여러분 안녕하세요. 오늘은 TIG 용접과 레이저 용접의 차이점에 대한 내용을 동영상에 담았습니다. 같은 조건에서 깊은 침투를 얻기 위해서는 높은 출력이 필요합니다. 그럼 두가지 용접방법은 출력이 높아질수록 용접부위는 어떻게 달라질까요? TIG 용접기계의 출력을 높이게 되면 침투는 깊어집니다. 그리고 "아크"도 더 커지기 때문에 용접비드 폭 또한 넓어집니다. 그에 따라서 열입력 부위도 넓어집니다. 깊은 침투를 얻더라도 열입력 부위가 넓어지는건 좋지 않은 현상입니다. 레이저용접기의 출력을 높이면 침투는 깊어집니다. 그러나 아크가 커지지는 않기 때문에 용접 비드 폭은 큰 차이가 없습니다. 좁은 곳에 열을 집중할수 있기 때문에 작은 열입력 부위로 깊은 침투를 얻을수 있다는 장점이 있습니다. 이전에 다른 동영상들에서 보여드렸다시피 이건 아주 큰 장점 입니다. 물론 넓은 폭의 용접을 하기 위해서는 TIG용접이 더 유리할것 입니다. 이런 특성들을 잘 이용하면 더 효율적인 용접 작업이 가능해질것입니다. 차후에는 이런 특성들을 이용하는 상황들도 소개시켜 드리도록 하겠습니다. 시청해주셔서 감사합다 그리고 즐거운 한주 보내세요. 용접기 및 주변기기에 대한 내용은 제조사에 문의 하시면 더 정확한 답변을 얻으실수 있습니다. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ korea@nswel.com 내쇼날시스템 대표전화 051-941-9701~2
Se l'area di penetrazione si alza bisogna fermarsi e fare più passate, quindi meglio il laser al tig. Tutto sta a valutare che picco ha il materiale da saldare, con picco intendo il calore supportato, se un pezza di acciaio ha come certificazione 180⁰(gradi) è ovvio che dovrai fare più passate per non portarlo oltre la gradazione certificata.
I don't know if your video had sound or not, because I listened to it on mute. However, it was very much more communicative than so many others. Bravo.
I like the promise of laser systems and I own both fiber and CO2 setups. I've never TIG welded that way as 400 amps on a stainless coupon is excessive; and the amounts of heat between the two systems are disproportionate. MIG vs laser may be a more realistic comparison but the key is to use varying material thicknesses since that is the only reason to increase power. Depth and penetration should be consistent as the thickness changes. Overheating a joint is simply not something that a professional welder would do. I do appreciate the time and effort that it took to make this video and it's interesting... But if it's purpose is to sell systems, then it's less realistic. Thank you
We use laser or light weld as its called in work, we purchased two last year. I cant remember how many times they have been sent back for repair, also the welds look great but i here from the fabricators that one often finds cracks or porosity in the welds
Hello, do you need a laser welding machine or a laser cleaning machine? Our company specializes in such products. I assure you that the quality of our products is very good, and we have perfect after-sales service to solve all your problems. You can reply to me if you need, thank you
OK, so the difference is that the laser welder retains the focus of the heat throughout the power range, while the Tig method tends to increase the AREA on the surface of the work that receives heat, which leads to a fatter weld pool as the power increases. The Laser does not seem to do this, and I suppose the key here is that the laser beam does not get fatter as the power increases. Tig Arc does. You'll notice they used stainless steel here, which likely increases this advantage because stainless has a low thermal conductivity. Thus, stainless and laser welding may be well suited to each other. Titanium may also be well suited to laser welding, again due ot the very low thermal conductivity. On mild steel, the advantages of laser will be reduced, and definitely on aluminum. In both cases the heat affected zone (HAZ) increases with increasing power, so you still have to be concerned about that. In short, the laser welder has better focus of the power than the Tig Arc.
in the video description, he explains, that cause wig-arc tends to get "wide" , the heat is spread in a way, that it doesn´t reach that deep in the metal, as laser does... that is bad for wig. maybe stainless was a more advantageous material to showcase that, biased towards the laser, I cannot judge that, but also cannot believe, that this advantage can be reversed, with any more-"wig-biased" materials...
I don't know much about laser welding, but none of those welds look great. For the TIG I can recommend turning down your gas flow rate and holding the torch so that the tungsten is more vertical. Your shielding gas is not doing its job. Inappropriate travel angle and high flow rate leading to turbulence is causing excessive oxidation. The laser also looks like the flow rate is too high, but that is ju a t a guess looking at the sparks oxidizing.
Actually, that’s not quite the case. Laser machines are now much more affordable than a few years ago, so you can now buy a laser machine for the price of a higher-quality AC/DC TIG welder.
давайте по делу - тиг может сваривать листы 0.1мм, может сваривать без присадочного прутка, может сваривать любые существующие сплавы даже если это разные сплавы вплоть до цветмет+чермет(например алюминий к меди или медь к стали, не говоря уже о ракетостроении где в присадочный прут добавляют от серебра в плоть до тугоплавкой платины и сваривают титановые и алюминиевые сплавы между собой). Недостаток - нужны навыки специалиста. Лазер - может сваривать любая обезьяна, сваривает быстро, Недостатки - аппаратура крайне громоздкая, привередливая, недолгосрочная (излучатель имеет невысокий ресурс и дорогой ремонт из-за использования пластин из искустивеного рубина для поляризации и максимальной когерентности большого числа источников), лет через 10-20 когда ажиотах уйдет и технология изготовления такой оппаратуры дойдет до идеала можно будет подумать о покупке ралерного универсала(резак+сварка).
Основная проблема лазера в подаче присадки, он сначала греет присадку, а через нее основание. На мелких мощностях всегда непровар, не хватает тепла, чтобы присадка приклеилась к основанию. Первые 2 шва лазером можно сковырнуть отверткой. Я делал опыты.
I purchased a newer-generation 1200 W laser machine, which is much more compact than the one in the video. We mainly work with 0.8 to 1.5 mm stainless steel, and it performs excellently.
Not a fair comparison - what was the power of the tig? Would need to know what the voltage was during the arc during the weld to calculate that, it varies depending on how much heat you're running. I'd expect the tig is better at penetration (at same power, not just current) than the laser, but that may not actually be true: At the extreme light density that fibre lasers like that can reach, the metal actually turns as clear as glass, because all the electrons that normally make metal shiny have been blasted right out of the conduction band, making the electronic structure of the crystal temporarily like a non-conductor, allowing the light to penetrate further before blasting the electrons there out too. Reflection of light requires conductivity at a length scale comparible to the wavelength to achieve: This is why X-rays penetrate BTW: their wavelength 'fits' between the atoms in any crystal, so they have a good chance of just 'missing' through all the empty space between nucleii. (think, basketball in the middle of an airport). It's also why you can't make a mirror that reflects X-rays, because nothing is *that* solid. They interact with the nucleii instead, so you can do some 'diffraction' optics, but that's about all. X-rays should be relvant, BTW: I'd expect the laser welder to be able to make more of those than the tig, just because the available peak energy density should be higher, but it will depend on what you're welding either way: high-Z elements like tungsten should be much worse than low-Z elements like Al, unless you're zapping something whereby you setup a laser-wakefield and actually also cause higher energy particle acceleration too. Arcs onto metal of course make X-rays too - but for a tig, those are going to be very low energy - only about the arc voltage while it's lit, about 10V or so, with very little penetration power. At that level they're almost more UV. Would be interesting to do some X-ray spectroscopy around both and see if that guess holds up. If so, you may need to care when running the laser welder.
400A TIG is perhaps 7 KW, 3 or 4X the power of the Laser 2 KW max. Hence the overheating. Still, showing the laser's good penetration was very interesting.
Hi, friend. Do u comparison power in watt on laser weld and amper on tig? Is it correct? Is voltage on tig is 1 volts? I think that volfage on tig about 7-25 volts. And power is 15v*100a= 1500 watts. In video, tig 100 equal laser 1200. And i think voltage on tig about 12 volts. And on tig 400 equal 4800watts
Witam. To niepoprawne podejście do pomiarów i obliczeń. Źródło tego podaje na przykład 105 V , więc spadek napięcia wynosi 105 - 12 V = 93 V . I tak dla 100 A prądu stałego mamy 9,3 kW. Wprowadzenie pulsu np 50 / 50 zmniejsza o około połowę moc i zwiększa głębokość przetopu. Gdy zrobimy zwarcie 12 V spadnie do 0V. Wtedy 105 V - 0V = 105 V Dla 100 A będzie to 105 V x.100 A = 10,5 kW moc zwarcia pełnego. Tak to jest bez wnikania w szczegóły.
I will like you guys show me how you weld with the laser through metal with the gap between them . Also how you do the corner stuff like angle or square tubing . And what with the safety . You have to be single in the room when you welding . You have to have some special laser welding ecran or maybe a welding chamber . Because I understand this light is very powerful and can easy damage somebody's eyes if that light go out of welded material .
Hello, do you need a laser welding machine or a laser cleaning machine? Our company specializes in such products. I assure you that the quality of our products is very good, and the laser welding machine is equipped with a full set of protective equipment to protect your eyes. hands and body. There is also a complete after-sales service that will solve all your problems. You can reply to me if you need, thank you
Технологии разные, но при помощи этого эксперимента мы как раз можем понять, какой сваркой пользоваться для выполнения того или иного конкретного задания
Not fair comparison. The TIG should be tested also at 400-800-1200-1600 and 2000 Watt. TIG machine at 400 W will generate about 15-20A, and at 2000 W will generate 70 A. Therefore the penetration of TIG at 400 A (12000 Watt) is huge!
Цена является самым большим фактором, и ни кто в своих рекламах не говорит о том сколько времени она проработает, сколько стоят расходники и как часто прийдётся их менять. Барыги одно название, и при этом всё как один вещают что они не сварщики и варить не могут, а смотрите как получается!
How does the laser stack up against the tig in multi-pass open root welding if similar parameters are used for a desired weld...say 3/8-1/2 or metric equivalent welds?..I am interested to see maybe if a full NDT Inspection ...or atleast a break psi and dye pen acid etch results!..that would encapsulate the full tig vs laser test for me..I can see where the laser could have advantages in some processes over tig if similar multi-pass results could be achieved...thank you bro!...as always keep up the awsome welding job!....your homie welding in san diego California!
Не думал что TIG так плох по сравнению с лазером. Для конвейера лазер удобнее, а для работ более серьезных думаю TIG , для частых и работ с опреденной толщиной MIG на высоте, MMA Для специальных и малых работ более актуально, флюсовых электродов множество да и просто пару кусков сварить это намного проще, Владелец импулсного тига более десяти лет и понимаю разницу, брать хороший полуавтомат однозначно буду, проще варить много не толстого металла на простых конструкциях. Импульс мне зашел, это нечто. Но практика с опытом там просто на первом месте.
Bonjour ! Très intéressant votre vidéo ! Moi j'ai presque la même machine TIG que je voie dans votre vidéo avec le refroidisseur, depuis que j'avais acheter cet équipement je ne l'ai jamais utiliser ! Je ne connais pas comment faire l'installation et les connexions ! Si vous pouvez m'aider Svp
One thing you'll notice if you read the warning lables on Laser and elextric welders is that the word "DEATH" is missing ftom the laser welding warning labels.
@@hr.m885 not accidentally or instantly. It would hurt a lot for a long, long time. The guy that demonstrated the IPG photonics told me what it's like to get burned buy one. He said you'll move out of the way really fast.
Without an actual joint between to pieces of metal, where a cut and etch examination of the weld nugget, these tests don’t really show how these two techniques can be evaluated.
Anything above 125 amps on 1/8" stainless is over the top and WILL sugar without a back purge . And leading up to 400 amps you would expect the massive sugaring on the back . I like TIG and would never invest the money in laser unless I had a lot of work for that process If I had a high production business making a lot of specialized widgets . But nice to see how forgiving the process is . :)
I primarily weld stainless steel with thicknesses of 0.8 and 1 mm, and I’m very satisfied with my laser welding machine. It took a few days to adjust to the different technique compared to TIG, but now I use the laser 90% of the time. Of course, TIG remains essential in situations where the laser gun, due to its larger size, can’t reach. The biggest advantage of the laser, in my opinion, is the significantly faster welding process. For example, if a certain TIG weld took an hour and then 45 minutes of grinding, now I can finish it with 10 minutes of welding and just as much grinding since the weld is smaller. The material doesn’t deform, which is also crucial. With the laser, I’ve even managed to weld 0.5 mm sheet to another 0.5 mm sheet without penetration, which showcases the machine’s adjustability for specific applications not easily achievable with TIG.
it's a color without pigments - a thin layer of oxide film absorbs light with a wavelength equal to twice the thickness of this film. so yellow is the absence of blue in the rainbow
Чем от mig/mag отличается? Тем что лазер как целеуказатель стоит и всё?? Распаренная технология. Есть в ней плюсы, но это дорогая игрушка. Многие кто ее купил в России, мало ей пользуются, ибо узконаправленный аппарат.
Not really. More like modified acetylene/oxygene torch welding. The laser beam heats up the material like the gas flame does. There isn't any electric current involved in the welding process.
had a wobble lazer at my last job. the main board got fried from the HF in my tig machine. I could see how it was useful for certain things. But I never wanted to be a lazer welder rather tig all day. manufacturing welding is hell.
Also they are extremely dangerous, and the ricochet of the laser must be obsorbed by special wall coverings, and has to be carried out in a room which cuts out the laser when the door is opened
The difference of this two is that lazer is using a laser beam to weld while tig is by arc which is electricity. Laser is more safer to weld batteries because it doesnt affect battery charge.
La principal diferencia es que la soldadura láser está solo al alcance de una industria porque sería muy difícil amortizar semejante inversión para un taller de soldadura
@@petrovich5188It is because TIG have a power about 2,4 kW in arc when current chosen 100 A. Ts was not tried currents, comparable by power to laser, used in video.
Нельзя сравнивать тиг и лазер, так как лазер спровляется на отлично с одной задачей но он не сделает то что можно сделать тигом, я про зазоры имею ввиду и не только
Hello, do you need a laser welding machine? Our company specializes in this type of product. I assure you that the quality of our products is very good, and the laser welding machine is equipped with a full set of protective equipment to protect your eyes, hands and body. There is also a complete after-sales service that will solve all your problems. You can reply to me if you need, thank you
Laser weld power should be chosen with respect to filler metal diameter, base metal properties (type and thickness) and weld speed. It is not a miracle method to give you perfect welds with random parameters. This video exactly shows this and one fact that this channel can record TIG welding close up but not the Laser welding.
бесполезное видео для наглядности надо было сваривать 2 пластины а не чертить линии . так можно сравнить и клей нанеся на поверхность чтоб посмотреть какой слой толще
Sono vecchio ho costruito sistemi con avanzamenti automatici interfacciato saldatrici . Alla mia epoca non c'era il laser che copertura usa per proteggere il bagno di fusione? Usa gas? E se lo usa : che gas è
여러분 안녕하세요.
오늘은 TIG 용접과 레이저 용접의 차이점에 대한 내용을 동영상에 담았습니다.
같은 조건에서 깊은 침투를 얻기 위해서는 높은 출력이 필요합니다.
그럼 두가지 용접방법은 출력이 높아질수록 용접부위는 어떻게 달라질까요?
TIG 용접기계의 출력을 높이게 되면 침투는 깊어집니다.
그리고 "아크"도 더 커지기 때문에 용접비드 폭 또한 넓어집니다.
그에 따라서 열입력 부위도 넓어집니다.
깊은 침투를 얻더라도 열입력 부위가 넓어지는건 좋지 않은 현상입니다.
레이저용접기의 출력을 높이면 침투는 깊어집니다.
그러나 아크가 커지지는 않기 때문에 용접 비드 폭은 큰 차이가 없습니다.
좁은 곳에 열을 집중할수 있기 때문에 작은 열입력 부위로 깊은 침투를 얻을수 있다는 장점이 있습니다.
이전에 다른 동영상들에서 보여드렸다시피 이건 아주 큰 장점 입니다.
물론 넓은 폭의 용접을 하기 위해서는 TIG용접이 더 유리할것 입니다.
이런 특성들을 잘 이용하면 더 효율적인 용접 작업이 가능해질것입니다.
차후에는 이런 특성들을 이용하는 상황들도 소개시켜 드리도록 하겠습니다.
시청해주셔서 감사합다 그리고 즐거운 한주 보내세요.
용접기 및 주변기기에 대한 내용은 제조사에 문의 하시면 더 정확한 답변을 얻으실수 있습니다.
내쇼날시스템 대표전화
티그 + - 반대로 하면 어덜까요?? 그리고 텅스텐을 뾰족하개하지말고
직각느낌으로 잘라서 테스트 하면 어떨지 궁금합니다
láser $$$$$$$$$$$$ contra MIG $$
Se l'area di penetrazione si alza bisogna fermarsi e fare più passate, quindi meglio il laser al tig. Tutto sta a valutare che picco ha il materiale da saldare, con picco intendo il calore supportato, se un pezza di acciaio ha come certificazione 180⁰(gradi) è ovvio che dovrai fare più passate per non portarlo oltre la gradazione certificata.
I don't know if your video had sound or not, because I listened to it on mute. However, it was very much more communicative than so many others. Bravo.
I like the promise of laser systems and I own both fiber and CO2 setups. I've never TIG welded that way as 400 amps on a stainless coupon is excessive; and the amounts of heat between the two systems are disproportionate. MIG vs laser may be a more realistic comparison but the key is to use varying material thicknesses since that is the only reason to increase power. Depth and penetration should be consistent as the thickness changes. Overheating a joint is simply not something that a professional welder would do. I do appreciate the time and effort that it took to make this video and it's interesting... But if it's purpose is to sell systems, then it's less realistic. Thank you
yeah mig and laser both use the molten filler and laser only match high fusion of mig using high arc ampere
We use laser or light weld as its called in work, we purchased two last year.
I cant remember how many times they have been sent back for repair, also the welds look great but i here from the fabricators that one often finds cracks or porosity in the welds
Hello, do you need a laser welding machine or a laser cleaning machine? Our company specializes in such products. I assure you that the quality of our products is very good, and we have perfect after-sales service to solve all your problems. You can reply to me if you need, thank you
This means that TIG welding is stronger ?
OK, so the difference is that the laser welder retains the focus of the heat throughout the power range, while the Tig method tends to increase the AREA on the surface of the work that receives heat, which leads to a fatter weld pool as the power increases. The Laser does not seem to do this, and I suppose the key here is that the laser beam does not get fatter as the power increases. Tig Arc does. You'll notice they used stainless steel here, which likely increases this advantage because stainless has a low thermal conductivity. Thus, stainless and laser welding may be well suited to each other. Titanium may also be well suited to laser welding, again due ot the very low thermal conductivity. On mild steel, the advantages of laser will be reduced, and definitely on aluminum. In both cases the heat affected zone (HAZ) increases with increasing power, so you still have to be concerned about that. In short, the laser welder has better focus of the power than the Tig Arc.
in the video description, he explains, that cause wig-arc tends to get "wide" , the heat is spread in a way, that it doesn´t reach that deep in the metal, as laser does... that is bad for wig. maybe stainless was a more advantageous material to showcase that, biased towards the laser, I cannot judge that, but also cannot believe, that this advantage can be reversed, with any more-"wig-biased" materials...
Nobody would weld 3mm thick Stainless on 400 Amps, and especially with that big torch angle.
I don't know much about laser welding, but none of those welds look great.
For the TIG I can recommend turning down your gas flow rate and holding the torch so that the tungsten is more vertical. Your shielding gas is not doing its job. Inappropriate travel angle and high flow rate leading to turbulence is causing excessive oxidation.
The laser also looks like the flow rate is too high, but that is ju a t a guess looking at the sparks oxidizing.
На лазере увеличили мощность, но не увеличили скорость подачи проволоки.
Самым чистым экспериментом было бы сделать швы вообще без проволоки.
Я бы ещё посоветовал не макать сопло в хвост сварочной ванны 😂
trust me this guy knows how to weld this is just a demonstration
Самая большая разница - В ЦЕНЕ!
Actually, that’s not quite the case. Laser machines are now much more affordable than a few years ago, so you can now buy a laser machine for the price of a higher-quality AC/DC TIG welder.
Thank you very much for creating and sharing. This was absolutely wonderful.
You are an artist, my best regards from Iraq
давайте по делу - тиг может сваривать листы 0.1мм, может сваривать без присадочного прутка, может сваривать любые существующие сплавы даже если это разные сплавы вплоть до цветмет+чермет(например алюминий к меди или медь к стали, не говоря уже о ракетостроении где в присадочный прут добавляют от серебра в плоть до тугоплавкой платины и сваривают титановые и алюминиевые сплавы между собой). Недостаток - нужны навыки специалиста. Лазер - может сваривать любая обезьяна, сваривает быстро, Недостатки - аппаратура крайне громоздкая, привередливая, недолгосрочная (излучатель имеет невысокий ресурс и дорогой ремонт из-за использования пластин из искустивеного рубина для поляризации и максимальной когерентности большого числа источников), лет через 10-20 когда ажиотах уйдет и технология изготовления такой оппаратуры дойдет до идеала можно будет подумать о покупке ралерного универсала(резак+сварка).
Основная проблема лазера в подаче присадки, он сначала греет присадку, а через нее основание. На мелких мощностях всегда непровар, не хватает тепла, чтобы присадка приклеилась к основанию. Первые 2 шва лазером можно сковырнуть отверткой. Я делал опыты.
разная толщина присадки
Добрый день подскажите для сварки 0,8-1 мм металла, будет достаточно аппарата 1.500 Вт?
@@Dlav_Volkov должно быть достаточно, с большими толщина и уже будут проблемы. 1500 на 2мм не хватает.
@@grootxtree значит для кузовного ремонта лучше брать 2kv
I purchased a newer-generation 1200 W laser machine, which is much more compact than the one in the video. We mainly work with 0.8 to 1.5 mm stainless steel, and it performs excellently.
У тебя Золотые руки. С удовольствием смотрю твои выпуски TIG.
TIG is good enough. And cheaper of course. Thank you 😊
Not a fair comparison - what was the power of the tig? Would need to know what the voltage was during the arc during the weld to calculate that, it varies depending on how much heat you're running.
I'd expect the tig is better at penetration (at same power, not just current) than the laser, but that may not actually be true: At the extreme light density that fibre lasers like that can reach, the metal actually turns as clear as glass, because all the electrons that normally make metal shiny have been blasted right out of the conduction band, making the electronic structure of the crystal temporarily like a non-conductor, allowing the light to penetrate further before blasting the electrons there out too.
Reflection of light requires conductivity at a length scale comparible to the wavelength to achieve: This is why X-rays penetrate BTW: their wavelength 'fits' between the atoms in any crystal, so they have a good chance of just 'missing' through all the empty space between nucleii. (think, basketball in the middle of an airport). It's also why you can't make a mirror that reflects X-rays, because nothing is *that* solid. They interact with the nucleii instead, so you can do some 'diffraction' optics, but that's about all.
X-rays should be relvant, BTW: I'd expect the laser welder to be able to make more of those than the tig, just because the available peak energy density should be higher, but it will depend on what you're welding either way: high-Z elements like tungsten should be much worse than low-Z elements like Al, unless you're zapping something whereby you setup a laser-wakefield and actually also cause higher energy particle acceleration too.
Arcs onto metal of course make X-rays too - but for a tig, those are going to be very low energy - only about the arc voltage while it's lit, about 10V or so, with very little penetration power. At that level they're almost more UV.
Would be interesting to do some X-ray spectroscopy around both and see if that guess holds up. If so, you may need to care when running the laser welder.
First tig weld was over 2kw ....
400A TIG is perhaps 7 KW, 3 or 4X the power of the Laser 2 KW max. Hence the overheating. Still, showing the laser's good penetration was very interesting.
Только китайцы могут сравнить мощность лазерного излучения с током аргонов-дуговой сварки в преобразование единой единицы измерения-пиздатость
Это кореец
Это точно. И если прикинуть, что 100А - это 1500-2000W, то разницу заметить трудно.
Вообще то он кореец
тибе лайк за пиздатость
Он кореец, поэтому и Ваше утверждение про мощность с током в корне не верно.
Вот вот, я всем объясняю что у лазера нет провара смотря на ролики, когда они выходить начали, спасибо вам, теперь я удостоверился что не ошибался! 🔥
тк ведь наоборот на больших токах обратный валик даже начал получаться а в тиг варке наоборот по ширине пошел прогрев больше
Thank you! As always the welding shown is impeccable.
Hi, friend. Do u comparison power in watt on laser weld and amper on tig? Is it correct? Is voltage on tig is 1 volts? I think that volfage on tig about 7-25 volts. And power is 15v*100a= 1500 watts.
In video, tig 100 equal laser 1200. And i think voltage on tig about 12 volts. And on tig 400 equal 4800watts
true, totally pointless comparison....
Witam. To niepoprawne podejście do pomiarów i obliczeń. Źródło tego podaje na przykład 105 V , więc spadek napięcia wynosi 105 - 12 V = 93 V . I tak dla 100 A prądu stałego mamy 9,3 kW. Wprowadzenie pulsu np 50 / 50 zmniejsza o około połowę moc i zwiększa głębokość przetopu. Gdy zrobimy zwarcie 12 V spadnie do 0V. Wtedy 105 V - 0V = 105 V Dla 100 A będzie to 105 V x.100 A = 10,5 kW moc zwarcia pełnego. Tak to jest bez wnikania w szczegóły.
I will like you guys show me how you weld with the laser through metal with the gap between them . Also how you do the corner stuff like angle or square tubing . And what with the safety . You have to be single in the room when you welding . You have to have some special laser welding ecran or maybe a welding chamber . Because I understand this light is very powerful and can easy damage somebody's eyes if that light go out of welded material .
Hello, do you need a laser welding machine or a laser cleaning machine? Our company specializes in such products. I assure you that the quality of our products is very good, and the laser welding machine is equipped with a full set of protective equipment to protect your eyes. hands and body. There is also a complete after-sales service that will solve all your problems. You can reply to me if you need, thank you
Как можно сравнивать мощность и амперы? Если в режиме ТИГ посчитать мощность 400А ×20В = 8000Вт!!! А у лазера 2000Вт
Точно, сравнил шило и мыло
This is a very good demonstration thank you so much❤❤😮
Абсолютно разные технологии. Сравнивать их нет никакого смысла.
Технологии разные, но при помощи этого эксперимента мы как раз можем понять, какой сваркой пользоваться для выполнения того или иного конкретного задания
Not fair comparison. The TIG should be tested also at 400-800-1200-1600 and 2000 Watt. TIG machine at 400 W will generate about 15-20A, and at 2000 W will generate 70 A. Therefore the penetration of TIG at 400 A (12000 Watt) is huge!
Ask solve wow really good welding Laser Machine Thank's 😘 😃😃😃
Как часто надо варить дорожку на листе металла?
Цена является самым большим фактором, и ни кто в своих рекламах не говорит о том сколько времени она проработает, сколько стоят расходники и как часто прийдётся их менять. Барыги одно название, и при этом всё как один вещают что они не сварщики и варить не могут, а смотрите как получается!
Until now, TIG is still the king of welding and the strongest type of welding
Thanks for the demo.
Сколько будет отбивать затраты один и другой аппарат, какова возможность работать вне производства, а например на судне.
Super sprzęt pozdrawiam serdecznie 👍👍👍👍👍
Con el láser usted cambio de diámetro de alambre, con tig solo cambio de amperaje.... Gracias por la información.
Saludos y salud
the best welding tutorial I saw to this day ! Thank you !
Production seems sensible with laser if it’s repeated not so convinced on one offs or repair work?
How does the laser stack up against the tig in multi-pass open root welding if similar parameters are used for a desired weld...say 3/8-1/2 or metric equivalent welds?..I am interested to see maybe if a full NDT Inspection ...or atleast a break psi and dye pen acid etch results!..that would encapsulate the full tig vs laser test for me..I can see where the laser could have advantages in some processes over tig if similar multi-pass results could be achieved...thank you bro!...as always keep up the awsome welding job!....your homie welding in san diego California!
Gostei da demonstração. E gostei mais ainda da solda Tig.
Не думал что TIG так плох по сравнению с лазером. Для конвейера лазер удобнее, а для работ более серьезных думаю TIG , для частых и работ с опреденной толщиной MIG на высоте, MMA Для специальных и малых работ более актуально, флюсовых электродов множество да и просто пару кусков сварить это намного проще, Владелец импулсного тига более десяти лет и понимаю разницу, брать хороший полуавтомат однозначно буду, проще варить много не толстого металла на простых конструкциях. Импульс мне зашел, это нечто. Но практика с опытом там просто на первом месте.
👍what laser machine do you recommend on 16amp plug
Понятно, что большие швы лучше у TIG
Bonjour ! Très intéressant votre vidéo ! Moi j'ai presque la même machine TIG que je voie dans votre vidéo avec le refroidisseur, depuis que j'avais acheter cet équipement je ne l'ai jamais utiliser ! Je ne connais pas comment faire l'installation et les connexions ! Si vous pouvez m'aider Svp
Tig용접이레이저용접보다 월등히 좋아요
가격도싸고 As비용도저렴하고 각장도 높고 레이저 용접기 는열변형이적은점빼고는딱히좋은 점을모르겠음 박판은 잘됨
Asolomualaykum aka ishlariz yahshimi lazrni svarkani narhi qancha dolrga oʻzbegistonga olib kelishti ilojibormi jovopingzni kutaman oldindan rahmat
Узбекистанда бор сотиляпди жуда куп
Что хотел, то и получил. Самая большая разница в цене!
Привет из Сибири.
Ok, fantástico, gracias por compartir tanta información maestro, un cordial saludo y por supuesto un merecido like desde Narón (Galicia)🔝👍🤓
One thing you'll notice if you read the warning lables on Laser and elextric welders is that the word "DEATH" is missing ftom the laser welding warning labels.
So, you cant die from laser?
@@hr.m885 not accidentally or instantly.
It would hurt a lot for a long, long time.
The guy that demonstrated the IPG photonics told me what it's like to get burned buy one. He said you'll move out of the way really fast.
can the laser cut metal like plasma cutter? also does it have shielding gas?
Thank you for information
The biggest difference is to compare Watts to Amps ... ?
The deeper the weld the better? I’m asking? Because to me it looks like it is weakening the plate with backside markings.
Without an actual joint between to pieces of metal, where a cut and etch examination of the weld nugget, these tests don’t really show how these two techniques can be evaluated.
Anything above 125 amps on 1/8" stainless is over the top and WILL sugar without a back purge . And leading up to 400 amps you would expect the massive sugaring on the back . I like TIG and would never invest the money in laser unless I had a lot of work for that process If I had a high production business making a lot of specialized widgets .
But nice to see how forgiving the process is . :)
Übersetz das mal...Junge..Du bist genial
Please, compare strenght between tig and laser
I'd like to see that one. Do a Butt joint then do a Bend test and elongation test on each.
difference is portability, penetration, customer service. personal experiance. but its good technology that we must embrace.
I primarily weld stainless steel with thicknesses of 0.8 and 1 mm, and I’m very satisfied with my laser welding machine. It took a few days to adjust to the different technique compared to TIG, but now I use the laser 90% of the time. Of course, TIG remains essential in situations where the laser gun, due to its larger size, can’t reach.
The biggest advantage of the laser, in my opinion, is the significantly faster welding process. For example, if a certain TIG weld took an hour and then 45 minutes of grinding, now I can finish it with 10 minutes of welding and just as much grinding since the weld is smaller. The material doesn’t deform, which is also crucial. With the laser, I’ve even managed to weld 0.5 mm sheet to another 0.5 mm sheet without penetration, which showcases the machine’s adjustability for specific applications not easily achievable with TIG.
I'm left with more questions than answers after watching this 🤔
😅 igual yo
Tell us about the rainbow colors on the metal, are they a defect?
it's a color without pigments - a thin layer of oxide film absorbs light with a wavelength equal to twice the thickness of this film. so yellow is the absence of blue in the rainbow
Yellow and purple is ok, gray, especially with "powdered surface" - it's burned steel
Прям очень интересно как лазерным аппаратом заварить зазор в 10-20мм!
what is the thickness of this test pieces ?
Чем от mig/mag отличается? Тем что лазер как целеуказатель стоит и всё?? Распаренная технология. Есть в ней плюсы, но это дорогая игрушка. Многие кто ее купил в России, мало ей пользуются, ибо узконаправленный аппарат.
Tendrá las mismas capacidades de penetración en materiales de espesores gruesos ?
400 AMP tig for 4mm sheet??? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂120 Amp enough- even much
Тоже удивился. Как металл не вытек.
@@ПавелПерерва-г1е вытек???? Уже на 300 можно резать такой метал электродом как мечом из звёздных войн🤣🤣🤣😂😂
@@alexslater506 Я уже давно его смотрю. И на тех режимах, которые он выставляет варить невозможно. Мастер знает секреты о которых не расскажет.
@@ПавелПерерва-г1е этот секрет называется китайские амперы😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
"Laser" it is a modified MIG/MAG.
Not really. More like modified acetylene/oxygene torch welding. The laser beam heats up the material like the gas flame does. There isn't any electric current involved in the welding process.
@@justanengineer1604 ok. thanks.
Canggih teknologinya, mantap salam from 🇮🇩
Hello Super 🇺🇲✈️🇦🇿🤘🇹🇷
Прежде чем рекламу давать глухонемых субтитры вкл.
had a wobble lazer at my last job. the main board got fried from the HF in my tig machine. I could see how it was useful for certain things. But I never wanted to be a lazer welder rather tig all day. manufacturing welding is hell.
Разница только в брызгах или в единицах измерения?
TIG в данном случае лучше. Да , зона термического влияния больше, но шов красивее , валик красивый.
На цветном металле, зона прогрева не имеет значения, лазер для чёрного металла, очень дорого...
@@ff-nn1ws Может на оборот? Чем ты потом побежалости будешь удалять и сколько времени?
Also they are extremely dangerous, and the ricochet of the laser must be obsorbed by special wall coverings, and has to be carried out in a room which cuts out the laser when the door is opened
How to order
The difference of this two is that lazer is using a laser beam to weld while tig is by arc which is electricity. Laser is more safer to weld batteries because it doesnt affect battery charge.
Il filo va cambiato x ogni tipo di saldatura,?quella a laser
La principal diferencia es que la soldadura láser está solo al alcance de una industria porque sería muy difícil amortizar semejante inversión para un taller de soldadura
А зачем ее окупать 😊 ?
Kya price hai bro legar welding set ka
le fil '' laser '' est il le même que les bobines mig ?
понятно без слов. спасибо
Лазер не мощный? КПД какой?
A Tig cozinha a solda melhor ! Parece mais confiável.
and direction - forward and backward. you can try to move tig also backward, it's more difficult, but it's possible and gives you better gas coverage
price . .... thats the deciding factor ,, and untruseted sellers portability and not on weld procedure sheets may be another .
Tig is still way better than laser.
Laser less heat distortion.
@@petrovich5188It is because TIG have a power about 2,4 kW in arc when current chosen 100 A. Ts was not tried currents, comparable by power to laser, used in video.
@Ramulus2009 true, I was thinking the same thing.
I agree, I liked the finish of the tig
Depends on the application
Laser needs argón ?
Нельзя сравнивать тиг и лазер, так как лазер спровляется на отлично с одной задачей но он не сделает то что можно сделать тигом, я про зазоры имею ввиду и не только
what is the point you are making?
I see laser having certain applications but as far as quality of welding there is no comparison. Properly Tig welded material is perfection.
Why would you use such a drastic push angle with tig? No wonder the shielding gas did nothing
How much at how to order
Hello, do you need a laser welding machine? Our company specializes in this type of product. I assure you that the quality of our products is very good, and the laser welding machine is equipped with a full set of protective equipment to protect your eyes, hands and body. There is also a complete after-sales service that will solve all your problems. You can reply to me if you need, thank you
Now I know what a mime welding would be like, thanks.
Разница в цене аппаратов. Лазер в десятки раз дороже
Cuánto cuesta la máquina de láser aquí en México
Когда ты узнаешь цену, ответь мне...😂👌
How about some comintary on the comparison.
Laser weld power should be chosen with respect to filler metal diameter, base metal properties (type and thickness) and weld speed. It is not a miracle method to give you perfect welds with random parameters.
This video exactly shows this and one fact that this channel can record TIG welding close up but not the Laser welding.
Lazer = less heat imput to work piece and smaller weld
So do you always have to drag with a laser then ??
If so, then its not 100% good for all welds
Ist der laser mit gas?
бесполезное видео для наглядности надо было сваривать 2 пластины а не чертить линии . так можно сравнить и клей нанеся на поверхность чтоб посмотреть какой слой толще
Sono vecchio ho costruito sistemi con avanzamenti automatici interfacciato saldatrici . Alla mia epoca non c'era il laser che copertura usa per proteggere il bagno di fusione? Usa gas? E se lo usa : che gas è