Francis Chan on Luke 14

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024
  • A Clip from the National Youth Workers Convention, Pittsburgh, PA, Fall 2008

ความคิดเห็น • 57

  • @friarrodneyburnap4336
    @friarrodneyburnap4336 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    To become a Friar, you have to forsake all, you can't hang on to some of the World, you have to forsake all of it. . . Whosoever Luke14:33 KJV

  • @TheHeartAttackDon
    @TheHeartAttackDon 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Most people I know give up everything drop of a hat for a crack rock & bottle of Jack Daniels.. 😂😂😂

  • @RollforGlory
    @RollforGlory 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    All this means folks is that Jesus comes first, and everything else comes second.

    • @stevetucker5851
      @stevetucker5851 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Cy Haskett Except that’s not what it says. It says to hate your family. And then 1 John 3:15 directly contradicts that by saying that anyone who hates his brother is a murderer and does not have eternal life abiding in him.

    • @kingofwii
      @kingofwii 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@stevetucker5851 he is using a hyperbole in this context. he does that in many other places to get people to understand the severity of the situation and the mindset you gotta have. Old testament was about rules, do this, do that, new testament is about the heart, what you gotta think, feel and want before you do or say anything

  • @friarrodneyburnap4336
    @friarrodneyburnap4336 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Matthew 6:25-33... Matthew 6:33... 1Timothy 6:6-7
    Often when we confront people with the fact that they are serving mammon, they reply, “We have to pay the bills.” That’s when we see what it means not to take thought, or ask, “What shall we eat?” If working a job to pay the bills in living by faith, then all the world is living by faith - that’s exactly how the“nations of the world” (Luke 12:29-31) get their needs met. They serve mammon. They work their jobs, get their pay, and buy their needs “For after all these things do the Gentiles seek.” (Matt. 6:31-32). If an unbeliever works for a bank, isn’t he serving mammon? If he isn’t, then what does the phrase “serving Mammon” mean? And if he is serving mammon, then isn’t his co-worker who professes to be a Christian serving mammon as well?
    Another statement that is often made concerns passages in the New Testament that refer to believing masters and servants (e.g., Eph. 6:5-9.) Some say that this applies to an employer-employee relationship. Upon reading it, however, we find it is speaking about masters and servants, not business associates. We know the will of Elohiym was that the servants should be made free, for Paul himself wrote that if a servant was able to obtain freedom, then he should do so (1Cor. 7:21.) Indeed, he emphasized this point by saying, “Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.” (1 Cor. 7:23) Evidently at that time some circumstances were such that it was not always possible for a servant to be made free; but such is of course not the case now. Obtaining freedom from an employer is accomplished simply by quitting. In fact, some take the liberty to do this as soon as they find a higher paying job.
    Matt. 11:28-30 - There is a rest available for those who are weary of laboring for the meat that perishes. Let us get away from being yoked together with unbelievers (2 Cor. 6:14-18), and take His yoke upon us - do His work. Very few who profess to know Yeshua are willing to take His yoke upon them. They have no interest in submitting to Adonai, nor to those who have the rule over us (“Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” Heb. 13:17) They do, however, obey diligently the voice of their employers; and this is neither out of love nor respect for them, but to receive the paycheck (money). “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” (1 Tim. 6:10) Multitudes every day are submitting themselves, compromising their convictions and bowing down (in a sense) to cater to the whims of their bosses and patrons.
    By obeying Yeshua’s Word and taking His yoke upon us, we receive a blessed rest for our souls. Working for this anti-Christ society is not a blessing; it’s actually a judgment:
    Habakkuk 2:13- Note this is “of Yahveh”; it’s a judgment sent from Him. What could be more vain than laboring for the meat which perishes to keep living in order to continue laboring for the meat which perishes? So many people are spending their lives in an effort to keep their lives going. But the promise to those who seek first His kingdom and righteousness is that what they need will be added unto them - not lots of riches, but enough food and raiment to get by so we can keep on seeking Him first.
    Ecclesiastes 2:26 - Elohiym gives this judgment to sinners. If they reject His yoke, they get this one: hard labor. A thirty year mortgage, for example is basically a sentence.
    Be it noted that in the days before the flood the world was making provisions for the flesh while Noah was preaching and working out his salvation. (2 Pet 2:5; see also Luke 17:26-29: “...they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded.”) Many do not choose to do Elohiym’s work because they are system-addicts. The system is their god, and thus it would be unthinkable for them to look to anyone but the system for their needs. Man cannot always help us, however. Consider all the money that has been appropriated for AIDS: how many people do you know that have been healed by that means? Consider as well the flood of ‘93: all the Corps. Of engineers and money sent from Washington couldn’t stop it. This has long been a device of man: throw money at problems as a solution.
    The Scriptures make it known to us that conforming and being unwilling to stand out and stand up is a manifestation of not having the Spirit (see Acts 1:8). The exhortation to Christians is not to seek to be a friend of the world (James 4:4). Rather, the means by which we are able to be called Elohiym’s peculiar people is by obtaining the grace to be zealous of good works, unspotted by their ways (see Titus 2:11-14 and James 1:27).
    We can testify of the truth of His promises. We hold no jobs, own what we can carry, and make with our own hands what we need (or trade for it, or find it, etc.) We have no permanent address, solicit no funds, take zero government money, and have no one supporting us by working for the world. Yet we always have what we need; Elohiym provides for us in all sorts of ways plus heals all our sicknesses.
    Let us remember that the Scripture warns about serving the creature more than the Creator (Romans 1:25.) Many are worshiping the god of self, catering to the lusts of their flesh. Brother John wrote that we should keep ourselves from idols (1John 5:21.) Yeshua asked, “Lovest thou Me more than these?” (John 21:15) This is the key. A greater love for Adonai would surely help many to start to serve Him, rather than just honoring Him with their lips. There is need of the fire of the Holy Ghost in the lives of many, that they might be His witnesses (see Acts 1:8: “And ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me....”) Fire has a nature of releasing energy. Of course this energy from the Spirit is to be for His service, not for us to serve ourselves and prosper in our will.
    It is obvious that society, or the world as the Scriptures call it, is in a very horrible state. Some are aware of this, and yet are not willing to take a stand against it as Yeshua did and taught. They just float downstream compromising with the system in order to get by. The Scriptures call us out of all that, exhorting us to be separate from sin and have no part in it: “Come out of her, My people.” (Rev. 18:4) Those who are willing to go out of the camp, bearing His reproach (Heb. 13:13) will find that there’s really not much else worth doing besides His work.
    "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall
    Make you free.” - John 8:32, Yeshua (Jesus)

  • @friarrodneyburnap4336
    @friarrodneyburnap4336 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Often when we confront people with the fact that they are serving mammon, they reply, “We have to pay the bills.” That’s when we see what it means not to take thought, or ask, “What shall we eat? working a job to pay the bills is living by” If faith, then all the world is living by faith - that’s exactly how the“nations of the world” (Luke 12:29-31) get their needs met. They serve mammon. They work their jobs, get their pay, and buy their needs “For after all these things do the Gentiles seek.” (Matt. 6:31-32). If an unbeliever works for a bank, isn’t he serving mammon? If he isn’t, then what does the phrase “serving Mammon” mean? And if he is serving mammon, then isn’t his co-worker who professes to be a Christian serving mammon as well?
    Another statement that is often made concerns passages in the New Testament that refer to believing masters and servants (e.g., Eph. 6:5-9.) Some say that this applies to an employer-employee relationship. Upon reading it, however, we find it is speaking about masters and servants, not business associates. We know the will of Elohiym was that the servants should be made free, for Paul himself wrote that if a servant was able to obtain freedom, then he should do so (1Cor. 7:21.) Indeed, he emphasized this point by saying, “Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.” (1 Cor. 7:23) Evidently at that time some circumstances were such that it was not always possible for a servant to be made free; but such is of course not the case now. Obtaining freedom from an employer is accomplished simply by quitting. In fact, some take the liberty to do this as soon as they find a higher paying job.
    Matt. 11:28-30 - There is a rest available for those who are weary of laboring for the meat that perishes. Let us get away from being yoked together with unbelievers (2 Cor. 6:14-18), and take His yoke upon us - do His work. Very few who profess to know Yeshua are willing to take His yoke upon them. They have no interest in submitting to Adonai, nor to those who have the rule over us (“Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” Heb. 13:17) They do, however, obey diligently the voice of their employers; and this is neither out of love nor respect for them, but to receive the paycheck (money). “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” (1 Tim. 6:10) Multitudes every day are submitting themselves, compromising their convictions and bowing down (in a sense) to cater to the whims of their bosses and patrons.
    By obeying Yeshua’s Word and taking His yoke upon us, we receive a blessed rest for our souls. Working for this anti-Christ society is not a blessing; it’s actually a judgment:
    Habakkuk 2:13- Note this is “of Yahveh”; it’s a judgment sent from Him. What could be more vain than laboring for the meat which perishes to keep living in order to continue laboring for the meat which perishes? So many people are spending their lives in an effort to keep their lives going. But the promise to those who seek first His kingdom and righteousness is that what they need will be added unto them - not lots of riches, but enough food and raiment to get by so we can keep on seeking Him first.
    Ecclesiastes 2:26 - Elohiym gives this judgment to sinners. If they reject His yoke, they get this one: hard labor. A thirty year mortgage, for example is basically a sentence.
    Be it noted that in the days before the flood the world was making provisions for the flesh while Noah was preaching and working out his salvation. (2 Pet 2:5; see also Luke 17:26-29: “...they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded.”) Many do not choose to do Elohiym’s work because they are system-addicts. The system is their god, and thus it would be unthinkable for them to look to anyone but the system for their needs. Man cannot always help us, however. Consider all the money that has been appropriated for AIDS: how many people do you know that have been healed by that means? Consider as well the flood of ‘93: all the Corps. Of engineers and money sent from Washington couldn’t stop it. This has long been a device of man: throw money at problems as a solution.
    The Scriptures make it known to us that conforming and being unwilling to stand out and stand up is a manifestation of not having the Spirit (see Acts 1:8). The exhortation to Christians is not to seek to be a friend of the world (James 4:4). Rather, the means by which we are able to be called Elohiym’s peculiar people is by obtaining the grace to be zealous of good works, unspotted by their ways (see Titus 2:11-14 and James 1:27).
    We can testify of the truth of His promises. We hold no jobs, own what we can carry, and make with our own hands what we need (or trade for it, or find it, etc.) We have no permanent address, solicit no funds, take zero government money, and have no one supporting us by working for the world. Yet we always have what we need; Elohiym provides for us in all sorts of ways plus heals all our sicknesses.
    Let us remember that the Scripture warns about serving the creature more than the Creator (Romans 1:25.) Many are worshiping the god of self, catering to the lusts of their flesh. Brother John wrote that we should keep ourselves from idols (1John 5:21.) Yeshua asked, “Lovest thou Me more than these?” (John 21:15) This is the key. A greater love for Adonai would surely help many to start to serve Him, rather than just honoring Him with their lips. There is need of the fire of the Holy Ghost in the lives of many, that they might be His witnesses (see Acts 1:8: “And ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me....”) Fire has a nature of releasing energy. Of course this energy from the Spirit is to be for His service, not for us to serve ourselves and prosper in our will.
    It is obvious that society, or the world as the Scriptures call it, is in a very horrible state. Some are aware of this, and yet are not willing to take a stand against it as Yeshua did and taught. They just float downstream compromising with the system in order to get by. The Scriptures call us out of all that, exhorting us to be separate from sin and have no part in it: “Come out of her, My people.” (Rev. 18:4) Those who are willing to go out of the camp, bearing His reproach (Heb. 13:13) will find that there’s really not much else worth doing besides His work.

    • @canonrebel626
      @canonrebel626 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thank you for this reply! I would love to learn more about living by faith in this way. I have recently been convicted that I need to forsake all to follow Christ.

    • @joet8218
      @joet8218 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      In Ephesians 4:28 Paul tells people to work so they can help the needy. Having a job definitely isn't satanic

      @MISNEGRASLINDAS 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree no disciple of Jesus works for money, I really love your comment but this is more clear and direct....
      Jesus is God so anyone who wants to be his disciple have to obey whatever he says no matter what it is!

  • @chipanderson8411
    @chipanderson8411 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    How do I leave my family? How did you leave yours without the obvious suffering? I am so weak yet.

    • @Hi-bg5lp
      @Hi-bg5lp 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Chip Anderson I know that all so called Christians are called to this way of life and honestly I have been suffering too with my family but simply put once you obey this teaching your building the foundation.

    • @Grzmnky
      @Grzmnky 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Chip Anderson There are some real Christians left my dear friend. If you wish to find some please contact me, we are not many but there are a few of us left.

    • @canonrebel626
      @canonrebel626 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Luke 14:33 I am also a 14:33 Christian. Just now opening my eyes. Are you in the USA? My husband and I are looking for others who believe this way.

    • @MichaelJones-fv8cd
      @MichaelJones-fv8cd 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Love more not fear less.

    • @Grzmnky
      @Grzmnky 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@canonrebel626 hey, I hope this message finds you well. I just came across it, we are in the US, in Arkansas. How about you?

  • @davekoffee2034
    @davekoffee2034 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    What’s up with the background. Is it a green screen? Everyone is looking the other way 😂

    • @yubrajzone1175
      @yubrajzone1175 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      No that is real
      Please watch again 😆

  • @Joniyah444
    @Joniyah444 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    What video is it when Francis was talking about hating your wife, brother etc. he was explaining what that meant, I can't find it now.

    • @friarrodneyburnap4336
      @friarrodneyburnap4336 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Know if the bible says Luke 14:33 that you need to forsake all then to be obedient to this verse you need to forsake all! It means just what it says ...
      Often when we confront people with the fact that they are serving mammon, they reply, “We have to pay the bills.” That’s when we see what it means not to take thought, or ask, “What shall we eat? working a job to pay the bills is living by” If faith, then all the world is living by faith - that’s exactly how the“nations of the world” (Luke 12:29-31) get their needs met. They serve mammon. They work their jobs, get their pay, and buy their needs “For after all these things do the Gentiles seek.” (Matt. 6:31-32). If an unbeliever works for a bank, isn’t he serving mammon? If he isn’t, then what does the phrase “serving Mammon” mean? And if he is serving mammon, then isn’t his co-worker who professes to be a Christian serving mammon as well?
      Another statement that is often made concerns passages in the New Testament that refer to believing masters and servants (e.g., Eph. 6:5-9.) Some say that this applies to an employer-employee relationship. Upon reading it, however, we find it is speaking about masters and servants, not business associates. We know the will of Elohiym was that the servants should be made free, for Paul himself wrote that if a servant was able to obtain freedom, then he should do so (1Cor. 7:21.) Indeed, he emphasized this point by saying, “Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.” (1 Cor. 7:23) Evidently at that time some circumstances were such that it was not always possible for a servant to be made free; but such is of course not the case now. Obtaining freedom from an employer is accomplished simply by quitting. In fact, some take the liberty to do this as soon as they find a higher paying job.
      Matt. 11:28-30 - There is a rest available for those who are weary of laboring for the meat that perishes. Let us get away from being yoked together with unbelievers (2 Cor. 6:14-18), and take His yoke upon us - do His work. Very few who profess to know Yeshua are willing to take His yoke upon them. They have no interest in submitting to Adonai, nor to those who have the rule over us (“Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” Heb. 13:17) They do, however, obey diligently the voice of their employers; and this is neither out of love nor respect for them, but to receive the paycheck (money). “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” (1 Tim. 6:10) Multitudes every day are submitting themselves, compromising their convictions and bowing down (in a sense) to cater to the whims of their bosses and patrons.
      By obeying Yeshua’s Word and taking His yoke upon us, we receive a blessed rest for our souls. Working for this anti-Christ society is not a blessing; it’s actually a judgment:
      Habakkuk 2:13- Note this is “of Yahveh”; it’s a judgment sent from Him. What could be more vain than laboring for the meat which perishes to keep living in order to continue laboring for the meat which perishes? So many people are spending their lives in an effort to keep their lives going. But the promise to those who seek first His kingdom and righteousness is that what they need will be added unto them - not lots of riches, but enough food and raiment to get by so we can keep on seeking Him first.
      Ecclesiastes 2:26 - Elohiym gives this judgment to sinners. If they reject His yoke, they get this one: hard labor. A thirty year mortgage, for example is basically a sentence.
      Be it noted that in the days before the flood the world was making provisions for the flesh while Noah was preaching and working out his salvation. (2 Pet 2:5; see also Luke 17:26-29: “...they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded.”) Many do not choose to do Elohiym’s work because they are system-addicts. The system is their god, and thus it would be unthinkable for them to look to anyone but the system for their needs. Man cannot always help us, however. Consider all the money that has been appropriated for AIDS: how many people do you know that have been healed by that means? Consider as well the flood of ‘93: all the Corps. Of engineers and money sent from Washington couldn’t stop it. This has long been a device of man: throw money at problems as a solution.
      The Scriptures make it known to us that conforming and being unwilling to stand out and stand up is a manifestation of not having the Spirit (see Acts 1:8). The exhortation to Christians is not to seek to be a friend of the world (James 4:4). Rather, the means by which we are able to be called Elohiym’s peculiar people is by obtaining the grace to be zealous of good works, unspotted by their ways (see Titus 2:11-14 and James 1:27).
      We can testify of the truth of His promises. We hold no jobs, own what we can carry, and make with our own hands what we need (or trade for it, or find it, etc.) We have no permanent address, solicit no funds, take zero government money, and have no one supporting us by working for the world. Yet we always have what we need; Elohiym provides for us in all sorts of ways plus heals all our sicknesses.
      Let us remember that the Scripture warns about serving the creature more than the Creator (Romans 1:25.) Many are worshiping the god of self, catering to the lusts of their flesh. Brother John wrote that we should keep ourselves from idols (1John 5:21.) Yeshua asked, “Lovest thou Me more than these?” (John 21:15) This is the key. A greater love for Adonai would surely help many to start to serve Him, rather than just honoring Him with their lips. There is need of the fire of the Holy Ghost in the lives of many, that they might be His witnesses (see Acts 1:8: “And ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me....”) Fire has a nature of releasing energy. Of course this energy from the Spirit is to be for His service, not for us to serve ourselves and prosper in our will.
      It is obvious that society, or the world as the Scriptures call it, is in a very horrible state. Some are aware of this, and yet are not willing to take a stand against it as Yeshua did and taught. They just float downstream compromising with the system in order to get by. The Scriptures call us out of all that, exhorting us to be separate from sin and have no part in it: “Come out of her, My people.” (Rev. 18:4) Those who are willing to go out of the camp, bearing His reproach (Heb. 13:13) will find that there’s really not much else worth doing besides His work.

    • @friarrodneyburnap4336
      @friarrodneyburnap4336 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Father Son Sister Moon

  • @friarrodneyburnap4336
    @friarrodneyburnap4336 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Know if the bible says Luke 14:33 that you need to forsake all then to be obedient to this verse you need to forsake all! It means just what it says ...
    Often when we confront people with the fact that they are serving mammon, they reply, “We have to pay the bills.” That’s when we see what it means not to take thought, or ask, “What shall we eat? working a job to pay the bills is living by” If faith, then all the world is living by faith - that’s exactly how the“nations of the world” (Luke 12:29-31) get their needs met. They serve mammon. They work their jobs, get their pay, and buy their needs “For after all these things do the Gentiles seek.” (Matt. 6:31-32). If an unbeliever works for a bank, isn’t he serving mammon? If he isn’t, then what does the phrase “serving Mammon” mean? And if he is serving mammon, then isn’t his co-worker who professes to be a Christian serving mammon as well?
    Another statement that is often made concerns passages in the New Testament that refer to believing masters and servants (e.g., Eph. 6:5-9.) Some say that this applies to an employer-employee relationship. Upon reading it, however, we find it is speaking about masters and servants, not business associates. We know the will of Elohiym was that the servants should be made free, for Paul himself wrote that if a servant was able to obtain freedom, then he should do so (1Cor. 7:21.) Indeed, he emphasized this point by saying, “Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.” (1 Cor. 7:23) Evidently at that time some circumstances were such that it was not always possible for a servant to be made free; but such is of course not the case now. Obtaining freedom from an employer is accomplished simply by quitting. In fact, some take the liberty to do this as soon as they find a higher paying job.
    Matt. 11:28-30 - There is a rest available for those who are weary of laboring for the meat that perishes. Let us get away from being yoked together with unbelievers (2 Cor. 6:14-18), and take His yoke upon us - do His work. Very few who profess to know Yeshua are willing to take His yoke upon them. They have no interest in submitting to Adonai, nor to those who have the rule over us (“Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” Heb. 13:17) They do, however, obey diligently the voice of their employers; and this is neither out of love nor respect for them, but to receive the paycheck (money). “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” (1 Tim. 6:10) Multitudes every day are submitting themselves, compromising their convictions and bowing down (in a sense) to cater to the whims of their bosses and patrons.
    By obeying Yeshua’s Word and taking His yoke upon us, we receive a blessed rest for our souls. Working for this anti-Christ society is not a blessing; it’s actually a judgment:
    Habakkuk 2:13- Note this is “of Yahveh”; it’s a judgment sent from Him. What could be more vain than laboring for the meat which perishes to keep living in order to continue laboring for the meat which perishes? So many people are spending their lives in an effort to keep their lives going. But the promise to those who seek first His kingdom and righteousness is that what they need will be added unto them - not lots of riches, but enough food and raiment to get by so we can keep on seeking Him first.
    Ecclesiastes 2:26 - Elohiym gives this judgment to sinners. If they reject His yoke, they get this one: hard labor. A thirty year mortgage, for example is basically a sentence.
    Be it noted that in the days before the flood the world was making provisions for the flesh while Noah was preaching and working out his salvation. (2 Pet 2:5; see also Luke 17:26-29: “...they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded.”) Many do not choose to do Elohiym’s work because they are system-addicts. The system is their god, and thus it would be unthinkable for them to look to anyone but the system for their needs. Man cannot always help us, however. Consider all the money that has been appropriated for AIDS: how many people do you know that have been healed by that means? Consider as well the flood of ‘93: all the Corps. Of engineers and money sent from Washington couldn’t stop it. This has long been a device of man: throw money at problems as a solution.
    The Scriptures make it known to us that conforming and being unwilling to stand out and stand up is a manifestation of not having the Spirit (see Acts 1:8). The exhortation to Christians is not to seek to be a friend of the world (James 4:4). Rather, the means by which we are able to be called Elohiym’s peculiar people is by obtaining the grace to be zealous of good works, unspotted by their ways (see Titus 2:11-14 and James 1:27).
    We can testify of the truth of His promises. We hold no jobs, own what we can carry, and make with our own hands what we need (or trade for it, or find it, etc.) We have no permanent address, solicit no funds, take zero government money, and have no one supporting us by working for the world. Yet we always have what we need; Elohiym provides for us in all sorts of ways plus heals all our sicknesses.
    Let us remember that the Scripture warns about serving the creature more than the Creator (Romans 1:25.) Many are worshiping the god of self, catering to the lusts of their flesh. Brother John wrote that we should keep ourselves from idols (1John 5:21.) Yeshua asked, “Lovest thou Me more than these?” (John 21:15) This is the key. A greater love for Adonai would surely help many to start to serve Him, rather than just honoring Him with their lips. There is need of the fire of the Holy Ghost in the lives of many, that they might be His witnesses (see Acts 1:8: “And ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me....”) Fire has a nature of releasing energy. Of course this energy from the Spirit is to be for His service, not for us to serve ourselves and prosper in our will.
    It is obvious that society, or the world as the Scriptures call it, is in a very horrible state. Some are aware of this, and yet are not willing to take a stand against it as Yeshua did and taught. They just float downstream compromising with the system in order to get by. The Scriptures call us out of all that, exhorting us to be separate from sin and have no part in it: “Come out of her, My people.” (Rev. 18:4) Those who are willing to go out of the camp, bearing His reproach (Heb. 13:13) will find that there’s really not much else worth doing besides His work.

    • @Grzmnky
      @Grzmnky 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Friar Rodney Burnap have you forsaken it all? I took this command serious and literal and now live by faith and serve God while He meets my needs.
      In Mathew 6:24 it says we cant work for money.
      In another verse it says we cant work for food.
      This leaves us totally dependent on God to care for us which is what faith is all about.
      Looking to hear from you.

    • @Hi-bg5lp
      @Hi-bg5lp 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Luke 14:33 For so long I feel the uncertainty and somewhat fear about living completely dependant on God and already my family persecute me every time I speak the truth to them. But I know that once I foresake and sell what I have and give to the poor that I can confidently obey Christ teachings.
      But I need to know what was your experiences before stepping out into the faith. thank you for the response :)

    • @Grzmnky
      @Grzmnky 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Josh Amar How much joy when someone actually approaches me about me faith.
      Send me an email so we can speak better my friend. Cant wait to hear from you.

    • @Grzmnky
      @Grzmnky 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Josh Amar Hey Josh. Hope to hear from you friend.

    • @mister6875
      @mister6875 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Luke 14:33 are you Muslim or Christian

  • @friarrodneyburnap4336
    @friarrodneyburnap4336 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    "the intentional church"
    . . . I believe the greater sin is the church doing nothing....some of us gets on facebook posts a blog or two....but we do little else.....some of us complain why isn't somebody doing something about it....when God is trying to get the attention of the one complaining to do something...God has a church building on every other corner in America.....but God has saved you to be the intentional church before all man kind....The People of the World die and go to Hell as the church says I have to go to work and can't be the way it's not my calling....why do we not fast and pray for the salvation of the favorite TV shows on tonight...I just have to watch it....God has given his church the tools but we don't know how to use them...Ready or not Here he's okay it wasn't my calling and man kind dies in there sins because nobody told them about the Only Way ....John 3:3
    . . . As a Friar I am a "Separatist" ...I don't own any property or own a house ...I have very little money in the bank. I live by faith believing God to meet all my needs. My primary wants are to see men and women saved. . .and make heaven there home.
    Then to teach other babies in Christ, to live "Separate" lives from this World...We are ambassadors of Christ...we are bond slaves bought with a price I am not my own. We should be living in community...Separate from this World...we have a Holy Book that tells us to be Separate and not conform to this World. . .our Government is making laws that are against what is lawful for us to be involved with. The schools of this World wants to teach our boys it's okay to be girls. This is not our in community and service God with a good thing . . .
    . . . you don't take it far enough... Come all the Way out of the World...and become the church then take it back into the World and Preach Christ to by faith with what you can carry...only require what Jesus and his disciples required . . .and make the Good News known every where you go...Heralding the Word...Mark 16:15 ... Hodos!

  • @David-_-_-
    @David-_-_- 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is a hard saying. The thing I don't get is that Francis is preaching this - but he has a wife and children - and posessions. I can read it and go holy hell thats a hard saying. But to stand up and preach it like francis ...... does he actually do it himself ?

    • @sdm101869
      @sdm101869 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      It doesn't mean you actually hate or forsake your family, it just means you can't love them genuinely until you first know God's love. God's love is what empowers us to love as he did. How did he love us? By laying his life down for us so therefore if we want to follow him we must lay our lives down for one another forsaking this world's soulish love to true genuine love. Only perfect love can cast out all fear

      @MISNEGRASLINDAS 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sdm101869 so your you are Jesus's interpreter?
      Jesus needed you to interpret his words after 2000 years, I'm amazed.

    • @sdm101869
      @sdm101869 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MISNEGRASLINDAS yes of course we can interpret his words however we want, it doesn't mean that the understanding we have of his words is accurate. His words are perfect, our understanding not so much. Why do you think he constantly challenged the disciples "understanding" of his words if there was no chance they night misunderstand? That why he spoke in parables, so that those with eyes to see would see and ears to hear would hear, but most people didn't rightly understand what he was saying until the Holy Spirit came and illuminated their hearts

      @MISNEGRASLINDAS 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sdm101869 so your saying this is a parable?...
      26 "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. 27 Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. 28 For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? 29 Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, (Luke 14:26-29, ESV)
      So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:33, ESV)

    • @bhoyvalario9266
      @bhoyvalario9266 ปีที่แล้ว

      maybe today you knew the answer

  • @ge4963
    @ge4963 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Funny he's admitting to not truly following Jesus...

  • @friarrodneyburnap4336
    @friarrodneyburnap4336 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    "Other things to consider..."
    Is this life a calling for you?
    Jesus is Lord ישוע הוא אלוהים
    Order of the Naw-Zeer. . . Luke 14:33 Mark16:15 ...Come in the Holy name of Jesus the Christ with me...lets get some people saved...
    Simplicity Luke 14:33, Chastity 1Corinthians 7:2 and Obedience Hebrews 13:17
    Living in Community...Loving and Serving people....are some of the things the Nazaritenn Friars are set part from just going to church during the week....We are becoming the church and doers of the Word of God...Luke 14:33 is where all Friars must start....Mark 16:15 is where all Friars are going....
    A Nazaritenn Friar is something you become....3 things that sent us apart .1. We are sold out believers of God....we are intentional believers in the Way of Christ...doers of the word... soldiers of the cross....2 We have a vision and a burden to see the world won to for fill the Great pay any price to bring in the Harvest.....3 To live obedience ....and live Holy. Nazaritenn Friars are men and women sold out to God that live a Holy lifestyle with the help of the Holy Spirit....we are to be set apart for God...we live primarily with what we can carry ...we mostly tent camp traveling and living in community trusting God to meet all our needs. We pray and study the bible... believe in modern day miracles signs and wonders....We believe in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and are Spirit filled believers...pray about joining us and becoming a Nazaritenn Friar .....mankind is going to Hell what will you do about it, the Great Commission is not the Great Suggestion.
    Titus 2:11-14
    Luke 14:33
    Not only must we count upon forsaking all, we must also run the full distance to arrive at the Kingdom of God (Hebrews 12:1). In the two illustrations, Jesus teaches that discipleship must include planning and sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2). In the first, He instructs that, before a person begins to build, he should be sure he is willing and able to pay the full cost of the project. Similarly, Jesus' followers must be sure they are willing to pay the full price of discipleship.
    In the second, He explains that we must be willing to sacrifice pleasures, distractions, material possessions, even family, if we are unable to prevail with them-that is, if they would prevent us from serving God. This principle of sacrifice is essential in the realm of discipleship: One must be willing to give up everything for Jesus. Many professing Christians have been unwilling to renounce former, false beliefs. They syncretize God's truth with doctrinal baggage brought from their previous religious fellowships, never quite forsaking the traditions of men (Colossians 2:8; Galatians 1:13-14).
    The first parable represents deliberation and adequate preparation, and the second calls for stamina and fighting strength to face a foe with greater strength. In this war against our powerful enemies-Satan, the world, and our human nature-we must be willing to count the cost and to sacrifice. We cannot enter the fray hastily or carelessly, but we must exercise self-control. Paul writes, "Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection" (I Corinthians 9:26-27). We will overcome them only with the help of the Spirit of our King.
    . . .
    Being a Nazaritenn Friar is a Vocation, a "Way" of Life"..."or Hodos in Greek"
    A Nazaritenn Friar is not a Roman Catholic or Protestant, we are not calvinist or arminian. We are first century believers in the Way of Christ or Hodos in the Greek.
    Being a Friar, is forsaking all, to have all by faith in Christ . . .Luke 14:33 Whosoever KJV Matthew 19:27-29 Luke 6:38.
    A Friar is a man or woman, that is a bold slave to Christ, we are not our own, we where bought with a price... Galatians 3:28 Exodus 21.
    A Nazaritenn Friar lives by faith, living with what they can carry...having no where to lay our like our master, did when he was on earth....Luke 9:2-6 Luke 9:58.
    A Nazaritenn Friar, is a pilgrim in a strange Land. . .a hermit, who travels into the World to Preach the Gospel of Salvation to this lost and dying world. . . This is not our home we are just passing through. . ..1 Chronicles 29:15
    1. We covenant together, as the Order of Naw-Zeer Way of Christ...Christ Way of Living, Nazaritenn Friars, to observe the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by following the example of Saint Francis of Assisi, who made Christ the inspiration and the center of his life with God and people. Nazaritenn Friars should devote themselves especially to careful reading of the gospel, going from gospel to life and life to gospel.
    2. We seek to encounter the living and active person of Christ in our brothers and sisters, in Sacred Scripture, in the Church, and in liturgical activity...and Worship.
    3. We shall go forth as witnesses and instruments of the Church’s mission among all people, proclaiming Christ by our life and words. Called like Saint Francis to preach the Gospel of Salvation to the lost, and inspired by his example, let us devote ourselves, and our whole being to living Luke 14:33 forsaking all (Whosoever KJV) then Mark 16:15 because of Romans 10:14-17.
    4. As Spirit Filled Brothers and Sisters according to Acts 1:4-8 we will go out in the Power of the Holy Ghost, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all men and women that are lost without salvation.
    5. Following the example of Jesus, let prayer be the soul of all we are and do. Praying without ceasing singing and rejoicing praising God. . . Praying in tongues singing in tongues rejoicing in tongues before the holy and righteous Christ Jesus.
    6. The Order of Naw-Zeer Way of Christ...Christ Way of Living shall exist to proclaim the gospel to the lost and dying outside of Christ. Going into all the world by faith living with what we can carry.
    7. We shall faithfully fulfill the duties proper to our various circumstances of life. We shall proclaim the gospel of salvation with boldness and zeal in the Holy Ghost to all lost people outside of Christ, presenting a gospel that they can understand offering them an opportunity to get saved by faith in Christ Jesus.
    8. Christ had no where to lay his head, let us go out in to all the World living by faith believeing God to meet all our needs... Let the Order of Naw-Zeer Way of Christ...Christ Way of Living seek a proper spirit of detachment from temporal goods by simplifying our own material needs. Let us be mindful that according to the gospel we are stewards of the goods received for the benefits of all peoples in Christ.
    9. As members of the Order of Naw-Zeer, Way of Christ...Christ Way of Living with a gentle and courteous spirit, we accept all people as a gift of the Lord and an image of Christ. A sense of community will make us joyful and ready to place ourselves on an equal basis with all people, especially with the lowly for whom we shall strive to create conditions of life worthy of people redeemed by we can win some to salvation in Christ Jesus.
    10. As an example the rechabites of Jeremiah 35:7 we're obedient to their forefather Jonadad son of Recab Jeremiah 35:10 We have lived in tents and have and fully obeyed everything our forefathers have commanded us...This I command you...Luke 14:33 Forsake all (Whosoever KJV) then Mark 16:15 because of Romans 10:14-17 Living by faith with what you can carry, going into all the World Preaching the Gospel of Salvation to everyone.
    11. We will serve each other, of the Order of New-Zeer, Way of Christ... Christ Way of Living esteeming a brother or sister better then one self...
    12. In our families, we shall cultivate the Nazaritenn spirit of peace, fidelity, and respect for life; striving to make it a sign to a lost and dying world that needs Christ...that there hope of eternal life is by faith in the risen Savior.
    13. We shall respect all people and preach the gospel of salvation to all that God brings into our paths.
    14. In obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ and the example of Saint Francis, we are bearers of peace... which must be built up unceasingly. We are compelled to seek out them that are lost as we travel, preaching salvation, living in community, in peace with all people, in this way...Hodos!
    15. Our primary reason of existence is to seek out them that are lost, to Win them to Christ, Equipping them to do the work of the ministry, and to Send them out, two by two brothers with brothers, sisters with sisters, of this order to do the same...
    16. As members of the Order of Naw-Zeer Way of Christ...Christ Way of Living we covenant to draw up and live by a Rule of Life based on the Rule of this Order and falling into these disciplines: Worship, Prayer, Penitence, Work, Lifestyle, Mission, Obedience, Community. We shall always be under supervision and accountable to each other in Christ Jesus.
    17. Admission into this Order is gradually attained through a time of orientation, a period of formation of at least two years, and profession of the Rule. The entire community is engaged in this process of growth and formation. Profession by its nature is a permanent commitment. Believers in the Way of Christ, may belong to the Order of Naw-Zeer Way of Christ...Christ Way of Living. This Order is a self-governing body whose Brothers and Sisters meet daily and is governed by its professed members who meet for times of prayer and worship... in accordance with this Rule and in harmony with Jesus Christ and his Bible the Word of God.
    . . .
    Light line Brother Rodney . . . Jesus Name Rap 777
    Order of the Naw-Zeer Way of CHRIST . . .CHRIST Way of Living, Hodos!
    Jesus is Lord
    Jesus loves you. . . .
    Pax et bonum. . . .!