I loved learning more about Ren and Kazuki, I hope everyone else does too 🥰 1) 0:25 名前は? What is your name? 2) 0:30 誕生日は? When is your birthday? 3) 0:35 星座は? What is your zodiac sign? 4) 0:39 血液型は? What is your blood type? 5) 0:45 MBTIは? What is your MBTI? 6) 0:50 出身地は? Which part of Japan are you from? 7) 0:55 身長は? How tall are you? 8) 1:04 最近の趣味は? What are your hobbies recently? 9) 1:29 好きな動物は? What is your favourite animal? 10) 1:42 自分を動物に例えると? If you were an animal, what would you be? 11) 2:07 好きなお酒は? What is your favourite alcohol? 12) 2:12 好きな色は? What is your favourite colour? 13) 2:16 特技は? What is your special skill? 14) 2:37 自分の好きなパーツは? What is your favourite part of your face? 15) 2:50 口癖は? What do you say a lot? 16) 3:23 苦手・怖いものは? What do you dislike or fear? Couple Questions: 17) 3:49 相手はどんな性格? What kind of personality does your partner have? 18) 4:21 自分自身が思う自分の性格は? What do you think your personality is? 19) 4:40 喧嘩したらどう仲直りする? How do you make up if you have a fight? 20) 5:28 恋人には甘えたい?甘えられたい? Do you want to be pampered, or pamper your partner? 21) 5:44 予定は精密に立てる?行き当たりばったり? Do you plan things precisely or do you just go with the flow? 22) 6:02 相手に直してもらいたいところは? What behavior do you want him to change? 23) 6:25 寂しがりやなのはどっち? Which one feels more lonely? 24) 6:30 2人の性格で似ていると思うところ? What is similar about your personalities? 25) 6:45 似ていないと思う性格は? What is not similar about your personalities? 26) 7:06 寝室は一緒がいい? 別がいい? Do you want to share a bedroom? 27) 7:17 デート先はどうやって決める? How do you decide where to go on a date? 28) 7:32 相手の好きなところは? What do you like about your partner? 29) 7:55 相手の好きなパーツは? What is your favorite face part of your partner? 30) 8:14 意見が一致しない時、 積極的に解決する? それとも避ける? Do you proactively resolve disagreements or avoid them? 31) 8:27 今までの恋人は数は? How many ex did you have? 32) 8:33 キュンとする仕草は? What gestures make your heart flutter? 33) 8:43 一目惚れする? Do you fall in love at first sight? 34) 8:51 嫉妬はする? Do you get jealous about your partner? 35) 8:55 出会いは偶然?必然? as this encounter by a coincidence or y fate? Childhood Questions: 36) 9:08 子供の頃の夢は? What was your childhood dream? 37) 9:20 子供の頃どんな子って言われてた? What were you told when you were a child? 38) 9:28 子供の頃に1番怒られたことは? What was the biggest thing your parents scolded you when you were a child? 39) 9:49 モテ期はいつだった? When were you most popular? 40) 9:56 学生時代はどんな存在だった? What was your character when you were a student? 41) 10:11 学生時代にやっていたスポーツは? What sports did you play when you were a student? 42) 10:23 小さい時の印象的な記憶は? What is your most memorable memory from childhood? 43) 10:43 昔の自分に声をかけるとしたら? What would you say to your younger self? 44) 10:54 反抗期はあった? Did you have a rebellious phase? Personal Questions: 45) 11:03 1ヶ月同じものを食べ続けるとしたら? What would it be if you had to eat the same food for a month? 46) 11:14 理想の友達との休日の過ごし方は? What's your ideal way to spend a holiday with friends? 47) 11:31 理想の恋人との休日の過ごし方は? What's your ideal way to spend a holiday with your partner? 48) 11:57 どんな音楽が好き? What kind of music do you like? 49) 12:08 好きなアーティストは? Who is your favorite artist? 50) 12:27 最近のお気に入りのアーティストは? Who is your recent favorite artist ? 51) 12:47 最近のお気に入りのアルバムは? What's your recent favorite album? 52) 13:25 最近のお気に入りの曲は? What's your recent favorite song? 53) 13:49 今まで行ったライブやフェスは? What concerts and festivals have you been to? 54) 14:10 今後行きたいライブやフェスは? What concerts and festivals would you like to go? 55) 14:20 好きな映画は? What is your favorite movie? 56) 14:29 好きなドラマやTVシリーズは? What is your favorite TV show or series? 57) 14:46 好きな女優や俳優は? What is your favorite actor or actress? 58) 14:57 自分の好きなところは? What do you like about yourself? 59) 15:08 自分の嫌いなところは? What do you dislike about yourself? 60) 15:19 好きな場所は? What is your favorite place? 61) 15:31 嫌いな場所は? What places do you dislike? 62) 15:42 犬派? 猫派? Dogs or Cats? 63) 15:50 最近あった嬉しいことは? What's something that made you happy recently? 64) 16:09 最近あった嫌だったことは? What's something that made you unhappy recently? 65) 16:22 よく使う絵文字は? What emoji do you use most often? 66) 16:41 魔法が使えたら何をする? What would you do if you could use magic? 67) 16:49 明日、地球が滅亡するとしたら? What if the Earth ended tomorrow? 68) 17:11 生まれ変わったら何になりたい? What do you want to be if you were reborn? 69) 17:19 1番好きな食べ物は? What food do you like the most? 70) 17:24 今1番欲しいものは? What do you want most right now? 71) 17:39 寝相は良い? Are you a good sleeper? 72) 17:51 寝る体勢は? What position do you sleep in? 73) 17:59 いつも何時に起きる? What time do you usually wake up? 74) 18:12 いつも何時に寝る? What time do you usually go to bed? 75) 18:20 朝起きて必ずすることは? What do you always do when you wake up in the morning? 76) 18:30 寝る前に必ずすることは? What do you always do before going to bed? 77) 18:42 好きなおにぎりの具は? What is your favorite onigiri ingredient? 78) 18:50 コンビニのお気に入りの商品は? What's your favorite convenience store item? 79) 19:06 何フェチ? What is your fetish? 80) 19:10 遊園地で好きな乗り物は? What's your favorite ride at the amusement park? 81) 19:16 怖い話は好き? Do you like scary stories? 82) 19:21 友達は多い?少ない? Do you have many friends or few? 83) 19:27 田舎と都会どちらが好き? Do you prefer the countryside or the city? 84) 19:34 ストレス発散方法は? How do you relieve stress? 85) 19:41 動物園と水族館どちらが好き? Do you prefer the zoo or the aquarium? 86) 19:50 好きな香りは? What's your favorite scent? 87) 20:01 好きな季節は? What is your favorite season? 88) 20:06 まわりに褒められて嬉しかったことは? What made you happy when people around you praised you? 89) 20:17 最近泣いたことは? When was the last time you cried? 90) 20:26 好きな食べ物は最後に取っておく方ですか? Do you keep your favorite food for last? Questions about the home 91) 20:37 家事はしますか? Do you do housework? 92) 20:43 嫌いな家事は? What housework do you hate? 93) 20:52 家の中で好きな場所は? What's your favorite place in the house? 94) 21:00 ペットは飼っていますか? Do you have pets? 95) 21:06 得意な料理は? What is your specialty dish? Questions about the future 96) 21:19 今行きたい場所は? Where do you want to go now? 97) 21:28 今やりたいことは? What do you want to do now? 98) 21:33 次の誕生日はどう過ごしたい? How do you want to spend your next birthday? 99) 21:48 クリスマスはどう過ごしたい? How do you want to spend at Christmas? 100) 22:02 相手のことを愛していますか? Do you love your partner?
My Favorite Couple ❤ Great question and answer 👏👏👏 Thanks for sharing ! Have a Great Weekend Guys 😊 And I Love a good Lady Gaga song , drives my kids nuts 😂
Coachella is very expensive so if you decide to go make sure you have A LOT of money. An ice coffee can go up to $30 USD. The food is even pricier and its very hot with long walks, so if you want to to take the shuttles to avoid that it's $84 USD. Hotels and Ubers are very expensive as well. Good Luck! also be careful where you buy your ticket there is scammers ..
So far, you like each and have similar music taste. You go to concerts. Okay, when do you talk about yourself on a personal platform. Who are you? Less than half of video left to see. Will it expose any about their characters, not what they like. Continuing… Well, a lot more of the same, liking recreational activities. But they have a bedtime ritual. That’s cute. One has Anxiety and the other is a smooth one, relaxed, takes it easy.
Hello. I didnt understand one question. Out of disrespect, what does it mean do you want to share bedroom? You dont share or ? Sorry again, i just didnt catch. Wish you great relationship. Ren's personality is so similar to me. When i listened answers, i somehow guessed it was me who answered.
I loved learning more about Ren and Kazuki, I hope everyone else does too 🥰
1) 0:25 名前は? What is your name?
2) 0:30 誕生日は? When is your birthday?
3) 0:35 星座は? What is your zodiac sign?
4) 0:39 血液型は? What is your blood type?
5) 0:45 MBTIは? What is your MBTI?
6) 0:50 出身地は? Which part of Japan are you from?
7) 0:55 身長は? How tall are you?
8) 1:04 最近の趣味は? What are your hobbies recently?
9) 1:29 好きな動物は? What is your favourite animal?
10) 1:42 自分を動物に例えると? If you were an animal, what would you be?
11) 2:07 好きなお酒は? What is your favourite alcohol?
12) 2:12 好きな色は? What is your favourite colour?
13) 2:16 特技は? What is your special skill?
14) 2:37 自分の好きなパーツは? What is your favourite part of your face?
15) 2:50 口癖は? What do you say a lot?
16) 3:23 苦手・怖いものは? What do you dislike or fear?
Couple Questions:
17) 3:49 相手はどんな性格? What kind of personality does your partner have?
18) 4:21 自分自身が思う自分の性格は? What do you think your personality is?
19) 4:40 喧嘩したらどう仲直りする? How do you make up if you have a fight?
20) 5:28 恋人には甘えたい?甘えられたい? Do you want to be pampered, or pamper your partner?
21) 5:44 予定は精密に立てる?行き当たりばったり? Do you plan things precisely or do you just go with the flow?
22) 6:02 相手に直してもらいたいところは? What behavior do you want him to change?
23) 6:25 寂しがりやなのはどっち? Which one feels more lonely?
24) 6:30 2人の性格で似ていると思うところ? What is similar about your personalities?
25) 6:45 似ていないと思う性格は? What is not similar about your personalities?
26) 7:06 寝室は一緒がいい? 別がいい? Do you want to share a bedroom?
27) 7:17 デート先はどうやって決める? How do you decide where to go on a date?
28) 7:32 相手の好きなところは? What do you like about your partner?
29) 7:55 相手の好きなパーツは? What is your favorite face part of your partner?
30) 8:14 意見が一致しない時、 積極的に解決する? それとも避ける? Do you proactively resolve disagreements or avoid them?
31) 8:27 今までの恋人は数は? How many ex did you have?
32) 8:33 キュンとする仕草は? What gestures make your heart flutter?
33) 8:43 一目惚れする? Do you fall in love at first sight?
34) 8:51 嫉妬はする? Do you get jealous about your partner?
35) 8:55 出会いは偶然?必然? as this encounter by a coincidence or y fate?
Childhood Questions:
36) 9:08 子供の頃の夢は? What was your childhood dream?
37) 9:20 子供の頃どんな子って言われてた? What were you told when you were a child?
38) 9:28 子供の頃に1番怒られたことは? What was the biggest thing your parents scolded you when you were a child?
39) 9:49 モテ期はいつだった? When were you most popular?
40) 9:56 学生時代はどんな存在だった? What was your character when you were a student?
41) 10:11 学生時代にやっていたスポーツは? What sports did you play when you were a student?
42) 10:23 小さい時の印象的な記憶は? What is your most memorable memory from childhood?
43) 10:43 昔の自分に声をかけるとしたら? What would you say to your younger self?
44) 10:54 反抗期はあった? Did you have a rebellious phase?
Personal Questions:
45) 11:03 1ヶ月同じものを食べ続けるとしたら? What would it be if you had to eat the same food for a month?
46) 11:14 理想の友達との休日の過ごし方は? What's your ideal way to spend a holiday with friends?
47) 11:31 理想の恋人との休日の過ごし方は? What's your ideal way to spend a holiday with your partner?
48) 11:57 どんな音楽が好き? What kind of music do you like?
49) 12:08 好きなアーティストは? Who is your favorite artist?
50) 12:27 最近のお気に入りのアーティストは? Who is your recent favorite artist ?
51) 12:47 最近のお気に入りのアルバムは? What's your recent favorite album?
52) 13:25 最近のお気に入りの曲は? What's your recent favorite song?
53) 13:49 今まで行ったライブやフェスは? What concerts and festivals have you been to?
54) 14:10 今後行きたいライブやフェスは? What concerts and festivals would you like to go?
55) 14:20 好きな映画は? What is your favorite movie?
56) 14:29 好きなドラマやTVシリーズは? What is your favorite TV show or series?
57) 14:46 好きな女優や俳優は? What is your favorite actor or actress?
58) 14:57 自分の好きなところは? What do you like about yourself?
59) 15:08 自分の嫌いなところは? What do you dislike about yourself?
60) 15:19 好きな場所は? What is your favorite place?
61) 15:31 嫌いな場所は? What places do you dislike?
62) 15:42 犬派? 猫派? Dogs or Cats?
63) 15:50 最近あった嬉しいことは? What's something that made you happy recently?
64) 16:09 最近あった嫌だったことは? What's something that made you unhappy recently?
65) 16:22 よく使う絵文字は? What emoji do you use most often?
66) 16:41 魔法が使えたら何をする? What would you do if you could use
67) 16:49 明日、地球が滅亡するとしたら? What if the Earth ended tomorrow?
68) 17:11 生まれ変わったら何になりたい? What do you want to be if you were reborn?
69) 17:19 1番好きな食べ物は? What food do you like the most?
70) 17:24 今1番欲しいものは? What do you want most right now?
71) 17:39 寝相は良い? Are you a good sleeper?
72) 17:51 寝る体勢は? What position do you sleep in?
73) 17:59 いつも何時に起きる? What time do you usually wake up?
74) 18:12 いつも何時に寝る? What time do you usually go to bed?
75) 18:20 朝起きて必ずすることは? What do you always do when you wake up in the morning?
76) 18:30 寝る前に必ずすることは? What do you always do before going to bed?
77) 18:42 好きなおにぎりの具は? What is your favorite onigiri ingredient?
78) 18:50 コンビニのお気に入りの商品は? What's your favorite convenience store item?
79) 19:06 何フェチ? What is your fetish?
80) 19:10 遊園地で好きな乗り物は? What's your favorite ride at the amusement park?
81) 19:16 怖い話は好き? Do you like scary stories?
82) 19:21 友達は多い?少ない? Do you have many friends or few?
83) 19:27 田舎と都会どちらが好き? Do you prefer the countryside or the city?
84) 19:34 ストレス発散方法は? How do you relieve stress?
85) 19:41 動物園と水族館どちらが好き? Do you prefer the zoo or the aquarium?
86) 19:50 好きな香りは? What's your favorite scent?
87) 20:01 好きな季節は? What is your favorite season?
88) 20:06 まわりに褒められて嬉しかったことは? What made you happy when people around you praised you?
89) 20:17 最近泣いたことは? When was the last time you cried?
90) 20:26 好きな食べ物は最後に取っておく方ですか? Do you keep your favorite food for last?
Questions about the home
91) 20:37 家事はしますか? Do you do housework?
92) 20:43 嫌いな家事は? What housework do you hate?
93) 20:52 家の中で好きな場所は? What's your favorite place in the house?
94) 21:00 ペットは飼っていますか? Do you have pets?
95) 21:06 得意な料理は? What is your specialty dish?
Questions about the future
96) 21:19 今行きたい場所は? Where do you want to go now?
97) 21:28 今やりたいことは? What do you want to do now?
98) 21:33 次の誕生日はどう過ごしたい? How do you want to spend your next birthday?
99) 21:48 クリスマスはどう過ごしたい? How do you want to spend at Christmas?
100) 22:02 相手のことを愛していますか? Do you love your partner?
thank you so much for the time stamp 🙇♂️!!
y'all slaying with the aesthetics keep it up!
thank you!!
待ってました🕊️ 100個って長いかなと思ったけど、あっという間に見終わりました😂 次の動画も楽しみにしています☺️
That was so cute! Thank you for sharing. 🥰
Could you please film more Q&A videos ?❤ it‘s fun to watch you‘re such a cute couple💗
Happy birthday! I’m Sagittarius as well. It’s been a while since I celebrated with my sister who is a Sagittarius as well. Can’t wait
We love an air and fire sign couple!!! 🖤🖤
Thank you guys! It was interesting, time flew by!))
thank you!!!
Thanks for making Q-A video ❤❤😊😊
Hi again - some lovely questions you were asked. So great in seeing you both again. Much love Jennifer xx
thank you !!
My Favorite Couple ❤
Great question and answer 👏👏👏
Thanks for sharing !
Have a Great Weekend Guys 😊
And I Love a good Lady Gaga song , drives my kids nuts 😂
thank you !! hi little monster friends 🖤
Coachella is very expensive so if you decide to go make sure you have A LOT of money. An ice coffee can go up to $30 USD. The food is even pricier and its very hot with long walks, so if you want to to take the shuttles to avoid that it's $84 USD. Hotels and Ubers are very expensive as well. Good Luck!
also be careful where you buy your ticket there is scammers ..
thank you so much for the information!! this is helpful bc we’ve never been !
8:37 なんて言ったかめっちゃ気になる笑
So adorable 🫶🏻
I love your vídeos. Wonderful couple! Adorable boys 💐💐😘😘🤗🐈⬛🐕💖
thank you !!
Happy birthday Kazuki
thank you !!
OH THEY LIKE DOECHII?!? Oh TASTE!!! Nissan Altima is too good! I definitely recommend Pro Freak where she is featured on it. Such a good song!
i LOVE Nissan Altima !! i’ve never heard Pro Freak but it’s on fire !! thank you for recommending a good song!!
@@renkazuki24 of course! I think you’d like Persuasive as well!
Love getting to know you more ❤
thank you ❤︎
형냐들 응원해용!
Saludos hermosos ❤❤ muy bonitas sus contestaciones😊😊😊😊
thanks ❤︎
You guys are so cute, I love you❤
Hi and I liked your blogs and. Good day ❤❤❤❤❤❤
thanks have a good day too !
So far, you like each and have similar music taste. You go to concerts. Okay, when do you talk about yourself on a personal platform. Who are you?
Less than half of video left to see. Will it expose any about their characters, not what they like. Continuing…
Well, a lot more of the same, liking recreational activities. But they have a bedtime ritual. That’s cute. One has Anxiety and the other is a smooth one, relaxed, takes it easy.
Me a encantado el vidio asi hos conocemos un poquito mas
thank you!!
My birthday is also at December ❤❤❤❤
hey friends 😊
Best yours ❤❤❤❤❤
待ってました( ̄∇ ̄ノノ"パチパチパチ!!
🇮🇹☺️ kawaiiiiii, beautiful video, you are always cute and sweet couple, greetings from Piedmont (Italy)🇮🇹
Linda pareja. Que edad tienen?
حلويييننننن 💋💋♥️♥️♥️♥️
今日も楽しく過ごせましたよ❣️レンくんカズキくんモデル並みの身長なんですね 声も話し方も落ち着いていて心地よいです。近くで2人の姿見たらドキドキしちゃうね
Мальчики привет почему вас не видно что то случилось удачи вам берегите друг друга счастья здоровья успехов ❤❤❤
thank you!!
Hello. I didnt understand one question. Out of disrespect, what does it mean do you want to share bedroom? You dont share or ? Sorry again, i just didnt catch. Wish you great relationship. Ren's personality is so similar to me. When i listened answers, i somehow guessed it was me who answered.
i meant we wanna sleep together on the same bed and in the same room or not ! thank you !!
А сколько вам лет?
Why you guys upload vlog too late plz upload one vlog in a week i hope you will fullfil our request
yes we try to do it!!
そんなことないですよ😊😊 言われると褒められた気がして嬉しい気持ちになります!
れんさんほんとにゲイなの?けいとのレンさんだよね衝撃意外( *ºΔº )
8:38 😳
wya lemon couple nicknamer ????? ( im srry idk username :') )
Happy birthday! I’m Sagittarius as well. It’s been a while since I celebrated with my sister who is a Sagittarius as well. Can’t wait
thank you !!!!!!!!!