Great co-op memories.
Definitely a challenging game for sure, but it's gameplay is big on memorization since its always the same, not random. After you've played it a ton and learn the stages it actually becomes easy.
tmpardi77 except the boss that is literally just a ball because sometimes he dances and shoots fire.
I love this feature; my favorite is still their first journey into Contra, followed by Soul Calibur
This is...... MAGICall
i think.....i think i want to play contra now.......
I had forgotten this game! So awesome :)
What are you, the Air Police?
I remember being crazy about this game yet I never finished it.
Got half way through this game for the first time my Sega breaks down
Out of all of 'This is The Run' series so far, this one is going to give them BIG BIG problems. I could easily see this going to atleast 20 episodes. Some of the bosses are fucking hard.
Hungry like the wolf!
I fucking love Browny. That little shit is one of my favorite video game characters.
Epilepsy warning around 7:00 might be apt
and you know, likely the rest of the game, like all of it, just in general
As expected, dead on second level blueman boss. Thats common, as this game got literally broken for american rental market.
Vinnie should try japanese version and have culture shock.
Make Games Cool Again.
Silly No its called fun
Hmm...another Giant Bomb video with more likes than dislikes, yet no appearance of Abby....the plot thickens
Because there are jerks on YT