After trying to give demons a back unit and failing for so long, they decided to just give them Nanashi instead as well. Nanashi stonks only go up, which kind of makes sense that he's a good back unit, since his very short appearance was him as a trainer, but it was for Arthur sooo.
@@sganime4299 Doesn't seem to stop him from working, because the units he supports and his kit (probably overturned because of it at the time) are designed with that in mind. So while I can agree that it is sometimes a downside, until the reasons above aren't the case I can't say it's enough to make the CC a downside to be considered. I honestly think they shot themselves in the foot, and now can't come up with a backline unit that is as good without releasing a copy and paste of Nanashi, is seriously over tuned (or doing double races with unknown like they have been, which they may as future characters would work that way), and if they do there is a chance of criticism.
You know now that I think about it Demi’s kit should have been indura monspete definitely spelled that wrong but you get the point these collab characters and ocs with insane kits should be on different characters relative to the story I get they want to make money but if you make a good sins story character they would also sell😭
It would max ignite stacks every turn. That's the advantage Kyo and Monspeet provide. I really wish there was a difference between human ignite and demon ignite because oooohhhh boy.
I’m not sure if this unit can outweigh DK Zel after being buffed, but generally in PVE DK can easily cheese some fights, but i think demiurge offers way more in pvp
I am BEGGING that they redeem the tog units on rerun. Not only do I need the buffs to be meaningful but if they bring in urek Mazino he NEEDS to be on the level of fitoria/demiurge if not greater (cuz lore)
I'm honestly surprised they haven't gone stupid with the back units for all team compositions. The frontline dps units that came out in the era when Nanashi's relic released are so power crept into being unusable. The game is already built on just use the new op thing. Its crazy that red chainsaw roxy and demon chandler even exist how they are.
For every cheap2p/free2p player who sees this and is 150% summoning, just remember that Nag has about 17m Box CC and an ENORMOUS amount of bonus stats. Your Demiurge will VASTLY differ from what you see here.
A Demon team where two guys are not even demons 'cause they're Unknowns, then their backup is also an Unknown since he's too strong as backup. Can't figure if it's a W or L.
Man, I can’t wait to use this team with gelda-, OH WAIT, I don’t have her, guess I better hope I pull her on the banner even though she’s not my target
Yay basically the come back of the uninfectable Immortal Gelda and Meli if you debuff me i wipe your team T2 and now with support that counter Arthur and big Single target's rough... The level of absurdity of the next Fest Unit for counter this going to be insane....
So, if I don’t have DK Meli or Mael Escanor I shouldn’t even bother playing, right? Edit: so right after posting my low vibrational ass comment I cut on GC and summoned one multi. Escanor animation changed. Pulled the shield dude and Gelda.
Why did I have to spend all my gems,what a stupid decision on my part,the only way I can earn some is if I could actually beat 682 on story,which is impossible for me rn cuz I got no good units to best it
@@logcus717 So many green human🤣But maybe next collab gonna be human on prediction percival's dad on November and then end of year Tristan which is going to be new best hero xD
No way bro said demiu urges😭
Bro chill with the comments I am still reading the baldr one😭
this unit giving me urges ong
@@NagatoGrandCrossI’m sorry what?I didn’t know u swing that way nag
@@NagatoGrandCross freaky ahh nagato😭
Technically the katakana for his name reads "Demiurugosu" so it would essentially be Demiurgus lol
Nag is so done with 7ds gc to the point he didn't drop a summon video and directly dropped a full UR gear showcase 💀🙏🏻
do people really even care about summon videos anymore?
@@azzedine9415I care, why?
people dont really care about summons as much so it'll drop later
@@azzedine9415 ngl i got bored of watching yter summons aswell
@@NagatoGrandCross we enjoy seeing u getting shafted just keep dropping these vids
The best demon team is 75% unknown 😂
If u can't beat them join them😂
Demiurge's aoe atk has 12 hits that's more hits than gelda' single atk,thats insane.
After trying to give demons a back unit and failing for so long, they decided to just give them Nanashi instead as well. Nanashi stonks only go up, which kind of makes sense that he's a good back unit, since his very short appearance was him as a trainer, but it was for Arthur sooo.
But nanashi is kinda of an old unit soo his stats and cc are ass unless they give him an LR version or a new version of him
@@sganime4299 Doesn't seem to stop him from working, because the units he supports and his kit (probably overturned because of it at the time) are designed with that in mind. So while I can agree that it is sometimes a downside, until the reasons above aren't the case I can't say it's enough to make the CC a downside to be considered.
I honestly think they shot themselves in the foot, and now can't come up with a backline unit that is as good without releasing a copy and paste of Nanashi, is seriously over tuned (or doing double races with unknown like they have been, which they may as future characters would work that way), and if they do there is a chance of criticism.
Bloodborne fit goes so hard
fuck yeah
Look more like Dante Devil Trigger
Lmao that was funny
Thats very demure and mindful of Demiurge.🥺
I will definetly run his Farmer costume, because if you know… you know…
Demiurge’s farm….😭
@user-dp8dq2np7y …where everyone is happy…
HAPPY FARM!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
You know now that I think about it Demi’s kit should have been indura monspete definitely spelled that wrong but you get the point these collab characters and ocs with insane kits should be on different characters relative to the story I get they want to make money but if you make a good sins story character they would also sell😭
DEMONs are back in the META again 💀
meanwhile, Fairies and Giants be like = OK 👀
I keep wanting them to release the 2nd fairy king the movie
*unknown featuring meliodas
@@jumboauthor2140 They skipped the movie storyline like it's not part of the actual 7ds storyline lol.
@HaZzy_0924 and technically, I know most people hate OC characters, but loki is technically a giant.
Fairies and giants will stay in the dumpster. We have never gotten a new version of Hellbram.😂😂 for fucks sake
Just so you know Nag, Demiurge in the anime IS in fact not a vampire but a full fledged demon. Shalltear is the vampire
Have you even watched the video? he was talking about GELDA being a vampire and not Demiurge
Isn't he a chimera or sum and not just a demon
@@NotWetCheese to be precise, he's a frog or reptilian demon
10:11 The f-ing pause when he saw freeze b*tch is like saying "crazy choice, pal!" 😂
Him+ kyo + monspeet is 🔥🔥🔥
It would max ignite stacks every turn. That's the advantage Kyo and Monspeet provide. I really wish there was a difference between human ignite and demon ignite because oooohhhh boy.
I’m not sure if this unit can outweigh DK Zel after being buffed, but generally in PVE DK can easily cheese some fights, but i think demiurge offers way more in pvp
As a demon main, I see this as a victory
Demiurge + Monspieet(with holy relic) should be a great combo
your videos are the only thing that keeps me playing this game, keep it up nag
Haven't been this hyped in a while for this game
I am BEGGING that they redeem the tog units on rerun. Not only do I need the buffs to be meaningful but if they bring in urek Mazino he NEEDS to be on the level of fitoria/demiurge if not greater (cuz lore)
no one besides you cares about this trash show/characters
Is funny because he is in demon's team but Meli technically is the only demon in the team
I'm honestly surprised they haven't gone stupid with the back units for all team compositions. The frontline dps units that came out in the era when Nanashi's relic released are so power crept into being unusable. The game is already built on just use the new op thing. Its crazy that red chainsaw roxy and demon chandler even exist how they are.
Love how the “demon” team is three unknowns
You know the unit boutta go crazy when he puts a pog of himself in the thumbnail
So glad he isnt a "Zaharad" situation
It's only been a day or so.. Only time will tell if Demiurge will fall off. He is better than Zahard off rip, I'll give him that
For every cheap2p/free2p player who sees this and is 150% summoning, just remember that Nag has about 17m Box CC and an ENORMOUS amount of bonus stats. Your Demiurge will VASTLY differ from what you see here.
Even when Demiurge gets damage creeped he will still be a good support. Hes a futureproof unit for some time!
Galland finally gets viability with Demiurge support.
A Demon team where two guys are not even demons 'cause they're Unknowns, then their backup is also an Unknown since he's too strong as backup.
Can't figure if it's a W or L.
“Demons are back”: 3 out of 4 are unknown 😂 but yeah they count as demons. Glad to use Gelda again
Box CC is definitely going to matter for this but he seems broken. Sometimes I wonder if they play test these units lol
I’m so exited for him to come on gl8bal I have all the units for this team alr
Im still tryin to get baldr ... brother this Game men
Ngl i think demiurge beats baldur
You got tricked though, you know baldr is dropping on the SR/SSR banner right?
the demon team now consists of two unknowns wild
so DK-Demiurge-DK Meli team is also viable ? alternative if not having gelda i mean
i hopei get lucky with those summons cause thor took whole rotation for one to drop at last summon and guarented one...
that's basically another unknown team, the meta is unknown vs unknown vs humans basically
Man, I can’t wait to use this team with gelda-, OH WAIT, I don’t have her, guess I better hope I pull her on the banner even though she’s not my target
This game became the seven unknowns even meli said f it i'm unknown now😔
Thanks for this.
Wouldn't you get more Gelda HP from finishing with Meli's AoE?
Ah, Demons, my old friends.
15:17 You should read the Light Novel, they are usually better than the Mangas and got a lot more Informations, you feel me
Bro he's like a festival😭 His passive is so complete
when gelda dropped the average match time bacame 20 mins
Good bye my dear demon king, hope to see him return one day with a Holly-R or LR
not even a summoning video? c'mon Nag😭
What substats do you use on Gelda for the bracelet and ring?
Crit Chance / Crit Dmg
we heard you the first time you said he had more atk, damn, mans is a recorder on repeat
The Webcam makes a return!!
Yay basically the come back of the uninfectable Immortal Gelda and Meli if you debuff me i wipe your team T2 and now with support that counter Arthur and big Single target's rough...
The level of absurdity of the next Fest Unit for counter this going to be insane....
They put respect on my boys name thank god
It's hard being goated.
Now we need slime part 3 to drop diablo for a 3rd unknown demon
Where's summon?
Next week Tuesday morning.
The weakester member of the team is Meli, how crazy this is
ISTG nag said essentially like 50 times lol
Im calling it now, soon we will get another unknown who counts as a demon to make a full team of unknown "demons" with nanashi at the back. lol
It kinda sucks that gelda and Demiurge are unknown, would've been fun to see them run and meta with the new Chandler instead of just nanashi spam
Gelda gets demon category so does demiurge did you even read their passive?
Viole is one of the most important units for guild boss so I wouldn't say tower of God was bad. There's more to the game then just pvp lol😅
If you don’t got down on long Melio who can you use as a sub ??
Is it better to run attack sub stats on gelda for CC or to go crit chance/damage??
Bruh first collab i summon tbh and got only 2 new girl in 600 gems
bro baldur did speedrun out of the meta.
When does the collaboration come out for global
I might be blind but - what gear are you using?
Queria ver os summons, pra me ver a sorte do Nagato kkk
Feel like they just making op characters to keep the game going, just to kill them off in a month 😂
What gear set is best for
We rlly need a new nanashi char😂😂bro the only thing tht nvr been replace for unknown
I thought the title said Demure for a second 😂😂
So, if I don’t have DK Meli or Mael Escanor I shouldn’t even bother playing, right?
Edit: so right after posting my low vibrational ass comment I cut on GC and summoned one multi. Escanor animation changed. Pulled the shield dude and Gelda.
When are you going to watch overlord? If yes 8n what channel?
I thought it said demure in the title
Hi nag, ive been sticking with your roblox channel but im also deciding on playing grand cross, should i start now or start in a few more time?
Now is a good time to start, all characters in the Banner are useful for a f2p
@@ChyChybronow pls. Continue story fast to get gems
Soooo attack and crit ur gear is good for him bcus i need to preparation .
He feels like demon lr escanor
bloodborne costume goes so hard tho
What are the equips for him ?
😂🎉, proably a return of purgatory mely, hype for the global updatp
Did you get a trim nag you looking kinda👀
Whats the best stats for demiurge
This guy is fire 🔥
No summon video?
Bro skipped the summon video cuz the hero is TOO OP
So you build him with atk/crit dmg?
Can you play Demiurge with monspeed ?
Why did I have to spend all my gems,what a stupid decision on my part,the only way I can earn some is if I could actually beat 682 on story,which is impossible for me rn cuz I got no good units to best it
Ngl, he looks like the most anti fun thing to fight
which gear for demjurge?
So try him with kyo lmao bet the debuff compound
ik lr meli is useless but does demiurge have more attack than him since lr meli has more attack than dk meli
My friends Human player...we're doom until next Human festival unit....
@@logcus717 So many green human🤣But maybe next collab gonna be human on prediction percival's dad on November and then end of year Tristan which is going to be new best hero xD
Has he more atk then Roxy she hast like almost 19k in box
Watch the anime and you’ll see some future cool units, the anime is a fun watch too just sayin
sadly cant update the game
he's aoe card was brand new weakpoint card
Why no summon video
nag do you have holy relic??
Where is the equipment stats??
I got him and albedo
What can i Use if i dont have gelda