Thanks for watching! In an previous popular video I enumerated 5 analysis steps: May I also suggest my 2021 award-winning video How to Make Better Chess Moves
In that later line I was analyzing what would happen if the rook did NOT go to a1 (I just re-listened so as to best answer your question and it seemed pretty clear). So after 1...Qa5 Black is threatening to take the bishop. Then I analyzed other ways to save it than 2.Ra1, in particular I then analyzed 2.Bb5 to continue to attack the knight on c6 so that after a later Rb1 White would have 2 pieces attacking b4 and then a later Bxc6 bxc6 Qxb4 might possibly win the Black b-pawn. BTW, when you have a question you are welcome to rewind and listen again; if you ever have moves that I did not consider, you can consult an engine and if the engine likes your moves, then they're good and you don't have to ask me :)
The comment referred to the possibility of pushing the backward d-pawn d3-d4. So the comments about the two pieces attacking and defending referred to the possible pushing square d4, not the current square d3. I apologize but when I am going "real time" and trying to speak as fast as I am thinking, it's not always as clear as if I was just discussing a particular position slowly, like in a seminar.
The main way I learned this (and many things) were 1) Playing over instructive anthology game books where many games reached endgames of all types and 2) Analyzing with strong players. There's no "one paragraph" answer on when it's safe to push passed pawns; one principle I use is "Never push a passed pawn past its 'zone of protection'" (where the opponent can attack it with more pieces than it can be guarded).
After 1...Qa5 2.Ra1 Ra8 (the line I mentioned I was analyzing), the White bishop on a4 is pinned to the rook on a1. If the pinned bishop moves, Black wins a rook with 3.B-moves Qxa1+ 4.Qxa1 Rxa1+
coach while you were Analyzing the position did you merged imbalance evaluation and Position evaluation Together? WHAT IS THE difference Btw Aggressive Play and Attacking Play?
I don't usually break down evaluation into "imbalance" vs "position". I do break it down by static (what is in the position now?) vs dynamic (what happens if both sides make best/dangerous moves?). See my videos on evaluation. Aggressive vs Attacking - that is mostly semantics. Aggression means trying to get the initiative and keep it; looking for forcing moves or moves that keep one ahead in development. Attacking generally means trying to mate or win material. Hope this helps.
Thanks for watching! In an previous popular video I enumerated 5 analysis steps: May I also suggest my 2021 award-winning video How to Make Better Chess Moves
18:47 I don’t get how the bishop is threatened. If black takes it with his Q then whites rook would capture the black Q assuming it had moved to a1.
In that later line I was analyzing what would happen if the rook did NOT go to a1 (I just re-listened so as to best answer your question and it seemed pretty clear). So after 1...Qa5 Black is threatening to take the bishop. Then I analyzed other ways to save it than 2.Ra1, in particular I then analyzed 2.Bb5 to continue to attack the knight on c6 so that after a later Rb1 White would have 2 pieces attacking b4 and then a later Bxc6 bxc6 Qxb4 might possibly win the Black b-pawn. BTW, when you have a question you are welcome to rewind and listen again; if you ever have moves that I did not consider, you can consult an engine and if the engine likes your moves, then they're good and you don't have to ask me :)
15:35 What two white pieces are defending the d pawn and what two black pieces are attacking it. I’m not seeing either?
The comment referred to the possibility of pushing the backward d-pawn d3-d4. So the comments about the two pieces attacking and defending referred to the possible pushing square d4, not the current square d3. I apologize but when I am going "real time" and trying to speak as fast as I am thinking, it's not always as clear as if I was just discussing a particular position slowly, like in a seminar.
The number 1 reason why i lose in all time controls is passed pawns, never quite know how to advance my pawns and stop the opponents
The main way I learned this (and many things) were 1) Playing over instructive anthology game books where many games reached endgames of all types and 2) Analyzing with strong players. There's no "one paragraph" answer on when it's safe to push passed pawns; one principle I use is "Never push a passed pawn past its 'zone of protection'" (where the opponent can attack it with more pieces than it can be guarded).
18:05 how black Ra8 pin the bishop?
After 1...Qa5 2.Ra1 Ra8 (the line I mentioned I was analyzing), the White bishop on a4 is pinned to the rook on a1. If the pinned bishop moves, Black wins a rook with 3.B-moves Qxa1+ 4.Qxa1 Rxa1+
I think I follow. Thanks.
coach while you were Analyzing the position did you merged imbalance evaluation and Position evaluation Together? WHAT IS THE difference Btw Aggressive Play and Attacking Play?
I don't usually break down evaluation into "imbalance" vs "position". I do break it down by static (what is in the position now?) vs dynamic (what happens if both sides make best/dangerous moves?). See my videos on evaluation. Aggressive vs Attacking - that is mostly semantics. Aggression means trying to get the initiative and keep it; looking for forcing moves or moves that keep one ahead in development. Attacking generally means trying to mate or win material. Hope this helps.
@@danheismanchess yes sure it helps