wow, your logic is mind blowing. The way you dissect the problem statement and step by step approach to make everyone understand why you took a stand on any particular approach is very constructive and logical. Keep rocking @AnkitBansal. I can't say more, that I LOVE YOUR content.
Ankit Bhai , i have created below query - select month , COUNT (case when month - prev_month = 1 then 1 end ) retention from ( select cust_id , month(order_date) month , lag(month) over (partition by cust_id order by month ) prev_month from transactions ) group by month; This query works even if there are any duplicate data in the table. OR below query is also giving same result. select month , sum (diff) from ( select cust_id , month(order_date) month , lag(month) over (partition by cust_id order by month ) prev_month , case when month - prev_month = 1 then 1 else 0 end diff from transactions ) group by month in case we need to check for distinct cust_id , then use below one - select month , count (distinct diff) from ( select cust_id , month(order_date) month , lag(month) over (partition by cust_id order by month ) prev_month , case when month - prev_month = 1 then cust_id end diff from transactions ) group by month
# Customer Retention (without JOINS) WITH cte1 AS (SELECT order_id, cust_id, order_Date, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) AS mth, DENSE_RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY cust_id ORDER BY EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) ASC) AS rnk, CASE WHEN DENSE_RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY cust_id ORDER BY EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) ASC) = 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS ret_cnt FROM transactions) SELECT mth, SUM(ret_cnt) AS total_retention_count FROM cte1 GROUP BY mth;
You are unbelievable Ankit. Thank you so much for this. Here's my solution to this - select DATENAME(MONTH, order_date), sum(rnk) from ( select *, DENSE_RANK() over(partition by cust_id order by month(order_date))-1 as rnk from transactionss) a group by DATENAME(MONTH, order_date), MONTH(order_date)
🔮An alternate SQL Query to drive customer retention count using postgreSQL. WITH cte as (SELECT * , LAG(order_date) OVER(PARTITION BY cust_id order by order_date) as prev_order_date from transactions ) SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH from order_date) as MONTHS , COUNT(prev_order_date from transactions ) ) as retented_customer_count FROM CTE GROUP BY EXTRACT(MONTH from order_date); 🔮An alternate query of customer churn count using postgreSQL WITH cte as (SELECT * , lead(order_date) OVER(PARTITION BY cust_id order by order_date) as next_order_date from transactions) SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH from order_date) as MONTHS , sum(CASE WHEN next_order_date is NULL then 1 else 0 end) as churn_customer_count FROM cte WHERE next_order_date is NULL GROUP by EXTRACT(MONTH from order_date);
my approach:- select month(order_date) as mon,count(distinct case when month(order_date)=month(min_t) then cust_id end) as new_cust, count(distinct case when month(order_date)>month(min_t) then cust_id end ) as repeat_c from ( select *,min(order_date) over(partition by cust_id) as min_t from transactions ) a group by 1
My Solution in Postgres: select extract(month from order_date) as Month, count(*) as no_of_customer, sum(case when extract(month from order_date)-extract(month from prev_order_date)=1 then 1 else 0 end ) as no_of_repeat_customers from (select *, lag(order_date,1,order_date) over(partition by cust_id) as prev_order_date from transactions) A group by extract(month from order_date)
my approach: with cte as( select *,DATEDIFF(month,lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_Date),order_date) as diff from transactions) select month(order_Date) as month,sum(case when diff = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as cnt from cte group by MONTH(order_date)
with cte as( select * , ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by cust_id order by order_date) as rn from transactions) select MONTH(order_date) as month_date, count(case when rn=2 then cust_id else null end) as last_mont_cust from cte group by MONTH(order_date)
with CTE as ( Select *, DATEDIFF(month, lag(order_date) OVER(Partition By cust_id order by order_date), order_date) as diff from transactions1) select MONTH(order_date) as month, sum(case when DIFF=1 then 1 else 0 end) as cus_count from CTE group by MONTH(order_date)
general solu by analytical method: with cte as (select *,lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as prev_order from transactions ) select month(order_date) mnth,count(prev_order) tot_cust from cte group by month(order_date)
Thanks for the amazing solution..!!! Below is my solution for the same. with cte_retained as ( select month(order_date) as mnth ,case when rank() over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)=2 then cust_id else null end as retained_custid from transactions15) select mnth,count(retained_custid) from cte_retained group by mnth;
With CTE as ( Select order_id,cust_id,order_date, LEAD(order_date)over(partition by cust_id order by cust_id) AS D from transactions) Select SUM(case when DATEDIFF(month,order_date,D)=1 then 1 end) from cte
Hi Ankit I did like this with cte as ( select * , first_value(order_date) over(partition by cust_id) as first_order_date, last_value(order_date) over(partition by cust_id) as last_order_date from transactions ), cte2 as ( select month(order_date) as months, sum(case when (order_date < first_order_date) then 1 else 0 end ) as l1, sum(case when (order_date > first_order_date) then 1 else 0 end ) as l2 from cte group by month(order_date) ) select c2.months,(c2.l1+c2.l2) as cx from cte2 c2 join cte2 c3 on c2.months = c3.months
with cte as ( select *, lag(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date) as prev_month from transactions ) select extract(month from order_date),sum(case when extract(month from order_date)-extract(month from prev_month) = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as count1 from cte group by extract(month from order_date)
Hi @Ankit , select date_part('month',order_date),sum(case when date_diff=1 then 1 else 0 end) as returned_user from (select *,((date_part('year',order_date) - date_part('year',previous_purchase))*12)+(date_part('month',order_date) - date_part('month',previous_purchase)) as date_diff from (select *,lag(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date ) as previous_purchase from transactions) as a ) as g group by date_part('month',order_date); this is another implementation
with retention_map as (Select *, count(1) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as retention_map from transactions ) select month( order_date) as month , sum( case when retention_map > 1 then 1 else 0 end) as retetion_count from retention_map group by month( order_date)
with c as( select cust_id,order_date,lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)pd from transactions ) select count(pd),month(order_date) from c where datediff(month,pd,order_date)=1 or datediff(month,pd,order_date) is null group by month(order_date)
select mm, count(case when cust_id=LG then cust_id end) from (select *, month(order_date) as mm, lag(cust_id) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) LG from transactions)t group by mm;
with cte as ( select *, date_part('YEAR', order_date) + date_part('MONTH', order_date) as order_dt from transactions ), cte1 as ( select *, order_dt - (lag(order_dt, 1, order_dt) over(partition by cust_id order by order_dt)) as repeat_ind from cte ) select order_dt, sum(repeat_ind) as repeat_cust from cte1 group by order_dt;
My Approach using Lag Function:: with cte as ( select * , lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as last_date from transactions_ab ) select datename(m , order_date) as Months, sum(case when month(order_date) - month(last_date) = 1 then 1 else 0 end ) as xyz from cte group by datename(m , order_date) order by 2
Hi Ankit, Thanks for your videos ;with cte_1 as ( select *,lag(month(order_date)) over (partition by cust_id order by month(order_date)) A from leetcode_transactions ) select month (order_date) month ,count(case when A= 1 then cust_id end ) as total_count from cte_1 group by month (order_date)
with ct as( select *, lag(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date) as next_purchase from transactions ) select month(order_date) as month, sum(case when DATEDIFF(month, next_purchase, order_date) >= 1 then 1 else 0 end) customer_retention from ct group by month(order_date)
with CTE as (select month(order_date) as month ,month(order_date)-month(coalesce(lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by cust_id), order_date)) as prev_month from transactions) select month, sum(prev_month) as retained_cust from CTE group by month
with cte as( SELECT datepart(month, order_date) as month, case when lag(cust_id) over (Partition by cust_id order by order_date) = cust_id then 1 else 0 end as retention from transactions ) SELECT month, sum(retention) as retentions from cte GROUP by month
Hi Ankit.. Thanks for the content... An approach using window functions WITH CTE AS( SELECT *,DATEPART(month,order_date)AS month_ordered,DATENAME(month,order_date) AS month_name FROM transactions), CTE_2 AS( SELECT cust_id,month_ordered,LAG(month_ordered)OVER(PARTITION BY cust_id order by month_ordered) AS prev_month FROM CTE GROUP BY cust_id,month_ordered) SELECT month_ordered,SUM(CASE WHEN (month_ordered-1)=prev_month THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS no_retained_customers FROM CTE_2 GROUP BY month_ordered
hello Ankit, just for my clarification from this video to ask you one question that let say one customer ordered december 21 and january 22 and how do we calculate by datediff month function in that case we never get 1
Hi Sir with temp1 as( select * , lag(order_date,1,order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date) as lastdate from transactions ) select month(order_date), sum(case when month(order_date)-month(lastdate)=1 then 1 else 0 end) as custtt from temp1 group by month(order_date)
with cte as ( Select * ,case when cust_id in (Select cust_id from transactions where datepart(month,t.order_date)>datepart(month,order_date) ) then 'reten_customer' else 'customer_chun' end as new from transactions as t ) Select datepart(month,order_date) as month_number,sum(case when new='reten_customer' then 1 else 0 end) as cnt from cte group by datepart(month,order_date)
Sir Your videos are top notch. The way you approach the problem is very great. When i try to start few problems i get stuck in 1st step itself ,after watching few minutes of the video im able to do it then. How to develop the skill to approach the problem sir. Give me some tips please
with cte as ( select *,month(order_date) as curr_month, month(lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)) as prev_month from transactions ) select curr_month as month, count( prev_month) as customers_retained from cte group by curr_month;
i entered multiple orders of a customer in the same month and run the below gives the same rseult select month(order_date) as months, sum(case when datediff(month,prev,order_date) >=1 then 1 else 0 end) as cnt from (select cust_id,order_date,lag(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by cust_id) as prev from transactions) x group by month(order_date)
with master as( select *,lag(order_date,1,order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date) as prv_ord from transactions_new) select month(order_date) as month_name,count(case when datediff(month,prv_ord,order_date)=1 then cust_id end) as cust_id_count from master group BY month(order_date)
Hi Ankit, this video was hard to follow as I think no of likes to views ratio shows that. My query to find % of retained customers: select month(t1.order_date), (count(case when month(t1.order_date) - month(t2.order_date) = 1 then t2.cust_id else null end) * 100 / count(distinct t1.cust_id)) as one_month_retention from transactions t1 join transactions t2 on t1.cust_id = t2.cust_id group by 1 order by 1
solution in oracle DB with cte as ( select cust_id, order_date, lag(order_date)over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) lag_date from transactions ) select to_char(order_date,'MON'), sum(case when lag_date is null then 0 else 1 end) as no_of_user_retention from cte group by to_char(order_date,'MON') ;
This is my solution using Window functions: SELECT DISTINCT Months ,SUM(rt_cust) FROM (SELECT cust_id ,order_date ,MONTH(order_date) AS Months ,CASE WHEN MONTH(order_date) - MONTH(LAG(order_date) OVER (PARTITION BY cust_id ORDER BY order_date)) = 1 AND rank() OVER(PARTITION BY cust_id ORDER BY order_date) = 2 THEN COUNT(cust_id) ELSE 0 END AS rt_cust FROM transactions GROUP BY cust_id, order_date) RT GROUP BY Months ;
select mt2.month_order_date, sum(case when mt1.cust_id = mt2.cust_id and mt1.month_order_date + interval '1 month' = mt2.month_order_date then 1 else 0 end) as repeated_cust from monthly_transactions mt1, monthly_transactions mt2 group by mt2.month_order_date
with orders as (select *,min(order_date) over(partition by cust_id) as first_order from zomato_transactions order by cust_id),final as (select *, case when order_date=first_order then 'New' when month(order_date)-month(first_order) = 1 then 'Retained' else 'Not Retained' end as customer_retention,month(order_date) as month from orders order by month) select month,count(case when customer_retention='Retained' then 1 end) as customers_retained from final group by 1;
I have solved this using row_number: with cte as ( Select *,Extract(Month from order_date) as Month, row_number() over (partition by transactions.cust_id order by Extract(Month from order_date)) as rn from transactions) Select month,flag,count(1) from ( Select *,case when rn = 1 then 'New' else 'Repeat' end as flag from cte) group by month,flag
sir please review my solution: -- monthly matrix with cte as ( select 'FEB' as month,count(a.cust_id) as retained from transactions a join transactions b on a.cust_id = b.cust_id and a.order_date < b.order_date ) select 'jan' as month,count(c.cust_id) as retained from transactions c join transactions d on c.cust_id = d.cust_id where c.order_date < '2020-02-01' and d.order_date < '2020-01-01' union all select * from cte
select month, sum(diff) from (select month(order_date) as month,cust_id ,lag(order_date,1,order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by month(order_date)) as Pervs ,case when order_date=lag(order_date,1,order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by month(order_date)) then 0 else 1 end as diff from transactions)A group by month
Ankit bhai please let me know if am right here: with cte as (select cust_id,order_date,lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as lag_date from transactions) select month(order_date),sum(case when lag_date is not null then 1 else 0 end) as no_retention_count from cte group by month(order_date)
This is my solution and I got stuck for month 1 which has "zero count" but I got help from one comment with cte as (select * , count(1) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) - rank() over(partition by cust_id order by cust_id) as repeat_customer from transactions) select month(order_date) month_number , count(case when repeat_customer = 1 then cust_id end) as num_of_repeat_cust from cte group by month(order_date);
here one doubt how the difference for month between will be calculate each month will be deducted with the repective month only right how come feb -jan will happen here?
using analytical function on oracle sql with prev_date as (select cust_id ci, order_date od,lag(order_date,1) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)prev from transactions ) select to_char(prev_date.od,'Month') Mon,count(case when prev is not null then ci else null end) tot from prev_date group by to_char(prev_date.od,'Month');
Hi Ankit Sir, my question to you is: if the same customer returns back in the month of April after Feb so the output should be 01 0 02 3 04 0 and the same customer has an entry in the month of May then the output would look like: 01 0 02 3 04 0 05 1 Is this correct? so my query is below : with cust_check as ( select cust_id , next_order_date , previous_order_date, case when previous_order_date = 0 then 0 when previous_order_date != 0 then period_diff(date_format(next_order_date, "%Y%m") , date_format(previous_order_date,"%Y%m")) end as month_diff from ( select cust_id , order_date as next_order_date , lag(order_date , 1 , 0) over(partition by cust_id order by cust_id) as previous_order_date from (select * from transactions order by cust_id , order_date) as a ) as a ) , final as ( select a.cust_id , year(a.next_order_date) as year_of_date , month(a.next_order_date) as month_of_date , a.previous_order_date , a.month_diff from cust_check as a inner join (select cust_id , count(cust_id) as c from cust_check group by cust_id having count(cust_id) > 1) as b on a.cust_id = b.cust_id and a.month_diff in (0,1) ) select year_of_date , month_of_date , sum(month_diff) as no_of_returning from final group by year_of_date , month_of_date;
@@LiveWithDebasmita hello, I've checked your question and written my own query. can you please check on your device whether the results match or not. Thanks in advance. with t1 as (select cust_id,order_date,lead(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as next_order_date, date_part('month',lead(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)) - date_part('month',order_date) as diff_between_orders from transactions) select date_part('month',next_order_date) as month, coalesce(sum(case when diff_between_orders = 1 then 1 when diff_between_orders = 0 then 0 end),0) as number_retention from t1 where diff_between_orders is not null group by 1 order by 1 asc;
Hi Ankit, Is this correct? with cte as( select q.*,lag(month) over(partition by cust_id order by month) as lagged from ( select distinct cust_id, strftime('%m', order_date) AS "Month" from transactions t )q ),retained as( select month,count(*) from cte where month-lagged=1 group by month ),no as(
select distinct strftime('%m', order_date) AS "Month",0 from transactions t where strftime('%m', order_date) not in (select distinct month from retained) ) select * from retained union select * from no
My soln using window function. Pls let me know if this can be improved. with cte as( select order_date, lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) prev_ord_dt, date_trunc('month',lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)) as prev_month, case when date_trunc('month', order_date) - interval '1 month' = date_trunc('month',lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)) then 1 else 0 end as retn from transactions) select to_char(order_date,'yyymm'), sum(retn) from cte group by to_char(order_date,'yyymm');
SELECT month(order_date) AS month_date, sum(CASE WHEN lag_date IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS customer_retention FROM (SELECT cust_id, order_date, lag(order_date) over(PARTITION BY cust_id ORDER BY order_date) AS lag_date FROM transactions)a GROUP BY month(order_date)
with cte as ( select *,month(order_date) as m, lag(month(order_date)) over (partition by cust_id order by month(order_date)) as lag_val from transactions ) select count(cust_id),m from cte where lag_val is not NULL group by m;
;with cte as ( select order_id,cust_id,MONTH(order_date)as tm,amount, month(lag(order_date)over(partition by cust_id order by month(order_date)) )as lm , case when MONTH(order_date)-month(lag(order_date)over(partition by cust_id order by month(order_date))) =1 then cust_id end as customer from transactions) select tm,count(distinct customer) from cte group by tm
select m,sum(case when order_date>j then 1 else 0 end) as c from (select month(order_date)as m,order_date,min(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as j from transactions)p group by m
Sir kindly review this solution on mysql with cte as( select *, lag(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date) as prev_month from transactions) select monthname(order_date) as month, sum(case when month(date_add(prev_month, interval 1 month)) = month(order_date) then 1 else 0 end) as total_retain from cte group by monthname(order_date);
this is my analytical solution, it works for this one but i am not sure if it works for all the cases. with cte as ( select *, month(order_date) as months, lag(month(order_date),1,month(order_date))over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as last_month -- , month(order_date)-lag(month(order_date))over(partition by cust_id) as month_diff from transactions) select months, sum(case when months - last_month =1 then 1 else 0 end) as retained from cte group by months;
with cte1 as (select cust_id,order_date,lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) lst_mnth from transactions) ,cte2 as (select substr(monthname(order_date),1,3) month,count(*) no_retended from cte1 where month(order_date)=month(lst_mnth)+1 group by month union all select substr(monthname(order_date),1,3),0 from transactions) select month,max(no_retended) no_retended from cte2 group by month order by month desc (my simple ans)
WITH t1 AS ( SELECT *, LAG(order_date) OVER (PARTITION BY cust_id ORDER BY order_date) AS previous_order_date FROM transactions ), t2 AS ( SELECT *, CASE WHEN previous_order_date IS NOT NULL AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) = EXTRACT(YEAR FROM previous_order_date) AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) = EXTRACT(MONTH FROM previous_order_date) + 1 THEN 'retained_customer' ELSE 'not_retained_customer' END AS retention FROM t1 ), t3 AS ( SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) AS month, retention FROM t2 WHERE retention = 'retained_customer' ) SELECT month, COUNT(*) AS total_retained_customer FROM t3 GROUP BY month ORDER BY month;
WITH prev AS ( SELECT *,LAG(order_date,1, order_date) OVER(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as prev_date FROM transactions ) , complete AS ( SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) as month, SUM(CASE WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) - EXTRACT(MONTH FROM prev_date) =1 then 1 else 0 end) AS retention FROM prev GROUP BY EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) ) SELECT * FROM complete
;with cte as ( select *, datediff(month,order_date,lag(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date)) as rn, datediff(month,order_date,lead(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date)) as rn2 from #transactions ) select month(order_date), sum(case when rn=-1 then 1 else 0 end) as cnt from cte where rn=-1 or rn2 =1 group by month(order_date)
WITH CTE AS ( SELECT cust_id,order_date,LAG(order_date,1) OVER( PARTITION BY Cust_id ORDER BY order_date) Previous_date FROM transactions ) SELECT count( CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MONTH,order_date,Previous_date)=-1 THEN cust_id END) AS "Retain_cust" FROM CTE WHERE Previous_date is not null
select to_char(order_date,'YYYY-Mon') as mon, sum(case when retain_cust =0 then 0 else 1 end) as retained_cust from (select order_date,order_id,cust_id, coalesce(lag(cust_id) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date),0) as retain_cust from transactions)x group by mon
*need to filter out 0 retained customers for jan* my enhanced SQL: with cte1 as( select cust_id,min(order_date) prev_mon,max(order_date) next_mon from transactions group by cust_id ),cte2 as ( select cust_id,prev_mon,next_mon,DATEDIFF(MONTH,prev_mon,next_mon) mon_diff from cte1 ) select DATEPART(month,next_mon) as month,count(cust_id) no_of_retained_customers from cte2 where mon_diff!=0 group by DATEPART(month,next_mon)
Do let me know if iam missing out on anything. with rws as ( select t.*, lag ( amount ) over ( partition by cust_id order by order_date ) prev_month_amount from transactions t ) select count (*) total_custs_in_month, count ( prev_month_amount ) num_with_trans_prev_month from rws r where order_date >= date'2020-02-01';
with cte as(select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as row_ from transactions) , cte2 AS(select *,case when lead(row_) over(partition by cust_id order by row_)-row_=1 then 1 else 0 end as ret_cust from cte) select cust_id from cte2 where ret_cust=1
please if you see my comment, then let me know if I write the below query whether it is fine or not. Yours and my output are identical. with t1 as (select cust_id,order_date,lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id) as sec_order_date from transactions) select date_part('month',order_date) as month, coalesce(count(sec_order_date),0) as no_retention from t1 group by 1;
@@ankitbansal6 with t1 as (select order_id,cust_id, date_part('month',order_date) as first_order_month, lag(date_part('month',order_date)) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date asc), date_part('month',order_date) - lag(date_part('month',order_date)) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date asc) as diff from transactions) select first_order_month, sum(case when diff = 1 then 1 when diff is null then 0 end) as no_retention from t1 group by first_order_month order by first_order_month asc
Hello Ankit, I was not sure how to get the record count 0 so i used UNION ALL as a hack. Please let me know what you think WITH retention AS ( select cust_id ,order_date ,CASE WHEN date_part('month',order_date) - date_part('month', LAG(order_date) OVER(partition by cust_id order by order_id)) = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as month_diff from transactions ) select date_part('month',order_date) AS month ,COUNT(*) AS retention_COUNT from retention where month_diff = 1 group by date_part('month',order_date) UNION ALL select date_part('month', min(order_date)),0 AS count from transactions; I just tweaked my query and I am able to filter records without using UNION ALL WITH retention AS ( select cust_id ,order_date ,CASE WHEN date_part('month',order_date) - date_part('month', LAG(order_date) OVER(partition by cust_id order by order_id)) = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as month_diff from transactions ) select date_part('month',order_date) AS month ,SUM(CASE WHEN month_diff != 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS retention_COUNT from retention group by date_part('month',order_date)
[with transactions as (select 1 as order_id, 1 as cust_id, '2020-01-15' as order_date, 150 as amount union all select 2 as order_id, 1 as cust_id, '2020-02-10' as order_date, 150 as amount union all select 3 as order_id, 1 as cust_id, '2020-03-10' as order_date, 150 as amount union all select 3 as order_id, 2 as cust_id, '2020-01-16' as order_date, 150 as amount union all select 4 as order_id, 2 as cust_id, '2020-02-25' as order_date, 150 as amount union all select 5 as order_id, 3 as cust_id, '2020-01-10' as order_date, 150 as amount union all select 6 as order_id, 3 as cust_id, '2020-02-20' as order_date, 150 as amount union all select 7 as order_id, 4 as cust_id, '2020-01-20' as order_date, 150 as amount union all select 8 as order_id, 5 as cust_id, '2020-02-20' as order_date, 150 as amount union all select 9 as order_id, 5 as cust_id, '2020-03-20' as order_date, 150 as amount), logic as (select cust_id, month(order_date) month, case when datediff(month, min(order_date) over(partition by cust_id), order_date) > 0 then 1 else 0 end as month_diff from transactions), month_wise_data as (select *, sum(month_diff) over(partition by month) as number_of_retention_cust from logic) select distinct month, number_of_retention_cust from month_wise_data];
#DAY_7 If you are using MYSQLWorkbehch WITH cte AS ( SELECT * ,ROUND(DATEDIFF( LAG(order_date,1,order_date) OVER(PARTITION BY cust_id ORDER BY order_date),order_date)/30) diff FROM transactions ) SELECT MONTH(c1.order_date) AS month_num , COUNT(DISTINCT c2.cust_id) tota_count FROM cte c1 LEFT JOIN cte c2 ON c1.cust_id = c2.cust_id AND c1.diff = -1 GROUP BY MONTH(c1.order_date)
wow, your logic is mind blowing. The way you dissect the problem statement and step by step approach to make everyone understand why you took a stand on any particular approach is very constructive and logical. Keep rocking @AnkitBansal. I can't say more, that I LOVE YOUR content.
Thank you 😊
Ankit Bhai ,
i have created below query -
select month , COUNT (case when month - prev_month = 1 then 1 end ) retention from
select cust_id , month(order_date) month , lag(month) over (partition by cust_id order by month ) prev_month from transactions
group by month;
This query works even if there are any duplicate data in the table.
OR below query is also giving same result.
select month , sum (diff) from (
select cust_id , month(order_date) month , lag(month) over (partition by cust_id order by month ) prev_month , case when month - prev_month = 1 then 1 else 0 end diff from transactions
group by month
in case we need to check for distinct cust_id , then use below one -
select month , count (distinct diff) from (
select cust_id , month(order_date) month , lag(month) over (partition by cust_id order by month ) prev_month , case when month - prev_month = 1 then cust_id end diff from transactions
group by month
# Customer Retention (without JOINS)
WITH cte1 AS
(SELECT order_id,
EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) AS mth,
FROM transactions)
SELECT mth, SUM(ret_cnt) AS total_retention_count
FROM cte1
You are unbelievable Ankit. Thank you so much for this.
Here's my solution to this -
select DATENAME(MONTH, order_date), sum(rnk) from (
select *, DENSE_RANK() over(partition by cust_id order by month(order_date))-1 as rnk
from transactionss) a
group by DATENAME(MONTH, order_date), MONTH(order_date)
🔮An alternate SQL Query to drive customer retention count using postgreSQL.
WITH cte as
(SELECT * , LAG(order_date) OVER(PARTITION BY cust_id order by order_date) as prev_order_date
from transactions )
SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH from order_date) as MONTHS ,
COUNT(prev_order_date from transactions ) ) as retented_customer_count
GROUP BY EXTRACT(MONTH from order_date);
🔮An alternate query of customer churn count using postgreSQL
WITH cte as
(SELECT * , lead(order_date) OVER(PARTITION BY cust_id order by order_date) as next_order_date
from transactions)
SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH from order_date) as MONTHS ,
sum(CASE WHEN next_order_date is NULL then 1 else 0 end) as churn_customer_count FROM cte
WHERE next_order_date is NULL
GROUP by EXTRACT(MONTH from order_date);
my approach:-
select month(order_date) as mon,count(distinct case when month(order_date)=month(min_t) then cust_id end) as new_cust,
count(distinct case when month(order_date)>month(min_t) then cust_id end ) as repeat_c
from (
select *,min(order_date) over(partition by cust_id) as min_t from transactions
) a
group by 1
My Solution in Postgres:
select extract(month from order_date) as Month, count(*) as no_of_customer,
sum(case when extract(month from order_date)-extract(month from prev_order_date)=1 then 1 else 0 end )
as no_of_repeat_customers from
(select *, lag(order_date,1,order_date) over(partition by cust_id) as prev_order_date from transactions) A
group by extract(month from order_date)
my approach:
with cte as(
select *,DATEDIFF(month,lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_Date),order_date) as diff from transactions)
select month(order_Date) as month,sum(case when diff = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as cnt from cte group by MONTH(order_date)
with cte as(
select *
, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by cust_id order by order_date) as rn
from transactions)
select MONTH(order_date) as month_date,
count(case when rn=2 then cust_id else null end) as last_mont_cust
from cte
group by MONTH(order_date)
This will not work if customer order twice in same month, second order will be treated as repeat, but ask is retention over month
with CTE as (
Select *,
DATEDIFF(month, lag(order_date) OVER(Partition By cust_id order by order_date), order_date) as diff
from transactions1)
select MONTH(order_date) as month,
sum(case when DIFF=1 then 1 else 0 end) as cus_count
from CTE
group by MONTH(order_date)
general solu by analytical method:
with cte as (select *,lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as prev_order from transactions )
select month(order_date) mnth,count(prev_order) tot_cust from cte group by month(order_date)
Thanks for the amazing solution..!!!
Below is my solution for the same.
with cte_retained as (
select month(order_date) as mnth
,case when rank() over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)=2 then cust_id else null end as retained_custid
from transactions15)
select mnth,count(retained_custid) from cte_retained group by mnth;
With CTE as (
Select order_id,cust_id,order_date, LEAD(order_date)over(partition by cust_id order by cust_id) AS D from transactions)
Select SUM(case when DATEDIFF(month,order_date,D)=1 then 1 end) from cte
Hi Ankit
I did like this
with cte as ( select * , first_value(order_date) over(partition by cust_id) as first_order_date,
last_value(order_date) over(partition by cust_id) as last_order_date
from transactions ),
cte2 as ( select month(order_date) as months, sum(case when (order_date < first_order_date) then 1 else 0 end ) as l1,
sum(case when (order_date > first_order_date) then 1 else 0 end ) as l2
from cte
group by month(order_date) )
select c2.months,(c2.l1+c2.l2) as cx from cte2 c2
join cte2 c3 on c2.months = c3.months
with cte as (
select *, lag(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date) as prev_month
from transactions
select extract(month from order_date),sum(case when extract(month from order_date)-extract(month from prev_month) = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as count1
from cte
group by extract(month from order_date)
Hi @Ankit ,
select date_part('month',order_date),sum(case when date_diff=1 then 1 else 0 end) as returned_user from (select *,((date_part('year',order_date) - date_part('year',previous_purchase))*12)+(date_part('month',order_date) - date_part('month',previous_purchase)) as date_diff from (select *,lag(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date ) as previous_purchase from transactions) as a ) as g group by date_part('month',order_date);
this is another implementation
with retention_map as (Select *,
count(1) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as retention_map
from transactions )
select month( order_date) as month , sum( case when retention_map > 1 then 1 else 0 end) as retetion_count
from retention_map
group by month( order_date)
I guess this won't work if customer ordered twice in the same month but not in the next month.
with c as(
select cust_id,order_date,lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)pd
from transactions
select count(pd),month(order_date)
from c where datediff(month,pd,order_date)=1 or datediff(month,pd,order_date) is null
group by
select mm, count(case when cust_id=LG then cust_id end) from (select *, month(order_date) as mm,
lag(cust_id) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) LG from transactions)t
group by mm;
with cte as (
select *,
date_part('YEAR', order_date) + date_part('MONTH', order_date) as order_dt
from transactions
), cte1 as (
select *,
order_dt - (lag(order_dt, 1, order_dt) over(partition by cust_id order by order_dt)) as repeat_ind
from cte
select order_dt, sum(repeat_ind) as repeat_cust
from cte1
group by order_dt;
My Approach using Lag Function::
with cte as (
select * ,
lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as last_date
from transactions_ab
select datename(m , order_date) as Months,
sum(case when month(order_date) - month(last_date) = 1 then 1 else 0 end )
as xyz from cte
group by datename(m , order_date)
order by 2
Hi Ankit,
Thanks for your videos
;with cte_1 as
select *,lag(month(order_date)) over (partition by cust_id order by month(order_date)) A from leetcode_transactions
select month (order_date) month ,count(case when A= 1 then cust_id end ) as total_count from cte_1
group by month (order_date)
wow, this is nice quick way to find answer to this problem statement, thanks for sharing this Dinesh 👏
Really nice piece of code
with ct as(
select *,
lag(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date) as next_purchase
from transactions
select month(order_date) as month,
sum(case when DATEDIFF(month, next_purchase, order_date) >= 1 then 1 else 0 end) customer_retention
from ct
group by month(order_date)
with CTE as
(select month(order_date) as month
,month(order_date)-month(coalesce(lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by cust_id), order_date)) as prev_month
from transactions)
select month, sum(prev_month) as retained_cust
from CTE
group by month
with cte as(
SELECT datepart(month, order_date) as month,
case when lag(cust_id) over (Partition by cust_id order by order_date) = cust_id then 1 else 0 end as retention
from transactions
SELECT month, sum(retention) as retentions
from cte
GROUP by month
Hi Ankit.. Thanks for the content...
An approach using window functions
SELECT *,DATEPART(month,order_date)AS month_ordered,DATENAME(month,order_date) AS month_name
FROM transactions),
SELECT cust_id,month_ordered,LAG(month_ordered)OVER(PARTITION BY cust_id order by month_ordered) AS prev_month
GROUP BY cust_id,month_ordered)
SELECT month_ordered,SUM(CASE WHEN (month_ordered-1)=prev_month THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS no_retained_customers
GROUP BY month_ordered
If a customer is placing multiple orders then this might count same customer multiple times. With a small tweak this can be fixed..
@@ankitbansal6 .. Thanks for pointing out
hello Ankit, just for my clarification from this video to ask you one question that let say one customer ordered december 21 and january 22 and how do we calculate by datediff month function in that case we never get 1
Hi Sir
with temp1 as(
select * , lag(order_date,1,order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date) as lastdate from transactions
select month(order_date), sum(case when month(order_date)-month(lastdate)=1 then 1 else 0 end) as custtt from temp1 group by month(order_date)
with cte as
Select *
,case when cust_id in (Select cust_id from transactions where datepart(month,t.order_date)>datepart(month,order_date) ) then 'reten_customer' else 'customer_chun' end as new
from transactions as t
Select datepart(month,order_date) as month_number,sum(case when new='reten_customer' then 1 else 0 end) as cnt
from cte
group by datepart(month,order_date)
Sir Your videos are top notch. The way you approach the problem is very great. When i try to start few problems i get stuck in 1st step itself ,after watching few minutes of the video im able to do it then. How to develop the skill to approach the problem sir. Give me some tips please
Just keep solving more problems
with cte as (
select *,month(order_date) as curr_month, month(lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)) as prev_month
from transactions
select curr_month as month, count( prev_month) as customers_retained from cte
group by curr_month;
i entered multiple orders of a customer in the same month and run the below gives the same rseult
select month(order_date) as months,
sum(case when datediff(month,prev,order_date) >=1 then 1 else 0 end) as cnt from
(select cust_id,order_date,lag(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by cust_id) as prev from transactions) x
group by month(order_date)
with master as(
select *,lag(order_date,1,order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date) as prv_ord from transactions_new)
select month(order_date) as month_name,count(case when datediff(month,prv_ord,order_date)=1 then cust_id end) as cust_id_count
from master
group BY
Hi Ankit, this video was hard to follow as I think no of likes to views ratio shows that.
My query to find % of retained customers:
(count(case when month(t1.order_date) - month(t2.order_date) = 1 then t2.cust_id else null end) * 100 /
count(distinct t1.cust_id)) as one_month_retention
transactions t1
transactions t2 on t1.cust_id = t2.cust_id
group by 1
order by 1
Thanks for posting 👏
solution in oracle DB
with cte as
lag(order_date)over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) lag_date
from transactions
sum(case when lag_date is null then 0 else 1 end) as no_of_user_retention
from cte
group by to_char(order_date,'MON')
This is my solution using Window functions:
(SELECT cust_id
,MONTH(order_date) AS Months
,CASE WHEN MONTH(order_date) - MONTH(LAG(order_date) OVER (PARTITION BY cust_id ORDER BY order_date)) = 1
AND rank() OVER(PARTITION BY cust_id ORDER BY order_date) = 2 THEN COUNT(cust_id) ELSE 0 END AS rt_cust
FROM transactions
GROUP BY cust_id, order_date) RT
select mt2.month_order_date,
sum(case when mt1.cust_id = mt2.cust_id and mt1.month_order_date + interval '1 month' = mt2.month_order_date then 1 else 0 end) as repeated_cust
monthly_transactions mt1,
monthly_transactions mt2
group by mt2.month_order_date
with orders as (select *,min(order_date) over(partition by cust_id) as first_order from zomato_transactions order by cust_id),final as
(select *, case when order_date=first_order then 'New' when month(order_date)-month(first_order) = 1
then 'Retained' else 'Not Retained' end as customer_retention,month(order_date) as month from orders order by month)
select month,count(case when customer_retention='Retained' then 1 end) as customers_retained from final group by 1;
I have solved this using row_number: with cte as (
Select *,Extract(Month from order_date) as Month,
row_number() over (partition by transactions.cust_id order by Extract(Month from order_date)) as rn
from transactions)
Select month,flag,count(1) from (
Select *,case when rn = 1 then 'New' else 'Repeat' end as flag
from cte)
group by month,flag
sir please review my solution:
-- monthly matrix
with cte as
select 'FEB' as month,count(a.cust_id) as retained from transactions a
join transactions b
on a.cust_id = b.cust_id and a.order_date < b.order_date
select 'jan' as month,count(c.cust_id) as retained from transactions c
join transactions d
on c.cust_id = d.cust_id
where c.order_date < '2020-02-01'
and d.order_date < '2020-01-01'
union all
select * from cte
select month, sum(diff) from
(select month(order_date) as month,cust_id
,lag(order_date,1,order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by month(order_date)) as Pervs
,case when order_date=lag(order_date,1,order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by month(order_date)) then 0 else 1 end as diff
from transactions)A
group by month
What if we have to calculate MOM for next 5-6 months
Ankit bhai please let me know if am right here:
with cte as (select cust_id,order_date,lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as lag_date
from transactions)
select month(order_date),sum(case when lag_date is not null then 1 else 0 end) as no_retention_count
from cte group by month(order_date)
This is my solution and I got stuck for month 1 which has "zero count" but I got help from one comment
with cte as
, count(1) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) - rank() over(partition by cust_id order by cust_id) as repeat_customer
from transactions)
month(order_date) month_number
, count(case when repeat_customer = 1 then cust_id end) as num_of_repeat_cust
from cte
group by month(order_date);
Hi Ankit,
Just a suggestion, Please also make videos for the same questions by solving using pandas.
here one doubt how the difference for month between will be calculate each month will be deducted with the repective month only right how come feb -jan will happen here?
using analytical function on oracle sql
with prev_date as (select cust_id ci, order_date od,lag(order_date,1) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)prev from transactions )
select to_char(prev_date.od,'Month') Mon,count(case when prev is not null then ci else null end) tot from prev_date
group by to_char(prev_date.od,'Month');
Customer can place multiple orders in same month.
Hi Ankit Sir,
my question to you is: if the same customer returns back in the month of April after Feb so the output should be
01 0
02 3
04 0
and the same customer has an entry in the month of May then the output would look like:
01 0
02 3
04 0
05 1
Is this correct?
so my query is below :
with cust_check as (
select cust_id , next_order_date , previous_order_date, case when previous_order_date = 0 then 0
when previous_order_date != 0 then period_diff(date_format(next_order_date, "%Y%m") , date_format(previous_order_date,"%Y%m"))
end as month_diff from
select cust_id , order_date as next_order_date , lag(order_date , 1 , 0)
over(partition by cust_id order by cust_id) as previous_order_date from
(select * from transactions order by cust_id , order_date) as a
) as a
) ,
final as (
select a.cust_id , year(a.next_order_date) as year_of_date , month(a.next_order_date) as month_of_date ,
a.previous_order_date , a.month_diff
from cust_check as a inner join
(select cust_id , count(cust_id) as c from cust_check group by cust_id having count(cust_id) > 1) as b
on a.cust_id = b.cust_id and a.month_diff in (0,1)
select year_of_date , month_of_date , sum(month_diff) as no_of_returning from final
group by year_of_date , month_of_date;
You are right. Thanks for posting 👏
@@ankitbansal6 Sir, does this query look good to you?
@@LiveWithDebasmita hello, I've checked your question and written my own query. can you please check on your device whether the results match or not. Thanks in advance.
with t1 as
(select cust_id,order_date,lead(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as next_order_date,
date_part('month',lead(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)) - date_part('month',order_date) as diff_between_orders
from transactions)
select date_part('month',next_order_date) as month,
coalesce(sum(case when diff_between_orders = 1 then 1
when diff_between_orders = 0 then 0 end),0) as number_retention
from t1
where diff_between_orders is not null
group by 1
order by 1 asc;
Hi Ankit, Is this correct?
with cte as(
select q.*,lag(month) over(partition by cust_id order by month) as lagged from
select distinct cust_id,
strftime('%m', order_date) AS "Month"
from transactions t
),retained as(
select month,count(*) from cte where month-lagged=1
group by month
),no as(
select distinct strftime('%m', order_date) AS "Month",0 from
transactions t
where strftime('%m', order_date) not in (select distinct month from retained)
select * from retained
select * from no
My soln using window function. Pls let me know if this can be improved.
with cte as(
select order_date,
lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) prev_ord_dt,
date_trunc('month',lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)) as prev_month,
case when date_trunc('month', order_date) - interval '1 month' = date_trunc('month',lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date)) then 1 else 0 end as retn
from transactions)
select to_char(order_date,'yyymm'),
from cte
group by to_char(order_date,'yyymm');
Thanks for posting
SELECT month(order_date) AS month_date,
WHEN lag_date IS NULL THEN 0
END) AS customer_retention
(SELECT cust_id,
lag(order_date) over(PARTITION BY cust_id
ORDER BY order_date) AS lag_date
FROM transactions)a
GROUP BY month(order_date)
with cte as (
select *,month(order_date) as m, lag(month(order_date)) over (partition by cust_id order by month(order_date)) as lag_val from transactions
select count(cust_id),m from cte where lag_val is not NULL group by m;
;with cte as (
select order_id,cust_id,MONTH(order_date)as tm,amount,
month(lag(order_date)over(partition by cust_id order by month(order_date)) )as lm ,
case when MONTH(order_date)-month(lag(order_date)over(partition by cust_id order by month(order_date))) =1 then cust_id end as customer
from transactions)
select tm,count(distinct customer) from cte
group by tm
select m,sum(case when order_date>j then 1 else 0 end) as c
(select month(order_date)as m,order_date,min(order_date)
over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as j
from transactions)p
group by m
Sir kindly review this solution on mysql
with cte as(
select *, lag(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date) as prev_month from transactions)
select monthname(order_date) as month,
sum(case when month(date_add(prev_month, interval 1 month)) = month(order_date) then 1 else 0 end) as total_retain
from cte
group by monthname(order_date);
this is my analytical solution, it works for this one but i am not sure if it works for all the cases.
with cte as (
select *, month(order_date) as months, lag(month(order_date),1,month(order_date))over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as last_month
-- , month(order_date)-lag(month(order_date))over(partition by cust_id) as month_diff
from transactions)
select months, sum(case when months - last_month =1 then 1 else 0 end) as retained
from cte
group by months;
with cte1 as
(select cust_id,order_date,lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) lst_mnth
from transactions)
,cte2 as
(select substr(monthname(order_date),1,3) month,count(*) no_retended from cte1 where
month(order_date)=month(lst_mnth)+1 group by month
union all
select substr(monthname(order_date),1,3),0 from transactions)
select month,max(no_retended) no_retended from cte2 group by month
order by month desc
(my simple ans)
Oracle Solution :
WITH t1 AS (
LAG(order_date) OVER (PARTITION BY cust_id ORDER BY order_date) AS previous_order_date
t2 AS (
WHEN previous_order_date IS NOT NULL
AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) = EXTRACT(YEAR FROM previous_order_date)
AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) = EXTRACT(MONTH FROM previous_order_date) + 1
THEN 'retained_customer'
ELSE 'not_retained_customer'
END AS retention
t3 AS (
EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) AS month,
retention = 'retained_customer'
COUNT(*) AS total_retained_customer
Will it work for unbounded retention also?
How do I get the summary of the data along with this result
prev AS
SELECT *,LAG(order_date,1, order_date) OVER(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as prev_date FROM transactions
complete AS
SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) as month, SUM(CASE WHEN EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) - EXTRACT(MONTH FROM prev_date) =1 then 1 else 0 end) AS retention FROM prev
SELECT * FROM complete
Hi,how to extract month from datediff in MySQL?
Check this out
Awesome Video.
;with cte as (
select *,
datediff(month,order_date,lag(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date))
as rn,
datediff(month,order_date,lead(order_date) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date))
as rn2 from #transactions )
select month(order_date),
sum(case when rn=-1 then 1 else 0 end) as cnt
from cte
where rn=-1 or rn2 =1
group by month(order_date)
SELECT cust_id,order_date,LAG(order_date,1) OVER( PARTITION BY Cust_id ORDER BY order_date) Previous_date FROM transactions
SELECT count( CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MONTH,order_date,Previous_date)=-1 THEN cust_id END) AS "Retain_cust" FROM CTE
WHERE Previous_date is not null
MY SQL Solution:
a left join b and b right join a : same output or not.....need some clarification on this question
Absolutely same. You can always switch between left and right join by switching tables
select to_char(order_date,'YYYY-Mon') as mon,
sum(case when retain_cust =0 then 0 else 1 end) as retained_cust
(select order_date,order_id,cust_id,
coalesce(lag(cust_id) over(partition by cust_id order by order_date),0) as retain_cust
from transactions)x
group by mon
You need to check if customer ordered last month as well. There can be multiple orders in current month
Can you suggest any platform or website practice leet code problems.
On leetcode itself you can practice.
Hi Ankit Sir
Can you also upload a document containing the problems and solutions to all your videos?
Hi Divansh, It's a good suggestion. I will plan the same in near future.
Productive video..
*need to filter out 0 retained customers for jan*
my enhanced SQL:
with cte1 as(
select cust_id,min(order_date) prev_mon,max(order_date) next_mon from transactions group by cust_id
),cte2 as (
select cust_id,prev_mon,next_mon,DATEDIFF(MONTH,prev_mon,next_mon) mon_diff from cte1
select DATEPART(month,next_mon) as month,count(cust_id) no_of_retained_customers from cte2 where mon_diff!=0
group by DATEPART(month,next_mon)
FROM transactions
Your videos are very good and addicted . I become a big fan of yours video . Can you please post video for python as well .
Thank you 😊. In Python what are you looking for ? Basics or pandas numpy ?
@@ankitbansal6 pandas numpy
@@ganeshkumar1424 ok will plan
Do let me know if iam missing out on anything.
with rws as (
select t.*,
lag ( amount ) over (
partition by cust_id
order by order_date
) prev_month_amount
from transactions t
select count (*) total_custs_in_month,
count ( prev_month_amount ) num_with_trans_prev_month
from rws r
where order_date >= date'2020-02-01';
Customer can have multiple orders in same month. We need to make sure orders were placed in this and last month both
thanks for the video
with cte as(select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by cust_id order by order_date) as row_
from transactions)
, cte2 AS(select *,case when lead(row_) over(partition by cust_id order by row_)-row_=1 then 1 else 0 end as ret_cust from cte)
select cust_id from cte2
where ret_cust=1
please if you see my comment, then let me know if I write the below query whether it is fine or not. Yours and my output are identical.
with t1 as
(select cust_id,order_date,lag(order_date) over(partition by cust_id) as sec_order_date from transactions)
select date_part('month',order_date) as month, coalesce(count(sec_order_date),0) as no_retention from t1 group by 1;
If the customer is coming multiple times in a month then there will an issue
with t1 as
(select order_id,cust_id, date_part('month',order_date) as first_order_month,
lag(date_part('month',order_date)) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date asc),
date_part('month',order_date) - lag(date_part('month',order_date)) over (partition by cust_id order by order_date asc) as diff
from transactions)
select first_order_month,
sum(case when diff = 1 then 1
when diff is null then 0 end) as no_retention
from t1
group by first_order_month
order by first_order_month asc
Hello Ankit,
I was not sure how to get the record count 0 so i used UNION ALL as a hack. Please let me know what you think
WITH retention AS (
WHEN date_part('month',order_date) - date_part('month', LAG(order_date) OVER(partition by cust_id order by order_id)) = 1
THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as month_diff
date_part('month',order_date) AS month
,COUNT(*) AS retention_COUNT
from retention where month_diff = 1
group by date_part('month',order_date)
select date_part('month', min(order_date)),0 AS count from transactions;
I just tweaked my query and I am able to filter records without using UNION ALL
WITH retention AS (
WHEN date_part('month',order_date) - date_part('month', LAG(order_date) OVER(partition by cust_id order by order_id)) = 1
THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as month_diff
date_part('month',order_date) AS month
,SUM(CASE WHEN month_diff != 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS retention_COUNT
group by date_part('month',order_date)
[with transactions as (select 1 as order_id,
1 as cust_id,
'2020-01-15' as order_date,
150 as amount
union all
select 2 as order_id,
1 as cust_id,
'2020-02-10' as order_date,
150 as amount
union all
select 3 as order_id,
1 as cust_id,
'2020-03-10' as order_date,
150 as amount
union all
select 3 as order_id,
2 as cust_id,
'2020-01-16' as order_date,
150 as amount
union all
select 4 as order_id,
2 as cust_id,
'2020-02-25' as order_date,
150 as amount
union all
select 5 as order_id,
3 as cust_id,
'2020-01-10' as order_date,
150 as amount
union all
select 6 as order_id,
3 as cust_id,
'2020-02-20' as order_date,
150 as amount
union all
select 7 as order_id,
4 as cust_id,
'2020-01-20' as order_date,
150 as amount
union all
select 8 as order_id,
5 as cust_id,
'2020-02-20' as order_date,
150 as amount
union all
select 9 as order_id,
5 as cust_id,
'2020-03-20' as order_date,
150 as amount),
logic as (select cust_id,
month(order_date) month,
case when datediff(month, min(order_date) over(partition by cust_id), order_date) > 0 then 1
else 0
end as month_diff
from transactions),
month_wise_data as (select *,
sum(month_diff) over(partition by month) as number_of_retention_cust
from logic)
select distinct month,
from month_wise_data];
If you are using MYSQLWorkbehch
WITH cte AS (
,ROUND(DATEDIFF( LAG(order_date,1,order_date) OVER(PARTITION BY cust_id ORDER BY order_date),order_date)/30) diff
FROM transactions
MONTH(c1.order_date) AS month_num , COUNT(DISTINCT c2.cust_id) tota_count
FROM cte c1
LEFT JOIN cte c2 ON c1.cust_id = c2.cust_id AND c1.diff = -1
GROUP BY MONTH(c1.order_date)