How to officiate breaststroke

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 25

  • @leesanghwa8175
    @leesanghwa8175 8 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    00:00:02,698 --> 00:00:06,682
    The breastroke is probably the most challenging of the strokes to officiate.
    평영은 아마도 판정하기에 가장 까다로운 영법입니다.
    00:00:07,335 --> 00:00:11,463
    Breaststroke has the most variations of technique of any of the strokes.
    모든 영법 중에서 평영은 변형 기술이 가장 많습니다.
    00:00:11,759 --> 00:00:15,638
    In a single race, you might observe many distinct styles of swimming.
    아마 한 경기에서도, 여러 가지 다른 형태로 헤엄치는 것을 관찰할 수 있을 것입니다.
    00:00:15,820 --> 00:00:17,281
    And they might all be legal.
    그리고 아마도 모든 선수가 다 규칙에 어긋나지 않을 것입니다.
    00:00:18,494 --> 00:00:23,765
    In this presentation, we will take a look at examples of the breaststroke both legal and non-legal.
    이번 설명에서는, 평영 규칙에 맞는 예와 맞지 않는 예를 같이 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.
    00:00:25,590 --> 00:00:29,720
    평 영
    00:00:31,587 --> 00:00:37,018
    The official's responsibility begins as the swimmers enter the water at the start of the race.
    경기 시작에서 선수가 물속에 들어가면서부터 심판원의 책임은 시작됩니다.
    00:00:38,336 --> 00:00:44,971
    There is an important recent amendment to the rules that changes judging the start of the race and each turn.
    경기에서의 발사와 각 벽되돌기에 대한 판정을 바꾸는, 규칙에 대한 중요한 개정이 최근 있었습니다.
    00:00:46,617 --> 00:00:49,324
    발 사
    00:00:50,346 --> 00:00:52,054
    First we will adress the arms.
    먼저 양팔에 대하여 이야기하겠습니다.
    00:00:52,483 --> 00:00:58,277
    Previously, there had to be lateral separation of the hands before the butterfly kick could be taken.
    이전에는, 두 손이 양옆으로 벌어지고 난 후에야 접영 차기를 할 수 있었습니다.
    00:00:59,226 --> 00:01:06,413
    Under the new rule, a single butterfly kick may be completed at any time prior to the first breaststroke kick.
    새로운 규칙에 의하면, 첫 번째 평영차기에 앞서 어느 시점에라도, 한 번의 접영차기를 완료할 수 있습니다.
    00:01:09,842 --> 00:01:14,521
    This swimmer has taken more than 1 butterfly kick. This is not legal.
    이 선수는 접영차기를 한 번보다 많이 했습니다. 규칙에 어긋납니다.
    00:01:17,814 --> 00:01:24,651
    On the initial pull at the start and after each turn, the arms may be brought all the way back to the hip line.
    발사와 매번 벽되돌기 후에 첫 번째 팔당기기에서는, 두 팔을 엉덩이 선까지 쭉 당길 수 있습니다.
    00:01:24,863 --> 00:01:32,010
    The head must break the surface of the water at or before the hands turn inward at the widest part of the second arm-pull.
    머리는 반드시, 두 번째 팔당기기에서 두 손이 가장 넓은 부분에서 안쪽으로 돌려지는 바로 그때 혹은 그 이전에, 수면을 뚫고 나와야 합니다.
    00:01:33,473 --> 00:01:35,666
    영 법
    00:01:36,516 --> 00:01:40,648
    A legally swam breaststroke may look very different from swimmer to swimmer.
    규칙에 맞는 평영 영법은 선수에 따라 아주 다르게 보일 수 있습니다.
    00:01:41,044 --> 00:01:44,346
    But the one kick will always follow a single arm-pull.
    하지만 한 번 팔당기기를 한 후에는 항상 한 번의 차기가 뒤따릅니다.
    00:01:45,407 --> 00:01:49,333
    Many breaststrokers have an undulating motion to their bodies when swimming.
    많은 선수가 평영을 할 때 몸이 물결치는(undulation, wave) 동작을 합니다.
    00:01:49,616 --> 00:01:59,036
    This is perfectly legal, as long as the swimmer is not using a downward butterfly kick during any part of the kick, and is following the other rules of breaststroke.
    차는 동작의 어떤 부분에서도 "아래 방향으로 차는 접영차기"를 사용하지 않고, 평영의 다른 규칙들에 어긋나지 않는다면, 이것(물결치는 동작)은 완벽하게 규칙에 맞습니다.
    00:01:59,865 --> 00:02:05,753
    When officiating the breaststroke, you must watch the whole body, not just the pull or just the kick.
    평영 영법을 판정할 때는, 팔당기기만을 보거나, 차기만을 보아서는 안 되고, 몸동작 전체를 관찰해야 합니다.
    00:02:06,636 --> 00:02:10,740
    From the beginning of the first stroke, after the start and each turn,
    발사(start)와 매번 벽되돌기(turn) 후, 첫 번째 팔당기기의 시작에서부터,
    00:02:10,894 --> 00:02:12,867
    the body shall be kept on the breast,
    선수의 몸은 가슴이 물을 향한 자세를 유지해야 하고,
    00:02:13,183 --> 00:02:19,461
    arms shall move simultaneously, and in the same horizontal plane without any alternating movement.
    두 팔은 서로, 교차하는 움직임 없이, 같은 평면 안에서, 동시에 움직여야 합니다.
    00:02:20,105 --> 00:02:24,909
    This turn is not legal. The swimmer comes off the wall towards her back.
    이 벽되돌기(turn)는 규칙에 어긋납니다. 선수가 등이 물을 향한 자세로 벽에서 나옵니다.
    00:02:26,568 --> 00:02:32,597
    The hands shall be pushed forward together from the breast, on, under, or over the water.
    가슴에서 두 손을 같이하여 앞으로 밀어야 합니다. 수면 아래로, 수면을 가르며, 혹은 수면 위로.
    00:02:32,972 --> 00:02:39,395
    The elbows shall be kept under the water except for the last stroke at each turn and at the finish.
    벽되돌기(turn) 전 마지막, 그리고 마무리(finish) 팔 동작을 제외하고, 두 팔꿈치는 항상 수면 아래에 있어야 합니다.
    00:02:40,192 --> 00:02:44,078
    The hands shall be brought back on or under the surface of the water.
    두 손을 뒤로 당길 때는 수면을 따라, 혹은 수면 아래로 당겨야 합니다.
    00:02:45,268 --> 00:02:52,137
    The hands shall not be brought beyond the hip line, except during the first stroke after the start and each turn.
    발사(start)와 매번 벽되돌기(turn) 후 첫 번째 팔당기기를 제외하고는, 두 손을 엉덩이 선 뒤로까지 당겨서는 안 됩니다.
    00:02:52,721 --> 00:03:00,214
    Some part of the swimmer's head shall break the surface of the water during each cycle of one arm-pull and one leg-kick in that order.
    선수 머리의 어느 부분은, 팔당기기 한 번과 다리차기 한 번을 하는 한 주기(週期, cycle) 중간마다, 또한 그 순서로, 수면을 뚫고 나와야 합니다.
    00:03:01,642 --> 00:03:05,837
    All vertical and lateral movements of the legs shall be simultaneous.
    옆으로의 그리고 위아래로의 두다리의 움직임은 동시에 일어나야 합니다.
    00:03:06,650 --> 00:03:10,733
    The feet must be turned outward during the propulsive part of the kick movement.
    차기 동작의 추진력이 생기는 부분에서 두 발은 바깥쪽으로 돌려져 있어야 합니다.
    00:03:11,487 --> 00:03:15,844
    A scissors, flutter or downward butterfly kick is not permitted.
    가위차기, 팔랑차기(flutter kick), 그리고 접영차기(butterfly kick)는 허용되지 않습니다.
    00:03:18,879 --> 00:03:25,579
    The best position from which to observe the stroke is slightly behind the slowest swimmer while watching the whole body.
    영법을 관찰하기 가장 좋은 위치는, 가장 느린 선수의, 몸 전체를 볼 수 있는, 약간 뒤입니다.
    00:03:27,437 --> 00:03:28,530
    00:03:28,532 --> 00:03:33,403
    At the turn, the swimmer must touch the wall with both hands simultaneously.
    벽되돌기에서, 선수는 벽에 두 손을 동시에 대야 합니다.
    00:03:33,840 --> 00:03:36,874
    It is important for the official to observe the touch carefully.
    손대는 것을 심판원이 신중하게 관찰하는 것이 중요합니다.
    00:03:36,967 --> 00:03:43,148
    Because many swimmers touch the wall very quickly with both hands, and then one hand will immediately leave the wall.
    왜냐하면 많은 선수가 두 손으로 아주 재빠르게 벽에 대고 나서는, 한 손은 벽에서 즉시 떼버리기 때문입니다.
    00:03:43,381 --> 00:03:46,491
    After observing the touch, watch the swimmer leave the wall.
    벽에 대는 것을 관찰한 후에는, 선수가 벽을 떠나는 것을 보십시요.
    00:03:46,818 --> 00:03:50,172
    And then check to see that the proper body position has been attained.
    그리고 규칙에 맞는 몸 자세가 갖추어졌는지 보고 확인하십시요.
    00:03:50,799 --> 00:03:53,080
    00:03:54,097 --> 00:03:57,479
    The hands at the finish must also touch simultaneously.
    마무리에서도 또한 두 손이 동시에 닿아야 합니다.
    00:03:57,794 --> 00:04:00,302
    The hands do not have to be on the same plane.
    두 손이 동일한 평면에 있을 필요는 없습니다.
    00:04:00,579 --> 00:04:05,340
    The hands can touch above, at, or below the water line.
    두 손은 수면 위, 수면, 혹은 수면 아래의 벽에 닿아도 됩니다.
    00:04:06,289 --> 00:04:08,883
    The hands do not have to be on the same plane.
    두 손이 동일한 평면에 있을 필요는 없습니다.
    00:04:09,716 --> 00:04:15,627
    One hand can touch above the water, and the other below, as long as the touch is simultaneous.
    동시에 닿기만 한다면, 한 손은 물 위, 다른 손은 물 아래의 벽에 닿아도 됩니다.
    00:04:16,137 --> 00:04:22,092
    If the hands do not touch simultaneously, this is not legal, and the swimmer should be disqualified.
    만약 두 손이 동시에 닿지 않는다면, 규칙에 어긋납니다, 그래서 이 선수는 실격시켜야 합니다.
    00:04:22,560 --> 00:04:35,982
    The head can be submerged after the last arm-pull prior to the touch at the turn or the finish, provided that it has broken the surface of the water at some point during any part of the last complete or incomplete stroke cycle.
    직전의 완전한 혹은 불완전한 팔당기기-다리차기 주기(cycle, 週期)의 어느 시점에라도 머리가 수면을 뚫고 나왔었다면, 벽되돌기(turn)나 마무리(finish)에서 벽에 대기 전 마지막 팔당기기 후에는 머리가 물속에 잠길 수 있습니다.
    00:04:37,136 --> 00:04:40,874
    Reviewing the breaststroke, remember these important points.
    평영 영법을 되돌아보면서, 다음의 중요한 점들을 기억하세요.
    00:04:41,112 --> 00:04:46,458
    A single butterfly kick may be completed at any time prior to the first breaststroke kick.
    첫 번째 평영 차기 이전에 어느 시점에라도 한 번의 접영차기를 완료할 수 있습니다.
    00:04:47,374 --> 00:04:52,513
    After that, a scissors, flutter, or downward kick is not permitted.
    그 이후에는, 가위차기, 팔랑차기(flutter kick), 또는 접영차기는 허용되지 않습니다.
    00:04:52,871 --> 00:04:58,460
    The initial arm-pull after the start and at each turn may be brought to the hip line.
    발사와 매번 벽되돌기 후의 첫 번째 팔당기기는 엉덩이 선까지 당길 수 있습니다.
    00:04:59,375 --> 00:05:05,770
    The head must break the surface of the water during each cycle of one arm-pull and one leg-kick in that order.
    머리는, 팔당기기 한 번과 다리차기 한 번을 하는 한 주기(週期, cycle) 중간마다, 또한 그 순서로, 수면을 뚫고 나와야 합니다.
    00:05:06,529 --> 00:05:11,739
    The hands must touch the wall simultaneously at each turn and at the finish.
    매번 벽되돌기(turn)와 마무리(finish)에서 두 손은 동시에 벽에 닿아야 합니다.
    00:05:12,373 --> 00:05:18,357
    And remember, if you're not sure of what you have observed, the benefit of the doubt always goes to the swimmer.
    기억하십시요, 만약 무엇을 보았는지 확신하지 못한다면, 언제나 선수에게 유리하게 해석합니다.
    00:05:19,456 --> 00:05:24,464
    For more information about officiating swimming, go to
    수영 심판 보기에 대해 더 많은 정보를 얻고 싶다면, 를 찾아주세요.

    • @elliescattergood3685
      @elliescattergood3685 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The most challenging stroke is probably butterfly.

    • @zhao4113
      @zhao4113 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      For your determonation to write this comment ill give you a like

  • @RicardoAntonioHinostrozaMoreno
    @RicardoAntonioHinostrozaMoreno 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Great tips!

  • @tranxuantv7924
    @tranxuantv7924 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Chia sẽ video rất tuyệt vời ❤❤❤❤

  • @anx93
    @anx93 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Great now I can bend the rules

  • @respectablebogan3276
    @respectablebogan3276 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Watch the swimmer in the closest lane at 0:35 do a cheeky second fly kick right before the breakout

    • @ericji7226
      @ericji7226 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Nope. That's Molly Hannis from Tennessee. That issue has been addressed several times and according to the rules it's not illegal. It's only illegal movement is if you perform the downward kick motion. She performs the upward motion which can easily be justified as moving into the breaststroke kick, which is why it's not illegal.

    • @respectablebogan3276
      @respectablebogan3276 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ericji7226 watch it in slow speed you'll see her legs don't move too much, but her hips move considerably, which is a fly kick and hence illegal

    • @ericji7226
      @ericji7226 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@respectablebogan3276 nope. that'll never be called as a fly kick ever. we only care about the downward sweep of the legs, and besides, she's literally just using her hips to get into her stroke. completely legal

  • @sythecodm8219
    @sythecodm8219 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    1:25 is it legal? The swimmer made 1 full stroke and kick after the start with her head still submerged.

  • @meghdaniellama1604
    @meghdaniellama1604 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Can someone give me the source or the name or date of the race at 2:34

    • @ericji7226
      @ericji7226 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      It looks like the 2014 nationals but I don't think it was the final.

    • @meghdaniellama1604
      @meghdaniellama1604 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ericji7226 thanks but I already got the race way back

    • @ericji7226
      @ericji7226 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@meghdaniellama1604 lmao the video popped up in my reccommended and i was just scrolling throug hthe comments

    • @meghdaniellama1604
      @meghdaniellama1604 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ericji7226 lol

  • @OneAdam12Adam
    @OneAdam12Adam 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    They've allowed too many variations

  • @paulhetherington3854
    @paulhetherington3854 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Most obvious - in each step(St- situated - ep - in expert plansz.) Uw - is slower - alot slower, than surface?
    Whoever penned that, is just nutsz. Called self, other shapes sizes. Ah ha - bull sht - sewage got caught.
    "I hate water!"