Vahid is like his brother Saeed don’t trust him he wouldn’t let Anita talk so he kept taking you out side be on your guard with him he does whatever he wants with you but Fatima isn’t allowed to talk to Arman outside her house
Fatima how can you sit there and let Vahid SLAP YOU ACROSS THE FACE like that WOW I Got a feeling Vahid has a very BIG TEMPER I can't believe you sit there and let him SLAP U ACROSS YOUR FACE FATIMA U should get away from that sense less man if he can slap you that hard playing around just imagine what he would do when he is mad... You & your Son deserve so much better... Have a blessed day!
Agree vahid has a big hand to slap you anytime he wants even in front of the two kids, he just do it in a pretext as a joke but fatema you should not allow him to slap you even as a joke shame on you vahid 😡
Фатима, это твой бывший муж тебе мстит. Хочет чтобы вы поругались с Вахидом и вернулись к нему. Или это тот, который приходил, дрался с Вахидом из за Фатимы.
Fátima deixe o passado para trás e viva com seu amor Vahid pois ele já te mostrou que te ama então deixe de ser criança procurando confusão e siga sua vida em frente bote para correr essas invejosas que querem te tomar Vahid e mostre que seu amor é maior.
فاطمه صيري عاقله حتى لو كان عنده علاقه هذا في الماضي والان وحيد مخلص لك وانيتا تريد تدمر حياتك انتي صيري احسن منها واطرديها وقولي لها اني اعرف كلشي ماكو داعي انت تبعثين زهور ورسائل وفشليها
Fatima needs to stop anita, she will ruin her good life. His past is in the past and it has nothing to do with you. Love your life and stop entertaining anita.
What’s bugging Fatima is that she knows he is not telling her the truth, it’s really not about his past, trust and clarity is important in a relationship without that honesty and permanent cannot abide there. In time Fatima will see his slip ups, once bitten twice shy.
Фатема, ты умная женщина и пониманшь что все мужчины имели когда-то и с тем-то связи. Если в итоге он сделал выбор в твою пользу - отсеки всё прошлое и живите счастливо💞🌹. ПУСТЬ ВАХИД САМ РАЗРУШИТ СВЯЗИ СО СВОИМ ПРОШЛЫМ РЕШИТЕЛЬНО И НАВСЕГДА.
Saludos a todos, porque vahid no le dice todo a fatima. Entre cielo y tierra no hay nada oculto, se nota que anita no a olvidado. La cara de santa no me la creo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ya me canso Fátima puro drama , , si no le cree que lo deje para siempre y ya esos eventos seguirán pasando porque alguien no te quiere con el así que no digas estupideces o sigues y aguantas o déjalo acuérdate el te iso una casa al contrario apóyence alguien que no te quiere ver con el , enfadas si el te ase reir , me encanta la forma de Vaheed de aser la reír y contentarla ,,, así que mujer aguanta hay alguien que no te quiere con el , no digas que otro evento así y te alejas ya déjate de tanto enredo Adiós,,,
Фатима, дождешься что Вахид женится на другой и приведёт в свой дом, а ты опять пойдёшь в горы. Мне тебя не жалко будет. Довыброжаешься перед Вахидом. Если что то, было с Анитой он с тобой тогда не жил.
Vahid, you were wrong! Everyone has their own past. You can't deny the past. Hiding it only makes things worse. Fatimeh won't trust you anymore when she knows the truth. Then it will be very bad. So you should tell her the truth as soon as possible.
Fatima, don't believe a word Anita says she is a Very EVIL Person she is the one who throw the grandmother & your brother out of their House & put the Deed in her name. Her only objective here is to Take Vahid Away From You!!!!!! Please Fatima don't give up on Vahid, he loves you very much.
Vahid, I agree that you are a good person. However you shouldn't hide your past. You should tell the truth to Fatimeh. She will love you more when you are honest. You didn't need to give Fatimehto definitely fire Anita. She is separating the two of you. She is very sinister. Vahid, you don't need to give flowers to Fatimeh . She needs your honesty. Hope you are wise and make the right the decision. Good luck!
Фатима , какая тебе разница что у него было до тебя, сейчас он с тобой, и любит тебя и детей . Ну договоритесь вы между собой и принимайте подарки))) деньги подарили , вам что они в хозяйстве не нужны? Нужны , значит у кого то лишние 😂
Anita has a small face shape according to her body, it’s irregular, not beautiful, Fatima has superb facial structure this is what modelling agencies look for. For us who are artists, Fatima would be perfect for sculpting her face, also for painting a portrait of her.
Seharusnya fahit itu bicara dan ceritakan saja biar jelas dan tidak ada salah faham terus biar kehidupan kedepannya enak tidak ada beban , menjalin suatu hubungan itu harus terbuka satu sama Laen jangan pernah menyimpan rahasia apapun biar hidup tenang
Fatima fii inteligenta si nu te lua dupa Anita e geloasa pe tine pentru ca Vahih te iubeste cu adevarat si ea vede lucrul asta . Te iubeste pe tine si pe copii se vede din gesturile lui, cu siguranta nu vrea sa-ti zica ca a avut o relatie cu Anita in trecut pt ca stie ca suferi. Nu vrea ca tu sa suferi inutil pt. Un lucrul din trecut.
What a lie he is I don’t understand why he can’t just tell herthe truth. What’s the big deal now you’re lying to her she’s never gonna be able to trust you when she finds out. This might be the end of the two Of you. Now, if this girl didn’t send you the gift that is somebody else you’re involved with he might’ve been cheating all this time when you find out Fatima then let him go. He will not be able to trust him like his brother.❤
Quem está mandando essas coisas para sua casa Fátima, é o irmão da Zahra Você o conhece muito bem o nome dele é Arman ele está com raiva do Vahdi porque o Vahdi não deixou ele namorar com a sobrinha dele a Fátima filha da Medina.
Fateme, first of all, did you ask whether or not Vahid had any relationship with females in the past when you told him your past about your marriage? If you hadn't asked him in the beginning, you shouldn't torture him on his past. Besides in your case, you married and divorced but in Vahid's case, he didn't marry anyone. Being married means you had a serious relationship with a guy so you had to tell him upfront. But if you hadn't asked him about his past relationship and his relationship wasn't lead to serious or nothing was there, so he might have not brought that up. If you're a wise person, you should close this issue and waste no more time and energy but focus on future things. It doesn't look good when Vahid accepts your past who married and had a child, even after your ex-spouse was coming there and caused problems. But you cannot accept his word and trusting him is not right and I'd view your behavior as that you're too controlling and very jealous of him.
Fatima Toda las personas tienen un pasado ....Mas los hombre que sienten con mucho hombria ... Ahora Vaid te Ama a ti a tu hijo a la niña que encontrastes. Deja yaa de inchar
Fatima ce te interesează trecutul lui Vaida 😮😮😮tu lupta pentru căsnicia ta sa nu o distrugă Anita😮😮Vaida spunei ca Anita a fost trecutul tău și salveazăti căsnicia cu Fatima 😮😮de ce nu va spuneți adevărul unul la altul 😮😮😮asa ai făcut Fatima cu Reza ai ascuns adevărul pana ajuns la certuri între voi😮😮acum asa faci tu Vaida cu Fatima ascunzi adevărul 😮😮😮dar ce Fatima nu a avut dreptul sa fie cu cineva inainte😮😮😮 Vaida Fatima nu lăsați pe Anita sa va strice relația voastra😢😢😢
Arsam is 2 years old, child who can't speak, express themselves by noises. To silence a child so you can hear, is beyond me, but blame in cultural differences, why not 😮😮😮😮
무슨소리 아이의 교육적 차이로 보면 각나라별 문화적 차이가 가장 크구만요 그래야 조금 이나마 이해가 됩니다 물론 아이들의 언어가 소리로 표현 하는건 맟아야 하지만 다2살 아이들이 아르셈 처럼 관섭이 심하지 않아요 또 그럴때는 엄마들의 교육이 중요하죠 나이때에 맟게 단어를 가르치기도 하고 징징 거리지 않게 잘 가르쳐야 합니다 그래도유티브 방송 이잖아요 2살 아르셈의 . 징징 거리는 소음이 방송의50프로 이상을 차지해서 구독자가 듣기가 불편 하다는데. 그기에 2살 아이들의 표현 방법이다?? 😢😢 구독자를 이해 시키는 좋은 방법은 아닌것 같아요 40:36
Анита испортила жизнь Резы и бабушки теперь добралась до Вахида почему у нее нет не стыда нет совести почему девушки бегает за женатами мущинои какая уних воспитания
Фатима хватит цену набивать анита прошлой жизни что она придумала для тебя это не имеет значение ты тоже была замужем есть ребенок Вахид не женатый мужчина любит тебя если будеш устраивает истерики потеряешь свою любовь вертихвостке Аните не привыкать лезть чужие семья и разрушать далеко не надо ходит пример твоя бабушка и даже брат так что гони чем дальше Вахид хороший молодой человек старается устроит комфорт для вашей семьи любит детей вас а что эшо надо для счастья дом строит так что смотри не потеряй 😂
Fatimə sənin keçmişindən 2 evladın var Əlbətdə Vahidin də keçmişi ola bilər Bu səndən əvvəldi səni maraqlandırmamalı FAtimə sənə olar Vahidə olmaz? Bu nə sorğudur Sən haqsızsan
Je trouve quel est dur avec yalib. Il lui a construit une maison dans ces terres à lui il lui a fourni tout se qu’elle désir mais elle le me à la porte on a u tous un passer le principal qu’ils l’aime avec son fils et elle devrait pas écouter cette jeune fille qui vient chez elle et lui remonte la tête tu vois bien qu’elle fait tout pour vous séparer alors laisse lui une chance
Esse cinegrafista só que ganhar dinheiro se depender de mim ele não ganha um centavo história ruim quem não sabe que isso é uma mentira tem um rapaz que fala sobre esses canais que é tudo mentira isso é pra ganhar dinheiro se fosse verdade vc já tinha falado pra Fátima que Anita é uma ex de vahid tem muitos canais que acabou era tanta mentira que não tinha mais inscritos seu canal também perdeu muito inscritos Eu não dou mais nenhum laik
Фатима не выпендривайся перед Вахидом .Останешься одна и негде жить .Что опять в горы
Because of anita your grandma was lost
Vahid is like his brother Saeed don’t trust him he wouldn’t let Anita talk so he kept taking you out side be on your guard with him he does whatever he wants with you but Fatima isn’t allowed to talk to Arman outside her house
Вахид был бы честным признался бы при аните о своим прошлом.он очень хитрый врун.и любое время переводить тему в другой сторону
I smell a snake.....Anita is a smart con artist, so Fatameh dont let your guard down. 😊
Fatima how can you sit there and let Vahid SLAP YOU ACROSS THE FACE like that WOW I Got a feeling Vahid has a very BIG TEMPER I can't believe you sit there and let him SLAP U ACROSS YOUR FACE
FATIMA U should get away from that sense less man if he can slap you that hard playing around just imagine what he would do when he is mad... You & your Son deserve so much better...
Have a blessed day!
Agree vahid has a big hand to slap you anytime he wants even in front of the two kids, he just do it in a pretext as a joke but fatema you should not allow him to slap you even as a joke shame on you vahid 😡
Vahid...😂 Is vry. Cunning
Фатима, это твой бывший муж тебе мстит. Хочет чтобы вы поругались с
Вахидом и вернулись к нему. Или это тот, который приходил, дрался с
Вахидом из за
Tất cả là kế hoạch của Anita, nhằm chia rẽ hai bạn
А у самой прошлого нет. Прошлое осталось в прошлом. Хватит ей караться и сказать спасибо Вахиду.
Fátima deixe o passado para trás e viva com seu amor Vahid pois ele já te mostrou que te ama então deixe de ser criança procurando confusão e siga sua vida em frente bote para correr essas invejosas que querem te tomar Vahid e mostre que seu amor é maior.
Оператор Хубен.Фатима Хонум мумкин,ки кори Шавхари Худат бошад.Вакти рафтанаш Вахида гуфт,ки ман зиндагитона хароб мекунум.Ин кори занхо несть ин кори шавхари Худатаи падари Арсам фикр кардики факат Анитаай душманать. Хатои калон кардаисодаи.❤❤❤❤
فاطمه صيري عاقله حتى لو كان عنده علاقه هذا في الماضي والان وحيد مخلص لك وانيتا تريد تدمر حياتك انتي صيري احسن منها واطرديها وقولي لها اني اعرف كلشي ماكو داعي انت تبعثين زهور ورسائل وفشليها
Fatima needs to stop anita, she will ruin her good life. His past is in the past and it has nothing to do with you. Love your life and stop entertaining anita.
What’s bugging Fatima is that she knows he is not telling her the truth, it’s really not about his past, trust and clarity is important in a relationship without that honesty and permanent cannot abide there. In time Fatima will see his slip ups, once bitten twice shy.
Какое значение имеет прошлое, самой прошлое сдовеском
That money is from Anita she took it from your grandma
Nothing real, bad movie, bad actors, bad operator.
Operator just want money from viewers.
Viewers please never never give money for these stupidities.
Фатема, ты умная женщина и пониманшь что все мужчины имели когда-то и с тем-то связи. Если в итоге он сделал выбор в твою пользу - отсеки всё прошлое и живите счастливо💞🌹. ПУСТЬ ВАХИД САМ РАЗРУШИТ СВЯЗИ СО СВОИМ ПРОШЛЫМ РЕШИТЕЛЬНО И НАВСЕГДА.
Такую трагедию разыгрывает, как будто сама девственница и без прошлого. Что было пора забыть.
Saludos a todos, porque vahid no le dice todo a fatima. Entre cielo y tierra no hay nada oculto, se nota que anita no a olvidado. La cara de santa no me la creo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Как мачеха могла продать молоко дочери, пипец.
Она всегда покупает не первый раз,
Мачеха не любит дочерей Мурада
😮😮😂😂😂😅😅vahid 😃😅🧕👸👰😛😛😤😤
Ya me canso Fátima puro drama , , si no le cree que lo deje para siempre y ya esos eventos seguirán pasando porque alguien no te quiere con el así que no digas estupideces o sigues y aguantas o déjalo acuérdate el te iso una casa al contrario apóyence alguien que no te quiere ver con el , enfadas si el te ase reir , me encanta la forma de Vaheed de aser la reír y contentarla ,,, así que mujer aguanta hay alguien que no te quiere con el , no digas que otro evento así y te alejas ya déjate de tanto enredo Adiós,,,
Fatima you were with someone else too and you have a son to prove it. Take it easy on the jealousy. Those poor children and all they must listen to.
Фатима, дождешься что Вахид женится на другой и приведёт в свой дом, а ты опять пойдёшь в горы. Мне тебя не жалко будет. Довыброжаешься перед Вахидом. Если что то, было с Анитой он с тобой тогда не жил.
Vahid, you were wrong! Everyone has their own past. You can't deny the past. Hiding it only makes things worse. Fatimeh won't trust you anymore when she knows the truth. Then it will be very bad.
So you should tell her the truth as soon as possible.
Fatima, don't believe a word Anita says she is a Very EVIL Person she is the one who throw the grandmother & your brother out of their House & put the Deed in her name. Her only objective here is to Take Vahid Away From You!!!!!! Please Fatima don't give up on Vahid, he loves you very much.
Не поняла купила молоко у отца, что ли??
Да мачеха каждый раз ей продаёт
Yes, she did. It is odd, but she buys her milk there.😂😂
Да ,Она не первый раз покупает , Мачеха продаёт молоко ,
Фатима ты не благодарная женщина,,дом Вахид построил, твою ребёнку и ещо чужим ребёнку кормит ,одевает, для тебя всё делае.А ты ,мне уже надоело ты
Она как то играет не эстественно, переигрывает я хочу чтобы он ушёл и нашёл достойную девушку, но сердцу не прикажешь
Поженитесь быстрее и никто не будет вас беспокоить.
Fatimeh vahid seni çok seviyor
Vahid, I agree that you are a good person. However you shouldn't hide your past. You should tell the truth to Fatimeh. She will love you more when you are honest. You didn't need to give Fatimehto definitely fire Anita. She is separating the two of you. She is very sinister.
Vahid, you don't need to give flowers to Fatimeh . She needs your honesty.
Hope you are wise and make the right the decision. Good luck!
Фатима , какая тебе разница что у него было до тебя, сейчас он с тобой, и любит тебя и детей . Ну договоритесь вы между собой и принимайте подарки))) деньги подарили , вам что они в хозяйстве не нужны? Нужны , значит у кого то лишние 😂
แปลกใจมากฟาติมาสวยมาก ทำไมสามีเก่าเลิกกับเธอรึ
อนิตาสวยสู้ฟาติมาไม่ได้เลย แต่เธอเด็กกว่า
Anita has a small face shape according to her body, it’s irregular, not beautiful, Fatima has superb facial structure this is what modelling agencies look for. For us who are artists, Fatima would be perfect for sculpting her face, also for painting a portrait of her.
Seharusnya fahit itu bicara dan ceritakan saja biar jelas dan tidak ada salah faham terus biar kehidupan kedepannya enak tidak ada beban , menjalin suatu hubungan itu harus terbuka satu sama Laen jangan pernah menyimpan rahasia apapun biar hidup tenang
افعى خطيره برغم منصغر سنه
Cinegrafista será que vc pode lê nossos comentários fala pra Fátima a verdade pra essa história acabar logo fala pra Fátima logo a verdade
Fatima fii inteligenta si nu te lua dupa Anita e geloasa pe tine pentru ca Vahih te iubeste cu adevarat si ea vede lucrul asta .
Te iubeste pe tine si pe copii se vede din gesturile lui, cu siguranta nu vrea sa-ti zica ca a avut o relatie cu Anita in trecut pt ca stie ca suferi. Nu vrea ca tu sa suferi inutil pt. Un lucrul din trecut.
What a lie he is I don’t understand why he can’t just tell herthe truth. What’s the big deal now you’re lying to her she’s never gonna be able to trust you when she finds out. This might be the end of the two Of you. Now, if this girl didn’t send you the gift that is somebody else you’re involved with he might’ve been cheating all this time when you find out Fatima then let him go. He will not be able to trust him like his brother.❤
Fatima! Za takie uderzenie w twarz kopa i wynocha.😮
Quem está mandando essas coisas para sua casa Fátima, é o irmão da Zahra Você o conhece muito bem o nome dele é Arman ele está com raiva do Vahdi porque o Vahdi não deixou ele namorar com a sobrinha dele a Fátima filha da Medina.
Fateme, first of all, did you ask whether or not Vahid had any relationship with females in the past when you told him your past about your marriage? If you hadn't asked him in the beginning, you shouldn't torture him on his past. Besides in your case, you married and divorced but in Vahid's case, he didn't marry anyone. Being married means you had a serious relationship with a guy so you had to tell him upfront. But if you hadn't asked him about his past relationship and his relationship wasn't lead to serious or nothing was there, so he might have not brought that up. If you're a wise person, you should close this issue and waste no more time and energy but focus on future things. It doesn't look good when Vahid accepts your past who married and had a child, even after your ex-spouse was coming there and caused problems. But you cannot accept his word and trusting him is not right and I'd view your behavior as that you're too controlling and very jealous of him.
فاطمه اتركي الماضي وعيشي حياتك انيتا حربايه دمرت اخيك وجدتك
Fatima Toda las personas tienen un pasado ....Mas los hombre que sienten con mucho hombria ...
Ahora Vaid te Ama a ti a tu hijo a la niña que encontrastes.
Deja yaa de inchar
مسرحيه لامعني لها كل هذه الاحداث بالاتفاق والا فاطمه انتي تعرفين عائله وحيد وتقدري تسألين عن انيتا وتنهي المسرحيه
Fátima tu tienes un pasado.o es que vahid no puede tenerlo también si no lo quiere déjalo y ya no fastidies tanto tu tienes secreto
Why that no catching. Police Anita the grandmother we kicked out the house
People Vahed is already married in real life😂😂😂FAKE PEOPLE. VAHID NEVER REMIVED HIS WEDDING RING FROM HIS FINGERS😂😂😂😂
Fatima ce te interesează trecutul lui Vaida 😮😮😮tu lupta pentru căsnicia ta sa nu o distrugă Anita😮😮Vaida spunei ca Anita a fost trecutul tău și salveazăti căsnicia cu Fatima 😮😮de ce nu va spuneți adevărul unul la altul 😮😮😮asa ai făcut Fatima cu Reza ai ascuns adevărul pana ajuns la certuri între voi😮😮acum asa faci tu Vaida cu Fatima ascunzi adevărul 😮😮😮dar ce Fatima nu a avut dreptul sa fie cu cineva inainte😮😮😮 Vaida Fatima nu lăsați pe Anita sa va strice relația voastra😢😢😢
아르셈 쉿!!! 너 때문에 오늘도 영상 오디오는 너무 시끄럽다 말도 안돠는 소리로 아이 아이~~~ 짗어대도 너의 엄마 파티마도 전혀 관심도 두지않는다 문화차이로 생각 하기에는 이해가 되지않네 😢😢
Arsam is 2 years old, child who can't speak, express themselves by noises. To silence a child so you can hear, is beyond me, but blame in cultural differences, why not 😮😮😮😮
무슨소리 아이의 교육적 차이로 보면 각나라별 문화적 차이가 가장 크구만요 그래야 조금 이나마 이해가 됩니다 물론 아이들의 언어가 소리로 표현 하는건 맟아야 하지만 다2살 아이들이 아르셈 처럼 관섭이 심하지 않아요 또 그럴때는 엄마들의 교육이 중요하죠 나이때에 맟게 단어를 가르치기도 하고 징징 거리지 않게 잘 가르쳐야 합니다 그래도유티브 방송 이잖아요 2살 아르셈의 . 징징 거리는 소음이 방송의50프로 이상을 차지해서 구독자가 듣기가 불편 하다는데. 그기에 2살 아이들의 표현 방법이다?? 😢😢 구독자를 이해 시키는 좋은 방법은 아닌것 같아요 40:36
Let go the past fatemeh
No se ve bien que le de en la mejilla a fatima se ve mal...aunque sea como un cariño no se ce bien que el haga esto para mi es una falta de respeto
Анита испортила жизнь Резы и бабушки теперь добралась до Вахида почему у нее нет не стыда нет совести почему девушки бегает за женатами мущинои какая уних воспитания
Фатима хватит цену набивать анита прошлой жизни что она придумала для тебя это не имеет значение ты тоже была замужем есть ребенок Вахид не женатый мужчина любит тебя если будеш устраивает истерики потеряешь свою любовь вертихвостке Аните не привыкать лезть чужие семья и разрушать далеко не надо ходит пример твоя бабушка и даже брат так что гони чем дальше Вахид хороший молодой человек старается устроит комфорт для вашей семьи любит детей вас а что эшо надо для счастья дом строит так что смотри не потеряй 😂
Мне кажется у них женщины не нормальные зная что у него есть жена лезут семью,а зачем ты пускаешь домой.
ფატიმა ძალიან კარგი გოგოა ზაჰრას შვილივით უვლის მარა ერთი მაგარი ათხლიშე იმ ძროხა ანიტას ბოროტების განსახიერებაა
Fatimə sənin keçmişindən 2 evladın var Əlbətdə Vahidin də keçmişi ola bilər Bu səndən əvvəldi səni maraqlandırmamalı FAtimə sənə olar Vahidə olmaz? Bu nə sorğudur Sən haqsızsan
Je trouve quel est dur avec yalib. Il lui a construit une maison dans ces terres à lui il lui a fourni tout se qu’elle désir mais elle le me à la porte on a u tous un passer le principal qu’ils l’aime avec son fils et elle devrait pas écouter cette jeune fille qui vient chez elle et lui remonte la tête tu vois bien qu’elle fait tout pour vous séparer alors laisse lui une chance
ვაჰიდ კარგი ბიჭიხარ მარა ფატიმეს სიმართლე უნდა უთხრა
الكل تكذبانها قريبته ليش ميعترف بيها
هذا كله من عمل انيتا
Zasto nema prevoda na Hrvatskom
Ok 👌👌👌 yes
Cosa ti interessa il suo passato?
This is all fake. Fatima you cannot act. You are always laughing. This is all to keep viewers.
Esse cinegrafista só que ganhar dinheiro se depender de mim ele não ganha um centavo história ruim quem não sabe que isso é uma mentira tem um rapaz que fala sobre esses canais que é tudo mentira isso é pra ganhar dinheiro se fosse verdade vc já tinha falado pra Fátima que Anita é uma ex de vahid tem muitos canais que acabou era tanta mentira que não tinha mais inscritos seu canal também perdeu muito inscritos Eu não dou mais nenhum laik
كذابين راجعوا الفيديوهات وكشفوا الي مسبب الفتنة
Still lying
شما خیلی دنبال حرف کوچک هستی زربل مسل دارم هرچه دیر شده زیر مشه عق نکرده