This was a test (Blessing) from Allah that you had this accident! HE saved you from a worse situation! That car could've blew up on you with no oil in it! ALLAHUAKBAR! (So glad you're ok)
Aisha M, that's not wat u call a test car blowing or no oil, that's no sense sister have u heard off KADIR, Wats written for u will Get Kadir that's why we pray and beg for Allah subhanwatgala MERCY
☪️ALHAMDULILLAAH.....🥹🤲🏾MAY ALLAH BESTOW HIS MERCY AND BLESSINGS UPON US, AMEEN. I'm truly enjoy watching the way he articulates his lecture(s) everytime I see this brother. MA'SHA'ALLAH.😊
Alhamdulillah that you're OK from the Deer accident! May Allah make us be mindful of DEATH, it's the inevitable! It can happen anytime when we're least expected! Every SOUL will taste DEATH! O Allah Help us to be as ready as we can before our DEATH and only YOU know when! May YOU have Mercy on our poor imperfect SOULS until the END! Ameen 🥀🥀
[In]al-hamdu Lillaahi [nahmaduhu wa] nasta’eenahu wa nastaghfiruhu, wa na’oodhu billaahi min shuroori anfusinaa [wa min sayi’aati a’maalinaa]. Man yahdih Illaahu falaa mudilla lahu wa man yudlil falaa haadiya lahu. Wa ashhadu an laa ilaaha ill-Allaah [wahdahu la sharika lahu] wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluhu
Reward inshallah from Almighty Allah- one thing/ the way I heard elfatiha reciting it has two mispronounced -Allah knows the best. Sirat aledhine Not Dhirat aledhine And Aleyhim Not Aleyhum
Was he reading some parts of the Quran wrong for a sec ? I keep heading shiii fiiii, after every line he reads maybe I’m wrong buh it don’t sound correct
Asalamualikum sister Asha - May Allah bless you - yes well spotted, the Shaykh did indeed recite differently to how we usually here recitation - this is because there is more than one type of recitation - in this case he is reciting in "Khalaf an hamzah" - what is your favourite recitation?
Yeah... he says alaihum instead of alaihim in Surah Fatiha last ayah.... I am a bit confused... it's not just the dialect but the vowels are completely different.
This was a test (Blessing) from Allah that you had this accident! HE saved you from a worse situation! That car could've blew up on you with no oil in it! ALLAHUAKBAR! (So glad you're ok)
Aisha M, that's not wat u call a test car blowing or no oil, that's no sense sister have u heard off KADIR, Wats written for u will Get Kadir that's why we pray and beg for Allah subhanwatgala MERCY
i love you for the sake of Allah Shaykh Abu Taymiyyah
Alhumdulilah from thailand muslim sunnah
☪️ALHAMDULILLAAH.....🥹🤲🏾MAY ALLAH BESTOW HIS MERCY AND BLESSINGS UPON US, AMEEN. I'm truly enjoy watching the way he articulates his lecture(s) everytime I see this brother. MA'SHA'ALLAH.😊
May Allah bless you, what did you find the most beneficial?
Alhamdulillah that you're OK from the Deer accident! May Allah make us be mindful of DEATH, it's the inevitable! It can happen anytime when we're least expected! Every SOUL will taste DEATH! O Allah Help us to be as ready as we can before our DEATH and only YOU know when! May YOU have Mercy on our poor imperfect SOULS until the END! Ameen 🥀🥀
And every soul Needs to have a Salim Heart to meet Allah subhanwatgala
[In]al-hamdu Lillaahi [nahmaduhu wa] nasta’eenahu wa nastaghfiruhu, wa na’oodhu billaahi min shuroori anfusinaa [wa min sayi’aati a’maalinaa]. Man yahdih Illaahu falaa mudilla lahu wa man yudlil falaa haadiya lahu. Wa ashhadu an laa ilaaha ill-Allaah [wahdahu la sharika lahu] wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluhu
May Allah bless u sheikh. Aameen
May Allah grant you a new car brother ! May someone with money be the sabab for your new car !!
الحمدلله ان حماك الله
Jazakallah khair brother
May Allah reward you. what did you find most beneficial about that talk?
Very emotional brother
الله يرحم أخوك و يغفر له ويسكنه فسيح جناته.. بارك الله فيك
Powerful reminder subhanalah
Alhamdulliah- what did you find the part as to be the most powerful?
When he could’ve died
Alhamdulilah! For the good and the bad that happened in our lives!❤😊
جزاكم الله خير
great speech Masha Allah
What was it about the speech that you liked the most?
Allahu Akbar
may Allah bless the ustaad - what was the most important thing you learnt in the video?
Really good lecture. Subhanallah.
Why does brother sit down then stand up straight away to finish the lecture.
The sheikhs Quran recitation is slightly different?
It is in the riwaayah of Khlalaf 'An Hamzah
It’s a different style to the main stream Qira’at.
can someone explain why he sat down at 14:00?
He was giving khutuba and according to the manners of khutuba the preacher should sit in between the two khutuba.
Reward inshallah from Almighty Allah- one thing/ the way I heard elfatiha reciting it has two mispronounced -Allah knows the best.
Sirat aledhine Not Dhirat aledhine
And Aleyhim Not Aleyhum
ارجوكم ترجمة للعربي 😢
Was he reading some parts of the Quran wrong for a sec ? I keep heading shiii fiiii, after every line he reads maybe I’m wrong buh it don’t sound correct
Asalamualikum sister Asha - May Allah bless you - yes well spotted, the Shaykh did indeed recite differently to how we usually here recitation - this is because there is more than one type of recitation - in this case he is reciting in "Khalaf an hamzah" - what is your favourite recitation?
Yeah... he says alaihum instead of alaihim in Surah Fatiha last ayah.... I am a bit confused... it's not just the dialect but the vowels are completely different.
As ww ,what does Naa'm mean ?
it mean yes (نعم)
@@mra9062 jezakallah
The talk was great, but why is he reciting the Surah ending in Kasra?
that is the riwayah he recites in
@@Cumberlandroadmasjid I never heard of that or anyone do that. The Qur'an is perfected and does not change. Allah knows best.
understood - you should look into it inshallah or watch the video by ustaad muhammad huzaifah
@@diamondscloudznizcream9839 do more research.
@@yvng4697 You do more research.
does anyone know why he recited the quran the why he did? like the ending words seem.. off? i never heard quran like that before
There’s diff ways to recite Quran, I think there’s 10 diff ways!
Sabbihis marabbikal a'lee so bad not good,you learn how to reading quran
Huy you speak by English 😂
Your Quran reading is no good pronouce
there are many rewayahs to recite from - do you know of them?
@@Cumberlandroadmasjid I know but you are not know your not a good Quran recite you know
@@samsodencaugan7144 i know ur not.ur a hypocrite or ur misguided
Yazid raziyall hno.
Maghfoor. Kmaq. Qal rasool ibn muhaviyah. Verry good mane. Luck😢.
Waly Allah. He. Yazid. Zonda. Bad
Rafzi. Shea. Bostet😂. Harami. Lhnty. Rafzi. Qatlin husean. Killer. Ali wa. Husean. Sheaha. Rafzi. Mlhoon hen. Sheaha. Par. Lhnty. Beshumaaar😢.
Sihabah. Ahle. Beat. Salmu Allah hleahim. Zonda Baz. Sihabah. Razyallh Yazid. Raziyall😢 hno. Yazid. Zonda. Bad. Maghfoor. Kmaq. Qal. Rasool. Salm.
Allahu Akbar