while that is primarily true the language is called "polish", which is the language the developers speak and was used in all of the music of witcher 3, which makes my first statement about "polish screaming" still valid.
" I hear witchers carry two swords, one silver one for monsters and a steel one for humans " Gerald: " Both are for monsters , unfortunately I lack the silver one "
I was told that Monsters lurk under your bed at night, so one day I went to bed early and hid under it to see if I could catch one. No monster was brave enough to hide under my bed since.
@@MrCjlauer49338 He acts as a detective in a lot of situations though. Almost in all of them. - In fact, he spent almost the entirety of the Velen questline doing literal private detective work (Finding people)
There are murder mysteries and kidnappings you have to solve in Witcher 1, where Geralt has to deal with mostly humans and perfectly mundane motives. It's a straight up detective part, where you have to get clues from interactions and learning on the fly how to piece together a mystery. I guess in Wild Hunt they just wanted him to be a tracker and figure out what the monster is.
Geralt is the medieval Batman. They both have deep voices, both are badass, and both have a special way to see things better than a normal human. For Batman, it’s detective vision. For Geralt, it’s Witcher senses.
Nice. The Witcher soundtrack has always sounded unique to me in a somewhat indescribable way, especially THIS song. And that sort of... Witcher feeling is kept here and I love it. Also, despite the flood that we've had of MH already in the last few months... I'm itching for someone to do Kulve Taroths theme in metal... its sooo good
LELELELELELELELE man, out of the few people who do professional metal covers on youtube, you are the best by FAR! ive been listening to your work for ages now... and cant stop headbanging. keep on doing what your doing! i especially like the covers for songs from two steps from hell, could you maybe do some more of these?
Its death march difficulty, your level 96, you have the aerodight sword at maximum achievable power for your level, your about to square off with Detlaf.... this song would be excellent in this scene on repeat that shit takes like 20mins atleast without dying
Well, pure silver IS about 2g/cm^3 denser then your average modern steel, and even on atomic level, atoms of silver are WAAAAAAY bigger then iron and carbon
GOD DAMNIT FALKKONE! Thanks to you I am going to have to spend yet another 3 months playing witcher 3. On a more serious note, this is sick a.f. well done my friend, you continually prove yourself worthy of my subscription!
Holy shit. As a symphonic death metal fan this just the greatest thing ever! Superb job, cannot thank you enough for this. Symphony x gotta get their game up!
Wish I had this version playing in the background back when I was trying to take down the Archgriffin of Velen on Death March. That was the time when it was 10 levels above my Geralt.
Out of the two songs, I liked "Steel for humans" a bit more. But there are a LOT of great songs in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I mean, it's ridiculous how awesome the songs are!
Would you do Duel of The Fates (from Star Wars I) or Cackletta's Soul (from Mario and Luigi : Superstar Saga (the 3DS version would be a better symphonic metal than the Gameboy) ? I would kill for it ! :D
О.о.....Мне одному, это напомнило стиль GodSmash? Особенно тут же вспомнился OST Prince of Persia I'm the only one who reminds the GodSmash style? Especially I remembered OST Prince of Persia
lelelelelele intensifies!
You stole 1st
I stole 21st
Thanks a lot as always!
FalKKonE genial!!!!!
And just when I started playing Witcher 3 again!
what for the mirror master
unlimited971 he gets Mercury
Best comment ever
unlimited971 backing foil?
As geralt says
“How do you like that METAL”
Do you like my silver metal sword?
“Not so effective against monsters, but it sounds damn good.”
"Steel or Silver doesn't matter if you swing it hard enough"
Well, that's true. But the steel sword should be swinging very hard for it to kill monsters.
Use oil
When you realize silver is indeed metal.
Holy shit I forgot
And a heavy one at that
Underrated comment haha
When you realize silver is denser than steel.
@@keegentilley4116 Metal Elitist: What 'music' do _you_ listen to?
Me: *Silver.*
Rena you have instagram ?
yes : "Renasekai" ~
Rena thank you♥️
You're wonderful
Dr.Winkle I think you mean polish screaming.
Do you know what a fucking Pole is Aidan
citizens of poland. while technically in the slavic region, distinguish themselves as separate from slavs.
... no they don't. They speak a Slavic language, have predominantly Slavic genetics, and, of course, live next to lots of other Slavic countries.
while that is primarily true the language is called "polish", which is the language the developers speak and was used in all of the music of witcher 3, which makes my first statement about "polish screaming" still valid.
" I hear witchers carry two swords, one silver one for monsters and a steel one for humans "
Gerald: " Both are for monsters , unfortunately I lack the silver one "
Trust me , it’s a MASTERPIECE.
It reminded me of some of those Prince of Persia Warrior within metal soundtracks.
Yeah, that was The best Prince of Persia game. Soundtrack was simply amazing. Dark and brutal, but also giving player so much satisfaction playing it.
Glad to see people still cherish that masterpiece.
This Really sounds like that
*Pro tip:*
*You can't be scared if your the scariest thing in the room....*
I was told that Monsters lurk under your bed at night, so one day I went to bed early and hid under it to see if I could catch one. No monster was brave enough to hide under my bed since.
If your WHAT is the scariest thing in the room?
I wonder why Geralt's detective skills are not paid attention to. He's a pretty good detective.
Because nobody in a medievil setting would need a detective.
@@MrCjlauer49338 He acts as a detective in a lot of situations though. Almost in all of them. - In fact, he spent almost the entirety of the Velen questline doing literal private detective work (Finding people)
There are murder mysteries and kidnappings you have to solve in Witcher 1, where Geralt has to deal with mostly humans and perfectly mundane motives. It's a straight up detective part, where you have to get clues from interactions and learning on the fly how to piece together a mystery.
I guess in Wild Hunt they just wanted him to be a tracker and figure out what the monster is.
Geralt is the medieval Batman. They both have deep voices, both are badass, and both have a special way to see things better than a normal human.
For Batman, it’s detective vision.
For Geralt, it’s Witcher senses.
@@momodnoorful true!
This gave me chills. I'm definitely using it for D&D boss battles
Nice. The Witcher soundtrack has always sounded unique to me in a somewhat indescribable way, especially THIS song. And that sort of... Witcher feeling is kept here and I love it.
Also, despite the flood that we've had of MH already in the last few months... I'm itching for someone to do Kulve Taroths theme in metal... its sooo good
Look into Percival. The folk band behind that incredible raw sound.
man, out of the few people who do professional metal covers on youtube, you are the best by FAR! ive been listening to your work for ages now... and cant stop headbanging. keep on doing what your doing! i especially like the covers for songs from two steps from hell, could you maybe do some more of these?
Have you heard of SKAR?
If not you should definetly check him out
Its death march difficulty, your level 96, you have the aerodight sword at maximum achievable power for your level, your about to square off with Detlaf.... this song would be excellent in this scene on repeat that shit takes like 20mins atleast without dying
Silver IS pretty heavy, if i remember correctly.
Well, pure silver IS about 2g/cm^3 denser then your average modern steel, and even on atomic level, atoms of silver are WAAAAAAY bigger then iron and carbon
soldiersPL someone payed attention in chemistry
Poképlayer nah fam, Silver For Monsters, Steel For Humans, Gold For Witcher, Metal for All
Steel for Humans. Do it!
I'm still waiting for it.
Anarchic Doktor ikr
Yes give us the banana tiger
Arþur D still waiting
Well now you have to do steel for humans, it’s only logical
It make sense...
I guess
Guess not
The video must include dancing as well.
You mean "Banana Tiger"
Steel for humans,
Silver for monsters,
Gold for FalKKonE.
banana for tigers
@@Dabajaws I'de say "Adamantium" for gods
I would've said metal for falkkone
This is some hardcore throwback to Warrior Within ost . rest in peace sweet prince
GOD DAMNIT FALKKONE! Thanks to you I am going to have to spend yet another 3 months playing witcher 3.
On a more serious note, this is sick a.f. well done my friend, you continually prove yourself worthy of my subscription!
The person who disliked this is probably the wild hunt.
Or they were killed by the Wild Hunt.
And now there is 80 dislike...
The wild hunt...they growing...
Hope the witcher will save us all.
Damn that stench
Going through my first play through of Wild Hunt right now, and this song is by far one of my favorites. Keep up the good work!
Yeeeeah another collab with Rena !
Thank you for the support ; u ; !! I really love working with Falkkone and I'm glad you're enjoying it too !!!
I've been noticed by the queen herself ! :> And I'm glad to hear this, it means more collabs are going to come !
I also love when you work with Falkkone.
We all love when FalKKonE collab with Rena, it's obvious by now X'D
I have to admit that no other musician manages to give me goosebumps in the first five seconds. Fucking hell mate, never change. Cheers!
AAAAHH HELL YEAH!!! pulled a 72+ hour dark souls marathon with my friend, passed out, woke up and epicness awaited me. :D keep rocking on!
Tomorrow's my final. Perfectly describes my state of mind
Raj Thakur me too😂😂
Holy shit. As a symphonic death metal fan this just the greatest thing ever! Superb job, cannot thank you enough for this. Symphony x gotta get their game up!
This was so cool. I love this channel so much. 😎
A storm dammit!
Wish I had this version playing in the background back when I was trying to take down the Archgriffin of Velen on Death March.
That was the time when it was 10 levels above my Geralt.
Know how to defeat your fear of the dark?
*Become that which the dark itself fears.*
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!! As soon as I saw the notification I went crazy!!! 🤘🤘🤘
Out of the two songs, I liked "Steel for humans" a bit more. But there are a LOT of great songs in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I mean, it's ridiculous how awesome the songs are!
A perfect before-work music soundtrack to listen to. Thank you for the upload! :)
My favorite song in the game....I sing along every time it comes on haha :) Love that scream!
Witcher music needs more metal representation.
I a g r e e
Two words. Percival Schuttenbach. Look into the songs Sargon and Lazare
Hire shadow of intent
This is just beautiful.
This is fantastic, nice work
Most of your work is good, Falkkone, but this is stupendous.
Holy shit! Just imagining this playing in the background while I take out a Leshen gives me goosebumps. Great job man!
Wow amongst the early comments.... Epic song....and considering the fact that it involves one of the best games of all times.... Job nicely done sir!
This one is awesome! (As always)
Please more!
Dear christ this is EPIC and INTENSE
This is amazing! Favorite song in the game now in metal~
This is incredible
If there wouldn't be quarantine, I would go hunt some monsters after this. Awesome!
OmG thank you so much for that!
You deserve WAY more subs and growth!
Can't wait for the rest of the witcher songs. Like beast of bueclaire and night of long fangs.
Pure epicness! \m/
I want this to play in-game so bad.
This is a MASTERPIECE!!!!!!
Damn this channel is amazing!!!
Прекрасная музыка. Нужно будет себе её на будильник поставить или на рингтон.
*inserts Witcher 3 Wild hunt after 2 years*
Thank you
I genuienely like this Metal Cover! 💯💯💯
Would you do Duel of The Fates (from Star Wars I) or Cackletta's Soul (from Mario and Luigi : Superstar Saga (the 3DS version would be a better symphonic metal than the Gameboy) ? I would kill for it ! :D
steel for humans too!!! also the picture perfectly represents how witcher 3 with an enemy randomizer would look like.
I‘ve been waiting
You've got to consider making Welcome Imlerith, these covers are absolutely phenomenal
Geralt: "Hey... Up for some gwent?"
when the lelelelelelele happened i instantly subbed
Uhh geralt? Im hoping that sign you got in your hand is quen...
window wax Haha I hope it's the enemies that have Quen.
Most probably igni
Igni takes care of everything
@@frankguevara1325 "I cAsT fIrEbAlL."
Your channel is really good.
Amazing! You should do more Witcher 3 songs
Aw yeah mah favorite RPG here in your channel now
And of course,you both did an amazing job,as always
Steel for humans, Silver for monsters, Gold for The Witcher, like for FalKKonE!
Please do other Witcher songs
🤟👍👍 good job, very nice;D
you've earned yourself a subscription buddy
Yo this is a banger!!!
"How do you like that silver!?"
C'mon then!
"What now, you piece of filth?!"
Damn you are ugly!
@@samueldavidbatistaruiz7510 you wana make me wait!?
C'mon... Come closer!
This is too good.
man this is awesome :D
Take the speed to 1.25 after 5:00
Thank me later.
is it bad i listened to this every day for all most a year
Listening to this while playing the Monster Hunter Witcher 3 crossover.
Шикарно, почему я слышу это только сейчас 😮
Oh. My. Various. Gods.
Don't know why, but when i heard this I remembered about Prince of Persia.
Those were glorious days
Glorious indeed
Warrior within vibes
Omfg yess!
The Dahaka is coming
О.о.....Мне одному, это напомнило стиль GodSmash? Особенно тут же вспомнился OST Prince of Persia
I'm the only one who reminds the GodSmash style? Especially I remembered OST Prince of Persia
A dream coming true!
falkkone i love everything you make, if your ever going to make another witcher 3 theme, can it be Gaunter O "Dimm's theme
If possible I would like to request a metal version of the most iconic song of the witcher......Pam pa Ram Pam Pam Param!
Pls, I'm curious, what is this song?
@@hayatopendragon2796 something that a lot of the guards sing when you walk past them, especially at Crow's Perch
@@hayatopendragon2796 Banana Tiger
Im sitting on a bus, I was getting too invested in the music and jsut started singing along with the lelelelelele, i am embarrassed asf
i would love a cover of For Honor! for Toussaint! from the blood and wine expansions. your music is fucking amazing
Hunt or be hunted!! I need that one
Already done, my friend !
Rena yeah i search it and found it, epic! Thanks
Jodidamente brutal
The boss music the monsters hear off in the distance.. getting closer...
I knew this just had to be good