You have to bake the output of the define block component first before using insert block component (this error means that there is no block in the Rhino file named "V1" and I think this is because you didn't back the output of define block component first )
Can you post your finished script? Mine keeps giving me errors
Please feel free to let me know what does the error says to be able to help, also make sure to use Elefront 4 Not 5
this is really good
Thank a lot I really appreciate it, stay tuned for more tutorials like this
where can I get the "Exception" on the first video (Grasshoper)
it is called sunglasses, you can download it from food4Rhino, here is the link for it
1. Block 'V1' could not be found. 8:38 / 11:52 error
You have to bake the output of the define block component first before using insert block component (this error means that there is no block in the Rhino file named "V1" and I think this is because you didn't back the output of define block component first )