《秋江》曲詞 陳妙常(唱)【遊步曲】匆匆地私自離庵門 Chen Miaochang (sings) (Youbuqu) Without permission I've left the nunnery in great hurry 心似箭追趕意中人 My heart, like a speeding arrow, has been racing after my lover (白)想我陳妙常 (speaks) When I, Chen Miaochang 自與潘郎結緣 Met with young mister Pan, we fell in love with each other 情投意合 And saw eye to eye with each other on everything 可恨老尼偏偏多事 However, the meddlesome old nun 逼迫潘郎往臨安赴試 forced Pan to take the examination in Lin'an 是我私自逃出庵來 I've snuck out of the nunnery without permission 幸喜不曾被老尼看見 Fortunately, I escaped without being seen by her! 我不免緊緊追趕潘郎便了 I am racing after Pan, my lover (唱)不幸生來尼姑命 (sings) I curse my fate for making me a nun 結知音全憑一張琴 Thanks to a zither I was able to meet the man of my heart 哪知老尼偏多事 Little did I expect that the old nun would be so meddlesome 情海起風雲 Causing a big storm in our love affair 曉來不見同心人 Awakening in the morning, I found Pan had been no longer around 急行走到江邊 In haste I've been walking to reach the bank 覓船隻渡到臨安郡 To get a boat to ferry me across to Lin'an City 把潘郎速追尋 To locate Pan (白)來此已是秋江河下 (speaks) Here I have arrived at the Autumn River 不見潘郎踪影 But I do not see any trace of Pan's footsteps 莫非他乘船往臨安去了 Could it be that he has gone to Lin'an by boat? edu.sina.com.cn/en/2012-12-10/120571024_2.shtml?from=wap
Chen Miaochang (sings) (Youbuqu) Without permission I've left the nunnery in great hurry
My heart, like a speeding arrow, has been racing after my lover
(speaks) When I, Chen Miaochang
Met with young mister Pan, we fell in love with each other
And saw eye to eye with each other on everything
However, the meddlesome old nun
forced Pan to take the examination in Lin'an
I've snuck out of the nunnery without permission
Fortunately, I escaped without being seen by her!
I am racing after Pan, my lover
(sings) I curse my fate for making me a nun
Thanks to a zither I was able to meet the man of my heart
Little did I expect that the old nun would be so meddlesome
Causing a big storm in our love affair
Awakening in the morning, I found Pan had been no longer around
In haste I've been walking to reach the bank
To get a boat to ferry me across to Lin'an City
To locate Pan
(speaks) Here I have arrived at the Autumn River
But I do not see any trace of Pan's footsteps
Could it be that he has gone to Lin'an by boat?