taky jsem si říkal, že na to garmin kašle a že mu tím možná ujíždí vlak. ale vše má 2 strany, jak v jednom komentáři uvádí dc rainmaker. jde o aplikace třetí stran a otevřený protokol (což se zmiňuje i ve videu, že zwift cock je uzavřený pouze pro jejich systém). "My hope here is that Garmin is basically pressuring Zwift into some form of agreement on opening up the virtual shifting protocol to 3rd party apps. Yes, one can argue Zwift “created it”, but Zwift’s success as a company is only because of the open standards that let them build atop all these trainer brands. And never mind the fact that Zwift basically hobbled pretty much every other open-standard attempt of the last 10 years in the indoor trainer space (from a protocol update standpoint, in terms of what Wahoo/Garmin/etc all proposed over the years, Zwift would ignore). So, as I said elsewhere, in a weird perverse way, Garmin may actually be saving us from ourselves on this one. A case where we all want something, but don’t really understand the longer-term implications of what we want." www.dcrainmaker.com/2024/12/zwift-virtual-shifting-compatibility-jetblack-decathlon.html
Tak toto je mega vecička 🤩. Škoda, že jazdím skôr v Rouvy 😏
V prípade že mám MTB bike a pôjdem súťaž na zwift dokáže mi tento cog nahradiť MTB za cestný bike a akoby jazdiť na cestnom ? ďakujem
Ano, ak sa bavime o prevodoch, tak to virtualne prehadzovanie ta pri MTB zachrani... /cepo
No neviem z tej ich stranky dajak vyjst ci mozem na direto X to namontovat alebo nie
Nemate s tym dakto skusenost
Skor to vyzera, ze nie. Skusim sa opytat dodavatela a ked zistim nieco, napisem. /cepo
Ze zatial nie, ale planuju dorabat SW podporu, treba sledovat, co ohlasia... /cepo
chceme aj recenziu na pedale co mas na tom pinarellu :D
Tajny prototyp, co UCI nechce povolit, lebo zlepsuju vykon o 100 wattov😜 /cepo
Uz som zacinal mat dojem ze tuto vec zamerne obchadzas. Skoda ze garmin na to kasle.
taky jsem si říkal, že na to garmin kašle a že mu tím možná ujíždí vlak. ale vše má 2 strany, jak v jednom komentáři uvádí dc rainmaker. jde o aplikace třetí stran a otevřený protokol (což se zmiňuje i ve videu, že zwift cock je uzavřený pouze pro jejich systém).
"My hope here is that Garmin is basically pressuring Zwift into some form of agreement on opening up the virtual shifting protocol to 3rd party apps. Yes, one can argue Zwift “created it”, but Zwift’s success as a company is only because of the open standards that let them build atop all these trainer brands. And never mind the fact that Zwift basically hobbled pretty much every other open-standard attempt of the last 10 years in the indoor trainer space (from a protocol update standpoint, in terms of what Wahoo/Garmin/etc all proposed over the years, Zwift would ignore). So, as I said elsewhere, in a weird perverse way, Garmin may actually be saving us from ourselves on this one. A case where we all want something, but don’t really understand the longer-term implications of what we want."