Agreed. Lack of respect for the audience that primarily speaks Amharic is why this podcast will never take off. English is one of the most basic skills, it shouldn’t be used to signal intellect or class.
It isn’t about creating a sliding scale of who is worse off - it’s about learning and understanding the ways that inequality affect women and men, and remembering that we’re all in this together. True equality leaves no one behind.
Women are NOT just objects. Women have equal brains as men. Women bring changes to society because in addition to logically thinking, they also have advantages in understanding emotional intelligence. Empowered women, empowered nation 💫👍
"የኢትዮጵያ ኢንተርቴንመንት ኢንደስትሪ የተገነባው በሴቶች ጫንቃ ላይ ነው። አሁን እሱ ዘፈን ቢያወጣ እሱ ዘፈን ላይ ባለችው ሞዴል ነው ሚፈምሰው እንጂ ሙዚቃው አሜዚንግ ስለሆነ አይደለም። ፊልምም እንደዛው" ስትል ሰማኋት። how absurd is that statement? she said that as if it is something to be proud of. you are proud that women are being exploited? you are proud that women are using their body to join the entertainment industry? and funnily enough, isn't that one of the reasons our entertainment industry isn't as good as it use to be, because its your beautiful face and your willingness to sell your body that's demanded and not your talent?
You all are amazing !!! May God give you wisdom & courage for the war awaiting you ahead. Societal change takes time & needs courageous people like you guys. Never retreat please !!!Ethiopia needs your voice more than any of the clown TH-camrs
The topic of the discussion is important for Ethiopian society but they failed to realize that in order to address an important issue amicably, they need to communicate in a language the majority understands; which is Amharic but they chose English and limited themselves.
Awesome episode! ❤ played to my expectations, I always wanted to see Betty on a long format content that lets her ABCs in a knowledgeable listener. The comedian should have let loose a little tho Betty knows how to talk a joke. Much love and respect 2:15:15
Why don’t you guys speak Amharic than broken English 😂 So sad you tried to be westernized. We have a great languages and couture. It seems you guys are In mature 😢
I was exited for the title of this episode thinking it would include a timely discussion for our country. BUT listening the whole 2hrs of discussion you would never guess we have a country with 100k+ women raped and continue to be raped by a military… I don’t know….. it’s crazy to me.
Lol...its not for Ethiopian nor for foreigners because both of them can't understand them fully...they are just bunch of loosers who wana look like " educated "
Such a nice podcast ! One comment tho i have is everyone is asking you to do the podcast in Amharic to understand it well but you are failed to listen to the very early fan of your podcast. Trust me if not you correct it, you will lose your audience and subscribers. Think about it. And its somehow irritating to listen to both languages eyetekorarete. Do it with pure Amharic or Pure English please. Its just irritating
Once one can claim to be "educated" by the ability to formulate the ideas read in a foreign language and clearly and seemingly translate to his/her mother tongue but failure to meet that, it becomes a waste of time and money invested in acquiring the knowledge.
Great discussion!! But very difficult to be feminist and exist in Ethiopia and other 3rd world countries. It’s hard enough to set your boundaries as immigrant woman in western world! Explaining it to our men is difficult. I don’t use the word feminism at all, the moment our men hear this word, there is no going around it! They get offended even if you look at them🤣🤣 My question to her is: if you read this comment will you ask her what her contribution is to the women that are being raped in Ethiopia’s war zones?
Anyone can sense that your childhood might not have been easy from the way you talk. The issue with feminists like yourself is the tendency to generalize, assuming everyone shares similar experiences. Unfortunately, if your own childhood wasn't positive, it's best to keep that to yourself and not project it onto all females. The conversations can get quite heavy, and it's challenging to spend even a minute listening to what you have to say.
A common theme across most of the faces of Feminism in Ethiopia is unresolved childhood trauma that is unfairly projected as if it applies to all women. It’s also Addis-centric, it fails to advocate for 80%+ of the country still battling to get access to clean water, electricity, education and health, all of which affect women more.
It’s interesting and good …!but Who is your target audience?? I mean why everything is English? The reason I wrote in English is am afraid that if you don’t give me answer??
I wonder if cancel culture works in our poor poor country unless a religion is attacked. There are limited number of products in the country and the only care people have right now is whether one company provides a product for a price which is way cheaper than other companies'.
አንድ አስተያየት አለኝ። ዝግጅቱ የተዘጋጀው ለኢትዮጵያውያን ነው ከሆነ ለምን በአማርኛ አይሆንም። ማለት አንዳንዴ የለመድናቸው የእንግሊዝኛ ቃላት መጠቀም ሊኖርብን ይችላል። ነገር ግን 50 በ 50 አማርኛና እንግሊዝኛ መሆኑ ግራ ነው የሚያጋባው።
Educate yourself more! even they have a right to make a podcast by Spanish !
@@hanimhailu3280 ተወዳጅ ተረጋጋ። እኔ ለማለት የፈለጉት ለአብዛኛው ማህበረሰብ እንዲዳረስ ነው እንጅ መብታን ግዴታ አይደለም የተናገርኩት ። በ ስፔን ቋንቋ ተናግረው ምን ያክል የሚሆነው ሰው ነው የስፔን ቋንቋ መረዳት የሚችለው?
Agreed. Lack of respect for the audience that primarily speaks Amharic is why this podcast will never take off. English is one of the most basic skills, it shouldn’t be used to signal intellect or class.
@@hanimhailu3280👌❤️❤️🤣best answer
English is skill not measurements of knowledge
I just love this discussion. How i love seeing women this powerful, talk sense and up front 🔥 🔥 🔥
ሰለም ጠና ይስጣችው የ ሀጌሬ ሊጅዎች ሚኬያኤል ነው ስም የተወሌዱኩት ኢቲዩፒያ ነው ጊን ከ 7አሜቴ ጀምሬ ኢንጊለንድ ነው ያደኩ በጣም ወዳቸለው የሀጌሬ ሊጅዎች::
ጠያቄ ሊስጣቹ ነብረ ለሚን ድነው በሁሌት ቁንቋ የሚትናገራው ይሂ ዚግጅት ለ ሀጌሬ ሊጆች ከወነ ለሚን በ አምሀሪክ ዌይም በሆሮሚኛ ዌይም ቤቲጊሪኛ አታረጉቲም ምክኒያት ለሀጌሬ ሊጆች ኖው አይዴለ መሊክቱ ስሲለዚ ቤናታቹ በራሳቺን ቁንቋ ቴናገገሪ ወዳችዋለው ሀጌሬን ወዳቲለዎ ሰላም ኑሩ ❤️
ሲጀመር ለፈረንጅ አይደለም የምታወሩት። ስለዚህ ወይ አማረኛ አውሩ ወይ እንግሊዘኛውን አውሩ። እንደናንተ ያሉ ሰዎች ናቸው ድሮ ማፈሪና ጥሯት ወይም ማፈሪን ጥሩት የሚባለው። እናንተ እንደውም የአማረኛን ቋንቋ እንዲቀጭጭ ስራዬ ብላቹህ የምት ሰሩ ይመስል፤ ምን ይጠበስ ነው በእንግሊዘኛ የምታወሩት። ቦታ ቦታ አለው። ወይ ሀገራቹሁን ወክላቹህ በስራ አለማቀፍ ስብስባ ላይ። አልያም የግል ነጋዴ ሆናቹህ ለንግዳቹህ ስትሉ ከውጭ ሰዎች ጋር በእንግሊዘኛ አውሩት፤ አልያም ደግሞ በግለሰብ ከቋንቋው ባለቤቶች ጋር አውሩ። ምን ይጠበስ ነው በእንግሊዘኛ ማውራት። መዘመናቹህ ነው ወይስ በቃ እንግሊዘኛ ማውራት በናንተ ቤት ትልቅ እውቀት መስሎቹህ ነው። በቃ መግባቢያ ነው። በርግጥ አለማቀፍ እውቀት ስለሆነ ማወቁ ግድ ይላል። ያ ማለት ግን የሀገርን ቋንቋ ንቆ ሀሳብን ለመግለጽ በፈረንጅ ቋንቋ። ልንገራቹህ እንደ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ፋራ የሆነ የለም። በየትም አለም ላይ እስራኤል ህንድ አረብ ኮሪያ ጃፓን ጀርመን ፈረንሳይ ሁሉም የራሳቸውን ቋንቋ አክብረው ነው። ከአለማቀፍ ሰው ጋር ለመገናኘት ሲሉ እንደሚቀርበው ዝግጅት የሚያማቸውን ተመርኩዞው ነው። በዮቱብ ላይ ስታውሉት ስንት ሰው እንደሚያያቹህ ታውቃላቹህ። በእንግሊዘኛ የምታወሩት ማን እንዲሰማቹህ ነው። ተመልሼም መጥቼ እንዳላየው አርጋቹህ ነው ያስጠላኝ። መጀመሪያ ማንነቱን ጠንቅ ቆ የማያውቅ ሰው እኔን አያስለውጠኝም። እዛው እንደፈረደ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያለ ጀዝብ ምንም ያላዩ አዲሱ ትውልድ ይከተላቹህ።
በቃ 50% ኮሜንቶች "እንግሊዘ አወራችሁ ስለዚህ መጥፎ ናችሁ።" ነዋ? ምን እንደምታገናጉት
It isn’t about creating a sliding scale of who is worse off - it’s about learning and understanding the ways that inequality affect women and men, and remembering that we’re all in this together. True equality leaves no one behind.
የእንግሊዝ አፍ የማንችል ሰዎች ልናየው አንችልም ማለት ነው።አንዱን ቋንቋ ምረጡ እንጂ ወገን የብዙ ፖድካስት ድክመት ነው በእንግሊዝ አፍ መናገር አዋቂ የሚያስብላቹ የናንተ በጣም በዛ።ለማነው ያዘጋጃችሁት?ማንን ልታስተምሩበት ነው?ኦዲየንስ ታርጌታ ካላደረጋችሁ ተወያይታቹ ወስኑ
ግራ የሚያጋባ ውይይት የእንግሊዝኛ ችሎታችሁን እያሳያችሁ ያላችሁ ወይስ ለህብረተሰቡ በሴትነት ላይ ያሉ ተፅዕኖዎችን ችግሮችንና ጉዳቶችን እንዴት ተደራሽ እናድርግ ነው ግራ ስለተጋባሁ ነው እንግሊዝኛ መደበላለቅ ትልቅነትን ሳይሆን ጥበብ እንደጎደለን የሚያሳየን ይመስለኛል ምክር ጥሩ ነው ለሚቀጥለው አስተካክሉ።
Huge huge respect to her for putting her religion above all.
Women are NOT just objects. Women have equal brains as men. Women bring changes to society because in addition to logically thinking, they also have advantages in understanding emotional intelligence. Empowered women, empowered nation 💫👍
"የኢትዮጵያ ኢንተርቴንመንት ኢንደስትሪ የተገነባው በሴቶች ጫንቃ ላይ ነው። አሁን እሱ ዘፈን ቢያወጣ እሱ ዘፈን ላይ ባለችው ሞዴል ነው ሚፈምሰው እንጂ ሙዚቃው አሜዚንግ ስለሆነ አይደለም። ፊልምም እንደዛው" ስትል ሰማኋት። how absurd is that statement? she said that as if it is something to be proud of. you are proud that women are being exploited? you are proud that women are using their body to join the entertainment industry? and funnily enough, isn't that one of the reasons our entertainment industry isn't as good as it use to be, because its your beautiful face and your willingness to sell your body that's demanded and not your talent?
Beti looks like a person who can be trusted 🙌🏽 i don’t know about y’all but i trust her
You all are amazing !!! May God give you wisdom & courage for the war awaiting you ahead. Societal change takes time & needs courageous people like you guys. Never retreat please !!!Ethiopia needs your voice more than any of the clown TH-camrs
Is this podcast based in Ethiopia ? Just wondering why the mix of languages?
Just a couple of mediocre people trying to flex on their audience by speaking english, because that is ALL they bring to the table.
The topic of the discussion is important for Ethiopian society but they failed to realize that in order to address an important issue amicably, they need to communicate in a language the majority understands; which is Amharic but they chose English and limited themselves.
I am in love with this podcast thanks to Gugut, mentioning it on their podcast
በነገራችን ላይ እነዚህ ኮተት ፌሚንስት የሚባሉ ሰዎች ከፍተኛ የሆነ ጉድለት የበታችነት ስሜት የሚሰማቸው ምንም ቢደረግላቸው ሁሌም ድንክ እንደሆኑ የሚያስቡ ናቸው። እኛ ወንዶንች ሴቶቻችን በጣም እንወዳቸዋለን እናከብራቸዋለን። እንደናንተ አይነት ፍናፍንት/dual sexual ጋለሞቶች ግን ገደል መግባት ትችላላችሁ።
Absolutely well said.
@@yamali1018 rapist!!
Y'all, where's your podcast on Google podcasts or Spotify tho?
Our podcast is available on the teraki app.
If you want to address the message to Ethiopian people can you please speak only Amharic. It’s so annoying hearing you guys with mixed language.
Awesome episode! ❤ played to my expectations, I always wanted to see Betty on a long format content that lets her ABCs in a knowledgeable listener. The comedian should have let loose a little tho Betty knows how to talk a joke.
Much love and respect 2:15:15
I can’t wait to watch this ( I’m in a meeting now and commenting for algorithms) ❤
Why don’t you guys speak Amharic than broken English 😂
So sad you tried to be westernized. We have a great languages and couture. It seems you guys are In mature 😢
Nice conversations. But why don’t you speck in Amharic .
Thanks for making huge impact among this men biased society.
best podcast and amazing episode.... 💕💕
ለሴቶች መብት መታገል ጥሩ ነው ነገር ግን ፌሚኒዝም በሚለው ሙቭመንት ውስጥ በጥንቃቄ መንቀሳቀስ ያስፈልጋል ምክንያቱም ፌሚኒዝምን ተገን አድርገው የሶሳይቲን ክሮች በመበጠስ ቀውስ ለመፍጠር የሚንቀሳቀሱ አጀንዳ አራማጆች አሉ።
አሉ ብቻ ???
I was exited for the title of this episode thinking it would include a timely discussion for our country. BUT listening the whole 2hrs of discussion you would never guess we have a country with 100k+ women raped and continue to be raped by a military… I don’t know….. it’s crazy to me.
I think the podcast is for Ethiopians right?
አማርኛ አንችልም ማለታቹ ነዉ.? ጉረኞች
Lol...its not for Ethiopian nor for foreigners because both of them can't understand them fully...they are just bunch of loosers who wana look like " educated "
በእንግሊዘኛ አውርታችሁ ነው ስለ ሴታዊ ምታስተምሩት እና ሀሳባችሁን ምትገልፁት በጣም ያሳዝናል እንደው ሀገራዊ የሆነ ለዛ እንኳን ይኑራቹ
These men are out of order do you know how much their wives hate them.
Such a nice podcast ! One comment tho i have is everyone is asking you to do the podcast in Amharic to understand it well but you are failed to listen to the very early fan of your podcast. Trust me if not you correct it, you will lose your audience and subscribers. Think about it. And its somehow irritating to listen to both languages eyetekorarete. Do it with pure Amharic or Pure English please. Its just irritating
Why do you speak in English most of the time if it is an Amharic program? I wish a larger audience can listen to and understand.
Please Reduce your English usage .
Ende 50 50 aregachut eko
Wey muluwen be English argut😅😅😅
You are right
እኮ ለኢትዮጵያ ይሁን አይሁን የተዘጋጀው እኮ ግራ ነው የሚገባው!!
አገራችን በስንት መከራ እያለፈች እናተ፤እረ ተው እስኪ አገራችን በስንቱ ትበጥበጥ፤ አዪ እትዮጵያ አምላክ አለሁ ይበልሽ?
I think i am in love with your program
Once one can claim to be "educated" by the ability to formulate the ideas read in a foreign language and clearly and seemingly translate to his/her mother tongue but failure to meet that, it becomes a waste of time and money invested in acquiring the knowledge.
I am glad we are finally fighting for equality and womens right
Great discussion!! But very difficult to be feminist and exist in Ethiopia and other 3rd world countries. It’s hard enough to set your boundaries as immigrant woman in western world! Explaining it to our men is difficult. I don’t use the word feminism at all, the moment our men hear this word, there is no going around it! They get offended even if you look at them🤣🤣
My question to her is: if you read this comment will you ask her what her contribution is to the women that are being raped in Ethiopia’s war zones?
Anyone can sense that your childhood might not have been easy from the way you talk. The issue with feminists like yourself is the tendency to generalize, assuming everyone shares similar experiences. Unfortunately, if your own childhood wasn't positive, it's best to keep that to yourself and not project it onto all females. The conversations can get quite heavy, and it's challenging to spend even a minute listening to what you have to say.
አቶ ምን-ተስኖት,
እዚህ ቻናል ላይ ሁለት ኮመንት አስቀምጠሃል ሁለቱም አሉታና አሉባልታ ናቸው ...ምናልባት ካልታወቀህ ላሳወቅህ ብዬ ነው ...
ለምን ግን አትሞትም? 😂
Please try to be kind to people in the comments.
A common theme across most of the faces of Feminism in Ethiopia is unresolved childhood trauma that is unfairly projected as if it applies to all women. It’s also Addis-centric, it fails to advocate for 80%+ of the country still battling to get access to clean water, electricity, education and health, all of which affect women more.
Wow talk about gaslighting what a horrible comment he is so worried his girlfriend might get ideas
እንግሊዝኛ ማውራታቹ በጣም እደግፋለው ግን እንግሊዝኛን አጥሩት በጣም ይቀራቹዋል በተለይ ኢንተርቪው አድራጊዎች
she is me exactly me . are you sagitatiour? way you talk energy Betelhem . I am Betelhem too . same except finichit
አንዱ ወንድ ዘፈን ቢያወጣ /ፊልም ቢሰራ፣ ሥራው የሚደምቀው በሴቷ ሞዴል ቂጥና ዳሌ ነው እንጂ በፊልሙ ይዘት ወይም በሙዚቃው ጥራት አይደለም፡፡ ይሄ ነው የሴት ጭንቅላት፡፡ ሴት የወንድ መዝናኛ ናችሁ፣ you live in our world, let that sink in, sip it
ይህን ሃሳብ(ሃሳብ ከተባለ)የመስጠትህ ዓላማው ምንድን ነው?
@@Distantvoyager0011 ሴትዮዋ ያለችውን እኮ ነው የፃፍኩት ፣
@@derejeabdisa1294 As far as I heard, she did not mention this statement ''ሴት የወንድ መዝናኛ ናችሁ፣ you live in our world, let that sink in, sip it''
ለማነው እቀረባችሁ ያላችሁት።
ፍቅረኛዬ ለክፎ እንደጠበሰኝ ትዝ ሲለኝ😢😢😂😂😂😂
ፍቺው ይሉሻል እነዚ በጥላቻ የተሞሉ
what is the fine line between feminism and misandry? This is because most people begin by being right and extrapolate it far and be wrong.
በትክክል እኛ ሴቶች ልንለመን ይገባል❤❤❤
58:30 She is a famous Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie she is so great
የማያምሩ ሴቶች ለመንደነው ፌሚኒስት የሚሆኑት!?🤔
Great conversations 🎉
when you referring to someone please be respectful to name them and their work otherwise don't bother.
Please jordin amtote
It’s interesting and good …!but Who is your target audience?? I mean why everything is English? The reason I wrote in English is am afraid that if you don’t give me answer??
Lemndenew be English yemetaweraw choose one it is annoying.
What hell
You guys it's better speak Amaric orrrrrr
English 🙄
I wonder if cancel culture works in our poor poor country unless a religion is attacked. There are limited number of products in the country and the only care people have right now is whether one company provides a product for a price which is way cheaper than other companies'.
Afro femenisim? ቢች ፕሊስ እናንተ ትውልድ ገዳዮች it’s clear the real agenda in background. We know what really go in on .ዲፕሬሽናም ሶሳይቲ
Yo are amazing woman, love yo❤.
47:17 "Identify as a women?" huh
አዲሱ የገቢ ምንጭ: feminism.
እረ አማርኛ በእግዛቤር
ኮንዶሚኒዬም ላይ እየኖርሽ ነዉ ሌሎችን ነፃ አወጣለሁ የምትይው መጀመርያ ቤት ይኑርሽ ኑሮሽን አሸንፊ
Are you ok bateya ?? she look tired
ወይ ጉድ እሄም እንግዲህ እንጀራ መብያ ነው በይ ጋጥ አርጊ
አማርኛ መናገር ካቀተሽ በእንግልዝኛ አትጨርሱትም ምድረ ሾርሙጣ
It’s about you and your kind idiots you still didn’t get it 😏🤔
A reflection of this society is you.
ሶ ስቱፕድ !
Afer bilu😢