Green card holders can generally stay outside the United States for up to one year. However, if they stay longer than that without prior approval, they may lose their permanent resident status.
Green card just to say you are legal resident, that is no mean you are U.S citizen. If you have been here for five years I recommended you to get naturalized and become a U.S citizen
Refugees green card is different and also it’s a permanent residential green card as long as you did not commit any wrong doing, and stay out of trouble you are good. And remember citizens or green card holder the United States government still can revoke depend upon the conditions of the crime each person committed.
ទោះបីមានសញ្ជាតិហើយក៏ដោយ បើប្រព្រិត្តិខុសច្បាប់ក៏ត្រូវតែបញ្តេញចេញដែរ!
Good luck
If you have green card and work permit with no criminal your fine. I never vote for Trump.
Green card holders can generally stay outside the United States for up to one year. However, if they stay longer than that without prior approval, they may lose their permanent resident status.
Brother i have a Question my mom has green card 40 year does she have a problem but she very old
I believe she should be okay because she has a proof of her residency with her green card.
I hope for her too 🙏🙏🙏
i wouldn't worry if she has clean background. Rest assure.
You live in America that long and you don't know anything?
She has to renew her green card every 10 years, that’s what I heard.
Green card just to say you are legal resident, that is no mean you are U.S citizen. If you have been here for five years I recommended you to get naturalized and become a U.S citizen
សុំសួរលោកក្មួយត្រង់មិនបាច់កាច់កុងវែងឆ្ងាយចុះបេីខ្ញុំមកអាមេរីកជាជន refugees ឆ្នាំ 1980 ឬ1981 មិនបានចូលសញ្ជាតិតេីគេបញ្ជូនទៅស្រុកខ្មែរវិញទេ បេីយេីងពុំ បទឧក្រិដ្ឋអីផង
បើបងមិនបានធ្វើអ្វីខុសច្បាប់ គេមិនបញ្ជូនទៅស្រុកខ្មែរវិញទេ តែបើបងធ្វើខុស គេបញ្ជូនទៅវិញហើយ ព្រោះបងអត់ចូលសញ្ជាតិ ខ្ញុំមកអាមេរិកក្នុុង 80 ដូចគ្នា ខ្ញុំចូលសញ្ជាតិតាំងពីឆ្នាំ 90 ម្លេះ បងត្រូវតែចូលសញ្ជាតិ ដើម្បីជាសវាងបញ្ហា 😊
បេីលោកអ៊ុំមិនបានប្រព្រឹត្តអ្វីខុសច្បាប់ទេ គេមិនចាប់បញ្ជូនទៅវិញទេ។ ប៉ុន្តែច្បាប់ឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្ម ដូចជាលួច ឫបេីករថយន្តមានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ដល់មានអ្នកស្លាប់ គេអាចចាប់បញ្ជូនបាន។ មានម្នាក់គេចោទថាលួច ពីព្រោះគាត់យកអីវាន់ពីរទៅគឹតលុយ តែគេគិតលុយតែមួយ ។ ទៅដល់ទ្វារគេឆែកមេីលបង្កាន់ដៃ គេឃើញតែមួយ ហើយគេចោទថាគាត់លួចរបស់គេមួយ។ យកល្អ លោកអ៊ុំគួរតែចូលសញ្ជាតិទៅ។
ប្រសិនបើអ៊ុំ មានក្រដាសស្នាម សុំសិទ្ធជ្រកកោនត្រឹមត្រូវនោះគឺមិនអីទេ។ អរគុណ។
Refugees green card is different and also it’s a permanent residential green card as long as you did not commit any wrong doing, and stay out of trouble you are good. And remember citizens or green card holder the United States government still can revoke depend upon the conditions of the crime each person committed.
If you stuck in the war zone somewhere and a green card holder, guess what U.S government will help those whose are U.S citizens not green card ones
I don’t vote, fore him?
Green cards holders, can stay out side off USA, maximum fore six mounts. More than that, u are crew.
រឿង ដែលនិយាយមក នេះ វាជាច្បាប់ចាស់មកយូរហើយ។
បាទដូចគ្នា អរគុណ។