Man, I cannot believe you don't have any bugs! You are so lucky on June 24. It is hot,buggy and muggy here in Tennessee. Good to see you on the trail. I have not been out since the last week of May. I will watch part two and say hello again.
So good to see you out walking the trail Shug after a long spell of hard work. I love the Hawkweed too even if it's supposed to be invasive. It comes up on my lawn which has really poor soil and is it ever a favourite for many different species of bees and butterflies including the Swallowtail.
WELL DANG these were most excellent viewing this weekend. Watched them on the big screen! Glad to see you getting out pal, especially in the middle of your busy time!
Awesome you made it Up North! Love the Baptism River and that whole area too. Camped on Pincushion last weekend but too many people in Grand Marais, back to the cities after 2 days. Woo buddy, what's better than leaving the cities super EARLY, that excitement heading up north, coming over the hill on 35 into Duluth and getting that view! Love Superior!! Loved your video!
Love this video. Just spent 3 days backpacking in the Porkies and tried a hammock for the first time. Woke up to about 45 degrees and freezing right along the lake superior trail. Was a little underprepared and didn't have an underquilt. Who would have thought it would be that cold at the end of June.
shugemery thanks for the reply! So you’ve been here. You have to come again, and let us know about it! You’ll always have a place to stay in Sweden :) and hiking buddies to boot! Thank you for the many hours of good fun company and learning, it is truly appreciated! Woooo buddy!
We are in the midst of a heat wave here in the east, but I woke up to 46 degrees in Dolly Sods Wilderness. WhooBuddy! My BeFree is also slowing down even with regular cleaning . This morning I gave up and just boiled my water for breakfast from the hammock. Those wild flowers made me think of the Sound of Music.
Love the videos. I’m a little late to the game but I’ve always know those glowers as “devils paintbrush”. Keep up the great content. I’m a binge watcher.
Been waiting for a new shug trip, glad to see part 1. This means great news will be hitting my inbox!!. Love watching your travels shug, all the best from the UK where it's hitting 30+ degrees Celsius. 🤪
Shug I’d like to thank you for all your effort you put into your videos. I’ve always wanted to do the SHT only because of the beauty you show every time your out there. Well finally this is the yr it’s happening I’ll be out there the beginning of sept to see it all my self. Thank you Shug you have influenced me to make it happen rather then dream of it. Wooo Buddy
Thanks for the great SHT Vlog, Shug! I'm always thrilled to get a Shug notification...Peace and prosper, Shug! I hope your shoulder continues to hold out til your surgery...
G00D NIGHT, shuge. Good Night. I shore did enjoy this video of your trip....can't wait to see the 2nd part. Some Gorgeous wild flowers up there too. Please be careful do'in the Ol' 👍on the Hiway. You never know who will pick you up⁉ I Hope you are Pack'in.
Awesome hike...always an adventure with it! I am a huge fan of the wildflowers, thank you for taking time to share their beauty with us! That orange flower looks like the wildflower called Orange Hawkweed!
Beautiful area Shug. That was a little weird people camping that close to you. But sometimes more the merrier. Lol. The views there are so beautiful. And one more thing. I miss Kent. Is he doing ok. Just miss seeing the Maple King. 😃😃👍👍
Even Shug is having flow slowdown with the BeFree, that sucks. I hear they may be coming out with a version that will allow backlashing. Always nice to watch a Shug trip!
So jealous of that weather. Wished we had that in Georgia, cause we're frying here. Good to see you out. Hope the shoulder is holding up. Man you are one tough dude. Hope I'm half as good when I hit 60. Cheers.
Second time I have enjoyed this video ! Just had to watch me some "Shug". It is hot, humid and buggy here in the southeast 89 degrees F. Just enjoying some outdoor you tube video instead of tv. Thanks to Shug for giving us some alternative to the mindless tv.
....exactly one of the routes I was looking at doing this fall. Definitely NOT going over a weekend...planning on a Monday-Thursday lollygag at the end of September based out of the Highway 1 parking lot doing an out and back. my plan B is to head north past Section 13 up thataway and back......OR I might just resupply at my car and go both ways....pretty no matter what way you go! Glad you got to take a break from your busy touring schedule:-).
That lake must be better than all the other's got a really big ego too. Beautiful area Shuggidy Shug., thanks for talking us along buddy. You're the best...but I really didn't have to tell you that, did I? I just tell you because you like hearing it. ;)
Hey Shug, beautiful flowers but they are very invasive, we call them hawk weed here. They are slowly taking over my entire yard. Just watched the canoe trip from 2015 that you and the boys did, (for the second time). Like all your videos, I loved it. Any chance of more canoe trips in the future? I hope so, whoo buddy!
Gettin' after it! You gotta blow the cob webs out from time to time. Gives good contrast from the lollygag trips. Man Shug I have some tales about campers rolling in late on me. Most are good, but there a couple of nights that weren't "ideal". That 2nd spot in the breezy pines looked like just the ticket! This video dropped at just the right time. Needed it man! All secure
Too funny, I was up on the North Shore at the same time as you! I can vouch for the cold, had to put on all my clothes. Wind off the lake can be rough.
you should try hiking in Montana, lots of real good beautiful trails here. :D love the videos, you're the reason i got into hammock camping, keep it up. woooooooooooooooo buuuuuuuuudddddyyyy!
hi shug really love that trail thanks for taking me along with you, i’m just getting back into walking after a long recovery from illness but hopefully i have a few more years left in me yet 56 now so here’s hoping, just find it amazing the time you guys can spend out on the trail with 10 to 15 day through hikes and the solitude that you can get , only thing that would worry me would be the wild life like bears or wolfes , did you ever come into contact with anything like that on any of your trips , thanks again woo buddy!!!
Make the time to get out there. You gotta. Yes, I have come face to face with wolves twice. One on Seen bears. Bears just want your food. Wolves are just curious but always run away. Be vigilant but do not hike with worry. Worry will ruin your trip. Carry forth......
Great video Shug, your flower that you want to know about is called " Devils paintbrush" I'm not sure of the scientific name but that's what we call it here in eastern ontario
Since you mentioned "chafings ridge" i wondered if you ever had the need to carry a little tube of prep h., or anti-itch cream (or a rough dish towel if the need arises)..
Gotta question,,, have U ever sprayed bottom of yer hammock with permithian 2 repel skeeters & deer fly's etc 2 keep em from biting yer hinee?? Did it work ? Do it weaken de materials?? Polk county fl summers R hot & muggy & i don't like 2 carry xtra blanket.
We had rain at Jackson Lake on Saturday night. It got cold in a hurry. It was my son's first trip ever and he discovered what the SHT has in the way of hills.
You're pushing yourself it sounds like to me. All the shows, the driving, then the hiking. Don't blow a valve please. Thanks for the share. Always enjoy these. My best to ZAK?
never get old Shug!!!!!!
My body mind ain't! Thankee.
Your hiking videos are so pleasant. They are relaxing and they make me happy. Keep up the good work Shug!
Thank you for that. I hope to make it look fun.
Congratulations on 100k you deserve it stay safe
Hope they send me cake.
couldnt believe we ran into you
yes sir, wooooo buddy!
sincerely your a celebrity to us
Now I know the Zakk your talking about. Met him last year. Too cool.
Shug, your hiking vids fill my soul. Thank you!
I hope I have soul to share.
Amazing wildflower display.... such colour.
You need to just be there by it...stupendous.
Shug I'm going to miss you this summer while you are on the road! You are too much fun!
If the chance to get a video out ....I shall.
Thank you much Sir!
Thankee for takin us along shug.
Made my first ever hike/hammock on SHT/Cascade River this weekend. Wonderful!! Worth the trip from New England. Thanks for the inspiration Shug.
Glad you enjoyed it and seeing some Minnesota. My daughter is in New England currently.
I have been binge watching all your videos lately. Woo buddy!!!
Whooooo Buddy)))))
Rex and Mitch look like they just had a good safety meeting!
Happy Daze are there again!
We all know you are a happy scamper shug.... Happy camping! TY
that flower is orange hawkweed, also known as King Devil.
Thank You!!!! I love the color so much.
Hate to be a bummer but its invasive! At least its pretty....
Thanks, loved them since I was a kid, never knew the name.
It is just a common daisy. It was surrounded by other daisy varieties. That orange one is called fox and cub. I have them in my yard
I too am an invasive!
That water never filters clear, but it has a strange but good taste. Awesome video old buddy.
Tannin in the water.
Man, I cannot believe you don't have any bugs! You are so lucky on June 24. It is hot,buggy and muggy here in Tennessee. Good to see you on the trail. I have not been out since the last week of May. I will watch part two and say hello again.
I got real lucky. Hot here today at home.
So good to see you out walking the trail Shug after a long spell of hard work. I love the Hawkweed too even if it's supposed to be invasive. It comes up on my lawn which has really poor soil and is it ever a favourite for many different species of bees and butterflies including the Swallowtail.
It is a welcome invasive.
I too am an invasive!
You are the best Lord of lollygag .soooo glad Meg shares you with all your fans ....hooo buddy !
Haaa....she likes me out of the house from time to time.
Toujours un plaisir de te regardé !
I hate auto correct, it reminds me of an old girlfriend. I have learned so much watching your adventures and tutorials. Thank you.
Whoooooo Buddy))))
WELL DANG these were most excellent viewing this weekend. Watched them on the big screen! Glad to see you getting out pal, especially in the middle of your busy time!
I loved it so much.
Great vid Shug good to see you out on the trail.
Loved being there.
Awesome you made it Up North! Love the Baptism River and that whole area too. Camped on Pincushion last weekend but too many people in Grand Marais, back to the cities after 2 days. Woo buddy, what's better than leaving the cities super EARLY, that excitement heading up north, coming over the hill on 35 into Duluth and getting that view! Love Superior!! Loved your video!
Weekends are crowded. Glad I usually have the weekdays. Much to enjoy.
Love this video. Just spent 3 days backpacking in the Porkies and tried a hammock for the first time. Woke up to about 45 degrees and freezing right along the lake superior trail. Was a little underprepared and didn't have an underquilt. Who would have thought it would be that cold at the end of June.
underquilt or pad almost always.
Thanks Shug... needed that.
Y'elcome. My pleasure.
Yaaaay! perfect with some shug this lovely morning in Sweden!
I enjoyed my time in Sweden years ago. Performed on the Viking Line. Majestic country.
shugemery thanks for the reply! So you’ve been here. You have to come again, and let us know about it! You’ll always have a place to stay in Sweden :) and hiking buddies to boot! Thank you for the many hours of good fun company and learning, it is truly appreciated! Woooo buddy!
We are in the midst of a heat wave here in the east, but I woke up to 46 degrees in Dolly Sods Wilderness. WhooBuddy! My BeFree is also slowing down even with regular cleaning . This morning I gave up and just boiled my water for breakfast from the hammock. Those wild flowers made me think of the Sound of Music.
I got a replacement top for so good to go again.
Excellent part one! Thru-hiking the SHT is on my to do list within 2 years. Most Whooooo Buddy's in a Shug video ever! 👍
On mine too! Whooooooooooooooooooo Buddy)))))
Wow, those flowers
Oh yes!
U have learned so much watching you adventures and tutorials. Thank you.
Good to hear that.
Love the videos Shug!
Thank you
Love the videos. I’m a little late to the game but I’ve always know those glowers as “devils paintbrush”. Keep up the great content. I’m a binge watcher.
I think the devil uses a paint roller now! Haaaaa Whooooooo Buddy)))))
That is one purdy boil, Shug! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. Best of luck.
I feel invigorated after that walk.
Nice trip Shug. I know you like solitude but it is nice to see people enjoying the trail.
They sure were and it is nice to see a few folks. Think they may need more campsites soon!
Been waiting for a new shug trip, glad to see part 1. This means great news will be hitting my inbox!!.
Love watching your travels shug, all the best from the UK where it's hitting 30+ degrees Celsius. 🤪
Thank you.
Shug I’d like to thank you for all your effort you put into your videos. I’ve always wanted to do the SHT only because of the beauty you show every time your out there. Well finally this is the yr it’s happening I’ll be out there the beginning of sept to see it all my self. Thank you Shug you have influenced me to make it happen rather then dream of it. Wooo Buddy
Greatest time of year to go....enjoy!
Hey Shug, looks like a great way to relax after some hard work. Glad you were able to get out and to bed EARLY!
It energized me so much.
Thank you Sir, for this traipse video. Always a pleasure to get a peek of the northwoods with Shug narrative.
I feel alive after that walk.
Shug Emery is a national treasure.
I don't need that kinda pressure!...haaaaa
Thanks for the great SHT Vlog, Shug! I'm always thrilled to get a Shug notification...Peace and prosper, Shug! I hope your shoulder continues to hold out til your surgery...
Shoulder is doing OK as long as I don't reach back. Surgery in September. Thanks.
Same stretch I did last year. Beautiful.
Ain't it though!
More awesomeness from the Shugmeister. Thanks man!
Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Buddy))))
Thank you Shug for another great video and the effort you put into them always a pleasure to watch I did miss Hickory though
I missed him too. Thankee.
Belated Happy Birthday Shug!
I hit the big 60 on June 19th. Surprisingly I feel OK about it after dreading it. I'm all grown-up now.
Happy trails!
HB to you!
G00D NIGHT, shuge. Good Night.
I shore did enjoy this video of your trip....can't wait to see the 2nd part. Some Gorgeous wild flowers up there too. Please be careful do'in the Ol' 👍on the Hiway. You never know who will pick you up⁉
I Hope you are Pack'in.
Them flowers is purdy....
I got my wily ways of defense. Packin' my wits about me.
Another absolutely beautiful informative trip that you have taken thank you for sharing
my pleasure.
Awesome hike...always an adventure with it! I am a huge fan of the wildflowers, thank you for taking time to share their beauty with us! That orange flower looks like the wildflower called Orange Hawkweed!
Ps...I see someone already told ya about the flower 😬
Thanks all the same. Such beauty out there this trip.
North country ... Worst bugs but best candy !
The country with NO self esteem issues ! YEAH MAN !
Great video! It was full of entertainment and great scenery!
I thankee.
Beautiful area Shug. That was a little weird people camping that close to you. But sometimes more the merrier. Lol. The views there are so beautiful. And one more thing. I miss Kent. Is he doing ok. Just miss seeing the Maple King. 😃😃👍👍
Kent and I can usually only get together once a year. He is well and good.
I’d take cooler temps over the heat any day! Can’t wait for the rest of the trip! Be well Shug! too. I got lucky.
Always good to get a shuggy goodness update notification, great video as always!
I thank you.
Good to see your videos buddy!Tha best!
Thank you.
Even Shug is having flow slowdown with the BeFree, that sucks. I hear they may be coming out with a version that will allow backlashing. Always nice to watch a Shug trip!
Yeah but I feel I got m moneys worth out of the $24 for the filter part. Sucked quite a bit of water through it. I'll get another and drink on!
Right on, so it hasn't gotten that bad that quick that you would go back to something like a Sawyer Squeeze?
Dang, I mean backflushing. Those backlashes can be brutal!
I never took to the Sawyer. I like having the BeFree on my pack strap for a quick drink. Spent $24 to get a new one on the way.
Spiguyver Backpacking don't you love auto correct?
Thanks dude always entertaining!
Y'elcome and thankee.
So jealous of that weather. Wished we had that in Georgia, cause we're frying here. Good to see you out. Hope the shoulder is holding up. Man you are one tough dude. Hope I'm half as good when I hit 60. Cheers.
Got a real break on that weather. I try.
Thank you for sharing my friend.
My pleasure.
Second time I have enjoyed this video ! Just had to watch me some "Shug". It is hot, humid and buggy here in the southeast 89 degrees F. Just enjoying some outdoor you tube video instead of tv. Thanks to Shug for giving us some alternative to the mindless tv.
Thank you. Getting hot!
I'm prepping to go up to NH for the Pemi Loop tomorrow, a Shug video to watch while I do it makes it 100 times better!!!
Have a right goodie of a trip feller.
Always excited to see a new video. Make me wish I still lived up north and not Texas.. too hot to camp this time of year.
That cool weather was a treat. It can go cold quick up there.
40 years ago I use to go hiking and canoeing all around that area. Moved to Tx then back to s Minn, then back to Tx. Thank you Shug for the memories.
....exactly one of the routes I was looking at doing this fall. Definitely NOT going over a weekend...planning on a Monday-Thursday lollygag at the end of September based out of the Highway 1 parking lot doing an out and back. my plan B is to head north past Section 13 up thataway and back......OR I might just resupply at my car and go both ways....pretty no matter what way you go! Glad you got to take a break from your busy touring schedule:-).
Either was are some right good stretches. I'd do both if you have the time.
Didn't even realize how much I was jonesing for some Shug
Cracking video Sir
Thank you Kevin.
Awesome. I just checked the temperature for Grand Marais, 51 and 80 here in the NW metro. That's reason enough to head up there. Thanks Shug!!
Such a difference being up up up there.
That's my kind of weather! It got up to 105 today here in Arkansas. I may have to head north one of these days.
Hot. 94º here in St. Paul today.
Canoe weather.
Went to bean and bear lake year before last. Beautiful overlooks. Highly recommend!
Nice if you can get it to yourself!
Just a joy to see them all.
Looks like a beautiful place out there. I would like to hit the Superior sometime. Great video nice to have it 4 hours from home.
Sweet views shug
That lake must be better than all the other's got a really big ego too. Beautiful area Shuggidy Shug., thanks for talking us along buddy. You're the best...but I really didn't have to tell you that, did I? I just tell you because you like hearing it. ;)
I thankee. So does the lake.
Whoooo Buddy! You're back on the trail. Thanks for the laughs. They are always most welcome :D
How's the shoulder holdin' up? You needed a break for sure. Love that coolth. We'll have that again in October maybe.
Feeling good. I know how not to move it to hurt now. Surgery in September. Thanks.
Hey Shug, beautiful flowers but they are very invasive, we call them hawk weed here. They are slowly taking over my entire yard. Just watched the canoe trip from 2015 that you and the boys did, (for the second time). Like all your videos, I loved it. Any chance of more canoe trips in the future? I hope so, whoo buddy!
I too am invasive!
Prefer walking over canoeing but do want to do it again sometime when it avails itself to happen.
Wow buddy them wild flowers are beautiful Shug.
Best part of the trip for sure.
Thanks for the video Shug! Wonder if those tent folks knew how close they were to royalty.
They knew not!!
AMAZING, Brother !!!
I feel alive!
Another good one.
So fun.
Gettin' after it! You gotta blow the cob webs out from time to time. Gives good contrast from the lollygag trips.
Man Shug I have some tales about campers rolling in late on me. Most are good, but there a couple of nights that weren't "ideal".
That 2nd spot in the breezy pines looked like just the ticket! This video dropped at just the right time. Needed it man! All secure
Did 49.6 miles in 3.5 days.....felt good. Yeah!
Too funny, I was up on the North Shore at the same time as you! I can vouch for the cold, had to put on all my clothes. Wind off the lake can be rough.
T'was brisk at at times. Glad I had some warm clothes.
Good to see you Shug from Boston Massachusetts
Thanks feller.
you should try hiking in Montana, lots of real good beautiful trails here. :D love the videos, you're the reason i got into hammock camping, keep it up. woooooooooooooooo buuuuuuuuudddddyyyy!
Love to someday!
Hey shug i think those orange wildflowets are called devils paintbrush...Doug C from NC 👍
I can feel it pitterin' and patterin'. Lord, that is funny!
hi shug really love that trail thanks for taking me along with you, i’m just getting back into walking after a long recovery from illness but hopefully i have a few more years left in me yet 56 now so here’s hoping, just find it amazing the time you guys can spend out on the trail with 10 to 15 day through hikes and the solitude that you can get , only thing that would worry me would be the wild life like bears or wolfes , did you ever come into contact with anything like that on any of your trips , thanks again woo buddy!!!
Make the time to get out there. You gotta.
Yes, I have come face to face with wolves twice. One on
Seen bears. Bears just want your food. Wolves are just curious but always run away. Be vigilant but do not hike with worry. Worry will ruin your trip. Carry forth......
So great when I find a little gem I haven't seen.
Warbonnet bb xlc will be here Monday!!
I bet those Zack boys at the end needed some water for their cotton mouth...
Just saying...
smelled 'em before I came across 'em!
@@shugemery I was talking about the vid... lololololol..I could not smell it
Wow, funny and awesome video, dude, cheers mate, Rich
Eh, in german the flower's called Orangerotes Habichtskraut! :)
Cool, gutes Deutsch, cheers! :)
3.30 start ...that is EARLY .... Great video ATB . early
Too early...EARLY!
Great video Shug, your flower that you want to know about is called " Devils paintbrush" I'm not sure of the scientific name but that's what we call it here in eastern ontario
Thanks for the trip shug!
Y'elcome and thanks.
Wow, I wouldn't have guessed the UP would be so crowded. That's insane.
North Minnesota it is and draws on weekends in Summer
Lake superior is so Beutiful. Have you ever done the U. P. Of Michigan?
Not yet.
Good night Shug.
Nigh night.
Since you mentioned "chafings ridge" i wondered if you ever had the need to carry a little tube of prep h., or anti-itch cream (or a rough dish towel if the need arises)..
I clean my bum good in the AM with TP and a Wet Wipe. If I think I may chafe I add a dab of skin lube.
Gotta question,,, have U ever sprayed bottom of yer hammock with permithian 2 repel skeeters & deer fly's etc 2 keep em from biting yer hinee?? Did it work ? Do it weaken de materials?? Polk county fl summers R hot & muggy & i don't like 2 carry xtra blanket.
I have done it and it was effective. No damage to hammock.
We had rain at Jackson Lake on Saturday night. It got cold in a hurry. It was my son's first trip ever and he discovered what the SHT has in the way of hills.
T'was right chilly in that cool wind.
Glad to know someone has weather suitable for hiking and hanging. Way too hot and humid down my way.
Glorious up there. I know it is muggy your way!
Enjoy the weather, we have been holding 100 to 105 lately, 107f today, grrr summer is here
We are close to that. Even our dog does not want to go out
You're pushing yourself it sounds like to me. All the shows, the driving, then the hiking. Don't blow a valve please. Thanks for the share. Always enjoy these. My best to ZAK?
ergot57 Haha thanks, my best to you as well! I tought those too not to die along with recommending Shugs tutorials.
Seems you did well then Zakk. They had been out there for a few days and still kicking.
I like the push! Feel very energized after this trip!
They were sooo happy to be out there!
Awesome hike! Great views and commentary. I was just hiking east UP. Terrible mosqitoes and ticks. Are ticks a problem hiking those trails? Cheers!
I did not get any but I soak my clothes in Permethrin.
It can be ticky though.
Minute 17.00 made me laugh so hard! Cheers, Marc
Thanks man.....
Hey Shug! My son said the Chocolate peanut butter poptarts are back!!!!
I got mine!
Great Video
Had a mighty fine time. Thanks cuz.