To Purchase this property Contact Martins On: 07043887929 08107421398 Why spend a fortune in Banana Island when you can take 10% of that fortune to create a fortune for yourself in Beechwood Estate Ibeju Lekki. The Land I showed you in this video is located in Beechwood Estate Ibeju Lekki. PRICE: 900SQM: #60M 450SQM: #30M Kindly note that we have other plots available for Sale in Beechwood Estate. If you are interested in this one, Kindly Contact me Immediately before someone else grabs it (Properties in Beechwood Estate are hot cakes) To Purchase this property Contact Martins On: 07043887929 08107421398 . . . . . . . . #Beechwoodestate #beechwoodestateibejulekki #Landforsaleinbeechwoodestate #Landforsaleinbeechwoodestateibejulekki
To Purchase this property
Contact Martins On:
Why spend a fortune in Banana Island when you can take 10% of that fortune to create a fortune for yourself in Beechwood Estate Ibeju Lekki.
The Land I showed you in this video is located in Beechwood Estate Ibeju Lekki.
900SQM: #60M
450SQM: #30M
Kindly note that we have other plots available for Sale in Beechwood Estate.
If you are interested in this one, Kindly Contact me Immediately before someone else grabs it (Properties in Beechwood Estate are hot cakes)
To Purchase this property
Contact Martins On: