Key is forever kind and humble. I was really touched when Key said " You can come forward and be the main character" "How was your mom?". Our Ni-Ki is a successful fanboy indeed!
Shawol here 🙋 Thank you Niki for loving and supporting Shinee so much 🥰 Shawols will always protect you and be there for you no matter what ☺️♥️ Your group mates and you doing AMAZING! Shinee and Shawols are so proud ☺️
I’m a shawol and it always makes me so happy to see Niki and Kibum’s interactions! Niki is so talented and it’s so lovely to see how much he looks up to and respects Key and SHINee. I really hope they’ll get a chance to collaborate on a bigger project someday 😊
Key and Key kid, I'm so happy, I know how much Riki admires Key, I remember when Key entered the service, Riki wrote him a letter, which he uploaded to his Instagram.
I'm really so happy for NI-KI like I can't even stop smiling. My cheeks hurt because I keep on smiling whole throughout the video. So proud of you, NI-KI.
isn’t it shocking how ni-ki grew into this successful, insanely talented and astonishing young man in such a short period of time? a couple of years ago he was just a normal 6th grade school-boy who liked dancing and now you’re telling me that he has become a global star, a 4th gen k-pop dance leader and a main dancer of the phenomenal bg ENHYPEN? the amount of work, perseverance and pure passion he puts in this is immeasurable. also this wholesome reunion of SHINee’s key and our ni-ki literally seems so beautiful to me. the fact that he’s there with his sunbaenim (whose backup dancer he was in the past) displays how far he has come while being ONLY 17⁉️⁉️i mean…his whole life is ahead of him and he’s already LIKE THIS. i’m so proud of him i can’t even find my words….
This is so precious, I still can't believe that years later I will love the group (ENHYPEN) of the Riki I watched on SHINee's Dome concerts. You will always be Shawols little Key, Ni-Ki!!
I love Key for being such a supportive senior to his junior Artist Ni-Ki. No wonder he is so respected and loved. This whole full circle connection makes me so happy.
Key was so nice asking for Ni-ki's mom 😭 Ni-ki, you've come a long way till here, I feel so proud and glad seeing him meeting his idol again as an idol himself
key must be very proud of him, how he was his backup dancer and he's an international idol who's loved by millions, niki is prob the most successful shawol out there lmao
Niki so cuteee!!He really grow up well❤ Kibum is really cool yet warm sunbae, it’s so nice how he told niki to move forward and be the main character and even asking about niki mother. I hope their junior & senior relationships continue to warm up in the future ❤
Shinee was one of my first Kpop groups and Key was my bias. It makes my heart proud to see him with my dear Ni-Ki . Watching Ni-Ki fan boy was so sweet. He has grown into one of the best dancers in his own right yet still so humble and kind
Niki 당신은 이것을 읽을 수도 있고 읽지 않을 수도 있지만 나는 당신에게 어린 나이에도 불구하고 당신은 놀라운 사람이라는 것을 말하고 싶습니다 자신이 가장 좋아하는 일을 하고 자신이 즐기는 것을 보는 것이 저와 일반 사람들에게 위로가 되는 사랑입니다...실수에도 불구하고 항상 충분히 훌륭할 것입니다. enhypen의 소중한 존재가 되어주셔서 감사합니다. ♡
I'm so proud of Niki, he made his dream to become an idol come true. And meeting his idol after a long time is very wholesome. I literally love Niki 🤧💓
i'm a shawol and i don't know that much about enhypen yet (i like some of their songs!), seeing things like these makes me so happy, other idols being fans of shinee ♥ niki did an amazing job with the choreo!
NiKi not only ENGENE was looking forward to another interaction from you with Key, but also SHINee World was looking forward to it! I as Shawol waited for the behind the scenes of this tiktok, and it finally happened! Thank you for being so professional and so talented for putting effort into this SHINee dance with Key.I hope they get even closer and see more interactions. 💖 Niki since you were little you became a true and great fan of my group, that's why you will always have my support!💪, and you are a very talented idol, thank you for loving SHINee so much 💎🥺 Key remembering NiKi's mom and the exchange of autographed albums was all very beautiful, Niki was nervous from start to finish.
아 너무 귀여워 우리 니키 이런 사랑스러운 모습 보기 너무 좋다ㅜㅜ 본인의 아이돌 앞에서 긴장했는데 엄청 열심히 함 ㅠㅠ
key asking how ni-ki’s mom is doing is literally so precious! I bet ni-ki was feeling so starstruck! he’s so cute omg
니키님 기범이 좋아해주셔서 넘 고마워요 신곡나오면 항상 잘 듣고있어요 항상 응원할게요🫶
이것은 정말 귀여운 상호 작용입니다. 네가 너무 자랑스러워 Ni-ki🤎🤎🤎🤎
니키…부끄러워서 눈도 잘 못마주치고…너무 커엽네..😵💫🫰🫰🫰🫰
Key is forever kind and humble. I was really touched when Key said " You can come forward and be the main character" "How was your mom?". Our Ni-Ki is a successful fanboy indeed!
niki's so cutee
Not only talking about visual, but Ni-ki really is talented as well.
Shawol here 🙋 Thank you Niki for loving and supporting Shinee so much 🥰 Shawols will always protect you and be there for you no matter what ☺️♥️ Your group mates and you doing AMAZING! Shinee and Shawols are so proud ☺️
Engenes will always Support you too💕😚
자신이 정말로 좋아했던 우상을 이렇게 보게 된 니키가 정말 행복해보인다....열심히 하려고 노력하는 것도 너무 귀여워
너무 잘생겼어! 항상 감기 조심하시고 좋은 하루 되세요 💕
Ni-ki is so precious here, he's so genuinely happy and the way he learnt the choreography so quickly. He really is talented!! 🥲❤️
ni-ki was so fast to learn the choreo, he's a dancer for a reason
니키 최고❤
니키님 덕분에 기범이 얘기들어서 좋고
두분 우정을 보니 훈훈해지네용!!! 챌린지에서 보여준 두사람 케미도 최고!!
니키가 정말 기뻐하고 ENGENE도 행복한 마음입니다.
멋진 비하인드 고마워요🐥
니키아기 언제 이렇게 성장했냐.... 외적으로도 내적으로도 진짜 너무 멋지다!! 기범이도 니키도 앞으로 더 승승장구하길 응원합니다!!
니키 군 응원합니다… 저보다 오빠지만 그 옛날의 콘서트 영상을 보니 뭔가 동생 응원하는 맘이 되는 ㅎㅎㅎ
Ni-ki is so cute!!! He's really a successful fanboy!
저 샤월인데요 니키님 기범이 이렇게 많이 리스펙하고 좋아해주셔서 정말 고마워요. 엔하이픈 멤버들은 진짜 어린 친구들이지만 무대위에선 짱 멋있구 너무너무 잘해요!! 앞으로도 더욱더 잘 되길 응원하겠습니다~ 니키님 화이팅! 엔하이픈 화이팅! 엔진분들도 화이팅 💗🫶
너무 따숩다...... ㅜㅜㅠ
엔진인데 HARD 너무 잘 들었어요!! 19살 니키 앞에서두 젊어보이시는 키님 외모에 충격먹은 1인.. 샤이니, 샤월분들도 화이팅!!!
자랑스러운 우리 아기 만두🤍
키선배님 좋아하는 니키 너무 귀엽다
such a heart warming moment 🥺
I’m a shawol and it always makes me so happy to see Niki and Kibum’s interactions! Niki is so talented and it’s so lovely to see how much he looks up to and respects Key and SHINee. I really hope they’ll get a chance to collaborate on a bigger project someday 😊
thank you Key sunbaenim for always taking care of ni-ki 😭🫶🏽 we love this so much!! ~~
Watching ni-ki achieve his dreams makes me so emotional, I am so happy for him😭❤️🩹❤️🩹
Key and Key kid, I'm so happy, I know how much Riki admires Key, I remember when Key entered the service, Riki wrote him a letter, which he uploaded to his Instagram.
I'm really so happy for NI-KI like I can't even stop smiling. My cheeks hurt because I keep on smiling whole throughout the video. So proud of you, NI-KI.
니키도 이런 선배님이 될때까지 화이팅이야 ㅎㅎ 귀엽다 니키
레전드 의상으로 영상 감사합니다 하이브. 니키군 기범이 팬이라고 해서 엔하이픈 볼때 항상 주의깊게 보고 응원하고 있어요. 멋진 챌린지 고마워요!!!!!
I'm so happy seeing Ni-Ki happy like this 🥺🥺😭💜
니키님 덕에 하드 챌린지 비하인드도 보고 너무 좋음ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ 감사합니다💗
I love SHINee (key) for always taking care of niki one of their baby
Why do I want to cry watching this? I'm so happy for Ni-ki, Key is so sweet. ♥️
NI-KI looks happy and I'm happy too. Thank you key for collaborating with NI-KI😌
isn’t it shocking how ni-ki grew into this successful, insanely talented and astonishing young man in such a short period of time? a couple of years ago he was just a normal 6th grade school-boy who liked dancing and now you’re telling me that he has become a global star, a 4th gen k-pop dance leader and a main dancer of the phenomenal bg ENHYPEN? the amount of work, perseverance and pure passion he puts in this is immeasurable.
also this wholesome reunion of SHINee’s key and our ni-ki literally seems so beautiful to me. the fact that he’s there with his sunbaenim (whose backup dancer he was in the past) displays how far he has come while being ONLY 17⁉️⁉️i mean…his whole life is ahead of him and he’s already LIKE THIS. i’m so proud of him i can’t even find my words….
우와 우리 니키군과 기범군 진짜 멋있는 챌린지였는데 비하인드까지...대단한 실력의 두사람이 만나니 눈이 시원합니다~~에하이픈+샤이니 조합 많이 보고싶어요❤
This is so precious, I still can't believe that years later I will love the group (ENHYPEN) of the Riki I watched on SHINee's Dome concerts. You will always be Shawols little Key, Ni-Ki!!
Ah you’re making me cry 😢
It’s very heart warming for me whenever I watch contents of NI-KI with Key together.
와우 기다렸는데 단독으로 비하인드 올려주셨네 이 영상을 볼수있어서 행복하다 진짜 키와 니키의 인연은 리얼 영화같애 최고의 성덕 니키 내가 다 뿌듯해
I love Key for being such a supportive senior to his junior Artist Ni-Ki. No wonder he is so respected and loved. This whole full circle connection makes me so happy.
Niki looks so excited and happy to be working with Key 😄 im so happy that hes become successful and gets to let his fanboy side show 💗☺️
he's so happy reading Key's message. and kibum is always so thoughtful, asking about his mom!
Here I am crying like a proud mom of Ni-Ki and seeing him so happy to do a challenge with his idol Key is too precious.
Ni ki the most successful fanboy🥺❤️
Key was so nice asking for Ni-ki's mom 😭
Ni-ki, you've come a long way till here, I feel so proud and glad seeing him meeting his idol again as an idol himself
the fact that they met again as fellow idol is so amazing and heartwarming at the same time TT ni-ki did so well 💛
챌린지 비하인드영상까지 볼수있어서 넘 좋네요🥰🥰💎💎
Ni-ki is BEAUTIFUL inside and out. 🐆🤍🐆
I am very proud of everything that Ni-ki has achieved, you went from being a fan and dancer to being an idol recording a challenge with Key! 💌
Niki, I'm so proud that you were able to dance so happily with KEY for the first time in 6 years!
Glad to see Niki so happy!
아 니키 진짜 행복해보여 마음 좋아😢❤
Idk why but niki dancing always satisfying me sm 🥺🐥
key must be very proud of him, how he was his backup dancer and he's an international idol who's loved by millions,
niki is prob the most successful shawol out there lmao
Niki so cuteee!!He really grow up well❤
Kibum is really cool yet warm sunbae, it’s so nice how he told niki to move forward and be the main character and even asking about niki mother. I hope their junior & senior relationships continue to warm up in the future ❤
Shinee was one of my first Kpop groups and Key was my bias. It makes my heart proud to see him with my dear Ni-Ki . Watching Ni-Ki fan boy was so sweet. He has grown into one of the best dancers in his own right yet still so humble and kind
Niki learns choreo so fast! He's so talented! Also he's such a successful fanboy! I'm so proud of Niki! He looks so happy!
NI-KI 당신은 항상 최선을 다합니다. 당신이 최고라는 것을 스스로에게 인정해주세요. 당신이 충분하지 않다고 말하지 마십시오.
Niki 당신은 이것을 읽을 수도 있고 읽지 않을 수도 있지만 나는 당신에게 어린 나이에도 불구하고 당신은 놀라운 사람이라는 것을 말하고 싶습니다 자신이 가장 좋아하는 일을 하고 자신이 즐기는 것을 보는 것이 저와 일반 사람들에게 위로가 되는 사랑입니다...실수에도 불구하고 항상 충분히 훌륭할 것입니다.
enhypen의 소중한 존재가 되어주셔서 감사합니다. ♡
Its so wholesome that i could watch forever..........another video of me being Super Proud of the one and only NIKI, THE MAIN DANCERS OF K-POP!!!!!!!!
Wow it was so heartwarming to watch Niki reuniting with his idol ❤🥹
It is so cute how Niki learnt the dance
I'm so proud of Niki, he made his dream to become an idol come true. And meeting his idol after a long time is very wholesome. I literally love Niki 🤧💓
키X니키 이 조합 안사랑할수없다... 영상 남겨주셔서 감사합니다🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻니키님 마지막에 샤월 모멘트 넘 귀여워ㅠㅠㅠㅠ응원해요ㅜㅜ키X니키 조합 또 볼 수 있길
Niki being soo happy means the world to me. He deserves that smile and love😊
ni-ki is too pure for this world 😭🤍
당신은 항상 좋은 일을하므로 항상 최고입니다
3:53 awww ni-ki is so cute, he bows so down to key, my favorite fanboy indeed he's the sweetest. he even ask for a selca he's so real for that 😭😭
Ni-ki is so cute when he is shy and happy awww
As a long-time Shawol and a new Engene, I feel so happy seeing this. Niki is a successful fanboy. I really treasure all Shinee-Enhypen interactions!
ni-ki really is so cool especially when dancing!! His moves are soooooo so cool
Ni-ki is so cute when he's nervous 😻
i'm a shawol and i don't know that much about enhypen yet (i like some of their songs!), seeing things like these makes me so happy, other idols being fans of shinee ♥ niki did an amazing job with the choreo!
흑흑 나의 최애와 최애의 아이(?)의 콜라보라니 너무너무 맘이 몽글몽글 두 분 다 넘넘 보기 좋아요
he’s so cutteeeeeeee
NiKi not only ENGENE was looking forward to another interaction from you with Key, but also SHINee World was looking forward to it! I as Shawol waited for the behind the scenes of this tiktok, and it finally happened! Thank you for being so professional and so talented for putting effort into this SHINee dance with Key.I hope they get even closer and see more interactions. 💖 Niki since you were little you became a true and great fan of my group, that's why you will always have my support!💪, and you are a very talented idol, thank you for loving SHINee so much 💎🥺 Key remembering NiKi's mom and the exchange of autographed albums was all very beautiful, Niki was nervous from start to finish.
He’s come to far and now he’s close with his favorite group 🥹
우왕 ㅠㅠ 이런 비하인드 정말 고마워요💕 김기범 니키 이런 만남 앞으로도 계속되길...☺️
The most wholesome and fulfilling video you've ever watched 🥰 We are so proud of you Niki 🥹❤👏🎉
From being a fan to being Keys backup dancer to making tiktoks with him. I’m so proud of Ni-ki