lmao, at like 0:21 what's going on with what looks like a guy in a white suit chasing after a man/kid under a box? what on earth!? o_O lol. Anyway, really cool, nice filming :) I'm gnna go here soon, thanks for letting me get an idea of what's there :)
I thought there was no way you could keep a great white in captivity on the fact that it would eat all the fish. its been tried be4 and it didn't work out. I don't understand....
Ma sha Allah
Reminds me of Bimingham National SeaLife Center :)
That is ......... AMAZING
whats up with the box with feet? That tank is awsome
btw, is this in the mall? At no extra charge?
lmao, at like 0:21 what's going on with what looks like a guy in a white suit chasing after a man/kid under a box? what on earth!? o_O lol. Anyway, really cool, nice filming :) I'm gnna go here soon, thanks for letting me get an idea of what's there :)
no...kirushio sea in japan is 2nd largest and has 4 whale sharks
Wow wow wow
I thought there was no way you could keep a great white in captivity on the fact that it would eat all the fish. its been tried be4 and it didn't work out. I don't understand....
Thats a lemon shark smart guy, just because the shark has white on its stomach doesnt make it a great white...
isnt this the only aquarium in the world with a whale shark? (my sis been there :O)
@SVTsupercharged ohh ok
yeah :D whats that? :D
lol whats up with that guy walking inside the box lol?
hey, everyone let's accumilate how much the fish food cost, I bet that'll be easy! :D
now the animals will put the humans in boxes and in a terrariums.,., what about that!? sounds good!??
tipic Basque countri
and now this tank is broken xD
it sprung a leak
I know right xD
@twitchey93 Dear Lord,
Please chuck this guy into the tank with the sharks