New Update in Netflix Nextworld. 3 Free UGC Limited to earn. Event: Teleport to the main area and start the tycoon. You can get extra currency by opening the advent calendar. To get extra coins. There are minigames during the tycoon. The order one gives 400 coins each. There are 3 Free UGCs to choose from but can only pick 1. Each with 10k+ Stock. Need to buy all 100 buttons to claim. Snowman Beanie The Squid Games UGCs are in the Squid Game Obby. One for 3m and 4.65M Coins. You earn coins by getting to the end. 200k flat rate. You can increase the multiplier by winning. Always press wait to increase it. Leaving the game or server will reset. Losing the game will reset it. Keeping it up is important to earn more coins. Squid Game Pink Guard Backpack Squid Game Varsity Jacket
New Update in Netflix Nextworld. 3 Free UGC Limited to earn.
Teleport to the main area and start the tycoon. You can get extra currency by opening the advent calendar.
To get extra coins. There are minigames during the tycoon. The order one gives 400 coins each.
There are 3 Free UGCs to choose from but can only pick 1. Each with 10k+ Stock. Need to buy all 100 buttons to claim.
Snowman Beanie
The Squid Games UGCs are in the Squid Game Obby. One for 3m and 4.65M Coins. You earn coins by getting to the end. 200k flat rate. You can increase the multiplier by winning. Always press wait to increase it.
Leaving the game or server will reset. Losing the game will reset it.
Keeping it up is important to earn more coins.
Squid Game Pink Guard Backpack
Squid Game Varsity Jacket
Man I don't have robux to get a private server